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Here lies an adventurous project, and important venture, indeed. Ricc.lrdo Trist.lno
Tuis l"Arch.lngel"!, h.lS m.ln.lged to c.lptivate the essence of the uprising h.lrmonic
music revolution in .l nutshell, th.lt encomp.lsses the V.lst complexity involved in .l
singul.lr .lnd understandable manner for the general reader.

He is to be commended for this noble effort, in which complex music.ll principles,

th.lt lie at the heart of wh.lt \'\Ie h.lve termed the harmonic AUMega Music
Revolution, .lre conveyed to the reader in a re.ldily absorbable manner th.lt inspires
comprehension of these vit.ll principles, to become the inevitable st.lndard of our
species music of the looming future - .l metamorphosis now well underw.ly.

\Vell thought out in comprehensive subject sections, .lnd finely graphically

illustrated for .ldded cognition, this book marks the beginning of a new literature
field of h.lrmonic music science .lnd .lrtistic culture.
This is the very first effort in true book form, emerging from Italy, on this notably
novel subject to emerge in the entire \\'orld~

\Yhen \\le first envisioned the harmonic AUMega Music Revolution in 199b, to
utilise harmonic tuning like 432hz .lnd 2.lbhz, and other key and import.lnt
harmonic structuring l ;, applied throughout each musical composition .lnd grafted
into modern music - \ve were envisioned to see this .lS the means for a new form of
technology for global cultur.ll events. "Vhereby, harmonic music, utilising coherent
tr.lnscendental principles such as the golden r.ltio, "vould not only cre.lte .l new
experience of sound in the experiencer, but \\lould .llso en.lble coherent effects to
the .ludiences' nervous system, he.llth, well-being, .lnd incre.lsed cre.ltive cognition-
\'Yhereby, the documented .llph.l rhythm 18hZ) bi-lob.l1 hemispheres of the br.lin are
, into maximum creativitv.
, And, .lS documented in the m.lnv, science
papers we h.lve of Dr. Andrij.l Puh.lrich Ithat added momentum, objective evidence,
and underst.lndi ng to the h.lrmonic AUMega Music Revolutiom, actually h.lve been
objectively measured to induce he.lling in the hum.ln org.lnism lempiric.llly
documented I. II
\,Ye utilised the sacred numbers we found to comprise our 1994 computer models of
the new inter-geometry Inow under the new nomencl.lture of iso-geometry),
modelling interdimension.ll inter-symmetry (for eX.lmple bet\\leen the cube .lnd the
hyperc ube). 1
Remarkable precise frequency research upon cells and the remission of 27 organic
diseases \vas already engaged by Dr Puharich during the 1970s-80s. 10 \'Yhereby the
precise frequencies (and their associated cascades I, that we utilise in the AUMega
Music Revolution, have been studied vvith intricate precision, in their effect upon
biology, with over\·vhelming results on the remission of diseases, and other important
effects. 'I. 10. 11
The foundation of this is alreadv, \vell set in the science record and, therebv,
, became
immediately apparent for direct use in our music revolution design and
development, in 1996.

\Ve, thereby, set out to found this totally new field of harmonic modern music in the
public arena, beginning inl ggg, and encourage all musicians to begin to utilise
these age old and universal principles of sound resonance, that underlie the very
fabric of the harmonic arrangement of this universe. 1; 21
\'Yhi 1st we have lectured and \\!ritten extensively about this since! ggg I including an
internet pseudo-bookl, here lies the first true book on this subject to be published in
the global literature community, embodying the independent research effort of
Riccardo Tristano Tuis, par excellence.

\'Yhereas, classical musician Jonathan Tennenbaum founded the usc of the harmonic
equal tempering scale tuning based on 412hz and2.S6hz within classicalmusic,21
we were to found this into modern electronic and popular music.

