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April 19, 2008

Prepare to:

UNDP -Tsunami Recovery Waste Management Program

Prepared by :

Andrew Young
AM.Tris Hardiyanto
Michael Schone

685A East Coast Road.Singapore 459054 Tel: (+65) 6243-1174 Fax: (+65 ) 6449-802

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................7
2. SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................9
3.METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 10
3.1 Sampling Planning .............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Research Period.................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 The Clasification of Solid Waste source................................................................................ 11
3.4 Sample Collection ............................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Methode and Collecting sample .......................................................................................... 11
3.5.1 Loading Selection ......................................................................................................... 12
3.5.2 Sorting Meuserement and Visual observation ............................................................... 12
3.5.3 Solid Waste Classification ............................................................................................. 13
3.6 Sorting Procedure ............................................................................................................... 14
3.7 Data Recording ................................................................................................................... 15
3.8 SOLID WASTE COMPOSITION IN THE CITIES ACEH-NIAS........................................................ 16
3.8.1 Solid Waste Residential,Commercial and Intitusional .................................................... 19
3.8.2 Collecting Waste .......................................................................................................... 22
3.8.3 The benefit of Recycling ............................................................................................... 22
4.SOLID WASTE VOLUME PROJECTION AT ACEH NIAS .................................................................. 23
5. GENERAL RECOMENDATION ..................................................................................................... 26
6. THE MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE IN BANDA ACEH .............................................................. 28
6.1 Demography and Level Of Services ...................................................................................... 28
6.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste ...................................................... 33
6.3 Collecting and Solid Waste Transportation ........................................................................ 34
6.4 The Final Dumpsite ............................................................................................................. 35
6.5 Facility and Equipment ....................................................................................................... 35
6.6 Recycling Process................................................................................................................ 36
6.6.1 The Composting ........................................................................................................... 36

6.7 The Intitusional .................................................................................................................. 38
6.8 Budgeting ........................................................................................................................... 38
6.9 Awareness and Society Participation ............................................................................. 38
6.10 Conclusion and Recommendation ..................................................................................... 39
7. THE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE IN SABANG .......................................................................... 40
7.1 Demography and services ............................................................................................. 40
7.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste ........................................................... 44
7.3 Collecting and Tranportation............................................................................................... 45
7.4 Final Dumpsite ................................................................................................................... 45
7.5 Facility and Equipment .................................................................................................. 46
7.6 Recycling Process .......................................................................................................... 47
7.7 The Intitusional ............................................................................................................. 47
7.8 Budgeting ..................................................................................................................... 48
7.9 Awareness and Society Participation ................................................................................... 48
7.10 Conclusion and Recommendation .................................................................................... 49
8. THE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE IN KOTA PIDIE ..................................................................... 50
8.1 Demography and services ................................................................................................... 50
8.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste ..................................................... 54
8.3 Collecting and Tranportation ........................................................................................ 55
1.4 Final Dumpsite .............................................................................................................. 55
8.5 Facility and Equipment .................................................................................................. 56
8.6 Recycling Process .......................................................................................................... 57
8.7 The Intitusional ............................................................................................................. 58
8.8 Budgeting ........................................................................................................................... 58
8.9 Awareness and Society Participation ................................................................................... 59
8.10 Conclusion and Recommendation ..................................................................................... 59
9. THE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE KOTA LHOKSEMAWE ........................................................ 60
9.1 Demography and services ................................................................................................... 60
9.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste ........................................................... 64
9.3 Collecting and Tranportation............................................................................................... 65

9.4 Final Dumpsite ................................................................................................................... 66
9.5 Fasilitas & Equipment ......................................................................................................... 67
9.6 Recycling Process................................................................................................................ 67
9.7 The Intitusional ................................................................................................................ 68
9.8 Budgeting ........................................................................................................................... 69
9.9 Awareness and Society Participation ................................................................................... 69
9.10 Conclusion and Recommendation ..................................................................................... 69
10. THE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE ACEH JAYA CALANG ........................................................... 71
10.1 Demography and services ................................................................................................. 71
10.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste ......................................................... 75
10.3 Collecting and Tranportation............................................................................................. 76
10.4 Final Dumpsite.................................................................................................................. 77
10.5 Facility and Equipment...................................................................................................... 78
10.6 Recycling Process .............................................................................................................. 78
10.7 The Intitusional................................................................................................................. 79
10.8 Budgeting ......................................................................................................................... 79
10.9 Awareness and Society Participation ................................................................................. 79
10.10 Conclusion and Recommendation ................................................................................... 79
11. PENANGANAN LIMBAH PADAT ACEH BARAT MEULABOH ........................................................ 81
11.1 Demography and services ................................................................................................. 81
11.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste ......................................................... 85
11.3 Collecting and Tranportation............................................................................................. 86
11.4 Final Dumpsite.................................................................................................................. 86
11.5 Facility and Equipment...................................................................................................... 87
11.6 Recycling Process .............................................................................................................. 88
11.7 The Intitusional................................................................................................................. 89
11.8 Budgeting ......................................................................................................................... 90
11.9 Society awareness and participation ................................................................................. 90
11.10 Conclusion and Recommendation ................................................................................... 90
12. PENANGANAN LIMBAH PADAT DI KABUPATEN NIAS ............................................................... 92

12.1 Demography and services ................................................................................................. 92
12.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste ......................................................... 96
12.3 Collecting and Tranportation............................................................................................. 97
12.4 Final Dumpsite.................................................................................................................. 97
12.5 Facility and Equipment...................................................................................................... 99
12.6 Recycling Process ............................................................................................................ 100
12.7 The Intitusional............................................................................................................... 101
12.8 Budgeting ....................................................................................................................... 101
12.9 Awareness and Society Participation ............................................................................... 101
12.10 Conclusion and recommendation .................................................................................. 103

Table 1 Number of Samples from Residensial, Commercial, Intitusional

Area Aceh-Nias .................................................... 10
Table 2 Solid Waste Type Category ................................. 13
Table 3 Waste Composition in the others city ...................... 17
Table 4 Solid Waste Composition Aceh NiasError! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5 Composition Municipal Solid Waste Aceh NiasError! Bookmark
not defined.
Table 6 MSW Residential,Comercial and Intitusional Area Aceh-Nias . 19
Table 7 Number equipment and facility for Solid Waste Collecting
Aceh-Nias ......................................................... 22
Table 8 Population estimate for Aceh Nias 2008 to 2030 ............ 24
Table 9 Municipal Solid Waste Generation Aceh Nias 2008 ........... 25
Table 10 MSW Composition Banda Aceh 2008 .......................... 29
Table 11 Proyection Solid Waste Generation Banda Aceh 2008 to 2030 32
Table 12 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Sabang ................. 41
Table 13 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Generation Sabang 2008 to
2030 .............................................................. 43
Table 14 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Pidie .................. 51
Table 15 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Pidie 2008 to 2030 ...... 53
Table 16 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Lhoksemawe 2008 ........ 61
Table 17 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Generation 2008 to 2030 . 63
Table 18 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Sabang 2008 ............ 72
Table 19 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Generation Aceh Jaya .... 74
Table 20 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Aceh Barat 2008 ........ 82
Table 21 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Generation Aceh Barta 2008
-2030 ............................................................. 84
Table 22 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Nias 2008 .............. 93
Table 23 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Generation Nias 2008 to
2030 .............................................................. 95

Grafic 1 Composition Total Anorganic and Organic Waste Aceh-Nias .. 16
Grafic 2 Composition Total Organic and Anorganic Waste Aceh-Nias .. 16
Grafic 3 Anorganic Waste .......................................... 20
Grafic 4 Organic Waste ............................................ 20
Grafic 5 Residential Waste Aceh-Nias .............................. 21
Grafic 6 Comercial Waste Aceh-Nias ................................ 21
Grafic 7 Intitusional Waste Aceh-Nias ............................. 21
Grafic 8 Total Anorganic and Organic Waste Banda Aceh ............ 33
Grafic 9 Total Organic and Anorganic Waste Banda Aceh ............. 33
Grafic 10 Total Anorganic Waste ................................... 44
Grafic 11 Total Organic Waste ..................................... 44
Grafic 12 Anorganic Waste Sabang .................................. 54
Grafic 13 Organic Waste Sabang .................................... 54
Grafic 14 Anorganic Waste Lhoksemawe .............................. 64
Grafic 15 Organic Waste Lhoksemawe ................................ 64
Grafic 16 Anorganic Waste Aceh Jaya ............................... 75
Grafic 17 Organic Waste Aceh Jaya ................................. 75
Grafic 18 Anorganic Waste Aceh Barat .............................. 85
Grafic 19 Organic Waste Aceh Barat ................................ 85
Grafic 20 Anorganic Waste Nias .................................... 96
Grafic 21 Organic Waste Nias ...................................... 96


Waste management in Aceh-Nias pasca tsunami continues to rage through

TRMWP by UNDP. As the excessively volume of waste caused by tsunami
and the daily waste managed and the limited area as final waste
dumpsite (Tempat Pengelolaan Akhir Sampah/TPA). The difference and
capacity each region are determined in waste management, including
the lack of waste transportation and aged fleet, education also
regulation in each regions.

The main problem in some cities during the Aceh-Nias field

inspection are that waste produced by tsunami and the growing and
increase of people by urbanization which increased the waste in
cities, and the limited of human resources and area for final waste
management (TPA).

The low budget and so as the same of retribution fee from waste are
imbalance with the monthly operational cost, make the formal
institution in deep restriction to improve the waste management,
independent, and on a sustainable basis.

UNDP by TRMWP be providing great support as fund and personnel to

help the improvement of waste management process by the involvement
of City Cleaning Agency or other agency concerned.

So far, there are so many places where the waste have left as a
dumpsite without concerning the environment sanitation and human
health, inconvenience of place for final city waste management
concerned by institute’s capabilities and the lack of waste
management , fund and policy and regulation and integrated rules of
waste manage in society.

This recent study aimed to give a description of waste problem in

Aceh Nias, especially in a development city of regency, that will pay
attention and handle the management, institutional, end waste
banishment and people participation in the continuous development of
Aceh Nias.

Figure 1 Area Waste Composition Study Aceh-Nias


The Tsunami Recovery Waste management Program (TRWMP)-UNDP have

conducted many activities needed to build the building capacities at
local government, to create the job demand and made the long term
effort in waste management by collected the solid waste, recycling
from solid material of waste.

ESC trough the Meinhard Company contracted by TRMWP-UNDP to

conduct the site investigation and waste sorting at many places in
Aceh Nias including : TPA Gampong Jawa Banda Aceh, TPA Lhok Batee
Sabang, TPA Cot padang Pidie, TPA Alue Alim 1 Loksemawe, TPA Gunung
Tanggoh Calang, TPA Lapang Meulaboh and TPA MegaHill Nias.

The Sorting have conducted at final Dumpsite purposed to

collected data about the flow of waste which used by TRMWP to get the
target of reducing solid waste, the percentage of type the solid
waste that formed for recycling, or for compost, also the next repair
activity as solid waste management into integral system management,
by construct the TPA appropriate with health condition and concern
to environment.

This article also having in mind to give a sight for the

readers about the interest of TRWMP –UNDP in cities waste problem.
General condition in the Aceh Nias is a land disposal site at which
solid waste are disposed of in a manner that does not protect the
environment, is susceptible to open burning and is exposed to the
elements, disease vector and scavengers.

Primary source of disposal opendump and for semi engineered and

upgrading existing dumpsites turned in to uncontrolled dump due to
poor management, For the future need dump site improvement is highly
required to match with integrated solid waste management. Due to
waste generation for the future Banda Aceh need a new landfill with a
whole of site aspect selection are Cost aspects ( cost of land,site
capacity,distance from infrastructure,distance from collection area,
new access road,site preparation),environmental Aspects(danger to
ground water,danger to surface water,danger to drinking water,risk of
flooding,distance from village,distance from rice field and distance
from other areas where people stay),Future aspects (prevailing plans
for the area and future distance from centre of collection).

From the significantly data that collected during study, there

were 17 categories of waste which were used to measure the percentage
of composition of waste.


3.1 Sampling Planning

Before collecting date directly to TPA, sample planning was
modified to recognized that selecting a representative sample
is one of the most difficult tasks associated with a waste
stream analysis.It is a critical importance that sample be
collected that is representative of the waste management unit
under study.Truck loading with waste were a representative
sampling of waste flow. The sample determining was according to
SNI and representing to measured the waste composition of
city. Table 1 of Abstract show the number of sample and the
Table 1 Number of Samples from Residensial, Commercial, Intitusional Area Aceh-Nias
No TPA Kategori Jumlah Ukuran Ukuran
Pemukiman1 Perniagaan2 Perkantoran3 Sample Sample (kg)
1 Gampong Jawa 6 6 6 18 100 1800
2 Lhok Batee 2 2 2 6 100 600
3 Alu Ulim 1 3 3 2 8 100 800
4 Cot Padang 2 2 2 6 100 600
5 Gunung Tanggoh 2 2 2 6 100 600
6 Lapang Meulaboh 2 2 2 6 100 600
7 Mega Hill 4 2 2 8 100 800
Total 26 19 13 58 5800

Note : The meuserement is done base on Solid Waste into the Dumpsite.
1,2, 3 is source from residential,commercial and Intitusioanal

3.2 Research Period

Research divided into two period with 2 weeks of field data
collection. First step started at April 2008 represent the west
coast TPA, from TPA Gampong jawa banda Aceh, TPA Cot padang
Pidie, TPA AluAlim 1 Loksemawe, TPA Lhok Batee Sabang. The
second data collection started at may 2008 for East Coast
region, include TPA Gunung Tanggoh Calang, TPA Lapang Meulaboh
and TPA Mega Hill Nias. Based from the collected data from
these two regions, it would be combined and analyzed for the
average of waste composition resulting at Aceh Nias and the
waste composition of each cities including the approximation of
TPA waste capacity up to 2030

3.3 The Clasification of Solid Waste source
The Classification of waste region as the following:

1. Solid Waste from the Residential, Residential waste means waste

produced within the cartilage of a building/house or
selfcontained part of building used for the purposes of living
accommodation. which was collected from the society including
domestic house, from individual ash can or loaded in temporary
waste cart. Domestic waste included the waste produced by house
holds and the permanent residences.

2. Solid Waste from the Business area,means from premises used

wholly or mainly for the purposes of a trade or business or for
the purposes of market,entertainment which was collected from
the office area, schools and other institutes, military hall.
It was excluded the waste from hospitals and other dangerous

3. Solid Waste from Intitusional, waste is taken from the

intitusional, office, school, army area, but not include the
special waste from hospital or others hazardous waste.

3.4 Sample Collection

ESC consultant asked the data and the official information by
the UNDP assistant program about the city waste at the final
dumpsite. The existing field data would informed the TPA waste
source, then the target randomly can be searched from the
truck, reflected the waste flow system at TPA.

