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Video Presentation by Barbara Loe Fisher, President, NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center).

(if any links do not open, copy paste them into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-U9YRpL348 (8.56 minutes)

(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or
googlevideo.com, the phrase Barbara Loe Fisher Gardasil…or go to nvic.org and find it there.)

Video: Vaccination, the Hidden Truth

Fifteen people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, and other
researchers, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. Ironically, the important
facts come from orthodox medicine’s own peer-reviewed research.

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-anZr096cQ (11:00 minutes – part 1, which is enough — you

can watch the other parts if you want and have time) (If you have any trouble with this video, type in
the search window at youtube.com or googlevideo.com, the phrase Vaccination, the hidden truth.)
Article, and news interview by very well known, respected investigative journalist, entitled,
Vaccinations, Deadly Immunity:

link: http://www.infowars.com/vaccinations-deadly-immunity/

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrIM2hwrLoc (7:29 min)

(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or
googlevideo.com, the phrase Robert F Kennedy Jr on the vaccine autism cover up.)

Human Diploid Cells = ABORTED FETAL TISSUE!!!

link: http://www.lifecanada.org/html/science/Vaccines/ABriefHistoryofHumanDiploidCellStrains.pdf

Partial list of ingredients (including Human Diploid Cells) in Vaccines from the CDC’s own website:

…with the disclaimer, …”efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, but
manufacturers may change product contents before that information is reflected here”. In other words,
you never know what really may have made its way into these veritable “witches brews”.

link: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-1.pdf

Does 42 doses (including booster shots) of 14 different vaccines injected directly into the body of your
child or grandchild by 6 years of age, of that veritable “witches brew” of ingredients seem like a good
idea to you?

Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are known eugenicists with philosophies of profound population
reduction…yet they both have donated tens of billions of dollars towards vaccine campaigns in third
world countries…coordinated through the UN, WHO, and UNICEF — that share those same
philosophies (documentation included below). Why would those men and those organizations that want
to depopulate the world by 80%, be so concerned in the supposed health and well being and longevity
of those third world children?

You don’t have to do this anymore.

You’ve been told your kids have to have the shots to be admitted into school, but that is a lie. Not one
of our 5 children has ever been vaccinated (…you also won’t find a healthier family than ours). You
just need to know your rights. Ask your school office, or the county nurse to give you an exemption
form for each of your children/grandchildren.

Usually they have a section for Personal Philosophy; Religious Beliefs; or Medical Reasons. If your
state or province just has the Religious and Medical exemption sections…if your religion includes the
belief that you should be able to exercise your moral agency to make choices (including whether
dangerous substances are injected into your child’s body, or not); then fill out the Religious Exemption

If your state or province only has the Medical Exemption section; then find a doctor that will write
something to the effect: There is a family history of autoimmune disorders, with respect to this child.
Vaccines could be harmful to this child. (Allergies are a form of autoimmune disorder — and
somewhere in your family tree you will at least have someone who has had allergies.)

The Truth Shall Make You Free.

Why don’t we use the truth to turn the tables. Lets go from 95% of the public believing in and taking
the shots — to 95% knowing the truth and refusing the shots. Let’s put the multibillion dollar,
exploitive, worldwide vaccine industry out of business. Isn’t 200 years of cashing in upon trillions of
our public tax dollars, by use of fraud and deceit, while cloaked under the guise of good science and
medicine — long enough?

Everybody send this to everyone you know. Let’s viralize this truth. Let’s cause it to spread over the
whole earth so fast, it won’t be stopped. If we do that, within months, there will be no prey left for
them to prey upon. They’ll be out of business…and they’ll soon leave the third world children alone
too, because they’ll no longer have our billions of tax dollars to make more vaccines.

Dr Dave Conrad

PS Now, to see how to avoid dangerous mandatory vaccinations, during this current, phony, declared
Level 6, Worldwide Pandemic, see the additional information continued below.

PPS …just came across one more video, you have to see:

Merck scientist admits cancer viruses in vaccines.

link: http://www.youtube.com/results?
search_query=merck+admits+cancer+virus+in+vaccines&search_type=&aq=f (9:57 min)

Interview by Alex Jones with retired US Major General Albert Stubblebine III and his Medical
Doctor/Scientist Wife, Dr Rima E Laibow. Protect yourself and your family from dangerous
vaccinations during this current, contrived Level 6, Worldwide Pandemic.

(If you have any trouble with this series of video, type in the search window at youtube.com or
googlevideo.com, the phrase mandatory vaccinations and eugenics General Stubblebine Dr Laibow.)

Part 1/5 (11.00 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIuYNaDIFm0

Part 2/5 (10.49 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWToArxHVfY

Part 3/5 (10.54 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)
link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MGSEWHhu9g

Part 4/5 (10.54 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbvhskAQi5c

Part 5/5 (9.12 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A2lAIUUurc

Final Remarks after the interview 1/1 (7.57 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZGn9c4NCws

The General and his Medical Doctor/Scientist wife’s website where you will find information regarding
the legislative push discussed in the above interview.

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/

Proof that the current White House Head of Science and Technology has extreme depopulative
eugenics philosophies…co-wrote a 1100 page textbook used for high level government policy on the
subject. He was Head of Science and Technology at MIT; then Harvard; and now for the entire
Country. His name is John P Holdren. He co-authored the textbook with Paul Erlich, a well-known
eugenicist who happened to serve as George H W Bush’s Science and Technology Czar in a previous

(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or
googlevideo.com, the phrase Obama’s Mad Science Advisor.)

Part 1/10 (10.46 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGOmlZGqfbg

Part 2/10 (11.00 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puLCxuDrBeo
Part 3/10 (10.57 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N3pmMolu6Q

Part 4/10 (10.50 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWLfGJB0Jb0

Part 5/10 (10.43 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBCMLmrK6C0

Part 6/10 (10.44 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaDG1kcUCX0

Part 7/10 (10.56 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BLsgALB15o

Part 8/10 (11.00 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZQ6k44mL14

Part 9/10 (10.57 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tp5ZGS1-AU

Part 10/10 (9.10 minutes)

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)
link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vavWXqQO0I

Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations

by Stephen Lendman

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Squalene was in the experimental anthrax vaccine and is believed to have been the cause of devastating
autoimmune diseases and deaths for many Gulf War veterans. Now, squalene is to be an ingredient in
virtually all forthcoming vaccines.

At least three US federal laws should concern all Americans and suggest what may be coming –
mandatory vaccinations for hyped, non-existant threats, like H1N1 (Swine Flu)…

click link for original article (if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address
window and click enter).

link: http://www.baltimorechronicle.com/2009/061009Lendman.shtml

(If you have any trouble with this link, do an internet search with the phrase,
Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations by Stephen Lendman.)

Courageous Medical Doctor Warns The Public

Innoculations: The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Rebecca Carley, M.D.

click link for original article (if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address
window and click enter).

link: http://www.infowars.com/innoculations-the-true-weapons-of-mass-destruction/

This respected journalist (Jane Burgermeister) has laid her career on the line (and perhaps much more)
to warn the public — has already been fired from her job since this came out…may undergo additional

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

click link for original article (if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address
window and click enter).

link: http://www.infowars.com/journalist-files-charges-against-who-and-un-for-bioterrorism-and-

Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination Alert

Stephen Lendman
Global ResearchJuly 14, 2009

link: http://www.infowars.com/mandatory-swine-flu-vaccination-alert/

click link for original article (if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address
window and click enter).

Getting the Kids Ready for Soft Kill Vaccinations: “Mission Set: Immuno”

Kurt Nimmo
July 15, 2009

link: http://www.infowars.com/getting-the-kids-ready-for-soft-kill-vaccinations-mission-set-immuno/

The above information is enough for now to be convinced and take action on this particular issue. Now
here follows supplemental information that I recommend for study when time permits. It will enhance
one’s understanding of the whole issue and other closely related issues:

Film: The Obama Deception

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw

(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or
googlevideo.com, the phrase The Obama Deception Full Version.)

Film: End Game

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://video.google.com/videosearch?

(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or
googlevideo.com, the phrase Alex Jones End Game Full Version.)

