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The Canon Law of

The Thomasine Church


Know the Truth - It is Freedom
Puritanical entities still seek to control speech, education, social mores and morals.
They absolutely resent the Wisdom Teachings of old. Only behind locked doors and
in a whispered hush could one learn of the Wisdom which has been known by
various names.

I dedicate this first edition of the Canon Law for the reconstituted Thomasine
Church. May the teachings of +Mar Thoma never be suppressed again. May these
sacred teachings Illuminate all of mankind.

Given under my hand and seal, at the Patriarchal Basilica of Didymos Judas
Thomas, this March 21st, the Feast Day of the Spring Equinox, in the year of the
Thomasine Calendar, two thousand and five, in the second year of my Patriarchate.

In Light and Truth

Mar Didymos

Table of Contents
ARTICLE THE FIRST – INSTITUTION ...................................................................................... 4
ARTICLE THE SECOND – GOVERNMENT............................................................................... 5
ARTICLE THE THIRD – THE AREOPAGUS.............................................................................. 5
ARTICLE THE FOURTH – MEETINGS OF THE AREOPAGUS............................................... 7
ARTICLE THE SIXTH – THE CONSTITUTION......................................................................... 9
ARTICLE THE SEVENTH – PATRIARCH.................................................................................. 9
ARTICLE THE EIGHTH – EPARCHS........................................................................................ 11
ARTICLE THE TENTH – CHIVALRIC & RELIGIOUS ORDERS.......................................... 13
ARTICLE THE ELEVENTH – CODE OF CANONS ................................................................. 14
Canon 1 – Name of the Ecclesiastical Organization ................................................................. 15
Canon 2 – Membership ............................................................................................................. 15
Canon 3 – Doctrine ................................................................................................................... 15
Canon 4 –Senority..................................................................................................................... 15
Canon 5 – Patriarch................................................................................................................... 15
Canon 6 – Aposkrisarios and Primatial Igumen........................................................................ 15
Canon 7 – Chancellor................................................................................................................ 15
Canon 8 – Eparchs .................................................................................................................... 16
Canon 9 – Eparchs Emeriti ....................................................................................................... 16
Canon 10 – Chorebishop........................................................................................................... 16
Canon 11 – Presbyters............................................................................................................... 16
Canon 12 – Deacons ................................................................................................................. 16
Canon 13 – Ages of Candidates ................................................................................................ 16
Canon 14 – Qualifications for the Episcopate........................................................................... 17
Canon 15 – Qualifications of Clergy ........................................................................................ 17
Canon 16 – Incardination of Clergy.......................................................................................... 17
Canon 17 – Canonical Obedience ............................................................................................. 18
Canon 18 – Active List ............................................................................................................. 18
Canon 19 – Transfer to the Inactive List................................................................................... 18
Canon 20 – Good Standing ....................................................................................................... 18
Canon 21 – Marital Status of Clergy......................................................................................... 18
Canon 22 – Removal of Clergy................................................................................................. 18
Canon 23 – Membership in Cogregations & Communities -.................................................... 19
Canon 24 – Definition of Active Members - ............................................................................ 19
Canon 25 – Removal of Members – ......................................................................................... 19
Canon 26 – Participation in Other Organizations – .................................................................. 19
Canon 27 – Correspondence – .................................................................................................. 19
Canon 28 – Changing Congregations or Communities –.......................................................... 19
Canon 29 – Ownership of Property –........................................................................................ 20
Canon 30 – Sanctuaries –.......................................................................................................... 20
Canon 31 – Consecration of Sanctuaries – ............................................................................... 20
Canon 32 – Use of Consecrated Sanctuaries –.......................................................................... 20
Canon 33 – Mystagogical Rites – ............................................................................................. 20
Canon 34 – Greater Mysterion –............................................................................................... 20
Canon 35 – Mystery of Liberation – ......................................................................................... 21
Canon 36 – Mystery of the Seal - Sphragis.............................................................................. 21
Canon 37 – Mystery of the Leitourgia – Liturgy ...................................................................... 21
Canon 38 – Mystery of Nymphôn – Bridal Chamber ............................................................... 21
Canon 39 – Mystery of the Priesthood - ................................................................................... 21
Canon 40 – Lesser Mysterion – ................................................................................................ 22
Canon 41 – Liturgical Rite -..................................................................................................... 22
Canon 42 – Altar, Antimension and the Holy Place – .............................................................. 22
Canon 43 – Vestments - ............................................................................................................ 22
Canon 44 – Sacred Vessels – .................................................................................................... 22
Canon 45 – Episcopal Regalia – ............................................................................................... 22
Canon 46 – Marriage of Divorced Persons – ............................................................................ 23
Canon 47 – Tribunals –............................................................................................................. 23
Canon 48 – Committees – ........................................................................................................ 23
Canon 49 – Administration Fund –........................................................................................... 23
Canon 50 – Fraternal Relationships – ....................................................................................... 23
Canon 51 – Mediation of Disputes –......................................................................................... 24
Canon 52 – Real Property – ...................................................................................................... 24
Canon 53 – Free Nature of the Sacraments –............................................................................ 24
Canon 54 – Guidelines for Discernment of Candidates to Holy Orders – ................................ 24
Canon 55 – Schism – ................................................................................................................ 26
Canon 56 – Confidentiality -..................................................................................................... 26
Canon 57 – Donations –............................................................................................................ 26

All masculine terms shall hence forth be assumed to include and apply equally to the
feminine. This Thomasine Church prohibits sexual discrimination of any kind. The use of
masculine terms is done so only for clarity and brevity’s sake.


A. Name. The corporate name of this ecclesiastical organization shall be The Thomasine
Church, referred to hereinafter as the “Church”, which is inherently a part of the
MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, and shall be incorporated under the laws of the
Dominion of Canada as a Non Profit Religious Corporation.
B. Purpose. The purpose of The Thomasine Church is to promote the pursuit of
Enlightenment, Illumination, or Gnosis and to dispel ignorance in order for people to
experience mental and spiritual liberation. To those ends it will establish Congregations,
Communities, Seminaries, and Institutes of Illuminist studies as defined herein below.

C. Constitution. This Constitution (as from time to time shall be lawfully amended),
shall constitute the legal By-laws of the corporation of the Thomasine Church.

D. Doctrine. The Teachings of The Thomasine Church are set forth in the Gospel of
Thomas, The Gospel of Thomas the Contender, and the Hymn of the Pearl and are
subject to both personal and hierarchical interpretation.

E. Membership. The members of The Thomasine Church are those who have underwent
the Apolytrosis and who have not resigned there from, nor have they been deposed or
excommunicated. Membership in The Thomasine Church shall not preclude membership
or office in any other organization, unless such involvement shall prove a conflict of
interest and/or prevent proper execution of duties to the Thomasine Church.


A. Ecclesiastical Authority. All spiritual and ecclesiastical authority in The Thomasine
Church resides in and proceeds from the Patriarchal Archbishop, who is advised and
counseled by the Areopagus.

