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Dynamics of hydrogen bond exchange in carboxylic acid

dimers8 )
F. Grat, R. Meyer, T. -K. Ha, and R. R. Ernst
Laboratoriumfiir Physikalische Chemie. Eidgeniissiche Technische Hochschule. 8092 Ziirich. Switzerland
(Received 18 May 1981; accepted 11 June 1981)

The simultaneous hydrogen bond exchange within carboxylic acid dimers is investigated by ab initio quantum
chemical calculations and by computations of nuclear dynamics. A significant lowering of the potential
barrier to -60 kJlmol has been achieved by extensive structure optimization. The calculations suggest that
the proton motion is coupled to a deformation motion of the frame of heavy nuclei. The flexible model
treatment of this cooperative nuclear motion yields low vibrational and tunneling frequencies.

I. INTRODUCTION bonds. 10 The data indicated an activation energy in the

order of 4 kJ/mol and a tunneling rate not larger than
The intramolecular two-proton exchange in cyclic
109 Hz. These results cannot be reconciled within the
dimers of carboxylic acids has been studied extensively
usual model for the motion of two protons in a symmetric
by experimental and theoretical methods. Electron dif-
double well potential of a rigid frame.
fraction data 1• 2 of several such dimers are compatible
with a localized equilibrium structure of type A (or A') Motivated by these observations, the present study has
as follows: been undertaken on the model system formic acid dimer
to investigate the importance of cooperative motion of
Rj Rj Rj the heavy nuclei as one possible reason for a reduced
barrier and a reduced tunneling rate. Symmetry break-
/C~ ~C~ ~C",,- ing of the double well potential by intermolecular inter-
o 0 0"'" "0 0 0
actions can be an additional reason for further slowing
H H down the exchange. This possibility will, however, not
H H be discussed here. In analogy to earlier calculations
I I on other intramolecular proton transfer systems, 11-13
O~ 0 0:-., ,-::0 0", 0 careful optimization of skeletal geometry of the
~C/ '\.C/ C~ formic acid dimer in an ab initio treatment is found
I I I to reduce the potential barrier by a considerable amount.
R2 R2 R2
The calculated energy surface suggests, furthermore, a
A X A'
continuous skeletal distortion occurring along with proton
According to earlier quantum chemical investigations of exchange. The effective mass associated with this cou-
the formic acid dimer, 3.4 the interconversion between pled nuclear motion varies strongly along the reaction
nuclear configurations A and A' should involve a simul- path and remains substantially larger than the effective
taneous proton exchange across a symmetric transi- mass for two-proton motion in a rigid frame of heavy
tion structure X lying 160-200 kJ/mol above the nuclei. As a result, tunnel splittings are reduced by
equilibrium structure. On the other hand, experimental orders of magnitude.
results lead to an estimate of the potential barrier of 80
Related studies published recently include the work by
kJ/mol from infrared measurements 5 on formic acid
Kato et al. 14 on the reaction path and vibrational inter-
dimer itself (R 1 =R 2 = H), and of about 60 kJ/mol from
action effects for proton transfer in malonaldehyde, a
microwave measurements 6 on mixed aliphatic carboxylic
semiclassical treatment of symmetric linear triatomic
acid dimers. For formic acid dimer, infrared measure-
double minimum systems by Babamov et al., 15 and a
ments indicated an upper limit for the double minimum
calculation of Single minimum quantum states by Barton
tunnel splitting of 1012 Hz, 1 and microwave data suggest
et al. j6 for FHF-. Little interaction of proton motion
a splitting larger than 10 1 Hz for a singly deuterated
with displacements of the heavy nuclei was found in the
mixed bimolecule (R 1 =H, R 2 =CF 3 ).6
latter case. The situation seems to be different, how-
Magnetic resonance data in solution have been reported ever, for formic acid dimer which cannot move from one
previously on related systems with intramolecular two- of its two equivalent equilibrium configurations to the
proton transfer such as porphyrinS and 2, 5-dihydroxy- other without rearrangement of skeletal nuclei.
p-benzoquinone. 9 They show conclusively a tempera-
ture-dependent proton exchange between symmetrically
equivalent sites. More recently, a solid state NMR in- STRUCTURE
vestigation on a series of carboxylic acid dimers (e. g., As pointed out by Brickmann and co-workers, an ade-
with R j =R 2 = C6H4CH 3 ) has provided direct evidence for quate description of the reaction path involves more
the motion of the hydroxylic protons across the H- structural parameters than just the protoniC coordi-
nates. 3 For this reason, an extensive geometry opti-
a)Presented in part at the 16th Symposium for Theoretical mization was carried out for the transition structure X
Chemistry. Wildhaus. Switzerland. 7-11 September 1980 of the formic acid dimer by means of an SCF ab initio
(Abstract All), calculation employing an STO-3G minimal basis set. 17

