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Dear Friends,

I hope you all had a good summer and that you got to see
at least a little sun if you were away. Everyone seems to
be saying that September will be our best month weather-
wise. The children are back in school whether for the first
time or otherwise. Many prepare for a return to a new
school or even College. I wish each one of you God’s
blessing and his continued presence with you.
We are planning to have Confirmation in early 2009.
Please contact me by Sunday 14th September if you wish
to put yourself forward for Confirmation by the
Archbishop. These classes are open to adults and young
people alike. It is best that children should have reached
their twelfth birthday. The classes will take place before
and after Christmas. Numbers presenting themselves will
determine if we will have Confirmation, though a number
have already spoken to me and it looks like we have
enough for a Service here in Clontarf.
I was delighted to see so many of you at our Parish Fete
and Family Fun Day in June. Thank you to all who helped
out on the day and in the lead up to it. It was a
phenomenal success as a social event, as a fundraiser and
as a way of raising our profile in the community. We had
the Church open and Declan met many people there who
were visiting the Church for the first time. Well done
Declan! The organising committee was made up of John
Patten, Jonathan Boyle, Clive Jackson, Melanie McHugh,
myself and Brendan Teeling. People were so generous so
thank you also to our sponsors, especially Dublin Port and
O2. We are already looking forward to next year when it
will be even bigger. There were so many stalls and things
happening that there was something for absolutely
everyone. Thank you Clive for all your equipment and help
on the day. The teenagers were an integral part and
without them we would have been lost.
Our Parish Study Group will start again on Wednesday 17th
September at 7.30pm. This is a lovely group who come
together to learn together, worship together and, of
course, socialise together. It would be nice to see a few
more join the Study Group so why not come along and
bring a friend. We usually finish up around 9pm or so.
Over the last two years Susan has worked as Youth and
Children’s Pastor among us. When we starting out we felt
that 20 hours per week was what would be required,
however, for much of that time Susan has been doing
much more. The Select Vestry has agreed with Susan to
increase the YCP hours to 30 per week, allowing Susan to
spend more time at hands-on youth work. The Needs
Group is working with Susan to take on some of her
administration work and she will meet monthly with the
Group. I am absolutely delighted with this increase and it
is a testimony to how seriously we take our ministry with
young people. If there is someone in particular who would
like to help with the admin side of things please contact
Declan Barry (Chairman of the Needs Group) on
0871204415. The Summer Camp for 4-11 year olds was a
great success with over twenty children taking part. The
theme was the Olympics and all had a great time. Thank
you to all involved, young and old, teenage helper and
I am also delighted to see the recent developments at
Greenlanes, our Parish National School. With the increase
of numbers the office has become a small classroom and
the Department sanctioned the building of two offices and
staff toilets adjacent to the old offices. The old main door
will be replaced by French windows which open out giving
parents and visitors access to the office staff during the
Both the Flower Guild and the Cleaning Rotas are looking
for new helpers. Each might only be for a few weekends.
Please contact Iris on 8338288 for Flower Guild and
Shirley on 8336661 for Cleaning Rota.
Details of a number of social events for the Parish will
appear in the next edition of Parish Matters. It is hoped to
have our usual Cheese and Wine Evening. We also hope to
have another fundraiser for USPG, our Missionary Link
Society. There may also be a Parish Fundraiser before
Christmas. Again, more to follow.
It was with great sadness that we note the passing of two
remarkable parishioners: Tommy Taylor and Isobel
Both Tommy and Isobel had deep and meaningful
connections with Clontarf Parish over many years. We
pray God’s abiding presence on the members of their
As you will see we have quite a number of baptisms
planned in the coming months. This is very encouraging.
As baptism is very much a community act of worship, it is
important that as many parishioners as possible at these
liturgies. Each month we have an All-Age Service. This
takes place on the 3rd Sunday of each month unless there
is a clash with a seasonal service. Traditionally this has
been more family orientated with children doing prayers,
readings, collection, etc. Please encourage as many family
members to attend.
May God continue to bless you and your family.