Fully Referenced Bibliography for film, End Game

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.endgamethemovie.com/biblio01.html

In Lies We Trust: the real cause of epidemics of cancer, aids, and a variety of other diseases…
documented proof of soft-kill depopulation techniques that have been unleashed upon the public.

link: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?

(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or
googlevideo.com, the phrase In Lies We Trust.)

Film: 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-yscpNIxjI

(If you have any trouble with this video, type in the search window at youtube.com or
googlevideo.com, the phrase 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising Full Version.)


Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.ae911truth.org/

Article by John Burke

A Philosophical Argument Against Forced Vaccination

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.infowars.com/a-philosophical-argument-against-forced-vaccination/


(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.infowars.com/

Vaccines: The Deadly Cure

There is a lot of valuable information on this web page, although several of the video links have gone
stale. There is a description of the videos, however — and often you can do a search on youtube and
hunt them down. Here is an example of one like that which is an excellent documentary called:

Vaccination – The Hidden Truth

This is the shocking but extremely informative video documentary Vaccination – The Hidden Truth
(1998) where fifteen people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors,
and other researchers, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. Ironically, the
important facts come from orthodox medicine’s own peer-reviewed research. With so much
government and medical promotion of vaccination for prevention of disease, the video is clearly
devoted to presenting the other side of the issue that parents and others are not being told. The result is
a damning account of the ineffectiveness of vaccines and their often harmful effects. I did a search on
youtube and found it and it is excellent. Here is the link for that particular film:

Now, here is the link to the web page with all that information:

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.infowars.com/articles/science/vaccines/index.html

Additional info/articles on Vaccines

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.infowars.com/category/featured-stories/

Excellent website for families who have already sustained VID — Vaccine Induced Disease … or

National Vaccine Information Center — NVIC

(if link does not open, copy paste it into your internet browser’s address window and click enter)

link: http://www.nvic.org

The MMR vaccine has been linked to autism and inflammatory bowel disease and despite a UK
government propaganda campaign to try and convince the public that it is safe, as well as an effort
brainwash children, many parents have boycotted the jab in Britain.

Earlier this year, the Daily Mail highlighted the story of 5-year-old Melody Brook, who went from a
bouncing and bubbly child to a virtual vegetable after she took the MMR vaccine.

The meningitis vaccine also provoked safety fears after 5,000 children suffered adverse reactions
immediately after it was introduced in Britain.

State health authorities have already confirmed that if the government were to announce a
mandatory vaccination program, then there would be no exemptions whatsoever and the program could
be carried out with the use of force if necessary.

As reported by CNS News earlier this month, a health-care reform bill approved by the Senate
Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee called The Affordable Health Choices Act, will fund
the creation of state “intervention” teams that will carry out home visits in order to check that both
children and adults have been vaccinated and also provide “provision of immunizations”.

The swine flu jab will also contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, which has been directly linked
with cases of Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.
Squalene “contributed to the cascade of reactions called “Gulf War syndrome. (GIs developed) arthritis,
fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic
headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness,
memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia,
elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS,
Raynaud’s phenomenon, Sjorgren’s syndrome, chronic diarrhea, night sweats and low-grade fever,”
according to Micropaleontologist Dr. Viera Scheibner.

Health authorities in both the UK and the U.S. have implied that the upcoming mass vaccination
program against H1N1 will be mandatory, but no formal decision has been communicated to the public.
However, both countries are in the process of purchasing enough doses to cover the entire population.

Pharmaceutical companies can be assured that they won’t face reprisals for the many thousands of
injuries and deaths that will inevitably occur as a result of exposing millions to mercury and squalene
during a mass vaccination program, because the government has already acted to provide them with
blanket immunity from lawsuits.

“Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu
vaccine, under a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius,”
reported the Associated Press last month.


Prince Philip Implies World Needs 95% Population Reduction

in History
Defined tags for this entry: depopulation, eugenics, history, illuminati, new world order, population
control, royal family
“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower
human population levels.” - Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, patron of the World Wildlife

AFP | The 88-year-old husband of Queen Elizabeth II — who has

official residences in London, Windsor and Scotland as well as a vast
portfolio of property — lamented the demise of the quintessential
English village.

“Villages used to have to be more or less self sufficient: they had a

butcher, a baker, a shoemaker,” he said. “Now that has all gone because
of the way retailing is concentrated in big centres and multi-stores.”

He complained that the huge increase in holiday home ownership,

fuelled by a decade-long property and economic boom, at least until last
year’s global financial crisis, had changed the make-up of communities
around the country.
Wading into the highly contentious issue of climate change, he stressed the impact of population
increase on the production of greenhouse gases.

“People go on about this carbon footprint, but they fail to realise that the amount of carbon going into
the atmosphere is entirely dependent on the number of people living on the earth,” he said.

“There are now 60 million people living in this country and we are about the same land size as New
Zealand — this country had three million people in Elizabeth I’s day” back in the 16th century, he

Read full article


Health Officials Admit Fast Tracked H1N1 Vaccines Will Not Be

Tested for Safety
in Health

By Harold Gray

JustGetThere | The media is reporting on the

governments preparation for a massive
vaccination campaign this fall for the hyped up
H1N1 hybrid flu virus. Recently Katherine
Sebelius, the Health and Human Services
Secretary, granted legal immunity for vaccine
manufacturers during the stage 6 pandemic
declared by the WHO. Even more troubling than
the new vaccines or antivirals themselves, is the
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) declared
by the FDA, which enables the use of expired
stockpiles of Tamiflu or Relenza, and non-
compliance with label requirements. The EUA
authority will also permit the FDA to allow the use of “unapproved or uncleared medical products”
during an established emergency.

The new stock of vaccines the governments purchased, has been fast tracked for approval by the
FDA. Health officials admit that the clinical tests are about dosage amounts, and not safety. So the new
vaccines being approved for the fall campaign, have the potential to cause severe harm or death, due to
the lack of safety tests.

The AP reported

The clinical trials are mainly aimed at calibrating the doses to give to patients, not to test if
it is safe or not, officials stressed.
"We are not trying to find some yet unrecognized problem with the vaccine," said Michael
Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the
University of Minnesota

This is an appalling statement considering the 1976 mass vaccination campaign for swine flu, that
injured hundreds of thousands and resulted in dozens of deaths from Guillain-Barré Syndrome. It is
also a very cryptic statement, unrecognized problems, meaning that they will not explore how the body
will react to new vaccines with unapproved adjuvants like Squalene.

Meryl Nass, M.D., an authority on the anthrax vaccine, stated on her blog:
“A novel feature of the two H1N1 vaccines being developed by companies Novartis and
GlaxoSmithKline is the addition of squalene-containing adjuvants to boost immunogenicity
and dramatically reduce the amount of viral antigen needed. This translates to much faster
production of desired vaccine quantities.”

Dr. Mercola explains the effects of squalene injected into humans in this excerpt from his article on
the subject:
The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your
body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack
all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.

Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in
places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.

Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) received anthrax vaccines which
contained squalene.[ix] MF59 (the Novartis squalene adjuvant) was an unapproved
ingredient in experimental anthrax vaccines and has since been linked to the devastating
autoimmune diseases suffered by countless Gulf War vets.[x]

The Department of Defense made every attempt to deny that squalene was indeed an added
contaminant in the anthrax vaccine administered to Persian Gulf war military personnel –
deployed and non-deployed – as well as participants in the more recent Anthrax Vaccine
Immunization Program (AVIP).

However, the FDA discovered the presence of squalene in certain lots of AVIP product. A
test was developed to detect anti-squalene antibodies in GWS patients, and a clear link was
established between the contaminated product and all the GWS sufferers who had been
injected with the vaccine containing squalene.

The WHO even admitted the swine flu vaccine being fast tracked in the EU may be unsafe because
it allows firms to bypass large-scale human trials.
So with reduced safety testing, would you trust a vaccine manufacturer whose contaminated vaccine
could have potentially caused a pandemic?

Baxter pharmaceutical, one of the drug firms contracted to produce the H1N1 vaccine, recently sent
vaccines that contained the live avian flu virus to 18 countries.

