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Published at MercyhurstjCollege, Erie, Pennsylvania


Daniel LordJS, J*, Addresses Radio Speaker Msgr. Guilfoyle Social Trends
Sodalists Off M e r c y h u r s t Is Consecrated T^» J T»
ifeffiiiiittfrin «&* —^;—„ By Erie Bishop Discussed By
URGES AcnoNJ Ytule Carols Large Audience! Is {Present Doctor Furfey
At Impressive Ceremony
Held In St. Peter's
Inveighs Against 1 WilljjBe S u n g Cathedral Noted Author
j StaticJReligion V a c a t i o n E y e At St. Peter's Cathedral,."in the Holds Interest
presence of one! Cardinal, two
LAUDS MODERMYOUTH ArchbiBhops, twenty Bishops, and Of Audience
Perhaps the most ^impressive of numerous Monsignori, Priests, Sis-
The Mercyhurst Sodality was the traditions of Mercyhurst is the ters, and members of the laity, the Spiritual Principles Are De-
highly privileged at the annual Christmas Candlelight Service. The Very Reverend Monsignor, Richard clared Necessary Bases of
Communion Breakfast and Recep- ceremony, the exclusive privilege T. Guilfoyle, Chancellor of the Successful Social Work K
tion on December 8, In hearing as of upperolassmen, takes place at Diocese of Erie, was consecrated
its guest speaker no less a person- midnight on the eve of the Christy On Friday evening, December
Bishop of Altoona, Mondayv, mor- 11, Dr, Paul Hanley Furfey, Ph.D.,
age than the national director of mas vacation.? ning, November 80. The Most Rev-
Sodalities, the Rev. Daniel A. Lord, Garbed in cap and gown, the direotor of the graduate school of
erend John Mark Gannon, Bishop Social Service at the Catholic Un-
S. J. carolers, each bearing . a lighted of Erie, acted as consecrator, and iversity, Washington. D. C. lec-
At the Mass, which was cele- taper, move through the college was assistediin this office by two tured to the students^of Mercy-
brated in the chapel of Christ-the halls chanting the hymns and co-consecrators, the Most Rever- hurst and their friends on the
King by the College chaplain, Rev. songs of the Yuletide season. Cli- Father James M. Powers Chaplain
end Thomas I Walsh and the Most modern social trends in Sooiology.
James M, Powers, twenty-nine maxing the ceremony, the proces- Of - Mercyhurst | Reverend Francis Tief, Bishops of "Social Revolution" was the
candidates were received as Soda- sion assemblies in the oratory for Newark and Concordia < • respective-
theme of Dr. Furfey's talk. Ho de-
a final hymn and good night
lists. At the breakfast which fol-
lowed, these new sodalists were prayer. k God's ^Existence ly. The Church's traditional ritual
of consecration, rich in its enun-
veloped the topic in a very schol-
arly andv interesting manner,
special guests. It is the custom for all under-
classmen to maintain silence dur- Is Subject Of ciation of the nearness of God to
|man, and, in every phrase and
stressing in particular the social
worker's attitude versus the Com-
Miss Mary Ciaiola acted as
toastmistress and introduced Miss
ing this 5 service. The carolers re-
quest that the college be in com-
Radio Sermon gesture, supremely conscious of
| the Divine origin of the powers to
munist's attitude toward Society.
Anne Stout of Mercyhurst Semi- Dr. Furfey analyzed for the ben-
plete darkness. I be conferred, was enacted in the efit of his audience the similarities I
nary who spoke on the Sodality Opposition Of Palse^ 'Isms"
medal; Miss Edith Regan, of the *mi f —Burige, '37 presence of a th j ong which crowd and the differences in the atti-
:-o-: To An Inescapable God £ ed Erie's large cathedral to the
College Sodality, whose subject Is Deplored tudes taken by these two classes,
doors. The impressivenesB of the
was *'The Immaculate Concep-
tion"; and Miss Pauline O'Laugh- Dedication Of | "Were the gre/at St. .Paul abroad 1
rites was heightened by the sing-
pointing out that, while both were
personal u tt iti U U T M*«MF- vavUtfaftft*;
lin, wht gave a pleasing recitation
of "Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue"
College Chapci ^ 1
in our land today, heamighU well
plead for an altar to a forgotten
ing oi' three, choirs. U
I The sermon, "Upon This Rock
u great extent in objectives and in
in honor of the Blessed Virgin.
After Miss Helen Gowans had read
Takes P l a c e God. The very children of God
have turned away with unloving
I Will Build My Church" was de-
livered by the Most Reverend
Dr. Furfey has made extensive
research in various!phases of so-
a message recevied from the first and ungrateful hearts from the (Continued on Page 6) cial work, and has expressed his
Mercyhurstl Sodality prefect, Miss Bishop Gannon Officiates; Father who has begotten them," opinions in such well-known books
Ciaiola introduced Father Powers Mrs. James E. O'Neil, as "The Growing Boy," "You and
whose presentation of the guest Donor of Chapel Is | said the Rev. James M. Powers,
Chaplain and Head of the Depart-
Father LeBuffe Your Children", "Social Problems
speaker was one of the high lights Present ment of Philosophy at Mercyhurst, Directs Retreat of childhood", "Clinical and
of a brilliant gathering. jThen, in a radiofaddress ovetf" station Psychoanalytical Studies", and
Father Lord: At a simple but impressive cere- The Reverend Francis P. Le (his latest) "Fire on the Earth."
mony held Saturday* morning, No- WLEU on Thursday evening, De-
cember 3, in the third of a series Buffe, S. j j o f New York City, A f t e r t h e l e c t u r e , Dr.
"There is a changed attitude on vember* 7, the Chapel of Mercy-
the part of the college student on of broadcasts which deal with the noted speaker, author, and mana- Furfey was the honored guest of
hurst College was dedicated to ger of the popular Catholic pub- the Sociology Majors at a lun- |
the whole subject of religion. I Christ the King. The Rt. Rev. John articles of the Apostles' Creed.
have had a feeling that it has lication, "America", conducted the cheon served in the State Dining
Mark Gannon, Bishop of Erie, of- Father Powers deplored the pas- Annual Retreat for the College Room. Other guests included Dr.
been my privilege to watch the ficiated at the services. Assisting sive indifference of man to God
development of a new| "species"— Students, in the Chapel of Christ Raymond McQuillan, Director of
him were Dr. C. ,R, McQuillan, as Worse than open defiance. ^'If the King, November IS, 14, and 15. Charities and Chancellor of Erie,
and that new species is the college Chancellor of the Erie diocese, one studies the attributes of God
student in the Catholic colleges. Rev. Alfred M. Watson, Secretary as reflected in the visible world, Mercyhurst was fortunate in se- Dr. William Sullivan, Professor of
When I was thrown into Sodality to the Bishop, Rev. Jerome Maher it would seem incredible that man curing so eloquent a speaker §for Sociology at Villa Marie College,
work, youth was at its lowest ebb. of St. Anne's Church, Erie, and should so far forget his* Creator, those three days! of spiritual re- Dr, Edward P. McManaman, Rec-
(Continued on Page 8) Rev. James Powers, Chaplain of flection, leather Le Buffo i splen- tor of St. Peter's Cathedral, and
or remembering, wound Him with didly equipped'for the spiritual our Chaplain, Father; James Pow- !
Mercyhurst. ingratitude." i
direction of college students be- ers. $4 ••v.::
Mrs. James E. O'Neil, donor of Yet the forces of Atheism, Be- cause, through his relations with —Rita Rectenwaldl '87
Pageant Retells the chapel was present at the ser- haviorism, Materialism and Com- the Youth Movement and through ,>o-s«
Christmas Story vices. The chapel was erected in munism walk'the world today— his many personal experiences, he
memory of Mrs. O'Neil's husband, the blind forces of man fighting has become well acquainted with
Collegians P l a n
The ever-thrilling story of . the the late James E. O'Neil. Con- an Intelligent Divinity. For Man, the young people of today. Orphans' P a r t y
birth ot Christ was retold once struction was begun two years af- in his mind, has v lurped the
throne of God; he has become the Participation in the Retreat was « p m i

again on Mercyhurst's stage on ter Mr. O'Neil's death in 1983 and rewarded by a newer, finer reali • To the tune of j Jingle Bell
Sunday evening, December 13. The was completed in 1935 when deco- proprietor and no longer the ten-
ant of this world. zation of our Faith, at clearly de- eighty boys and girls will enter
pageant was sponsored by the ration of the sanctuary and erec- fined code for personal holiness, Into the swing of the Christmas
Sophomore class with Eleanor tion of a mortuary chapel took But still the Church of God and an intelligent, practical view- spirit on Thursday afternoon, De-
Eisert as the Blessed Virgin, place. stands by, knowing that men may point of religious living for every- cember-/ 17. Mercyhurst students
Marguerite O'Donnell as St. Jo- The new chapel is unique in the search forever for the missing day. once again will entertain children
seph, Patsy Morin as Gabriel, Vir- beauty off its decoration and the link only to find that it is the link from St. Joseph's orphanage, in
ginia Dooley as St. Elizabeth, quality of its furnishings. The that binds man to God, "Knowing The young women of Mercyhurst the college dining room. This jolly
Marian Ahlgrim as St. Ann, Mary sanctuary decoration centers about feel deeply grateful to the admin- Idea was first inaugurated as a
that Faith and reason can never istration for this splendid oppor- tradition two years ago under the
Lou McGrann as High Priest, Bet- a life-sized mosaic of Christ the conflict, that scientific discovery
ty Meyer as Zaehary, and Ruth King and an interesting theme is tunity of balancing spiritual ac- direction of Jane Upriehard, who
Hays and Dolores Kelley as Holy carried through by means of mural can never undermine the solid counts with increased grace. Let is making every' effort^to be pres-
Women, foundations of those revealed us always boar in mind Father Le ent at this year's entertainment.
paintings on either side. The main Buffe's worthwhile message and, Santa Claus will grace the gather-
truths upon which the Church is
Several scenes were presented. altar is of Indiana limestone. The to paraphrase his own words, "Do ing with his magnanimous smile,
They included the Presentation, reredos is of carved oak. The sta- built." Father Powers concluded what we do when we should do it, and our little friends are due to
the .Espousal, the Annunciation, tues were carved in Oberammer- by inviting all to look on the tiny where we should do it, why we receive individual gifts of toys and
the j? Visitation, the Wise Men, the gau and are of Gothic design. A figure of the Christ who comes to should and how we should do it,"
Shepherds, the Nativity, and the rich simplicity characterizes all i I —Eleanor 0'Su|livan, '87 candy from his bulging bag. Com-
us at Christmas-—the Creator who mittees In charge of the party are:
Adoration of the Shepherds and the furnishings. The unity and
Kings. harmony of artistic effects have satisfies;'His Divine longing for a verse. We are not of the cave but general chairman; Mary Lou
created a chapel whose atmosphere part in the beauty of his own crea- of the crib, not of the cave-man, Burd; toys, Marjorie Alge and
Eloise and Lorraine Cummings ot mellow dignity is centered about tion*! but the God-man, not of chaos— Anne Morin; refreshments, Do-
assisted in the program with sev- and radiates from the Tabernacle i! "Within the compass of the In- but of the divine ordering of God, lores Ke I ly, Patsy' Morin, and Ruth
eral musical numbers. Door. H fant'Hand of the Christ! Child is Our Creator." '|fe Hays; treasurer, Helen Gowans.
—M. O'Sullhran ,'38 —Rita Malay, '88 the power that poised the uni- -—Margaret!Gould Thompson, 88 —Mary Lou Burd, '37
frWuUH^ i^

