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"Rothwell" edge detector code:

This text file contains the source code for the "Rothwell" edge detector. It
was written by Mike Heath (heath@csee.usf.edu) using some pieces of an
implementation of the Rothwell edge detector (implemented in C++) which
we received from Charlie Rothwell.
There are two 'C' source code files in this text file. They are named
"Topology.c", and "pgm_io.c". They were written and compiled under SunOS
4.1.3. Since then they have also been compiled under Solaris. To make an
executable program: (1) Separate this file into two files with
the previously specified names, and then (2) compile the code using
gcc -o Topology Topology.c pgm_io.c -lm
(Note: You can also use optimization such as -O3)
The resulting program, Topology, will process images in the PGM format.
Parameter selection is left up to the user. A broad range of parameters to
use as a starting point are: sigma 0.50-2.00, lowthresh 3.0-18.0 and,
alpha 0.80-0.95.
If you are using a Unix system, PGM file format conversion tools can be found
at ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/graphics/graphics/packages/pbmplus/.
Otherwise, it would be easy for anyone to rewrite the image I/O procedures
because they are listed in the separate file pgm_io.c.
If you want to check your compiled code, you can download grey-scale and edge
images from http://marathon.csee.usf.edu/edge/edge_detection.html. You can use
the parameters given in the edge filenames and check whether the edges that
are output from your program match the edge images posted at that address.
Mike Heath
<------------------------- begin Topology.c --------------------------->
* Program: Topology
* Purpose: This program contains an implementation of the Edge Detector
* described in the technical report: "Driving Vision by Topology" by Charlie
* Rothwell, Joe Mundy, Bill Hoffman and Van-Duc Nguyen. A shorter version of
* the report was published as a paper with the same name.
* This implementation of the program was also aided by the code Charlie Rothwell
* sent us. He sent us the edge detector modulules of a larger vision package
* that was coded in C++. This program just pulled together those modules into
* a complete edge detector program coded in 'C'. I tried to use as much of his
* code as possible to both simplify the coding task and to make sure that this
* implementation is consistent with theirs.
* Name: Mike Heath
* Date: 5/2/96
* To Compile: gcc -O2 -o Topology Topology.c pgm_io.c -lm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define GAUSS_TAIL 0.015 /* As recommended in the technical report. */
#define FAR 65535
#define DUMMYTHETA 10000.0
typedef struct{
int x;
int y;
float thin;
int read_pgm_image(char *infilename, unsigned char **image, int *rows,
int *cols);
int write_pgm_image(char *outfilename, unsigned char *image, int rows,
int cols, char *comment, int maxval);
void Sub_pixel_interpolation(float **_grad, float **_dx, float **_dy, int cols,
int rows, int kwidth, float _low, float ALPHA, float ***_thresh, int ***_dist
float ***_theta);
void Thicken_threshold(float **_thresh, int **_dist, int x, int y, float _low,
int kwidth);
void Compute_gradient(float **dx, float **dy, int cols, int rows, int kwidth,
float ***grad);
void Compute_x_gradient(float **smoothedimage, int cols, int rows, int kwidth,
float ***dx);
void Compute_y_gradient(float **smoothedimage, int cols, int rows, int kwidth,
float ***dy);
void Smooth_image(float **image, int cols, int rows,
float ***smoothedimage, float sigma, int *kwidth, float gauss_tail);
void Set_kernel(float **kernel, float sigma, int width, int k_size);
int **Make_int_image(int x, int y);
void Set_int_image(int **image, int val, int cols, int rows);
void Copy_int_image(int **image1, int **image2, int cols, int rows);
void Free_int_image(int ***ptr);
float **Make_float_image(int x, int y);
void Set_float_image(float **image, float val, int cols, int rows);
void Copy_float_image(float **image1, float **image2, int cols, int rows);
void Free_float_image(float ***ptr);
void Set_thresholds(int **_dist, float **_grad, float **_thresh, float ***_thin,
int cols, int rows, float _low);
void Forward_chamfer(int m, int n, int **dist, float **param);
void Backward_chamfer(int m, int n, int **dist, float **param);
void Alt1_chamfer(int m, int n, int **dist, float **param);
void Alt2_chamfer(int m, int n, int **dist, float **param);
int Minimum4(int a, int b, int c, int d);
int Minimum5(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e);
int compare(XYFLOAT *xyf1, XYFLOAT *xyf2);
void Thin_edges(float **_thin, float **_thresh, int cols, int rows, int kwidth);

main(int argc, char *argv[])

char *infilename=NULL;
char outname[128];
unsigned char *originalimage=NULL;
int rows, cols, x, y, pos, kwidth, **dist=NULL;
float sigma, low, alpha, **image=NULL, **smoothedimage=NULL, **dx=NULL,
**dy=NULL, **grad=NULL, **thresh=NULL, **theta=NULL, **thin=NULL;
if(argc != 5){
fprintf(stderr, "\n\n<USAGE> Topology inputPGM sigma lowthresh alpha\n\n")
infilename = argv[1];
sigma = atof(argv[2]);
low = atof(argv[3]);
alpha = atof(argv[4]);
* Read in the original image. This program used images in PGM format.
