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Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell – Quick start guide ... http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adpowershell/archive/2009/02/25/ad-powersh...

Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell – Quick start guide

swaminathan1 25 Feb 2009 5:10 PM 10

ADPowershell is available starting Windows Server 2008 R2. To play with AD Powershell cmdlets, you must have at
least one Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controller (DC) in your domain.

Installing AD Powershell module:

On a Windows Server 2008 R2 box, open an elevated Powershell console window (powershell.exe) and run the
following commands:

PS C:\> import-module servermanager

PS C:\> Add-WindowsFeature -Name "RSAT-AD-PowerShell" -IncludeAllSubFeature
NOTE: AD Powershell module is installed by default on a DC.

Loading AD Powershell module:

Open a Powershell console window and type

PS C:\> import-module activedirectory

Active Directory PSDrive:

If the machine is joined to a domain then a default drive named AD: is created. You can CD into this drive and use
all the regular file system commands to navigate the directory. The paths are in X500 format.

PS C:\> cd AD:
PS AD:\>
PS AD:\> dir

PS AD:\> cd "DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
PS AD:\DC=fabrikam,DC=com> md "OU=myNewOU"

PS AD:\DC=fabrikam,DC=com> del "OU=myNewOU"
If you want to create a new drive connected to another domain/forest or use the more readable canonical path
format, type:

PS C:\> New-PSDrive -PSProvider ActiveDirectory -Server

"contoso.fabrikam.com" -Credential "Contoso\Administrator" -Root "" -Name
Contoso -FormatType Canonical

PS C:\> cd Contoso:
PS Contoso:\> dir | ft CanonicalName

PS Contoso:\> cd "contoso.fabrikam.com/"

Getting cmdlet list, help and examples:

Powershell uses verb-noun name-pair format to name cmdlets. For example:

To get a list of AD cmdlets type

PS AD:\> get-help *-AD*

PS AD:\> get-help New-AD* ## would list all the cmdlets that create
new AD objects
To get more info on a specific cmdlet or read examples, type

PS AD:\> get-help set-aduser -detailed

PS AD:\> get-help get-aduser -examples
Tips: You can use the tab completion feature of Powershell to complete cmdlet names or parameter names. For
example after entering the Verb- part of a cmdlet name you can hit <TAB> key to cycle through all of the nouns
available for that verb.

Common tasks:

Here are some examples of commonly performed tasks using AD cmdlets:

PS C:\> New-ADUser –Name "John Smith" –SamAccountName JohnS –DisplayName

"John Smith" –Title "Account Manager" –Enabled $true –ChangePasswordAtLogon
$true -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "p@ssw0rd" -AsPlainText
-force) -PassThru
PS C:\> New-ADGroup -Name "Account Managers" -SamAccountName AcctMgrs
-GroupScope Global -GroupCategory Security -Description "Account Managers
Group" –PassThru
PS C:\> New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name AccountsDepartment
-ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $true -PassThru

PS C:\> Get-ADUser -Filter { name –like "john*" } ## Gets all the users whose
name starts with John

PS C:\> Add-ADGroupMember -Identity AcctMgrs -Members JohnS

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Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell – Quick start guide ... http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adpowershell/archive/2009/02/25/ad-powersh...

PS C:\> Get-ADGroupMember -Identity AcctMgrs

PS C:\> Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity JohnS ## Gets all the

groups in which the specified account is a direct member.

PS C:\> Get-ADAccountAuthorizationGroup -Identity JohnS ## Gets the token

groups of an account

PS C:\> Unlock-ADAccount -Identity JohnS

PS C:\> Get-ADForest -Current LocalComputer

PS C:\> Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser

PS C:\> Get-ADDomainController -Filter { name -like "*" } ## Gets all the

DCs in the current domain

What next?

In the next post we will give an overview of Active Directory Powershell and talk about various cmdlets we provide
in this release.


Swaminathan Pattabiraman [MSFT]
Developer – Active Directory Powershell Team


Xaegr 27 Feb 2009 9:53 AM

Hello Swaminathan, thanks for opening this blog.