P t t « Two zT; , J T Gull
Richard 15 ***** J toy !•
Published monthly by the students of Mercyhurst College OBITUARY Bishop Of Altoona
Address all communications
SUtcr M. Nolmscft Hushes. O. >*

THE M CIAD Sister M. Magdalen McLaughlin.

O. M.
tThe Sisters of Mercy in the Erie
M ercy hurst -College Erie. Pennsylvania diocese suffered a grreat earomuni-
Subscription Rates ty loss when they laid to rest in
ONE DOLLAR T H E Y E A R St. Catherine's Cemetery, Titus-
MERC I AD STAFF ville. Pa two venerable and be-
. Eleanor O'Sullivan
loved!* sisters who have spent long God the way* w mat
*«» ;- ( 0 ot- tho Ep>aeop»oy,<uii not of
Editor-in-Chief 1 ~- -* and profitable lives in the service Guilfoyle's » V -/ ^ S \va^ the highest oxprwaton of «
Business Manager ^ V-h.; liiVriJri' i~j: r A n n a FoJC of God and humanity. Tho de- obedience to the will « <£""•„ n C c e p tod new and nrduous
(Printed by the E. Agresti Printing Co-—1710 Cherry St.) ceased sisters are Sister M. Nolas-
co Hughes of Rochester, N. Y, and humility ^ J J j f c J f f c K c o e d i l u T t o the wbhw of Hi!
Sister M. Magdalen McLaughlin of
You N a m e It
Lucinda, Pa.
Our ^twentieth century Santa Glaus is a decent enough fel- Sister Nolasco. whose death oc-
low, but we first meet him on glazed paper, pointing egotisti- curred November 7, had lived six-
cally to his latest possession, be it an electric sweeper or a ty three years in religion and had Adrian. ™. «•«**•"• ..v.stoil-mutualIv friendly relations nv«
bath mat. He changes so with every appearance that even enjoyed the love and esteem of ail Mercy have dwaya ex ated mu i . M o , T v h u r s t , a k o s v ,
curious Johnny and Mary marvel now at his suddenly emaci- those with whom she came in con- • f ^ ^ h f S B S S ^ S Gutfoyle. ilia wing fronf«J
ated figure, now at the phenomenon of his supernatural tact I God had been very lavish in pleasure in teucttawn^ « « i ^ sent ments of prayerful
growth. We used to see him pondering over the "Good Book," m i S t iS
His gifts to Sister Nolasco, and n , • r Z C h a p p m e S n h i new calling, of regret &
but if we happen to find him near a book today, it is most her work as a Sister of Mercy had weU-wishmg for "a fip»^» of 00nfJd ,
likely the Encyclopedia Britannica (now to be had most rea- always been singularly blessed. l
ZSvTo TdtniiTh!s diocese ad m a j o r e m Dei g.oriun,
sonably.) ^: I For many years, she held the res- nisThose
a.uj ijrqualities
iv <*« which u—.* A n ^ o o v ^ l h i m t o t h e diocosm nf
have endeared him to the dioceae of
^ Alas . . . this romantic figure has succumbed to commer- ponsible position of head of the Erie wUl endear him to hia own diocese o Altoona alsorfop
cialism. Campbell's Soup's Santa has extremely? round shak- Music and Dramatic Art Depart- E
fhev have grown with hia success and will continue to grow
ing jowls in contrast to Frigidaire's Santa who is a tall wise- ments of S t Joseph Academy in nthe future. Hia career, notable as it 1B. haa not ended: it
looking gentleman who wears oxfords with|exceptional grace. Titusville. The large gathering of
We find him depicted by wine masters as a gay debauchee bereaved friends who attended Sis- has but begun. In parting we call down upon him. Richard T.
with Guy Kibbee tendencies. Each day we thumb magazines ter Nolasco's funeral bore silent Guilfoyle, third Biahop of the Diocese of Altoona, the blessing
with apprehension .Horrors! What ;if the Gillett Blade Com- but eloquent testimony of their un- of Holy Mother Church: "May God the Father and the Lord
pany should experience a brain storm and present our versa- dying admiration for her Christ- TPSUS Christ bedew thee with chriam and with the liquor of
tile friend bereft of his beard? ian virtues. mya?ic o i S e n T . and make thee fruitful with the richness of
What does it $ matter if S. C. smokes Johnnie Walker's, spiritual benediction."
stretches his toes in Sale's, and subsists on Bottled Baby Sister Magdalen j—a veritable
Broth? The only common bond existing between our present martyr to charity— died in the
Santa and his more convincing predecessor is their scarlet at- Titusville Hospital on November Resolutions i—»
tire. Modernism has^tempered humanity to bear such revolu- 10, | after a short but very painful
tionizing, but our sympathy is with Dasher and Dancer illness. Her death was the direct Mention of resolutions at this point is, we know, a bit pre-
(Prancer, too) whose suffering must be most intense. Imag- result of an infection which she mature. Traditionally, resolutions are associated with New
ine their mute animal terror this Christmas Eve when they contracted while caring for the.Year's Eve. But any time, it seems to us, is apropos if the res-
spy their master mounting the sleigh in a Richmond cutaway! sick— and her reward ^gwill un- oluMons are really "good" ones, y'
Note: For the old school adherents who find this new questionably be that of those who One marvels at the thousands of good resolutions that are
Christmas figure a bit overwhelming, we offer solace in the lose their lives in an act of love made every year! From the highest to | t h e lowest, in every
inevitable, unalterable Salvation Army solicitor. She STILL for walk of life, Man resolves. He wills to do something, and
looks underfed and funereal . . . and, above nall, her plaintive straightway becomes a • veritable Gibraltar of determination.
15? ilft? ^^^^^"'^^pp'fltfq'' and polk?™xP Ci <*£«£ \ f x g To the Sisters of Mercy goes
Nothing can change his course of action.
Mary Lucille Biird, W jour heartfelt sympathy. This
:-o-: sympathy is not without its joy, But someone once said, "Man is only human, after all,"
a joy rising out of the conviction Time has proven that ^judgment undeniably true. And this
Moviedom And You that in the ranks of the Sisters of "human-ness" of man appears to be in his weakness of will
whose strength is battered down into countless bits of broken
Mercy in heaven, two more valiant vows by repeated assaults of ^unregulated reasoning and
All public servants cater if not voluntarily, at least under
compulsion, to public taste. Even the motion picture industry saints have won eternal rest. passion. I ^
has changed its code to suit popular demand. Eliminating in —Eugenia Andrecovich, '39 The consensus of opinion in some circles seems to be that a
'large measure the criminal and immoral themes which were :-o-: resolution whose fragments must be pieced together again is
so prevalent a few years ago, it has turned to a more elevat- Sociologists Hold Symposium not worth making in the first place. Yet there is something
ing and intellectual type of movie. Recently, history, famous On Child Welfare W eminently desirable in trying to better oneself. Merely wish-
literature, and drama have been interpreted on the screen ing won't help at all. Good resolutions are so necessary to
with life-like fidelity and absorbing linterest. "Ramona," The problem of "Juvenile Delin- human happiness that it must be better to resolve to do a
"Richelieu," "Clive of India," "The Gorgeous Hussy," "The quency1' was the topic of discus- good thing even for a time, than not to resolve to give up the
Barrett's of WimpoleStreet," "Sutter's Gold," "David Copper- sion;, a t the second Symposium bad thing at all ; j
field," "The Tale of Two Cities," and "Romeo and Juliet" are held by the Child Welfare class on What "resolvers" need is faith in themselves. A S good,
but a partial list of screen triumphs following in the wake of Thursday, November 19. Thestrong faith, that will not be daunted. And then the "will to
moviedom's readjustment i to public demand,—triumphs in do," spurred on by belief in the "ability to do" will conquer
marking advances, not only in movie technique, but also at Misses Eleanor 0'Sullivan, An-
the box office. V | ;• | | J nette Miller, Rosemary Haule and for us unlimited kingdoms. p
Florence Costello were t the speak- "My resolution's plac'd i
Out of such a victory of a moral-minded public should come ers who read informative and in- Now from head to foot
something more than good pictures merely. There should al- teresting information on the sym- I am marble-constant."
so come to the public the realization that those things which posium topic of the day.;;The at-
satiate the desires of man's baser nature are temporary in tendance of non-members a t this Eleanor O'Sullivan, '37
character and that the enduring qualities of art are those meeting is evidence of the school's :-o-:
which are essentially morally sound. $$£ At This Moment
widespread interest in social
—Virginia Dooley, '39 problems. THIS M
:-o-: * & nftL n
Communism with its doctrines
Mercyhurst was represented a t % J ^ « w ii^t^r *! a w reading to the four comers
Why Not Do It? the Pennsylvania Convention of ™ ^ ^ l a^ d ^ ^ ^ o f G o d b b e in
u t for
g reared n o t for the
Social Service in Pittsburgh by WH™ £ r s ^ v•l 0 fr . t e r e s t 8 a r e cannon fodder;
"We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little Sister M. Victorine who, in the t h S ? ^ f X * T . l ^ 1 J ? made subservient to
hfe is rounded with a sleep." But? why limit ourselves to company of Sister Denise, left for i t e u S ^ J J f t ^ H ] L N C a p l t a I a n d Labor are wrestling
dreams when the reality is to be found for the seeking? Who the convention December third. ea h h
£ ^ ? S h J l S 0 f £btafi ' Ti t s r i the one t0
maintain its place
among us is there who has not in mind the "some day" to A concluding word to the wise: m^S^^^Tu h ° 5 ^ t s ; WHEN nations stack
distance lends
r e l e g a t e d to
such enchantment that its realization is Be well-informed! Read the "Sur- X £ S f r S L t ^ a
? d fiend
out delegates to murmur
J^T ^ e background ? Who has not a scrapbook vey-! 0 B ^ B S ^ ^ ^ latitudes a t peace conferences; WHEN
of dreams, a blueprint of to-be-erected castles, a cherished n ia until
list of good books to read, in that "some day"? Who has not a —Britta Marie Sullivan,::'38 S w t t t f K J ^ f R ° ^ P^ssure is broughttobear
group of wonderful glowing phrases which he is "some day" tek?™^^^^ the fittest; WHEN profits
going to weave into enchanting lines of poetry; or fascinating 5 2 m o r e I v ^ t T * ™ J * * t s ; WHEN fear of the next
plots and characters to be transformed into captivating narra- the la
v ; th ey^^7^HFK ^v »* dutches a t the heart of
P f* .°£ ? wherewithal for a tapestry in epistles with which Our Sympathy 8tU1 d e n d e n t 0D cha ity
to delight the hearts of far-off dear^ones? Indeed, those who although fn ' ttJSStffte ^
St tes alone
i ^ t
have not such records, either mental or written, are so few as increased fortv IJul
d Jir S1 Bince ls' Productive energy has
to be quickly numbered. |
The faculty and student d u a n m
^ S f ^ n r ^F K *° l WHEN the iidivi-
body of Mercyhurst extend as h e i J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *% neighbor's success M much
Some maysay that these dreams, these self-communings in yet create nonel WHEN S ? U a r e er to
* * 1>eace P e a
' ^ E
i a n c ^ » e often the sole consolation in a world where harsh their sympathy Miss the councils of' « m £ h 1Sd t rs ? a n "J^^monfoiMly ignored to
realities;aje all too brutally sketched; that they would only be d
Dorothy Davie on the oeea- fare-designers;• w m ^ T f, T
world-planners and wel-
damagedI if translated into reality. But they who ascribe to «ion of the death on Decern- eve of fiiS J W ' , ^ " ^ MOMENT, on the
such a theory are cowards: they lack the stamina, the deter- ber seems good to^1,!' the wor,d
»eems so full of ill-will, it
nraabaiito grant their dream-children the light of day. g of her father, Mr. Peace, formore men of c L dw p r e r to
, wo ^ ^ r i s t , the Prince of
n> waste time profitably is an art whichfewacquire. Most William Davie, "Peace on earth E 'S^ f that
» • Angel's greeting
(Continued on Pace 31 f g o o d wil, f
spread s i g n S n S ° ' ^ « have a more wide-
December, 1936
Why Not Do It
i (Continued from? Page 2) I ISnK" 1
lit a tall taper, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