3.5 Methode and Collecting sample

Generally the collecting and sorting method refer to standard
Of SNI 19-3964-1994 about the collecting method and sample
source measurement and the city waste composition and based on
similar ESC consultant experiences research. This trial aimed
for the reference and procedure for constructors on collecting
and waste source measurement and city waste composition, to
find the types of waste sources in the waste planning and
management. Waste source mean waste collected from selected

dumpsite, which was the volume, weight, and composition had
measured. Whereas waste composition consists of physical waste
such as food, beaverboard, wood, fabric, rubber, leather,
plastic, iron metal, non iron metal, glass and others (dirt,
sand, stone, ceramics). The summary of collecting and procedure
of selection explained in paragraph 3.6

3.5.1 Loading Selection

The consultant and official employee classified the waste sources in

field and determined and identified the waste load at dumpsite/TPA .
The field official had the waste list from the collecting area. The
access door official would inform to field official about the waste
truck that enter, and guide it to the discard unloading. The field
flexibility was needed when considering time of waste collecting
because of the lack of official and support from the TPA personnel.

The field official asked the driver about their load to find the
information of the source, collecting area, cart, type of transporter
and other data. These information were recorded and identified refer
to the operational situation (enclosing document).

We also mentioned some of TPA haven’t data recording of waste enter

even the driver who didn’t want to give any information of their
load, the limited fleet that worked in the morning at Calang, in the
contrary to many operation in the night at Lapang Meulaboh TPA.

3.5.2 Sorting Meuserement and Visual observation

As the reference and regulation, the waste truck enter the TPA have
to measured their weight (not all dumpsite have the pair of scales),
volume measured by the load that covered the truck/ container in M3
(long x wide x height), otherwise measurement was conduct by measured
their weight in kg, kind and type of waste that would affected the
waste density. The analysis also provides an estimate of solid waste
quantity and composition,referred to as waste characterization.There
is currently no agreed international standard for waste stream
analysis or waste characterization although many develop or
industalized contries have national procedures.In this study one
sample defined as 100 kg from one waste load. The one sample then
measured according to their kind and type, and recorded.

3.5.3 Solid Waste Classification

The material categorized to meet two things. First category was to

analyze the solid waste flow from the recent perspective and the next
potential of reducing solid waste, spreading and recycling program.
Second, could be as a description of waste management and handling
strategy at TPA for the future. Sort the sample and pick out items
eg, glass,paper, and plastic etc, percentage by weight of each
catergory in the waste from the source.There were 17 categories of
material kind of solid waste composition at TPA in Aceh Nias, as seen
in table 2.

Table 2 Solid Waste Type Category


1 Food pigswill, fruit buahan, vegetable, bread, flour, rice, etc

2 Paper/Cardboard white paper, coloured, book, magazine, food wrapper paper, newspaper,
dirty paper, tissue, carton, carton, paper pocket, napkin etc
3 Plastic plastic pocket, film plastic, container plastic, coloured plastic
4 Plastic bottle drink plastic bottle, food, resin plastic.
5 Horticultura leaf, garden twig, grass, etc
6 Wooden wood, board, beam, branch, stick, etc
7 Ferrous iron, bimetal food can, scrap iron, alluminium
8 Non Ferrous foam, stereoform, electronic, pcb etc
9 Glass glass bottle mixture, mirror, bottle piece, all glass kinds
10 Textile clothes, towel, ingredient from cloth etc
11 Leather shoe former, bag, tarpaulin, ingredient from skin etc
12 Scrap Tyre car/motor/bike tyre, piece and tyre cut former
13 Rubber insulator, rubber ingredient
14 Hazardous waste batteries, battery dry, oil, paint, cleaner, lamp, tinner etc
15 Construction waste ingredient former construction, soil, sandstone, cement, concrete
16 Ceramic floor tile, marble, granite, asphalt. brick etc
17 others classification not waste anorganic

3.6 Sorting Procedure

Based on its origin, waste was classified as waste from

housing, business area/ commercial, and office area. Each load
was separated and weighing 100 kg randomly from the waste
1. Waste load truck enter the TPA, picked, recorded and
identified of route/collecting area. Make sure that load was
mix/heterogen estimated load volume.
2. Take the waste from chosen trucks then weighing up to 100 kg
waste to sort.
3. Put the mix waste on the tarpaulin, assured the waste was
categorized and tabled properly.
4. The waste on tarpaulin selected accord to kinds and their
categories, then loaded to plastic bag. The personnel
handled and responsible to each categorized bag, others were
choosing the plastic, paper, glass, metal and so on. After
verified and classified then waste were weighted.
5. The rest and pieces of waste were mixture of paper, food,
small particles classified as organic waste.
6. The chosen midden were categorized to their criteria,
assured such their homogeneous mixture, and ready for
7. The homogenous mixture then weighed and recorded according
the format prepared.
8. The weight showed on the pairs of scale then percentage to
each categories showed on table 2.

3.7 Data Recording
Data and recording were crucial moment especially to the basic
quantity used. Each bag of selected waste was recorded accord
with its weight.

Figure 2 Scale of Solid Waste Sortir

This study used the analog scale as sale in the market. The
field official was responsible of the data and complete the
form to abridge the analyzing. The field collecting method used
the general standard procedure, including the field safety work
standard. The study conducted on the good weather so the data
resulted were objective and represent the waste problem in
three categories of city waste

The data of average composition of seven cities were food 44,3
%, paper 11,1 %, wooden 2,8 %, textile 3,6 %,leather 1%, other
waste 2 %, dry or inorganic waste consists of plastic 11,2 %,
plastic bottle 2,1%, metal 0,8%, non ferrous 1,2 %, glass 1,5
%, scrap tyre 1,7 %, rubber 1 %, battery 0%, soil/sand 3,3% and
ceramics 1,6% (table 3), this average composition illustrated
on graph was:

Grafic 1 Composition Total Anorganic and Organic Waste Aceh-Nias

Grafic 2 Composition Total Organic and Anorganic Waste Aceh-Nias

Below is waste composition in the others city for comparation

TPA Sukamiskin Bandung,TPA Bandar Gebang Jakarta.

Table 3 Waste Composition in the others city
TPA Bandung TPA Bantar Gebang TPA Amerika
Komponen % Komponen % Komponen %
Bahan organik 73.8 Kertas 10.11 Kertas & karton 35.6
Kertas 7.5 Kayu/bambu 3.12 Kayu 4.1
Plastik 9.7 Kain & tekstil 2.45 Kain 2.0
Kain 1.9 Karet & kulit 0.55 Rumah tangga 20.1
Karet 0.9 Plastik 11.08 Plastik 7.3
Kulit Logam 1.9 Logam 8.9
Kayu/bambu 1.8 Kaca 1.63 Kaca 8.4
Kaca 1.9 Baterai 0.28 Karet & kulit 2.8
Logam/besi 1.7 Tulang/telur 1.09 Makanan 8.9
Sirtu 1.8 Lain-lain 2.74 Lainnya 1.8
Bahan organik 65.05
Jumlah 100 Jumlah 100 Jumlah 100
Source: SEL TPA Sukamiskin (1999), Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jakarta (1999), Corson (1990)

Table 4 Solid Waste Composition Aceh Nias

According to the solid

waste composition in Aceh
Nias TPA, it was described
1 Food 44.3
the greatest composition
2 Paper/Cardboard 11.1
of organic waste, such the
3 Horticultura 10.9
waste that come to natural
4 Wooden 2.8 degrade (biodegradable).
5 Textile 3.6 These consist of food,
6 Leather 1 waste of plantation,
7 others 2 paper, cardboard and
Total Organic 75.7 textile generated the
8 Plastic 11.2 percentage of 75,7 %.
9 Plastic bottle 2.1 Whereas the inorganic
10 Ferrous 0.8 waste consist of 24,3 % of
11 Non Ferrous 1.1
plastic waste at the TPA,
and 11,2 % of it was
Glass 1.5
packed plastic, other kind
13 Scrap Tyre 1.7
of economical plastic had
14 Rubber 1
collected by garbage
15 Hazardous waste 0 collector before reach the
16 Construction waste 3.3 TPA. The organic and
17 Ceramic 1.6 inorganic waste
Total Anorganic 24.3 composition describe on
TOTAL Organic and the graph below.
Anorganic 100

Table 5 Solid Waste Composition Aceh-Nias


Aceh Sabang Pidie Loksemawe Calang Meulaboh Nias Average
Gampong Gunung
No Waste Type Jawa Lhok Batee Cot Padang Alu Alim 1 Tanggoh Lapang MegaHill %
P o p u l a t I o n
177,744 28,896 476,656 154,765 60,025 150,741 441,881
1 Food ( makanan) 39.5 44.2 46.5 49.4 44.0 49.0 37.5 44.3
2 Paper /Cardboard ( Kertas/karton) 15.6 14.6 8.0 6.7 14.5 6.0 12.5 11.1
3 Horticultural ( Sampah Kebun ) 8.4 13.3 9.9 10.0 13.1 11.9 9.8 10.9
4 Wooden/Timber Waste ( kayu ) 4.0 2.6 1.4 3.2 1.9 2.6 4.0 2.8
5 Textile ( tekstil ) 2.6 4.2 4.3 3.5 3.8 3.3 3.8 3.6
6 Leather ( kulit ) 1.0 1.4 0.6 0.6 1.4 0.5 1.6 1.0
7 Others ( lain lain ) 1.4 2.4 1.8 1.1 2.4 2.2 2.5 2.0
Total Organic 72.5 82.6 72.4 74.5 81.1 75.3 71.8 75.7
8 Plastic ( Plastik) 12.5 9.3 11.1 11.6 8.4 12.8 12.7 11.2
9 Plastic Bottle 1.4 2.4 2.0 2.2 1.7 3.8 1.3 2.1
10 Ferrous Metal ( logam ) 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.7 1.5 0.8
11 Non Ferrous Metal ( bukan logam ) 1.7 0.4 1.4 1.1 0.3 1.3 1.6 1.1
12 Glass ( kaca ) 2.2 1.0 2.0 1.6 1.0 0.6 2.0 1.5
13 Scrap Tyre ( potongan ban bekas ) 1.6 1.3 3.1 1.2 2.8 0.6 1.0 1.7
14 Rubber ( karet ) 1.7 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.7 1.1 1.3 1.0
15 Batteries ( Battery ) 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 Soil,Stone,Sand ( tanah,batu, pasir ) 3.9 1.3 3.6 3.8 2.8 2.8 4.9 3.3
17 Ceramic ( keramik ) 1.5 0.5 3.5 1.6 0.8 1.1 2.0 1.6
Total Anorganic 27.5 17.4 27.6 25.5 18.9 24.7 28.3 24.3

TOTAL WASTE 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

3.8.1 Solid Waste Residential,Commercial and Intitusional

The percentage of composition of solid waste from residential describe

on table 5, most of it was pigswill, plastic bag and the inorganic
waste which still could be selected to recycled. This waste could
contaminate the environment. The Waste management education was
absolutely needed by society, focused on classification of waste. This
program could carry out on school or group of society.

The solid waste composition in the three of residential area,

Commercial and institutional were similar. This condition was due to
of people spreading that close to commercial area and institutional
too. It emphasized on the waste that collect from commercial area such
as market, shop, restaurant, hotel and other. Whereas the
institutional area were school, private office, government office,
kelurahan or kecamatanTabel

Table 6 MSW Residential,Comercial and Intitusional Area Aceh-Nias

Average Solid Waste in Cities Aceh Nias
No Waste Type Residential Commercial Intitusional
% % %
1 Food ( makanan) 44.5 45.9 42.5
2 Paper /Cardboard ( Kertas/karton) 10.7 11.3 11.4
3 Horticultural ( Sampah Kebun ) 11.9 9.8 11.1
4 Wooden/Timber Waste ( kayu ) 2.8 2.3 3.0
5 Textile ( tekstil ) 4.0 3.2 3.8
6 Leather ( kulit ) 1.3 0.8 0.8
7 Others ( lain lain ) 1.5 2.3 2.1
Total Organik 76.7 75.8 74.6
8 Plastic ( Plastik) 10.9 11.0 12.1
9 Plastic Bottle 2.1 2.0 2.0
10 Ferrous Metal ( logam ) 0.7 0.7 1.1
11 Non Ferrous Metal ( bukan logam ) 1.1 1.3 0.9
12 Glass ( kaca ) 1.8 1.3 1.3
13 Scrap Tyre ( potongan ban bekas ) 1.4 1.7 1.2
14 Rubber ( karet ) 1.0 1.0 1.0
15 Batteries ( Battery ) 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 Soil,Stone,Sand ( tanah,batu, pasir ) 2.9 3.3 4.3
17 Ceramic ( keramik ) 1.3 1.9 1.4
Total Anorganic 23.3 24.2 25.4
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0

The material that have economical value to recycling were so many,
it‘s about 14% of waste at residential were paper, plastic, plastic
bottle and food canes. Most of economical paper and plastic were
collected by scavenger before come to dumpsite (TPA).

Grafic 3 Anorganic Waste

Grafic 4 Organic Waste

The graph 3 and 4, explained the collected organic solid waste of

Residential was greater than organic waste of commercial or offices,
otherwise the organic waste composition was less compared to business
area or institutional.

The city waste composition were describe on table 4 show the

difference of composition of solid waste from various of sources taken
from the residential,commercial area and intitusional, that the big
cities like Banda Aceh, Lhoksemawe or Meulaboh had solid waste
composition of paper and plastic, with overall percentage show the
greater organic waste than inorganic.

Grafic 5 Residential Waste Aceh-Nias

Grafik 5,
Composition solid waste
From residential area
Transfer to TPA
The Organic waste more
higher than Inorganic

Grafic 6 Comercial Waste Aceh-Nias

Grafik 6,
Composition solid waste
From Commercial area
Transfer to TPA
The Organic waste more
higher than Inorganic

Grafic 7 Intitusional Waste Aceh-Nias

Grafik 7,
Composition solid waste
From Intitusional area
Transfer to TPA
The Organic waste more
higher than Inorganic

3.8.2 Collecting Waste

Table 7 Number equipment and facility for Solid Waste Collecting Aceh-Nias
No Peralatan Banda Aceh Sabang Pidie Loksemawe Calang Meulaboh Nias
Gampong Lhok Cot Alu Gunung Lapang Mega
Operasional TPA Jawa Batee Padang Alim 1 Tanggoh Hill
1 Collection Bin 240 120 70 230 162 210 80
2 Conteiner 90 10 6 12 20 1 12
3 Gerobak 60 6 15 21 6 50 8
4 ArmRoll Truck 4 3 1 4 3 4 4
5 Buldozer 3 1 0 0 0 1 0
6 Exavator 2 0 0 1 0 1 0
7 Dump Truck 40 5 7 13 7 7 14
8 Pick Up 4 4 2 4 0 2 2
9 Mobil tanki 5 3 1 2 1 2 2
10 Loader 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Wheel Loader 2 0 1 1 0 0 0

Solid Waste collecting concept in every city conduct to collect waste,

placed on the container that easy to carry, simple with efficient of
cost. The waste removal held at every house especially at Main Street.
Government also supplies the container. At housing unit where the
truck could not enter, waste was collected by cart to the collecting
container, and then taken by waste truck that changed it with the
empty container. There was a problem when waste sent to TPA, that
such equipment of backhoe excavator did not available to easier the
loading and discharging and got the waste layer. The high frequency of
discharging need a wheel loader or track loader to remove and arrange
the waste. The landfill compactor needed to compacted the waste but
was not available in most of TPA in Aceh NiasManfaat Recyling

3.8.3 The benefit of Recycling

1. Reduced the contaminating emission from waste accumulation

produce gas and waste water that contaminate land and absorption
of ground water.
2. Space or dumpsite area would decrease, and reducing cost of
management, transportation and waste retribution.
3. Be economized the energy and generally the recycling material was
not reproducible as supplement material in production process.
4. The exploiting paper/cardboard for conservation, hamper the
deforestation, felling of trees, and reduced the water
consumption in paper production.