if(read_pgm_image(infilename, &originalimage, &rows, &cols)==NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading the PGM image %s.\n", infilename);
* Copy the image into a 2-Dimensional array. This array will be indexed
* as [x][y]. This seems like a backwards way of doing this, but it is the
* method the inhereted code used.
image = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
for(x=0;x<cols;x++,pos++) image[x][y] = (float)originalimage[pos];
Smooth_image(image, cols, rows, &smoothedimage, sigma, &kwidth, GAUSS_TAIL);
Compute_x_gradient(smoothedimage, cols, rows, kwidth, &dx);
Compute_y_gradient(smoothedimage, cols, rows, kwidth, &dy);
Compute_gradient(dx, dy, cols, rows, kwidth, &grad);
Sub_pixel_interpolation(grad, dx, dy, cols, rows, kwidth, low, alpha,
&thresh, &dist, &theta);
Set_thresholds(dist, grad, thresh, &thin, cols, rows, low);
Thin_edges(thin, thresh, cols, rows, kwidth);
* Copy the thinned image from the 2-Dimensional array back into the original
* image array. This will overwrite it but that is o.k.
if(thin[x][y] != 0.0) originalimage[pos] = (unsigned char)0;
else originalimage[pos] = (unsigned char)255;
sprintf(outname, "%s_s_%.2f_l_%.1f_a_%.2f.pgm", infilename, sigma, low,
write_pgm_image(outname, originalimage, rows, cols, "", 255);
* Method to thin the image using the variation of Tsai-Fu thinning used
* by Van-Duc Nguyen in Geo-Calc. This relies on computing the genus of
* an edge location, and removing it if it is not a dangling chain as has
* genus zero. We also order the edges by strength and try to remove the weaker
* ones first. This accounts for non-maximal supression, and does it in a
* topology preserving way. Note that we are creating a CoolList with a large
* number of elements, and then sorting it -- this is likely to be quite slow.
* An alternative implementation would be better.
void Thin_edges(float **_thin, float **_thresh, int cols, int rows, int kwidth)
/* Find all of the edgels with a strength > _low */
int x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, genus, count;
int do_output = 1;
XYFLOAT *edgel_array=NULL;
int edgel_array_len = 0;
int pos = 0;
if((edgel_array = (XYFLOAT *) calloc(cols*rows, sizeof(XYFLOAT)))==NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the xyfloat array in Thin_edges().\n");
count = 1; /* count set to dummy value */
while(count){ /* Thin until no Pixels are removed */
count = 0;
edgel_array_len = 0;
if(_thin[x][y] > _thresh[x][y]){
edgel_array[edgel_array_len].x = x;
edgel_array[edgel_array_len].y = y;
edgel_array[edgel_array_len].thin = _thin[x][y];
* Now sort the list; this could be slow if we have a lot of potential.
* edges - surely we have to do number of elements (not -1)?
