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Mito del andrógino

1.1. El discurso de Aristófanes en El Banquete de Platón

1.2. La figura del hermafrodita en Las Metamorfosis de Ovidio
1.3. La dimensión hermafrodita de la figura del andrógino
El andrógino en la literatura
2.1 The Well of Loneliness de Radclyffe Hall
2.2 La ansiedad andrógina de D.H. Lawrence y Vita Sackville-West
2.3 El juego andrógino en Violet Trefusis: Echo
2.4 Ideal andrógino de Virginia Woolf

el discurso de Aristófanes en El Banquete de Platón

Hermafrodito y la fuente Salmacis en Las Metamorfosis de Ovidio para que en
A Room of One’s Own de Virginia Woolf (ensayo)

BARTHES, ROLAND (1993) Mythologies. Tr. Annette Lavers. London:

BAZIN, NANCY TOPPING (1974) [1973] "Virginia Woolf and the
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BUTLER, JUDITH (1990) Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of
Identity. London and New York: Routledge.
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nuevas estrategias de género. Madrid: Visor
FREUD, SIGMUND (1991a) "On Sexuality" in Angela Richards (ed.) The
Penguin Freud Library, 7. London, New York, Victoria, Ontario and
Auckland: Penguin.
-------------------- (1991b) "Female Sexuality" in Angela Richards (ed.) The
Penguin Freud Library, 7. London, New York, Victoria, Ontario and
Auckland: Penguin.
--------------- (1991c) "Some Psychical Consequences of the Anatomical
Distinction Between the Sexes" [1925] in Angela Richards (ed.) The
Penguin Freud Library, 7. London, New York, Victoria, Ontario and
Auckland: Penguin.
GILBERT, SANDRA M. (1982) "Costumes of the Mind: Transvestism as
Metaphor in Modern Literature" in Elizabeth Abel (ed.) Writing and
Sexual Difference. Sussex: The Harvester Press Ltd.
HEILBRUN, CAROLYN G. (1973) Towards Androgyny: Aspects of Male
and Female in Literature. London: Victor Gollancz.
JONES, ELLEN CAROL (1985) "Androgynous Vision and Artistic Process in
Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own" in Morris Beja (ed.) Critical
Essays on Virginia Woolf. Boston: Hall (227-239).
KRISTEVA, JULIA (1981) Desire in Language. A Semiotic Approach to
Literature and Art. Tr. by Thomas Gora, Alice Jardine and Leon S.
Roudiez. Oxford (UK) and Cambridge (USA): Blackwell.
MOI, TORIL (1988) Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory.
London and New York: Routledge.
OLIVER, KELLY (1993) Reading Kristeva: Unravelling the Double-bind.
Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
SHOWALTER, ELAINE (1978) [1977]. A Literature of Their Own: From
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WEEKS, JEFFREY (1981) Sex, Politics and Society. The Regulation of
Sexuality since 1800. London and New York: Longman.
WEIL, KARI (1992) Androgyny and the Denial of Difference. Charlottesville
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Material de lectura:

HALL, RADCLYFFE (1982) The Well of Loneliness. London: Virago.

LAWRENCE, D.H. (1981) The Rainbow. London: The Folio Society.
------------------------ (1995) Women in Love. London, New York, Victoria,
Ontario and Auckland: Penguin.
OVIDIO (1994) Metamorfosis. Introd. José Antonio Enríquez Tr. Ely Leonetti
Jungl Madrid: Espasa Calpe (Colección Austral). [leer el libro cuarto
donde se narra la historia de Hermafrodito]
PLATÓN (1994) El Banquete. Tr. y de. Jordi Beltrán y Rafael Ojeda. Madrid:
Alhambra Longman [leer el discruso de Aristófanes].
SACKVILLE-WEST, VITA (1983) All Passion Spent. London: Virago.
TREFUSIS, VIOLET (1988) Echo. Tr. Siân Miles. London: Methuen.
WOOLF, VIRGINIA (1977) [1929] A Room of One's Own. London: Grafton
----------------- (1993) Orlando. A Biography. London, New York, Victoria,
Ontario and Auckland: Penguin.

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