of the idle hours we spend in aimless speculation are lost Th* 16 Upon my^window s i l l . | | J j j J B J I After three unsuccessful at-
emphasis is centripetal, rather than centrifugal- H L J • V It was the eve of Christmas, f 9 tempts, one on the * stairway, one
ft living ^ t o /die conceit^ too little e n ^ y spe'nt in d°o° And all the earth lay still. J fl at the door of the English! room,
ing, even in mental doing In short, the "some dV'Mtseli"i?*" one in a busy section of the front
m yth, a shadow luring the stream 0 f consciousness ever or, The snow without was gleaming hall, to contact my English teach-
ward toward ajjnon-existant destination. "°»«ss ever on- whitl>i er concerning the English Conven-
Great men have all been dreamers ? Of conrQo furt h ua e l
niHRi tion which she attended, | I was
In i he circle of my candle light, fl ready to give up. But my brave
i e apparent fallacy of this statement Ues iK n 't s 3 , J
that„. dreams nun* are
AZ0™« alone *™ the*>i* 0stuff
+,^4» ~*
st of " l insinuation Feet indifferent passed that way, DuBois spirit urged me to try
cated mechanism of j man the tend success. In the compli- Walking softly in the snow, again and, "wonder of| wonders,"
8 ay
firmly ensconced: it needs little enbJura^ment piou Walking through the night's | 8 H the fourth attempt was the charm.
great men do not simply dream, for there fcHEJBSd taSSj r" shadow nffjfBi £ iHMM I My questionnaire ran £ as fol-
men the urge and the ability to use their dreams J f i f S Into my candle glow. B 8 B H W § 1 H lows :
the mill of achievement! It ia4 this seed of potentialitv Ques. "Did you like it, Sister?"
granted to each individual by his Creator, which w e mutt No one knew, nor seemed to care 9 I Ans. 'Loved it! Nothing but su-
bring to culmination in the flower of material realizn*!™ Why I had placed it there. 1 perlatives would do •? to I describe
Cease to dream? Never. Only let us g l e a r ! 3 i f f S ^ t i i « it" W W
B^BBHSIB—Marina Gould, '88 I Ques. "What was it, Sister?"
of our "mind's eternal heaven" the wholesome grain OI of SUD
sub ^ f f l r l B -—• :-o-: 9 H u w I Ans. "What! J Rita, I thought
stantial accomplishment. * "' "
I HOLY NIGHT you knew! It was a meeting of the
Edith Regan, '38 N a t i o n a l Council % of English
•: - 0 - :
The stars, gold speckles in the fl Teachers." B B > J^^»a'/fB? '(.
Freedom I black, m | 9 B MfliaBHHflBI I Ques. "Where?" f^pfB f t
Were but the dimmest light I Ans. "In the most proper setting
Theoretically speaking, the purpose of the press is to give To that which warmed a lonely I in the world, Boston, the home of Catherine Egan, '35 has been
us the news of the world and to serve as a criterion for the m cave ^^^KflS^HRHBIIfl fl perfect English."5p5?3g employed since November 22
ideas of its readers. We cannot question the fact that the Near Bethlehem one night.^fl^H Ques. "What happened?" Dietitian at the West Penn Hospi
newspaper does more to direct the thought of the communitv i Ans. "Why, Rita«dear, I would tal, Pittsburgh, Pa.
than any other single force. We i may safely say that it is The love which flowed from angel need a special edition of the Mer-
lips tPwPfflnl cian to tell you all. I'll give'you
read by everyone who can read and even though many go no
farther than the society page or the comic section, all are vi- In hymn, through hushed morn, the program. * Faculty Notes
tally affected by the ideas found therein . But echoed faint the blessed love Ques. "Which talk* did you like
Of Mary for her Born. ! i best, Sister?" J j Sister M. Mercedes, Sister M.
Now the question is: What type of information do we find I Ans . "That given by Padraic Bernadette and the Reverend
in our papers ? We are not so innocent as to suppose that the —Mary Lou Burd, '87 Colum, the Irish poet, of course. James Powers attended the Fif-
Utopian idea of "freedom of the press" exists and that we Rollo Brown and Charles Swain tieth Annual' Convention of the
receive the unvarnished truth in the news columns or the A CHRISTMAS THOUGHT Thomas rank perhaps next." Middle States Association, of Col-
honest expressions of the publishers and commentators in Ques. "Ohhh! Padraic Colum.... leges and Secondary Schools held
the editorials and articles. We know too well that the Ameri- Friendships How wonderful! Any favorite at Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, New
can press is shackled, not by the government, but by the Are the sceneslin and about Boston, Sis- Jersey, November 27 and 28.
moneyed interests of the country, through the medium of po- Silver links ter?" Sister M. Victorine, Head of the
litical, industrial and social control. To maintain the support In the Ans. "Why, Rita, don't you know Sociology Department, and Sister
of these interests, our papers are forced to censure the news Jeweled rosary history and literature? There M. Denise represented Mercyhurst
and to adjust their critical attitudes according to the require- Of His gifts! were Longfellow's home, Lowell's at the Sociology Convention held in
ments of American autocracy.! I Edith3 Regan, '38
home, the Bunker Hill monument, Pittsburgh, Pa., December 3 to 5.
Now, since the public press has rather fallen down on its :-o-: etal." I % Miss Ruth Whalen, professor in
Ques. "Where did you linger the department of Home Econo-
job, it seems that it, should be up to us, the students of the STAR OF FAITH longest, Sister?" mics, attended a meeting of the re-
nation, to establish in our press a standard of truth arid crfti- Ans. "You* ask ^lfte ? At the presentatives :iof the nine teacher-
cism. The rest of the world may inquire with an air of patron- The star I see pinned on the sky scene of the Boston Tea Party of training colleges of this State at
age: "What right have you, as yet inexperienced in the ways This blessed Christmas night course " Seton Hill College, Greensburg,
of the world, to set yourselves up asj the critics of the na- Is still the star that led Kings on u 4,. —.Rita Maleyi'38 Pa., November 20. Miss Whalen at-
tion?" In such an inquiry, vigorousland inevitable, is to be To findla hidden Light. I : -o-: tended the meeting as a member
found an implied reflection against the American College ROOST CLUB of the committee appointed by the
which has allowed the public to I regard its students as chil- This star, I know, still leads men's Home Economics Bureau of the
dren, lacking in thatjknowledge of 'the world which their less lives. On November 19 the Roost Club Department of Public Instruction
fortunate contemporaries have gained in the struggle for As then: yes, even now, held its first official meeting. It to study the curricula for the train-
their daily bread. That time, when the universities were the Still leads men to a worthy king is now a club whose future looks ing of teachers in Vocational Home
foundations of critical opinion, is far behind us, but perhaps 'Pore whom the Heavens bow. very promising, if one may hazard Economics courses. On November
not too far back for our college press to revive it. an opinion based on the enthusiasm 24, Miss Whalen was in Harris-
Ah, well I know this star still j shown by its members. burg, Pa. at a conference for the
The school paper, high school^and college, can,and should leads $ j
be, one of the greatest influences toward right thinking and During the course of the meet- revision of the curricula for Home
Men heav'nwards now as then: ing the following officers were Economics teacher-training and
truthful comment which this|world has yet produced. We, as This star of faith which lights a
students, unhampered by the restrictions which bind the sec- elected: Marjorie Alge, President; High School Home Economics
ular press have the opportunity, and the duty, to exert this . world v •-* Mary Lou Burd, Business Man- Courses.
Beyond man's $ earthly ken. ager; Dolores Kelley, Treasurer.
influence toward a real Freedom of the Press. >$ i •\ 1 Membership fees and monthly dues
Dr. M. J. Relihan was in Pitts-
—Frances Malaney, '38 burgh, Pa. on business, November
•Margaret O'SuIlivan, '38 were decided upon.
:-o-: 28. WL 4 f
WINTER-NIGHT On November 20, the Roost Club Rita Maley, '38
CX a A. News DANCING CLASSES held its first social entertainment
when it honored the cast of "I'll
The Mercy hurst;; College Student Theicity lies in heavy snow.
he attendance at the first Body is "on its' toes" these days, The trees, black, grim and bare, Leave It To You" at a party after
the play.
Freshmen Hold
meeting of the O . G . A., held at Guard patiently the whitened
the "Roost" on the \ evening of
preparing to give Mr. W. F. Wat-
erman, of the John B. Rogers V streets, New members are welcome. Class Elections
November 19, was very near the And see all movement there. Everyone is invited to join and
Production Company, | a pleasant Announce Committees For
100% mark. Miss Helen Gowans, share in the pleasures and advan-
as surprise on his return visit to Annual Christmas
chairman of the program com- The moon has climbed above the tages of the club which in the
Mercyhurst this Spring. ^Party
mittee, introduced the following roofs, course of the year will undoubtedly
Dancing classes have beenjor- prove to be one of the most active
speakers: Miss Patricia Pusey, ganized. Under the capable direc- Supreme, majestic, bright.
whose topic was "Why I like My and "prominent clubs of Mercy- On Friday, the 6th of November,
tion of Miss Mallery, we are learn How lovely it must be to view the class of '40 elected its class
Job"; Miss Eugenia Andrecovich A City through the night; hurst.
ing the latest steps in tap danc- | —Dolores Kelley, '89 officers. The following girls were
who spoke on "Helping My Em- ing and musical comedy ballet.
Ployer"; Mfss Lillian McCarty :-o-: chosen: President, Miss Eleanor
Everyone is doing remarkably To see the gentle curl of smoke Reis; Vice President, Hiss Helen
whose topic was "The Christmas
well, insuring another successful From chimneys, slowly rise; A FANTASY
Savings Fund—from the Bank's Hues from the brush of the Patterson; Secretary, Miss Elisa-
musical comedy this coming To watch the fall of snow upon beth Milloy; Treasurer, Miss Rose-
point of view." i m. The City's heavy eyes! long-fled dawn, stain
Spring. Cloud castles guarded by whisper- mary McGee.
Heretofore, the Sorority has | Betty Harrington, 38 •Mary Lou Burd, i '37 ing sound of
The girls immediately set to
been privileged to hear guest . -o-:
Wind-soldiers courting fair maids, work preparing for'jthe Christmas
speakers. For the sake of variety, MON SEIGNEUR ADVENT dew-gowned party given annually by the Fresh-
this occasion was graced by our In silvery threads from a sea man class. Committees have been
own local talent which won the ap- Today I touched your hand,
In the heart j<- sprite's lawn* appointed and the various groups,
proval of the audience. We are A-tremble so|I scarce could stand,
So timid, half afraid, Of a golden Chrysanthemum, under Betty Zahniser as general
looking forward to similar pro- With the splendor of a king, Dream city—amethyst, dusk- chairman, have been active trying
in the j near future, Yet still I have essayed enshrouded
To take your outstretched hand, Fragrant as a new-born thing, to surpass achievements of former
*kns|were discussed for re- I find the love Caught in that hour of twilight Freshman classes in making this
To answer your command.
ceiving eligible freshmen into the For which I long, mist event the most sensational college
A part of you has stayed,
^rority. yj ] . Secret as a mystery, Like knights-errant proud, in the
A thing I would not trade affair of the year.: December 16
For all the lillies of the l a n d - Light as whispered song — weary^ist,
Games and refreshments pro- Springing from November sod, Reflected from skies o'ercast was set as the date of the Christ-
*"*«* a happy informal ending to Today, I kissed your hand.
The miracle of God! and clouded. mas party.
« • evening's activities. | Bishop's Day L i —Marma Gould, '38 —Edith Regan, '38 —Rttth Weber J'40
—Helen K. Gowans, '*6 —Marma Gould,; do
December, 1&36