* qsort(edgel_array, edgel_array_len-1, sizeof(xyfloat), &compare);
qsort(edgel_array, edgel_array_len, sizeof(XYFLOAT), compare);
/* To assist in setting the thresholds: */
printf("Edgel strengths range from %f to %f\n", edgel_array[0].thin,
do_output = 0;
* Do the thinning taking the weakest edges first and works
* up through the list strengthwise.
x = edgel_array[pos].x;
y = edgel_array[pos].y;
if( _thin[x-1][y-1] > _thresh[x-1][y-1] ) a = 1; else a = 0;
if( _thin[x][y-1] > _thresh[x][y-1] ) b = 1; else b = 0;
if( _thin[x+1][y-1] > _thresh[x+1][y-1] ) c = 1; else c = 0;
if( _thin[x+1][y] > _thresh[x+1][y] ) d = 1; else d = 0;
if( _thin[x+1][y+1] > _thresh[x+1][y+1] ) e = 1; else e = 0;
if( _thin[x][y+1] > _thresh[x][y+1] ) f = 1; else f = 0;
if( _thin[x-1][y+1] > _thresh[x-1][y+1] ) g = 1; else g = 0;
if( _thin[x-1][y] > _thresh[x-1][y] ) h = 1; else h = 0;
genus = a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h;
/* Continue if the pixel is not dangling. */
if((genus!=1) && (genus!=8)){
genus += h*a*b+b*c*d+d*e*f+f*g*h-a*b-b*c-c*d-d*e-e*f-f*g -
/* If the genus is zero delete the edge */
if(genus == 0){
_thin[x][y] = 0.0;
* This is the compare function for the quicksort function provided with 'C'.
int compare(XYFLOAT *xyf1, XYFLOAT *xyf2)
if (xyf1->thin < xyf2->thin) return(-1);
if(xyf1->thin == xyf2->thin) return(0);
return 1;
* Takes the _thresh image that contains threshold values near to where
* non-maximal suppression succeeded, and zero elsewhere, and extend the
* values to all areas of the image. This is done using chamfer masks so that
* the final threshold assigned at any one point (ie. a point that was initially
* zero) is functionally dependent on the the strengths of the nearest good
* edges. At present we linearly interpolate between the two (approximately)
* closest edges.
* Try to do the same process using Delauney triangulation (CAR, March 1995), in
* an attempt to image the efficiency from a memeory management point of view.
* However, the triangulation becomes so complex that the computation time
* becomes incredibably long. Therefore putting up with the Chamfer method for
* the moment.
* The histogram calculation was added to support
* Edgel change detection-JLM May 1995
void Set_thresholds(int **_dist, float **_grad, float **_thresh, float ***_thin,
int cols, int rows, float _low)
int **fdist=NULL, **bdist=NULL, **a1dist=NULL, **a2dist=NULL;
float **fth=NULL, **bth=NULL, **a1th=NULL, **a2th=NULL;
int x, y, option;
float num, den;
float max_gradient = _low;
*_thin = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
fdist = Make_int_image(cols, rows);
bdist = Make_int_image(cols, rows);
a1dist = Make_int_image(cols, rows);
a2dist = Make_int_image(cols, rows);
Copy_int_image(_dist, fdist, cols, rows);
Copy_int_image(_dist, bdist, cols, rows);
Copy_int_image(_dist, a1dist, cols, rows);
Copy_int_image(_dist, a2dist, cols, rows);
fth = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
bth = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
a1th = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
a2th = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
Copy_float_image(_thresh, fth, cols, rows);
Copy_float_image(_thresh, bth, cols, rows);
Copy_float_image(_thresh, a1th, cols, rows);
Copy_float_image(_thresh, a2th, cols, rows);
Forward_chamfer(cols, rows, fdist, fth);
Backward_chamfer(cols, rows, bdist, bth);
Alt1_chamfer(cols, rows, a1dist, a1th);
Alt2_chamfer(cols, rows, a2dist, a2th);
* The range of the effect of the smoothing kernel, including the scale
* factor we have ignored up to now for the chamfer masks
* int range = 3*_width;
if(_thresh[x][y] == _low){
/* Determine the two closest edge points. */
option = Minimum4(fdist[x][y],bdist[x][y],a1dist[x][y],a2dist[x][y])
case 1:
case 2:
den = (fdist[x][y]+bdist[x][y]);
num = (bdist[x][y]*fth[x][y]+fdist[x][y]*bth[x][y]);
case 3:
case 4:
den = (a1dist[x][y]+a2dist[x][y]);
num = (a2dist[x][y]*a1th[x][y]+a1dist[x][y]*a2th[x][y]);
den = num = 1.0; /* Dummy values */
if(den != 0.0)
_thresh[x][y] = num / den;
else if(_thresh[x][y] <= _low) _thresh[x][y] = _low;
if(_grad[x][y] > _thresh[x][y]){
if(_grad[x][y] > max_gradient) max_gradient = _grad[x][y];
(*_thin)[x][y] = _grad[x][y];
* I don't see this histogram being used for anything in the program so I thin
* that I can just avoid it by commenting it out. - Mike Heath
* if(_gradient_histogram){
* _ghist = new Histogram(_histogram_resolution, _low, max_gradient);
* for(x=0;x<_image->GetSizeX();x++)
* for(y=0;y<_image->GetSizeY();y++)
* _ghist->UpCount(_grad[x][y]);
* }
* Performs a forward chamfer convolution on the dist image and associates
* a send image (param) that reports on some parameter of the nearest pixel.