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12th Dublin Company Boys’ Brigade

Anchor Boys
I hope you all had a lovely summer. Anchor Boys will be
on Monday nights from 6.00 to 7.00 pm in the Parish
Centre. Anchor Boys will start back on Monday 8th of
September and it will be a fun night. Any boys 5-8 years
of age would be most welcome to join. If there is anyone
interested in helping us out on Monday nights please
contact Heather McCullagh on 086 202 9246 as we are
looking for helpers.
H McCullagh
Junior Section
Junior Section commences on Monday 8th September –
meet in the Parish Centre at 6.45 for a 7pm start. Tell
your friends about BB and how much fun it is. Remember
that we also need help with the Leadership.
M. Acheson

Company Section
Summer Camp (9 – 13 August)
Once again, the 12th and 39th Dublin Company Sections
teamed up for a summer camp this August. After the
adventures of recent camps in Europe, it had been
decided to do something a bit more low key this year, so
we went camping in Northern Ireland for five days. Five
days during which severe flooding caused road closures
and chaos in Dublin – we were lucky, we got wet but not
that wet. Most of the rain fell at night or while we were
busy with indoor activities. The canvas tents held up
extremely well, although we managed to pitch one in a
slight hollow. It’s amazing how you don’t notice a hollow
until it fills up with water, which is obviously a bit late.
But never mind, that tent (or the dry half of it) became
our store tent; the other tents all remained nicely high
and dry.
It’s nine years since we camped under canvas, so this was
a new experience for most. The preparations began in
earnest a few weeks earlier, when Alan Bothwell (former
Captain of 39th Co and a veteran of many canvas camps)
met with Geoff, Ryan, Sam and myself for an instruction
session in campcraft. This experience would prove most
valuable when it came to setting up the site. A borrowed
trailer (courtesy of Michael Stirling) was used to transport
the gear; an advance party of eight headed north to set
the camp up on Friday evening (8th Aug). With the
weather forecast less than encouraging for Saturday
morning, we aimed to put as many tents up as possible on
the Friday – we got five of six up, using car headlights
when daylight failed. A late KFC drive-thorough in
Newtownards provided welcome sustenance.
The main party arrived on Saturday morning, in time to
settle in before lunch.
The venue for the camp was Ganaway Activity Centre,
which is owned and run by the Belfast Battalion of the
Boys’ Brigade. It is located about 8 miles east of
Newtownards (18 miles east of Belfast) on the coast of
the Irish Sea. The centre offers a mixture of outdoor and
indoor activities, a lot of which we got to try. There are
two residential lodges which groups can rent out, as well
as more accommodation in the main centre building.
There is a large, close-mown field, which serves as a
sports area and was also our camping ground. Catering is
available in the centre at a reasonable cost and was of a
very high standard. Tony the cook was most obliging and
kept everyone well fed throughout.

Group of boys and leaders who participated in

this year’s camp.

