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in Science and Health

(Elementary Level)



Time Allotment


Scope and Sequence

Learning Competencies

Lesson Plans



Science and Health aims to help the Filipino child gain a functional understanding of
science concepts and principles linked with real life situations, acquire science skills as well
as scientific attitudes and values needed in solving everyday problems. These pertain to
health and sanitation, nutrition, food production, and the environment and its conservation.

There is no Science and Health for Grades I and II but simple science and health
concepts which include the child’s interaction to his immediate environment are contents of
English. These concepts reinforce the sensory-perceptual activities introduced in the 8-
week ECD Curriculum. Likewise, process skills may be developed in Makabayan subject
like Sibika at Kultura. Teaching Science and Health will formally start in Grade III using
English as medium of instruction. In Grades IV-VI, more complex study of Science
concepts will be taken up in preparation for High School work.


Daily Time Allotment

Learning Areas

Science and Health (integrated - - 40 60 60 60

in English for Grades I & II)

 Science and Health for Grades I and II is integrated in English. This is used as
vehicle in developing the skills in English.

 Grade III is given a 40-minute daily time allotment. In Grades IV, V and VI, there is
an increase of 20 minutes in the daily time allotment, to give more time and
emphasis on the study of Science concepts and processes.


GOAL: Demonstrate understanding of how science, technology and health relate

to the comprehension of the environment and application of skills, attitudes and
values in solving varied life situations

At the end of Grade VI, the learner is expected to develop functional understanding and
application of science and health concepts, basic and integrated science process
skills/thinking skills, and acquire values, attitudes and practices related to body systems
(circulatory and nervous), ecosystem, materials and their uses and effects, energy
transformation and conservation, movement of the earth’s crust, climate and seasons and
beyond the solar system.

At the end of Grade V, the learner is expected to develop functional understanding

application of science and health concepts, basic and integrated science process/thinking
skills, and acquire values, attitudes and practices related to body systems (reproductive,
respiratory and urinary), disease prevention and control, classification of plants and
animals, plant and animal adaptation, changes in matter, electrical energy, simple
machines, rocks, water cycle, typhoons, tides and the solar system.

At the end of Grade IV, the learner is expected to develop functional understanding and
application of science and health concepts, basic process/thinking skills, and acquire
values, attitudes, and practices related to body systems (skeletal, muscular and digestive),
disease prevention and control, animal and plant reproduction, soil erosion, weather
elements, reaction of different substances, friction and heat energy, earth, moon and sun.

At the end of Grade III, the learner is expected to develop functional understanding and
application of science and health concepts, basic process/thinking skills, and acquire
values, attitude and practices related to one’s sense organs, personal health, food, nutrition,
growth and development, characteristics of plants and animals, caring for plants and
animals, states of matter, heat, light and sound energy, force and motion, earth resources
and their conservation, weather and the sun as source of light and heat.

G ra d e III G ra d e IV G ra d e V G ra d e V I

P e o p le
1 . S en s e O rg a ns 1. S k e le tal S ys te m 1. R e p rod u c tive S ys tem 1. C irc u la tory S ys te m
2 . G ro w th an d D e ve lo p m e nt 2. M u s c ula r S yste m 2. R e s pira tory S ys tem 2. N e rvou s S yste m
3. D ige s tive S ys te m 3. U rin ary S ys tem 3. T a k ing c are o f the s yste m s
4. T a k in g ca re o f th e sys te m s 4. R e m o va l o f O th e r B o dy W a s tes
5. F irst A id fo r In ju rie s o f th e 5. T a k in g ca re o f th e sys te m s 4. A H e a lth y P erso n
sys te m
A n im a ls An im a ls, P la n ts a n d E n v iro n m e n t
(In te rre la tio n s h ip in th e E c o s ys te m )
1. A nim a ls in th e L o ca lity 1 . A n im a l R ep ro d u ction 1. A n im a ls live in pla ce s w he re 1. E c o sys te m
2. B od y p arts o f an im als 2 . S tag e s in the L ife C yc le o f the y ca n find fo od 2. F e e din g In terrela tio n sh ips
3. C a rin g fo r A nim a ls A nim a ls 2. C las s ific a tio n o f A n im a ls 3. O xyg e n -C a rb on D iox ide C yc le
4. F irs t A id fo r Ins e c t a n d 3 .E ffe c ts o f s om e a nim a ls ac c o rdin g to the fo od th ey e a t 4. A c tivitie s th at d is ru p t th e cyc les o f an
A n im a l B ites to p e op le 3. A n im a l A d a p ta tion e co s yste m
4 . S a fety w ith A n im als 4. M a jo r grou p s o f a nim a ls 5. P o p ula tio n
5. C o ra l R e e fs 6. C o n s ervin g B a la n ce o f Life
P la n ts

1. P arts o f pla nts a nd its u se s 1. S e xu a l re p ro du c tio n 1 . P h oto s ynth e sis

2. P la n t G ro w th 2. G e rm in atio n 2 . Im po rta n ce o f pla nts
3. C a rin g fo r pla nts 3. S e ed d is p ersa l 3 . P ro tec tive s tru c tu re s &
4. F irs t aid fo r alle rg ies c au s ed 4. A s ex u al re p rod u c tio n p la n t a d ap ta tio n
b y p la n ts 4 . C las s ific a tio n o f p la n ts
M a tte r M ix tu re s an d S o lu tio n s P h ys ic a l/C h e m ic a l C h a n g e M ateria ls