* The image sizes are mxn
void Forward_chamfer(int m, int n, int **dist, float **param)
int i, j, val;
val = Minimum5(dist[i-1][j-1]+4, dist[i-1][j]+3, dist[i-1][j+1]+4,
dist[i][j-1]+3, dist[i][j]);
case 1:
dist[i][j] = dist[i-1][j-1]+4;
param[i][j] = param[i-1][j-1];
case 2:
dist[i][j] = dist[i-1][j]+3;
param[i][j] = param[i-1][j];
case 3:
dist[i][j] = dist[i-1][j+1]+4;
param[i][j] = param[i-1][j+1];
case 4:
dist[i][j] = dist[i][j-1]+3;
param[i][j] = param[i][j-1];
case 5:
* Performs a backward chamfer convolution on the dist and param images.
void Backward_chamfer(int m, int n, int **dist, float **param)
int i,j,val;
val = Minimum5(dist[i][j], dist[i][j+1]+3, dist[i+1][j-1]+4,
dist[i+1][j]+3, dist[i+1][j+1]+4 );
case 1:
case 2:
dist[i][j] = dist[i][j+1]+3;
param[i][j] = param[i][j+1];
case 3:
dist[i][j] = dist[i+1][j-1]+4;
param[i][j] = param[i+1][j-1];
case 4:
dist[i][j] = dist[i+1][j]+3;
param[i][j] = param[i+1][j];
case 5:
dist[i][j] = dist[i+1][j+1]+4;
param[i][j] = param[i+1][j+1];
* Performs a chamfer convolution starting from (minx,maxy) on the dist image
* and associates a send image (param) that reports on some parameter of the
* nearest pixel. The image sizes are mxn
void Alt1_chamfer(int m, int n, int **dist, float **param)
int i,j,val;
val = Minimum5(dist[i-1][j+1]+4, dist[i-1][j]+3, dist[i-1][j-1]+4,
dist[i][j+1]+3, dist[i][j]);
switch (val){
case 1:
dist[i][j] = dist[i-1][j+1]+4;
param[i][j] = param[i-1][j+1];
case 2:
dist[i][j] = dist[i-1][j]+3;
param[i][j] = param[i-1][j];
case 3:
dist[i][j] = dist[i-1][j-1]+4;
param[i][j] = param[i-1][j-1];
case 4:
dist[i][j] = dist[i][j+1]+3;
param[i][j] = param[i][j+1];
case 5:
* Performs a chamfer convolution starting from (maxx,miny) on the dist image
* and associates a send image (param) that reports on some parameter of the
* nearest pixel. The image sizes are mxn
void Alt2_chamfer(int m, int n, int **dist, float **param)
int i,j,val;
val = Minimum5(dist[i][j], dist[i][j+1]+3, dist[i+1][j-1]+4,
dist[i+1][j]+3, dist[i+1][j+1]+4);
switch (val){
case 1:
case 2:
dist[i][j] = dist[i][j+1]+3;
param[i][j] = param[i][j+1];
case 3:
dist[i][j] = dist[i+1][j-1]+4;
param[i][j] = param[i+1][j-1];
case 4:
dist[i][j] = dist[i+1][j]+3;
param[i][j] = param[i+1][j];
case 5:
dist[i][j] = dist[i+1][j+1]+4;
param[i][j] = param[i+1][j+1];
* Determines the minimum of four ints.