Saturday afternoon was spent visiting a science exhibition

in the Belfast Odyssey – this was interesting and good
fun. The original plan had been for an afternoon of
sports, but was changed because the field was so wet.
We had a visit that evening from Chris Atkinson, who’d
been the youth worker in Clontarf Presbyterian Church
last year and had worked with both the 39th Co BB and the
Clontarf Parish Youth Clubs.
Sunday was spent doing activities – canoeing (in a local
walled sea harbour) and archery (indoors in the centre).
The activity program had meant that a morning church
service was not practical, however Chris had advised us of
a suitable 7 pm service at Hamilton Road Presbyterian
Church in Bangor. Tony gave us an early dinner and Ian’s
sat-nav, which spent most of the weekend trying to get us
lost, found the church perfectly. When the minister
welcomed our BB group at the beginning of the service,
we were given a generous round of applause by the large
congregation. The service was very friendly and positive
and included a talk from two members of the church who
had recently returned from missionary work in Jamaica (a
country ravaged by poverty, violence and drug problems)
and a sermon about the strength of faith shown by God’s
people at the time of the Red Sea crossing and the fall of
the walls of Jericho. The hymns were all modern, with
music provided by a modern church band. Tea and
biscuits were available afterwards, giving our members
and officers a chance to mingle and chat with the local
people, who were all delighted to see us attend their
church. When we got back to Ganaway, they had made
provision for us to use one of the lodges, meaning we had
access to table tennis, foosball and a pool table – all great
entertainment. And - always a favourite on these trips -
card games.
Monday morning we got to try the fabulous indoor
climbing wall in the centre; then in the afternoon the
outdoor high ropes course – scary but very enjoyable. It
was Darren’s birthday – the spectacle of Mark singing
Happy Birthday whilst swinging from a trapeze 40 feet off
the ground was bizarre, but captured the spirit of the
camp perfectly. That evening was spent playing indoor
soccer, hockey and volleyball in the sports hall, after
which there was the quiz, organised during the day by the
officers and most entertaining.
Tuesday morning we had more high ropes, then after
lunch we headed to Belfast for some shopping at the
Victoria Square centre, which boasts a dome with fine
views over the city.
It takes a big team effort to take down the tents and clean
up the site and the lads made a fine job of it.
And it’s not over when you get back home either, the tents
have to be laid out indoors to dry and later folded away;
all the equipment has to be stored carefully. It was a big
help that people got stuck into this work so cheerfully.
There are a lot of people to thank for their part in making
the camp possible, in particular I’d like to mention Mary
Crawte and Pam and Robbie Watts for driving, Michael for
the trailer, the staff and instructors of Ganaway and
certainly not least, the five patient officers: Darren, Ian
M., Ian C., Susan and Mark. The consensus is that
camping under canvas worked very well and is something
we’d definitely hope to do again. The weather may have
curtailed some things like tent inspection and field sports,
but it did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm or the level
of fun had.
Opening of session 2008 – 09
We will re-open on Monday 8th September, from 8 – 10 pm
at the Parish Centre. This will be a fun and games night
to start with, so no uniform until the following week.
A Ayling

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Clontarf Women’s Group

Our first meeting will take place in October. As usual it is
on the first Tuesday of the month starting at 8. We meet
in the Pavilion Room of our Parish Centre. All are
welcome. See you on 7th Oct.
Breda and Heather.

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Mothers’ Union
The Diocesan Festival Service will take place on
Wednesday 10th Sept at 8pm in St. Saviour’s Church,
Arklow. The special preacher is the Rev’d Daniel Nuzum.
Arklow Branch are celebrating their centenary this year.
Our branch will open on Thurs 9th October. There will be
more details later.
Iris Acheson.


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Sunday Club
Sunday Club will re-commence from 7th September in
the Parish Centre. We meet most weeks at 10.30am at
the Centre and finish in Church at the end of the service.
On days of All Age Worship we meeting and stay in
Church. We have a list of dates each month in the Parish
Magazine. We look forward to seeing most of our
member’s back again. Hopefully you have all have had a
good summer. We would invite anyone from aged 4 to
12 who might be interested, to come along and see if
they would like to join us. We do some bible stories, art,
puzzles, games, songs and some discussion groups.
Please talk to any of the leaders on Sunday’s if you would
like to know more. Over the last year, we looked at
parables, as well as some of the reading for the day. We
also did a little play telling the Christmas story and filled
the Crib in church and also hung some of our Artwork in
church. As yet the leaders have not met to discuss this
years plans but we will let you know some of the activities
next month. Please note that we require consent
forms for each child at the start of each new year.
Please complete the form when you drop your child
/ children (It takes about 3 minutes to fill in). This is
line with the Church of Ireland’s Safeguarding Trust
guidelines for children. It is also confirmation of contact
numbers of parents and health information regarding
yours child/children for club leaders and is updated each

Jean Acheson Sunday Club co-ordinator.

Date Church Service Sunday Any comments

7th Morning Prayer Yes – Parish Opening day
14th Holy Communion Yes – Parish
21st All Age with Baptism Yes – (usually at front of
Church church)
28th Holy Communion Yes – Parish
with Baptism Centre

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Clontarf Parish Bowling Club

We are now at the start of the new Winter bowling season
and we look forward to seeing all our members back in
good form and ready to bowl. About 10 of us played
during our alleged ‘summer’. St. Anthony’s Club invited us
for a friendly game one evening. It was most enjoyable
and we look forward to other friendly games in the future.
We would welcome new members so if you would like to
try your hand come along at 7.30pm on Tuesday 2nd
September – you will enjoy it.
H Erskine