A virologist stated that this could have caused a pandemic if it would have been injected into a human

As published on LifeGen.de
"Baxter International Inc. in Austria ‘unintentionally contaminated samples with the bird
flu virus that were used in laboratories in 3 neighbouring countries, raising concern about
the potential spread of the deadly disease’. Austria, Germany, Slowenia and the Czech
Republic – these are the countries in which labs were hit with dangerous viruses. Not by
bioterrorist commandos, but by Baxter. In other words: One of the major global
pharmaceutical players seems to have lost control over a virus which is considered by many
virologists to be one of the components leading some day to a new pandemic."

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins from The Institute of Science in Society stated "the
vaccines are far more deadly than the swine flu; mass vaccinations are a recipe for disaster"

With this knowledge, there is no excuse for the government to give vaccine manufacturers legal
immunity for injuries or deaths caused by these untested cocktails, for a flu that has killed less than 300
hundred people, with most having preexisting health issues.

Given the fact that the FDA has enabled the use of dangerous treatments for the diagnosis of swine flu
via the declaration of the EUA, we shouldn't be surprised for the lack of safety for new vaccines. It also
makes sense that they would seek to protect themselves and vaccine manufacturers because they have
the foreknowledge that these treatments are deadly.

A large percentage of the public who are informed of these facts will simply refuse the shot, but face
government threats of home interventions through provisions in the Health Care bill, compulsory
vaccination and quarantine.

Overruling individual human rights has been rationalized by the WHO in a 2005 pandemic
preparedness document. The WHO Checklist for Influenza Pandemic has been adopted by several
governments as a blueprint for the suspension of individual rights. Below is an excerpt from the WHO's
document that promotes overruling legislation and human rights .
1.5 Legal and ethical issues

1.5.1 Legal issues


During a pandemic, it may be necessary to overrule existing legislation or (individual)

human rights. Examples are the enforcement of quarantine (overruling individual
freedom of movement), use of privately owned buildings for hospitals, off-license use
of drugs, compulsory vaccination or implementation of emergency shifts in essential
services. These decisions need a legal framework to ensure transparent assessment and
justification of the measures that are being considered, and to ensure coherence with
international legislation (International Health Regulations).

Questions to be addressed

Is there a legislative framework in place for the national response plan? Does this
framework include contingencies for health-care delivery and maintenance of essential
services, and for public health measures to be implemented?

Legal issues that are highlighted in other parts of the checklist are brought together as a
separate checklist here. Other issues are added.


* Identify the advantages and disadvantages of declaring a state of emergency during a


* Each jurisdiction needs to assess the legal basis of all public health measures that are
likely to be proposed, including:

* travel or movement restrictions (leaving and entering areas where infection is


* closure of educational institutions;

* prohibition of mass gatherings;

* isolation or quarantine of infected persons, or of persons suspected of being

infected, or persons from areas where pandemic strain influenza infection is

* Assess standing policy on, and legal basis for, influenza vaccination of health-care
workers, workers in essential services (see sections 5.1 and 5.2) or persons at high risk.
Decide if this policy needs refinement to increase uptake during pandemic alert and
pandemic periods. Consider the use of both seasonal and pandemic vaccine for these

* Address liability, insurance and temporary licensing issues for retired health-care workers
and volunteers who may be working in areas outside their training and competence in
health and emergency services.

* Consider liability for unforeseen adverse events attributed to vaccine and/or antiviral drug
use, especially where the licensing process for a pandemic strain vaccine has been
expedited. Liability issues may affect vaccine manufacturers, the licensing authority and
those who administer the vaccine.

* Ensure a legislative framework for compliance with the International Health Regulations.

* Consider including influenza or pandemic influenza in national legislation for the

prevention of occupational diseases.

1.5.2 Ethical issues


Ethical issues are closely related to legal issues as mentioned above. They are part of the
normative framework that is needed to assess the cultural acceptability of measures such as
quarantine or selective vaccination of predefined risk groups.

Questions to be addressed

Have ethical aspects of policy decisions been considered? Is there a leading ethical
framework that can be used during the response to an outbreak to balance individual and
population rights?

* Consider ethical questions related to limiting the availability of a scarce resource, such as
rationed diagnostic laboratory testing, pandemic strain influenza vaccine or antiviral drugs.

* Consider ethical questions related to compulsory vaccination for healthcare workers and
workers from essential services.

* Consider the ethical issues related to limiting personal freedom, such as may occur with
isolation and quarantine.

* Ensure the establishment of an ethical framework for research, especially when this
involves human subjects.

A CBS News report showed that the U.S. went significantly further in regards to limiting individual
freedom by assessing punishment and monetary penalties for quarantine non-compliance.
Federal quarantine authority is limited to diseases listed in presidential executive orders;
President Bush added "novel" forms of influenza with the potential to create pandemics in
Executive Order 13375. Anyone violating a quarantine order can be punished by a
$250,000 fine and a one-year prison term.

This all basically constitutes a martial law takeover using the staged threat of a new flu pandemic that
will coincide with the normal flu season. The CDC recently announced that they will no longer
report swine flu cases. In this environment of pandemic fear, people getting sick and dying from the
annual influenza strain could be initially confused for the swine flu.

So it is very clear that the vaccine could be ineffective since the fall strain hasn't emerged yet, and it has
the potential for life changing adverse reactions, or death. Since the swine flu has been relatively
harmless, why are we being told to take these potentially unsafe fast tracked vaccines?

As we reported in May, the pandemic flu is a financial boon for pharmaceutical companies like
Roche who projected, in 2008, a 531% revenue growth for 2009 due to Tamiflu sales.

Recently, the Daily Mail reported that a scientist who advises the Government on swine flu, is a paid
director of a drug firm making hundreds of millions of pounds from the pandemic.

More sinister than financial motivation, is the idea that the mass vaccination campaign is part of a
depopulation agenda by the global elite. Former high level Bush Sr. insider Catherine Austin Fitts
writes on her blog:
“I believe one of the goals of the swine flu vaccine is depopulation. Perhaps it is the goal of
a swine flu epidemic as well, whether bio-warfare or hype around a flu season,”

This is given credence by recent reports on Infowars about mass graves ordered by FEMA officials
before the pandemic flu outbreak. The UK has also ordered mass graves, inflatable mortuaries, 24 hour
crematoriums, and even catacombs that were used during the cholera epidemic in 1832.

This preparation for massive deaths seems to be an exaggerated response to the recent H1N1 outbreak,
unless they know something we don't. It's becoming fairly evident that the fast tracked vaccines could
cause more deaths than the swine flu itself. We have to also consider that the vaccines themselves allow
for potentially deadly strains to emerge, generating a true pandemic.

Historically, during the first year of a new presidents term, a crisis emerges that threatens the safety of
the public, creates fear, and allows for the government to pose as the savior with the solution, that
always amounts to more centralized control, and the erosion of civil liberties through draconian

Society cannot afford to give into fear, and set the precedent for governmental institutions to invade our
bodies forcibly with untested, unsafe vaccines, without legal recourse, for a virus that has killed so few.

Friday, August 28. 2009

Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations
and mandatory “decontaminations”
in Government
Defined tags for this entry: eugenics, forced vaccinations, government, h1n1, military, pandemic,
quarantine, vaccinations, vaccines
By Mike Adams

Natural News | The United States of

America is devolving into medical
fascism and Massachusetts is leading the
way with the passage of a new bill, the
“Pandemic Response Bill” 2028,
reportedly just passed by the MA state
Senate and now awaiting approval in the
House. This bill suspends virtually all
Constitutional rights of Massachusetts
citizens and forces anyone “suspected”
of being infected to submit to
interrogations, “decontaminations” and

It’s also sets fines up to $1,000 per day

for anyone who refuses to submit to
quarantines, vaccinations, decontamination efforts or to follow any other verbal order by virtually any
state-licensed law enforcement or medical personnel. You can read the text yourself here:

Here’s some of the language contained in the bill:

Violation of 4th Amendment: Illegal search and seizure)

During either type of declared emergency, a local public health authority… may exercise
authority… to require the owner or occupier of premises to permit entry into and
investigation of the premises; to close, direct, and compel the evacuation of, or to
decontaminate or cause to be
decontaminated any building or facility; to destroy any material; to restrict or prohibit
assemblages of persons;

(Violation of 14th Amendment; illegal arrest without a warrant)

…an officer authorized to serve criminal process may arrest without a warrant any person
whom the officer has probable cause to believe has violated an order given to effectuate the
purposes of this subsection and shall use reasonable diligence to enforce such order.