JIIC1M MWWtt!l«Mlllt!K

The same old | greeting but May 1 this I Christmas Season

To; greet you at May Good Fortune and Happiness
This cheery«season Hwith renewed sincerity,m| £ bring SrojataBH^BPB^fttRW
"Merry Christmas and Abun- All happiness to you B B 9 Be Yours at Christmastime and
with all Follow You Throughout the.Year.
Good wishes HHI dant Happiness." B S n And all your castles in the
For your happiness, » air ffijffnrJHiffi Compliments of
And all fyour I dreams come
Erie Laundry Co
8 hni fr'Tli^lRlffllaWifltfftTOBB
George A. Friedrichs
Compliments of
American I 530 East 19th StreetH
Sterilizer Co. Phone 25-285 A Friend

To Yon and Yours—

Believe the hearty sincerity of
this little greeting and expres-
Straight from the heart- A^ Christmas Message sion of Good Will.
Greetings and Best Wishes
Comes our Christmas of Good Will
for Happiness
at Christmas
greeting to you and all and Best|Wishes Trask, Prescott & Richardson Co.
our friends. for Your Prosperity ERIE'S DEPARTMENT STORE
Venetian Martha McPhcrson
dr*peach»s«^ .«-» * r -
'JV *! i — — —

1815 Peach Street Showing of evening JOHN LAVBR

wraps, dresses.
Caters to private parties See our line of underwear, FLORIST
and dinners robes, gowns, & slips 704 State Street


May this Christmas be one of hopes

realized —- happiness attained — and
fUlETIDE CHFFR+ success in fullest measure

Joy as ever Holiday Greetings

May pleasant memories
Of the jolly old season
In the same old way to the Girls of Compliments of a Friend
With hearty wishes for Mercyhurst College
Linger long after A Happy Christmas.
The holidays tare over. From the Store where Styles
are Newest and Prices
:-o-: •-0-: Lowest
K \r
Stadium Dinor Anson Hosiery
George's Lunch Shop st IDishes
Barbecue Specialists
26th and State Sts.
26th and State Sts.
918 State Street
1 fo*l°36 1
Make the men happy!
This Year, giveithem

Christina* Spirit HOLIDAY COIFFURE
Lowney's Chocolates A kindly wish and a
BrliiaaiHIftitt Also Nationally
Known Cigars
kindly thought
for all our friends. READ BEAUTY STUDIO
May the wishes of your friends for fBrugger's dippings
you at Christmas come true.
Erie Restaurant 21 West 9th Street
December, 19S6

Page Five

"ttlertu Ghrottas


Even as the Spirit of GoodfWill With all good wishes

is increased at| Christmas Time For a Christmas Day Accept the season's salutation offered
so may our association grow in Filled with joy with highest -respect and!good cheer.
in mutual accord and confidence And ^happiness, f ;fe^'


Friends §. Of Pul aRos
Compliments of
Mercyhurst 926 State Street

Cleveland Insurance Agency *

fHenry O. Alge, Vice President 1 A PLACE TO MEETtAND EAT


It is pleasantjto remember
old friends, and to wish g
them a Merry Christmas


Hubbard Fabric "

Really nothing can express what we Shop Merry Christmas to Everybody—

want,to sayjj as \ well as a good, old 10th and Peach Sts. And so we won't miss anyone we'll
fashioned say it again—
• "Merry Christmas." "Greetings and a Merry Christmas. It


i Dealers in %
All Grades of Hard and Soft Coal, Disco,
Firch's Charcoal, Cement and Sewer Pipe
MA-MADE BREAD 1202 Sassafras S t
Erie, Pa. |
io« BIG LOAF 1©« 23-289

We can only say— $

May Peace, Prosperity and
Happiness be yours.

