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Impact of care interventions on

children with severe traumatic
brain injury in intensive care
Lyvonne Tume is lecturer practitioner for paediatric ICU, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and Liverpool John Moores University,
Eaton Rd, Liverpool L12 2AP UK. E-mail: Lyvonne.tume@rlc.nhs.uk

raumatic brain injury (TBI) continues to be a leading effects in this patient group, such as, intracranial hyper-
cause of death and disability in children. In a UK tension, reduced cerebral perfusion pressure, hypoxaemia
epidemiological study, TBI in children (1–14 years), and bradycardia (Mitchell et al, 1981; Fisher et al, 1982;
leading to intensive care admission occurred in 5.6 per Parsons and Shogan, 1984; Parsons and Wilson, 1984;
100 000 population (Parslow et al, 2005). The primary Parsons et al, 1985; Garradd and Bullock, 1986; Lee,
aim of intensive care management of severe TBI is the 1989; Ersson et al, 1990; Campbell, 1991; Rudy et al,
minimization of secondary injury of cerebral oedema and 1991; Crosby and Parsons, 1992; Paratz and Burns, 1993;
worsening cerebral ischaemia (Reilly and Bullock, Jones, 1995; Brucia and Rudy, 1996; Kerr et al, 1998;
2005:294; Chambers et al, 2006). The intensive care nurse Gemma et al, 2002). The performance of any interven-
must recognize and minimize these secondary injury tions needs to be considered in light of the child’s stabil-
processes, as well as reduce and stabilize intracranial ity, but these activities are essential, and the intensive care
pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP), nurse must decide the best method, the appropriate tim-
which can significantly affect the child’s outcome. This ing, and how to best minimize the adverse effects.
often presents a dilemma for the nurse, who, just by
performing essential nursing interventions or giving care Literature search strategy
to the child may produce significant physiological An initial search was undertaken in October 2005, and
instability. The purpose of this article is to provide an updated in May 2006, January 2007 and January 2008, to
updated review of the literature in relation to the answer the following clinical question:
physiological effects of essential nursing interventions or ■ In children with severe head injury in intensive care,
care (e.g. endotracheal suctioning, turning or any hygiene what are the effects of essential intensive care nursing
interventions) in children with severe TBI in the intensive interventions (e.g. endotracheal suction, turning and
care unit. hygiene interventions) on intracranial and cerebral
perfusion pressure?
Background A number of databases—Cochrane Library, MedLine
The paediatric intensive care management of children (1966-current), CINAHL (1982-current), PubMed,
with TBI has become more aggressive and goal directed, Proquest and Science Direct—were searched using the
focusing on maintaining high CPP and avoiding hypoxia, following keywords/terms: pediatric head injury (US),
with the increasing use of invasive ICP monitoring in
children (Keenan and Bratton, 2006). There is increasing
evidence to suggest that this goal-directed therapy, with Abstract
the avoidance of hypotension in particular, has a positive
effect on patient outcome (Kokoska et al, 1998; Adelson Paediatric intensive care nurses managing children with severe traumatic
et al, 2003; Frampton et al, 2004). Recent research (Carter brain injury often face the dilemma of performing essential nursing
et al, 2008) has further added to the knowledge that per- interventions in children with unstable physiology. Although these
sistent raised ICP relates to poor patient outcomes in interventions are essential, they can produce considerable physiological
children. instability to the child’s cerebrovascular parameters. This article provides an
Nursing interventions and care are essential activities updated review of the literature in relation to the physiological effects of
carried out to reduce morbidity associated with critical essential nursing interventions and cares in children with severe traumatic
illness. These activities, which include regular turning to brain injury in the intensive care unit. It also highlights implications for
prevent pressure ulcer development and endotracheal suc- practice and gives recommendations for future research.
tioning to prevent secretion retention, atelectasis and an
occluded endotracheal tube, promote recovery from criti- Key words
cal illness and minimize the effects of invasive medical n Nursing: management n Intensive care n Brain injuries n Paediatric nursing
therapies. However, the physiological effects of these Accepted for publication following double-blind peer review 4 March 2008.
interventions have been shown to produce some adverse

