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Beyond the Secret… Beyond the Power of Now…

Is a Science of Spirit…
By Robert Donald Tonelli
Why are we here… “Alive on planet Earth”… trapped in a life of 9 to 5… Wage
Why are we sucked into this “Materialistic Paradigm” chasing after money and power as our only
salvation to the never-ending rising cost of… food… water…and shelter… in the simple pursuit of
Happiness? When most of these things are free in Nature… yet beyond the grasp of a majority of
the world’s population in society… why aren’t we conscious… of our behaviour in society… and of
Spirit-within as an evolving species? What is turning us into “Domesticated Sheeple”… mass
consumers of toxic products for a Pharmaceutical Empire within a Military Industrial Complex that
manages the sale of Sheeple?
Find the true Secret to life and the answers to these questions in… “Science of Spirit: Lost Keys to
the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth”. A new Science of Spirit is using Quantum Physics and a new
theory of Consciousness as a Spiritual force by Re-interpreting the 5000 year old Mayan Calendar
showing a ‘Unified Field Theory" on an Evolution of Consciousness of human beings… becoming
"Evolutions End"… the full descent of spirit into Matter, the fulfillment of our evolution.
Why you need to read Science of Spirit… Today… Before Dec. 21, 2012. Buy
The Truth about the 5125 year old Mayan Calendar‘s Count-down to 0- Ending in an Apocalypse…
is that it is timing the Evolution of Consciousness to a Quantum Singularity in Time… to the end of
time… not the end of the world in 2012… but an Awakening of true consciousness connected to
Spirit. Apocalypse means the "lifting of a veil" or a disclosure to certain privileged [Conscious]
people of something hidden from mankind. We will be able to see all the hidden aspects of the
truth of life and our history… without fear and control.
A Science of Spirit as a Consciousness shows the Divine workings of Spirit a Consciousness that
we call God… on planet Earth emanating from all life on this planet. God emanates out into the
universe from all life… not the other way around… As Evolutions End we are her summation of
this consciousness… an evolution of Spirit… behold god. From a traditional standpoint… for 1000’s
of years great beings have tried to tell us this very fact… that the Father and I are one… the
kingdom of heaven is within me… it is not I that does these things but the father within me… that
does them… all these things that I do you can do… and greater things can you do… God lives
within the hearts of all human beings and all life… This is the only place in the heavens and on
Earth [she] Spirit can be seen… but the flip-side of our wonderful legacy as human beings is
that… The Devil Does exist…
HE exists within the minds of powerful superstitious dogmatic Sheeple in Society… His great
deeds can be seem everywhere on this planet. His demons live within the soulless hearts and
weak minds of dogmatic Sheeple in Society and are running wild throughout the world… and the
sad thing is we do-not even have Sam and Dean Winchester as Demon hunters to protect us…
except on TV shows like Supernatural. The only Supernatural thing in the universe is our
ignorance and stupidity that has been allowed for 6000 years… only because spirit-within loves us
and wants to be us [the body not the program]. “The Real Secret” to why this is allowed… is
hidden in the revelation of which has once already transformed the world, as testified in Egyptian
religious tradition, summarized symbolically by Moses at the beginning of Genesis. This secret
constitutes the fatal Science of Good and Evil, and the consequence of its revelation is death…
this revelation will become painfully clear in a very short time to all ignorant and unconscious
people on the planet… A science of Spirit exposes this truth of life and our spiritual nature… in
chapter 6… [May the force be with you]?
This interpretation has taken more than 20 years to know and understand… to stand-under and
truly support the conclusions that are put forth here into book form… Now it will only take people
20 days to understand these revelations to see and know what is happening in society… politics
and Religion… at this point in history.
From within these pages…
 Learn what the power of now really is… how to master the power of the moment.
 Learn the truth to what the Apocalypse really is…and what really happens in 2012.
 Learn what the Omega Point really is and what a quantum singularity signifies…
 Learn what the universe is really made up of according to quantum physicists’ and ancient
philosophers and why they agree…
 Learn when and where ancient masters clarified the connectedness of all life with Science
and to Spirit through the understanding of world-old Teachings in a balance of Reason and
 Learn how and why all life on planet earth and in the universe is based on an evolution of
consciousness from the beginning of time
 Learn who really created the Mayan Calendar keeping records for over 5000 years
[chapter 2].
 Learn why it is an evolving consciousness paradigm not a money/ignorance paradigm.