Burckart* s
Drug Store

>*•< •+

Wishing you May we add our simple greeting to

In the heartiest w a y 'f; the many you will receive at this
We Wish! for You season.
A very happy holiday
Life** Be«t Things
and a For you and.your family
Merry ChrirtmM.
Funeral Home
Clark Restaurant
West 9th *t Liberty Street
Try * Our Home-Baked Plea
United Fruit &|Produce Open twenty-four hours
Edward C. Hanley, John L. Hanley, Robert E. Hanley
a day
December, ia 3 6
• ! »

New Members Are L R. C. Club Sends ISCONSECRATED ALG'S ANGLE


Admitted To Home Delegates To (Continued from Page 1)

'Twas the nite 'fore vacation,
h \A FLASHES If Econom ics S o c ie ty i§B Delaware George L. Leech, Bishop of Har-
when all through the halls
iat risburg, who stressed the perman-
ence of the Church among the im- All the gals were hilarious
For the key to this season's in- Officers!Are Also Elected 1 Rosemary Haule And Betty about Xmas and balls;
triguingly contrasted fashions, I Harrington Speak At Meet- permanent institutions of the
world, the need for opposing t h e Edie was luxing her stock-
leaf through the pages of history. The first monthly •> meeting of I ing Of UM. C. Clubs ings with care,
Mix the deep square neckline of the S. O.jj S. Club was held Thurs- dangerous doctrines of Commun-
the "let-them-eat-cake" p e i i o d day evening, November 12. At this K> The bi-monthly meeting of the ism, and the urgency of carrying And hoping that Santa would
with the "Gone with the wind" in- meeting, twelve 1 freshman were • InternationalI Relations Club was Catholic doctrine to all peoples. bring a new pair.
fluence and then add? a dash of admitted as members. S^JK&S^HEV i h e l d Tuesday evening, November The consecration ceremony was And Kel in her "curlers", and
Good Queen Bess, stiffened hems, 124. The discussion, led^by Miss followed by a banquet a t the Law- P Burd in her "pins",
and demure waists and you? will The following officers were [in- uHaule, centered around the Span- rence Hotel. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Were scaring the inmates with
have a blubblingu concoction of stalled? for the •year: Catherine i s h Civil War. I As an added inter- David Hickey of Bradford, Pa. ac- horrible grins. f
what fashion should be a t this mo- Lechner, president; Adelaide Salis- Best the discussion was IS thrown to ted as toastmaster. The Most The lights had been flashed—
ment, t-i ' • bury, vice president {{Pauline Sha- I t h e forum and eachtmember in at- Rev. John Mark Gannon gave the butlthis brought no woe,
nor, secretary; Frances Hauser, 1 tendance acted as spokesman for address of welcome. The Rt. Rev. For come twelve on the dot—
Notes for future reference—dur- treasurer. * ^g< . ^ ^ w i | " ¥ : i ! '
ing the Christmas whirl. Femini- &the various! world powers con- Msgr. Peter Cauley of Erie de- a-caroling we go. (tra-la!)
nity and elegance without fussi- The Club committees manifested ^cerned intthis political turnover. livered the address of presenta- And with a bright candle, and
ness is the key note: wear gold considerable enthusiasm | and 1 co- tion. The response w a s made by voices so sweet ? ? ? ?
operation during! the successful i l Miss Haule and Missj Harring- the Most Rev. Richard T. Guilfoyle We awaken the Freshmen from
that glitters; satin that slinks;
Christmas Bizarre held December S ton were ^delegated! as our repre- who expressed jhis loyalty to the innocent ( ? ? ? ) sleep. '
feathers that tickle; taffeta that
14 and^15. Members are looking sentatives a t the International Re- Holy Father and his gratitude t o When up in the kitchen there
rustles and crinkles; and tulle'
forward to an unusually active flations Club Convention which was all who had|befriendedlhim.
that "misty-fies." 1 arose such a clatter,
year. held December 4 and 5 a t the Uni-
Astound him with dramatic versity of Delaware, Newark, Del- Bishop Guilfoyle was born 43 That Del and Belotti?yelled:
Adelaide Salisbury, '38 years ago f- in Adrian, 3j Jefferson "Hey, what'sithe matter?"
touches, e. g.: a| sequin head dress —:-o-:
aware. The Club also appointed
or a puffy tulle rose worn over Miss Haule2as its speaker;at this County, Pa. He attended St. Ad- "Prefect" Ciaiola stopped
each ear. Pass by with a sleek "ft assembly. She spoke on "The rian's Parochial school where he having a f i t -
swish and a sweep and wait for Survival of Democratic Govern- was taught by the Sisters of Up tore Fran Hauser to see
Varieties ments in Europe." In£ her talk, Mercy. A t St. Bonaventure's Col- who was hit;
By Vee Dee she discussed the prevailing trends lege, he completed ' his college Mur dropped her knitting,
For those less formal moments I . in
. .European
— * governments, and of- course in 1914 and his theological and quick like a flash
after sundown, that promise to studies in 1917. On June 2, 1917 Raced down the hall
lengthen finto the "must dress' These days, although ? loaded 1 fered \ solutions for the preserva-
tion and re-establishment of demo- he was ordained to the priesthood in a hundred-yard dash.
hours, wear a lame tunic that down with work and activity con- by His Eminence, Dennis Cardinal
flares beautifully with well "bread stitute one of the happiest periods cratic! government on a strong She stumbled on | dust-mops
moral and just basis, and for jj a Dougherty, who was a t that time and tables and brooms,
lines" over a velvet skirt or try a of the year—the interim between Bishop of Buffalo.! After serving
blithe model off black crepe with two long blissful holidays. As soon modification of the capitalistic (Last minute stuff—for an
system by | the jj capitalists them- four years a s assistant in Oil City "O.K." of rooms).
bright touches of grosgrain rib- as we finish talking about the and Titusville, he was made secre-
bon at the neck and also on|the first one, Thanksgiving, we can be- selves. When what to our wandering
tary to Bishop Gannon in 1921 and daze should appear
short sleeve. gin to plan for the last one, Christ- On the evening of December 10, Chancellor of the Erie diocese in But Frances Malaney
While whirling and twirling, mas. All the world loves the the club held its first social meet- 1928.
Christmas season with* its spirit | I flooded with tears..
keep thou in mind | your room- ing of the year. Each member The ceremonial! of Bishop Guil- We said: "You've got nerve,
mate's gift. Startle her with some- of cheer and happiness, the Sopho- was dressed to represent different foyle's installation in t h e see of to rouse the whole house!"
thing new and different in the mores no less than the rest of the
countries and came prepared to Altoona took place on December Quoth she: "But I had to__
line of costume jewelry or a pair world.
direct a game popular in that 15 in the Cathedral of the Blessed I JUST SAW A MOUSE!!"
of those woolly angora \mittens, There was plenty of excitement Sacrament, Altoona, P a .
the rage for evening wear, or send in the post-Thanksgiving period country. Miss Haule and Miss Aroused by the riot
:-o-: 'peared the Residence Dean,
her a monk's hood of «• brush wool far Marg O'Donnell. She was wor- Harrington related their experi-
for cherishing jher coiffure—while riedly absorbed in trying to r e - ences while on their trip to New- •»• With a bit of a scowl on her m
face, it would seem:
crunching out to the Roost or a claim the intricacies of that juve- a r k and Miss Haule read us her
dram of her favorite perfume—or nile game—tag. Poor Marg trotted paper. The p a r t y was a pleasant ALUMNAE - - "Now Mardie! now Edith!
now Taylor! and Winnie! J!
a subscription to her favorite-mag- back and forth and didn't even change from the seriousness of
azine—or a knitting bag to hold get her "second wind."
- - - NEWS And Elba! and Mar ma!
those dropped stitches—or even a the regular meetings and every- come Britta! and Ginny!
Should she be gay or glum? Once again, we greet you, Alum-
cluster of posies to wear above her Lorraine Cumming's problem. She body had a good time. What's the meaning of this!
nae, this time bringing you all our You'll get campuses all!
innocent wide-eyed expression, if lost her boy-friend to Annapolis i — F r a n Riblet, '37 best wishes for the Christmas sea-
she has one, or send her a pair of and h a s found no one to *! replace Now dash away!—No, walk away!
, :«-o-»: - son. May every grace and blessing —walk down the\hall!"
gossamer stockings. And speaking him?yet—yet. Still there looms?in «¥» be yoursl I
of stockings, I must run now and the background that wonderful I'LL LEAVE IT TO YOU" As dry Heaves that»before
hang mine jup for Santa to fill. SUCCESSFULLY STAGED Your visit here was a real pleas- ^ the wild hurricane fly,
week-end a t Annapolis in the ure for all of us. Our! only com-
Toots" Harrington, '38 spring! What should we advise
i BY JANUS CLUB When they meet with an obstacle,
plaint is lodged -if against your mount to the sky,
: -o-: her ? f I ' T i l Leave I t To You" was the shrinking modesty about your-
H Mary Rita Oliver and Jean Mul- daring and confident challenge selves ^' which left this column So back to their cells,
Book Lovers' Club f len had one glorious time a t Grove which {concluded the J a n u s ; Club's rather up a tree in regard to those the culprits they flew,
City College the weekend of the presentation of Noel Coward's incidents which make you news. All smothering their laugh—
Discusses Books Of eleventh. The Interfraternity ball their consciences, too. ;J
I three act play on Friday evening, However, through the .efforts
Popular ^Interest measured u p to their expectations
| November 20. of numerous Sherlock fHolmes, we
And then, in a twinkling,
in every respect . Reis hopped in a closet,
managed to collect a few data on
Reviews Provoke Lively Critical Marian McLaughlin had the sur- In response, we gave the play a your doings.f Her self 'neath a bed J
Comment on jjPart of prise of her 'ilife when her Bob round of applause and hailed it as did;Terry deposit;
Clnb Members putted home from Rensselaer a t one of the best productions which Our vital statistics, which in As she drewjin her head,
Thanksgiving after he had defi- the club h a s yet staged. I this department consist of wed- (Continued on Pagei;7) 1
H Discussion of "The American nitely decided against it. College dings and jobs, (and who can say
life seemed Ho change Bob to Our commendation went espe- that the latter are not vital ?) are
Idol," byiCornelia Stratton Park-
er, fheld the interest of the Book quite an extent—he has five chins cially to those who took part. To rather at a standstill. We have Mercyhurstl Athletes
now, Marian tells us ! 1 P a t s y M o r i n for her ^natural heard, though, that 2* Mary J 0
Lovers at their November £ meet-
ing. Miss Lillian McCarty re- We've discovered a n i artist fin portrayal of "Joyce", the littlest Cleary has temporarily joined the Are Turning To
viewedfthe book, a biography of our midst. One^of the new sopho- in the family; to Eleanor O'Sulli- ranks
van who played the p a r t of "Syl- business field Hn Bradford, Pa.
of the Employed in the Basketball
the author's husband. Added inter- mores, Christine Kuebler, spends
via", the loyal stand-by; M Elea- Mrs. Richmond and Mrs. Rngg
est in the book was aroused by the quite a lot of her time.'in the stu- Marvelous enthusiam excel-
nor Reis, that handsome impor- (Eleanor De Veaux and Bobby
statement that the author had dio. Her speciality?is still life?in lent players . . good sportsman-
I H| \ tant male I named "Bobby"; t o
written this bookifor her children oil! McVoy, to you) have selected the ship all lead one to conclude that
Three sophomores were greatly Mary Margaret Murphy in t h e same apartment house Jfor their
so that in the event of her early Mercyhurst's basketball season is
part of "Evangeline"; to Eugenia homesiin Niagara Palls. In Clari-
death, they might know something thrilled about \ their first visit to going to be one of the best ever
Pittsburgh e a r l y ^ i n November. Andrecovich who was "Mrs. Der- on we find Mr. and Mrs. Hufnage!
or^Ihe%owerfurpersonality that seen.
MaryfLou McGrann invited Ruth mott", the mother of the family; (Elizabeth McDonald) settled in
was their father. | to Ruth Hayes who "butled" s u e - ' The first practice was held
Hays, Marian McLaughlin and their new home,
"Gone With The Wind/' by cessfully under the name of November 18. About seventy-five
Margaret Mitchell, was briefly re* yours truly to spend a week-end "Griggs"; to Margaret jjO'Donnell Mary Jo Cleary visitedkn Cleve- girls responded to the call. Inter-
viewed. "Her Soul To Keep," by a t her home in McKeesport. I'm land at the home of Catherine D u l
for the addition of "Oliver"- to class games will begin-immediate-
Eliot was selected for considera- afraid that McKeesport w a s J be- (Betty Taylor who played "Mrs wu / f6W da
y« be
*>re they ly after the Christmas vacation. U
tion at the meeting held on Decem- littled by wordly comparisonsfwith Crombie"; to Mary Agnes Zim- both made the trip to M e r c y h S s t ! ThefVarsity has scheduled many
ber 7. f Pittsburgh.
merman, her daughter "Faith"- *»r the annual homecoming. outside games. Edinboro will be
Quite a few sophomores were in Mary Ellen Wilbert w a s injured
At the business meeting the attendance a t \ the Thanksgiving and to Marie O'Malley, the deen the first opponent There?is also
by-laws of the organization were dance a t the Mere. Among those voiced "Uncle Daniel" about whom a possibility that the Varsity team
read| by Miss Betty Meyer, ap- ^present were: Marian Gage, Jean the plot centered. Thanksgiving. We a r e g l a d t t o a n
will take part in the tournament
proved, and adopted as read. It Jackson, Helen Younie, Kay K n a u 4 | sponsored by the Catholic Youth
was tentatively decided to change er, Aimee Johnson, Eloise C u m - 1 Miss Beatrice Mulcahy again «,^ . Clevelftnd
°M> was organl
deserves to be congratulated for held Activity early in the year.
the name of the group. Sug- mings, and Patsy Morin.
gestions will be welcomed at the her successful handling of the Tea n * ^ ^ * SR We need the support of every-
What's this we hear about Sara jy cast and capable finterpretation of Tea Room on November 28, M £ g e one. Come on, girls! Lend a hano
next gathering. t Louise Schmitz and,a certain L a r - j | the play. and show your school spirit ***
—Edith Regan, '38 (Continued on Page57) us see you in action! Let us h«ar
•"-Margaret*Gould Thompson! '38
(Continued on P a g e 7) your voice. *•' i.