1. M a tter 1. M ix ture s 1. P h ys ica l ch a n ge 1. M ate rials an d the ir us e s

2. S ta te s o f m a tter 2. S o lu te s a n d S o lve nts 2. C h e m ic a l c h an g e 2. Im p ro ving m a teria ls th rou g h te c h no log y
3. C h em ic al s ub s tan c e s 3. R e a ction o f su b s tan c es 3. C h a ng e s in th e en viro n m e nt 3. E ffe c ts o f m a teria ls o n th e e n viro n m en t
4. P rec a u tio n ary m e a su re s in 4. C h e m ic a l s u bs ta nc e s th a t 4. E ffe cts o f ch a n ge s in the 4. S to ra ge a nd d is p os a l o f m a teria ls
u s in g c erta in s u bs ta nc e s ca u s e p o llu tio n E nviron m e n t 5. P a rtic le n a ture o f m a tte r
5 . C a re in ta k ing m e d ic in e s 5 . P re ve n tin g P o llu tion
E n e rg y

1 . S ou rc e s o f h ea t a nd lig h t 1 . P o te n tia l en e rg y 1 . S tatic e lec tricity 1. F o rm s of e n e rgy & th eir u se s

2 . H o w ligh t tra ve ls 2 . K in e tic e ne rg y 2 . E le c tric c irc u it 2. E n e rgy tra n sform a tion a nd its E ffe c t o n
th e E n viro n m en t

G ra d e III G ra d e IV G ra d e V G ra d e V I
3 . B e n d in g o f lig h t 3 . F ric tio n 3. T ra n s fo rm a tio n o f e le c tric a l 3 . P rin c ip le s o f c o n s e rva tio n o f e n e rg y
e n e rg y
4. A b so rp tio n o f L ig h t R a ys 4. H eat 4. E le c tro m a g n e t 4 . F o rc e & m o tio n
5. S e e in g d iffe re n t c o lo rs 5 . H a za rd s o f fire 5. U s in g e le c tric ity p ro p e rly 5 . S p e e d & V e lo c ity
6. Shadows 6. S im p le M a c h in e s
7. Sound 7. C o n s e rva tio n o f E n e rg y
8. Echo 8. P re ca u tio n a ry M e a s u re in
9. F o rc e (w in d , ru n n in g w a te r, U s in g S im p le M a c h in e s
p u s h a n d p u ll, g ra vity)

E a rth
1 . F e a tu re s o f th e e a rth 1. S o il e ro s io n 1. R ocks 1. S tru c tu re o f th e e a rth
2 . E a rth a s a re s o u rc e fo r life a n d 2 . E ffe c ts o f s o il e ro s io n 2. F o rm a tio n o f ro c k s 2. M o ve m e n t o f th e e a rth 's c ru s t
o n e 's n e e d s 3. P re ve n tin g s o il e ro s io n 3. R o c k w e a th e rin g 3. E a rth q u a k e
3 . C o n s e rvin g re s o u rce s 4. W e a th e r e le m e n ts 4. W a te r c yc le 4. P re c a u tio n a ry m e a s u re s d u rin g e a rth q u a k e
4 . S o il
5 . C a re a n d c o n c e rn fo r s o il 5 . T ro p ic a l C yc lo n e 5 . V o lc a n o
6 . W a te r 6 . P re ca u tio n a ry m e a s u re s 6 . P re c a u tio n a ry m e a s u re s d u rin g vo lc a n ic
d u rin g c yc lo n e e ru p tio n s
7 . C a re a n d c o n c e rn fo r w a te r 7 . C lim a te
8 . W e a th e r 8. Seasons
9 . S a fe ty m e a s u re s fo r c e rta in
typ e s o f w e a th e r

Sun E a rth , M o o n a n d S u n S o la r S ys te m B e yo n d th e s o la r s ys te m

1. T he sun 1 . R o ta tio n o f th e e a rth 1 . T h e s o la r s ys te m 1. C h a ra c te ris tics o f s ta rs

2 . C h a n g e s in te m p e ra tu re 2 . R e vo lu tio n o f th e e a rth 2 . T h e s u n a s th e c e n te r o f 2. G a th e rin g in fo rm a tio n a b o u t s ta rs
3 . S u n 's h e a t a n d a c tivitie s o f 3 . A p p a re n t c h a n g e s in th e th e S o la r S ys te m 3. C o n s te lla tio n s
h u m a n b e in g s s h a p e o f th e m o o n 3 . C h a ra c te ris tic s o f th e P la n e ts 4. G a la x ie s
4 . P re ca u tio n a ry m e a s u re s to 4 . S o la r a n d lu n a r e c lip s e 4 . O th e r m e m b e rs o f th e 5. U n ive rs e
a vo id g e ttin g h u rt fro m th e 5 . S a fe ty m e a s u re s d u rin g S o la r S ys te m
s u n 's h e a t s o la r e c lip s e 5 . T id e s



1. Infer that our sense organs 1. Describe the structure and 1. Describe the structure and 1. Describe the structure and
m ake us aware of things around function of the skeletal system function of the hum an function of the circulatory system
us reproductive system

1.1 Identify the sense organs 1.1 Identify som e bones that 1.1 Identify the m ale/fem ale 1.1 Describe the circulatory
and their functions m akeup the skeletal system reproductive system and system and its m ajor parts
their m ajor parts
1.2 Observe the characteristics
of things around us using the 1.2 Dem onstrate how the 1.2 Relate the structure of the 1.2 Explain the function of the
different sense organs skeletal system enables us m ale/fem ale reproductive circulatory system
to m ove system to its function in

1.3 Identify the bones that 1.3 Explain the process of 1.3 Illustrate/Dem onstrate the
protect the internal organs fertilizaton in hum ans m ovem ent of the blood
throughout the body

2. Describe the structure and 2. Describe bodily changes of 2. Describe the com m on
function of the m uscular system a m ale/ fem ale at puberty ailm ents affecting the circulatory
system and their sym ptom s

2.1 Illustrate how m uscles are 2.1 Describe certain physical

connected to the bones changes during puberty

2.2 Explain/Dem onstrate 2.2 Relate the m enstrual cycle

how m uscles cause body of the fem ale to the ability to
m ovem ent get pregnant or reproduce