B. Temporal Authority. All temporal authority resides in and shall proceed from the
Areopagus, which shall be the Board of Trustees of The Thomasine Church as a


A. Definition of the Areopagus. There shall be a Board of Trustees, hereinafter referred
to as the Areopagus, which shall consist of the Patriarch, ex officio, and no more than
two (2) appointed officers from the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light.

i. Term of Office – The appointed members of the Areopagus shall have a set term
serving the Patriarch until the end of his term or abdication.

ii. Removal from Office – The Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light may, with the
concurrence of the Patriarch, by majority vote remove from office a member of the
Areopagus who shall have persistently neglected to perform his duties of office or to
reply to official communications, or who fails to conform to applicable Canon Law after
admonition by the Patriarch, or whose official and personal conduct the Patriarch and/or
the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light shall consider to have been such as to bring
discredit upon The Thomasine Church or to have been harmful to the good order therein.

iii. Vacancies – Vacancies in the Areopagus shall be filled by appointment by a majority

vote of the remaining Areopagus members.

B. Authority. The Areopagus shall have authority in all matters temporal and material
affecting The Thomasine Church within the Code of Canon Law of the Thomasine
Church, in so far as those directives are compatible with the laws of the State; also to
designate the location for the transaction of business of the Thomasine Church, and to
admit Congregations and Communities as integral units of The Thomasine Church as a

C. Officers.

i. Patriarch – The Patriarch shall be ex officio President and the head of the Areopagus,
and chief executive office of the corporation; he shall preside at all meetings of the
corporation, shall have general and active management of the business of the corporation,
and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Areopagus are carried into effect. He
shall also execute in the name of the corporation, all authorized deeds, mortgages, bonds,
contracts, or other instruments requiring a seal, under the seal of the corporation, except
in cases in which the signing or execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the
Areopagus to some other officer or agent of the corporation.

ii. Apokrisarios – The Apokrisarios shall be the Vice-President. He shall, in the absence
or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President,
and perform such other duties as the Areopagus shall prescribe. He shall be the master of
ritual and the guardian of the Church. The Apokrisarios shall appoint a priest as an
assistant who will act as press-secretary of the Areopagus.

iii. Archemandrite – This officer, appointed by the Patriarch or elected by the Areopagus,
shall attend all sessions of the Areopagus, and record all votes and the minutes of all
proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose. He shall give or cause to be given,
notice of all meetings, whether regular or special, of the Areopagus and shall perform
those duties as may be prescribed by the Areopagus or the President. The Chancellor
shall be the usual Secretary. The Chancellor is the guardian of the Teachings and the ex
officio of the Patriarchal Chancery.

iv. Treasurer - This officer, appointed by the Patriarch or elected by the Areopagus, shall
have custody of the corporate funds and securities and shall keep full and accurate
accounts of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the corporation and shall
deposit all monies and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the
corporation in such depositories as may be designated by the Areopagus. He/she shall
disburse the funds of the corporation as may be ordered by the Areopagus, taking proper
vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the Areopagus, at the annual
meeting of the Areopagus, or whenever they might require it, an account of all
transactions and of the financial condition of the corporation.


A. Time and Place. The annual meeting of the Areopagus shall be held on the 21st of
March each year, and notice of the exact time and place of such meetings shall be given
at least five months in advance by the Secretary, at which time the Areopagus shall
transact any business within the provisions of the corporation. Any business of the
corporation may be transacted at the annual meeting without being specifically
designated in the notice, except such business as is specifically required by provisions
otherwise contained herein or provided for specifically in the Constitution or in the Code
of Canon Law.

B. Statement of Affairs. The Treasurer shall prepare or cause to be prepared, a full and
correct statement of the corporation, including a balance sheet and a financial statement
of operations for the preceding fiscal year, which shall be filed at that time.

C. Special Meetings. At any time between Annual Meetings, the President of the
corporation may call Special Meetings of the Areopagus. No business shall be transacted
at a Special Meeting of the Areopagus, except that specifically designated on the notice.

D. Waiver of Notice. Whenever any notice of the time, place, or purpose of any meeting
of the Areopagus, or other official or canonical meeting is required to be given under the
provisions of the Constitution of this corporation, a waiver thereof, in writing, signed by
the person or persons entitled to make such a notice, and filed with the records of the
meeting, shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice to such persons.


A. Definition of the Sanctuary. There shall be a Council consisting of all the clergy
known as the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light which shall counsel the Areopagus,
discuss the ecclesiastical matters and affairs of the Thomasine Church, aid in amending
the Constitution and Code of Canon laws.

i. The Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light shall be composed of all active clergy of the
Thomasine Church, under the presidency of the Patriarch, and with the concurrence and
under the seal of the Patriarch; it may suggest amendments to the Constitution and Code
of Canon Laws. It shall, in concurrence with the Patriarch, decide matters pertaining to
the regulation of Exarchs and Eparchs (per the Code of Canon Laws) and shall ratify the
election of Exarch and Eparchs by their respective diocese or communities and shall
ratify and install (enthrone) all succeeding Patriarchs. It shall also consider those issues
pertaining to the welfare of The Thomasine Church at the level of the Exarchy, eparchy
and community, and shall act in an advisory capacity to the Areopagus.

ii. All business of The Thomasine Church collectively, beyond the daily maintenance of
communication within the Church, or continuance of matters already approved by the
Areopagus, shall be conducted in Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light meetings.

iii. The Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light shall be called into session at least every
twelve months to discuss issues of the Thomasine Church. Special meetings may be
called when a majority agrees that an issue warrants such, or at the edict of the Patriarch,
whose office shall be responsible for notifying the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light
and Areopagus. Due to the expense of travel, special meetings may be held by other
means if a majority of the Sanctuary agrees.

iv. Electronic meetings may not exceed a period of one week, during which time all
correspondence containing decisions shall be returned. After this time all business must
be tabled until the next meeting.

v. The Secretary shall provide a synopsis of all business and decisions to all Eparchs for
disbursal to their respective Congregations and Communities.

vi. Expenses of meetings shall be met in a fair and equitable manner discussed and
approved in advance by the Areopagus.

vii. Voting decisions, unless otherwise determined, shall be by a simple majority.

viii. Any member of the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light may designate another
member to act as their proxy in any meeting and to cast an additional vote on their behalf;
but no member shall serve as proxy for more than three members at the same time.

ix. Not less than half of the entire membership of the Synod of the Sanctuary of the
Light present, either in person or by proxy, shall constitute a Quorum.

x. In any voting by the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, abstention from casting a
ballot shall constitute a waiver of right to vote in such voting, and shall operate to reduce
by the number of such abstentions the total number of votes, but not by less than the
simple majority which is required.

xi. Failure to reply within a specified time to a call for vote by electronic
correspondence shall constitute abstention. However, the closing date for a vote by
electronic correspondence may be extended if the Patriarch has reason to believe that said
correspondence has been excessively delayed.


A. Adoption. This Constitution shall become provisionally effective upon adoption by
resolution of the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light and shall become finally effective
upon approval by the Patriarch on behalf of the Areopagus and the Sanctuary of the Light
of the Thomasine Church.