Dolores K*Uey«|'*
December, 1936
MERC1 YD Page Seven
America's Filling THE ART ROOM
039 Mercyhurst's art department
Mother Benedicta —.Post Of-
fice — Chaplain's Suite
inl^lr^^^ Was u n h e a r d
8 furnishes one of the school's most
fascinating rooms. The art room,
2!L! A of. If you Nov. 15. Someone wants to re- nestling snuggly beneath the
Mother Xavier — Mark count™ rlP r a ride into
| and John — Guess countiy, Yyou 'supplied
° "he
your car's christen Toots' column— "Har- eaves, is situated in the southwest
What? needs at a garage in the city be- rington's I Hokum".. Who answer corner of the building. A large
and hen to the names of Deirdre, Irene,
^ pot-pourri of scraps—a whiff
Zl TT' !
Dame Luck for the
* » * ! to
remainder of "Meanie"?__ Try this one in your
slanting rear skylight vies with |
four majestic ceiling-high front.
0f gossip—a hint (?) at idle chat- your drive. Today, America's fuel- next embarrassing moment*- Sis- windows in flooding the room with |
ter—and little incidentals on pa- ing stations dot the wayside at in- ter Mary Alice— to a Jittery Jun- sunlight. The floor is covered with j
rade—Quipps and quirks—Every- tervals of every few miles. It is ior— "Shouldn't you be in bed brilliant J wine-colored tiles. Form-
thing, anything and nothing—All now a matter of little importance now?jL It's twelve o'clock!-. J.J. ing a partial panorama around
for you. I to the great American public what —"My, how time flies " the room is a walljboardjonto
If you've read this far, there's time of the day, what season of Nov. 18. Rumor has,- prizes for which the various finished pro-
Ihope. Not for your intelligence, the year, or in what sort of con- the prof, who "homeworks" us the jects of the students are pinned.
but mebbe for your curiosity. Now, traption they start! their itinerary leasts J"booby"__ for the Hung at intervals are several oil
for a few facts. or joy ride. These excursions are mostest has already been claimed portraits executed in the colorful
Did you know that Mother Ben- ventured upon with few qualms -This logic is getting Pat Pusey modern trend: these lend further
edicta can impart more news in or apprehensions,; with little or down., or so say the blackboards. vitality to the room. There are
three minutes than can be col- no preparation. The automobile Nov. 20. Memories^, came in shelves and cupboards a-plenty in
owner knows that {if helneglects with Florence ( n o t ^ a bit well) the adjoining presses. In the
lected from I the entire Staff in
the needs of his car before start- Gillespie.^ "I'll Leave It To You" middle of the west wall stands a
three weeks? 'Tis true. And of
mg,|he can suply them along the —Whether Janus Club's presenta- sturdy granite fireplace over
what variety! Stop in | a t her which is hung I a "Madonna and
way. tion was a success.. Marie O'Mal-
place of lousiness some evening, Child." All of these details, work- Jane Uprichard, '86, is Chairman
These places along the highways ley had as her guest th'other week-
'n shop for althing or three. end__ Jane Reilly.. Does this ing together, result in a room, rich of the Cleveland Club Bridge which
It seems that the faculty have are patronized |by both! rich and
bring back any memories__ to in warmth and atmosphere. will be held at her home early in
felt the need for organized distri- poor, young and old, urban! and
those of you who frequented num- February.
bution of mail for sometime. A suburban folk: by all who typify
ber 29 when we were FreBhies?.. In one corner, a dining room fit
few days ago, this idea material- the great American public. They for nobility is in the making. In
ized}— with a bang! Just ask Mr. are a sort of rendezvous where
We're grown-up Mercyhursters
now— rings ordered, 'n every- another, a school dress is taking
Donatelli! His office adjoins the
new;; Campus Post Boxes. Sister
friends and strangers meet acci-
dentally and exchange viewpoints
thing. _ 'fore we know it, WE'LL form on paper. Or perhaps a class OF WORDS
be practice teaching is in session, working out symme-
Jane Frances is an ideal Postmis- as the oil is being changed or the trical designs or wall paper pat-
Nov. 23. Our Pauline__ is a big The times are many when we
tress. One Freshman remarked windshield wiper is being repaired. terns. Or a fine art student with have occasionlto use a word that
At these democratic meeting places girl now— thanks to another
that her letters were a poor re- eyes narrowed and face besmeared evades us. We can think of any
you are quite likely to hear causal, birthday— (pardon me while I
ward for mastering those combi- furiously paints some onions into number of synonyms that could be
friendly chatter concerning cur- dodge a few missiles).. With all
nation locks. her still life . |feg | used in its place, but none with
rent events. The latest play, the these pre-vac. assignments one
Father Powers lived in the Li- prof, threatens to change his exactly the correct shade of mean-
brary for a few days while the super-realism of the French paint- The Art Room attracts to it not ing,—none that fits like the lost
ers, the faults and virtues of Pre- name to Hammermill if he sees only those interested in creating piece in a jig-saw puzzle. Quite
Chaplain's suite was redecorated. any more papers Warning if
sident Roosevelt, the Townsend beauty but those content with often, the "missing link," as one
Those painters did a pretty job on that diary is left open on that
Plan, et cetera, are here discussed merely enjoying it. They wander might call it, is a part of a quo-
all our radiators, too. And Sister bed someone's going to *write
with offhand enthusiasm. You up individually and in pairs to take tation. How can one use synonyms
Suzanne's sanctum (you guessed may hear heated discussion also. the "Private|Life oi\_" W h a t ? . .
it—the Sacristy) has taken on pleasure in the room's abundant in a quotation? It just isn't being
These are indulged in most often Oh„it's__
new color. and ever changing displays. Many, done!
by automobile lovers. Sometimes Nov. 25. and! so farewell— for
That smooth 1937 Dodge which unable to resist the room's attrac- I am inclined to believe that
these discussions are heated argu- awhile this was the password to tion and enticing promises, give in words sometimes play a game of
a few students are so anxious to ments. Sometimes they are polite departure— "Wait'U I leave my
j to its whims and enroll in an art |hlde and seek with" US,"'Tunning
drive is the new school-car. Don't and profuse acknowledgements of drama on Sister Philippa's desk"
course or two themselves. In this hither and thither in our minds,
fret, tho, Curly still drives the the superiority of the other's ma- Poor Kay ? had visions—jof
triumph, I think the room is hap- pleased to outwit our efforts to
"Chewy." | | I f chine—acknowledgements which, spending Thanksgiving on the
py. It offers beauty|and, like the manage them. Perhaps the most
The Community Room adopted once the driver has igotten under quiet but managed to jmake sirens of Ulysses' day, lures its annoying circumstance
an unusually festive atmosphere 01ean._f (and a few other things) of the
way, are hastily and rancorously followers to their destruction. For whole affair is that the words
on December 3—Mother Xavier's repudiated by some such explosive in spite of being ill-ish "Bye- what can be so elevating or de- never stop teasing, even when our
Feast Day. That little colored doll statement as: "Can't that old fool now have fun " pressing, so desirable and yet eva- poor minds are going about in be-
tickled us. Imagine how lost it see that the engine of my car is Nov. 29. Back again with not sive, so maddeningly heart-con- wildered circles. They taunt us un-
would|be wrapped up in one of superior to his? Why, the very bells but frat pins we've seen suming and yet so indifferent to it til we seek relief. We turn our
Mother Pierre's afghans! By the fact that my car is in better condi- (Continued on Page 8) all as the unfathomable children of minds to other things and? try to
way who did win that afghan? tion today than his is proof of the —:-o-:— that Mistress of Beauty, Art. concentrate. Ah, just try to con-
We're?just not lucky, that's all. fact!" Nor does the fact that, five
—Fran Riblet, '37 centrate! That one little, insigni-
Mark and John went deer and miles later, they may both be ALUMNAE NEWS f i c a n t , oftimes inconsequential,
bear hunting last week, I but not a sweating beneath | their cars, and (Continued from Page 6) :-o-: word keeps returning to our
deer could they slay! Better get a (Continued on Page 8)
thoughts. There is no rest until
new line, youfhusky hunters, and :-o-: Alge and Helen Durkin attending. PERSONALITIES that word is caught.
polish up your guns! There, I told The Club is planning several so- Many times, after an unsuccess-
you all would be revealed in "cold ALG'S ANGLE cial events for the coming season. Britta Marie Sullivan ful chase, we resort to stratagem
hard sprint." Jane and Marge are in charge of
(Continued from Page 6) Bretta Marie's personality has and subterfuge. Now we'll get that
How do you like the white fire- the first, which is to be a bridge
two aspects—that of the comedien- word! We hide somewhere along
place in ourjred andibluejRoost? she contacted| the spring— party some time after the first of
ne and that of the leader. In both our train of thought, and wait in
Quite patriotic, don'tcha think? And oh—hi—de-ho— | | the year.
roles, she is first in the hearts of ambush for it to come trustingly
Just a timely preparation for Lin- how the birdies did sing!! £ Recently there came to the by. But that word is wary! It has
coln's Birthday. '%M mm& Quiet reigned hard, Mercyhurst "Library two copies of her schoolmates. There j is nothing
so sad or so austere that she can a "sixth sense" that warns it of
See if g you can rate 100% on but not very long, "Not By Bread Alone" by Valen- our stratagem. Meanwhile, we wait
these. Who, What %or Where is— For the two Morins started tine Long with the following note not, if she wants to, make laugh-
able. Her mock impersonations of and wait in growing despair and
(Continued on Page 8) howling a song; fj& from the publishers:?."These books consternation. Sometimes it grows
It sounded just slightly like, have been ordered and paid for by prominent people—especially her
VARIETIES "Pennies from Heaven"— one of the alumnae of Mercyhurst, Carols Lombard—are "side-split- bold enough
out of
(Their train-fare had come- who signedjherself|"An |Alumna." ting likenesses." Her spontaneous
h (Continued from Page 6) wit, coupled with occasional ludi- reach. It enjoys itself immensely
U at a quarter to 'leven). A timely and much appreciated when we become angry. I often
ry? Sara Louise likes to talk Miss McCarthy was stewing ^ crous gestures, can create an up-
gift! Wei would like to thank you (Continued on Page 8)
about him and although we haven't roar. Her rendition of the awk-
O'er some long-due accounting personally. The spirit of Mercy-
seen him, he sounds interesting— ward country maid in "Step This :-o-:
Her nails were all bitten, hurst will never die so long as her
Nellie Eisert has all the sym- Way" was one of the sensations of
toms again! ! She\ plods wearily and her fever was mounting;
Kay Gill's brow, what a line!!
alumnae have her interests at
heart. the play. There is never a dull mo- Sodality Names
and dully around school, collapses
at the least suggestion of ice out- Not afhair out of place, Now, how about a little news ment when Bretta Marie is around. Delegates For
of-doors and is totally incapable They ought to be good-
she spent time on her face.
from some of you other alumnae.
We haven't heard from Buffalo
As a leader, she has the courage
of her convictions and stands ton
City Meetings
°f carrying on a sensible conversa-
tion. We earnestly hope that she The King versus £ Simpson | for a long time.|And what's hap- her own feet. She lis high-minded, At the Sodality's second meet-
°esn't actlthus in Jimmy's pres- is O'Mal ley's pet theme, g pened to the class of '35 ? Do write diligent, and a hard worker. ing of this year, held December 2,
ence or all her day-dreaming will She stands in all corners | | in and tell us what you're all do- Moreover, she is conscientious, Margaret O'Sullivan acted as Pre-
in vain. f M and creates quite a scene; ing, because not' only the other thoughtful, quick to cooperate, feet in the absence of Mary Ciaio-
Her cohort in action alumnae, but also your Alma Ma- anxious to {please, and sincerely
"Quig" is planning a trip back la. The various committees for
is dear little "Toots" | ter is most interested in each one kind-hearted. When a child, she
to Mercyhurst sometime in Janu- Tuesday, ^December 8, were an-
She provides all the gestures- of you. strove to be a fine swimmer; now,
a ry W e
. - hope it materializes this nounced. Miss O'Sullivan an-
I think they're both "Noots." —Margaret|O'Sullivan, '38 after years of careful work, she nounced that; Mary Ciaiola had
time. Thrill—she's making the They were gathering speed » has tin great measure succeeded
trip to Cleveland by airplane. :-o- :- been chosen by the faculty to pre-
and drawing a gang, m and, as a sophomore, has won sent topics and to 'represent
With that, well draw our varieties (Continued on Page 8) Education is the apprenticeship Mercyhurst's swimming meet. She
to a close. The Sophs all unite to Mercyhurst at the various Sodali-
of life. & J f —Wilmott is also a splendid ice-skater and
wish you the happiest of holidays At Christmas play, and make good ties in Erie.
w ;-o-* has won several honors in this ac-
*th all the joys that Christmas cheer, ±After!the playing of a series of
"One Mass before death is worth tivity at Detroit—her home town. interesting games the meeting was
*nd the New Year can bestow on For Christmas comes but once a
year. -Tusser ten after death." —Anonymous She likes singing—has a voice of adjourned —Helen K., Go wans, '88
you. ; —Virginia Dooley, '39
December, 1936
Father Lord Speaks At College ALG'S ANGLE In One Ear • •
(Continued!from Page 7)
good quality—and dancing. De-
(Continued from Page 7) spite her fearless attitude in many
(Continued from Page One) When Frostle burst into things, she is really timid and she
"Flaming Youth" was everywhere. they don't have. the room with a bang; admits it. She never is at a loss
I had a feeling that I was going You are a lucky crowd! Keep "Skip it", she cried, ing Mickey B
• a y : a
this one
i r A