2.3 Cite sim ple body activities

that show the coordinated
function of the skeletal and
m uscular system s

2.Observe the parts of the sense 3. Practice proper care of the 3. Practice hygiene in caring for 3. Practice desirable habits that
organs from m odels and explain how skeletal and m uscular system s the reproductive organs help prevent/control com m on
they work ailm ents of the circulatory system

2.1 Identify the m ain parts of 3.1 Identify injuries and 3.1 Identify health habits to 3.1 Identify health habits to keep
each sense organs diseases that can harm keep the reproductive organs the heart, blood and blood
the skeletal and m uscular healthy vessels healthy
system s

2.2 Explain the functions of 3.2 Dem onstrate first aid 3.2 Take precautionary/safety 3.2 Dem onstrate ways of
each part treatm ent for sprains, m easuresto keep the caring for the circulatory
cram ps and sim ple reproductive organs healthy system
3.3 Show concern and right
attitude towards handi-
capped persons

3. Practice desirable health habits 4. Describe the structure and 4. Describe the structure and 4. Describe how the nervous system
that will help prevent/control function of the digestive system function of the respiratory works
com m on ailm ents and keep the system
sense healthy

3.1 Identify com m on ailm ents 4.1 Identify the digestive 4.1 Identify the respiratory 4.1 Identify the nervous
affecting the sense organs system and its m ajor parts system and its m ajor parts system and its m ajor parts

3.2 Dem onstrate ways of 4.2 Trace the path of food in 4.2 Construct a m odel to 4.2 Describe how the nervous
keeping the sense organs the digestive system and dem onstrate the m echanism system works
healthy the changes the food of breathing
undergoes 4.3 Practice desirable habits
4. Dem onstrate first aid for foreign 4.3 Explain why food has to 4.3 Trace the path of air and that help prevent and control
bodies in the eye, ear & nose, be digested what happens to it in different com m on ailm ents of the
nosebleeding parts of the respiratory system nervous system
5. Infer that changes take place as 5. Practice desirable health 5. Infer that som e com m on 5. Describe a healthy person
children grow habits to keep the digestive ailm ents of the respiratory
system healthy system are caused by pollution
5.1 Measure one's height and sm oking, or inhaling drugs

5.2 Com pare one's height and 5.1 Nam e ways of preventing/ 5.1 Nam e com m on ailm ents 5.1 Discuss the physical,
weight now and that of the controlling comm on affecting the respiratory mental, em otional and social
previous year using a bar ailm ents of the digestive system needs of a person
graph system
5.3 Infer that one changes in 5.2 Dem onstrate ways of 5.2 Describe the causes, 5.2 Describe the effect of
physical capabilities and keeping the digestive sym ptom s, prevention and physical, m ental and em otional
social interest system healthy treatm ent of these diseases state on one's health

5.2.1 Identify physical/ social

activities one participates
in then and now

5.2.2 Com pare one's present

physical and social
activities with those of
the previous years

5.4 Cite evidences that show 5.3 Describe the effect of

changes in one's m ental relationships with family,
abilities friends and society on m ental,
em otional and physical well-
5.5 Observe/com pare changes in
in one's ability to speak, write 5.4 Practice ways of m aintaining
read, draw, solve one's health such as
- preventing com m on ailm ents
- knowing where to seek help
- dem onstrating a positive
attitude to stay healthy
6. Infer that som e factors affect 6. Practice good health habits
one's growth and developm ent to keep the respiratory system

6.1 Identify som e factors affecting 6.1 Describe proper ways of

one's growth and developm ent caring for the respiratory
such as heredity, food, rest, system
sleep, recreation, safe and
healthful environm ent


6.2 Observe that one grows and 6.2 Demonstrate ways of

develops like one or both of his caring for persons affected
parents by common ailments of the
6.3 Infer that eating a variety of
nutritious food in the right
amount is necessary for one's
growth and development

6.3.1 Classify foods according

to the 3 basic food groups

6.3.2 State that eating the right

kind of food in the right
amount is necessary for
one's growth and

6.3.3 Practice desirable health

and food habits

6.4 Explain how rest, sleep and

recreation affect one's growth
and development

6.5 Compare a healthful and an

unhealthful surrounding

6.5.1 Identify things in the

surroundings that are good
for people's health and well-

6.5.2 Identify things in the

surroundings which are
harmful to people's health
and well-being

7. State that a healthy person grows 7. Describe the structure and
taller, bigger, heavier, faster function of the urinary system

7.1 Identify the urinary system

and its m ajor parts
7.2 Describe how urine is form ed
and elim inated from the body

7.3 Explain how other body

wastes are rem oved (e.g.
solid waste through the
digestive system , gaseous
waste through the respiratory
system , som e liquid waste
through the skin)

8. Infer that certain illnesses/ 7.4 Practice desirable health

diseases slow down one's growth habits that help prevent/
and developm ent control com m on ailm ents
affecting the urinary system
8.1 Describe how illnessess/
diseases slow down one's
growth and developm ent

9. Observe that a sm all fam ily can

m eet its basic needs better than a
big fam ily

tionship in the Ecosystem )

1. Identify the com m on anim als in 1. Infer how anim als reproduce 1. Infer that anim als live in places 1. Operationally define an ecosystem
the locality sexually where they can find food

1.1 Identify anim als hatched 1.1 Explain why anim als live 1.1 Observe and identify living
from eggs in a particular habitat things and non-living things in a
m ini-ecosystem e.g. aquarium ,
fallen log, pond


1.2 Identify animals born as 1.2 Describe how animals get/ 1.2 Observe and describe feeding
baby animals eat their food using certain interrelationships among the
body parts living organisms

1.2.1 Construct food chains

and food webs to illustrate
feeding relationships

1.3 Infer that some animals 1.3 Describe body parts used 1.3 Construct the food nutrient
develop from a fertilized by animals for getting/eating cycle and explains the
egg food importance of decomposers in
making food nutrients available
1.4 Infer the kind of food an to plants
animal eats from the appear-
ance of its mouth parts

