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ECG Interpretation in One Page

Ryan Aycock, MD, MS (copyright 2009-2011)

Dept of Emergency Medicine, Staten Island University Hospital, NY

1 mm = 0.1 mV Heart rate = = (# R peaks in 6 sec block) * 10

300 150 100 75 60 50

250 136 94 71 58 48
214 125 88 68 56 47
188 115 83 65 54 45
167 107 79 63 52 44
1 mm = 0.04 sec

5 mm = 0.2 sec


P wave: 0.08 - 0.11 sec, <2.5 mm, upright in I, II, aVF, V4-V6, negative
in aVR; can be biphasic in III, aVL, V1, V2 Left axis
PR segment: <0.8 mm deviation from baseline (some say <1 mm)
PR interval: 0.12 - 0.20 sec
Q wave: <0.03 sec, < of R height; can change with respiration. Extreme axis -90

Should not appear in V1-V3 o o

QRS complex: <0.1 sec, >5 mm in limb leads, >10 mm in precordial -120 -60
leads, transitions in V3-V4
Intrisicoid deflection: <0.035 sec in right leads, <0.045 sec in left leads o o
QT interval: < of R-R interval (QTc: <0.44 sec) aVR, -150 aVL, -30
QTc = (Bazett formula), should be 0.3-0.44 sec
o o
T wave: asymmetric, upstroke > downstroke, <6 mm in limb leads, 180 I, 0
<12 mm in precordials, <of R height (can be taller in V1 and V2),
can be biphasic or inverted in III, V1-V3 (called juvenile waves)