B. Amendment. An Amendment to this Constitution may be proposed by resolution

regularly presented to the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, if approved and modified
by a majority vote of the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light. Upon their acceptance by
a majority vote, such Amendment shall be submitted to the Patriarch for approval. Such
Amendment shall take effect upon approval by the Patriarch.

C. Amendment by Interim Proposal. Whenever a regular annual or Special Meeting of

the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light or Areopagus is not to be held within one year, a
proposal to amend this Constitution may be originated by the Areopagus on it’s own
unanimous motion; or after having been submitted to the Areopagus by a majority of the
Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, and when so originated, or submitted, the Areopagus
shall submit such proposed Amendment to the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light for
vote under procedure B. above. If so accepted, then the proposed Amendment goes to the
Patriarch for approval.


A. Title and Rights. There shall be one Eparch who shall hold the title of Patriarch. He
shall be the executive leader of, and preside over the meetings of the Synod of the
Sanctuary of the Light. He shall be ex officio, a member of the Areopagus and shall be
President thereof. He shall have the right to conduct all consecrations of Eparchs-Elect,
after their ratification by the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light and also, without
abrogating the jurisdiction of the local eparch, to take precedence in all diocese and
communities. He shall also be the sole Fons Honorum of any Chivalric Order which shall
have its origin or revival from The Thomasine Church, unless he delegates said authority
to another by way of a Bull signed and sealed under his hand.

B. Authorities and Duties. i.) Although he has the duty to seek the counsel and advice of
the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light prior to issuing any proclamation affecting the
Thomasine Church, the authority of the Patriarch shall be absolute in all ecclesiastical
and spiritual matters. ii.) He may veto any decision of the Synod of the Sanctuary of the
Light, such veto being absolute and having no right of appeal. iii.) The Patriarch shall
act as President of the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light and shall appoint committees,
or officers which may or may not be otherwise elected, and members for tribunals. He
shall act as spokesperson of The Thomasine Church in matters dealing with those outside
the Thomasine Church, and shall have the right to delegate this task to another. iv.) The
Patriarch shall call to order and chair the meetings of the Synod of the Sanctuary of the
Light. v.) Only the Patriarch may officially assign and authorize an Eparch to a eparchy
and community as may have requested his consecration. He may, without the consent of
a congregation or community to which an Eparch has not been assigned as authorized and
for any congregation or community in which the aforementioned office, by reason of
removal, death, resignation or incapacitation is currently vacant.

C. Ratification and Tenure. i.) The Patriarch shall have the right to name his successor,
who shall be ratified by the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light by a two-thirds majority
vote from the membership of that body. The decision of the Synod of the Sanctuary of
the Light shall then be presented to all Congregations and Communities. ii.) The tenure
of the Patriarch is for nine (9) years; he may resign by giving at least ninety (90) days
notice to the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light.

D. Removal from Office (Deposing). The Patriarch may be removed from office by
reason of repeated infractions of Canon Law, or the provisions of this Constitution,
conviction of a felony, or any repeated acts or behavior that the Synod of the Sanctuary
of the Light and/or Areopagus shall consider to have brought discredit upon The
Thomasine Church or to have been harmful to the good order therein. Removal from
office is by vote of the Areopagus and the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light in the
same manner described in C. above.

E. Vacancy of Office. Should the vacancy occur due to removal from office, resignation,
or death of the Patriarch, the Apokrisarios shall temporarily hold the office until Election
and ratification occurs as described in C. above.
F. Apokrisarios. i.) The Patriarch shall have the right to designate an Eparch within the
Areopagus as the Apokrisarios of the Thomasine Church. The Apokrisarios may be
deputed by the Patriarch to exercise any specified powers of the Office of the Patriarch
for any specified period of time, occasion or location in which the ecclesiastical powers
of the Patriarch are required, and to exercise such of his powers as may be delegated in
such an appointment, including the consecration of a Eparch. ii.) The Apokrisarios shall
act as Ambassador of the Thomasine Church, and shall be Vice-President of the

G. Chancellor. The Patriarch may appoint any member of the Areopagus to act as his
Chancellor for a specified time, occasion, or location in which the ecclesiastical powers
of an Eparch are required, and to exercise such of his powers as may be delegated in such
an appointment, including the consecration of a Eparch. When visiting a congregation or
community in his official capacity at the behest of the Patriarch, he may take precedence
over the Eparch.

H. Financial Maintenance. i.) The financial maintenance of the Patriarch shall be the
responsibility of the Thomasine Church. ii.) Any Episcopal Regalia he shall be provided
with by The Thomasine Church shall remain the property of the Thomasine Church. iii.)
A small petty cash fund shall be available for his use at his discretion, the amounts of
which shall be set in advance the beginning of each fiscal year, and may not be increased
and/or replenished except by approval of the Areopagus.


A. Election and Ratification. i.) A Congregation or Community may, by election or
acclamation, select from among its resident presbyters, one to be presented to the Synod
of the Sanctuary of the Light and to the Patriarch for ratification, provided said presbyter
fulfills the qualifications of the Episcopacy as required by the Canon. ii.) A petition for
ratification shall be presented to a regular or special meeting of the Synod of the
Sanctuary of the Light, where, by vote, or acclamation, the decision of the congregation
or community is either ratified or rejected. iii.) If ratified, a petition for consecration is
presented to the Patriarch. Should the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light reject the
candidate, the congregation or community may appeal to the Patriarch, whose judgment
shall be absolute. iv.) Should the Patriarch approve, a Bull of Election, given under the
seal of the Patriarch, is delivered to the candidate, who assumes the title of “Eparch-
Elect” until the time of his consecration.

B. Consecration and Assignment. i.) Eparchs may be consecrated only by the Patriarch,
or, at his discretion, a Eparch deputized to perform that function, and shall be carried out
in strict adherence to the Canon of the Thomasine Church. ii.) The new Eparch can only
be assigned as Eparch to the diocese or community that elected him by the Patriarch.

C. Exarch. Definition of a Exarch - (Gr. "representative with full authority"). The Exarch
is head of an ecclesiastical jurisdiction representing the head of the Church (i.e.,
Patriarch) in the administration of a national Church. i.) An Exarch shall have sole
authority over the exarchy or community to which he is assigned, and neither the Synod
of the Sanctuary of the Light, Areopagus nor individual Eparchs shall be able to interfere
in the functions of the Exarch, diocese or community, excepting the Patriarch, and then
only where violations of the Canon or Constitution, of secular law, or of Thomasine
Church position is suspected. ii.) A Exarch, in agreement with his exarchy or
community, shall alone determine who is qualified for Holy Orders up to and including
the Office of Presbyter, (in accordance with Canon Law) and who shall act as clergy in
said diocese or community. iii.) Where practical, the Office of the Exarch shall be
financially maintained by the exarchy or community to whom he is assigned; this
maintenance may be total or partial as per a written agreement between the Exarch and
the Magistery of his exarchy or community.