2. Observe different animals 2. Describe the different stages 2. Classify animals according to 2. Illustrate the interdependence
in the locality in the life cycle of some the food they eat of plants and animals for gasses
animals e.g. carnivorous, herbivorous, through the oxygen-carbon
omnivorous dioxide cycle

2.1 Identify the body parts of 2.1 Describe the life cycle of some 2.1 Construct a diagram of the
animals and their functions animals oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle
e.g frog, butterfly &

2.2. Describe the relationship of 2.2 Describe the changes in 2.2 Interpret the diagram of the
body parts of animals as to animals as they develop and oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle
function, movement, habitat, grow
food getting

3. Compare common animals 3. Infer the beneficial/harmful effects 3. Infer how some animals adapt 3. Investigate interdependence
of animals to people to a particular environment between living and non-living
components in bigger
3.1 Give one or more similarities 3.1 Cite how animals are useful to 3.1 Describe how animals ecosystem
between two animals of the people in the community adapt to a particular environ-
same kind ment for protection and e.g. forest, lake, river

3.2 Identify some animals
that are carriers of 3.1 Explain the importance of the
diseases,sources of e.g. by changing their color forest
infections, allergy and injury

3.2 Give one or more differences 3.2 Explain how animals may 3.2 Describe the effects of
between two animals of the harm people deforestation
same kind

3.3 Give one or more similarities

between two animals of
different kinds

3.4 Give one or more differences

between two animals of
different kinds

4. Classify animals according to 4. Practice safety measures 4. Classify animals into major 4. Explain that some activities of
the body covering, food eaten, while caring for animals groups people disrupt the cycles of an
presence or absence of certain ecosystem
body parts, movement, habitat,
uses e.g. deforestation, intensive farming,
fish culture, inefficient garbage

4.1 Explain why we should 4.1 Classify animals into 4.1 Identify some human
observe safety measures vertebrates and invertebrates activities that disrupt the cycle
while caring for animals in an ecosystem
e.g. deforestation, intensive
4.1.1 Identify characteristics farming, fish culture, inefficient
of vertebrates/ garbage disposal

4.2 Describe some safety 4.2 Classify vertebrates into 4.2 Infer harmful effects of
measures to observe mammals, birds, reptiles, certain activities on a bigger or
while caring for animals amphibians, and fishes more complex ecosystem
e.g. pond system

4.2.1 Identify characteris-
tics of each group of

4.3 Classify invertebrates into 4.3 Discuss and participate in

arthropods, coelenterates, activities to address the above
annelids, crustaceans, problems (e.g. adopt a river or
echinoderms, insects, lake)
arachnids, mollusk

4.3.1 Identify characteristics

of each group of inver-

5. Infer that animals need food, air, 5. Explain the importance of 5. Predict the effects of over
water and shelter in order to grow coral reefs population in a community

5.1 Cite evidences that animals 5.1 Describe coral reefs 5.1 Infer that shortage of food,
need air, food, water and water, and space may occur
shelter in order to grow due to a growing population

5.2 Infer what may happen if 5.2 Identify the importance of 5.2 Infer that land, water
animals will not get food, air, coral reefs and air may become limited
shelter and water and eventually polluted due to

5.3 Discuss practices that 5.3 Infer that overpopulation

cause destruction affects one's health and that
of coral reefs of the community

5.4 Predict what will happen 5.4 Infer that rapid population
when coral reefs are growth upsets the ecological
destroyed balance

5.5 Identify ways of saving

coral reefs

5.6 Participate in efforts to

save coral reefs


6. Practice care & concern for 6. Describe strategies for coping

animals with rapid increase in population

6.1 Explain why animals need care

6.2 Demonstrate how to care

for animals

7. Tell how to be safe with animals 7. Demonstrate commitment and

concern in preserving/conserving
8. Practice first aid for insect and the balance of life in the ecosystem
anim al bites
7.1 Enum erate ways of
controlling/preventing harmful
effects of human activities to
the environment

7.2 Participate in campaigns

and activities for improving/
managing one's environment

7.3 Infer that a sustained

ecological balance ensures the
survival of future generations


1. Observe the different parts of 1. Associate the growing of 1. Explain the process of food
plants plants from seeds with making (photosynthesis) in
sexual reproduction in plants

1.1 Identify the important 1.1 Perform experiment to

parts of a flower needed for determ ine what plants need
the development of seeds to m ake food

1.1 Infer the functions of each part 1.2 Explain the role of 1.2 Identify the variables in
pollination in sexual the experiment

1.3 Describe the process 1.3 Observe what happens to

of fertilization in flowers plants grown in the absence
leading to the development of any of the factors needed
of seeds for photosynthesis

1.4 Identify the parts of the 1.4 Infer that plants need air,
of the flower that develops water and sunlight in making
into fruits and seeds food

1.5 Explain the process of

photosynthesis using a

2. Compare plants according to 2. Observe changes in a 2. Explain the importance of

observable characteristics of their germinating seed plants to human beings and
parts other animals

2.1 Identify similarities and 2.1 Identify main parts of 2.1 Identify plant/plant parts
differences of plants/ a seed used for food, medicine, etc.
plant parts as to:
- color, size, & shape
- size/texture of stems/roots
- color, shape, size
and smell of flowers
- texture and edges of
- flowering and non-

2.2 Infer the function of each

part of the seed by
observing a germinating

3. Classify plants according 3. Identify the factors 3. Infer that plants have specific
to comm on characteristics needed in seed germination structures and characteristics
for adaptation and survival
e.g. color, size and shape of
leaves/flowers, size, texture 3.1 Perform an experiment 3.1 Describe the special
of stems on seed germination characteristics of plants
which help them adapt to the
environm ent and reproduce
3.2 Identify the variables their own kind
in the experiment
3.2 Cite exam ples of plants
that can grow in specific