Left atrial abnormality: +150 +30
P wave in lead II: notched, >0.12 sec wide (“P-mitrale”)
P wave in lead V1: negative component >0.1 mV and >0.04 sec o o Normal axis
III, +120 II, +60
Right atrial abnormality: o
P wave in lead II: peaked, >0.25 mV (“P-pulmonale”) aVF, +90
Right axis
P wave in lead V1: positive deflection >0.15 mV or >V6
PR segment depression >0.8 mm is pericarditis or atrial infarct
PR interval <0.12 sec is junctional beat, Lown-Ganong-Levine
(benign), WPW, or normal variant
PR interval >0.20 sec is 1o AV block or hyperkalemia
Q waves tall and narrow in lateral leads with tall RS in V2/V3 is HOCM
Q wave >0.03 sec (unless in V1 only) or > of R height is MI Z-AXIS
QRS >0.12 sec is bundle branch block or intraventricular delay
Left ventricular hypertrophy:
R in aVL + S in V3 >28 mm (males), >20 mm (females) (most Normal or left axis
accurate, Cornell criteria)
S in V1 + R in V5/V6 >35 mm (use 40 mm for age < 40)
S in V2 + R in V5/V6 >45 mm V6, 80o P
R in aVL >12 mm (most specific) V5, 60o P
Minor criteria: R in I >14 mm, R in aVF >21 mm, S in aVR > 15 mm,
R in V5 > 26 mm, OR R in V6 > 20 mm V4, 40o P
Cannot make diagnosis in LBBB
Strain—There is a progression of elevated, concave upward ST with V1, 20o P V3, 20o P
asymmetric upright T in V1-V3 to depressed, concave downward
ST with asymmetric inverted T in V4-V6. A q in V6 with an upright
tall T signifies volume overload. V2, 0o A V2, 0o P
Ischemia presents with flat ST and symmetrical T waves
Right ventricular hypertrophy:
R > S in V1, S > R in V5/V6 V3, 20o A V1, 20o A
Usually associated with right axis deviation or RAE
Very difficult to make diagnosis in LBBB
Strain—depressed, concave downward ST with asymmetric inverted V4, 40o A
T in V1-V3. Can have S1Q3T3
HOCM: Deep, narrow Q’s in lateral leads, high voltage QRS V5, 60o A
QTc >0.44 sec is prolonged QT and can be due to hypokalemia, V6, 80o A
hypocalcemia, ischemia, hypothyroidism, hypothermia, or drugs
Potassium levels: Right or extreme
<3.0 mEq/L – U waves, QTc prolongation, minimal QRS Note: Z-axis cannot be
prolongation, ST depression; can lead to atrial tach with block determined in WPW or RBBB
>5.5 mEq/L – peaked T waves, fascicular block
>6.5 mEq/L – QRS and QT intervals widen, first degree AV block
>7.0 mEq/L – PR interval widens and P waves decrease in V1 V1
>7.5 mEq/L – P waves disappear, sine wave appears
Hypocalcemia: long ST segment → prolonged QT
Hypercalcemia: short ST segment → short QT
Digoxin: scooped ST segments, biphasic or inverted T, short QT,
prominent U. Can lead to atrial tach with block or junctional tach.
RVH with strain LVH with strain
Sinoatrial block: a missed beat that is a multiple of an R-R interval. The cycle STEMI timing
continues on same interval. Hyperacute: tall T
Sinus pause/arrest: a missed beat that is not a multiple of an R-R interval. Acute: ST elevation, Q is small or absent, T changes are minimal or
Premature atrial contraction: P wave comes sooner than expected, morphol- absent, reciprocal ST
ogy is different, PR interval may be longer than previous beats. Usually no Subacute: ST elevation minimal or absent, T inversion, pathological
compensatory pause (i.e., the beat resets the SA node using previous Q’s
interval). The beat does not need to be conducted (no QRS complex). Old: pathological Q, ST is isoelectric, T may inverted or normal
PAC with aberrancy: wide QRS complex mimicking RBBB due to longer Diagnosing AMI in LBBB (Sgarbossa’s Criteria): concordant ST
refractory period of R bundle. More common in slow HR. elevation >1 mm, ST depression >1 mm in V1-V3, discordant ST
Focal ectopic atrial rhythms: a regular run of PAC’s. Ectopic P’s and PR’s are elevation of >5 mm, presence of Q waves
similar. Atrial rhythm: 50-60 bpm, accelerated atrial rhythm: 60-99 bpm, Anterolateral MI: ST elevation in every lead but V1, poor R progress
atrial tachycardia: >100 bpm. Block can occur with fast rates. Adenosine Right ventricular infarct: inf MI, ST elevation in III > II, possible ST
and electrical alternans helps in diagnosis. Transient ST/T abnormalities. elevation in V1, minimal or no ST elevation in V2 unless there is
Wondering atrial pacemaker: irregularly irregular rhythm, >3 different P’s and infarct extension. If ST depression in V2 >  of ST elevation in aVF,
PR’s, HR<100 bpm, found with excessive vagal tone (e.g., sleeping). consider additional posterior wall infarct. Must get a right-sided ECG.
Multifocal atrial tachycardia is WAP >100 bpm with tall/deep P’s, usually Posterior MI: wide R, depressed ST, and upright T in V1 or V2. Usually
found in lung disease. associated with inf or high lateral MI. Must obtain a posterior ECG.
Atrial flutter: typically regular rhythm with 2:1 conduction or higher. Atrial rate Aortic aneurysm: AMI in both L and R coronary systems
>250 bpm, ventricular rate is 125-175 bpm. Sawtooth appearance aids in Ventricular aneurysm: pathologic Q’s and tombstone ST’s in V1-V3
diagnosis. that are chronic.