(Government price controls)

The attorney general, in consultation with the office of consumer affairs and business
regulation, and upon the declaration by the governor that a supply emergency exists, shall
take appropriate action to ensure that no person shall sell a product or service that is at a
price that unreasonably exceeds the price charged before the emergency.

“Involuntary Transportation” (also known as kidnapping)

Law enforcement authorities, upon order of the commissioner or his agent or at the request
of a local public health authority pursuant to such order, shall assist emergency medical
technicians or other appropriate medical personnel in the involuntary transportation of
such person to the tuberculosis treatment center.

$1,000 / day in fines

Any person who knowingly violates an order, as to which noncompliance poses a serious
danger to public health as determined by the commissioner or the local public health
authority, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 30 days or a fine of not
more than one thousand dollars per day that the violation continues, or both.

Forced vaccinations

Furthermore, when the commissioner or a local public health authority within its
jurisdiction determines that either or both of the following measures are necessary to
prevent a serious danger to the public health the commissioner or local public health
authority may exercise the following authority: (1) to vaccinate or provide precautionary
prophylaxis to individuals as protection against communicable disease…

Forced quarantine for those who refuse (illegal imprisonment without charge)

An individual who is unable or unwilling to submit to vaccination or treatment shall not be

required to submit to such procedures but may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to
section 96 of chapter 111 if his or her refusal poses a serious danger to public health or
results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or
condition that poses a serious danger to public health, as determined by the commissioner,
or a local public health authority operating within its jurisdiction.

Arrest for refusal to be “decontaminated”

If an individual is unable or unwilling to submit to decontamination or procedures

necessary for diagnosis, the decontamination or diagnosis procedures may proceed only
pursuant to an order of the superior court… During the time necessary to obtain such court
order, such individual may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111
if his or her refusal to submit to decontamination or diagnosis procedures poses a serious
danger to public health or results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed to or
is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health.


When the commissioner or a local public health authority within its jurisdiction reasonably
believes that a person may have been exposed to a disease or condition that poses a threat
to the public health, in addition to their authority under section 96 of chapter 111, the
commissioner or the local public health authority may detain the person for as long as may
be reasonably necessary for the commissioner or the local public health authority, to
convey information to the person regarding the disease or condition and to obtain contact
information… If a person detained under subsection (1) refuses to provide the information
requested, the person may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111
if his or her refusal poses a serious danger to public health…

Forced isolation and quarantine

An order for isolation or quarantine may include any individual who is unwilling or unable
to undergo vaccination, precautionary prophylaxis, medical treatment, decontamination,
medical examinations, tests, or specimen collection and whose refusal of one or more of
these measures poses a serious danger to public health or results in uncertainty whether he
or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious
danger to public health.

Forced entry into any home or building…

There’s a lot more in this bill, including language that allows Mass. police to enter any home or
building without a search warrant, to destroy any object or building they suspect may pose a threat to
public safety, to order the closing and / or decontamination of any facility using highly toxic chemical
decontamination agents, and to arrest, detain and interrogate anyone who gets in their way.

Meanwhile, all state law enforcement and medical personnel are granted complete immunity from
prosecution for their part in violating your Constitutional rights. So if they violate your right to due
process, or they accidentally destroy your home, or they kill your family dog because they suspect it
might be infected, you have absolutely zero recourse.

Under this bill, Massachusetts becomes a medical police state. There is no debating it. It’s all written,
clear as day, in this law: The citizens of Massachusetts will have no rights, period. The Constitution is
ancient history. You are now the property of the State.

Kiss your freedoms goodbye

Massachusetts, it seems, has never met a vaccine it didn’t like. This is the same state that rounded up
the parents of schoolchildren who hadn’t been vaccinated, then corralled them into a courtroom (with
attack dogs standing guard outside) and forced vaccine injections onto all the schoolchildren under the
threat of jail time for parents who resisted.

Remember, readers, that this is all taking place in the “land of the free,” a nation that former President
George Bush claimed was so envied around the world that terrorists attacked America because they
“hate freedom” and wanted to destroy our way of life. But terrorists need no help attacking freedom as
long as Massachusetts is in the vaccine game, because this latest form of “gunpoint medicine” destroys
freedom for everyday Americans in a way that terrorists could have never hoped to accomplish with all
the bombs in the world.

Massachusetts, it seems, has done what terrorists could not: It has turned “free” Americans into medical
slave subjects who no longer have any freedom to decide the details of their own medical care. All
options have been stripped from them but one: The Big Pharma option. That’s the one that involves
using untested, unproven and potentially dangerous vaccines that could paralyze you or even kill you.
All to defend you against a virus that’s so weak, almost anyone with decent levels of vitamin D and
basic nutrition can resist the virus without incident.

But Massachusetts, as you’ll see below, is just the beginning. It turns out that the whole nation could
soon find itself under a similar forced vaccination policy…

Isolation camps, forced vaccinations and more

In 2006, former President George Bush signed into law the Public Readiness and Emergency
Preparedness Act (PREP). It gives power to the Secretary of the U.S. government’s Health and Human
Services department (HHS) to declare any infectious disease a “national emergency” and therefore
require mandatory vaccination of the entire population. Because of the existence of this PREP Act, the
entire population of the USA is now but one pen stroke away from being subjected to mandatory swine
flu vaccinations at gunpoint.

Those who resist such vaccines will be arrested and taken away for “isolation” in domestic prison
camps. They can’t just leave vaccine refusers free to live among the population, of course, because that
would send the message that anyone can refuse the vaccines without consequence. So they’ll arrest
those who refuse the vaccine, labeling them “a threat to national security” (enemies of the state) and
imprison them without trial, without charges and without any legal representation whatsoever.

Meanwhile, all those who take part in enforcing these crimes against the American people will be
granted complete immunity. From the HHS website: “[the Secretary may] issue a declaration… that
provides immunity from tort liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims of loss caused, arising
out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of (vaccine or other pharmaceutical)
countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions determined by the Secretary to constitute a present,
or credible risk of a future public health emergency…”

There are other laws already on the books that strip Americans of virtually all Constitutional rights in a
“pandemic emergency” scenario. One such act is The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (S.
3678), which probably merits another article altogether.

Have no illusions: At the stroke of a pen, the Constitutional rights of all Americans will be immediately
suspended. Mandatory vaccinations and “decontaminations” will kick in and the mass arrest of resisters
will begin. There will be no court, no trial, no jury and no due process. Your actions will be dictated to
you by a law enforcement officer or a health care worker who has been granted complete immunity, so
if you just happen to get kicked around a bit (or shot), there’s really nothing you can do about it.

Some might argue these are necessary actions to save a nation from a deadly pandemic. And yet they
forget that the pandemic has been intentionally allowed to worsen by censoring information about
vitamin D and natural remedies that could stop it. Somebody at the top, in other words, wants this
pandemic to get really bad, perhaps because it allows them to invoke precisely the draconian response
I’ve outlined in this article. Seizing power in a Democracy cannot be accomplished by simply declaring
war on the rights of the People. Rather, a situation must be engineered where the People are so
desperate that they beg to be controlled. Releasing a pandemic into the wild is the perfect way to
accomplish precisely that.


None of these laws will be invoked before the vaccines are ready in large numbers, of course. Part of
the purpose in all this is to prop up Big Pharma profits with massive vaccination efforts, so until the
vaccines are actually available, don’t expect to see any declarations of a public emergency.

It might take until October or November before the vaccines are readily available in sufficient quantity
to inject just half the U.S. population. But once that milestone is reached, a declaration of a pandemic
emergency is imminent. Trust me on this point: They won’t let all those hundreds of millions of
vaccines sit around unused; they’ll make sure they get injected into the People as soon as possible,
because that’s the only way to justify making more.

So the sequence of events we’re likely to see here are:

#1) Waiting on vaccine manufacturing to procure at least 150 million doses in the U.S. Probable
timeframe = October.

#2) Hyping up a few local swine flu breakouts in schools in order to justify step #3. Probable
timeframe = November / December.