British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing April 2008 Vol 4 No 4 151


paediatric head injury (UK), or traumatic brain injury, or Parsons and Wilson (1984), found that this rise in ICP was
brain injury and intensive care, to identify the appropriate transient and showed recovery towards baseline by 1 and
patient group. Additionally, the following keywords were 5 minutes. Muwaswes (1984) found that recovery times
searched: suctioning, endotracheal suctioning, respiratory varied from patient to patient but were related to the
physiotherapy, nursing activities, nursing cares, nursing degree of initial increase in ICP.
interventions, turning, moving, repositioning, log-rolling, Evidence on this topic is inconclusive, and it is surpris-
washing, hygiene interventions, eye care, and mouth care ing that Hobdell et al (1989) produced contradictory
(as the interventions) and intracranial pressure or cerebral results in the paediatric sample. However, this study had
perfusion pressure (as the outcome measure). significant limitations, using children with varying pathol-
Reference lists from key articles were followed up, and ogies requiring ICP monitoring and different ICP meas-
the UK National Research Register was searched for com- urement devices.
pleted but unpublished research with key terms: head
injuries, intracranial pressure, nursing cares and intensive Effects of ‘planned rest periods’
care. The search was limited to published articles (not between nursing interventions
abstracts) as full details of the study could not be Normal practice in unstable critically ill children is ‘a
reviewed. Non-UK PhD theses were excluded as they minimal handling’ approach, where all nursing cares are
could not be obtained and only English-language articles clustered together at one time and then the child is left
were included (as no translation was possible). The author for up to eight hours (without being handled). However,
reviewed all the papers using a critiquing framework as there has been some suggestion that this method of care
described by Parahoo (1997:360) and the QUOROM delivery may not be the most appropriate in severe head
method of reviewing literature for meta-analyses (Moher injured children, as this ‘care cluster’ can produce more
et al, 1999). sustained and persistent raised ICP than ‘spacing out’ the
The search results yielded 28 articles, but as only arti- cares over a longer period (Yanko and Mitcho, 2001).
cles which met the following criteria were included, this There have only been two studies on this topic, neither
review is based on 18 articles: able to demonstrate any significance with planned rest
■ Experimental, quasi-experimental or observational periods. Bruya (1981) found no difference between
research designs, where one of the nursing interventions groups in a randomized controlled trial in 20 adult inten-
(previously cited) was analysed as the main aim or part sive care patients with ICP monitoring in situ. The con-
of the aim of the study. Respiratory physiotherapy was trol group received no planned rest periods, with the
included as this also related to the suctioning treatment group having 10-minute rest periods between
procedure interventions. The researcher acknowledged that 10-
■ The research was in children or adults (not pre-term minute rest intervals were too short and that the sample
infants) with head injury or raised ICP. Adult papers size was small.
were included because the number of purely paediatric Hugo (1987) found similar results in her experimental
papers was limited, and because older children (in the study of 23 head-injured patients (both adults and chil-
author’s experience, most paediatric head injuries are dren) and found no statistical difference between having
not infants) are physiologically more like adults than and not having planned rest periods. The treatment group
neonates had a 30-minute rest period before each intervention,
■ The study was in mechanically ventilated intensive compared to normal ward routine (the control) of
care patients. 10–20 minutes. The author acknowledged that the study
The exclusion criteria were: was underpowered, and it was possible that rest period
■ Descriptive and case study designs with no inferential length may not have been sufficiently different between
data analysis the two groups. It was also noted that there was no statis-
■ Articles older than 1980, as neurological monitoring tical significance between baseline ICP and recovery time.
was very limited, and the intensive care management Mitchell et al (1981) in their study on positioning noted
was markedly different from current practice. that there was a cumulative increase in ICP in activities
that were spaced 15 minutes apart, but no cumulative
The effects of repositioning, moving effect was seen when activities were spaced one hour
or turning apart, suggesting that in both of these studies rest periods
There are five research papers on this topic and only two were too short.
involve children. Three of the five studies demonstrated
significant ICP rises with repositioning (Parsons and Effects of hygiene interventions
Wilson, 1984; Lee, 1989; Jones, 1995), but the study Only one study has specifically examined this. Parsons et
involving 13 children (Hobdell et al, 1989) and another in al (1985) studied the effect of various hygiene interven-
adults (Muwaswes, 1984) found no significant change in tions (oral hygiene, body hygiene and urinary catheter
ICP with turning or changing head position. By 5 minutes care) on cerebrovascular parameters of 19 severe closed-
post-intervention Jones (1995) found that ICP was still head injured adults. It was found that all three interven-
elevated from baseline in 50% of these adults, however tions produced significant mean increases in all physio-