In 1ggg I worked together with Dj Cybersnack and Dj Nki and instructed their
production of the first 432hz tuned modern music song that calibrated each
individual tone in an octave from 144hz to 288hz, and a modulating F tone. First
described and implicated in the measurements taken in Tibet by Swedish scientist
Dr. Jarl, who measured harmonic effects of sounds utilised by Tibetan monks during
the I 940s 2, and further described and mathematicallv formulated bv 1'\ew Zealand
I ,

maverick scientist researcher Captain Bruce Cathie. \

This led to the first modern music song "Omega", in Coa trance style, which
incorporated this 144hz octave, \·vith each individual tone calibrated in precise
harmonic ratio, with a best approximate tempo at the time of 144 beats per minute
(featuring our vocals" which climbed high in the European and Coa-trance music
charts during the year 2000.

Shortly after, unfolding from this, within the composing of our own songs, we
perfected a harmonic "sacred" number system that we call Unified Field Overall
Alastering I UFOi\l" \·vitllin the mixing of all our songs, applied to every level of
instruments, drums, and effects in our compositions. \'Yhich utilises the golden
numbers, the Dr Puharich healing frequency cascades, and other key principles,
some of which are described in this book. The sacred numbers of musical ratio, akin
to those of sacred pythagorean geometry, and those embodied in the .1 Platonic
solids of svmmetrv.!f>· Iii
These harmonic numbers of the Unified Field Over,lll Mastering combine \'vith the
432hz PERFECT tuning, as well as the harmonic tempos that follO\v the heart's
cardio-rhythm measured during the onset of coherence, or the focus of
compassionate love, pioneered in the novel studies of the HeartMath Institute, with
Dr. Robert Roll ie, Dr Roll in 1\I\cCraty and others. Ii
\Vith surprising results, which include medical recoveries, and measurements with
hospital equipment shO\ving increase in cellular health, not surprisingly, cardio-
rhythm coherence, and strengthening the central nervous system Ithese and other
results are still to be published, pioneered by Dr. Nicola Limardo
[ ], and others I.

This lead to our founding the very first musical events called Universal Dane-es, in
Berlin, during 2001-2002, and Universal Dances Open Air in S\'vitzerland in August
20lU, \vhich \'vere the first concerts to utilise 4"~2hz tuning, harmonic tempos and
the other harmonic components of the AUJ\.1ega AIL/sic f\.pvolution, in modern
musical histon/.

I\:ow, Riccardo, via "Archangel", is the first metal music application of these
principles, \'vhich are being follo\'ved by a growing number of musicians, including
other metal bands. And this form of music is now being called "heart rock", as the
natural progression from "hard rock", due to the effect of coherence on the heart,
similar to the measured ECC lelectrocardiogrami of the heart at the moment of love.

The principles of common harmonic tuning and compatible harmonic tempos in

multiple concerts, \vill enable global concerts to be linked through the internet and
other communication technologies, into what \ve have termed The Global Song-432
(envisioned in 199b, and first properly described by us in public events in 1(99).
Such global cultural events, utilising the harmonic principles described in this book,
can enable the musical arts to expand into a new medium of experience uniting
mankind and various cultural musical styles into ne\'v heights of synergy, potential
and cognitive cybernetic artistic unity, \'vith far reaching consequences.-'-'

In the earl\' 1990s then, the HeartMath Institute documented that the heart's rhvthm
, I

during love produced a golden mean cascade of coherence in the magnetic fields it
generated, which also entrained the brain into the same golden ratio and coherent
bi-hemisphere synchronization (Hhz alpha rhythm,. The golden cascade amperage
peaked at H cycles per second in these studies." 1)
By utilising the frequencies and numbers associated to the measured coherent
cascades in the heart's cardio-rhvthm during the onset of love, done bv the
I ,

HeartMath Institute, beginning in the early -I 990s,', Ii it is not surprising that the
AUI\lega Alusic has a well defined health effect on the cardio-system.
Dr Rollin McCraty and Dr. Clen Rein of the HeartMath Institute optically tested and
measured evidence that the effect of the heart, as a piezo/sonic laser ECC field of
love, was measurable in increased coherent weaving of DI'\A helices, and effecting a
magnetic entrainment in a tree 200 feet a\vay, measured by an ELF coil, reflecting
the same parallel golden ratio cascade as measured in the heart at the same time,
\'vhich also entrai ned the EEC (electroencelograph I of the brain in the same golden
mean ratio, in simultaneous power spectrum analysis.-·
Herein, the toroidal magnetic fields generated by the heart's 7 layers of heart muscle,
4, " were observed to order into the golden mean cascade, as a piezo-sonic laser,

\'vhen the pilot focussed compassionate love, ordering the magnetic field cascade of
the 7 toroidal fields into the golden proportion, which entrained the brain's EEC into
the same golden ratio ordering, and 8hz bi-hemisphere synchronization. These
principles are utilised in the AUMega Music Revolution compositional songs.