The city waste projection need the demography of area and waste daily
production. waste volume would dependent to amount of people, activity
and culture.

The people growth projection calculated based on :

1. Geometric equation Pt = Po (1+r)t
2. Exponential equation Pt = Po.e rt
3. National cencus Data.

Equation term :
Pt = approximation of population at year t.
Po = population at the beginning of year 2005 (tsunami year)
r = number of average growth population/year = 3,14 % (literature
of demography by Ir. Said Rusli MA, published by LP3ES
Jakarta, 1989)
e = exponential number, 2.71828

Municipal Solid Waste volume collected may refer to standard

calculation of SNI 19-3964-1994 by SK SNI-M-36-1991-03 of method of
measurement of collecting Municipal Solid Waste , ranging from 2.75 up
to 3.25/liter /capita/day or 0.70-0.80 kg/capita/day. The solid waste
rate calculation refer to conducting calculation before, for example :

JICA (1996) Waste generation rate for Makassar 0.70 kg/capita/day

World bank (1999) 0.89 kg/capita/day for Pontianak
World bank (1999) 0,79 kg/capita/day for Indonesia

The waste density ranging from 200 up to 300 kg/cubic meter before
compaction.The projection of population may see at table 7 population
estimation for cities in Aceh Nias.

Table 8 Population estimate for Aceh Nias 2008 to 2030
POPULATION FOR 2008 - 2030
No City used Geometrik Formulation Pt = Po ( 1 + r )t
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030
1 Banda Aceh 177,744 183,325 189,082 195,019 201,142 207,458 213,972 220,691 257,585 300,646 350,907
2 Sabang 28,896 29,803 30,739 31,704 32,700 33,727 34,786 35,878 41,876 48,876 57,047
3 Pidie 476,656 491,623 507,060 522,982 539,403 556,341 573,810 591,827 690,765 806,243 941,027
4 Loksemawe 154,765 159,625 164,637 169,806 175,138 180,638 186,310 192,160 224,284 261,778 305,541
5 Aceh Jaya 60,025 61,910 63,854 65,859 67,927 70,060 72,259 74,528 86,988 101,530 118,503
6 aceh Barat 150,741 155,474 160,356 165,391 170,585 175,941 181,466 187,164 218,452 254,972 297,597
7 Nias 441,881 455,756 470,067 484,827 500,050 515,752 531,947 548,650 640,370 747,423 872,373
used Eksponential Formulation Pt = Po.e rt
1 Banda Aceh 177,744 183,414 189,264 195,301 201,531 207,960 214,593 221,438 259,082 303,125 354,655
2 Sabang 28,896 29,818 30,769 31,750 32,763 33,808 34,887 35,999 42,119 49,279 57,657
3 Pidie 476,656 491,860 507,550 523,740 540,446 557,685 575,475 593,831 694,780 812,889 951,077
4 Loksemawe 154,765 159,702 164,796 170,053 175,477 181,074 186,850 192,810 225,587 263,936 308,804
5 Aceh Jaya 60,025 61,940 63,915 65,954 68,058 70,229 72,469 74,781 87,493 102,367 119,769
6 aceh Barat 150,741 155,549 160,511 165,631 170,914 176,366 181,992 187,797 219,722 257,074 300,775
7 Nias 441,881 455,976 470,521 485,530 501,017 516,999 533,490 550,508 644,091 753,584 881,690
For Calculation in This Study use average from geometric and exponential formulation
1 Banda Aceh 177,744 183,369 189,173 195,160 201,337 207,709 214,283 221,065 258,333 301,886 352,781
2 Sabang 28,896 29,811 30,754 31,727 32,731 33,767 34,836 35,939 41,997 49,078 57,352
3 Pidie 476,656 491,742 507,305 523,361 539,925 557,013 574,642 592,829 692,773 809,566 946,052
4 Loksemawe 154,765 159,663 164,716 169,930 175,308 180,856 186,580 192,485 224,936 262,857 307,173
5 Aceh Jaya 60,025 61,925 63,885 65,906 67,992 70,144 72,364 74,655 87,240 101,948 119,136
6 aceh Barat 150,741 155,512 160,434 165,511 170,750 176,154 181,729 187,480 219,087 256,023 299,186
7 Nias 441,881 455,866 470,294 485,178 500,534 516,375 532,718 549,579 642,231 750,504 877,031

Table 9 Municipal Solid Waste Generation Aceh Nias 2008


No DESCRIPTION Banda Aceh Sabang Pidie Lhoksemawe Aceh Jaya Aceh Barat Nias
1 Demografi /Inhibitant (people ) 177,744 28,896 476,656 154,765 60,025 150,741 441,881
2 Waste/people/day( kg ) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Proyection Waste Generation Growth per day
3 Waste Generation /day ( Tone) 124 20 334 108 42 106 309
4 Waste Density Tone/m3 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
5 Waste Volume (m3)/day 541 88 1,451 471 183 459 1,345
Proyection Waste Generated /year
6 Waste Generate/year ( Tone) 45,414 7,383 121,786 39,542 15,336 38,514 112,901
7 Waste Volume /years ( m3) 197,450 32,100 529,503 171,924 66,680 167,454 490,872
Collection Service per day
8 Percentage Waste Collected per day 70 80 20 55 30 35 5
9 Waste Volume per day (m3) 379 70 290 259 55 161 67
10 Waste Tonnage per day ( Tone) 87 16 67 60 13 37 15
Collection Service per Year
11 Waste Volume per year (m3) 138,215 25,680 105,901 94,558 20,004 58,609 24,544
12 Waste Tonnage per year Tone) 31,790 5,906 24,357 21,748 4,601 13,480 5,645
Waste Disposed average to TPA per day
13 Waste Volume Disposed perday ( m3) 350 52 42 170 45 130 60
14 Waste Tonnage Disposed perday (Tone) 80.5 11.96 9.66 39.1 10.35 29.9 13.8
Waste Disposed Volume in TPA peryear
15 Waste Volume Disposed peryear ( m3) 127,750 18,980 15,330 62,050 16,425 47,450 21,900
16 Waste Tonnage Disposed peryear (Tone) 29,383 4,365 3,526 14,272 3,778 10,914 5,037
Organic Content of Disposed MSW
17 Persentage Organic Waste ( %) 72.5 81.9 72.4 74.5 81.6 75.3 71.8
18 Organic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 58.3625 9.79524 6.99384 29 8.4456 22.5147 9.9084
19 Organic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 21,302.31 3,575.26 2,552.75 10,632 3,082.64 8,217.87 3,616.57
Anorganic Content of Disposed MSW
20 Persentage Anorganic Waste ( %) 27.5 18.1 27.6 25.5 18.4 24.7 28.3
21 Anorganic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 22 2 3 10 18 7 4
22 Anorganic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 8,080 790 973 3,639 6,716 2,696 1,425


Waste accumulation processes in those cities mostly carry out at open

space (dump site) with natural degradation process instead of
bioremediation technology. The indegeneous activity results the
soluble material and solid material (organic or non organic). The
soluble material (leachate) that directly connected to soil are
mobile laterally and vertically with the stage of velocity depend of
soil physic. The soluble material composition may also modify during
the mobility, through the advanced degradation or absorption of soil
colloidal, respectively. The management of waste domestic in Aceh
Nias cities this day are haven’t got optimal result. There are many
obstructions during the operational, such the cost, social culture
and technology applied. The waste produces mostly is moist waste that
bring the difficulty on the management to the cities. Moist waste may
bring the greater contamination because of the decomposition produces
leachate that contaminates the water, smell and esthetic matter.

To build the final dumpsite (TPA) there always counter with

environment, finance, social, technical or institutional aspects of
the site. That will need some integrated approach and solution engage
various of aspects to affect the income and city social economic and
living people, where the education and population will affected on
waste management, such as the waste reducing program planning.
The most importance of accumulated waste in Aceh Nias cities are
described on table 8 that showed the acceleration of waste every year
that may be influence the dump site area, that have to intend be
noticed and planned as the integrity of sanitary landfill as a good

The principal of study herein that selection for waste composition in

cities are the main idea of regulation that considered by stake
holder and people, to handle the waste problem, as a part to form the
clean city and get the economical value from waste management
including supporting the informal sector and environmental
comprehension and waste management as a development and
recommendation trough waste selection in Aceh Nias cities.


The scale problem, acceleration of solid waste produced in Aceh Nias

cities disproportionate with available dump site area. At 2008 MSW
produced from seven cities (Banda Aceh, Sabang, Pidie, Lhoksemawe,
Calang, Meulaboh and Nias) up to 380,876 Ton or 1.655.982 m3 and
projection until 2030 will increase as 12.606.723 ton or 54,811,840
m3. There would be needed the new dumpsite as a part of city master

plan including the waste management focused on environment and

The solid Waste minimize should be as the priority of solid waste

management in Aceh-Nias.

• Aceh Nias government have to encourage the institution and waste

management to reducing step by selection, multiple using, recycling
or recovery with composting and digestion, by reducing solid waste.
• It has to emphasize the flow of waste management scaled on
sustainable environmental, including effort to build the recycling
industry by standard product, marketing development and best
operational standard.
• Generally there was inadequate of government budget for waste
management, also the retribution fees from consumer are to little as
much as Rp.1500-3600/month/ consumer 3. That retribution are less from
the recovery cost needed to service waste management, so government
have to issue the new regulation of solid waste retribution.
• There was inconstantly on process to issue the regulation and policy
on technology implementation, where the are limited of public access
and participation on process.
• There was improperly operational procedure and facilities,
particularly the safety work and environment contamination control,
no action and repair, so it have to be needed the consistent policy
of city waste management, recommended engaging the law and
coordination inter institutions and the fund instrument to develop
the waste management.
• The approaching through joint secretary needed to get the
sustainable solid waste management, including the formal contribution
owner, private role on planning and process of making decision
through maintenance system of waste management retribution, and waste
reducing and recycling process and composting.
• Composting program will valid to increase the compost production so
governments have to support the delivery and create the compost
marketing to farmer and horticulture.
• There was a people habit to burn the waste, so needed a field
education to prevent the waste burning, because the emission will
produce dioxin and mercury that dangerous for health and environment.
• In several area many waste pickers live near the dumpsite, to
managing Waste Pickers government can provide separate areas for
waste picking and work with local communities and NGOs to improve
schooling and healthcare facilities, and try to enforce a minimum age
for pickers on the site.
• There was no effort and handling action of dangerous waste such as
waste from hospitals, expired drugs and no facility available to
manage it.
• The local government need to form the integrated unit of solid waste
management as model to apply the pilot project and center of training
and sustainable technological management.


6.1 Demography and Level Of Services

Banda Aceh be known as ‘kota serambi Mekkah (city of Mekkah)’ consist
of 9 sub district and 89 kelurahan , with 175.522 of population. The
study showed that 70% of populations have the waste services. Although
the remnant waste of tsunami was handled by the cooperation between
TRWMP-UNDP but the waste from living activity keep produces and the
sector need to be reconstructed.

Figure 3 Banda Aceh Map

Table 10 MSW Composition Banda Aceh 2008


No Waste Type Pungo Jurong Gampong Baru Geucu Lamtemen Geuce Complek Lamlagang Penitie Suka Ramai
(Residential) (Intitusional) (Residential) ( Comercial) (Intitusional) Comercial) (Residential) ( Comercial)
1 Food ( makanan) 32 45 53.8 31 41 32 42 41
2 Paper /Cardboard ( Kertas/karton) 12 8.5 10 13 11.4 22 14 9.3
3 Horticultural ( Sampah Kebun ) 13 6.7 6 1.6 1.8 19 12 13
4 Wooden/Timber Waste ( kayu ) 4 2.4 1.26 3.4 6 6.7 4.5 2
5 Textile ( tekstil ) 5.8 4 0.4 9.8 7.8 2.5 2 1.2
6 Leather ( kulit ) 2 2 2 1.4 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.2
7 Others ( lain lain ) 0 0 4 5.8 5.74 0 2.5 0.4
8 Plastic ( Plastik) 15 11 9.5 12 11.5 12.3 9.8 17
9 Plastic Bottle 2 1 2.5 1.4 1.8 0.7 0.4 1
10 Ferrous Metal ( logam ) 3.5 2 1 0 0 0.4 0.7 1
11 Non Ferrous Metal ( bukan logam ) 3 3 1 3 0.3 0.2 0.6 2
12 Glass ( kaca ) 2 2 1 2.4 0.2 1.5 2.2 6
13 Scrap Tyre ( potongan ban bekas ) 0.3 1.5 0.8 2 0.5 0.4 2 1.5
14 Rubber ( karet ) 3 3.7 2 2.9 2.22 0.1 3 1.2
15 Batteries ( Battery ) 0.1 0.8 0 0.6 0.4 0.6 0 0
16 Soil,Stone,Sand ( tanah,batu, pasir ) 2 5 3.34 8.5 5.74 1 1 2.2
17 Ceramic ( keramik ) 0.3 1.4 1.4 1.2 2.8 0.4 3 1

TOTAL ( % ) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100


No Waste Type Batoh Lengbata Beurawe Penayong Merduati Kedah Lamgugob Kopelma Lambhok Geurih Everage

Intitusional Comercial Residential Intitusional Residential Intitusional Intitusional Comercial Residential Comercial %

1 Food 32.8 43 52 47 38.2 41 28.3 26 42 43.3 39.5

2 Paper /Cardboard 13 18 13 18.2 21 17 23 19 17.1 20.7 15.6

3 Horticultural 25 11 8 1.6 2.4 4 2.4 18 4 2.1 8.4

4 Wooden/Timber Waste 4 0.9 1.7 4.5 3 4.7 6.7 2 12 2.4 4.0

5 Textile 0.8 1 0 1.5 1.5 2.2 0.8 1 0.2 3.6 2.6

6 Leather 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 2.1 1.1 1.8 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.0