3.3 Observe and collect

data on what seeds need
to germinate

3.4 Interpret the results of

the experiment on seed
germ ination

4. Infer that plants & plant parts 4. Infer how a seed may be dispersed 4. Classify plants into m ajor
have many uses or brought to other places based groups:flowering plants, cone-
on its structure/properties bearing plants, ferns and mosses

4.1 Identify the uses of plants 4.1 Observe the structure/

and their parts properties of certain fruits and

4.2 State that plant parts have 4.2 Describe how certain
many uses structures/properties
help in seed dispersal

5. Demonstrate ways of propagating 5. Describe and demonstrate

plants ways of growing plants by
asexual reproduction


5.1 Observe how plants grow 5.1 Describe how some plants 5.1 Identify characteristics of
reproduce asexually certain plants
e.g. from seeds, stem cuttings e.g. runner, rhizomes. bulbs

5.2 Identify ways of propagating 5.2 Demonstrate ways of 5.2 Group plants according to
plants propagating plants common characteristics

5.2.1 Name plants that grow

from seeds, stem cuttings,
leaves, roots

5.3 Describe the different ways 5.3 Explain other ways of

of propagating plants grouping plants

5.4 Describe the importance of

grouping plants

6. Demonstrate ways of caring for

and conserving plants

7. Practice precautionary measures

in handling plants

8. Apply first aid treatment in

cases of allergies/skin irritation
caused by plants


1. State that matter is anything that 1. Describe mixtures and their 1. Describe simple physical and 1. Observe materials and their uses
occupies space and has mass/ characteristics chemical changes in materials

1.1 Identify matter/object around 1.1 Show how mixtures are 1.1 Observe that no new material 1.1 Identify common household
formed is formed in physical change materials
1.2 Demonstrate that objects have e.g. pesticides, insecticides,
weight using a balance 1.1.1 Show examples of soap, paint, solvent,
physical change synthetic, plastic
1.3 Demonstrate that matter/ 1.2 Describe ways of
objects occupy space separating mixtures 1.2 Describe how the materials
are used

2. Infer that the states of matter 2. Demonstrate that some 1.3 Explain the importance of
are solid, liquid and gas materials can dissolve other reading product labels
1.3.1 Identify warning signs/
2.1 Describe the different 2.1 Show that some solid precautions in product
characterstics of solid materials can be dissolved labels
. Shape in some liquids
. Space 2. Explain that technology
. W eight improves materials
. Mass

2.2 State that liquids have different 2.2 Identifies solids that can be 2.1 Identify materials improved by
characteristics dissolved technology

2.2.1 Show evidences that

liquids have the ability to flow 2.2 Describe the improvement done
by technology on the materials
2.2.2 Show evidences that
liquids take the shape of
their container

2.2.3 Show evidences that

liquids occupy space

2.3 Describe the different 2.3 Identify liquids that can 1.2. Observe that a new material
characteristics of gases dissolve solid materials is formed in a chemical
2.3.1 State that gases take the
shape of their containers, 1.2.1 Show examples of
occupies space and have chemical change

2.3.2 Infer that some gases are


2.3.3 State that there is air

2.3.4 Tell that air is colorless

and tasteless

2.4 Define solvents and solutes

2.5 Observe that some solvents

can dissolve solutes faster than

2.6 State that water is a universal 1.2.2 Observe that the product of
solvent a chemical change cannot be
brought back to its original

3. Infer that certain chemical 3. Infer that different substances 3. Infer that everything in the 3. Infer the effects of the materials
substances affect living things react differently when mixed with environment is changing on other materials and environ-
other substances ment

3.1 State that certain substances 3.1 Observe that some solutes 3.1 Identify condition when the
have good effects on man, spread evenly when mixed the effects of the materials
animals and plants with solvents are beneficial

3.1.1 Identify certain chemical

substances and their good


3.2 State that certain substances 3.2 Observe that some solutes 3.2 Identify the condition when the
have harmful effects on m an, when mixed with solvents effects of m aterials are harmful
anim als and plants if not used settle at the bottom

3.2.1 Identify some chemical

substances that could have
harmful effects if not used

3.3 Observe that some solutes

when mixed with solvents do
not settle at the bottom but
m ake the solvents cloudy

3.4 Identify the factors that

affect how a solute dissolves
in a solvent

4. Practice precautionary measures in 4. Infer that chemical substances 4. Infer the effects of changes in 4. Observe safety precautions in
using certain substances can pollute soil, water and air the environm ent handling, storing and disposing
certain materials
4.1 Follow safety measure in
taking medicines and other 4.1 Describe how chemical 4.1 Identify the good effects of
substances substances can pollute land, certain changes in the
water and air environment

4.2 Describe the effects of polluted, 4.2 Identify the bad effects of
land, water, and air on people, of certain changes in the
anim als and plants in the environm ent

4.3 State that im proper handling of
household substances like:
pesticides, kerosene and other
chemicals can cause pollution

4.4 Identify ways of preventing

pollution of land, water and air

5. Investigate the particle nature of


5.1 Cite evidences that matter is

made up of particles

5.2 Construct a model of solid,

liquid and gas to show the
structure of matter


1. Identify the sources of heat and 1. Infer that materials that can do 1. Describe static electricity 1. Describe the forms of energy and
light work has energy their uses i.e. chem ical,
mechanical, sound, electrical,
radiant, nuclear
1.1 State that the sun is the 1.1 Describe the position/ 1.1 Identify ways of producing
primary source of heat and light condition of materials that has static electricity
potential energy

1.2 Name other sources of heat and 1.2 Describe the position/ 1.2 Observe the effect of static
light e.g. fire, electricity condition of materials that has electricity
kinetic energy

1.3 Differentiate potential from

kinetic energy

1.4 Show that kinetic energy

makes a material work/move

2. Show evidences that light travels 2. Observe how friction works 2. Describe an electric circuit 1.1 Describe chemical energy and
in a straight line its uses