int Minimum4(int a, int b, int c, int d)
if((a<=b) && (a<=c) && (a<=d)) return(1);
else if((b<=c) && (b<=d)) return(2);
else if((c<=d)) return(3);
else return(4);
* Determines the minimum of five ints.
int Minimum5(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e)
if((a<=b) && (a<=c) && (a<=d) && (a<=e)) return(1);
else if((b<=c) && (b<=d) && (b<=e)) return(2);
else if((c<=d) && (c<=e)) return(3);
else if(d<=e) return(4);
else return(5);
* A procedure that performs sub-pixel interpolation for all edges greater than
* the threshold by parabolic fitting. Writes edges into the _thresh image if the
* are maxima and above _low. This gives a good indication of the local edge
* strengths. Stores sub-pixel positions in _dx and _dy, and set the orientations
* in _theta.
void Sub_pixel_interpolation(float **_grad, float **_dx, float **_dy, int cols,
int rows, int kwidth, float _low, float ALPHA, float ***_thresh,
int ***_dist, float ***_theta)
float *g0=NULL, *g1=NULL, *g2=NULL, *dx=NULL, *dy=NULL;
float h1,h2;
float k = 180.0/M_PI;
int x, y, orient;
float theta, grad;
float fraction, dnewx, dnewy;
*_thresh = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
Set_float_image((*_thresh), _low, cols, rows);
*_dist = Make_int_image(cols, rows);
Set_int_image((*_dist), FAR, cols, rows);
*_theta = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
Set_float_image((*_theta), DUMMYTHETA, cols, rows);
/* Add 1 to get rid of border effects. */
g0 = _grad[x-1]; g1 = _grad[x]; g2 = _grad[x+1];
dx = _dx[x]; dy = _dy[x];
/* First check that we have a potential edge. */
if(g1[y] > _low){
theta = k*atan2(dy[y],dx[y]);
/* Now work out which direction wrt the eight-way */
/* neighbours the edge normal points */
if(theta >= 0.0) orient = (int)(theta/45.0);
else orient = (int)(theta/45.0+4);
/* if theta == 180.0 we will have orient = 4 */
orient = orient%4;
/* And now compute the interpolated heights */
case 0:
grad = dy[y]/dx[y];
h1 = grad*g0[y-1] + (1 - grad)*g0[y];
h2 = grad*g2[y+1] + (1 - grad)*g2[y];
case 1:
grad = dx[y]/dy[y];
h1 = grad*g0[y-1] + (1 - grad)*g1[y-1];
h2 = grad*g2[y+1] + (1 - grad)*g1[y+1];
case 2:
grad = -dx[y]/dy[y];
h1 = grad*g2[y-1] + (1 - grad)*g1[y-1];
h2 = grad*g0[y+1] + (1 - grad)*g1[y+1];
case 3:
grad = -dy[y]/dx[y];
h1 = grad*g2[y-1] + (1 - grad)*g2[y];
h2 = grad*g0[y+1] + (1 - grad)*g0[y];
h1 = h2 = 0.0; /* Dummy value; */
fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR ON SWITCH IN NMS ***\n");
/* Do subpixel interpolation by fitting a parabola */
/* along the NMS line and finding its peak */
fraction = (h1-h2)/(2.0*(h1-2.0*g1[y]+h2));
case 0:
dnewx = fraction;
dnewy = dy[y]/dx[y]*fraction;
case 1:
dnewx = dx[y]/dy[y]*fraction;
dnewy = fraction;
case 2:
dnewx = dx[y]/dy[y]*fraction;
dnewy = fraction;
case 3:
dnewx = - fraction;
dnewy = - dy[y]/dx[y]*fraction;
dnewx = dnewy = 0.0; /* Dummy values */
fprintf(stderr, "*** ERROR ON SWITCH IN NMS ***\n");
* Now store the edge data, re-use _dx[][] and _dy[][]
* for sub-pixel locations (don't worry about the junk
* that is already in them). Use any edgels that get
* non-maximal suppression to bootstrap the image
* thresholds. The >= is used rather than > for reasons
* involving non-generic images. Should this be interpolated
* height -- = g1[y] + frac*(h2-h1)/4 ?