7 Others 0.2 1 1.2 0.9 1.9 1.4 0.4 1,9 0.2 0.4 1.4

8 Plastic 10.6 16.5 10.7 16 8 12 16 17.5 7.8 11.3 12.5

9 Plastic Bottle 0.7 2 1.6 2.4 0.8 1.4 2 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.4

10 Ferrous Metal 0.4 0.2 1 0.2 2.8 0 1 0 0.2 1.2 0.9

11 Non Ferrous Metal 0.2 0.4 1.5 0.5 3.2 1.8 2.7 3.2 1.3 3 1.7

12 Glass 0.5 1.2 6 2 4.4 1.2 1.1 0.8 2.6 2.6 2.2

13 Scrap Tyre 1.5 0 0.5 0.4 3.2 4 2.1 3.2 3.2 2.1 1.6

14 Rubber 1.3 0.8 0.1 0.8 2.1 1.2 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.6 1.7

15 Batteries 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2

16 Soil,Stone,Sand 8 3 2 3 3 4 6.2 4 5.2 3.4 3.9

17 Ceramic 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.8 2.4 3 3.5 2.8 1.3 0.2 1.5

TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100.0

Figure 4 Waste Sortir, Scale and Mesuserement TPA Gampong Jawa

Table 11 Proyection Solid Waste Generation Banda Aceh 2008 to 2030


No DESCRIPTION 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030
P o p u l a t I o n
1 Demografi /Inhibitant (people ) 177,744 183,369 189,173 195,160 201,337 207,709 214,283 221,065 258,333 301,886 352,781
2 Waste/people/day( kg ) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Proyection Waste Generation Growth per day
3 Waste Generation /day ( Tone) 124 128 132 137 141 145 150 155 181 211 247
4 Waste Density Tone/m3 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
5 Waste Volume (m3)/day 541 558 576 594 613 632 652 673 786 919 1,074
Proyection Waste Generated /year
6 Waste Generate/year ( Tone) 45,414 46,851 48,334 49,863 51,442 53,070 54,749 56,482 66,004 77,132 90,135
7 Waste Volume /years ( m3) 197,450 203,700 210,146 216,797 223,659 230,738 238,040 245,574 286,975 335,356 391,893
Collection Service per day
8 Percentage Waste Collected per day 70 72 74 76 79 81 84 86 89 91 94
9 Waste Volume per day (m3) 379 402 428 454 483 513 545 579 697 839 1,010
10 Waste Tonnage per day ( Tone) 87 93 98 104 111 118 125 133 160 193 232
Collection Service per Year
11 Waste Volume per year (m3) 138,215 146,867 156,061 165,830 176,211 187,242 198,963 211,418 254,472 306,294 368,670
12 Waste Tonnage per year Tone) 31,790 33,779 35,894 38,141 40,529 43,066 45,761 48,626 58,528 70,448 84,794
Waste Disposed average to TPA per day
13 Waste Volume Disposed perday ( m3) 350 362 385 409 434 462 491 521 627 755 909
14 Waste Tonnage Disposed perday (Tone) 80.5 83 89 94 100 106 113 120 144 174 209
Waste Disposed Volume in TPA peryear
15 Waste Volume Disposed peryear ( m3) 127,750 132,181 140,455 149,247 158,590 168,517 179,066 190,276 229,025 275,665 331,803
16 Waste Tonnage Disposed peryear (Tone) 29,383 30,402 32,305 34,327 36,476 38,759 41,185 43,763 52,676 63,403 76,315
Organic Content of Disposed MSW
17 Persentage Organic Waste ( %) 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5
18 Organic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 58.3625 60 64 68 72 77 82 87 105 126 152
19 Organic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 21,302.31 22,041 23,421 24,887 26,445 28,100 29,859 31,728 38,190 45,967 55,328
Anorganic Content of Disposed MSW
20 Persentage Anorganic Waste ( %) 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5
21 Anorganic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 22 23 24 26 27 29 31 33 40 48 57
22 Anorganic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 8,080 8,360 8,884 9,440 10,031 10,659 11,326 12,035 14,486 17,436 20,987

6.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste
The daily waste produces from city are 379 m3 of solid material,
or similar to 87 ton. The analyzed made to waste and categorized
as food (39,5%), paper (15,6%), plastic (12,5%) plastic bottle
(1,4%), plant waste (8,4%), wooden (4%), metal (0,9%), non metal
(1,7%), glass (2,2%), textile (2,6%), leather (1%), tyre pieces
(1,6%), rubber (1,7%), battery (0,2%), soil/stone/sand (3,9%),
ceramics (1,5%) and others (1,4%). Based from the composition,
about 70-75% of waste are biological degraded (organic) and 25-
30% non organic.

Grafic 8 Total Anorganic and Organic Waste Banda Aceh

Total Anorganic
Solid Waste
Banda Aceh
27.5 %

The high
percentage for
Organic Waste
Come from Food
39.5 %

Grafic 9 Total Organic and Anorganic Waste Banda Aceh

Total Organic
Solid Waste
Banda Aceh
72.5 %

The high
percentage for
Anorganic Waste
Come from Plastic
12.5 %

6.3 Collecting and Solid Waste Transportation
Collecting and transportation worked on 4 shift during 24
hours. The collecting system divided on 3 area, the housing
area, business area and offices. This grouping is due to the
kind of waste sources even though there are many obstructions
to differ the waste source.
Wastes produced by domestic house carry out by the personnel
by cart and transport to temporary dumpsite or waste
container. The temporary dumpsite made from permanently
material, where the container location was determined by
Cleaning and garden official at the accessibly area. Even
there was a Qanon of waste, there were still the unofficial

There were generally available the waste barrel in housing

unit or business area that accessibly for truck. The schedule
of collecting from TPS (temporary dumpsite) or container was
managed by DKP. In This area, it seemed that economical
material was collected first by garbage collector, and there
was no recording of garbage collector number, yet. The
population who live in country or kampong that far from town
managed the waste by burn it or discard it to river. The
collected waste from housing, business area and offices then
transport to the temporary dumpsite (TPS) and to The final
dumpsite (TPA). The management of solid waste is DKP

Figure 5 Waste Collecting & Trasportation Banda Aceh

6.4 The Final Dumpsite
TPA ‘ Gampung Jawa” located at 3,5 km north of banda Aceh, abut the
sea and Krueng Aceh River, which was operated since 1993. The TPA
was reconstructed after tsunami 2004 and located on the same place.
The TPA Sel today and before tsunami have no embankment to protect
the soil and ground water, and leachate may penetrate through the
ground. The TPA Gampong Jawa capacity achieved 350-450 m3 per day.
Considering of the location and area of disaster risk, and the
great amount of waste, the government planned to reconstruct the
TPA. First step of the temporary TPA project was to build up to 50%
of disaster total capacity into 2 part of barracks, with 2,5 year
of period of use projection. If the regional TPA not ready during
that time, a 50% supplementation of volume will built to longer the
use up to 5 years. The area neede for 100% or 5 years period is 9
ha. The first TPA barrack will need 4,5 ha of area consist of 3 ha
existing area and 1,5 ha new area.

Figure 6 Dumpsite Gampong Jawa Banda Aceh

Figure 7 Equipment Support Operational MSW Banda Aceh

6.6 Recycling Process

The recycling of dry waste (plastic, paper and metal) conducting

without the city government incentive because of the value of the
recycled products. The recycling activity started from informal
sector, the garbage collector. The first collectors, who collect
from houses in one RT, supposed to select the recycled things
before discard them to TPS. The collector will sale their
recycled waste to buyer, who then sale them to the recycling
factory, at Medan.

6.6.1 The Composting

In Banda Aceh, the management process of fertilizer is a narrow

range of activity. As a sample project which was held as
cooperation between Composting TRWMP-UNDP the good composting is
determined from the waste diversity (vegetable, food unless solid
bone, fruits, meat, leaves/grass, and others house or market

waste, with the waste no longer than 2 days to prevent the
decomposition or fly larva contents, and the comparison value of
Carbon Nitrogen (C/N) 30-35:1.

The moisture will affect the quality of compost and water content
maintain at 50%. The composting was important to manage the
organic waste and a very efficient way to benefit the waste.

Figure 8 Composting and Recycling MSW Banda Aceh

Figure 9 MSW Collecting by Scavenger Banda Aceh

6.7 The Intitusional

DKP is responsible for waste generally the solid waste produce in

city. The Cleaning and gardening official is responsible for
collecting and discharging the waste in Banda Aceh, nowadays have
400 employees, whereas ERTR Program (Emergency Respond Tsunami
Recovery) UNDP Aceh-Nias give the supporting by the only program
TRMWP (Tsunami recovery Waste management Program). As the principle
key of the program was supplying the technical support to DKP to
alter the waste management in Banda Aceh Design and Construction to
a temporary landfill sanitary at Gampong Jawa, Banda Aceh. The
landfill proposed to increase the sanitary quality and city
infrastructure. The program planned to maintain the management for
2 years, until the new regional TPA were built, in outer of Banda
Aceh. To facilitate the design, The Arcadis Consultant, have
designed for DKP under UNDP contract. This report was specially
based on the design Final report by Arcadis and some of visual
supervisors in location.

6.8 Budgeting
A year cost of waste management of Banda Aceh in 2007 was Rp.
13.933.926.933 with greatest proportion for the employee salary Rp.
6.836.695.000, equipment and operational including fuel as much as
Rp. 1.836.294.750, freelance personnel Rp. 1.192.567.183, building
reconstruction and vehicle expense Rp. 896.404.500 and other
expenses Rp. 4.171.965.500. The income from waste retribution is
1.1 billion rupiah and the waste management in Banda Aceh are
depend on subsidy so far.

6.9 Awareness and Society Participation

The waste problem in Banda Aceh become the priority especially
how to make the method and operational transporting waste from
TPS to TPA. The discards waste, accumulated, heap and flatted,
compressed and composted and degraded naturally, will be annoying
if just left for long period. The local government through the
mosque, radio and mutual assistance often urge the people to
manage the waste. Waste is a part of the living and have to be
handled communally, because the waste problem not only government
responsible but also the society as well. People have to aware
that mishandle of waste will cause the derivation of life
quality. People have to be voluntary participated on the waste
campaign by government or other institution. Following the rules
and regulation of solid waste management, aware to pay the
retribution, and make the waste separated system in each domestic

6.10 Conclusion and Recommendation

There has not available separated system and dry waste recycling in
TPA, because of the economic value of the material such as plastic,
metal and paper. Eventhough there still need to develop the organic
waste management. The small scale composting in TPA was an example
of developing concept to sustainable waste management, although the
greater management need the good selection of waste to be
effective. For the reason, it recommended to build the waste
management facility and recycling product based on the community of
kelurahan in Banda Aceh.

The middle and lower class of society who living far from the city
used the yard as sanitary facility, including the waste dumpsite,
without concerning the health and environmental risk. In the over
populated area, the distance from city and bad condition of road
may damper the waste collecting system. The each institutional have
their own waste management, and make difficult to manage as
integrated system. It is better to make the effort consist of
officially institutions be campaign to raise community intensively
in proper waste management.

TPA in Banda Aceh is non sanitary landfill, although its capacity

still operational, but in long term it necessary to remove the
location. The development of TPA had discussed involve UNDP
secretary, DED processed by consultant, used the landfill sanitary
concept to CDM with hopes of sustainable environmental focused and
prepare the good change to develop the environment. It was an
attention that TPA Banda Aceh located in swamp and sea region, with
some of centimeter above the sea level and water ground could
emerge from land and make such of contamination to the upper or
underground water. It was recommended to make reconstruction around
the area by planting and repairing with strengthen and water
irrigation along the way to TPA.

Considering of equipment and the operation, some trucks and other

newer equipment were un functional because of lack treatment that
lead to delayed of waste transporting. Thus make the recommendation
of workshop execution of repairing, scheduling and truck washing.


7.1 Demography and services

Sabang divided into two sub district area of Sukajaya and

Sukakarya. Sukajaya consist of 10 kelurahan Paya, Keunekai,
Beurawang, Jaboi, Balohan, Cot Abeuk, Cot Ba U, Anoi Itam,
Ujong Kareung, and Ie Meule, whereas Sukakarya consist of 8
kelurahan of Iboih, Batee Shok, Paya Seunara, Krueng Jaya,
Aneuk Laot, Kota bawah Timur, Kota Bawah Barat and Kota Atas.
Total population were 28.896, with waste management of Sabang
as 80% including the services to community, business and
Figure 10 Sabang Map

Table 12 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Sabang

Sub District SUKAJAYA Sub District SUKA KARYA

No Waste Type Cot Bau Balohan Ie Meule Kota bawah barat kota bawah timur kota atas Everage
Cot Abeuk %

Residential Commercial Intitusional Commercial Residential Intitusional

1 Food ( makanan) 39.8 45.3 46 52 38 44 44.2
2 Paper /Cardboard ( Kertas/karton) 13.6 16.2 14.2 11.8 17.3 14.4 14.6
3 Horticultural ( Sampah Kebun ) 16 14.9 8 13.4 11.9 15.4 13.3
4 Wooden/Timber Waste ( kayu ) 5 1.8 0.7 1.5 0.8 1.3 1.9
5 Textile ( tekstil ) 4.7 0.8 6 4 4.3 5.2 4.2
6 Leather ( kulit ) 3.2 0.4 0.5 1.1 0.4 2.6 1.4
7 Others ( lain lain ) 0.2 2.3 1.9 2 7.2 1 2.4
8 Plastic ( Plastik) 6.8 6.3 15.5 7 12.1 8.2 9.3
9 Plastic Bottle 2.1 2.4 1.1 1.2 1.8 1.5 1.7
10 Ferrous Metal ( logam ) 1.2 0.6 0.1 0.4 0.6 1.2 0.7
11 Non Ferrous Metal ( bukan logam ) 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3
12 Glass ( kaca ) 0.7 2.3 0.8 0.4 0.3 1.3 1.0
13 Scrap Tyre ( potongan ban bekas ) 2.1 2.6 1.2 0.4 1.2 0.4 1.3
14 Rubber ( karet ) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5
15 Batteries ( Battery ) 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.0
16 Soil,Stone,Sand ( tanah,batu, pasir ) 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.8 1.5 2.8
17 Ceramic ( keramik ) 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.4 1.2 0.6

TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Figure 11 MSW Composition Activity in Sabang

Table 13 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Generation Sabang 2008 to 2030


No DESCRIPTION 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030
1 Demografi /Inhibitant (people ) 28,896 29,811 30,754 31,727 32,731 33,767 34,836 35,939 41,997 49,078 57,352
2 Waste/people/day( kg ) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Proyection Waste Generation Growth per day
3 Waste Generation /day ( Tone) 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 29 34 40
4 Waste Density Tone/m3 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
5 Waste Volume (m3)/day 88 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 128 149 175
Proyection Waste Generated /year
6 Waste Generate/year ( Tone) 7,383 7,617 7,858 8,106 8,363 8,628 8,901 9,182 10,730 12,539 14,653
7 Waste Volume /years ( m3) 32,100 33,116 34,164 35,245 36,360 37,511 38,698 39,923 46,654 54,519 63,710
Collection Service per day
8 Percentage Waste Collected per day 80 82 83 85 87 88 90 92 94 96 98
9 Waste Volume per day (m3) 70 74 78 82 86 91 96 101 120 143 170
10 Waste Tonnage per day ( Tone) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 28 33 39
Collection Service per Year
11 Waste Volume per year (m3) 25,680 27,022 28,435 29,922 31,486 33,132 34,865 36,687 43,730 52,124 62,130
12 Waste Tonnage per year Tone) 5,906 6,215 6,540 6,882 7,242 7,620 8,019 8,438 10,058 11,989 14,290
Waste Disposed average to TPA per day
13 Waste Volume Disposed perday ( m3) 52 67 70 74 78 82 86 90 108 129 153
14 Waste Tonnage Disposed perday (Tone) 11.96 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 30 35
Waste Disposed Volume in TPA peryear
15 Waste Volume Disposed peryear ( m3) 18,980 24,320 25,592 26,930 28,338 29,819 31,378 33,019 39,357 46,912 55,917
16 Waste Tonnage Disposed peryear (Tone) 4,365 5,594 5,886 6,194 6,518 6,858 7,217 7,594 9,052 10,790 12,861
Organic Content of Disposed MSW
17 Persentage Organic Waste ( %) 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9
18 Organic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 9.79524 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 20 24 29
19 Organic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 3,575.26 4,581 4,821 5,073 5,338 5,617 5,911 6,220 7,414 8,837 10,533
Anorganic Content of Disposed MSW
20 Persentage Anorganic Waste ( %) 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1
21 Anorganic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6
22 Anorganic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 790 1,012 1,065 1,121 1,180 1,241 1,306 1,375 1,638 1,953 2,328

[Type text]

7.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste

The study conducted measured the composition and characterized the
solid waste at TPA Lhok Batee as follow : paper (44,2%), plastic
(9,3%), plastic bottle (1,7%), plant waste (13,3%), wooden (1,9%),
metal (0,7%), non metal (0,3%), glass (1%), textile (4,2%), leather
(1,4%), tyre scrap (1,3%), rubber (0,5%), battery (0%),
soil/stone/sand (2,8%), ceramics (0,6%) and others (2,4%). Based on
this composition, about 81,9 % of waste was biologically degrade
(organic) and 18,2% was in organic waste. Waste that enter the TPA
recorded average as much 52 m3 or 12 ton per day.