The many hours of coherent ECC sampled data demonstrated that the center
frequency ratio of the cardiac electricity isl.bI8hz, the golden ratio: 0, having
further coherent modulations that are harmonically and geometrically important
betweenl.42hz and 2hz. Note that 1.b18 is also the golden ratio of the DI'\A's
height of]4 angstroms and vv'idth of 21 angstroms \34/21 = 01. 21 Also, since the
D1':A helix rotates ,H)C (0 2 , per every sugar-phosphate subunit holding the
nucleotides of the genetic code, and this is exactly half the pentagon rotation, a self-
similarity is evidenced between the DNA sub-unit and the golden proportion.!;; As it
is mainly the golden ratio that allO\'vs complete information geometry to cascade,
mirror-to-mirror, along the harmonic series \\.'ithout loss of power, information, or
geometry, as above-so-below, these findings were very significant. These are the
precise harmonics used in the AUMega Music Revolution compositions.

These studies clearly showed that the golden ratio of the heart's cardio-rhythm in
love, entrained the brain EEC in the same harmonic series, cascading from 8 cycles
per second as the peak.', (i
Furthermore, as Dr. Clen Rein, of the HeartMath Institute demonstrated, the DNA is
healed bv the same harmonic entrainment in the heart as vvell.l> Dr. Rein trained

pilots in the art of biofeedback, vvhereby the ECC, placed with electrodes on the
chest of the pi lots, would enable the individual to have a biofeedback computer
screen readout of their heart's cardio-rhythm. As the focus of "compassionate love",
or universal love, instilled magnetic field coherence.I>"
Dr. Rein took DI'\A and heat treated it so as to cause the double helix to uncoil,
verified by a fluorescence reading. He then had the trained pilots who could uphold
the focus of compassionate love in their ECC and EEC for an hour, to focus on the
"dead" uncoiled DNA sample. Another fluorescence reading of the DI'\A showed
that the DNA double helix had recoiled from its dead uncoiled state back to its living
resonant \\/oven state bv the 1)i1ot's focus of coherent heart electricitv, as the DNA

double helix shares the SAJV\E golden ratio symmetry as the pielo/sonic magnetic
coherence lasers produced by the heart in focused compassionate love, through
biofeedback. Thereby, the dead DI'\A was resurrected to its Iivi ng resonant form. I>
The AUMega Music Revolution utilises the harmonic symmetry numbers of the DNA
throughout its Unified Field Overall Mastering in each composition, leading to the
potential new field of true DNA resonating music of life, by the harmonics of the
heart in universal love.
This coupled to the findings of Dr. Ary L. Coldberger, demonstrating the 1000 levels
deep FRACTAL complexity of the heart's cardio-rhythm, operating as a "non-linear"
"Attractor Field" with "non-local" attributes (beyond 30" holds great significance, in
their implications for the AUMega Music Revolution, in perhaps resonating between
dimensions of axiomatic symmetry, by resonance of utilising these transcendental