#3) Declaring a full-blown national emergency and announcing mandatory vaccinations for everyone
(to use up the vaccines that are now available). Probable timeframe = January / February / March.

#4) If the disease continues to spread, this is when you’ll see forced entry into homes and buildings,
forced “decontamination” sprayings, widespread arrests and forced quarantine of resisters, Martial Law
and a complete crackdown on freedoms (especially in the inner cities). This will likely continue
through the winter until Spring arrives, bringing the sunshine that will suppress the virus around the
May 2010 timeframe.

All this is written in black ink. It’s already part of the pandemic response plan. Body bags, FEMA
camps and much more.
Two years ago, this was all the domain of conspiracy theory “wingnuts.” Now it’s State law. Now it’s
being openly discussed in security conferences and health care meetings. What will we do when the
hospital beds are full? How will we accomplish the “involuntary transportation” of those who are
infected? Are there enough zip-tie handcuffs to go around? How do we disarm and arrest citizens who
refuse to be vaccinated? How do we prevent National Guard troops from becoming infected

These are the questions circulating now at high levels, all across the world. And the answers are always
the same: Abandon freedoms. Strip the People of any rights. Dictate from the top down and arrest
anyone who gets in your way.

Welcome to the Land of the Free. I hope you are prepared for what looks to be coming, because this
isn’t America anymore, folks. This is Amerika, and the Constitutional rights you thought you had are
about to be written right off the books.

Former high-level Bush financial insider says “swine flu” vaccine

part of depopulation agenda
Defined tags for this entry: bioweapon, depopulation, eugenics, forced vaccinations, h1n1, New World
Order, swine flu, UN, vaccinations, vaccines, who
By Jane Burgermeister

birdflu666 | Catherine Austin Fitts, an

investment banker and high level
government official in the 1st Bush
administration, writes in her blog that
she believes the H1N1 “swine flu”
vaccine is part of a population reduction

She also analyses the way the

international, offshore banking “elite”
have plundered the US and (other)
economies, impoverishing millions, if
not billions, by their crime spree,
corruption and greed.

The political and social problems that

arise when a small group rob and impoverish a state by their inordinate greed are discussed in Plato’s
book, the Republic, sections 8-9. Plato notes that when a state is mismanaged, exploited and ruined by
a materially minded clique (timocracy), there will inevitably be many poverty-stricken people resulting
in increasing social breakdown and chaos. These impoverished people pose a threat to the corrupt
rulers, and they will therefore try to dispose of them by the imposition of ever greater force followed by
mass murder (tyranny).

Plato’s analysis of the roots of a state’s decline appears in some respects to be a pretty accurate
description of the events unfolding before our eyes in the USA today: the international criminal
“financiers” of WHO and the UN, who have destroyed the US economy and just robbed it of 14
trillions in a “bailout” fund for Wall St Banks, now need to use UN troops and WHO killer vaccines to
deal with the people of the USA that they have impoverished by their crimes.

Thomas Jefferson, one of the framers of the US Constitution, admired Plato and carried his books
around with him wherever he went, it’s been said. I can see why. I also think Plato’s “Republic” is a as
good a description as any around today of the political history of the USA from the high ideals of the
Founding Fathers to the gradual descent into total corruption by the “rulers” or, in this case. the
“President”, “Senate” and “Congress” in the past few years.

When elements of the federal and state government either actively plan or allow the take-over and mass
murder of their own people through “UN troop exercises” and “FEMA/Homeland Security” drills and
“mass forced vaccinations” with “bioweapons” because they would prefer mass murder of the victims
of their crimes to being put in goal, then the “culture in charge” truly is “dark” are Catherine Austin
Fitts says.

The time has now come to remove these “dark” and degenerate elements and restore the Constitution,
Democracy and the Rule of Law, to rebuild a sound economic and education system that works for the
liberty, prosperity and happiness of the people as Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers
envisioned. A sould political, social, health and economic system needs to be rebuilt in Europe, Africa
and other countries just as urgently.

“I believe one of the goals of the swine flu vaccine is depopulation. Perhaps it is the goal of a swine flu
epidemic as well, whether bio-warfare or hype around a flu season,” writes Austin Fitts on her blog.


“As trillions of dollars were shifted out of America by legal and illegal means to reinvest in Asia and
emerging markets and to build a global military empire, we left a sovereign nation economic model
behind. Finally, the expense and corruption of empire resulted in bailouts of $12-14 trillion, delivering
a new financial war chest to the people leading the financial engineering. Now we have exploding
unemployment, an exploding federal deficit, an Inspector General for the TARP bailout program
predicting that the ultimate bailout cost could rise to $23.7 trillion and a Congressional Budget Director
who is concluding that we can no longer afford the social safety net.

That is, unless you change the actuarial assumptions in the budget – like life expectancy. Lowering
immune systems and increasing toxicity levels combined with poor food, water and terrorizing stress
will help do the trick. Review the history of vaccines rushed into production without proper testing and
peer review – it is clear about the potential side effects. In addition, a plague can so frighten and help
control people that they will accept the end of their current benefits (and the resulting implications to
life expectancy) without objection. And a plague with proper planning can be highly profitable.
Whatever the truth of what swine flu and related vaccines are, it can be used as a way to keep control in
a situation that is quickly shifting out of control.

In short, an epidemic can be used to offset the inflation of capital with increasing deflation of the value
and income of labor and continual demand destruction. It is a great deal of time and money spent on
something that will not help build a real economy. The disinformation and control opportunities are
profound. They keep the slow burn going. It is the next, meaner face of “the establishment against the
rest of society.”
That’s what I believe. I am not an expert. I have no case worth presenting in a court of law. There are
hundreds of hours of research on the swine flu and related vaccines that I have not done and I am not
going to do. It is just what I believe, listening to the people I respect, and in no small part because if
you map out all the financial ecosystems around the issue and people and incentives involved, it seems
to me to be the logical conclusion.

Now, if this sounds ludicrous to you, it may be because you do not appreciate how dark the culture has
become that is now in charge. Do you have any idea how impossibly frustrating it is to manage a highly
centralized system in which the vast majority of people lack any responsibility to ensure that the whole
thing works? Everyone wants their free lunch and there are no real markets or democracy to force
accountability or a shared intelligence. Force works. Force has increasingly become the way to achieve
most everything. Using force is a lot easier that living with rising risk and the costs of subsidizing an
aging population.

So the question for you and me is “what do we do?” Are we going to take a vaccine? Are we going to
allow our children to be vaccinated? Will we have a choice? How can we organize to make sure that we
do? Is self-quarantine a practical option? How would we prepare for it?

What you believe is your responsibility. The time has come to build time into Summer schedules to
research options, discuss them with those you trust and make informed decisions about what you
believe and what actions you intend to take under a variety of scenarios.

I don’t have the answers yet. Somehow, I believe we can find them together. And while we do, let’s
remember to pray for the love of humanity to be rekindled and nourished in each and every heart.

Wednesday, April 29. 2009

Is Swine Flu A Race-Specific Virus?
in Science
Defined tags for this entry: bioweapon, h1n1, hispanics, pandemic, race-specific bio-weapon, science,
swine flu

First death in U.S. is Mexican toddler, prompting questions about why only hispanics have died
despite outbreak spreading to at least ten countries

By Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet | The first swine flu death

in the United States has been confirmed,
but the victim is a Mexican toddler who
caught the illness in Mexico before
traveling to Texas. Serious questions
must now be asked about why a virus
that has spread across at least 10
countries and is suspected in many others
has only killed hispanics, and whether a
race-specific bio-weapon is being beta-tested.

Scientists are still baffled as to the contrast between the lethality of the virus in Mexico compared to the
rest of the world. Despite the virus being confirmed in the United States, Canada, the UK, Spain, New
Zealand, Germany, Costa Rica, and Austria, with probable cases also occurring in France, South Korea
and Slovakia, the virus has killed only Mexicans.

We are also told that the virus which sickened students at a school in Queens is the same strain as the
one found in Mexico.

How can it be that the only fatalities are Mexican hispanics nearly a week into the outbreak?

Race-specific viruses can occur naturally, but this is a rare phenomenon. Is the swine flu virus a
synthetically manufactured race-specific bio-weapon being beta-tested in preparation for more deadly
pandemics in the future?