Grafic 10 Total Anorganic Waste

Total Anorganic
Solid Waste

The high
percentage for
Organic Waste
Come from Food

Grafic 11 Total Organic Waste

Total Organic
Solid Waste

The high
percentage for
AnOrganic Waste
Come from

[Type text]

7.3 Collecting and Tranportation

Considering that Sabang covered with hills and population
concentrated near the business area or offices. The collecting
waste system done through the houses by personnel who took and
carry the waste, meanwhile in community area or business area
generally a container have placed for waste temporally.
Transportation conduct daily on working time.

Figure 12 Collecting and Transportation in Sabang

7.4 Final Dumpsite

TPA Lhok batee have two ha area, and have been operated since
1998. With the estimated of waste as 60000 m3, supplemented with
4 units of leachate ponds that no operate anymore.The waste
discards about 2 km from Balohan and near the small river. The
landfill structure was without base and there were gravel under
with plumbing system to collect leachate, no standardize for the
operation, waste loosing upon and then pushed by the bulldozer,
without condensation. And no covering by clay. At environmental
side the TPA not equipped with layer, just gravel and a pipe

Figure 13 Dumpsite in Sabang

[Type text]

Figure 14 leachage pond and Domestic Waste Treatment in Sabang

7.5 Facility and Equipment

Recently, TPA in Sabang have about 120 ash can along the main
road and business area, 10 container 8 m3 capacity, 6 carts, 3
units arm roll truck, 1 unit bulldozer, 5 unit dump truck, 4 pick
up car and 3 tank car. Based on the daily waste volume enter the
TPA ,with the number of equipment and the field official take
care of city sanitary seemed to be enough, but the use of
equipment and facility supporting TPA not in good maintenance,
leading for breakage and delayed the waste transporting to TPA.

Figure 15 Equipment Support for Operation in Sabang

[Type text]

7.6 Recycling Process

The organic waste potential as much as 80%, actually can be

benefited as compost. There was not government planning yet, some
training of composting have conducted, and supposed to be a
continuing activity. Fund and investment were a restriction for
local government, but the community self-supporting organizations,
UNDP, and UNICEF were involved into the process. Whereas paper
waste, plastic, bottle plastic were classified by garbage
collector. There were three collector agent in Sabang who monthly
sent the classified of solid waste out of city like Medan.

Figure 16 Material MSW Collecting by Scavenger

7.7 The Intitusional

The waste management in Sabang had done by DKP (the official of

sanitary, gardening and market), the rules/qanon for waste until now
still not exist yet, and still require the old regulation. Sabang need
the program to form the effective institutional, accountable, and
transparent. The specific goal achieved was the availability of acts to
manage the cooperative between government and private in waste
management, to create new fund to handling the waste in Sabang. The
realization for Sabang to strengthen the DKP nowadays are to review and
revised the old regulation of waste management, by reference to the
waste management acts from central government, to do the integrated TPA
management for environmental sustainability, including the human
resources through education and training.

[Type text]

Figure 17 Intitusional Waste Management Office In Sabang

7.8 Budgeting
The principle of waste problem in Sabang concerned with imbalance
of available budgeting and acquired waste retribution. Based on
budget of 2007, the official have budgeting for the employee
salary Rp., maintenance and operational fleet spare
past Rp. 200.000.000, and waste retribution acquired a year Rp.
127.092.000. To find the optimal results from operating activity,
accurately fund was needed to supporting. The fund may come from
the central government, regency/city, BUMD for organic waste
management, waste and TPA management. There was needed some
effort of cooperating between government region, private, self-
supporting organization or other donor through the management
contract, or other management, for balance the public services,
operational and budgeting.

7.9 Awareness and Society Participation

The awareness and community participation in waste management
still needed, although based on culture and traditional society of
Sabang, it was easy to generate a mass for communally working, and
it was positive if worked and more ways as socially form the
collectively awareness about the waste management for the future
environment, sanitary environmental, beautiful city, comfortable
and healthy.

[Type text]

7.10 Conclusion and Recommendation

1. There was no waste system made by Sabang government, including

the procedure and recording of daily activity and the limited of
resources and lack of knowledge of waste. The inter coordination
between institution needed to formulate the future waste
management, the official restructure of waste handling by
developing the human resources. That would need the developed
building capacity of institution to handling the waste problem.

2. The Dumpsite in Sabang Due to the ignorance of associated

environmental and health risks, lack of technical and financial
resources include lack of political will to protect and improve
environmental and limited fund allocation for waste treatment
and disposal.

3. The development and waste organic classification and quality

development and quantity of waste transportation, needed to find
the integrity of waste services in Sabang. To increase the
quality of management of final dumpsite at Lhok Batee meet the
sanitayr landfill system standard. A recommendation needed to do
the expediency study of TPA existing to the standardized of
sanitary landfill.

4. Sabang need a new regulation for the waste management and

explaining in detail insentif and disinsentif in the waste
management rule.

5. The regulation consist of Flow Process in the waste management

for the people to know and understanding of restribution will be
use for activity in Solid waste management.

[Type text]


8.1 Demography and services

The demography of Pidie was 0,4,30-04,6 LU, 95.75-96,20 BT, with
the wide of region 4160,55 km2 and population 472.000, with the
region of land beach/coats, high land Tangse ceupang valley and
Mane, with 30 sub district and 29 kelurahan and 923 countries.
Based of study there were only 20 % of domestic house get service
of collecting waste. That because of the wide area of Pidie and
only 8 sub district can handled so far. Meanwhile the rest of
community still handling the waste on their yard and some of them
discard the waste to the river.

Figure 18 Map Sabang

[Type text]

Table 14 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Pidie

Sub District
No Waste Type Kota Bakti mutiara calee,sigli pidie grong-grong titji Everage
Residential Residential Intitusional commersial Residential commersial %
1 Food ( makanan) 45 41.1 39 53 45 56 46.5
2 Paper /Cardboard ( Kertas/karton) 15 7.4 9.1 5.2 6.9 4.2 8
3 Horticultural ( Sampah Kebun ) 8 16.3 14 6 11 4 9.9
4 Wooden/Timber Waste ( kayu ) 2.2 0.2 1.2 2.8 1.2 1 1.4
5 Textile ( tekstil ) 2.1 6.2 5.2 2.1 7.2 2.8 4.3
6 Leather ( kulit ) 0.3 0.3 1.1 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.6
7 Others ( lain lain ) 1.8 2.3 3.2 2.2 0 1.1 1.8
8 Plastic ( Plastik) 9 9.8 13 9.2 11.5 14 11.1
9 Plastic Bottle 0.4 0.8 1.1 3.5 4.1 2.2 2
10 Ferrous Metal ( logam ) 1.2 0.5 0.1 1 0.1 0.3 0.5
11 Non Ferrous Metal ( bukan logam ) 1.5 2.4 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.1 1.4
12 Glass ( kaca ) 0.8 3.1 2.1 0.8 3.1 1.9 2
13 Scrap Tyre ( potongan ban bekas ) 1.8 1.3 3.1 4.1 2.9 5.3 3.1
14 Rubber ( karet ) 0.6 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.5
15 Batteries ( Battery ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Soil,Stone,Sand ( tanah,batu, pasir ) 7.1 5.7 2.2 2.8 1 2.5 3.6
17 Ceramic ( keramik ) 3.2 2.1 4.3 5.2 3.8 2.3 3.5

TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

[Type text]

Figure 20 Waste Composition Activity in TPA Cot Padang Pidie

Figure 21

[Type text]

Table 15 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Pidie 2008 to 2030


No DESCRIPTION 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030
1 Demografi /Inhibitant (people ) 476,656 491,742 507,305 523,361 539,925 557,013 574,642 592,829 692,773 809,566 946,052
2 Waste/people/day( kg ) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Proyection Waste Generation Growth per day
3 Waste Generation /day ( Tone) 334 344 355 366 378 390 402 415 485 567 662
4 Waste Density Tone/m3 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
5 Waste Volume (m3)/day 1,451 1,497 1,544 1,593 1,643 1,695 1,749 1,804 2,108 2,464 2,879
Proyection Waste Generated /year
6 Waste Generate/year ( Tone) 121,786 125,640 129,616 133,719 137,951 142,317 146,821 151,468 177,003 206,844 241,716
7 Waste Volume /years ( m3) 529,503 546,261 563,550 581,386 599,786 618,769 638,352 658,556 769,580 899,323 ######
Collection Service per day
8 Percentage Waste Collected per day 20 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26
9 Waste Volume per day (m3) 290 329 346 365 384 404 425 447 533 635 757
10 Waste Tonnage per day ( Tone) 67 76 80 84 88 93 98 103 123 146 174
Collection Service per Year
11 Waste Volume per year (m3) 105,901 120,177 126,461 133,072 140,029 147,351 155,054 163,161 194,481 231,814 276,314
12 Waste Tonnage per year Tone) 24,357 27,641 29,086 30,607 32,207 33,891 35,663 37,527 44,731 53,317 63,552
Waste Disposed average to TPA per day
13 Waste Volume Disposed perday ( m3) 42 46 51 56 61 68 74 82 90 99 109
14 Waste Tonnage Disposed perday (Tone) 9.66 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 21 23 25
Waste Disposed Volume in TPA peryear
15 Waste Volume Disposed peryear ( m3) 15,330 16,863 18,549 20,404 22,445 24,689 27,158 29,874 32,861 36,147 39,762
16 Waste Tonnage Disposed peryear (Tone) 3,526 3,878 4,266 4,693 5,162 5,678 6,246 6,871 7,558 8,314 9,145
Organic Content of Disposed MSW
17 Persentage Organic Waste ( %) 72.4 72.4 72.4 72.4 72.4 72.4 72.4 72.4 72.4 72.4 72.4
18 Organic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 6.99384 8 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18
19 Organic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 2,552.75 2,808 3,089 3,398 3,737 4,111 4,522 4,975 5,472 6,019 6,621
Anorganic Content of Disposed MSW
20 Persentage Anorganic Waste ( %) 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6
21 Anorganic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7
22 Anorganic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 973 1,070 1,178 1,295 1,425 1,567 1,724 1,896 2,086 2,295 2,524

8.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste
Although there was no record of waste enter the TPA Cot Padang, but
can be estimated from the waste truck enter as much as 42 m3. The
analyzing of waste had conducted, resulted waste of food
(46.5%),paper (8%),plastic (11,1%), bottle plastic (2%), plant
waste (9,9%), wooden (1,4%), metal (0,5%), non metal (1,4%), glass
(2%), textile (4,3%), leather (0,6%), tyre scrap (3,1%), rubber
(0,5%), battery (0%), soil/stone/sand (3,6%), ceramics (3.5%),
others (1.8%). Based of these composition, about 70-75% of waste
are biological degraded (organic) and 25-30% was non organic.

Grafic 12 Anorganic Waste Sabang

Total Anorganic
Solid Waste
27.6 %

The high
percentage for
Organic Waste
Come from Food
46.5 %

Grafic 13 Organic Waste Sabang

Total Organic
Solid Waste

The high
percentage for
Anorganic Waste
Come from
Plastic 11.1%

8.3 Collecting and Tranportation

In Pidie, there was little of waste handling system based on

community. Each house bring their waste to burn or discard.
Most the ash can laid on the main road. The community
spreading on the main road and business area. Waste were
collected from many TPS and transported to TPA by the sanitary

Figure 22 Collecting and Transportation

1.4 Final Dumpsite

Wastes discard to TPA as a open discard off. There was no
protection to surrounding environment but UNDP together with
UNICEF through Multi Door Fund, had repaired the TPA and build
the waste management pond covered clay in Cot padang Lila
country km. 23, Sub district Padang Tiji. The pond used as
liquid waste management from septic tank and the waste buried
area collected from people around Pidie. The TPA and liquid
waste management were under the authority of Official of
sanitary income and DPKP gardening/DISPENDA Pidie regency

Figure 23 Location Dumpsite Cot Padang Pidie

Figure 24 Leachage Pond and Domestic Waste Treatment

8.5 Facility and Equipment

This time, the TPA of Pidie manage by Dispenda have 70 ash can
spreading along the main road, 6 container located near the
housing, business and offices, 15 carts for transportation where
the truck cannot enter, 1 unit of arm roll truck, 7 units of dump
truck, 2 pick up, 1 tank car as the equipments to serve the city
sanitary. These recent days, new transportation tools of becak
were distributed to the 42 of garbage collector in Sigli and also
the operational cost as much as Rp 168 million from foundation of
Cipta Aksi partisipatif (YCAP). That fund were distributed by GTZ
supported by UNDP and Multi Donor Fund (MDF).

Figure 25 Supporting Operational for Dumpsite

8.6 Recycling Process

Plastic, metal, alluminium, paper and glass are the kind of waste
able to recycle. The recycling process follow the general
standard, started from the garbage collector, through the agent
to the processing factory. Based from the record there were 9 big
collectors which bought and collected from the agent, were 32
agents, who find out and directly bought from the people,
meanwhile the free collector amount to 18 persons. These informal
sectors very help people to work independently. Although there
was no cooperation between the garbage collector organization and
the official they were actually hope the participation from
government and other foundation to their fate, especially the
efforts of recycling industry in Pidie to free from Medan
industry dependence.

The big organized recycling industry was planned to build in

padang Tidji near the TPA location. This composting was
initiative of private and local self-supporting organization,
that will compost of organic waste from TPA (result 5-15 ton per
month, depend on weather) and will transporting to their private
company for wrap and packing. This initiative will provide the
recycling effort and composting and keep develop the quality of
compost to compete the chemical fertilizer and seemed to be
competitive because use the human labor and labour intensive.