for pleasant words, and makes a

out into a crowd which was fright- your enthusiasm, and your enthu- Seniors can take i% special point of being courteous to
"Have a bun and keep quiet!" edition. ± . „+ +o-
fully, terrifyingly materialistic. siasm will keep you; keep your And one Senior sniffed: * «Oh but I am giving a test to everyone. She speaks in crisp, well
Youth seemed so bored, and a sort faith and your faith will keep you.
of "glazed look" came over their It will keep you as young as Mary,
eyes when you spoke of religion. and no artist ever painted an old
"No, I've started my diet."
They were all munching cookies
and 'sharping' to Sissle
«M Wmmm as
4+ PYidav 1 Such aiiDis. » »
modulated tones; her laughter is
invigorating and never loud. Her
voice and poise suit her well for
The only thing in which they were Mary, for Mary never grew old I" When right by the keyhole L day"of P ,aetice t e a « - - dramatics. She is an active mem-
interested was "Let's go places and At a delightfully informal ga- was heard a train whistle. i s apt to hear this, and this, w ber of the Janus Club. She had the
have things done for us." thering in the afternoon, Father They wondered if maybe they m l one more to fill the cab - lead in the Math Club Play, the
The years have passed. And I Lord again addressed ^the group, were "teched in the hade"! Mary Lou. "Honestly, those kids "Lucky Emerald;" and a comedy
should like to say right here that stressing the fact that "The church But 'twas only Mar Sullivan - J a n e Hurley. "Didja get a ride ? part in the Latin Club play, "The
Catholic colleges are so different has only one enemy: it is—not Com- drumming up trade i J a r g e and Sully, and on and on Patterson Dinner." Besides being
from what they were ten or twel- munists, but bad Catholics. People For her Christmas excursion- until the next semester. a member of many clubs, she plays
ve years ago that you can hardly see the difference between what "It i leaves at eleven, Did you hear that Jane Sawdey basket ball, is on the hockey team,
speak of them in the same lan- the Catholics profess to be and Come on kids, it's cheap,-- went to Pitt last week-end 7 m e and lis vice president of the Junior
guage. The period of the "lost ge- what they are and judge according- just a buck, eighty-seven. 5 over there are pretty nice or
neration" is gone, thank God. It ly. I | We'd have our own coach aren't they, Jane ? We saw Pau- Class.
has come into the feelings of col- "Sodality work has four aims: to start our vacation. Hne Urich at the "Mere" and she Too often, people endowed with
lege students today that life is a to teach you that the most im- 0. K. kids-it's settled! certainly looked charming m her o*enerous natures or an exuberant
thrilling, exciting adventure; and portant thing in your life is what I'll call up the station." gold evening dress. Mary Margaret sense of humor or the attributes
that religion is the most important, you are; to do something for your O'er the threshold she flew got three telephone calls one night, of leaders are physically unat-
inspiring, stimulating thing in life. minds; to teach you how to oi and we heard 'mid the bustle - w h a t popularity!! Day and tractive. Not so Bretta Marie.
"Even Communism has its un- ganize; to teach you to translate A discordant jangle— night "Coaches" appeal to Marg Her petite stature is beautifully
mitigated blessings—yes, bless- classroom theory into actual life "Off to Buffalo We Hustle." Dougherty. Don't you love Pau me proportioned. Her gleaming wavy
ings, for the Communists sudden- work." Sully was starting to set Shanor's sense of humor-Adaline brown hair accentuates her fair
| ly made the college man and wo- Afterwards Father Lord played someone's hair, Morelli's new racoon coat—Mary skin. Best of | all are her dancing
man wake up. It has driven back some of his own compositions from The victim—poor kid— Therese p l a n ' s blonde braids-- eyes, vividly blue and forever look-
j into their hearts that they must the recent "Social Order Follies" was caught in a snare; Anne _Newburger's efficiency? ing for mischief. Some women are
come out of their Catholic college which ran for ten nights in St. For little she dreamt Ruth Gordon has had a promotion pretty but Bretta Marie is beauti-
enthusiastic followers of Jesus Louis. —a better I position at Trask's. ful. Her movements are graceful
how she'd look for vacation
Christ. Youth had lost enthusiasm, In the evening, Father Lord ad- Betty Taylor is certainly a good and easy, symphonies of rhythm.
the ability to be surprised, to en- dressed the combined Sodality When "Jenny" stopped
her experimentation. story-teller. She can make a novel She would like to be a nurse.
joy*the joy of living. groups of Erie at St. Peter's There were curls up on t o p - out of the most insignificant inci- Her oldest sister is at present
"The loveliest transformation Cathedral. In this lecture, he re- reminiscent of elfs, dent. Who was the Man on the studying medicine. Paul} Glenn,
that I have ever experienced is the peatedly brought the audience face And I laughed when I saw her, Train? Fran Riblet is three-tim-
way that the college student has to face with the fact that "The the noted! sociologist, is her favo-
in spite of myself. ing Willard, we hear. rite author—he was commence-
grown enthusiastic about his reli- priest can bring Christ down to Week-end trips^are a rarity for
O'Donnel was "Cruddin" ment speaker for our class of '35
gion. The chief difference between earth only as far as the cold al- some Seniors, but | J a n e Hurley
at ninety miles per: and autographed a book for her.
you and the other group is: you are tar; the lay person carries Christ likes them every seven days- -
enthusiastic for something that is beyond out into the world that "One time says—", Sister Clotilda is her aunt. All,
I haint no good—go to her!" Why? Did you know that Niagara however, is not rosy with Bretta
clear-cut and radical and beautiful! needs Him so terrifyingly, so
Eisert was truckin' Palls is coming to j Erie for the Marie because the loss of her
The others seem to be in the fog, frightfully, these days."
on top of her grip, holidays? Is it any wonder that former ally, Rita Ressler (other-
a fog on which they can't lay their This concluded a day which will
hands. They don't know where be forever starred in the annals In an effort to flatten Kay Lechner is anxiously awaiting wise known as "Chirp") is sending
they came from, they don't know of Mercyhurst as one of the most a misguided slip,—When- Christmas? Alice Lyman says, her through a painful period of re-
where they are going, and they instructive and at the same time Midnight was nearing, ? *'• "Why get?"Rudd" of a man who
don't know the "why" of their be- the most delightful experiences we I so the girls formed in line, p can take you around?" r -
% •