The U.S. military-industrial complex’s interest in race-specific bio-weapons as a tool of warfare is not a
paranoid conspiracy theory - it’s outlined in their own public documents.

“Advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological
warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool,” stated the September 2000 Rebuilding
America’s Defenses report released by the Project For A New American Century - the ideological
framework of the Bush administration.

In 2006, Armed Forces Journal, a mouthpiece for the military-industrial complex, carried a military
strategy plan written by retired Major Ralph Peters which called for “ethnic cleansing” to be instituted
in the Middle East so that the region could easily be dominated by the joint interests of Israel and the
United States.

As far back as 1998, Wired Magazine, citing the London Times, carried a report detailing the fact that
Israel was already readying race-specific weapons for this very purpose.

“Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews
unaffected, according to a report in London’s Sunday Times,” stated the article.

“The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to
identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus.”

Wikipedia - that bastion of credibility - claims that the story was debunked but fails to provide
conclusive evidence.

Strong speculation that recently constructed bio-defense facilities in the United States are being
used to conduct with race-specific bio-weapons has also come from credible sources.

A 1999 UK Sunday Herald piece highlighted a report by the British Medical Association which
concluded that race-specific bio-weapons would be ready within 5 years, “enabling governments to
target victims solely on their genetic make-up.”

“Genetic weapons capable of wiping out specific ethnic groups are no longer the stuff of science
fiction, military and scientific advisers with the British and American governments have admitted,”
states the report.

“Professor Vivienne Nathanson, head of the BMA’s health policy research, said: “Biological weapons
had limited use due to the shortcoming of being unspecific in targeting. “However, genetic targeting is
now possible. Probably in the next five to 10 years we will see the manufacture of relatively specific
biological weapons which are lethal in small volumes.”

The article explains how FBI crime labs have stumbled across genetic markers specific to blacks,
whites, hispanics and native Americans during routine work. The same markers have been discovered
in Palestinians, setting them apart from Israelis.

“If you add together a number of different markers for different populations you can start to be specific
to a target population,” states Nathanson.

Lest we forget the innumerable instances where pioneering eugenicists and members of the global
elite have publicly called for the earth’s population to be reduced to “sustainable” levels.

Perhaps the most infamous example of this is Prince Philip, the husband of the Queen of England,
who has repeatedly expressed his desire to return to earth as a “particularly deadly virus” to “cull” the
surplus human population.

As Alex Jones documents in his seminal documentary End Game, this mind set is endemic amongst
the elite.

So having established the fact that race-specific bio-weapons have already been produced and are ready
for use, and having confirmed that the elite have repeatedly expressed a desire to use them, it’s
necessary to ask whether or not hispanics are being targeted by the swine flu outbreak as a beta-test of
these weapons.

Since the common flu virus does kill people every year, a handful of non-hispanic deaths attributed to
swine flu will not disprove this hypothesis, which will remain a possibility unless we see a significant
number of fatalities of non-hispanics.

Journalist Wayne Madsen talks about the manufactured H1N1 virus with Russia Today.

In late April, sources close to investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported that the outbreak of
swine flu was the result of the introduction of a human-engineered pathogen capable of producing a
widespread global pandemic. “A top scientist for the United Nations, who has examined the outbreak
of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as HIV/AIDS victims, concluded that H1N1 possesses
certain transmission ‘vectors’ that suggest that the new flu strain has been genetically-manufactured as
a military biological warfare weapon,” Madsen reported.

“Our best intelligence estimate is that pandemic Avian Flu has already been created through genetic
engineering in the United States, fusing the deadly genome of the 1918 Pandemic, misnamed the
‘Spanish Flu’, with the DNA of the innocuous H5N1 virus in a growth medium of human kidney cells,
according to the National Institutes of Health and the vaccine’s manufacturer. Some virologists believe
that this would insure that the man-made mutant virus recognizes human cells and knows how to
invade them,” writes Rima E. Laibow, MD, head of the Natural Solutions Foundation, a citizen
watchdog group monitoring the pharmaceutical industry.

In addition to planning mass graves and crematoriums operating around the clock, governments are
planning to implement martial law in response to a pandemic.

In late 2007, the Bush administration issued a “directive” establishing a “National Strategy for Public
Health and Medical Preparedness” based on Biodefense for the 21st Century. Prior to this, in May of
2007, the U.S. military had the foresight to “plan for a possible avian flu pandemic that could kill as
many as three million people in the United States in as little as six weeks,” according to Yahoo News.
Guidelines and “planning assumptions for US military services and combatant commands” were
published in a document entitled “Implementation Plan for Pandemic Influenza.”

“Possible scenarios include US troops being called in to put down riots, guard pharmaceutical plants
and shipments, and help restrict the movement of people inside the country and across its borders,”
Yahoo summarizes. “The plan envisions fast moving, catastrophic waves of disease that would
overwhelm health facilities and cripple the ability of state and local authorities to provide even basic
commodities or services.”

The “hidden agenda consists in using the threat of a pandemic and/or the plight of a natural disaster as
a pretext to establish military rule” and “suspend Constitutional government and allow the Military to
intervene in civilian affairs in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act,” author Michel Chossudovsky
wrote in 2005.

As Infowars reported last week, on July 27 FEMA will conduct National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE
09), scheduled to run through July 31. NLE 09 will ostensibly focus on “terrorism prevention and
protection,” according to the FEMA website. In addition to the participation of domestic “partners,” the
FEMA exercise will include foreign troops. “This year the United States welcomes the participation of
Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom in NLE 09.”

The FEMA website states that “Fire and Emergency Medical Services will play a crucial role in the
event of a pandemic. Planning for pandemic influenza is key.”

In Natural Disasters and the Militarization of America, Chossudovsky details how deployment of
the military in response to a pandemic “would be governed by the same criteria in conformity with the
basic tenets of the ‘war on terrorism.’ The latter also characterize the workings of FEMA…. Under the
NRP [Homeland Security's National Response Plan]… civilian organizations are directly under the
authority of the DHS, FEMA and the Pentagon.”

In short, martial law will be declared. Is it possible this is what NLE 09 is gearing up for?

Predictive Programming: TV Movie Shows Riots, Quarantines and
Mass Graves For Pandemic Flu

By Harold Gray

JustGetThere | The massive preparation of government for what they say is an imminent pandemic
this fall, triggered my memory of images of riots, quarantines, and mass graves that appeared in a
made-for-TV movie about a pandemic flu outbreak. My analysis of the film will contain detailed
descriptions of the movie, so if you want to watch it first and then read my take, click here to watch
the full movie compiled in video clips on this site. The YouTube links for the movie start here
During sweeps, in prime time on May 9, 2006, ABC aired, "Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America." The
sensationalized movie, follows an American businessman who represents the first human to human
transfer of the H5N1 Avian flu virus in Hong Kong. After contacting it from a worker in a shipping
factory, he flies back home and later succumbs to the virus, becoming patient "zero" in America.
Although it was a TV movie from three years ago, I still had memory of it. This is the very essence of
predictive programming, suppressed memories of a situation that has been implanted through the use
of Hollywood movies and television shows. The subject matter of the show will present a crisis that the
public hasn't been faced with, then present specific reactions that will subconsciously affect the viewers
reasoned response if such an event occurs in the real world.


The fear effect of the movie was so strong the Department of Health and Human Services created
an online viewer's guide and Q&A for the film. The governments response depicted in the film is
pretty accurate, except for the fact that this pandemic is killing in the hundreds of thousands by week
four. Another fear trigger throughout the movie, is a fun little counter that quickly scrolls the number of
deaths weekly.

Several scenes show people scrambling to hospitals for Tamiflu as the stockpiles dwindle. The nurses
accurately point out that it doesn't work for the virus due to a mutated resistant strain from the over
medication of the antiviral. This presents another image of people in a state of panic wanting, and
needing the antiviral, even though it doesn't work. This is also true today, during the last flu season a
Tamiflu resistant strain emerged. There has also been recent cases of swine flu that demonstrate
resistance to the antiviral.