Figure 26 MSW Collection by Scavenger

8.7 The Intitusional

The management of waste in Pidie conducted by Dispenda unless
some of business area/market the management authority still
unclear among Official of Income,sanitary, and Region gardening
(Dispenda), and the Chief of Sub District of Sigli or Bapedalda.
There must be clarity of sector and the official that responsible
for city sanitary so the personnel could work as their
institutional budgeting. The Dispenda seemed to be handling the
waste problem, so far.

Figure 27 Intitusional Pidie

8.8 Budgeting
Based on the budget of Pidie for waste and sanitary in 2007 as
much as Rp. 579.956..250 for employee salary, vehicle operational
and charge on business effort , Rp 43.506.040 of income from
business sector.other supplement, meanwhile the retribution
based on qanon only

8.9 Awareness and Society Participation
By reviewing of Pidie, generally the community have not realize
the important of environmental sanitary and healthy, and because
of limited education, there was still found a waste heap or waste
discard into the water inlet. There was no socialization of waste
management lead to the mistreatment such as burning waste and
unwilling to built TPA.
It have to realize the region government through active
communication ask the society by bringing the counseling, radio
news or through the mosque, and keep going into mutual assistance
to increase the people participation by selecting first before

8.10 Conclusion and Recommendation

1 - No available waste system made by region government including
the procedure and the daily data recording and limited source and
lack of waste knowledge. The recording consists of the daily
coming truck and pick up. Based on the service delivering there
were 10-12 attendance of truck at TPA, or about 42 m3 per day.
Its recommended the transportation system and waste removal
recording and better discharge off report in TPA.

2 - Location and open area of waste discard in Cot Padang and the
amount of animal herd around the TPA could emerged the animal
poisoning case.
The miss replacement of waste leading an ineffective of using
area. The 70% of waste was organic and may cause the smell
problem that contaminant the environment. Its recommended to
built the fence to prevent animals enter the TPA area.

3 - The big quantity of waste discard along the road caused by

the lack of temporary waste container, less of frequency of
removal lead to waste heap, lack of TPS, and inappropriate design
to easier the removal. The potential organic waste will
recommended to handled and processed by composting near TPA

The restribution will be adopt with the economical situation in

this time, the restribution should be review every 1 years and
payment for the waste compositioan adjustment in the periode of
time this should be not indicate the incremental ristribution as


9.1 Demography and services

Loksemawe only had 153.274 populations who divided into three sub
district which are Blang mangat with 22 kelurahan, Muara 2 28
kelurahan and Bang Sakti with 18 kelurahan. Based on the waste
enter the TPA, ascertainable that 55% of population received the
waste service. Loksemawe had the wide country area that there was
lack of facility, where the people discard the waste by burnt or
manage it on their own yard.

Figure 28 Map Lhoksemawe

Table 16 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Lhoksemawe 2008

Sub District BLANK


No Waste Type Everage

Residential Commersial Residential Commersial Intitusional Residential Commersial Intitusional %
1 Food ( makanan) 39.8 54 56 52.2 48 48 52 47 49.6
2 Paper /Cardboard ( Kertas/karton) 13.6 5 3 8 3 5 8 9 6.8
3 Horticultural ( Sampah Kebun ) 16 8 14 5 16 12 2 6 9.9
4 Wooden/Timber Waste ( kayu ) 5 4 2 2.2 4 5.2 4 0.5 3.4
5 Textile ( tekstil ) 4.7 1.5 0.5 7.3 2.4 2 1.2 7 3.3
6 Leather ( kulit ) 3.2 1.1 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0.6
7 Others ( lain lain ) 0.2 0.3 4 0.4 0.4 0.5 1.4 1.5 1.1
8 Plastic ( Plastik) 6.8 10.5 13 9.2 14 9 11.2 16 11.2
9 Plastic Bottle 2.1 2.1 1 1.2 3 3.2 1.2 3.1 2.1
10 Ferrous Metal ( logam ) 1.2 1.3 0.8 2.4 0 0.1 0 1.1 0.9
11 Non Ferrous Metal ( bukan logam ) 0.4 1 0.5 2.1 1.5 0.5 2.8 0.5 1.2
12 Glass ( kaca ) 0.7 1.4 2 0.4 1.3 2.6 2 2.1 1.6
13 Scrap Tyre ( potongan ban bekas ) 2.1 3.2 0 0 0 3 2.8 0 1.4
14 Rubber ( karet ) 0.6 0.8 0.6 2.1 1.2 2.1 1.2 2.8 1.4
15 Batteries ( Battery ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
16 Soil,Stone,Sand ( tanah,batu, pasir ) 3.1 3 2.1 4.5 4 4 8.2 2 3.9
17 Ceramic ( keramik ) 0.5 2.8 0.3 2.8 1.2 2.8 2 1.2 1.7

TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.0

Figure 29 Waste Composition Activity in Lhoksemawe

Table 17 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Generation 2008 to 2030


No DESCRIPTION 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030
154,76 159,66 164,71 169,93 175,30 180,85 186,58 192,48 224,93 262,85 307,17
1 Demografi /Inhibitant (people ) 5 3 6 0 8 6 0 5 6 7 3
2 Waste/people/day( kg ) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Proyection Waste Generation Growth per day
3 Waste Generation /day ( Tone) 108 112 115 119 123 127 131 135 157 184 215
4 Waste Density Tone/m3 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
5 Waste Volume (m3)/day 471 486 501 517 534 550 568 586 685 800 935
Proyection Waste Generated /year
6 Waste Generate/year ( Tone) 39,542 40,794 42,085 43,417 44,791 46,209 47,671 49,180 57,471 67,160 78,483
171,92 177,36 182,97 188,77 194,74 200,90 207,26 213,82 249,87 292,00 341,22
7 Waste Volume /years ( m3) 4 5 8 0 4 7 6 6 4 0 9
Collection Service per day
8 Percentage Waste Collected per day 55 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 71 72
9 Waste Volume per day (m3) 259 294 309 326 343 360 379 399 476 567 676
10 Waste Tonnage per day ( Tone) 60 68 71 75 79 83 87 92 109 130 155
Collection Service per Year
107,30 112,91 118,81 125,03 131,56 138,44 145,68 173,65 206,98 246,71
11 Waste Volume per year (m3) 94,558 6 6 9 2 9 7 6 1 6 9
12 Waste Tonnage per year Tone) 21,748 24,680 25,971 27,328 28,757 30,261 31,843 33,508 39,940 47,607 56,745
Waste Disposed average to TPA per day
13 Waste Volume Disposed perday ( m3) 170 187 206 226 249 274 301 331 364 401 441
14 Waste Tonnage Disposed perday (Tone) 39.1 43 47 52 57 63 69 76 84 92 101
Waste Disposed Volume in TPA peryear
109,92 120,91 133,01 146,31 160,94
15 Waste Volume Disposed peryear ( m3) 62,050 68,255 75,081 82,589 90,847 99,932 5 8 0 1 2
16 Waste Tonnage Disposed peryear (Tone) 14,272 15,699 17,269 18,995 20,895 22,984 25,283 27,811 30,592 33,651 37,017
Organic Content of Disposed MSW
17 Persentage Organic Waste ( %) 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5
18 Organic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 29 32 35 39 43 47 52 57 62 69 76
19 Organic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 10,632 11,695 12,865 14,152 15,567 17,123 18,836 20,719 22,791 25,070 27,577
Anorganic Content of Disposed MSW
20 Persentage Anorganic Waste ( %) 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5
21 Anorganic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 24 26
22 Anorganic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 3,639 4,003 4,403 4,844 5,328 5,861 6,447 7,092 7,801 8,581 9,439

9.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste
According the official of sanitary and gardening, the total
amount of waste transported to landfill was 170 m3 per day. From
the study of composition of solid waste of Loksemawe
ascertainable that greatest composition of waste on TPA 75%
organic and 25 % non organic. The waste consist of food (49,4%),
paper (6,7%), plastic (11,6%), bottle plastic (2.2%), plant waste
(10%), wooden( 3,2%), metal (0.8%), non metal (1.1%), glass
(1.6), textile (3.5%), leather (0.6%), tyre scrap (1.2%), rubber
(1.5%), battery (0.2 %, soil/stone/sand (3.8%), ceramics (1.6%)
and others (1.1%).

Grafic 14 Anorganic Waste Lhoksemawe

Total Anorganic
Solid Waste
25.3 %

The high
percentage for
Organic Waste
Come from Food
49.6 %

Grafic 15 Organic Waste Lhoksemawe

Total Organic
Solid Waste
74.7 %

The high
percentage for
Anorganic Waste
Come from
11.2 %

9.3 Collecting and Tranportation
The waste container made for individually and group purpose which
was laid near accessibly road to transport, and took by a small
truck, cart or placed on temporary container to the TPA. The
waste transportation also used the dump truck, arm roll truck and
waste car patrol which transported to final dumpsite.

Figure 30 Waste Collecting in Lhoksemawe

The waste transportation in the community conducted in the

morning, by the considering of people outdoor activity in the
morning such as going to work, school, and shopping. The ash can
took every 2 days, by the cart which was operated in the border
town. Meanwhile the TPS used container to serve the business area
and offices. Waste management in housing unit far from town used
to conduct by the people in their own yard. The container was
placed on the main streets.

Figure 31 Waste Transportation to TPA

The city waste regulation consider of the qanon, but still

inadequate services that the waste accumulation appeared in country
area with the limited of facility.

9.4 Final Dumpsite
The final dumpsite was located on Alue Lim area by Open Dumping
System. The area wide was 9 ha and the waste quantity as 170 m3
per day.

Figure 32 Dumpsite Alu Aliem 1 Lhoksemawe

Considering the available area it could be modified through

better ordering make it open dump site to the sanitary landfill.
The real conditions now that enter waste collected then pushed by
bulldozer without condensation. The waste burning also conducting
in TPA because there was no arrangement yet and no handling for
alkaline waste. There was a domestic liquid waste facility had
built in the TPA area by UNICEF

Figure 33 Domestic Waste Ttreatment under Construction

9.5 Fasilitas & Equipment
As supporting of work, The official of sanitary and gardening
have 8 units of dump truck and 3 unit of arm roll truck, 1 unit
of bulldozer, 24 waste cart, 10 containers and about 24 of ash
can spreading at whole loksemawe , such in market, bus station
and office area.

Figure 34 Equipment Supporting for TPA Alue Aliem 1 Lhoksemawe

9.6 Recycling Process

Considering that Loksemawe is a new growing city, the recycling
activity only conducted in a small scope. The recycling chain for
day waste follows the standard. The valuable waste (plastic,
paper, metal and alluminium) separated by the garbage collector
at TPS or TPA, and then sold to the collecting agent. There was
not accurately data, but may be there were 11 agent of recycling
goods. There was no recycling company inn the city so they sent
the material to Medan for next process

Figure 35 Collecting MSW by Scavenger

The composting
There was no facility for composting, eventhough the organic
waste potentially for compost were abundant. It needed some
efforts to develop the composting from organic waste, thus the
product could be sold and officially manufactured, that the
compost has environmentally value, and need economic cost of
production and easy maintenance. This change was had considered
by BLHK and some government work partners, but there was no
further action. The organic waste collected will manage to get
compost and always develop its quality to compete the chemical
fertilizer and competitively such efforts because of labour

9.7 The Intitusional

The Loksemawa waste management conducted by the Official of
sanitary and gardening. The waste management, Gardening and waste
water are keep in one department. In solid waste management
section, there were 8 employees and 195 of field officials (the
secondary waste collector managed by BLHK, 28 supporting
personnel of private sector from UNDP who have not involved yet
in waste transportation, except the recycling process that
supported by garbage collector and the agents. From the three of
sub district that had serviced, but the services was focused at
sub district Banda Sakti, covered whole the housing area,
offices, business area, streets and garden. Meanwhile the rest
two of sub district, Muara dua and Blang Mangat still focused on
the housing unit near the main street, offices and business area.

Figure 36 Intitusional Waste Management Office

9.8 Budgeting
Annually, the work plan of DKP prepared along with the budgeting.
The actually tax took by Dispenda and BLHK calculation was
dependent on Central and region government. Last year, they
acquired RP.... billion for waste management from city
government, and supplemented Rp.......billion from central
government. The central government usually only give one period
of budgeting, and used to big investment such as waste
transportation. This year, central budgeting were allocated for
installation of composting facility, including the separated
machine, which was located in the food market.
In the past, as a past of representative project, the budget were
gave to some kelurahan to manage their own waste, but not

9.9 Awareness and Society Participation

Based on the available information, there was no campaign of

waste management had conducted, except some leaflets brought to
kelurahan and radio massages. Some efforts continue to do by
local government and others foundations to do the sanitary
environment or declare the clean Friday during 1 hour all the
city at once to increase the community participation on their
environmentally sanitation, and keep the clean manner of
education in family

9.10 Conclusion and Recommendation

The final dumpsite were operated for long period with the wide of
area, actually could be manage as the better landfill. But the
sanitary landfill constraint with budgeting. The sanitary
landfill is new systems that need good planning and big
investment. There was no investor interest to develop the project
involved the CDM project, that not supported by central
government budget. For this reason, it was recommended to find
the private investor or foreign to manage the sanitary landfill.

The BLHK capacity to handling the waste problem seemed to be

increased, otherwise there will more difficult to handle because
of population growth, limeted area for TPA, and the waste fleet
that become older. Not to mention of environment unfriendly TPA
management. The annually budgeting inadequate to waste
management, otherwise income from retribution have not maximal
and the inappropriate rate system cannot encourage the private
sector to take the project. The recommendation refers to separate
the management and control of institution (BLHK) with operator

function to deliver the services to make clearly responsibility
of giving reward and punishment on waste city services.

Most of waste enter the TPA were organic, and if manage by

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3R) program from the source, the waste
produced can be reduced as the achievement of the future target
of zero waste. The recommendation intent to waste appreciation
since conducted from elementary school and counseling in
kelurahan meeting or kampong to selecting waste produced collects
the dry waste to recycled or waste material to composting.

The TPS facilities used as temporary storage of domestic waste

before transport to TPA. Tps have small figure and located only
in the main street of city. If loaded, or too far, waste will
discard to another place, make sanitary and health problem.

It recommended to built the permanent TPS at kelurahan/ country

by location provided by government and operationally transport to
TPS to be the responsibility of kalurahan whereas operational TPS
to TPA would be the responsibility of city sanitary official.

For the controlled dumpsite in lhoksemawe need the strategy and

policy like who is responsible for the waste management,
personnel in the organization chart, formulation of collection
fee, collection route, number of baskets/drums. For technical and
operational equipment needed ( push carts,baskets,shovels etc)
material needed (soil cover,lime powder etc).and to make sure the
operasional can maintain is the financial for cost of operation
control dumpsite. Cost of equipment,personel and material.


10.1 Demography and services

Aceh jaya is a new regency as expansion of Aceh Barat regency,
bounded north with Aceh Besar regency, bounded with Hindia ocean at
west, abuted Aceh Barat at south, and Pidie regency at east side.
Aceh Jaya city was in Calang. The Aceh jaya population was 60.025,
and the Calang population was 8.562. The waste services in Aceh
Jaya cover as 30% area included the sub district Jaya, Krueng
Sabee, Sampoiniet, Setia Bakti and Teunom.