if(g1[y]*ALPHA > _low)
(*_thresh)[x][y] = ALPHA * g1[y]; /* Use a ALPHA% bound */

/* _thresh image starts off as being equal to _low */

/* else */
/* _thresh[x][y] = _low; */
Thicken_threshold((*_thresh), (*_dist), x, y, _low, kwidth);
/* + 0.5 is to account for targetjr display offset */
if((fabs(dnewx)<=0.5) && (fabs(dnewy)<=0.5)){
dx[y] = x + dnewx + 0.5;
dy[y] = y + dnewy + 0.5;
dx[y] = x + 0.5;
dy[y] = y + 0.5;
(*_theta)[x][y] = theta;
/* For consistency assign these values even though the */
/* edge is below strength. */
dx[y] = x + 0.5;
dy[y] = y + 0.5;
* Clean up around the border to ensure consistency in the _dx and _dy values.
_dx[x][y] = x + 0.5;
_dy[x][y] = y + 0.5;
_dx[x][y] = x + 0.5;
_dy[x][y] = y + 0.5;
_dx[x][y] = x + 0.5;
_dy[x][y] = y + 0.5;
_dx[x][y] = x + 0.5;
_dy[x][y] = y + 0.5;
* Thickens the threshold image around each good pixel to take account for the
* smoothing kernel (almost a dilation with a square structuring element).
void Thicken_threshold(float **_thresh, int **_dist, int x, int y, float _low,
int kwidth)
int i,j;
/* Experimental change 13/4/95 by CAR */
/* int width = _width; Changed back because not mentioned in the paper MH */
int width = 0;
_dist[i][j] = 0;
if(_thresh[i][j] != _low){
if(_thresh[x][y] < _thresh[i][j]) _thresh[i][j] = _thresh[x][y];
else _thresh[i][j] = _thresh[x][y];
* Compute the absolute intensity surface gradient, _grad[][].
void Compute_gradient(float **dx, float **dy, int cols, int rows, int kwidth,
float ***grad)
int x, y;
*grad = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
* JLM limits here are _width-1 because of _ksize being 2*_width + 1.
* I don't understand why to use _width-1 but I will go along with it.
* - Mike Heath
(*grad)[x][y] = sqrt(dx[x][y]*dx[x][y] + dy[x][y]*dy[x][y]);
* Convolves with the kernel in the x direction, to compute the local derivative
* in that direction
void Compute_x_gradient(float **smoothedimage, int cols, int rows, int kwidth,
float ***dx)
int x, y;
*dx = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
(*dx)[x][y] = smoothedimage[x+1][y] - smoothedimage[x-1][y];
* Convolves the original image with the kernel in the y direction to give the
* local y derivative.
void Compute_y_gradient(float **smoothedimage, int cols, int rows, int kwidth,
float ***dy)
int x,y;
*dy = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
(*dy)[x][y] = smoothedimage[x][y+1] - smoothedimage[x][y-1];
* Convolves the image with the smoothing kernel.
void Smooth_image(float **image, int cols, int rows,
float ***smoothedimage, float sigma, int *kwidth, float gauss_tail)
int width = (int)(sigma*sqrt(2*log(1/gauss_tail))+1);
int k_size = 2*width+ 1;
float *kernel=NULL;
float **tmp=NULL;
int x,y,xx,yy,i;
Set_kernel(&kernel, sigma, width, k_size);
*kwidth = width;
*smoothedimage = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
tmp = Make_float_image(cols, rows);
* x direction
tmp[x][y] += image[xx][y]*kernel[i];
* y direction
(*smoothedimage)[x][y] += tmp[x][yy]*kernel[i];

* Sets up the Gaussian convolution kernel.
