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ANGER, And how to manage.

Anger is an emotion related to one's psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged or
denied and a tendency to undo that by retaliation. Anger is a normal emotion that involves a strong
uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation. Anger may have physical correlates
such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, and levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline.[2] Some view
anger as part of the fight or flight brain response to the perceived threat of harm. [3] Anger becomes the
predominant feeling behaviorally, cognitively, and physiologically when a person makes the conscious
choice to take action to immediately stop the threatening behavior of another outside force. [4] The English
term originally comes from the term anger of Old Norse language.[5] Anger can have many physical and
mental consequences.

The external expression of anger can be found in facial expressions, body language, physiological
responses, and at times in public acts of aggression.[6] Humans and animals for example make loud
sounds, attempt to look physically larger, bare their teeth, and stare. [7] The behaviors associated with
anger are designed to warn aggressors to stop their threatening behavior. Rarely does a physical
altercation occur without the prior expression of anger by at least one of the participants. [7] While most of
those who experience anger explain its arousal as a result of "what has happened to them," psychologists
point out that an angry person can be very well mistaken because anger causes a loss in self-monitoring
capacity and objective observability.[

People feel angry when they sense that they or someone they care about has been offended, when they are
certain about the nature and cause of the angering event, when they are certain someone else is
responsible, and when they feel they can still influence the situation or cope with it. [20] For instance, if a
person's car is damaged, they will feel angry if someone else did it (e.g. another driver rear-ended it), but
will feel sadness instead if it was caused by situational forces (e.g. a hailstorm) or guilt and shame if they
were personally responsible (e.g. he crashed into a wall out of momentary carelessness).

Anger makes people think more optimistically. Dangers seem smaller, actions seem less risky, ventures
seem more likely to succeed, unfortunate events seem less likely. Angry people are more likely to make
risky decisions, and make more optimistic risk assessments.

An angry person tends to anticipate other events that might cause him anger. He will tend to rate anger-
causing events (e.g. being sold a faulty car) as more likely than sad events (e.g. a good friend moving

A person who is angry tends to place more blame on another person for his misery. This can create a
feedback, as this extra blame can make the angry man angrier still, so he in turns places yet more blame
on the other person.

The first anger management tip that you can follow when you feel the emotion of anger is to take a time
out.Stepping away from a particular situation or individual that is starting to upset you will defuse your
anger.A time out can consist of a short brisk walk, going into another room or down a hall for a breather,
or simply just taking deep breaths and silently counting to 10 before responding to the situation.
The second anger management tip which can help to control the powerful emotion of anger is physical


This anger management tip is perfect for when you begin to think about something the angers you.
Instead of getting all worked up and risking getting into a confrontation with someone take some time to
Exercise is a great way to release pent up stress and frustration which are the roots of anger.
Taking a brisk walk, jogging, a long run, swim, hitting the gym for weight lifting session, playing tennis,
or a game of basketball can help manage anger.
The third anger management tip that you can follow when you feel the emotion of anger is take a minute
to calm yourself.
Learning several ways that work best to calm or soothe yourself when you get upset is important to
properly practice this tip.
Every individual is different. Some people prefer to visualize a relaxing scene or have a particular phrase
that helps instantly change their mindset.
Others rely on having a calming or favorite song in their MP3 player handy, a hobby like painting, or
practicing yoga or meditation to soothe and calm.
The fourth anger management tip to follow when you fell the emotion of anger is to use humor.
Humor is an excellent method to release aggression.
Simply think of a funny joke or imagine yourself or the other person in a silly situation to get your mind
away from your anger.

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