D. Regulation of Exarchs. The Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, by a two-thirds

majority vote or the Patriarch, may suspend or depose from office any Exarch, who
disregards his obligation to the Canon or who illicitly exercises his authority to ordain or
consecrate, or whose conduct is considered to be such as to bring the Office of Eparch
into disrepute or to bring discredit upon the Thomasine Church, or to have been harmful
to the good order therein. Should the suspension or deposition result from any action of
the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, the Exarch may appeal to the Patriarch, whose
judgment is absolute.

E. Eparchs. Definition of a Eparch - The title of an ecclesiastical dignitary who

possesses the fullness of the priesthood to rule an eparchy as its chief administrator. i.)
An Eparch shall have sole authority over the eparchy or community to which he is
assigned, and neither the The Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, Areopagus nor
individual Eparchs shall be able to interfere in the functions of the Eparch, eparchy or
community, excepting the Patriarch, and then only where violations of the Canon or
Constitution, of secular law, or of Thomasine Church position is suspected. ii.) A
Eparch, in agreement with his diocese or community, shall alone determine who is
qualified for Holy Orders up to and including the Office of Presbyter, (in accordance with
Canon Law) and who shall act as clergy in said eparchy or community. iii.) Where
practical, the office of the Eparch shall be financially maintained by the eparchy or
community to whom he is assigned; this maintenance may be total or partial as per a
written agreement between the Eparch and the Magistery of his eparchy or community.

F. Regulation of Eparchs. The Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, by a two-thirds

majority vote or the Patriarch, may suspend or depose from Office any Eparch, who
disregards his obligation to the Canon or who illicitly exercises his authority to ordain or
consecrate, or whose conduct is considered to be such as to bring the Office of Eparch
into disrepute or to bring discredit upon the Thomasine Church, or to have been harmful
to the good order therein. Should the suspension or deposition result from any action of
the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, the Eparch may appeal to the Patriarch, whose
judgment is absolute.

G. Chorbishop (Chorepiscopi) Definition - A name originally given in the Eastern

Church to Eparchs whose jurisdiction was confined to rural districts. In the beginning the
chorepiscopi exercised all episcopal functions in their rural districts. The Thomasine
Church continues this ancient tradition.
i) The Patriarch shall have the right to designate a Chorbishop as his representative. ii.)
The Chorbishop may be deputed by the Patriarch to exercise any specified authorities of
the Office of Eparch, for any specified period of time, occasion or location. iii.) Should
the Office of Eparch be vacant for any reason, the Chorbishop shall assume said office
with the consent of the eparchy or community until such time as a new Eparch may be
elected, ratified, and consecrated. iv.) The Chorbishop of any eparchy or community
shall be automatically nominated as successor to the Eparch of that congregation or
community, pending other nominations.


A. Definition of Congregation. The term “congregation” shall designate a group of
members living apart, yet regularly meeting together for instruction served by a resident
Eparch, Presbyter, or Deacon. The Patriarch shall act as Eparch for all diocese without a
resident Eparch; he may grant episcopal faculty to an Eparch of another diocese or
community, should the need arise. No distinction in name shall be made whether of
number or size. The term “Temple” shall be used rather than the term “Church” to
designate the physical structure in which a congregation conducts its rituals and

B. Definition of Communities. The term “community” shall designate any congregation

as defined in A. above, but living together rather than apart, in a permanent communal
relationship, holding a schedule of daily meditation and study in common. No distinction
in name shall be made whether of number or size. As appropriate, the terms “friary”,
“monastery”, “convent” and/or “community” may designate a group of residences
situated on a single site. These terms may be applied irrespective of size, physical design,
or number of residents.

C. Eddesa Seminary. The Seminary of The Thomasine Church shall be dedicated to the
religious education and spiritual formation of its ordained clergy, and of those persons
studying for any office of Holy Orders. Eddesa Seminary shall be located at the basilica
of the Patriarch, who is ex officio its’ administrator.

D. Finances. All financial matters of congregations and communities shall be the

responsibility of a duly elected board of trustees or Magistery thereof. Finances of the
Seminary shall be the responsibility of the Areopagus, or the joint responsibility of the
Magistery of any resident congregation of any branch thereof and the Areopagus.


All Chivalric authority, that is, the right and virtue of Fons Honorum, shall proceed solely
from the Patriarch who shall issue the Charter of Foundation for any Chivalric Order
which has its’ origin or revival from the Thomasine Church. The Patriarch may delegate
said authority to another by virtue of a Tomos signed and sealed by his hand.

A. Order of Frairs Marcionite – This is the first authorized order within Thomasine
Church. Its main focus is the devotion of the aspirant toward an inward Alchemical
transformation. The body of practice is that of meditations, chants, and the assumption of
body postures which in combination highten the devotee’s abilities of awareness. Friars
shall bear the initials O.F.M. after their name. The Patriarch shall appoint a Master of the

C. Other Orders. The Thomasine Church shall authorize the formation of other orders,
whether Chivalric or Spiritual as may be needed to serve the spiritual needs of their
members. Petitions to form such Orders, as well as petitions for Charters of Foundation
to form Orders shall be filed with the Office of the Patriarch, who, with the advisement of
the Areopagus and Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light shall accept or reject the petition.


A. Definition of Canons. The Code of Canons hereinafter referred to as the Canon,
consists of the administrative rules for implementing, interpreting in detail, and
establishing methods for carrying out the provisions of this Constitution, and shall have
the same authority and effect as the provisions of this Constitution. The Canon, together
with the Constitution is the law under which The Thomasine Church is operated.

B. Adoption of Canons. Canons may be adopted, altered, amended or repealed in the

same manner as the Constitution as described in Article the Seventh, B. above.

C. Canons.

Canon 1 – Name of the Ecclesiastical Organization – The name of this

ecclesiastical organization shall be The Thomasine Church and shall be translated
accordingly in all places. Use of the name is reserved by those authorized by the
Patriarch and/or the Areopagus.

Canon 2 – Membership – The members of The Thomasine Church are those who
who have Apolytrosis and who have not resigned there from, nor have they been deposed
or excommunicated.

Canon 3 – Doctrine – The Teachings of The Thomasine Church are set forth in the
Gospel of Thomas, The Book of Thomas the Contender, and the Hymn of the Pearl,
which together shall form the philosophical foundation of The Thomasine Church and
shall have the same force as the Constitution and the Canons in establishing the spiritual
orientation of this ecclesiastical organization and defining her tenets. Members of the
clergy, while being accorded the same freedoms of personal interpretation of these
documents, as is the laity, shall nevertheless be bound to accept them as the official basis
of teaching and ritual.

Canon 4 –Senority – For the purposes of Canon Law (as distinguished from
precedence) Seniority shall be detrimined by rank first, then second, as within the same
rank, according to priority of consecration or ordination.

Canon 5 – Patriarch – The rights, powers and authority of the Patriarch shall be
delineated in Article the Seventh, A. and B. of the Constitution. In all matters both
ecclesiastical and spiritual, after counsultation with the Sactuary of the Light and the
Areopagus, his decision shall be absolute. His tenure is for nine (9) years and he may be
removed from office only as authorized by Article the Seventh, D. of the Constitution.
He shall bear the titles of “Most Illuminated Master” “His Beatitude” and “Patriarch.”