void Set_kernel(float **kernel, float sigma, int width, int k_size)
int i,x;
float s2 = 2.0*sigma*sigma;
float det = sigma*sqrt(2.0*M_PI);
if(((*kernel) = (float *) calloc(k_size, sizeof(float))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating the smoothing filter array.\n");
for(i=0,x=(-width);i<k_size;i++,x++) (*kernel)[i] = exp(-x*x/s2)/det;

* Returns an m*n array of ints
int **Make_int_image(int x, int y)
int **image;
int i;
if((image = (int **) calloc(x, sizeof(int *))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating an array in Make_int_image().\n");
if((image[0] = (int *) calloc(x*y, sizeof(int))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating an array in Make_int_image().\n");
for(i=0;i<x;i++) image[i] = image[0] + (y * i);
* Sets an int image to val.
void Set_int_image(int **image, int val, int cols, int rows)
int x, y;
int *ptr = image[0];
/* copy first col */
for(y=0;y<rows;y++) ptr[y] = val;
ptr = image[x];
memcpy((char*)ptr, (char*)image[x-1], rows*sizeof(int));
* Copies int image1 to image2.
void Copy_int_image(int **image1, int **image2, int cols, int rows)
memcpy((char*)image2[0], (char*)image1[0], cols*rows*sizeof(int));
* Frees an m*n array of ints
void Free_int_image(int ***ptr)
*ptr = NULL;
* Returns an m*n array of floats
float **Make_float_image(int x, int y)
float **image;
int i;
if((image = (float **) calloc(x, sizeof(float *))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating an array in Make_float_image().\n");
if((image[0] = (float *) calloc(x*y, sizeof(float))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating an array in Make_float_image().\n");
for(i=0;i<x;i++) image[i] = image[0] + (y * i);
* Sets a floating point image to val.
void Set_float_image(float **image, float val, int cols, int rows)
int x, y;
float *ptr = image[0];
/* copy first col */
for(y=0;y<rows;y++) ptr[y] = val;
ptr = image[x];
memcpy((char*)ptr, (char*)image[x-1], rows*sizeof(float));
* Copies float image1 to image2.
void Copy_float_image(float **image1, float **image2, int cols, int rows)
memcpy((char*)image2[0], (char*)image1[0], cols*rows*sizeof(float));
* Frees an m*n array of floats
void Free_float_image(float ***ptr)
*ptr = NULL;
<--------------------------- end Topology.c --------------------------->
<--------------------------- begin pgm_io.c --------------------------->
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
* Function: read_pgm_image
* Purpose: This function reads in an image in PGM format. The image can be
* read in from either a file or from standard input. The image is only read
* from standard input when infilename = NULL. Because the PGM format includes
* the number of columns and the number of rows in the image, these are read
* from the file. Memory to store the image is allocated in this function.
* All comments in the header are discarded in the process of reading the
* image. Upon failure, this function returns 0, upon sucess it returns 1.
int read_pgm_image(char *infilename, unsigned char **image, int *rows,
int *cols)
FILE *fp;
char buf[71];
* Open the input image file for reading if a filename was given. If no
* filename was provided, set fp to read from standard input.
if(infilename == NULL) fp = stdin;
if((fp = fopen(infilename, "r")) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading the file %s in read_pgm_image().\n",
* Verify that the image is in PGM format, read in the number of columns
* and rows in the image and scan past all of the header information.
fgets(buf, 70, fp);
if(strncmp(buf,"P5",2) != 0){
fprintf(stderr, "The file %s is not in PGM format in ", infilename);
fprintf(stderr, "read_pgm_image().\n");
if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
do{ fgets(buf, 70, fp); }while(buf[0] == '#'); /* skip all comment lines */
sscanf(buf, "%d %d", cols, rows);
do{ fgets(buf, 70, fp); }while(buf[0] == '#'); /* skip all comment lines */
* Allocate memory to store the image then read the image from the file.
if(((*image) = (unsigned char *) malloc((*rows)*(*cols))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failure in read_pgm_image().\n");
if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
if((*rows) != fread((*image), (*cols), (*rows), fp)){
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading the image data in read_pgm_image().\n");
if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
* Function: write_pgm_image
* Purpose: This function writes an image in PGM format. The file is either
* written to the file specified by outfilename or to standard output if
* outfilename = NULL. A comment can be written to the header if coment != NULL.
