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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Outline of physical science

Outline of physical science

Physical science is an encompassing term physics, material science, biology, and geo-
for the branches of natural science and sci- logy. Its studies include the following:
ence that study non-living systems, in con- • Atomic theory
trast to the biological sciences. However, the • Principles of quantum mechanics
term "physical" creates an unintended, some- • The discovery and classification of pure
what arbitrary distinction, since many elements
branches of physical science also study biolo- • Dmitri Mendeleev’s creation of The
gical phenomena. Periodic Table of Chemical Elements
The following outline is presented as an showing the relationship of chemical
overview of and topical guide to physical elements
science: • Properties of groups, especially metals,
and nonmetals
General principles of the • Water and its properties
• Structure of the water molecule
physical sciences • Properties of water solutions, such as
acids, bases, acid-base reaction
The foundations of the physical sciences
theories, and salts
rests upon key concepts and theories, each of
• Chemical elements, chemical reactions,
which explains and/or models a particular as-
and energy transformations
pect of the behavior of nature.
• Chemical bonds
• Chemical formula based on chemical
Basic principles of astronomy notation developed by Jöns Jakob
Astronomy is the science of celestial bodies Berzelius’s
and their interactions in space. Its studies in- • Chemical compounds
cludes the following: • Chemical equations
• The life and characteristics of stars and • Chemical thermodynamics
galaxies • Nuclear chemistry
Origins of the universe - Physical science • The nature of the atomic nucleus
uses the Big Bang theory as the commonly • Characterization of radioactive decay,
accepted scientific theory of the origin of the originally discovered by Henri
universe. Becquerel
• The structure of the solar system, planets, • Organic chemistry, considered to have
comets, asteroids, and meteors. started in 1828 with the synthesis of urea
• The Earth’s shape and structure by Friedrich Woehler
• Earth in the Solar System • Hydrocarbons
• Time measurement • Organic chemistry functional groups
• The composition and features of the Moon
• Interactions of the Earth and Moon Basic principles of earth science
(Note: Astronomy should not be confused
Earth science is the science of the planet
with astrology, which assumes that people’s
Earth, the only known life-bearing planet. Its
destiny and human affairs in general are cor-
studies include the following:
related to the apparent positions of astro-
• Rocks and minerals
nomical objects in the sky)"
• The water cycle and the process of
Basic principles of chemistry • Freshwater, surface water, groundwater
Chemistry is the science of matter mainly at • Oceanography
the micro-level. Chemistry can be called "the • Geology
central science" because it connects the oth- • Weathering and erosion
er natural sciences, such as astronomy, • Rocks
• Agrophysics