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Tommy Taylor
I write with sadness of the passing of my Dad, Tommy
Taylor on 23rd June 2008. While well known by all as a
faithful parishioner who never missed a Sunday as along
as he was able, many parishioners will also remember all
the assistance and advice they received over the 30+
years he ran his business Killester Hardware.
A packed church for Tommy’s funeral told of the high
regard in which he was held. Thank you to Canon Tom
Haskins, John Rowden, Jack and Cecil and all who helped
at the service. Thank you also to the Rector for visiting
Dad in recent months.
Tommy and Dorothy celebrated their 50th Anniversary just
two years ago, an event which brought great joy to them
and all the family. It is event and memories like this that
bring us comfort as we remember with grateful thanks the
life of a beloved husband, Dad and Grand-dad.
O God our protector,
we give into your hands our unfinished tasks,
our unsolved problems,
and our unfulfilled hopes;
for you alone are our sure defence
and bring us lasting peace
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sandra Maxwell

Clontarf Parish Tennis Club

Despite the bad weather tennis is hotting up with club
championships and tournaments now underway.
The club championship finals are being held on Saturday
27th September followed by Club Bar B Q and official
opening. All members - past and present are invited
including friends to celebrate the re-launch of the Parish
Tennis club. We hope to have some of the first club
members in attendance to enjoy what will be a historic
Tickets are 20 euro and are available from committee
members - see www.clontarftennis.com
Adult Coaching commences on Wednesday 27th August
and runs for four weeks - cost 40 euro. Anyone interested
should contact the committee.

Lighting - at time of writing floodlights are close to going

live. The lights will bring a new dimension to tennis and
other activities at the centre.
New Members - The club is open for new members so why
not come down give it a go. Tuesday is club night.
Nigel Darragh

7TH September 16th Sunday after Trinity

8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am Morning Prayer

14th September 17th Sunday after Trinity

8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am Parish Family Communion

21st September Saint Matthew

8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am All-Age Worship with Holy
Baptism and Children’s

28th September 19th Sunday after Trinity

8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am Parish Family Communion
with Holy Baptism
Scripture Readings for September

7th Sept 16th Sunday after Trinity

Ezekiel 33: 7-11
Psalm 119: 33-40
Romans 13: 8-14
Matthew 18: 15-20

14th Sept 17th Sunday after Trinity

Genesis 50: 15-21
Psalm 103: 1-13
Romans 14: 1-12
Matthew 18: 21-35

21st Sept Saint Matthew

Proverbs 3: 13-18
Psalm 119: 65-72
2 Corinthians 4: 1-6
Matthew 9: 9-13

28th Sept 19th Sunday after Trinity

Ezekiel 18: 1-4, 25-32
Psalm 25: 1-8
Philippians 2: 1-13
Matthew 21: 23-32
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Whist Group
Parish Whist Drives will take place on the first Thursday of
every month – 4th Sept, 2nd Oct, 6th Nov and 4th Dec at
7.30pm in the Pavilion Room. Do come along and support
this Parish activity. Entrance 5 euros.
H. Hunter

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RECTOR:The Rev’d D.C.Sargent (833 1181)



(086 882 7258) susanconnolly04@yahoo.co.uk

GREENLANES NS: Principal:Ms.C.Atkin (833


YOUTH GROUPS: Susan Connolly (as above)

ANCHOR BOYS: Mrs.H.McCullagh (853 5594)

B.B.JUNIOR SECTION: Mr.M.Acheson (831 8645)
B.B.COMPANY SECTION: Mr A.Ayling (831 5234)

WOMEN’S GROUP: Mrs.B.Sargent (833 1181)

Mrs.H.McCullagh (853 5594)

BOWLING CLUB: Mr.H.Maude (833 1056)

BADMINTON CLUB: Mrs.P.Watts (832 6078)

JUNIOR BADMINTON: Mr.R.Watts (832 6078)

PARISH STUDY GROUP: The Rector (above)

FLOWER GUILD: Mrs.I.Acheson (833 8288)

Mrs B.Gallagher (833 8683)

LADYBIRDS: Ms. E. Richardson (087 322 4670)

BROWNIES: Mrs.P. / Ms.M.Watts (832 6078)
GUIDES: Ms. N. Flynn (086 379 3218)
MOTHERS UNION: Mrs.I.Acheson (833 8288)
SUNDAY CLUB: Mrs.J.Acheson (831 8645)

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