Behind the scenes watching the government operate, we hear several subordinates bring up the fact that
the vaccine won't work even when they receive it, but leaders such as the HHS secretary and governor
respond by saying statements like; "that's not the point" and "so, it gives the people hope". These are
ridiculous and dangerous statements, since the vaccines could be potentially as deadly and cause a
mutation to occur. As we previously reported, health officials from the U.S. and the WHO, overseeing
the clinical tests, state that the fast-tracked H1N1 vaccines will not be tested for safety and are
potentially unsafe.

The quarantine meme was real strong throughout the movie, the governor of Virginia, the location of
the first case, sealed himself and his entire administration in a bio-secure environment. The family of
patient zero was also immediately quarantined after the husband died, and subsequently the entire
neighborhood. The movie also presented some racial aspect by having the governor quarantine the
predominately minority sections of the state. The plan of forced quarantines are very real, with
provisions for fines up to $250,000 and a year in jail for non-compliance.

The most disturbing parts of the film are the scenes covering the mass graves. Governments in China
and the U.S. begin mass graves and incineration, that has the look of a Nazi death camp. The bodies
were treated like trash, and there was no reason for all of the slow dramatic panning and extended shots
of the carnage, this is obviously a specific image that the producers wanted plant in you psyche.
Complete fear, the realization that no one will bury you, no service, no family, no kind words or
reflective thoughts, just fire. Given this gruesome aspect of the film, the HHS felt it was necessary to
address the matter in their Q&A.

What will be done with the overwhelming number of deceased bodies if we have a
severe, 1918-like pandemic as was depicted in the film?

Addressing the possibility of a large number of deceased individuals in a pandemic is one

of our top pandemic planning priorities. Currently, we are working on modeling studies to
try to determine as clearly as we can what we could possibly expect in terms of numbers of
deaths over the course of several pandemic waves. Until these studies are done, we won't be
able to speculate on details of what we might or might not expect. We expect this work to
be done in the next few months.

Regardless of whatever estimates are developed, it is highly unlikely that in the 21st
Century in the U.S. that we would ever resort to mass graves. We are working with
many government agencies (e.g., VA) as well as the private sector (e.g., the funeral
industry, the cemetery industry) to develop guidance for states, local communities and
others that maintains the dignity of the deceased, honors family wishes, and respects
religious and social customs.

So they say no mass graves in the 21st Century? This is a complete fabrication, FEMA has contracted
several mass grave locations, mass coffins that can fit multiple cadavers and incinerators. The UK has
also announced the use of such crude methods as well as catacombs and inflatable mortuaries. This has
been documented by several researches who have tracked FEMA's roll during martial law, terrorism,
natural disasters and biological pandemics.

One response that is being touted for the swine flu that doesn't show up in the film is the threat of
forced vaccinations. Several governments are hinting at making the H1N1 vaccine mandatory, priming
the public with a pre-pandemic vaccine that is not based on the fall outbreak if it occurs. Instead, the
film makes you want to take the vaccine, by presenting the idea of shortages and making France the
bad guy for not sharing the vaccine patent to the U.S.. This ends up causing civil unrest and bands of
renegades begin blocking shipments of vaccines in order to steal them. This is another false reality
being driven into your subconscious, making you want the untested and potentially fatal shots more.

Presenting this idea in the movie, justifies the governments push to have military on the streets
operating as a domestic police force. The reaction that is being programmed is that troops on the streets
are good, and they are helping us by fighting the evil renegades who are stealing the vaccines, which
they admit won't work. In actuality, the military will be working during the pandemic to administer
vaccinations, possibly through home interventions and other point of distribution (POD) centers like
Walmart. So the idea of people not wanting to take the shots, running away from the military was not
presented, even though it is a reaction that many viewers will have in that situation.

Eventually society collapses, with food shortages, power blackouts, people walking off their job, and
overran hospitals. After the government ran neighborhood internment camps stop giving the supplies to
the people and basically bail, the people start thinking independently, and begin working together as a
community to get through it. A mom begins to use common sense methods to break the flu that her son
contracts. At the end of the movie, the virus outbreak plateaus at over 20 million deaths. But wait, it
mutates in another far off African village and now it's hundred percent fatal. You are then shown the
birds flying in the air across the water with the death counter spinning like a slot machine. So now you
are left with your own nightmarish ending that cements the programming by having you envision it

Friday, July 31. 2009

Predictive Programming: TV Movie Shows Riots, Quarantines and
Mass Graves For Pandemic Flu - Full Movie
Editor: The massive preparation of government for what they say is an imminent pandemic
this fall, triggered my memory of images of riots, quarantines, and mass graves that
appeared in a made-for-TV movie about a pandemic flu outbreak. My analysis of the film
will contain detailed descriptions of the movie, so if you want watch it first. and then read
my take here.




Many active duty, Guard and Reservists (officers and enlisted) have made it known they plan to
refuse the Anthrax and possibly other vaccinations. This must be a personal choice, we
encourage you to investigate whatever decision you make. There are those who have already
declined the shots. They went to the Judge Advocate's office and utilized the "religious and
moral objection" route. This will automatically make you ineligible for world-wide status.
Perhaps there is no more stronger statement that we could make than to have a half a million of
our military which can serve only in CONUS.

I am not encouraging you to disobey a direct order. however, the Pentagon has lied to us for the
last six and a half years, why are we to believe they are telling the truth now. Read the
information that exists on Anthrax with regard to safety and efficacy and then make an informed
decision yourself.

Note From Webmaster: Due to the nature and volume of the data, all text files will be opened in a
new window for your convenience. Simply close the window when you are finished with the
document or use the button at the bottom of the document to return here to the index.


The U.S. Government's Long History of Experimenting

On Military Troops & Their Own Documents That Prove It

What you don't know about your government could kill you...
Department of Defense documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act expose the horrific
underworld of the disposable army mentality and the government funded experimentation upon US
citizens conducted without their knowledge or consent.


Chemical & Biological Exposures
Radioactive Poisoning
Mind Control Projects
Experimental Vaccines
Gulf War Illness
Depleted Uranium (DU)
Is the United States knowingly using a dangerous battlefield weapon banned by the United Nations because of
its long-term effects on the local inhabitants and the environment? Explore the illegal worldwide sale and use of
one of the deadliest weapons ever invented.
Beyond the disclosure of black-ops projects spanning the past 6 decades, Beyond Treason also addresses the
complex subject of Gulf War Illness. It includes interviews with experts, both civilian and military, who say that
the government is hiding the truth from the public and they can prove it.

A 460 page report released on Monday concluded that Gulf War syndrome is a legitimate illness suffered by more than 175,000 U.S. war veterans who were exposed to chemical toxins in the 1991 Gulf War. (Nov. 17, 2008)
DoD to Notify Gulf War Vets on Latest Chem Agents Study
By Sgt. 1st Class Doug Sample, USA
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 27, 2005 – The Defense Department is again sending letters to
thousands of Gulf War veterans exposed to low levels of chemical agents contained in
munitions destroyed at a weapons depot in Khamisiyah, Iraq, in March 1991.

A study released this week by the Institute of Medicine here concluded that veterans possibly
exposed in that area appear to have a higher risk for brain cancer death than veterans who
were not exposed. However, the study's authors said more research is needed to confirm
their findings.

This letter is the third DoD is sending to update Gulf War veterans possibly exposed. Letters
also were sent in 1997 and 2000 to inform veterans about developments.

Read complete article here


A 460 page report released on Monday concluded that Gulf War syndrome is a legitimate illness
suffered by more than 175,000 U.S. war veterans who were exposed to chemical toxins in the 1991
Gulf War. (Nov. 17, 2008)

Gulf War illness is real, report finds (after 17 years)!!!!

Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:32pm EST
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN17526412

By Andy Sullivan

WASHINGTON, Nov 17 (Reuters) - A report released on Monday concluded that Gulf War syndrome
is a legitimate illness suffered by more than 175,000 U.S. war veterans who were exposed to chemical
toxins in the 1991 Gulf War.

The congressionally mandated report could help veterans who have battled the government for
treatment of a wide range of unexplained neurological illnesses, from brain cancer to multiple sclerosis.

The Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses concluded that Gulf War illness is a
physical condition distinct from the mental "shell shock" suffered by veterans in other wars. Some
earlier studies had concluded it was not a distinct illness.
"Scientific evidence leaves no question that Gulf War illness is a real condition with real causes and
serious consequences for affected veterans," said the committee, which has been looking into the
problem since 2002.