Canon 6 – Aposkrisarios and Primatial Igumen - The rights and powers of the
Aposkrisarios and the Exarchial Igumen shall be as delineated by Article the Seventh, F.
and G., respectively. Both shall bear the title of “Most Reverend Master” and “His

Canon 7 – Chancellor - The duties of the Chancellor are as follows: The Chancellor
is the Primatial Secretary, engages in Ecclesiastical Research, and Communications, and
serves as a Exarchial Counselor.
Canon 9 – Exarchs – The rights and powers of Exarchs shall be as delineated by
Article the Eighth, C. of the Constitution. Following the most ancient of ecclesiastical
traditions, the congregation or community in which they serve shall elect the Exarch.
They shall have served as a Presbyter in good standing for a minimum of five (5) years or
upon an edict (Tomos) by the Patriarch. Their tenure is for life, and they may be deposed
only as stipulated in Article the Eighth, D. of the Constitution. They shall bear the title of
“Illuminated Master” and “His Eminence.”

Canon 8 – Eparchs – The rights and powers of Eparchs (Bishops) shall be as

delineated by Article the Eighth, D. of the Constitution. Following the most ancient of
ecclesiastical traditions, the congregation or community in which they serve shall elect
the Eparch. They shall have served as a Presbyter in good standing for a minimum of five
(5) years or upon an edict (Tomos) by the Patriarch. Their tenure is for life, and they may
be deposed only as stipulated in Article the Eighth, E. of the Constitution. They shall bear
the title of “Most Reverend Master” and “His Excellency.”

Canon 9 – Eparchs Emeriti – Eparchs Emeriti are those Eparchs in good standing
who have ceased to function as such by virtue of resignation/retirement and maybe listed
as either active or inactive. They have no inate ecclesiastical authority, but are accorded
all reverence and honor due an Eparch. They shall bear the title of “Most Reverend
Master” and “His Excellency.”

Canon 10 – Chorebishop – Chorepiscopi posess rights and authorities as granted in

Article the Eighth, G of the Constitution, and as may be delegated by their Eparchs.
They shall be allowed to wear purple (amaranth) cleric shirt with white collar, pectoral
tau, and bear the title of “Right Reverend” in congregations or communities.

Canon 11 – Presbyters - The members of the congregation or community they serve

shall elect presbyters from among the Diaconate. They shall have served in the
Diaconate in good standing for a period of not less than one year. They are authorized to
celebrate the Mysterion of the Thomasine Church, excepting those reserved for the
episcopate. They shall wear a black cleric shirt with collar and bear the title of
“Illuminated Father” or “Illuminated Mother.”

Canon 12 – Deacons - Any man or woman, in good standing for a period of at least
six months may be elected by a presbyter for elevation to the order of deacon, and said
presbyter may petition thier Eparch for his ordination. Deacons may assist at any of the
Mysterion, may bless, and perform the Mysterion of Anointing or the Mysterion of
Apolytrosis. Deacons are to wear grey cleric shirt with roman tab, and shall bear the title
“Reverend Brother” or “Reverend Sister.”

Canon 13 – Ages of Candidates – The minimum ages of candidates for ordination

shall be as follows; Deacon 18, Presbyter 24, Eparch 33. These ages may be modified
slightly by the Eparch, with the approval of the Patriarch. In addition, all candidates must
have served the requisite time in the preceding Orders, as noted in the Canons appropriate
to the order, above, before progressing to the next order. Following the injunction of St.
Paul to “Impose not hands lighly upon any man,” [1 Timothy 5:22] The Thomasine
Church stresses that it is the maturity and suitability of the candidate for the order to
which he is called which is of the utmost importance, and it should not be construed that,
by virtue of previous service and/or arrival at the prescribed age for ordination to a
specific order, one is ipso facto, entitled to receive that order. The Patriarch may be of
any age, so long as he has received Episcopal consecration prior to his appointment as

Canon 14 – Qualifications for the Episcopate – A candidate for Eparch shall be

validly ordained Presbyter, educated in the Tradition of The Thomasine Church and in
agreement with her Teaching, the Constitution and the Code of Canons. He shall be
elected by the congregation or community, which he shall serve. He shall be of
undisputed character; have demonstrated abilities of leadership; have the ability to teach
and to judge wisely, and have the confidence and respect of the congregation or
community over which he shall serve as Eparch. Under normal circumstances, all active
Eparchs members of Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light shall ratify the elevation of the
chosen Eparch-Elect. The Patriarch alone has the right of consecration, but may delegate
this right to another and shall appoint the co-consecrators. Under normal circumstances,
there must be at least two consecrators for the consecration to be considered canonical.

Canon 15 – Qualifications of Clergy – All clergy of The Thomasine Church shall

have had the proper ordination and documentation to all Holy Orders preceding the Order
to which they are to be ordained. Candidates to the Presbyterate shall have appropriate
education in areas of doctrine, Thomasine Church history, liturgy, sacramental theology
and all other studies necessary to the Presbyter as a teacher, counselor, representative of
The Thomasine Church and celebrant of the Mysterion. A program of study and
apprenticeship shall be established in the congregation or community, under the
supervision of the Eparch. In all congregations and communities, a systematic program
of correspondence study shall be given the candidate. Before his ordination, the
candidate must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Eparch, his ability to adequately
perform the Rites and Rituals of The Thomasine Church as well as his knowledge of the
Teachings of the Thomasine Church.

Canon 16 – Incardination of Clergy – Clergy incardinating from other

jurisdictions must meet the same qualifications as the resident clergy of Thomasine
Church. Before being accepted and assigned, they must be thoroughly conversant with
the Constitution and Canons of the Thomasine Church, as well as her rites, rituals and
history. They shall then be re-ordained sub conditione, preceded by Apolytrosis and
Sphragis. All incardinating clergy must agree to either serve an existing congregation or
community (after first meeting that entity’s approval), or already have a congregation of
their own, whereas all of the members of that body would become members of the
Thomasine Church. Incardinating Eparchs must be approved by a majority vote of the
Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, in addition to the approval by majority vote from the
Community or Congregation where they would serve.
Canon 17 – Canonical Obedience – A loving respectful relationship among clergy
being the only credible way of assuring the Thomasine Church’s cohesion, and assuming
that obedience to the wishes of an Eparch will be voluntary because of the respect for
his/her office, and out of love for the omophor (auspices/jurisdiction), and not from
coercion, clergy will take no canonical vows of obedience to the person of the Eparch,
but shall make a statement promising adherence to the Constitution and the Code of
Canon Laws of the Thomasine Church. All clergy shall make an oath of obedience to the

Canon 18 – Active List – An Eparch who has been regularly assigned to a

congregation or community, a Presbyter or Deacon who is currently authorized to
conduct public services, and a retired Eparch, Presbyter or Deacon who has not been
placed on the Inactive list shall be regarded, for the purposes of Canon Law, as being on
the active list.

Canon 19 – Transfer to the Inactive List – Any member of the clergy may be
transferred voluntarily or with his consent to the Inactive List, without prejudice to his
future reinstatement. The House of Eparchs shall have the authority to transfer Eparchs
to the Inactive list for manifest and prolonged inactivity or other reasons, and is subject to
right of appeal to the Patriarch.

