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Harris 1

Andrew Harris

Mr. Neuburger

English Composition 101

29 March 2011

Annotated Bibliography

Extermination Methods

The Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Web. 29 Apr. 2011.

There were three methods of mass murder that the Nazi used. They started off with
lining every population group up, from mainly Jews to gypsies. From there they
started having squads of armed Nazis fire upon thousands of innocent people one
after the other. This method was bad for soldier moral, so they came up with
another method, which were gassing trucks. This method eventually led to the most
effective way of extermination, which were gas chambers. The Nazis constructed
large industrialized facilities of mass destruction as in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where
Zyklon B gas was used.

The Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies is a great source for
information about extermination methods.

"Einsatzgruppen (Mobile Killing Units)." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Web. 29 Apr. 2011.

"Einsatzgruppen” were squads generally composed of German SS and police

personnel. “These victims included Jews, Roma (Gypsies), and officials of the Soviet
state and the Soviet Communist party. The Einsatzgruppen also murdered
thousands of residents of institutions for the mentally and physically disabled.”
(ushmm.org.) Eventually the Nazis came up with “The Final Solution.” This act
ordered the extermination of all European Jews. This was comprised of mass
shootings, gas vans, and gas chambers. It was common for Nazis to murder
thousands of Jews a day.

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is a great source of information

covering how the extermination methods came about. It explains everything to why
and how they did it.
Harris 2

"Killing People Through Gas In Extermination and Concentration Camps." Jewish

Virtual Library - Homepage. Web. 29 Apr. 2011.

“The systematic murdering of humans through gas during the Nazi rule was
introduced for the first time from January 1940 on in the area of the "Euthanasia,"
the extermination of the "lives not worthy to live" of the handicapped, mental
patients and the terminally ill, and from fall 1941 on was continued to a much larger
extent by the pogroms of the operation groups of the security police and the SD in
the seized eastern areas with the help of mobile gas vans.
Beginning December of 1941 one proceeded in the camp Kulmhof (Polish Chelmno)
to use stationary gas vans for the killing of Jews, and from the beginning of 1942 in
different camps fixed gas chambers were built, or already existing buildings were
restructured for this purpose.” (JewishVirtualLibrary.org).

The Jewish Virtual Library is a good source getting all their information from
survivors. It covers the camps, dates and the extermination methods.

"Facts And Torture Methods During Holocaust." Upload & Share PowerPoint

Presentations and Documents. Web. 29 Apr. 2011.

The first created killing center was 1941 in Chelmno. 2,700,000 were killed by
poison gas or shooting alone. Around 6,000 Jews were gassed each day once they
got to these camps.

This video overview gives the first camp to create killing methods and the number
or people who died.

"YouTube - FÃ ¼hrer Fun Bus: Swindler's List." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web.

29 Apr. 2011.

This video is survivors telling their stories about how the gas chambers looked.
They were unaware of this leading to their demise. They were fully convinced they
were going to a better place, but soon found out what was happening.

The FÃ ¼hrer Fun Bus: Swindler's List are survivors giving their point of view on the
gas chambers.
Harris 3

"Holocaust Killing Centers." DSU Computer Services. Web. 29 Apr. 2011.

After trains would arrive at the camps deportees were ordered by German SS to
form a line. Right away the Jews went through a selection process. The were pointed
to go left or right and little did they know that they were being chose to live or die.
The healthy were forced to labor and the weak were chose to die. They were put the
weak into gas chambers and dispose of them.

This article overview goes over the selection process and how the Jews were
disposed of.

"What Were the Methods of Extermination during the Holocaust? - Yahoo!

Answers." Yahoo! Answers - Home. Web. 29 Apr. 2011.

Jews were not only forced to line up for mass shootings, gassed in vans, gassed in
chambers and crematoriums. They were also experimented on by SS doctors who
performed grisly surgeries such as castration, sterilization, and removal of live
fetuses. They also did organ transplants.

This website is not ideal, but they have a really good source of information covering
experimentation and the extermination methods.

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