Why you _require_ -Server parameter in New-PsDrive? You can provide default value for it pointing to
current logon server for example. Same about -root parameter which can easily defaults to "" as in your

Why not to make Canonical names default format btw? X500 requres quotes "every,time,when
used,because, of, commas", it right to left so hard to type, and tabcompletion works only on current level
( so you cant do cd mydomain.com\myou\[tab] for example).

Anyway, thanks even for creating this option at all :)

[PS <560> AD:\] Get-ADDomain

Get-ADDomain : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.

Event if it cant be resolved (why not return my logon domain?) why not to ask me about required
parameters, or return all matching objects, like Get-Process do for example?

Same relates to all other your Get-* cmdlets.

Get-ADUser -Filter { name –like "john*" } ## Gets all the users whose name starts with John

Why not Get-ADSomething john* or even Get-ADSomething john ? You can use query by ANR
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/243299) as default parameter, and this will be perfect choice. Or
another solution, just dont leave us with this ugly one. BTW, how to get _all_ users? ;) Get-ADSomething
(without params) should work. All other PowerShell cmdlets work this way, just look around.

Is Get-ADAccountAuthorizationGroup is nothing other but Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership with

recurse parameter?

Better to add Get-ADGroupMember and Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership lacks -recurse parameter.

This is high resurce consuming operation sometimes, but its very important and popular scenario.

Why in one case you use "Principal" (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership) and in another "Account"
(Get-ADAccountAuthorizationGroup)? As it seems to me - its equal meanings there. BTW, IMHO
"ADObject" is better and more intuitive ;)


Get-ADDomainController -Filter { name -like "*" } ## Gets all the DCs in the current domain

Why not just Get-ADDomainController ? :)

Thats all for today :) I hope my silly critics somehow help you build the real PowerAD ;) Thanks for your

Vasily Gusev, MVP: Admin Frameworks.

2 of 5 5/11/2011 2:34 PM
Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell – Quick start guide ... http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adpowershell/archive/2009/02/25/ad-powersh...

Xaegr 27 Feb 2009 10:56 AM

Almost forgotten... About Search-ADAccount... There is no such verb as Search- or Find- in PowerShell,
and no need in it.

There is quote from PowerShell concepts about verbs(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library



Retrieves a resource. For example, the Get-Content cmdlet retrieves the content of a file. Pairs with Set.

Do not use verbs such as Read, Open, Cat, Type, Dir, Obtain, Dump, Acquire, Examine, Find, or _Search_.

All this functionality that it provides, must be built in the Get-AD* cmdlets.

There is no good in building more and more cmdlets just for separate some aspects of same general task
(exept if you get bonuses for it ;)). Get-ADObject (Account/Principal/Whatever) should Get any ad
objects in any way that I want (I'm dont want to search, i want GET ;)). Get-ADUser/Computer is just
special aliases for some popular types.

Same with Set. Set-ADSomething should set any of Something properties, like password for example.
Reset-ADPrincipalPassword doesnt hurt while it "alias" for Set-AdAccount -Password (Get-Credential).

All this will make AD part of PowerShell better integrate in whole system.

And... I'm dont noticed formatting of ad objects, just because I think it will be done some time later prior
to release. Is it in plans? :)

Vasily Gusev, MVP: Admin Frameworks.

swaminathan1 3 Mar 2009 1:57 AM

Thanks Vasily for the feedback. Here are some answers to specific questions.

>> 1. Why you _require_ -Server parameter in New-PsDrive?

-Server parameter is optional in all our cmdlets and by default the cmdlets talk to a suitable DC in the
computer's domain.

>> 2. -root parameter which can easily defaults to ""

Fair point.

>> 3. Regarding - Why not Get-ADSomething john* or even Get-ADSomething john ? You can use
query by ANR ..

>> Get-ADDomainController -Filter { name -like "*" } ## Gets all the DCs in the current domain

>> Get-ADDomain : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.

We are working on the default behavior of all the cmdlets and the experience should be better in the
next release :)

The default parameter set for get directory object cmdlets such as: Get-ADObject, Get-ADUser,
Get-ADGroup etc. is -Identity.

The purpose of -Identity is to uniquely identify an object in a domain. Thus we only support identities
(such as: distinguishedName, objectGuid, objectSid and samAccountName) that are guaranteed to be
unique by the server. For certain special objects (example: Fine Grained Password policy, Site, Domain
controller etc.) we support "name" as the identity.