Furthermore, the harmonic AUMega Music Revolution utilises the underlying
principles of the universe, such as the Sierpinski triangle numbers, which have been
found to be the underlying reciprocal order of the flow of air molecules, and in
random number generation l ;, as the underlying harmonic structure ordering of the
universe. I >...'1 These underlying principles includes the harmonic symmetries
discovered in the periodic table of elements,l"', 1'1,..'1 and in the planetary symmetry
tuning and arrangement of our solar system, expanded from Keplar's initial
geometrical models of the planets. l ;' I H, ..' 1
\·Yith the Global Song-432 utilizing these harmonics, the artistic vision can become
very real in realising a cultural attempt to make contact \vith the cosmos.
\Vhat better way than to link mankind in the harmonics of universal love through
global music events. Utilising harmonics that inspire and instill coherence dwart
ECC in PHI, and creativity (brain EEC, in 8hz - the very best of mankindi, on a
global level, in global concerts linked together, and then to broadcast this as a signal
into space - mankind as all-one universal heart, united by the music of love,
culturally signalling to the "cosmic intelligence".
Hereby, utilising what the great psychologist Dr Carl C. lung called the "ultimate
archetype" of the species, the UFO, as the penultimate object representing the
"external isation of the psyche (soul/" and" interiorization of the body," in his final
book "Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth Of Things Seen In The Sky" - these novel
and archaic harmonic musical technologies may be used as the alchemical
cybernetic tool, together \vith our post modern Information Technologies, to bring
about this realisation. For Dr. lung, in his final \'vork, the UFO is the ultimate
archetype of the species, novv emerging.
The C/ohal Song-4.-U ETI Contact ConlPrto, is an example that \ve ourselves arc
propagating with great zeal, as it is set in stone at the very beginning of the inception
of modern music ... Thereby, utilising the modern music mythos inspiring such heavy
vveights as Elvis Presley, lohn Lennon and the Beatles, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, The
Rolling Stones, and Robbie \·Yilliams, amidst others, who each claim to have
experienced the Extraterrestrial Intelligence and UFO.
All these key founders and holders of the sternum of the modern music argo, claim
inspiration, or "contact", vvith the UFO, or extraterrestrial intelligences..'()
It is our inspiration to utilise this musical mythos to create the next level of the
19bO's SumnJPr of Lovp "Flower Children" revolution and LivP-Aid, by utilising the
harmonic sonic principles of the AUMega Music Revolution into a planetary linked
Global Song-432, as the means of a cultural artistic effort to attempt to make
"contact" \-vith Other intelligences vvithin our universe, or beyond. This would be the
first cultural artistic global effort, by mankind themselves I not by el ite scientist
representatives of mankindl, to make such an attempted contact, by broadcasting the
Global Song-432 into space, with coherent interactivity betvv'een each individual
member of the species, through the harmonics of universal love.
At the very least, it will groove as a cultural and artistic event that will not only be
fun for everyone, it wi II be a new artistic and cybernetic experience, even if there is
no response from space, or beyond. An event looming in our musical future horizon,
for our species.
\Vith the "bove said, I am very excited to hand you this book with gre"t
recommendation, for it holds many keys to a very exciting and coherent future for
This book and project is to be commended for making available for the first time in
concise form a coherent body of data, which can be directly applied in the musical
research fields and wellness music of the next generation of musicians, artists and for
the cultural and individual benctit of mankind at large.

This book cannot be taken lightly, I heartily congratulate Riccardo for this
tremendous and diligent effort, forwarding mankind onwards online with the cosmic
discotheque symphony of creation ..
To the Musical Revolution of the HeART, and the heArtists co-creating this universal
orchestration of the All-One Heart Music.
In Colden Via A1pdia.

Ananda Bosman,
(Founder of the AUMega Music Revolution!:

I. Bawd on our prpv/ous IlJlJ..+ saupd gpomptriC"al)D C"ompLJtpr animation researC"h:
Intergeon7Ptry/iso-geometry and t/7P Vortpxijah. Ilere \vp C"omposed the iso-
tetrahedron, and the Iso-stpllated tetrahpdron/C"uhe, to C"omposp S x 710 on the )./-
axis, the DNA symmetry o{ hase pairs, as a iso-stellated-tptrahpdron C"omposed
inter-dodpC"ahedron tor examplp.
l./J\1PLOSION (magazine), no It H, Ola{ Alpxanderson, S\vpdish SC"hauherger
Sotiety (Living \Vate(J. Relates the sC"ipntit/C" measurements of Or. Jarl, of the
Tihetan monks, in pstahlishing levitation through sound.
or TIlE BRIDCE TO INFI/\/ITY, f larmoniC" )71244, hy Captain BruC"P Cathie, Il)(}l).
American \Vest Puhlishers, Boldpr, Colorado, USA.
4. TI IE VORTEX OF LIFE: Nature's Patterns in SpaC"e and Timp, Lavvrenn' Echvards,
Floris Books, England IlJl)) (first puhlishpd ll)(j2).
S. \i\/hen Time Breaks DO\'\/IJ: The Three Dimpnsional Dvnamics of E!pltroC"hemical