Figure 38 Map Aceh Jaya

Table 18 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Sabang 2008

Sub District Aceh Jaya

No Waste Type Panga Setia Bakti Teunom Krueng Sabee Everage
perumahan perumahan Perumahan perniagaan perniagaan perkantoran
1 Food ( makanan) 51 39.8 46 38 44 45.3 44.0
2 Paper /Cardboard ( Kertas/karton) 11.5 13.6 14.2 17.3 14.4 16.2 14.5
3 Horticultural ( Sampah Kebun ) 13.4 16 8 11.9 15.4 14.9 13.3
4 Wooden/Timber Waste ( kayu ) 1.5 5 0.7 0.8 1.3 1.8 1.9
5 Textile ( tekstil ) 5.2 6 4.7 4.3 4 0.8 4.2
6 Leather ( kulit ) 2.6 0.5 3.2 0.4 1.1 0.4 1.4
7 Others ( lain lain ) 1 1.9 0.2 7.2 2 2.3 2.4
8 Plastic ( Plastik) 7 8 14.3 12.1 9.5 6.3 9.5
9 Plastic Bottle 1.2 2.1 1.1 1.8 1.5 2.4 1.7
10 Ferrous Metal ( logam ) 0.4 1.2 0.1 0.6 1.2 0.6 0.7
11 Non Ferrous Metal ( bukan logam ) 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3
12 Glass ( kaca ) 1.3 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.4 2.3 1.0
13 Scrap Tyre ( potongan ban bekas ) 0.4 1.2 2.1 1.2 0.4 2.6 1.3
14 Rubber ( karet ) 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5
15 Batteries ( Battery ) 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.0
16 Soil,Stone,Sand ( tanah,batu, pasir ) 1.5 3.2 3.1 2.8 3.2 3.2 2.8
17 Ceramic ( keramik ) 1.2 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.6

TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Figure 39 MSW Composition Activity at Aceh Jaya

Table 19 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Generation Aceh Jaya
No DESCRIPTION 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030
1 Demografi /Inhibitant (people ) 60,025 61,925 63,885 65,906 67,992 70,144 72,364 74,655 87,240 101,948 119,136
2 Waste/people/day( kg ) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Proyection Waste Generation Growth per day
3 Waste Generation /day ( Tone) 42 43 45 46 48 49 51 52 61 71 83
4 Waste Density Tone/m3 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
5 Waste Volume (m3)/day 183 188 194 201 207 213 220 227 266 310 363
Proyection Waste Generated /year
6 Waste Generate/year ( Tone) 15,336 15,822 16,323 16,839 17,372 17,922 18,489 19,074 22,290 26,048 30,439
7 Waste Volume /years ( m3) 66,680 68,790 70,967 73,214 75,531 77,921 80,387 82,932 96,913 113,251 132,344
Collection Service per day
8 Percentage Waste Collected per day 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
9 Waste Volume per day (m3) 55 58 62 66 70 74 79 84 101 121 146
10 Waste Tonnage per day ( Tone) 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 28 34
Collection Service per Year
11 Waste Volume per year (m3) 20,004 21,256 22,587 24,001 25,503 27,100 28,796 30,599 36,830 44,330 53,358
12 Waste Tonnage per year Tone) 4,601 4,889 5,195 5,520 5,866 6,233 6,623 7,038 8,471 10,196 12,272
Waste Disposed average to TPA per day
13 Waste Volume Disposed perday ( m3) 45 52 56 59 63 67 71 75 91 109 132
14 Waste Tonnage Disposed perday (Tone) 10.35 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 21 25 30
Waste Disposed Volume in TPA peryear
15 Waste Volume Disposed peryear ( m3) 16,425 19,131 20,328 21,601 22,953 24,390 25,916 27,539 33,147 39,897 48,022
16 Waste Tonnage Disposed peryear (Tone) 3,778 4,400 4,675 4,968 5,279 5,610 5,961 6,334 7,624 9,176 11,045
Organic Content of Disposed MSW
17 Persentage Organic Waste ( %) 81.6 81.6 81.6 81.6 81.6 81.6 81.6 81.6 81.6 81.6 81.6
18 Organic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 8.4456 10 10 11 12 13 13 14 17 21 25
19 Organic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 3,082.64 3,590 3,815 4,054 4,308 4,577 4,864 5,168 6,221 7,488 9,013
Anorganic Content of Disposed MSW
20 Persentage Anorganic Waste ( %) 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4
21 Anorganic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 18 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6
22 Anorganic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 6,716 810 860 914 971 1,032 1,097 1,165 1,403 1,688 2,032

10.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste
From the conducted study, the composition and character of solid
waste of Sabang that discarded to TPA Gunung Tanggoh as follow:
paper (44%), plastic (9.5%), bottle plastic (1.7%), plant waste
(13.3%), wooden (1.8%), metal (0.8%), non metal (0.3%), glass
(1%), textile (4.0%), leather (1.4%), tyre scrap (1.5%), rubber
(0.5%), battery (0%), soil/stone/sand (2.9%), ceramics (0.5%),
and others (2.4%). Based on this composition, about 81% of waste
may degraded biologically (organic), and 18.4% was non organic
waste. The waste enters the TPA averaged as much as 45 m3 or 10
ton per day.

Grafic 16 Anorganic Waste Aceh Jaya

Total Anorganic
Solid Waste
Aceh Jaya
18.3 %

The high
percentage for
Organic Waste
Come from Food
44.0 %

Grafic 17 Organic Waste Aceh Jaya

Total Organic
Solid Waste
Aceh Jaya
81.6 %

The high
percentage for
Organic Waste
Come from Food
9.6 %

10.3 Collecting and Tranportation
Waste from domestic house, offices or business that generally
collected at temporary container, meanwhile the achievable region
waste were placed on waste canes provided by local government.
Waste collected and carried to the final dumpsite.

Figure 40 Equipment for Supporting Operational

10.4 Final Dumpsite

Figure 41 Dumpsite Location TPA Gunung Tanggoh Calang

TPA Gunung Tanggoh located at sub district Ketapang since 2004

which provided as tsunami waste container. The access road and
bridge to TPA was building by donor.

The TPA function recently was a tsunami waste container, but next
needful a plan to build the permanent TPA considering the recent
development of new building and housing along the access road.
Although waste produced by Aceh Jaya collected and sent, but not
all of thrash enter to TPA, some were recycled, burn or discard out
of TPA Gunung Tanggoh.

10.5 Facility and Equipment
This time, The TPA Calang has about 162 ash can placed along the
main road and business area, 20 containers 6 m3 capacity, 6 waste
cart, 3 units of arm roll truck, 7 units of dump truck, and 1
tank car.

Figure 42 Equipment supporting Operational TPA Gunung Tanggoh

10.6 Recycling Process

There was no plan or activity of recycling in Calang. The
recycling is a strategy of management the solid waste started
from selection, collection, processing, distribution and
production of recycling material. The materials for recycling
such as soybean sauce bottle, sauce, coffee cream, both the
transparent or color especially the thick glass. Paper, specially
office paper, newspaper, magazines, cardboard unless oily layer
paper, metal from carbonized water, cookie wrapped, table frame,
metal concrete frame, shampoo plastic bottle, mineralized water,
jerry can, bucket and moist waste to be compost. The personnel
involved in this activity were garbage collector, as the
government contract worker and get the incentive, or work as
their own effort. Some of them collected the waste and sell to
the agent to deliver to Medan.

10.7 The Intitusional
The waste management in Aceh Jaya has done by Dispenda (Dinas
Pendapatan Daerah). Tras regulation/qanon has not carry out of
retribution, until 2008 where the activity and fund still support
by UNDP-TRMWP including the TPA rehabilitation and equipment.

10.8 Budgeting
The waste budget was established in Aceh jaya at 2007 as Rp.
1.587.375.000 with operational budget Rp. 715.315.000 and
maintenance Rp. 45.500.000. There was no retribution but some of
donor nations were help by building capacity and city sanitary
program concerned.

10.9 Awareness and Society Participation

To build the awareness and participation of community on waste
management could be facilitated by training or socialization and
management trough the domestic house. By understanding of the
important of community of participation for selecting system
between organic/moisture and non organic/dry waste, including
participation on recycling program and composting to used the
solid waste managed by community. Untreated waste will discard to
TPS and transport to TPA.

10.10 Conclusion and Recommendation

There was no available of waste system conduct by Aceh Jaya
government, especially Calang city, such as procedure and daily
data recording and the limited of resource and the lack of
understanding of waste. It was needed a coordination of

institutions concerned to formulate the goal of waste management
in the next day, to make the restructure of official sanitary
handling the waste trough the development of human resource. It
was needed a recommendation to increase the building capacity for
institution handling the development and maintenance of waste

The modification and separation of organic waste and increasing

quality and quantity of waste transportation to make the
integrated waste management in Sabang. To increase the
management quality at PTA Gunung Tanggoh by standard of sanitary
landfill system. It was needeD a recommendation to do the
expedience study the utilization of existing TPA to the sanitary
landfill standard.

The Municipal Solid Waste dumpsite up gradation in Gunung Tanggoh

are stop open burning and controlled scavenging and tipping.


11.1 Demography and services

Total citizen Aceh Barat in the year 2008 base on census and
susenas survey Aceh Nias year 2005. The Total population 150741
people with 12 subdistrict that is Kecamatan Johan Pahlawan,
Kecamatan Meurebo,Kecamatan Samatiga,Kecamatan Kaway XVI,Kecamatan Arongan
lambalek,Kecamatan Sungai Mas,Kecamatan Woyla Barat,Kecamatan
Woyla,Kecamatan Woyla Timur,Kecamatan Bubon,Kecamatan Pante
Ceuremen,Kecamatan Panton Reu. The Solid Waste services in Aceh Barat
cover as 35% from averall, but for subdistrict Johan Pahlawan can
achieve 80% services.

figure 43

Table 20 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Aceh Barat 2008
Johan Pahlawan Maurebo Sama Tiga Kaway
Sub District Johan Sub District Sama Sub District
No Waste Type Pahlawan Sub District Meurebo Tiga Kaway Everage
Perkantoran perniagaan perniagaan perkantoran ( Perumahan) Perumahan %
1 Food ( makanan) 45 53 52 45 48 51 49
2 Paper /Cardboard ( Kertas/karton) 7.4 6 3 10.2 3.2 5.9 6
3 Horticultural ( Sampah Kebun ) 15.3 9 9.5 12.4 13 12.3 11.9
4 Wooden/Timber Waste ( kayu ) 3.6 2.1 0.7 3.4 2.7 2.8 2.6
5 Textile ( tekstil ) 3.5 2.8 3.1 2.3 4.1 3.7 3.3
6 Leather ( kulit ) 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.5
7 Others ( lain lain ) 1.1 4.2 0.2 6.2 1.3 0.2 2.2
8 Plastic ( Plastik) 14.2 11.8 14 12 13 11.5 12.8
9 Plastic Bottle 3.2 4.1 3.4 2.8 4.5 4.8 3.8
10 Ferrous Metal ( logam ) 0.2 0.4 1.2 1.1 0.4 0.6 0.7
11 Non Ferrous Metal ( bukan logam ) 1 1.2 2.4 0.3 0.8 2.1 1.3
12 Glass ( kaca ) 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.4 1.1 0.6 0.6
13 Scrap Tyre ( potongan ban bekas ) 0.4 1.2 0.4 0.1 1.1 0.6 0.6
14 Rubber ( karet ) 0.1 0.7 3.6 2.1 0.2 0.1 1.1
15 Batteries ( Battery ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Soil,Stone,Sand ( tanah,batu, pasir
16 ) 4.1 0.2 4.2 1.4 3.4 3.2 2.8
17 Ceramic ( keramik ) 0 2.6 1.3 0 2.3 0.3 1.1

TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Figure 44

Table 21 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Generation Aceh Barta 2008 -20030


No DESCRIPTION 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030
1 Demografi /Inhibitant (people ) 150,741 155,512 160,434 165,511 170,750 176,154 181,729 187,480 219,087 256,023 299,186
2 Waste/people/day( kg ) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Proyection Waste Generation Growth per day
3 Waste Generation /day ( Tone) 106 109 112 116 120 123 127 131 153 179 209
4 Waste Density Tone/m3 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
5 Waste Volume (m3)/day 459 473 488 504 520 536 553 571 667 779 911
Proyection Waste Generated /year
6 Waste Generate/year ( Tone) 38,514 39,733 40,991 42,288 43,627 45,007 46,432 47,901 55,977 65,414 76,442
7 Waste Volume /years ( m3) 167,454 172,753 178,221 183,861 189,680 195,684 201,877 208,266 243,377 284,408 332,357
Collection Service per day
8 Percentage Waste Collected per day 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 46 47
9 Waste Volume per day (m3) 161 171 181 193 205 218 231 246 296 356 428
10 Waste Tonnage per day ( Tone) 37 39 42 44 47 50 53 56 68 82 99
Collection Service per Year
11 Waste Volume per year (m3) 58,609 62,278 66,176 70,319 74,720 79,398 84,368 89,649 107,906 129,881 156,331
12 Waste Tonnage per year Tone) 13,480 14,324 15,220 16,173 17,186 18,262 19,405 20,619 24,818 29,873 35,956
Waste Disposed average to TPA per day
13 Waste Volume Disposed perday ( m3) 130 154 163 173 184 196 208 221 266 320 385
14 Waste Tonnage Disposed perday (Tone) 29.9 35 38 40 42 45 48 51 61 74 89
Waste Disposed Volume in TPA peryear
15 Waste Volume Disposed peryear ( m3) 47,450 56,050 59,558 63,287 67,248 71,458 75,931 80,685 97,115 116,893 140,698
16 Waste Tonnage Disposed peryear (Tone) 10,914 12,891 13,698 14,556 15,467 16,435 17,464 18,557 22,337 26,885 32,360
Organic Content of Disposed MSW
17 Persentage Organic Waste ( %) 75.3 75.3 75.3 75.3 75.3 75.3 75.3 75.3 75.3 75.3 75.3
18 Organic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 22.5147 27 28 30 32 34 36 38 46 55 67
19 Organic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 8,217.87 9,707 10,315 10,961 11,647 12,376 13,151 13,974 16,819 20,245 24,367
Anorganic Content of Disposed MSW
20 Persentage Anorganic Waste ( %) 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7
21 Anorganic Content Tonne per day (Tone/day) 7 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 15 18 22
22 Anorganic Content Tonne peryear ( Tone/Year) 2,696 3,184 3,384 3,595 3,820 4,060 4,314 4,584 5,517 6,641 7,993

11.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste
The result of investigation showed the composition and
characteristic of the solid waste at Meulaboh City that have thrown
at TPA Lapang are (49%), paper (6%), plastic (12.8%), plastic botl
(3.8%), garden waste ( 11.9%), wood (2.6%), metal (0.7%), non metal
(1.3%), glass (0.6%), textile (3.3%), leather (0.5%), crush of used
tire, rubber (1.1%), battery (0%), soil/stone/sand (2.8%), ceramics
(1.1%) others (2.2%). According to this composition 75.3 % of them
decomposable biologically (organic) and 24.7 % is an organic waste.
The amount of waste that enter to TPA around 130 m3 (30 ton/day).