ing here. It's hard to be enthusias- have ever known~*Father Lord's And once—odd surprise— • Marge has had her- campuses Bretta Marie has contributed
tic about fog and haze! You have day at Mercyhurst. everyone was on time. mixed again! We are considering much to Mercyhurst J n the way of
a security and a soundness j that They started to sing a*private line for those Dan P. M. gaiety and refinement. And* we
I | Edith Regan '38 I the beloved "Silent Night," all love her.
calls.i If you are looking for chry-
,.- r ' i :
(How lovely it seemed santhemums, ask Alice King. She Francois Riblet. '87
Junior Tumbles "You're telling .us?" and B O . .
"Merry Christmas^ to all _ and to
in the soft candle-light!) gets them by the dozens. :-o-:
An echo was heard, Surprise! ! Anne Fox .went
. (Continued from Page 7)
.•--• -

all., a good-night."._ g as clear as a bell. HOME for Thanksgiving—what, America's Filling! I %

&f I Edith Regan, '38 It seemed to respond—
a couple flitting around
is certainly proud of hers
sort :-o-: | "Noel! Noel!",
not Leicester? Mickey has tempor-
arily discontinued those "Dailey"
(Continued from Page 7)
of a campus exchange /market, eh
what? _ Helen Durkin's Thanks-
SCRIBBLINGS And 1 heard them speak softly,
as they faded from sight,
trips from Academy. Sully found cursing that something had to go
out there are different makes of
giving had an extra; 'thank you' Happy Christmas to a l l - wrong there of all places change
(Continued from Pageij7) "Carr's". She's looking for a;new
in it the reason arrived but a few May your New Year be bright!" the bias of their convictions.
" S p a r k y," "knowledge-in-a-nut- model now.
days before, on the "Bererigaria" Marge Alge. '37 A variety of architectural styles
shell," better never, than Hate," My goodness, ten-thirty—lights
Kay Gill's "P.M." believes in three out. Excuse me! —Elba, '37 peculiar to gasoline stations (one
"S. 0. S."? If you have an idea, teases—and always it "gets you". might almost refer to them as the
methods of communication tele- M I have often marvelled, too, at :-o-:
phone— telegraph and then, con- treat it gently. But mebbe the American architecture) and numer-
answers would help. In order, they the propriety and variety of its THE ELUSIVENESS
nections made,„_ telawoman! OP WORDS ous conveniences installed * for the
are—That frisky, English terrier makeup for each occasion. This
Dec. 1. Mary Jean has a new characteristic was particularly evi- benefit of motorists add to the al-
who occasionally comes to college
song— once "June in January" dent during last year's Mardi Gras. (Continued from Page 7) lurement of these \ stations. Large,
with the Economics Prof—Read-
now "Spring (flowers) in Novem- Did you see it in that red and think this the|main purpose of its standardized signs on the outside
ber"— cold storage! from New ers' Digest—First Law of Repar-
tee—Sisters of the Skillet, or the white creation with the fleur de lis little game: to see us red-faced, of the building inform the ap-
York, M. J.? _ Salisbury's ^'Ro- design? Shirley Devine is to be scowling fiercely, and trying to proaching motorist of the kind of
meo and Julietting" it again, too Sunday-go-to-meeting name for
"Home Eckers." congratulated. It also looked well control rebellious temper. gasoline for sale. In addition to
— Britta vacated in Sharon Rita in those French documental lines At times, we can catch our tor- automobile accessories, such! mer-
(Chirp) Ressler sends her love Guess this's enough "scrap" for
one issue, so I'll away 'til after of Anne Litle's. That black shiny mentor in the dictionary. The best chandise as cigars, cigarettes,
with Mary Mead^_ poster with sparkling letters and chewing-gum, candy, ice cream,
Christmas. Hope you enjoy a very line of pursuit is to look for its
Dec. 2. More tips on vacation ac- * merry one. border of green, was Mary Gene nearest relative in that book of and j light • lunches is available at
tivities— Jane Missimer's lovely Winslowe's. It, incidentally, won words. But here, too, one must be- these spots. |Total strangers often
—The Scribbler
tea— among those present Anne the French Club Prize. Other ef- ware of family conspiracies. become talkative and friendly while
—:-o-: •o

Morin__ Georgia, 'Rene.._Ruthie__ fective posters ranged anywhere contentedly munching hamburgers
Jean Lacey_.Marie gets three THE FIRST FLOOR from the famous quintuplets dres-
Great writers, especially poets,
BULLETIN BOARD seem to possess the power to cap- as the attendant cares for their
stars for her moving activities in sing for the grand affair to the ture words at will. And yet, we cars. And so the drivers pass by
behalf of the Roosters.. small monkey powdering his spa-
I like to read the Seminary Bul- read that they spend hours hunt- in a continuous stream! Some stop
Dec. 3. Betty Harrington and letin Board as well as I like to go cious nose, and the little boy pray- at the filling stations to give their
ing a word or phrase. Perhaps the
"Bunny" Haule__ train-ing it to window-shopping, and. I seldom ing to be allowed to attend the quality which makes them great cars a drink, others to buy a pack
Delaware-, good bye and good luck walk the first floor hall without) Mardi Gras. is their persistency in searching, of gum and stretch their legs, and
._ do us proud;.won't y o u ? . . Did wandering over to it. Its flat cork The bulletin board is especially Plus their ability to recognize the still others to inquire about the
you know t h a t . , our first V fore- face is never dull. It is surprising partial to the Sodality. Yet, such
most Junior., has a passion Jfor word when it confronts them. route to their destination. As long
how readily that board can change ia the Bulletin Board's pride of 0
J" *"* at the
situation re-
Mickey Mouse— The most of the its expression. Every activity of craftsmanship that the Sodalists as the automobile industry con-
i n d ne
best to Father Powers., for his the school registers itself on its tell me an affair, even of their " £ % ?/ ° e o l a t i o n in
the fact that pursuing words tinues J to increase, so will the al-
inspiring radio t a l k . , the "alpha", countenance. Not the smallest own, must be worthwhile to rate
but we hope not the "omega Sives us a certain form and amount ready numerous gasoline stations
" • - • • • i " o f
food-sale, escapes unnoticed. It a poster.
his broadcasting activities.. looks forward to every event with keep -pace with i t
Dec. 4. Coming events— this either a broad smile of anticipa- This year's bulletin board is as even, in a moment nf "Why, what's this? What's that
year we sit back-, and enjoy the tion or a hearty word of encour- lively as ever. It came into ex- Wnerous martyrdom, «ive u L 2
istence promptly with the opening you say, Mister? You ran out of
Christmas p a r t y . , the pageant.. agement. Sometimes it prattles of the school year—and still con- evasive words t t o benefit of t h !
foubfe and concede that t h l gas and there's a filling station
Says a History-minded child.. like a child, again it reasons with tinues to attract attention to it about a mile* back? Would I give
"You can't have History without the conviction of an attorney for self. |K of sood w j and for « „„* J * ? you a lift? Sure thing-hop in.
dates!"., and all she got was— the defense, at times it coaxes and Those gas stations never seem to
—Spectator be in the right place, do they ?
Rutfo Hays/39
Ruth ScobeH'89 4

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