The committee, composed of independent scientists and veterans, said Congress should boost funding
for research on Gulf War veterans' health to at least $60 million per year.

"This is a national obligation, made especially urgent by the many years that Gulf War veterans have
waited for answers and assistance," the committee said.

Gulf War illness affects at least one-fourth of the 700,000 U.S. troops who served in the 1991 effort to
drive Iraq out of Kuwait, or between 175,000 and 210,000 veterans in all, the report found. Few have
seen their symptoms improve over the past 17 years, the report said.

Symptoms include persistent headaches, widespread pain, cognitive difficulties, unexplained fatigue,
skin rashes, chronic diarrhea and digestive and respiratory problems.


Many Gulf War veterans suffering these symptoms say they were met with skepticism when seeking

"Today's report brings to a close one of the darkest chapters of the 1991 Gulf War, and that is the legacy
of Gulf War illness. For those who ever doubted that Gulf War veterans are ill, this report is definitive
and exhaustive," said Anthony Hardie, a Gulf War veteran from Madison, Wisconsin.

Hardie was a 23-year-old sergeant at the time of the conflict. Today he works in Wisconsin's Veterans
Affairs Department and suffers a host of ailments, including respiratory problems, fatigue and chronic
widespread pain.

"The truth will prevail," said Adrian Atizado, assistant legislative director of the Disabled American
Veterans, an advocacy group that represents 1.4 million veterans from the various conflicts in which the
United States has fought.

"One can argue with merit that the federal government did hold back progress in allowing Gulf War
veterans to seek health care and financial benefits," he said. "We hope now there will be a greater
emphasis on finding effective treatments."

The panel found two possible causes: a drug given to troops to protect against nerve gas, known as
pyridostigmine bromide, and pesticides that were used heavily during the war.

The panel said other possible causes could not be ruled out, including extensive exposure to smoke
from oil-well fires and low-level exposure to sarin gas when captured Iraqi stocks were destroyed.
The U.S. government has spent roughly $440 million on Gulf War health research since 1994, but
spending has declined in recent years and often is not focused on improving veterans' health, the
committee said.

(Additional reporting by Ross Colvin)


Panel: 1 in 4 Gulf War vets are sick

Report blames exposure to toxic chemicals and other causes,
demands more research and spending.
By Anne Usher
Monday, November 17, 2008
Source: http://www.statesman.com/news/content/news/stories/nation/11/17/1117gulfwar.html
WASHINGTON — At least one in four U.S. veterans of the 1991 Gulf War suffers from a
multisymptom illness caused by exposure to toxic chemicals during the conflict, says a congressionally
mandated report that is being released today.
For most of the past 17 years, government officials said that the health problems of the veterans —
more than 175,000 out of about 697,000 deployed — were the effects of wartime stress, even as more
people have come forward with severe ailments.
"The extensive body of scientific research now available consistently indicates that 'Gulf War illness' is
real, that it is the result of neurotoxic exposures during Gulf War deployment, and that few veterans
have recovered or substantially improved with time," says the report from a panel of scientists and
veterans. A copy was obtained by Cox Newspapers.
The panel said in a 2004 draft report that many of the veterans were suffering from neurological
damage and pointed to toxic chemicals as a possible cause. The new report goes further by pinpointing
known causes, and it criticizes past U.S. studies, which have cost more than $340 million, as "overly
simplistic and compartmentalized."
The panel is urging Congress to spend at least $60 million annually on research. It notes that no
effective treatments have been found.
Two things that the military provided to troops in large quantities to protect them in combat —
pesticides and pyridostigmine bromide tablets, aimed at thwarting the effects of nerve gas — are the
most likely culprits, the panel found.
Gulf War illness is typically characterized by a combination of memory and concentration problems,
persistent headaches, unexplained fatigue and widespread pain. It may also include chronic digestive
problems, respiratory symptoms and rashes.
The Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, created by Congress in 1998 , will
present the 450-page report to Secretary of Veterans Affairs James Peake. The panel said its report is
the first to review the hundreds of U.S. and international studies on Gulf War veterans conducted since
the mid-1990s.
It recommends that the Department of Veterans Affairs order a redo of past Gulf War health reports,
calling them "skewed" because they did not include evaluations of toxic exposure studies in laboratory
animals, as Congress had requested. The panel examined such tests and notes that recent ones have
identified biological effects from Gulf War exposures that were previously unknown.
Although the report calls some new VA and Defense Department programs promising, it notes that
overall federal funding for Gulf War research has dropped sharply in recent years. The studies that have
been funded, it says, "have little or no relevance to the health of Gulf War veterans."
The report also faults the Pentagon, saying that it clearly recognized scientific evidence substantiating
Gulf War illness in 2001 but did not acknowledge it publicly.
"The VA has accepted and implemented prior recommendations of the committee and values the work
represented in the report presented today," said press secretary Alison Aiekele. "Secretary Peake
thanked the committee for its report and recommendations and directed VA to review and respond to
the committee's recommendations in the near future."
The panel focused its research on comparing the brains and nervous systems of healthy adults with
those of sick Gulf War veterans, as well as analyzing changes to the neuroendocrine and immune
systems. It found that in terms of brain function, exposure to pesticides and the pyridostigmine bromide
pills is damaging to memory, attention and mood. Some people, it notes, are genetically more
susceptible to exposure than others.
About half of Gulf War personnel are thought to have taken the tablets during deployment, with the
greatest use among ground troops and those in forward positions. Many veterans say they were forced
to take the pills, which had not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Some say
they fell ill immediately.
"Many of us got sick from the pills," said retired Staff Sgt. Anthony Hardie, a Wisconsin native who
was with a multinational unit that crossed from Saudi Arabia into Kuwait and then Iraq. He said he was
required to take them for several weeks and soon had watery eyes and vision problems, diarrhea,
muscle twitching and a runny nose. A fellow special operations forces officer, he said, lost about 20
To ward off sand flies in Kuwait City and the eastern Saudi province of Dhahran, Hardie said, trucks
would come through at 3 a.m. and spray "clouds" of pesticides.
"The pesticide use was far and away (more) than what you'd see in daily life," he said.
Several soldiers who were interviewed said they were ordered to dunk their uniforms in the pesticide
DEET and to spray pesticide on exposed skin and in their boots to ward off scorpions.
The federal panel also said it could not rule out an association between Gulf War illness and the
prolonged exposure to oil fires, as well as low-level exposures to nerve agents, injections of many
vaccines and combinations of neurotoxic exposures.
Retired Sgt. Randy Stamm of Mesquite was among the 100,000 U.S. troops who may have been
exposed to low levels of sarin gas as a result of large-scale U.S. demolitions of Iraqi munitions near
Khamisiyah in 1991. Troops who were downwind from the demolitions have died from brain cancer at
twice the rate of other Gulf War veterans, the report says.
His unit was nearby during the demolitions and near the burning oil fires for 31\/2 months. He said he
took the pyridostigmine bromide pills for more than a month.
Stamm now takes 63 pills a day to treat health problems that include gastritis and esophagitis.
"My intestinal system is hosed," he said, adding that he is losing vision in his right eye. "I lost eight
wives because of this."
A panel member, Dr. Roberta White, chairwoman of environmental health at the Boston University
School of Public Health, found evidence last year that links low-level exposure to nerve gas among
Gulf War troops with lasting brain problems. The extent of the deficits — less brain "white matter" and
reduced cognitive function — corresponded to the extent of the exposure.
In addition, the panel said, Gulf War veterans have significantly higher rates of amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, than other veterans.
White said that although there is a lot of anecdotal evidence of Gulf War veterans contracting multiple
sclerosis, studies haven't confirmed a combat link to that degenerative disease. Questions also remain
about rates of cancers, disease-specific mortality rates in veterans and the health of their children.
Conversely, the panel said, little evidence supports an association or major link with depleted uranium,
anthrax vaccine, fuels, solvents, sand and particulates, infectious diseases or chemical agent-resistant
That veterans' complaints are still repeatedly met with cynicism, White said, "upsets me as a scientist,
as someone who cares about veterans."


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