 Learn who first taught about matter… Atoms and empty space… the answer may surprise
 Learn why “Consciousness is the very fabric that all form is made out of” to scientists…
and why it is the ground of all beingness of life…to ancient philosophers…
 Learn how to become a Spiritual Warrior and how to free yourself from the domestication
of other humans… [chapter14]
 Learn to master ancient secrets to life from three initiates of a secret school… [Chapter 16]
 Learn what the real potentials are… for a spiritual human being to ascend in one lifetime
through modern nutrition and ancient alchemy… [Chapter 17]
 Learn to see the truth in reading a “Science of Spirit”… so we can all begin to agree on
Why you need to read Science of Spirit… Today… Before Dec. 21, 2012... Buy
This bold new Book, “Science of Spirit” is based on my personal experiences in life over the past
25 years… my research of science and spirit… and my understanding of the ancient philosophy
that this work comes from… It uses from my research… the philosophy and experience of other
very credible people that have studied different aspects of a Science of Spirit as a philosophy to
live by…
I use this eclectic approach to build an accurate model of reality based in consciousness that
allows us to create our own reality once we rid ourselves of the illusions of society. This approach
gives credibility to my overall viewpoint… a modern interpretation of a very old philosophy and
way of life… A Science of Spirit…an acceleration of an evolution of consciousness that is now
apparent in Mother Nature… that gives us the freedom to create our own reality. This philosophy
first put forth and understood by English mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead
in 1927, states, consciousness and matter were inextricably combined or linked, emerging in a
sequence of events that he called “occasions of experience”. In his view, the universe isn’t made
of things or particles. It’s a process. It’s made up of events. His focus was on consciousness as
the ground of all beingness of life and the energy that makes up matter were… in his words
inextricably combined creating our experiences and our reality. The result of this evolution of
consciousness is an Analogical Awareness of life living in the now moment of unlimited potentials.
This book goes in-depth about understanding… What Consciousness Is! – An Analogical State of
Awareness that is continuously evolving faster and faster… to the eternal Now Moment. This
philosophy and research show an Evolution of Consciousness a rising of an Analogical Awareness
of life revealing a Science to the nature of Spirit… it explains from a new perspective, this battle
between the “Forces of Good and Evil” at “The End of Time”. This Ancient Science of Spirit
philosophy explains how the primeval forces of life [Spirit] that are inherent in Mother Earth…
growing for 16.4 billion years… are pitted against the “dogmatic, stagnant, god-fearing
personalities,” that runs the Engines of Commerce of our Global Society… with their focus on
monetary control of the people and the planet. This is a real life battle between evolving Christ-
like consciousness, of “we the people” against the “Anti-Christ Social awareness of The Multi-
National Corporations. Religious dogmas’ talk about an “Apocalypse at the end of time” to help
warn us of our impending doom… you will see in this book that the “lifting of a veil” is a rising of
consciousness that knows no fear of the unknown… and clarifies ancient predictions of the end
days and the real battle of Armageddon. This ancient “Science of Spirit” is in itself a “Lifting of a
Veil”… exposing the Lost Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven showing all that is hidden from life so
that we no longer have to live in ignorance and superstition with religious / political dogmas in the
illusions of a capitalistic society.
Why you need to read Science of Spirit… Today… Before Dec. 21, 2012... Buy
Here is a summary of the interpretations of what is discussed in this Book… To be precise, what it
may be like at the end of our ignorance and superstition… the end of our 9 to five linear time
after Oct. 2011, for those that do wake and stop Armageddon’s… self-fulfilling religious prophesy.
This is the proposed plan as seen 5125 years ago by brilliant beings of that time. This science I
feel allows for a wakening of souls over a period of time so it is not a specific day “of do or die”
and it is not the end of the world…
 Ian Lungold / Carl Calleman: From the Mayan Calendar, Ian Lungold observed, “This
pattern of seven days and six nights (1cycle) does have an acceleration built into it. Each
cycle of Creation contains the same amount of advancement and change but each
successive cycle runs 20 times faster as it moves up the pyramid of consciousness of nine
levels. The same amount of change (novel events) that happened in 1.26 billion years of
the Cellular Cycle now occurs in 360 days in our current Galactic cycle and by Feb.10.
2011 will occur in 20 days in the Universal cycle.”