Grafic 18 Anorganic Waste Aceh Barat

Total Anorganic
Solid Waste
Aceh Barat
24.7 %

The high
percentage for
Organic Waste
Come from Food
49.0 %

Grafic 19 Organic Waste Aceh Barat

Total Organic
Solid Waste
Aceh Barat
75.3 %

The high
percentage for
AnOrganic Waste
Come from
Plastic 12.8 %

11.3 Collecting and Tranportation
The home waste collected in small barrel that allocable by the
government which put in several places, the place that with small
road use cart takes by the staff. In the high population area, the
waste collected temporary in the big container, in the market or
dormitory as well. All the wastees are taking to the waste terminal
pool by the staff in the night.

11.4 Final Dumpsite

11.5 Facility and Equipment

Department of Environment Control of Aceh Barat Regency has 1 unit

of excavator PC 100 helped by BRR, 1 unit of bulldozer, 7 units
Dump of truck, 5 units of amroll, 14 units of container, 4 units
of feces truck and 1 unit of water truck. All of armada has
supporting the solid waste cleaning activity. 5 units of container
are broken, and then add 6 containers from the collaboration work
with UNDP. Forty units cart from BRR and 10 units of cart from UNDP
supported the activity in Johan Pahlawan Sub district.

Not properly maintenance of the facility and equipment caused the

broken armada more over transportation of the waste to the TPA
would be late or delay.

11.6 Recycling Process
Organic wastes in Aceh Barat Regency are around 75.3 % actually 30
% of them can be used for compost. The resources of these wastees
are kitchen waste, restaurant, vegetables waste, natural rotten
fruit, other used is 5 % then outstanding waste are thrown in TPA.
Meanwhile, 24.7 % are an organic waste including the metal, bottle
iron, plastic, rubber, bottle then 20 % of them can be recycling.

11.7 The Intitusional
The management of waste at Aceh Barat Regency have been doing by
DKLPH (Dinas Kebersihan Penertiban dan Lingkungan Hidup/
Department of Cleaning, Order and Environment). This institution
has 4 supervisors, 2 people for big machine operator, 17 driver,
11 people for gardening, 10 people for drain and 31 people for
street cleaning. 113 temporary workers who get the letter of
decree of The Head of DKLPH no. 816/145/2008.
Moreover, to strengthening of institutional structure we make
collaboration with Team of Field extension staff by TRWMP-UNDP
program, including education of society by billboard and
The operational of TPA Lapang, UNDP have been facilitated by the
fund for the big machine for 3 years. Furthermore, institutional
strengthening have been done by training of management of solid
waste, TPA operational, management and Municipal Solid water ,
environment management, introducing of sanitation SNI (Indonesian
National Standard) training, for the staff of DKPLH.

11.8 Budgeting
The budget for the waste management in Aceh Barat District comes
from Budgeting Pendapatan Belanja Daerah/ Region Income Budget
(APBD). The retribution of waste could be paid directly to the
cleaning service staff, or paid to DKPLH. Recently new system of
waste retribution can be paid by Quanon, which waste retribution
can be paid together with the electricity bill, or point payment
The appropriate and precise budgets are necessary for
optimalization of all programs; furthermore the balancing of
budget and realization will be done.

11.9 Society awareness and participation

The government of Aceh Barat regency has the problem concern
about waste is like in NAD city as well. Even though the rule and
law enforcement have been optimalizing, still the people like to
broken the law so that it’s necessary to build up the awareness
of the people and people participation to the waste manage by
education and model from the elementary school. Its can be
started by waste shortening. It’s also necessary to give the
awareness to manage the waste properly. Wastee’s problems are
collective responsibility. That’s mean each individual person who
has keep clean the area from his place to the roadside.
Meanwhile, the business activity should be put the ash can in
their area.

11.10 Conclusion and Recommendation

The development of Meulaboh city and the increasing the amount of
waste services, TPA Meulaboh should be reinvestigated as RTRW
standard for Aceh Barat Government. Brief condition showed that
its necessary the thrifty of TPA land by waste shortening from
organic and an organic waste from the sources. It’s necessary to
differentiate the specification of waste with the difference ash
can. With the result that, the amount of waste can be decreasing
in TPA. Waste sortening socialization at school is recommended,
and in the same time allocation of ash can for organic and an
organic waste should be done. More over, the local government
should be make a rule or regulation concern about waste
shortening for the entire area from the village to the city are

Previously TPA Lapang is one cell area for Tsunami waste pool,
then this location heaping without compacting then on 2006 this
cell heaping with the soil and the pool waste were have build at
the east side of the fist heaped area. Recently, in this area

rebuilt-up the vehicle inspection office. In the future, in the
same area will build the sub district office too.
TPA Lapang is recommended to investigate for the feasibility
following by searching the new area for the TPA equipped with
sanitary landfill and composting and recycle facility.

When we arrange the waste system, the budget always becomes a

problem including the operational item. To date, its time to
involving the private company and the other partner to concern
about waste manage as an operator and the government as a

The rule of waste management collaboration between government and

private company should be making. On this case recommended that
government should be give the contract to the private company who
has lowest subsidy offering to the local government.


12.1 Demography and services

According to the Nias Regency Rule no: 05 year 2005 date 14
December 2005, concern about sub district at Nias Regency,
recently, Nias regency has 32 sub districts with 441,881
population. Waste services still have been doing at 6 sub
district or 5 % from the entire population. Gunung Sitoli town
and all the way to Lolozasai waste are 25 % services
rom 82.000 of population are collected and bring to TPA Mega

figure 45

Table 22 Municipal Solid Waste Composition Nias 2008

District NIAS
No Waste Type Pasar Sitoli sihareo saombo Mudik Fadololarasa Saewe Lasara Average
Perniagaan Perkantoran perkantoran Perniagaan perumahan perumahan perumahan perumahan
1 Food ( makanan) 34 32.7 39.4 38.3 46.2 34 38 43.5 37.5
2 Paper /Cardboard ( Kertas/karton) 15 9.5 7.7 17.2 9.6 10 17 15 12.5
3 Horticultural ( Sampah Kebun ) 13 7 8 9 8 22 3 10 9.8
4 Wooden/Timber Waste ( kayu ) 6 6 2.7 2 6 5 1.5 2 4
5 Textile ( tekstil ) 5 3 4 3 4.2 5 2.4 4.4 3.8
6 Leather ( kulit ) 2 2 1.2 2 3 0.7 1 0.1 1.6
7 Others ( lain lain ) 4.7 3.2 1.9 2.9 0 2.2 2.1 0.3 2.5
8 Plastic ( Plastik) 8.8 14.5 13.2 12.2 13.2 12.5 11.5 18 12.7
9 Bottle 1.3 2.1 1.8 0.8 2.5 0.2 0.6 0.4 1.3
10 Ferrous Metal ( logam ) 0.2 5.1 2.1 0.3 1 1.2 0.2 0 1.5
11 Non Ferrous Metal ( bukan logam ) 2 2 0.7 2 0 1 3 2 1.6
12 Glass ( kaca ) 0.5 1.5 1.2 3.8 0.2 2 4.5 3 2
13 Scrap Tyre ( potongan ban bekas ) 1.2 1.3 2 0 1.5 0 1.2 0 1
14 Rubber ( karet ) 0.5 1.5 1.1 0.3 1.5 0.2 5.8 1 1.3
15 Batteries ( Battery ) 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Soil,Stone,Sand ( tanah,batu, pasir ) 4 6.5 11 2 2.1 4 5 0.1 4.9
17 Ceramic ( keramik ) 1.8 2 2 4.2 1 0 3.2 0.2 2

TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Figure 46

Table 23 Proyection Municipal Solid Waste Generation Nias 2008 to 2030
No DESCRIPTION 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030
1 Demografi /Inhibitant (people ) 441,881 455,866 470,294 485,178 500,534 516,375 532,718 549,579 642,231 750,504 877,031
2 Waste/people/day( kg ) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Proyection Waste Generation Growth per day
3 Waste Generation /day ( Tone) 309 319 329 340 350 361 373 385 450 525 614
4 Waste Density Tone/m3 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
5 Waste Volume (m3)/day 1,345 1,387 1,431 1,477 1,523 1,572 1,621 1,673 1,955 2,284 2,669
Proyection Waste Generated /year
6 Waste Generate/year ( Tone) 112,901 116,474 120,160 123,963 127,886 131,934 136,110 140,417 164,090 191,754 224,082
7 Waste Volume /years ( m3) 490,872 506,408 522,435 538,970 556,028 573,626 591,781 610,510 713,434 833,712 974,268
Collection Service per day
8 Percentage Waste Collected per day 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7
9 Waste Volume per day (m3) 67 71 76 81 86 91 97 103 124 149 179
10 Waste Tonnage per day ( Tone) 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 28 34 41
Collection Service per Year
11 Waste Volume per year (m3) 24,544 26,080 27,713 29,447 31,291 33,249 35,331 37,543 45,188 54,390 65,467
12 Waste Tonnage per year Tone) 5,645 5,998 6,374 6,773 7,197 7,647 8,126 8,635 10,393 12,510 15,057
Waste Disposed average to TPA per day
Waste Volume Disposed perday (
13 m3) 60 64 68 73 77 82 87 93 111 134 161
Waste Tonnage Disposed perday
14 (Tone) 13.8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 37
Waste Disposed Volume in TPA peryear
Waste Volume Disposed peryear (
15 m3) 21,900 23,472 24,941 26,503 28,162 29,925 31,798 33,788 40,669 48,951 58,920
16 Waste Tonnage Disposed peryear 5,037 5,399 5,737 6,096 6,477 6,883 7,313 7,771 9,354 11,259 13,552
Organic Content of Disposed MSW
17 Persentage Organic Waste ( %) 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8 71.8
18 Organic Content Tonne per day 9.9084 11 11 12 13 14 14 15 18 22 27
19 Organic Content Tonne peryear 3,616.57 3,876 4,119 4,377 4,651 4,942 5,251 5,580 6,716 8,084 9,730
Anorganic Content of Disposed MSW
20 Persentage Anorganic Waste ( %) 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3
21 Anorganic Content Tonne per day 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 9 11
22 Anorganic Content Tonne peryear 1,425 1,528 1,623 1,725 1,833 1,948 2,070 2,199 2,647 3,186 3,835

12.2 Volume and Characteristic of Municipal Solid Waste
The investigated showed the result that the composition and
characteristic of the solid waste in Gunung Sitoli town that throw
away at TPA Mega Hill (37.5%) showed bellow: paper (12.5%), plastic
bottle (1.3%), garden waste (9.8%), wood (4.0%), metal (1.5%), not
metal (1.6%), glass (2%), textile (3.8 %), leather (1.6 %), crush
of used tire ((1.0%), rubber (1.3%), battery (0%), soil/stone/sand
(3.5%), ceramics (1.6%) others (2.0%). According this composition
71.3 % of them can be asunder biologically (organic), and 18.3% are
waste an organic. Total amount of waste in this TPA are 60 m3 or 14
ton per day.

Grafic 20 Anorganic Waste Nias

Total Anorganic
Solid Waste
28.3 %

The high
percentage for
Organic Waste
Come from
Food 37.5%

Grafic 21 Organic Waste Nias

Total organic
Solid Waste
71.8 %

The high
percentage for
Anorganic Waste
Come from
12.7 %

12.3 Collecting and Tranportation

Nias regency has the hill area and spreading of population. The
waste transportation has starting from the home, business area,
office area. Waste collecting in the temporary pool of waste or
container or come from the temporary waste processing transported
to the terminal waste processing by truck or dump truck. The waste
from business area and home waste collected in ash can which
available at each area In the case that ash can location far away
from the street , carry out by the traditional wagon by the staff
of cleaning service. Waste transportation has been doing on the
daily work hour.

12.4 Final Dumpsite

Terminal pool waste at Nias Regency have been working by open

dumping at the Mega Hill Valley, since 1999. No standard operation
for waste processing in this area. Recently, the waste collected in

one location then pushing by bulldozer without compacting. The
natural fire occurred because no operation and gas circulation in
this TPA.

12.5 Facility and Equipment

Nias Regency’s TPA has 80 units ash can allocation at along the
main road and business areas, 12 units 8 m3 container, 8 units
cart, 4 units armroll Truck, 14 units dump truck, 2 units pick up
car and 2 units tanki. All facility, equipment and workers can
handle around 60 m3 wastees. Anyhow, the limitation of
maintenance cause the broken of facility and equipment.

12.6 Recycling Process

12.7 The Intitusional
The management of waste at Nias regency belongs to Department of
Kimpraswil. This Department has 4 administration staff, 14 truck
driver and 44 collecting worker, 20 people for street wiping, 20
workers for small road cart and 2 staff in TPA. Waste retribution
rule (Qanon rule no 19, year 1998 about waste retribution and
cleaning) showed that 1472 customer in 692 settlements area, 697
business areas, and 83 others area used this waste program

The strengthening this institution is necessary by education and

training. Moreover, the collaboration with UNDP is necessary too
and programs of revision and review the old Canon concern with the
waste management be guided by Central Government rule about waste
management. Furthermore, Management of waste processing should be
more integrated to produce continuing environment, including human
resources by education and training.

12.8 Budgeting
According to 2007 Nias Regency budget via Kimpraswil Department has
1.136.700.000 rupiah. Income from the waste retribution is less
than 40.000.000 per year.

12.9 Awareness and Society Participation

Awareness and society participation on waste management not grow up
yet, but according to the culture and habit of Nias people it’s
will be easy to initiate the people to working together. This
program supported by building capacity will has more the positive
effects to build the collective awareness with the waste problem to
life continuing in the future including the clean environment,
beautiful town, health and comfortable.

12.10 Conclusion and recommendation
TPA Mega Hill at Nias Regency is not in good physically
condition, situation and condition is very bad. Entering access
to the hill and the valley location and the worst thing is the
people grave located on that place. This area is belonging to the
people and hired by government until 2009. Therefore it’s
necessary to preparing for moving the location of TPA Mega Hill.
New place needed to investigate for new better TPA condition.

According to the recent condition of TPA is not appropriate with

the program of increasing the environment quality, especially the
waste have burn naturally accumulation will cause the smoke that
disturbing the quality of environment.

Open area and no isolation of TPA, more over no rule and

procedure of waste banishment and compaction. Lye waters that
flowing from the waste to the run off drain. When the raining
come, lye water will mixed and flowing to lower land and will
disturbing the people and the ground water. New TPA recommended
and technically may prevent the natural fire in the future.

Short program need to maintain and monitoring location to prevent

the natural fire by allocated the staff in dumpsite.

The management of waste still handling by Kimpraswil, need to

strengthen the institutional including the paradigm about the
waste processing. The town waste processing by collecting,
transporting and banishment to TPA but we have to processing the
waste to decreasing the amount of waste from the resources. It is
necessary to make a people join with training and education.
The rule of waste management is necessary that organize the local
government task about waste, right, and elimination of waste,
handling of waste, budgeting and compensation of waste


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