We will write more about Identity in a separate blog.

Since, ANR can potentially return more than objects it does not qualify as Identity. However, you can
run a ANR query using filter.

PS C:\> get-aduser -Filter { anr -eq "John" }

For getting all users type:

PS C:\> get-aduser -Filter { name -like "*" }

>> 4. Is Get-ADAccountAuthorizationGroup is nothing other but Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership

with recurse parameter?

Not exactly. Get-ADAccountAuthorizationGroup returns all the security groups in which an account is a
direct or indirect member. It does not include Distribution Groups.

The returned set may also include additional groups that system would consider the user a member of
for authorization purposes.

>> 5. Why in one case you use "Principal" (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership) and in another

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Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell – Quick start guide ... http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adpowershell/archive/2009/02/25/ad-powersh...

"Account" (Get-ADAccountAuthorizationGroup)?

Good question. We would like to address this in a separate blog. Watch out for a topic on "ADObject

>> 6. About Search-ADAccount... There is no such verb as Search- or Find- in PowerShell, and no need
in it.

It is a valid verb in Powershell V2 (http://blogs.msdn.com/powershell/archive/2007/05/09/proposed-


>> 7. There is no good in building more and more cmdlets just for separate some aspects of same
general task.

Again a good question, but I would prefer to address this in a separate blog.

For now here is a short answer:

Get-ADUser/ADComputer are not just special aliases. They retrieve additional data and display them in
rich format. They also accept data in rich format inside -Filter parameter.

Similarly, Set-ADUser,Set-ADComputer, New-ADUser, New-ADGroup etc. provides additional/relevant

parameters for creating/writing the respective objects.

>> 8. And... I'm dont noticed formatting of ad objects, just because I think it will be done some time
later prior to release. Is it in plans? :)

Ah.. we thought no one would notice :)

Once again thanks for the feedback. Keep them coming.



swaminathan1 3 Mar 2009 2:16 AM

Brandon Shell pointed out an elegant way to get a list of AD cmdlets. Here it is..

PS C:\> get-command -module ActiveDirectory -verb get

PS C:\> get-command -module ActiveDirectory -noun ADUser



Xaegr 6 Mar 2009 1:09 AM

>The default parameter set for get directory object cmdlets such as: Get-ADObject, Get-ADUser,
Get-ADGroup etc. is -Identity.

>get-aduser -Filter { anr -eq "John" }

You can have more than one default parameter (in different parameter sets), so it can easily be -Identity,
and then (if input not valid X500 path) fallback to -Anr.

Xaegr 6 Mar 2009 1:10 AM

> Ah.. we thought no one would notice :)

You joking? :) This is hard to beleive :)

swaminathan1 6 Mar 2009 5:41 PM


>> Ah.. we thought no one would notice :)

> You joking? :) This is hard to beleive :)

Yes, I was just joking. Btw, was your comment regarding Provider cmdlet output? Or for all AD cmdlets?



Xaegr 12 Mar 2009 1:23 AM

No, output from get-aduser is fine for me for example.

Only one suggestion, please accept wildcard chars for -Properties parameter :) Not all can remember ad

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Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell – Quick start guide ... http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adpowershell/archive/2009/02/25/ad-powersh...

property names form objects, so get-aduser someone -prop *logon* will be useful. And get-aduser
someone -prop * of course.

swaminathan1 12 Mar 2009 10:32 PM

-Properties parameter does support * and returns all properties + ldap attributes set on the object.

It does not support wildcard chars on the parameters. You can query the schema to get a list of all ldap
attributes that can be set on an AD object.

Here is a Powershell function that does this:

function GetPossibleLdapAttributes() {

Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [String] $ObjectClass)

$rootDSE = Get-ADRootDSE

$schemaObject = get-adobject -filter { ldapdisplayname -like $ObjectClass } -Properties mayContain,

SystemMayContain -searchbase $rootDSE.SchemaNamingContext




PS C:\> GetPossibleLdapAttributes computer

PS C:\> GetPossibleLdapAttributes user



RichardS 19 Apr 2009 12:31 PM

On cmdlets like new-aduser could we have -organizationalunit rather than -path (an alias on the
parameter would be acceptable).

AD admins think in terms of OUs rather than paths plus it would be consistent with Exchange

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