 If we take the News of just one day in the New York Times Newspaper… it contain more
information and News of World Events…than was contained in the whole Life of any person
who could read living before 1755… Now in our present universal cycle of Consciousness
someone reading the New York Times Newspaper has 20 days to digest one day of News
of World Events…like the taking down of the Twin Towers in New York… understand what is
happening and turn it into wisdom.
 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in the 1940's described the acceleration of human development
from the beginning while exploring the evolutionary trends towards greater complexity,
connectivity, and consciousness. De Chardin noticed that humanity was moving towards
an “Omega Point” which is the full descent of spirit into matter, the fulfillment of our
evolution… as a time when light would blaze across the planet… not physical light but the
"light of consciousness”. Like a mirror polished to give a perfect reflection of the Sun. All
those apparently separate rays of consciousness would know themselves to be the same
eternal light.
 Terrence McKenna from his book “Timewave Zero” stated, due to “the acceleration of
novelty’s ingression, about half of the total evolution of our 16-plus-billion-year old
universe will occur in the last 0.3 seconds before 6:00 am on 21/12/2012!”… If we take
the formation of the cosmos, the rise of life, or the discovery of language as examples of
key ‘barriers’ for which universal evolution passes through, McKenna’s calculations show
us... thirteen such barriers will be passed in the last 0.0075 seconds!!
 Peter Russell, from his book and video “The Global Brain”, has stated “We could be on the
threshold of an evolutionary climax far more profound than most of us have ever dared
imagine. Could it be that, in much the same way as the destiny of matter in a sufficiently
massive star is to become a black hole in space, the destiny of a self-conscious species…
should it be effectively intelligent…is destined to become a ‘spiritual supernova'?’. Is this
what we are accelerating towards… a moment when the light of inner awakening radiates
throughout the world… a 'White Hole in Time'?”
 Peter Russell, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Terrence McKenna all describe the Evolution
of Consciousness as a race to the Omega Point in time, which verifies and makes the work
of Dr. Calleman, Ian Lungold and the timing of consciousness even more powerful .At this
late stage of the game, I ponder about the question that Peter Russell asked over 10 years
ago: “Will humanity make that shift? Only time will tell. However, it would be a pity to
have struggled so hard and come so far, and then miss what could be our crowning glory.”
 According to Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists since
Einstein, “clearly the present exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely”. “One
possibility is that we will wipe ourselves out completely by some disaster, such as a
nuclear war”. However, Stephen is an optimist and does not believe the human race has
come so far just to snuff itself out when things are getting interesting. He does concede
that in the last two hundred years, population growth has become exponential; electricity
consumption and the number of scientific articles also show exponential growth.
 Further, more there is no sign that scientific and technological developments will slow
down or stop in the near future. If you stacked all the new books at the rate, they were
being published next to each other you would have to move at ninety miles an hour just to
keep up with the end of the line.
After a great deal of time studying the philosophy, the theories and contemplation on the results
of this research… you will see that life is speeding up, technology is expanding exponentially, and
that we have to deal with events that are accelerating to happen… in shorter and shorter periods
to a quantum singularity.
The reality of things to come are vastly different than what the media… the internet…and the
conspiracy theorist are saying… and it impacts you greatly not knowing the truth… buying into all
their fear and propaganda… In the end not know the truth after the end of 2012 creates a reality
based on your current fears… and misconceptions of reality… the Key is as we approach the
Omega Point the high frequency of consciousness manifests the reality in the minds of the
ignorant masses… like bringing down a race of extra-terrestrial Vampires to feed on the people
because… the masses love them so much… Revelations in the Bible was never really understood
because… what you will see will not manifest “in its true form” until we reach the Omega Point
and we see how many people really woke up from their “Nightmare of Elm Street” and their
American Monetary Dream…
Now, If you can accept this idea with an open mind… you will begin to experience an infinite
amount of novel events "in a finite period of time"… and live to tell about it… Soon, because we
are Spiritual Beings connected to Spirit that creates an Evolution of Consciousness in all life…
Good or Evil… it is still an evolution of consciousness… into Heaven on Earth or a scenic tour of
Hell on Earth it is all up to You… because we are all headed toward an Omega Point in time…
To read more of this book… or ask questions of the author… people can email… Robert at
ascienceofspirit@yahoo.ca or go to his website at http://www.newscienceofspirit.ca

ISBN 13 (Paperback): 978-1-4568-2719-9 …. ISBN 13 (Hardback): 978-1-4568-2720-5


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