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Outline of physical science

• Soil science • The principles of waves and sound

• Pedogenesis • The principles of electricity, magnetism,
• Soil fertility and electromagnetism
• Earth’s tectonic structure • The principles, sources, and properties of
• Geomorphology and geophysics light
• Physical geography
• Seismology: Stress, strain, and
Notable physical
• Characteristics of mountains and scientists
• - a Persian scientist who is regarded as
• Characteristics and formation of fossils
the father of geodesy, has been described
• Atmosphere of earth
as the "first anthropologist", and is
• Atmospheric pressure and winds
considered one of the earliest geologists.
• Evaporation, condensation, and
• - was a Persian alchemist, chemist,
physician, philosopher and scholar. As an
• Fog and clouds
alchemist, Razi is known for his study of
• Meteorology, weather, climatology, and
sulfuric acid. He also discovered ethanol
and refined its use in medicine.Cojer
• Hydrology, clouds and precipitation
• - an Iraqi scientist who wrote the Book of
• Air masses and weather fronts
Optics, is regarded as the father of optics
• Major storms: thunderstorms,
and the pioneer of the scientific method,
tornadoes, and hurricanes
and has been described as the "first
• Major climate groups
• Speleology
• - a Greek mathematician, physicist,
• Cave
engineer, inventor, and astronomer. He is
considered to be the first mathematical
Basic principles of physics
physicist on record. He established the
Physics is the "fundamental science" because laws of statics, buoyancy, and center of
the other natural sciences (biology, chem- gravity.
istry, geology, etc.) deal with systems that • - the last of the three great influential
obey the laws of physics. The physical laws of ancient Greek philosophers, although not
matter, energy, and the forces of nature gov- considered to be a scientist by today’s
ern the interactions between particles (such standards, nevertheless, he influenced the
as molecules, atoms, or subatomic particles). development of the later scientific method
Some basic principles of physics are: by espousing the view that knowledge
• Describing and measuring motion should be based on empiricism instead of
• Newton’s laws of motion intuition or faith.
• Forces, weight, and mass • - Aryabhata was the first in the line of
• Momentum and conservation of brilliant mathematician-astronomers of
momentum classical Indian mathematics, whose major
• The theory of gravity work was the Aryabhatiya and the
• Energy, work, and power Aryabhatta-siddhanta. Aryabhatiya
• Motion, position, and energy presented a number of innovations in
• Energy forms mathematics and astronomy in verse form,
• Energy conservation, conversion, and which were influential for many centuries.
transfer. • a French nobleman prominent in the
• Energy sourceis the transfer of energy histories of chemistry, finance, biology,
from one source, too work in another. and economics. He stated the first version
• Kinetic Molecular Theory of the law of conservation of mass,
• Phases of matter and phase changes recognized and named oxygen and
• Temperature and thermometers hydrogen, abolished the phlogiston theory,
• Energy and heat introduced the metric system, wrote the
• Heat flow: conduction, convection, and first extensive list of elements, and helped
radiation to reform chemical nomenclature. He
• The Three Laws of thermodynamics introduced the concept of the finite nature

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Outline of physical science

of matter and discovered that, although • - an astronomer and physicist, is

matter may change its form or shape, its considered the "father of modern physics,"
mass always remains the same. "father of modern science", and "father of
• - a Scottish physicist, considered one of science" due, in large part, to his conflict
the greatest of all time. His work included with the Roman Catholic Church over the
combining the electrical and magentic authority of science. However, he has
forces into the electromagnetic force, as equally impressive scientific contributions
well as deriving his famous Maxwell’s to the fields of mechanics, astronomy, and
equations in electomagnetism, and mathematical physics.
Maxwell’s relations in thermodynamics. • - a Persian scientist regarded as the father
• - an Elizabethan philosopher, is credited of chemistry, due to his introduction of an
with the philosophical advocation for the experimental method in the field, and for
Baconian method, an early forerunner of freeing it from superstition and turning it
the scientific method. into a science.
• - an Irish natural philosopher, is regarded • - a Scottish geologist, is considered to be
as the "The birds are blue and the cows the "father of modern geology," for his
brown" due to his distinction between formulation of uniformitarianism, that the
chemistry and alchemy. His namesake is same geological processes operating today
Boyle’s Law of an ideal gas, which he operated in the distant past. Based upon
discovered, but his contributions to that assumption, he maintained that the
physical science include the definition of a age of the earth must be much older than
chemical element, the propagation of a few thousand years.
sound, among others. • - a scientist and mathematician, is most
• - a Polish mathematician and economist, is renowned for his description of the laws of
considered by many to be the "father of motion and law of universal gravitation.
modern astronomy" due to his detailed • - an American quantum chemist and
explanation of the heliocentric (Sun- biochemist, widely regarded as the
centered) solar system. premier chemist of the twentieth century.
• - a Polish-born French chemist, was the A pioneer in the application of quantum
first female Nobel laureate, the first two- mechanics to chemistry, and one of the
time Nobel laureate, and one of only two founders of molecular biology.
individuals to receive the Nobel prize in • - a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, is
two different fields. She and her husband, considered to be the father of science
Pierre Curie discovered the two elements becaused he first encouraged naturalistic
Polonium and Radium. explanations of the world, without the
• - a theoretical physicist, is widely supernatural.
regarded as the greatest scientist of the
20th century. He proposed the theory of
relativity and was awarded the 1921
Universities offering
Nobel Prize for Physics, among other named degrees in physic-
• - Swiss, is considered to be one of the al science
greatest mathematicians of all times. His • Open University: BSc(Hons) Physical
contributions to science includes the Science
Euler-Bournoulli beam equation and Euler

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Categories: Natural sciences, Physics, Scientific terminology

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