152 British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing April 2008 Vol 4 No 4


logical parameters (P<0.005) when compared to baseline. researchers (Campbell, 1991; Rudy et al, 1991; Crosby
However, all these elevations retuned to baseline within and Parsons, 1992) describe a classic ‘stair step’ pattern in
1 minute after intervention. It was concluded that hygiene response to ETS and manual hyperinflation which increas-
interventions can be safely performed in this group of es with successive treatments. However, Brucia and Rudy
patients. (1996) noted that even suction catheter insertion alone
(without the application of negative pressure) significantly
Effects of endotracheal suctioning increased ICP and CPP in severely brain injured adults.
There has been more research on endotracheal suctioning The suctioning component of the procedure exacerbated
(Figure 1) than other aspects of care covered in the the ICP rise.
review. There are six adult research papers, one mixed In terms of recovery time from ETS, there are contrast-
a d u l t / ing results. Parsons and Shogan (1984) found no signifi-
paediatric paper and one specific study in paediatrics. cant ICP changes at 1 minute post-ETS compared to
Fisher et al (1982), in an experimental study involving baseline. This is contradicted by Rudy et al (1991), how-
nine children (9 months–12 years) with raised ICP, found ever, who found that 76% of patients had not regained
that ICP rose by an average of 5mmHg during their baseline ICP values by 1 minute, 42% had not by
endotracheal suctioning (ETS) compared to a non-ETS 5 minutes, and 25% had not by 9 minutes. Kerr et al
period, with no change in CPP. He found two thirds of the (1998) also found prolonged recovery times in 20% of
children coughed during ETS (despite neuromuscular patients who had not recovered their baseline ICP by
blockade), but their ICP rises remained similar to non- 15 minutes post-ETS.
coughing children. Crosby and Parsons (1992) also found that patients with
In the studies that specifically examined ETS and man- higher baseline ICPs (>7.1–9.3 mmHg) had higher ICPs
ual hyperinflation in head injured patients (Parsons and in the recovery phase. In contrast to Fisher et al’s (1982)
Shogan, 1984; Campbell, 1991; Rudy et al, 1991; Crosby early study in children, Gemma et al (2002) in a study of
and Parsons, 1992; Kerr et al, 1998; Gemma et al, 2002), 17 head injured adults (with baseline ICPs 15–20 mmHg)
all demonstrated that ETS produced statistically signifi- noted that six patients (in 20 episodes) coughed or moved
cant elevations in ICP compared to baseline. Earlier during ETS. Their ICP rise was more pronounced than in

Figure 1. A nurse undertaking endotracheal suctioning.


British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing April 2008 Vol 4 No 4 153