2.1 Identify conditions when 2.1 Identify the parts of an electric 1.2 Describe how mechanical
friction seems to retard/resist circuit e.g. conductor, insulator, energy is formed and used
motion switch, fuse, source
1.3 Describe how electrical energy
2.2 Compare how objects move on 2.1.1 Classify materials into is formed and used
different surfaces/textures conductors and insulators
1.4 Describe radiant energy and
2.3 Infer that rough surfaces 2.2 Construct a model of an electric how it is used
increase friction circuit
1.5 Describe nuclear energy and
2.4 Identify ways of decreasing its uses
increasing friction
1.6 Describe sound energy and its
2.5 Identify the uses of decreas- uses
ing/increasing friction in
everyday life

3. Cite evidences that light rays may 3. Infer that heat is a method of 3. Differentiate a parallel from a
be bent as they pass from one transferring energy series connection
substance to another
3.1 Cite the advantages and
3.1 Demonstrate how refraction of 3.1 Observe that heat transfers disadvantages of parallel and
light occurs from a hot to a cold body series circuits

3.2 Describe the condition

necessary for producing heat

3.3 Explain spontaneous


3.4 Explain how heat is produced

during energy transformation

4. Infer that when light strikes an 4. Observe an object before and 4. Describe how electrical energy 4. Infer that energy can be
object it is either absorbed, reflected after heating is produced transformed
or may pass through or a
combination of the three may take

4.1 Observe that opaque materials 4.1 Record the temperature of an 4.1 Demonstrate how a form of
absorb light object before and after heating energy is transformed into
another form
4.2 Tell that light passes through 4.2 Describe the change in
transparent materials physical/chemical state of an 4.2 Cite evidences that energy
object before and after heating can be transformed
4.3 Observe that little amount of
light passes through translucent 4.3 Practice safe ways of handling
materials hot objects and flammable
5. Infer that white light consists of 5. Infer how heat travels 5. Observe transformation of 5. Infer that energy can be transferr-
different colors electrical energy to other forms ed from one body to another

5.1 Show that white light consists 5.1 Show how heat travels by 5.1 Observe that electricity can 5.1 Observe how energy can be
of different colors conduction from hot to cool produce heat and light transferred from one body to
bodies another
5.2 Show that heat travels by 5.2 Demonstrate how electricity
conduction through liquid and can make things move
5.3 Show that heat travels by 6. Describe how electromagnet 5.2 Cite evidences when energy
radiation through gas works transfer occurs

7. Tell the use of electricity in the

home and community
6. Explain how shadows are formed 6. Explain the hazards of fire 6. Observe that heat is always
8. Practice precautionary measures produced when energy
related to electricity transformation occurs
6.1 Describe ways of preventing
fire e.g. unplugging electrical
appliances during brownouts
or thunderstorms
6.2 Practice safety precautions
in using fuels/fire

6.3 Describe conditions necessary 9. Practice electrical energy
in putting out fire conservation measures

6.4 Follow safety rules/emergency

measures in case of fire 10. Infer that simple machines make
work easier and faster

10.1 Identify the kinds of simple

machines e.g. wedge, screw,
wheel and axle, pulley

10.2 Identify the main parts of

each kind of simple machines
10.3 Describe how each simple
7. Infer that sound is produced by machine makes work easier 7. Describe examples which
things that move and faster demonstrates Principles of
Conservation of Energy
7.1 Observe that sound is 10.4 Identify activities where
produced when things vibrate simple machines are used 7.1 Cite evidences that energy is
neither created nor destroyed
10.5 Identify simple machines only transformed from one form
7.2 Show how loud/soft sound is which multiply force/speed to another
produced by a vibrating object
10.6 Practice precautionary
8. State that sound bounces back or measures in using simple 8. Explain the effect of energy
is reflected from a hard surface as machines transformation/transfer to the
echo environment
e.g. - Use simple machines
properly 8.1 Cite evidences that heat
- Keep simple machines produced is transferred to the
in proper order environment

8.2 Demonstrates that heat energy

can be transferred
9. Infer that force makes objects
move 9. Infer that the motion of an object
is determined by forces acting on it


9.1 Identify the forces that make 9.1 State that there are forces
objects move acting on an object

9.1.1 Observe that wind and 9.1.1 Observe that when forces
running water can move acting on an object are not
objects balanced, motion takes
place in the direction
9.1.2 Observe that magnets of the greater force, when
can move some objects balanced there is no motion

9.1.3 Observe that pulling and

pushing can move some

9.1.4 Observe that force of

gravity makes objects
move towards the ground

9.2 State that objects change 9.2 Observe that a body at rest
position/direction when moved tends to remain at rest and a
body in motion tends to be in
motion unless an outside force
is applied on it
10. Practice ways of protecting
oneself from excessive heat, light 10. Differentiate speed from velocity
and loud sounds
10.1 Measure the speed of an
object in motion

10.2 Identify the specific

direction of a moving object

10.3 Measure the velocity of a

moving object



1. Infer that the earth is made up of 1. Observe how water, wind, people 1. Observe how rocks differ in shape, 1. Describe the structure of the
water, land and air and animals bring about soil erosion color, hardness, texture earth's interior

1.1 Identify the earth's oceans and 1.1 Demonstrate how water 1.1 Identify the layers of the earth
land using the globe or map causes soil erosion

1.2 Describe how wind causes 1.2 Describe each layer of the
soil erosion earth

1.3 Describe how people and

animals cause soil erosion

1.4 Demonstrate how the slope

of land affects the amount of
soil carried away

2. Infer that the earth is the resource 2. Infer how erosion affects land, 2. Classify rocks according to color, 2. Infer how the movement of the
for life and one's needs people, plants and animals shape, hardness and texture earth's crust cause changes in the
2.1 Identify renewable resources 2.1 Demonstrate how erosion 2.1 Differentiate rocks as to shape,
from the earth changes the shape of the land color, hardness, texture 2.1 Identify the different crustal
2.2 Identify non-renewable 2.2 Explain how erosion affects
resources from the earth the condition of the soil 2.2 Describe oceanic and
continental crusts
2.3 Describe ways of conserving 2.3 Cite the effect of soil erosion
the natural resources on plants, animals and people 2.3 Explain how the earth's crust
3. Infer why soil is important 3. Infer how people and plants help 3. Infer how rocks are formed 3. Explain how an earthquake occurs
prevent soil erosion