Canon 20 – Good Standing – A member of the clergy, whether on the Active list
or Inactive list, shall be considered to be in good standing for the purposes of Canon Law
when he shall not be under suspension from office or under inhibition from the exercise
of clergical functions. Any member of the clergy who has been notified that his condct is
under investigation shall not be entitled to vote in any matter concerning any action in his
own case arising form such investigation or to serve during such investigation on any
body concered therewith.

Canon 21 – Marital Status of Clergy - Clergy, except those living communally,

may be married or single as each desires. Marriage may take place either before or after
entry into the Royal Priesthood. The Thomasine Church expects moral integrity from
both married and single clergy, and marital fidelity from her married clergy. The
Thomasine Church does recognize, however, that her clergy have human failings and
may err. Moral indiscretion of single clergy that has become public knowledge and
separation or divorce of married clergy (provided that such was not due to marital
infidelity on the cleric’s part) does not necessarily bar one from the exercise of clergical
function, such exercise being at the discretion of the Eparch, or the Patriarch.

Canon 22 – Removal of Clergy – It is the right of a congregation or community to

pass a resolution temporarily or permanently seeking the removal of any of her clergy,
including the Eparch, whose conduct has proven to be scandalous to the congregation or
community, who has been found guilty of criminal action or malfeasance, or any other
conflict sufficent to hamper proper function and good order, such resolution being by a
two-thirds vote of the membership. The Patriarch shall be informed of the action and
shall appoint a Tribunal to investigate the matter; after discussion with all parties, the
Tribunal shall issue a decision to ratify or reject the resolution of the members. Both the
members and the cleric in question have the right of appeal to the Synod of the Sanctuary
of the Light, and then to the Patriarch, whose judgement is absolute.

Canon 23 – Membership in Cogregations & Communities - Apolytosis,

Sphragis and Admission to a congregation or community will qualify for membership.
Such local membership will be in accordance with the terms specified by the local rules
and may be terminated.

Canon 24 – Definition of Active Members - The designation of Active Member

shall be determined either according to the rules of a local congregation or community, or
otherwise by membership in said congregation or community together with regular
attendance at services and functions during the preceding three months.

Canon 25 – Removal of Members – A congregation shall have the right to remove

a member whose conduct has proven to be scandalous to the congregation or community,
who has been found guilty of criminal action or malfeasance, or any other conflict
sufficent to hamper proper function and good order. This decision shall be made by the
congregation or community members according to their own regulations, or otherwise by
a two-thirds vote of Active Members, which designation shall be detrimined by Canon
Twenty-Fifth, with the right of appeal to the Eparch, whose judgement shall be absolute.

Canon 26 – Participation in Other Organizations – Members of The

Thomasine Church shall be free to participate in or be members of other spiritual or
mystical activities or organizations, which may increase their spiritual awareness and
knowledge. Members shall be free to be active in political or social movements, which
are for the betterment of human and/or animal life, but The Thomasine Church shall not
be identified with any particular movement or party.

Canon 27 – Correspondence – All Exarchs, Eparchs, Presbyters, or Deacons

leading congregations or communities shall, in concert with their Magisteries, make
regular quarterly reports to the Office of the Patriarch, as to the status and condition of
the congregation or community. Said reports shall include membership statistics, the
average number in attendance at services, special programs or activities such as
community service, et cetera, and a general financial statement for the preceding quarter.
Forms will be made available by the Office of the Patriarch to facilitate the reports.

Canon 28 – Changing Congregations or Communities – Members of a

congregations or community shall be free to transfer from one to another providing they
fulfill the membership requirements of the congregation or community to which they
wish to transfer. No congregation or community shall be obliged to accept an individual
for membership solely on the basis of membership in The Thomasine Church or previous
membership in a congregation or community.
Canon 29 – Ownership of Property – Each congregation or community may own
real property provided that it is legally incorporated in it’s State of residence and that the
property is owned in the name of the corporation and not by any private party or other
organization of any type.

Canon 30 – Sanctuaries – The terms “Sanctuary” or “Temple” shall be used to

designate the physical structure, or area within a physical structure, in which a
congregation or community conducts her worship and ritual. Sanctuaries or Temples
may be dedicated to a beatitude, gnostic or illuminist personage. Before a Sanctuary or
Temple can be publicly dedicated, the Patriarch must be informed of the chosen name; he
will then issue a Tomos establishing the Sanctuary or Temple and naming her priest.

Canon 31 – Consecration of Sanctuaries – Sanctuaries or Temples which, as far

as can be forseen, will be used for many years to come for the Services of The Thomasine
Church and for no other purposes, may be consecrated and dedicated, such ceremonies
being performed by the Eparch. Where such use is for a shorter term, the Sanctuary may
be blessed and dedicated, but not consecrated, said ceremonies being performed by the
Eparch. If the Sanctuary is also used for other purposes, such as a conference room
rented for a secular or religious organization, it may not be consecrated, dedicated or

Canon 32 – Use of Consecrated Sanctuaries – A duly consecrated and dedicated

Sanctuary or Temple shall not be used for any service or meeting other than for the
celebration of the Greater and Lesser Mysteries of The Thomasine Church or for private
or group prayer and meditation. Before disposing of consecrated property, a service of
deconsecration must be held.

Canon 33 – Mystagogical Rites – The Thomasine Church, in adherence to the

earliest Illuminist traditions, administers the Mystical Teachings and Rites in their most
ancient forms. These Rites are not merely symbolic actions. Rather, they are effectual
channels of the Divine energy which when received with the proper intension, are
instrumental in progressive connectivity from the Light of Truth to the human
consciousness. Therefore The Thomasine Church seeks to assure the validity of the
Mysterion by requiring of the minister strict adherence to the words and rubrics of every
rite. In addition, ministers of the Mysteries shall unfailingly assure that the basic
elements of each Mystery are as set forth in the Canons which follow. Only those
mystagogical rites which have been approved by the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light
under the Seal of the Patriarch may be used in the congregations and communities of the
Thomasine Church, unless written permission is granted by the Patriarch to, out of
necessity, temporarily use the rites of another jurisdiction possessing Apostolic

Canon 34 – Greater Mysterion – The Thomasine Church holds the Greater

Mysteries to be five in number, namely: Apolytrosis, Sphragis, the Lietourgia, the
Nymphôn, and Holy Order of the Royal Priesthood. The essential elements necessary for
the validity of each Mystery are enumerated below.

Canon 35 – Mystery of Liberation – Apolytrosis – The essential elements are the

intention of the minister to administer the Apolytrosis ablution of the Catechumen with
water while pronouncing the acceptable Thomasine formula. In addition to the essential
elements, The Thomasine Church requires for canonical licitly the administration of
blessed salt, consecration of the water. The usual minister of Baptism is a Eparch,
Presbyter, or a Deacon. The Apolytrosis may be administered conditionally in cases of

Canon 36 – Mystery of the Seal - Sphragis - The essential elements are the
intention of the minister to administer the Sphragis, the imposition of hands, the speaking
of words indicating the sealing of the Candidate, and anointing with Holy Myron. The
ordinary minister of the Sphragis is a Eparch , but the performance of this Mystery may
be delegated to a Presbyter by the Patriarch, when no Eparch is available within a
reasonable amount of time. The Sphragis may be administered conditionally in cases of

Canon 37 – Mystery of the Leitourgia – Liturgy – Leitourgia means “the work

of the people.” The work of the Thomasine Initiate is to become enlightened.