patients who were more sedated and did not cough. examinations of the effect of manipulating the time
Similarly Kerr et al (1998), in a large experimental study between intervention activities. Some of this incon-
of 71 head injured adults comparing different drug clusiveness in the literature may be the result of the weak-
treatments with ETS, found that patients treated with no nesses in many of these studies in terms of:
sedative drugs displayed the classic ‘stair step’ ICP ■ Inconsistent ICP device measurement (which has been
increase pattern with ETS. Those treated with opiates and shown to affect the primary outcome measure ICP)
neuromuscular blockade showed a flat response to ETS, ■ Mixed sample of intracranial pathology
with little change in ICP, demonstrating the effectiveness ■ Mixed adults and children in the groups
of levels of sedation and paralysis on patient’s response ■ Very small sample sizes
to ETS. ■ Weak research design
In terms of changes to CPP, most studies (Rudy et al, ■ Lack of account or acknowledgement of known
1991; Crosby and Parsons, 1992; Brucia and Rudy, confounding variables affecting ICP (the effect of
1996; Gemma et al, 2002) report some significant peak sedation level, neuromuscular blockade or the use of
CPP changes with ETS; however, these are mixed, with barbiturates) or CPP (the effect of inotropes to
both reductions and increases in CPP in the same sam- augment this)
ple. CPP either reduced as a result of increased ICP or ■ The baseline ICP of the samples does not reflect the
increased as a result of increased mean arterial pressure current reality of children in paediatric intensive care
(or a balance between the two variables). This appeared after a traumatic brain injury.
to relate to whether patients were able to generate an Some samples of patients with raised ICP (not all were
increase in mean arterial pressure in response to ETS. head injuries) were severely ill (with high baseline ICP)
None of these studies report patients on inotropic sup- and others not, which will have an effect on the patient’s
port. Most studies (Rudy et al, 1991; Crosby and response and also on medical therapies. Without this, data
Parsons, 1992; Brucia and Rudy, 1996; Gemma et al, presented or accounted for in the results, makes compara-
2002) report that CPP values recovered rapidly, with bility or validity of the results difficult to interpret. It is
virtually all recovered by 5 minutes. apparent that there is a need to control for the above vari-
The studies examining the effect of respiratory physio- ables and study the effect of nursing interventions sepa-
therapy on ICP (Garradd and Bullock, 1986; Ersson et al, rately on the ICP and CPP, specifically in children after
1990; Paratz and Burns, 1993) found that a full treatment traumatic brain injury.
produced a significant increase in ICP, but Garradd and
Bullock (1986) found that in chemically paralysed Implications for nursing practice
patients, this was considerably less, until near the end of The lack of strong paediatric evidence on which to guide
the treatment (lasting 17 minutes), by which time the ICP nursing practice has resulted in huge variations in paedi-
rise was the same as the non-paralysed patients. atric intensive care nursing practice nationally (Tume,
2007) and has made nursing practice in this area reliant
Discussion largely on intuition rather than evidence. The develop-
This review demonstrates that the evidence remains ment of some evidence-based nursing guidelines for pae-
inconclusive in relation to the effects of many essential diatric TBI management are possible, but only with weak
nursing care interventions in head injured patients, and Class 2 and some Class 3 evidence (Adelson et al, 2003).
especially in children, as the paediatric data is extremely There is currently insufficient evidence to help the inten-
limited. There are contradictory results in many of the sive care nurse solve the dilemma about how and when to
studies with regard to recovery time after interventions perform these essential nursing cares in severe head
and even whether there are significant changes in the injured children, to produce minimal physiological insta-
cerebrovascular parameters. Neither Hugo (1987) nor bility. The only conclusion that can be drawn from the
Bruya (1981) could demonstrate any difference in their literature, so far, is that endotracheal suctioning does pro-
duce considerable adverse effects in this patient group and
so should only be undertaken as clinically required.
Key Points
■ Essential nursing cares, although important in optimizing patient care The literature suggests that some essential nursing care
and preventing complications associated with critical illness, may interventions do affect the physiological stability of chil-
cause physiological instability in severe head injured patients dren with severe traumatic brain injury in intensive care.
However, the degree to which this occurs remains unclear,
■ Little evidence exists on the effect of these essential cares on children
as does which care interventions produce the most adverse
in intensive care
effects. Children with severe TBI (despite being frequent-
■ The paediatric intensive care nurse needs further good quality ly older children) are still not ‘little adults’ and they
evidence to assist in delivering best practice to this group of should not be analysed as part of an adult sample. More
vulnerable children good quality, observational research is urgently needed,
specifically in children with severe TBI. This will pave

154 British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing April 2008 Vol 4 No 4


the way for future experimental studies, which can ulti- phase of head injury. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 14(1): 50–4
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the basis for the development of strong evidence-based children. Crit Care Nurse 9(6): 75–9
guidelines for practice. Currently, much of paediatric Hugo M (1987) Alleviating the effects of care on the intracranial
pressure (ICP) of head injured patients by manipulating nursing care
intensive care nursing practice in the field of TBI is based activities. Intensive Care Nurs 3(2): 78–82
on intuition, rather than evidence, and this can only be Jones B (1995) The effects of patient repositioning on intracranial
addressed through further research. pressure. Aust J Adv Nurs 12(2): 32–9
Keenan H, Bratton S (2006) Epidemiology and outcomes of pediatric
traumatic brain injury. Dev Neurosci 28(4–5): 256–63
Acknowledgment: Figure 1 is reproduced with kind permission of Kerr M, Sereika S, Orndoff P et al (1998) Effect of neuromuscular
Alison Townley. blockers and opiates on the cerebrovascular response to endotracheal
Conflict of interest: None declared. suctioning in adults with severe head injuries. Am J Crit Care 7(3):
Adelson PD, Bratton SL, Craney NA et al (2003) Guidelines for the Kokoska ER, Smith GS, Pittman T, Weber TR (1998) Early
acute medical management of severe traumatic brain injury in hypotension worsens neurological outcome in paediatric patients
infants, children and adolescents. Pediatric Crit Care Med with moderately severe head trauma. J Pediatr Surg 33(2): 333–8
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British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing April 2008 Vol 4 No 4 155

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