3.1 Enumerate different ways 3.1 Identify the different ways of 3.1 Identify igneous, sedimentary 3.1 Describe how an earthquake
people use soil preventing soil erosion and metamorphic rocks occurs
3.1.1 Differentiate intensity from
the magnitude of an


3.1.2 Describe how earthquake

affects the environment
e.g. tsunami,
change in land features
3.1.3 Practice precautionary
measures, before, during
and after an earthquake

3.2 Infer that there are different 3.2 Describe how forests prevent 3.2 Describe how igneous, 3.2 Explain how a volcanic
kinds of soil soil erosion sedimentary and metamorphic eruption occurs
rocks are formed

3.2.1 Observes the different 3.2.1 Describe how a volcano is

kinds of soil formed

3.2.2 Names the different kinds 3.2.2 Differentiate between

of soil active and inactive volcano

3.2.3 Compares the different 3.2.3 Describe how a volcanic

kinds of soil as to color eruptions occur
and texture
3.2.4 Name the beneficial/harmful
3.2.4 Performs an experiment to effects of volcanic eruptions
determine which kind of
soil is best for a particular 3.2.5 Practice precautionary
crop measures before and after
volcanic eruptions
3.3 Infer how pollution affects soil 3.3 Demonstrate how plants 3.3 Differentiate igneous,
productivity prevent soil erosion sedimentary, and metamorphic
rocks from one another

3.4 Infer conditions/situations that

lead to the formation of the
different kinds of rocks


3.3.1 Identify practices that

cause pollution

3.4 Practice ways of protecting

the soil

4. Conclude that water is an 4. Infer that weather elements affect 4. Infer how some forces contribute 4. Describe the factors that affect
important part of the earth daily weather condition to the weathering of rocks climate of a place

4.1 Enumerate ways people use 4.1 Cite evidences that weather 4.1 Identify the forces that break 4.1 Define climate
water changes as shown by the rocks
changes in air tem perature e.g. plants, water, weather, m an
4.2 Infer that water comes from
different sources 4.1.1 Observe the changes in
air temperature
4.2.1 Identify the sources of
water 4.1.2 Measure and record
changes in air temperature
using a therm ometer for
one week
4.2.2 Describe the water that
comes from different sources 4.1.3 Interpret the weather
condition from air
4.2.3 Explain why groundwater temperature reading
is usually free from disease
m icroorganisms compared
to other sources
4.2 Infer that air movement affects 4.2 Explain how rocks are broken 4.2 Identify the factors that affect
weather down the clim ate of a place:altitude,
latitude bodies of water, wind
system, amount of rainfall
4.2.1 Observe changes in wind
speed and direction

4.2.2 Measure and record wind

speed and direction for a
week using improvised
instruments for one week


4.2.3 Interpret records of wind

speed and direction

4.2.4 Describe the condition of

the atmosphere in different
wind speed and direction

4.3 Infer how pollution affects 4.3 Observe how weather conditions 4.3 Explain how each factor affects
water affect cloud formation the climate of a place

4.3.1 Identify practices that 4.3.1 Describe the different types

cause water pollution of clouds

4.3.2 Cite evidences that 4.3.2 Describe how clouds are

water is polluted formed using a model
4.4 Explain how the earth's rotation
affects the wind system

4.4.1 Describe the different wind


4.5 Observe through a model how

the earth revolves around the sun

5. Practice ways of showing care and 5. Infer that cloud formation, tem- 5. Infer how soil is formed through 5. Explain why there are two seasons
concern for water perature, wind speed, and direction weathering in the Philippines
may vary at different locations at
the same time

5.1 Describe how soil is formed 5.1 Describe the two seasons of
through weathering the Philippines

5.2 Describe the causes of

seasons in the Philippines


6. Infer that the weather changes 6. Apply knowledge of the weather 6. Explain how water cycle occurs 6. Explain why there are 4 seasons in
during the day and from day to day in making decisions for the day other countries

6.1 Describe the weather for the 6.1 Identify the processes involved 6.1 Describe the four seasons in
day in the water cycle e.g. other countries
evaporation, condensation,
e.g. sunny, cloudy, partly precipitation
cloudy, rainy

6.2 Record the weather for the day 6.2 Describe changes that happen 6.2 Show through a model the
using symbols and makes a to water during each process cause of the four seasons in
weather chart for one week other countries
6.3 Relate temperature to the
6.3 Interpret a simple weather process in water cycle

7. Infer that weather affects family and

community activities

7.1 Identify activities done during

certain weather conditions

8. Practice safety measures during 7. Infer how the heat of the sun 8. Explain why there are four types
certain types of weather affects weather of climate in the Philippines

e.g. typhoon
7.1 Observe the effect of heat 8.1 Explain the major wind systems
on land/water that affect the climate types in
the Philippines
7.2 Compare the ability of land
and water to absorb and 8.2 Describe the four types of
release heat climate in the Philippines

7.3 Describe the effect of unequal

heating of land and water 8.3 Describe the climate type of a
i.e. low/high pressure particular province using a
climate map/rainfall graph

8. Explain how a tropical cyclone

8.1 Describe what a cyclone is

8.2 Identify the different kinds

of cyclone

8.3 Describe each kind of cyclone

8.4 Describe the condition in the

environment before, during and
after a cyclone

8.5 Explain the meaning of

typhoon signals

8.6 Practice precautionary

measures before, during and
after a typhoon

9. Apply knowledge of the weather

to daily life activities

9.1 Relate weather condition to

planning family and
community activities

9.2 Relate observations of

weather conditions to air and
water transportation services

9.3 Identifies ways to conserve

the environment to lessen the
harmful effects of cyclones/



1. Infer that the sun is the center of 1. Infer that the earth rotates on its 1. Conclude that the solar system is 1. Identify instruments and
the solar system axis as it revolves around the sun an orderly arrangement of heavenly procedures used by astronomers
bodies to gather information about stars