This is the mystery of the Light of Truth present within us and the rememberance of the
historical Jesus and his Teachings by a simple symbolic meal. Bread and wine is offered.
We can fully discern and experience the fullness of this Mystery by what the Living Jesus
said “Lift the stone and you will find me; split a piece of wood and I am there” (77th
Logion Gosp. of Thom.)

Canon 38 – Mystery of Nymphôn – Bridal Chamber the essential elements are

the intention of the minister, that the initiate is absolved of their past sins, be resolved of
all dichotomies, and pronouncing a suitable formula of reintegration by the minister.
Only a Eparch may administer the Nymphôn. As The Thomasine Church considers this
Seal to be eternal and inviolable, ministers of the Mystery shall not divulge to anyone, in
whole or in part, the content, substance, context or subject matter of any information
revealed during its administration.

Canon 39 – Mystery of the Priesthood - The Thomasine Church recognizes 3

traditional Orders. The Orders consist of Deacons, Presbyters, and Eparchs. The
Thomasine Church also utilizes a special office of Exorcist, which is an office attached to
the Diaconate. All Orders are viewed as confirming and conferring authority of varying
degrees, yet only those of Diaconate, Presbyterate and Episcopate are considered to
confer ecclesiastical authority “to be irrevocably set apart for the service of Christ”, and
therefore should not be entered into lightly.

The essential elements of this Mystery consist of a purposeful desire of the minister to
admit the candidate to a specific Order in the Thomasine Church, use an accepted
formula for praying over the candidate, including the statement of intention to admit to
the particular Order and office and the imposition of hands. For the Orders of the
Diaconate, Presbyterate and Episcopate is required an invocation of the Holy Spirit and
with the imposition of hands, a statement by the minister that the candidate is receiving
the Holy Spirit for the execution of the duties of the Order to which he is being ordained.
In addition, for the Orders of Presbyter and Eparch, anointing with the Oil of
Catechumens and with Holy Myron respectively, is done.

Canon 40 – Lesser Mysterion – For the purpose of Canon Law, the Lesser
Mysterion are defined as those rites of the Thomasine Church, which, although not the
five traditional Thomasine Greater Mysterion enumerated above, require a Presbyter or
Eparch to administer. These may included, but are not limited to: blessings and
consecrations of objects, people or places; the foundation of chivalric orders, rituals of
exorcism and rituals of admission to a community. Only those Lesser Mysterion
authorized by the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light under the Seal of the Patriarch may
be used.

Canon 41 – Liturgical Rite - The Thomasine Church authorizes the use of only the
Thomasine Rite for the celebration of the Leitourgia, and only those rites which have
been approved by the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light under the Seal of the Patriarch
may be used.

Canon 42 – Altar, Antimension and the Holy Place – Only square (cubic)
altars may be used. Altars are blessed, but not consecrated. Antimensions (altar cloth)
which are consecrated, signed and sealed by the Patriarch shall be used, each Presbyter
and Eparch possessing his own. Tapers, oil lamps, flowers and a Thomasine cross may
adorn the altar. Altars shall be covered with at least one linen cloth, extending the length
and breath of the Mensa (altar). Appropriate frontals are approved and may be seasonally
changed or remain static throughout the year. Ikons shall adorn the walls of the Holy
Place. In Sanctuaries, which are consecrated, there shall be an opaque curtain and a sheer
veil separating the Holy Place from the prothesis. It must be possible to clearly see the
altar through the veil.

Canon 43 – Vestments - Vestments shall be patterned after traditional designs,

samples of which may be obtained from the Office of the Patriarch. Vestments may be
purchased by individuals, or preferably, by the congregation or community and remain
the property of the purchaser. Vestments must be blessed prior to their first use.

Canon 44 – Sacred Vessels – Sacred Vessels must be consecrated by the Eparch

before use. They must be gold, gild, silver, ceramic or natural crystal, and should follow
traditional designs. Any questions as to the appropriateness of a vessel should be
directed to the Eparch or the Office of the Patriarch.

Canon 45 – Episcopal Regalia – For the purpose of Canon Law, Episcopal Regalia
refers to those items which are consecrated during the consecration ceremony, namely the
pastoral staff, mitre, pectoral cross, ring, and blessing cross. Regalia shall be purchased
or received in donation by the congregation or community, which shall retain ownership,
for use by their Eparch. It is highly desirable that this regalia be passed from an Eparch
to his successor.

Canon 46 – Marriage of Divorced Persons – The Thomasine Church does not

see any sufficent reason for refusing to marry divorced persons unless overriding moral
implications make this outside of the purpose of Thomasine marriage, or if the marriage
would be held as illegal or illicit according to prevailing secular laws. Cases in question
may be decided by each Eparch.

Canon 47 – Tribunals – In questions of discipline, censure, suspension and

expulsion, the Patriarch shall appoint a Tribunal of at least three clerics to hear charges
against a member of the clergy. The tribunal detrimine a verdict, then be dissolved.
There is right of appeal to the House of Eparchs and to the Patriarch. In the matter of
Tribunals, the House of Eparchs shall hold precedence in detrimining remedy. A).
Tribunals shall be commisioned by the Office of the Patriarch to hear all cases regarding
the behavior of any member or group of members of The Thomasine Church for any
length of time, for any reason, by any means. B). A Tribunal, when presented with
serious concerns for the health and welfare of a member of The Thomasine Church or of
a member of the public may choose under the authority and with the consent of the
Patriarch, in harmony with the Areopagus to publish any about any crime that it
encounters in the course of investigation, both to the secular authority, the police or the
media, or any combination of the three. C). Appeal to the House of Eparchs or to the
Office of the Patriarch shall be in writing, and shall incluye any defense presented in
correlation to the facts of the case. D). Tribunals may try any case, as often as there is
new evidence available on which to try the case. There shall be no limit set to how many
Tribunals may be appointed to investigate and try any particular case. E). A cleric or
monastic, who is a defendant in any action of a Tribunal of The Thomasine Church shall
be suspended from ministerial duty until such time as a Tribunal may find them innocent
of wrongdoing.

Canon 48 – Committees – Committees, for any purpose, may be appointed by the

Patriarch, the Areopagus, or elected by the Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, , or by
House of Eparchs as deemed appropriate. Committees shall consist of at least three

Canon 49 – Administration Fund – All congregations and communities shall

contribute a tithe (10%) of their monthly income to the Administration Fund of the
Thomasine Church. This fund supports the work of the Office of the Patriarch, which
incluyes publishing, advertisment and teaching. If compliance with this Canon should be
the cause of serious financial deprivation of any congregation or community, such should
be brought to the attention of the Patriarch, who may grant a partial dispensation.