\i\/aves 8. CardiaC" Arrhythmias, pro{pssor Arthur T. \\/infrep, university of Arizona

(professor in Dppartment o{ EC"ology S Evolutionary Biology 8. the Program in
Applied ,'\1athematin l; PrinC"eton University Press.
C>. Biological [{felts of S'calar Acoustic" Enprgy: 1\10dulation of DNA. Proceedings o{
the US PsyC"hotronics AssoC"iation., Columhus, Ohio, July, IlJlJH. Clen Rein,
Ph. O. C)uantum Biology Rewarch Lah ,'\1illpr PlaC"e, /\/. Y. 1I /()4)
Ph. O. and Rollin AkCraty, ,'\1.A. ()uantum Biology Research Lahs, Boulder Creek,
. ' _.
8. ECC Spectra: The measurement of loherent and incoherent frequencies and their
relationship to mental and emotional states. J\.lcCraw 1\., J\.1. Atkinson and (;.
Rein .. J\.lonterey: Proc. .)rd Annual ConI: of the Internal. Soc. Study Suhtle
Energies S Energy i\lediline (It)t)jIJ.
9. See for example: i\lethod Of Splitting The \\/ater J\.lolecule according to the
Theory of Extremely LO\'ll FrequenlY (ELFI, Phonon-Ilydron Amplitlcations Of
Stimulated Emission Radiation, Dr. Andrija Puharich, A1. D., UD, I WU
I U. A Nevv Control And Information System DIscovered In Biology And J\.lediline:
Extremely LO\v Frequency A1agnetic Fields (ELFI, Dr. Andrija Puharich, J\1.D., UD,
Fehruary I t)87.
I I. Protocommunilation II, Universallntormation/"\ctton Transfer Theory and An
Experimental J\.lodel Designed To Test The Theory: Pro/f'ct Tesla. Dr. Andrtja
Puharich, Essentia Research Assoliates, Devotion, /,,'orth Carolina, Fehruary
11. AIUSIC A1IND t\ BRAI/',,', Alanfred Clynes, Plenum, Ne\v York, 198h.
U. Dr. II 0 Peitgen, Bausteine des Chaos, Vo!. I, Chapter h. University of Bremen
L. Coldherger, Beth Israelllospital, I iarvard Aledilal School.
IS. Ne\'ll Explorations \'I!'ith The 1\loon Alodel, TO\'llard a ne\'\/ model of the nucleus,
hased on the pIOneering \vork in physils of Rohert /. J\foon, Dr. Laurence I fecht,
Charles B. Stevens, lIst CENTURY IAlagazinel, J\lay 7, .!UU..J
I h. The (;eometry Of Lit(l, Dr. Nigel Rosinsky, AID. Fusion, Septemher-Octoher
I 98..J. On DJ\'A decagramme and dodelahedron geometry.
17. The Universe Sings: A Ceometrilal Derivatton Of the Alusilal Scale That .'·;hO\'I/s
\\/hat J\lusic And Astrophysics I fave In Common \\/ith LiVing Forms. Carol \\/hite,
.! I st Century, july-August 1988.
18. Ceometric Extensions Of Consciousness, Anne CriS\vold Tyng, Zodial # 19.
\\/hilh demonstrates the dodecahedron DNA douhle helix tormation, and 0) cuhes
making one dodecahedron. The DNA Douhle I felix lan likp\\-'ise he modelled hy
the icosahpdron \'\,'hilh is comprised of 0) oltahedrons. Prppared uAdvancement of
Science in thp Finp Arts.
19. J\.fysterium I\./iuolosmicum: The Ceomptric Basis For The ppriodiciW Of The
Elements, .! I -I Century (magazine J, 1\lay-june 1988, pp ]()-jU.
lU. Alien ROlk: Thp Rock 'n' Roll Extratprrpstrial Conneltion, iHichael C. LUlkman,
Pocket Books (Simon l\ Schusten, New York, .!UU').
Tennenhaum, 1 I st CENTURY I magazinPI, Spptpmher-Oltohpr 1988.
.!l. Universal Danles, Ananda Bosman, .!UUU, lUU I,
repuhlished on . Originally on

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