int write_pgm_image(char *outfilename, unsigned char *image, int rows,
int cols, char *comment, int maxval)
FILE *fp;
* Open the output image file for writing if a filename was given. If no
* filename was provided, set fp to write to standard output.
if(outfilename == NULL) fp = stdout;
if((fp = fopen(outfilename, "w")) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing the file %s in write_pgm_image().\n",
* Write the header information to the PGM file.
fprintf(fp, "P5\n%d %d\n", cols, rows);
if(comment != NULL)
if(strlen(comment) <= 70) fprintf(fp, "# %s\n", comment);
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", maxval);
* Write the image data to the file.
if(rows != fwrite(image, cols, rows, fp)){
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing the image data in write_pgm_image().\n");
if(fp != stdout) fclose(fp);
if(fp != stdout) fclose(fp);
* Function: read_ppm_image
* Purpose: This function reads in an image in PPM format. The image can be
* read in from either a file or from standard input. The image is only read
* from standard input when infilename = NULL. Because the PPM format includes
* the number of columns and the number of rows in the image, these are read
* from the file. Memory to store the image is allocated in this function.
* All comments in the header are discarded in the process of reading the
* image. Upon failure, this function returns 0, upon sucess it returns 1.
int read_ppm_image(char *infilename, unsigned char **image_red,
unsigned char **image_grn, unsigned char **image_blu, int *rows,
int *cols)
FILE *fp;
char buf[71];
int p, size;
* Open the input image file for reading if a filename was given. If no
* filename was provided, set fp to read from standard input.
if(infilename == NULL) fp = stdin;
if((fp = fopen(infilename, "r")) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading the file %s in read_ppm_image().\n",
* Verify that the image is in PPM format, read in the number of columns
* and rows in the image and scan past all of the header information.
fgets(buf, 70, fp);
if(strncmp(buf,"P6",2) != 0){
fprintf(stderr, "The file %s is not in PPM format in ", infilename);
fprintf(stderr, "read_ppm_image().\n");
if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
do{ fgets(buf, 70, fp); }while(buf[0] == '#'); /* skip all comment lines */
sscanf(buf, "%d %d", cols, rows);
do{ fgets(buf, 70, fp); }while(buf[0] == '#'); /* skip all comment lines */
* Allocate memory to store the image then read the image from the file.
if(((*image_red) = (unsigned char *) malloc((*rows)*(*cols))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failure in read_ppm_image().\n");
if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
if(((*image_grn) = (unsigned char *) malloc((*rows)*(*cols))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failure in read_ppm_image().\n");
if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
if(((*image_blu) = (unsigned char *) malloc((*rows)*(*cols))) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failure in read_ppm_image().\n");
if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
size = (*rows)*(*cols);
(*image_red)[p] = (unsigned char)fgetc(fp);
(*image_grn)[p] = (unsigned char)fgetc(fp);
(*image_blu)[p] = (unsigned char)fgetc(fp);
if(fp != stdin) fclose(fp);
* Function: write_ppm_image
* Purpose: This function writes an image in PPM format. The file is either
* written to the file specified by outfilename or to standard output if
* outfilename = NULL. A comment can be written to the header if coment != NULL.
int write_ppm_image(char *outfilename, unsigned char *image_red,
unsigned char *image_grn, unsigned char *image_blu, int rows,
int cols, char *comment, int maxval)
FILE *fp;
long size, p;
* Open the output image file for writing if a filename was given. If no
* filename was provided, set fp to write to standard output.
if(outfilename == NULL) fp = stdout;
if((fp = fopen(outfilename, "w")) == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing the file %s in write_pgm_image().\n",
* Write the header information to the PGM file.
fprintf(fp, "P6\n%d %d\n", cols, rows);
if(comment != NULL)
if(strlen(comment) <= 70) fprintf(fp, "# %s\n", comment);
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", maxval);
* Write the image data to the file.
size = (long)rows * (long)cols;
for(p=0;p<size;p++){ /* Write the image in pixel interleaved format. */
fputc(image_red[p], fp);
fputc(image_grn[p], fp);
fputc(image_blu[p], fp);
if(fp != stdout) fclose(fp);
<----------------------------- end pgm_io.c --------------------------->

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