Canon 50 – Fraternal Relationships – The Thomasine Church may from time to

time enter into fraternal relationships, whereas we may formally agree on the language of
a particular frasorital agreement as deemed prudent by a majority vote of the Areopagus;
and only if through such an agreement, the clergy and laity are welcomed to share
completly the Holy Sacraments, concelebrating in full with the clergy of the other
jursdiction or organization in question.

Canon 51 – Mediation of Disputes – All disputes that exist between clergy, laity,
congregations, communities or any other body of the Thomasine Church, shall first be
brought before the courts of the Exarch, all parties must agree not to pursue the matter or
make appeal to any secular judicary organization, or other body, whether before or after
remedy is recieved.

Canon 52 – Real Property – Should any real property, for any cause be donated,
given to, or bequeathed to the ownership of the Thomasine Church, whether by members
or no, such property shall be placed in the name of the Thomasine Church, and held in a
Living Trust, for the common good of all members to share and share alike, to the end
that the mission of the Thomasine Church – the mission of the Master Jesus, might be
bettered served. The Mission Statement of the Master Jesus: The process of the
advancement of humanity first and foremost beginning with the self, while concurrently
assisting others as able. The Vision Statement of the Master Jesus: Daily application of
the principles of personal growth for the individual as revealed and exemplified by the

Canon 53 – Free Nature of the Sacraments – No charge may be applied to or

associated with the administration of any Sacrament performed by any member of the
Thomasine Church. The Mysteries are a gift, and it is not for anyone to put a price on or
ask money for the performance of Illuminating Gifts. A minister of the Thomasine
Church may request that his or her travel costs to and from the place where the Sacrament
is to be performed be reimbursed, or that the Administration Fund cover costs not
specifically related to the administration of the Sacrament.

Canon 54 – Guidelines for Discernment of Candidates to Holy Orders –


a) Practice and show complete competence in assisting the Priest at the Leitourgia, and in
conducting public study groups and meditation.

b) Capable of sensibly rendering into words the philosophy of the Church, and the role of
the clergy, and be able to give an explanation of the authority of those clergy.

c) Be able to teach basic Thomasine doctrines to others.

d) Show knowledge of beneficial healing techniques, specifically the ability to teach such
techniques to others.

e) Demonstrate a comfort and willingness in wearing clerical garb, both in public and
private, and know the name and purpose of each garment.

f) Show attendance and participation at events sponsored by the Thomasine Church.

g) Show reasonable care and proficiency to those who are in need.

h) Demonstrate a reasonable ability to conduct one’s own affairs and household in a

respectable, thoughtful, kind, and beneficial manner, and to care for oneself without
depending on others for help.

i) Have signed and completed an Application to Holy Orders, and an Affidavit on Abuse.

j) Succesfully demonstrate the ability to attend any scheduled meetings with mentors or
other members.


a) First having been ordained as a Deacon no less than one year before said application to
the Royal Priesthood by an Eparch in Apostolic ministry.

b) Possess a strong knowledge of theology and the philosophy of other spiritual

traditions as well as those of the Thomasine Church. He must be knowledgeable of the
role of her clergy and be able to give an explanation of what the authority of those clergy

c) Be capable of teaching Illuminist doctrines and history to others.

d) Demonstrate a comfort and willingness in wearing clerical garb, both in public and
private and know the name and purpose of each garment.

e) Demonstrate knowledge of beneficial prayer and healing techniques, specifically the

ability to teach such techniques to others.

f) Show attendance and participation at events sponsored by The Thomasine Church to

which he or she is assigned as Priest.

g) Show reasonable care and proficiency in counseling those who are in need.

h) Demonstrate a reasonable ability to conduct one’s own affairs and household in a

respectable, thoughtful, kind and beneficial manner and to care for oneself without
depending on others for help.
i) Show a tolerance for all people, view and values, and conduct oneself with great
measure, kindness, and forethought in all things.

j) Have signed and completed the Application to Holy Orders, and the Affidavit on abuse.

k) Already be assigned to the service of a Community or Congregation within The

Thomasine Church for a time of no less than six months.

l) Succesfully demonstrate the ability to attend any scheduled meetings with mentors or
other members.


a) Guidelines for episcopal discernment shall encompass all of the guidelines laid out for
the other two orders of Presbyter and Deacon, but shall also include others which shall be
determined by the Patriarch on a case by case basis.

b) The Synod of the Sanctuary of the Light, may, if it should so choose, establish a
protocol for discernment of episcopal candidates, which shall function in harmony with
those established by the Patriarch.

Canon 55 – Schism – An order, community, or congregation shall be declared to be

in a state of schism from The Thomasine Church when one or more members of the
order, congregation or community has violated any rule set forth in the Constitution
and/or the Canons of the Thomasine Church, and has been found to have violated such by
a Tribunal assigned to make such detrimination by the Patriarch.

At the time of appointing the Tribunal, the Patriarch shall have already notified a member
of the Clergy or any well known and active member of the order, community or
congregation that the Curia shall be appointed to make discovery as to the condition of
that order, community, or congregation in relation to the rules set forth in the Constitution
and Canon Law and have provided said order, congregation, or community with
reasonable time and ability to correct the violation’s.
Wherever a schism of an order, community or congregation from The Thomasine Church
shall occur; the real property of the said order, community or congregation shall revert,
without delay, to the use and ownership of the Office of the Patriarch, or Areopagus.

Canon 56 – Confidentiality - The confidentiality of members as well as other people

seeking the wisdom and the services of The Thomasine Church shall be respected at all

Canon 57 – Donations – Donations of personal property to communities and

congregations shall remain the property of the community or congregation to which they
were donated, and shall become the proerty of The Thomasine Church should the
community or congregation to which they were donated fall into Schism or be dissolved.
When donations of personal property are made to the Thomasine Church, they are the
property of The Thomasine Church as a whole, and may be conditionally delegated to
one or the other of the various communities, or may remain in possession of the
jurisdiction of the Thomasine Church. All communities of The Thomasine Church are
under obligation to re-donate all household and utilitarian items, to those who can most
benefit by them, the poor and the oppressed, whose lives would be actively improved
from them, those who benefit from such gifts need not be members of the Thomasine
Church, or of any affiliate the only requirement is that they must have need of the items
donated. Personal property is considered to have specific value. A receipt shall be
generated in triplicate for all donations made to the Thomasine Church, or to any
community or congregation of the Thomasine Church, and shall be given to the person
making the donation, from the community or congregation in which they are generated,
and to the office of the Treasurer of the Thomasine Church. The Office of the Treasurer,
and by each community and congregation shall keep a record of all receipts of donations.
The receipts themselves may be destroyed after 10 (ten) years. The Treasurer of The
Thomasine Church shall publish annually, at a time to coincide with a scheduled meeting
of the Areopagus, a report of the gross worth of donations received throughout the
preceding year, and to what use said donations were given. Cash donations made to The
Thomasine Church shall include all those donations made in legal tender and shall be
placed in the Administration Fund, unless otherwise directed by need. Anonymous cash
donations are to be marked as “offering” in the catalogue of receipts.

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