1.1 Tell that there are planets and 1.1 Show through a model how the 1.1 Identify the members of the 1.1 Construct improvised
other objects that move around earth rotates on its axis solar system instruments for watching/
the sun observing stars
1.2 State that the earth takes one 1.2 Describe each member of the
1.2 Tell that the earth where we live day/24 hours to make a solar system
is part of the solar system complete rotation on its axis

1.3 Show through a model how 1.3 Illustrate through a diagram

the earth's rotation on its axis how the members of the solar
causes day and night system revolve around the sun
in the same direction as they
follow their own orbits

1.4 Show through a model that 1.4 Describe the orbit of each
the earth rotates in a counter planet as ellipse
clockwise direction as seen
from the top of the North Pole
1.5 Explain why planets stay in
orbit as they revolve around
the sun

2. Infer that the change in temperature 2. Infer that the earth revolves 2. Describe the sun as the center 2. Describe the different
from time to time on the earth's around the sun of the solar system characteristics of stars
surface is caused by the sun's heat

2.1 Observe the changes of 2.1 Describe the movement of the 2.1 Tell that the sun is also a star 2.1 Observe the color, size and
temperature from time to time earth around the sun brightness of stars

2.2 Record and interpret the 2.2 Show through a model how the 2.2 Identify the parts of the sun 2.2 Identify the kind of stars
changes in temperature during earth revolves around the sun according to their size
the day sun following its own orbit


2.3 State that the earth takes one 2.3 Describe each part of the sun 2.3 Tell that the stars we see in
year/12 months/365 1/4 days the sky are actually their
to make a complete revolution apparent brightness
around the sun(366 on every
fourth year/leap year)
2.4 Tell that sunspots are formed 2.4 Describe the relationship
in the photosphere between the color and
temperature of a star

2.5 Identify the effects of sunspots 2.5 Describe the relationship

on earth between the brightness and
the distance of star from the
2.6 Identify ways by which solar 2.6 Explain why star distances are
energy is used by plants, measured in light years
animals and humans

2.7 Explain why the sun is the 2.7 Explain why stars seem to
main source of energy on earth twinkle

2.8 Conclude that stars are distant


3. Conclude that the sun's heat and 3. Infer that the moon revolves 3. Describe the distinctive 3. State that a constellation is a
light reach the earth around the the earth characteristics of planets in the group of stars that form a pattern
solar system in the sky

3.1 Infer how the sun's heat and 3.1 Show through a model that as 3.1 Illustrate the relative distances 3.1 Observe constellations in the
light affect the activities of the moon travels around the of the planets from the sun sky
human beings earth it it also makes one
complete rotation so that the
same side of the moon is
3.1.1 Identify activities of facing the earth all the time
human beings during
sunny days
3.2 Infer that the moon travels 3.2 Relate the surface temperature 3.2 Identify common
around the earth once of each planet to their relative constellations in the sky
about every 29 1/2 days distance from the sun


3.3 R elate the relative period of 3.3 C onstruct a star m ap that

revolution of each planet to illustrates com m on
their relative distances from constellations
the sun

3.4 Identify the unique character- 3.4 D escribe how constellations

istics of each planet that are useful to people
differentiates one from the
other planets e.g. satellites,
atm osphere, rings, orbits
(ellipse), relative period of
rotation and revolution

4. C onclude that heat and light from 4. Explain the apparent changes in 4. D escribe the other m em bers of 4. D escribe the galaxies
the sun have harm ful effects on the shape of the m oon as it the solar system
living things revolves around the sun

4.1 Infer that heat from the sun 4.1 O bserve the apparent changes 4.1 Identify the other m em bers of 4.1 N am e the com m on galaxies
can burn the skin in the shape of the m oon the solar system

4.1.1 D escribe the sk in after

long exposure to sunlight
at certain tim es of the day

4.1.2 C ite evidences that over

exposure to sunlight
hurts the skin

4.2 Infer that heat and light form 4.2 D escribe the changes of the 4.2 D escribe each of the other 4.2 State that our solar system is
the sun can hurt the eyes m oon as seen from night to m em bers of the solar system part part of the M ilk y W ay
night galaxy
4.2.1 C ite evidences that it is
not good to look directly
at the sun

4.3 Infer that too much heat from the 4.3 Show through a model how the
sun can kill plants and animals relative position of the observer
on earth and the moon and
sun cause the apparent
changes in the shape of the
4.3.1 Cite evidences that too
much heat from the sun
can kill plants and animals

5. Practice precautionary/safety 5. Infer how the natural occurrence 5. Infer that the revolution of the 5. Describe the universe
measures to avoid getting hurt from of eclipse is caused by the moon around the earth causes the
the sun's heat and light revolution of the moon around the natural occurrence of tides
e.g. Do not look directly at the sun earth

5.1 Explain how solar and lunar 5.1 Describe the occurrence of 5.1 Identify modern space
eclipse occur tides facilities, tools and equipment
used to study the universe

5.2 Show through a model why 5.2 Explain how high and low tides 5.2 Explain the theories about the
lunar eclipse occur during a full occur universe
5.3 Explain why there are high 5.3 Enumerate some space
5.3 Show through a model why and low tides about every probes and their missions
solar eclipse occur during a twelve hours
new moon 5.4 Name some achievements/
5.4 Relate through a model the problems met in space
5.4 Explain why solar eclipse the position of the moon and the exploration
should not be viewed directly earth to places where high and
low tides occur
5.5 Practice safety measures to
to avoid damage of the eyes
during a solar eclipse


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