Atrial fibrillation: irregularly irregular rhythm, no discernible P waves. Brugada syndrome: incomplete right bundle branch block with ST
Premature junctional contraction: QRS comes sooner than expected and is elevation and J point elevation in V1-V3. Type 1: gradually
similar to previous QRS’s. P waves may appear as antegrade (with short descending (coved) ST segment and negative T. Type 2: saddle
PR) or retrograde, and will be inverted. Can be aberrant. Usually no back pattern with a positive or biphasic T. Type 3: saddle back
compensatory pause. pattern with minor ST elevation, positive T. Class IC antiarrhythmics
Junctional escape beat: similar in appearance to PJC, but occurs after a aid in diagnosis.
pause following normal rhythm. Pericarditis: PR depression, diffuse ST elevation with upward concave
Focal ectopic junctional rhythms: a regular run of escaped junctional beats, ST’s, terminal QRS notching. T waves invert before normalizing.
similar to PJC’s. Junctional rhythm: 40-60 bpm, accelerated junctional
rhythm: 60-100, junctional tachycardia (rare): >100 bpm. Can be found in Wellens Syndrome: Normal ECG with chest pain. When pain-free,
complete AV dissociation—R-R interval will be shorter than P-P interval. precordial T’s are deep, inverted or biphasic. No pathologic Q’s.
Premature ventricular contraction: wide QRS comes sooner than expected.
No P waves. Compensatory pause present (next beat is on time). Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: short PR, wide QRS, delta wave,
Ventricular escape beat: similar in appearance to PVC, but occurs late after a ST-T changes, tachycardia. Type A: positive QRS in V1 and V2,
pause following normal rhythm. No compensatory pause. possibly out to V6, mistaken for RBBB. Type B: negative QRS in V1
Idioventricular rhythm: a regular run of escaped ventricular beats, similar to and V2, positive in all others, mistaken for LBBB. Type C: positive
PVC’s. HR is 20-50 bpm. P waves present in AV dissociation. Accelerated QRS in V1-V4, negative in others. Q waves are pseudoinfarcts.
ventricular rhythm: 50-100 bpm.
Ventricular tachycardia: similar appearance to idioventricular rhythms, HR is DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES
100-200 bpm, QRS >0.12 sec. Capture beats are normal sinus QRS R > S or ST depression in V1: posterior MI, WPW type A, RBBB, RVH,
complexes. Fusion beats are in between a capture and ventricular beat. normal variant in the young (only R > S applies)
Irregularities in QRS complexes are sinus beats. Brugada’s sign: interval Widened QRS: hyperkalemia, VTach, heart block, drug effects, WPW,
from R to bottom of S >0.10 sec. Josephson’s sign: notch near bottom of S. BBB, PVC’s, aberrancy
Pathonomonic if V1-V6 are all negative or all positive. Symmetrical T waves: ischemia, electrolyte disturbances (hyperK),
Ventricular flutter: VTach >200 bpm. Torsade de Pointes is a twisting version and CNS problems—typically has broad T’s and prolonged QT
of VTach or VFlutter. Right axis deviation: normal variant in the young, RVH, L post
Ventricular fibrillation: cardiac chaos. hemiblock, dextrocardia, ventricular beats, COPD (without RVH),
high lateral MI with deep Q’s
BLOCKS Left axis deviation: LVH, LBBB, left anterior hemiblock, ventricular
First-degree AV block: PR >0.20 sec, otherwise normal ECG. beats, inferior MI with deep Q’s, COPD (occasionally)
Mobitz I second-degree AV block (Wenckebach): increasing PR interval until ST elevation in I and II: pericarditis, apical MI, aortic root aneurysm
a beat is dropped. U wave: hypokalemia, bradycardia, LVH, CNS events, drugs
Mobitz II second-degree AV block: dropped beats without a changing PR Notching at the end of QRS (or J point elevation) associated with ST
interval. elevation is usually benign early repolarization or pericarditis. Do not
Third-degree AV block: P’s and QRS’s are regular, but independent of each confuse with J waves, a sign of hypothermia that can also present
other. QRS rate < P rate. with bradycardia, ST depression, T inversion, and QT prolongation.
RBBB: QRS >0.12 sec, slurred S in I and V6, RSRˊ in V1 (Rˊ>R). QRˊ is
possible in anteroseptal MI if found in more than 2 leads. T waves are V2 II V2 V2
discordant with the terminal QRS. An incomplete RBBB has the same
morphology with a QRS between 0.1-0.12 sec.
LBBB: wide QRS, large S in V1, large R in I and V6, no Q in I and V6. T
waves are discordant with the terminal QRS. Prolonged QT is usually not
clinically significant.
Left anterior fascicular block: left axis deviation not otherwise explained. r in
III aids in diagnosis. Poor R wave progression Brugada Early repolarization Ventricular
Left posterior fascicular block: right axis deviation without RAE or RVH. s in I Syndrome aneurysm
and q in III aids in diagnosis. Might be confused with pulmonary embolus. OR
anterior MI

delta V1 I, V6 V1 I, V6 V1 II V4R
wave Osborn/
J wave

Wolff-Parkinson-White Right bundle branch block Left bundle branch block Hypothermia Pericarditis Right
ventricular MI

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