2914 J. Chern. Phys. 75(6), 15 Sept. 1981 0021·9606/81/182914·05$01.00 © 1981 American Institute of Physics

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Graf; Meyer, Ha, and Ernst: Dynamics of hydrogen bond exchange 2915

we introduce a variable ~ having values ± 1 at the equilib-

rium structures A and A', respectively, and the value ~ =0
at the intermediate configuration X. The path of motion
is then specified by the structural parameters S as func-
tions of ~. These functions were defined by quadratic
interpolation between equilibrium structures and the
present STO-3G optimized transition structure. In
FIG. 1. Numbering of nuclei and terms of the coordinates shown in Fig. 1 the path of mo-
coordinate system for formic acid tion is given by the following expressions:
carboxylic proton coordinates (in A units)
x(H 1) = -x(H 2 ) = O. 437~ ,
y(H 1) = -y(H 2 ) =1. 019 +0.142~2 ,

skeletal internuclear distances (in A units)

r(C 1-03) =r(C S-04 ) = 1. 287 - O. 055~ + O. 018~2 ,
r(C 1-0 5) = r(Cs-O s) = 1. 287 + O. 055~ + O. 018~2 ,
Assuming D2h symmetry for the configuration X, the r(C 1 '" C 8)=3. 70+0.30e,
structural parameters, defined in Fig. 1, were opti- r(C 1-H 9 ) =r(C S-H 10) = 1. 09 ,
mized as follows: The bond lengths r(C 7 -03) = r(C 1-0 5 )
=r(CS-04)=r(Cs-Os) and the distance r(C 1 '" Cs) as skeletal angles (in degrees)
well as the angles 1:03 CP5 = 1:°4CSOs and 1:CP3 H1 1: (03C1CS) = 1: (04CSC1) = 57.0 - 4. O~ + 3. 5~2 ,
= 1: Cs0 4H2 were varied while the C-H bond was kept
parallel to the C 1-C S direction at a constant length of 1: (05C1CS) = 1: (OsCSC 1) = 57.0 + 4. O~ + 3. 5~2 , (3)
1. 09 A. After convergence had been reached, two dif- 1: (H 9C1CS) = 1: (H 10 C SC 1) = 180. 0 .
ferent out-of-plane deformations of symmetry D2 and C 2h '
respectively, were allowed. The first one corresponds The nuclear configurations S(~) and S( -~) are sym-
to a twisting of the -COO groups by an angle ({J (O:s ({J metrically equivalent. Hence the associated double
:s 20 0) between the two -COO planes while the protons minimum potential is also symmetric. 19 The total mo-
remain in the orginal xy plane. The second one corre- lecular energy was subsequently calculated for the values
sponds to a centro-symmetric out-of-plane motion of ~=O.O, 0.2,0.4, ... ,1.4, and the resulting points
the hydroxylic protons alone, characterized by the angle fitted to a polynomial of the form V(~) = a~2 + b~4 yielding
1>(0:S if> :s 100) between the xy plane and the line connect- the potential plotted in Fig. 2. Evidently the potential
ing the carboxylic protons. None of these deformations minima are quite close to ~ = ± 1, i. e., close to the ex-
led to further energy decrease with respect to the op- perimental equilibrium points. Therefore, we subse-
timized D2h structure. For this transition structure, quently used the form VW = a v( (~2 _1)2 -1]. Wave
the data are given in Table I, along with results obtained functions and energy levels for the coupled nuclear mo-
with a 4-21G basis set calculation 18 performed as a test. tion specified by Eqs. (1)-(3) were calculated directly,
using a new flexible model technique. 20 Tunnel splittings
III. REACTION PATH AND STATES OF NUCLEAR were then obtained as differences between the respec-
MOTION tive energy levels.
To describe the motion of the molecular frame asso- Of particular interest are the energy of the first vi-
ciated with the double proton exchange within the dimer, brational transition E 1 -E o and the tunnel splitting in the

TABLE 1. Structural parameters, SCF energies E T , and barrier height av for formic acid dimer
in the equilibrium and transition structures.

D2h Transition structure

Equilibrium structure
(experimental, Ref. 1) S.:rO-3G 4-21G
r(C=O) 1.25 A 1.285 A 1. 28 A
r(C-O) 1. 36 'A 1. 285 'A 1. 28 'A
r(C"'C) 4.0 'A 3.70 'A 3.80 'A
r(O-H"'O) 2.73 A 2.30 'A 2.47 'A
2I,OCO 121. 0" 114.0" 118"
2I,COH 111.6 0
120.0" 120"
gT (a.u.) -372.44829 (STO-3G) -372.42404
- 376.61979 (4-2IG) -376.60045
o.V (kJ!moll 63.6 50.7

J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 75, No.6, 15 September 1981

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2916 Graf, Meyer, Ha, and Ernst: Dynamics of hydrogen bond exchange

tion for this.case, i. e., with skeletal coordinates fixed

at their values for ~ = 0 (D 2h skeletal symmetry) are also
shown in Fig. 3.
o. Figure 3(a) demonstrates the Significant lowering of
the vibrational frequency EI-EO by factors 3-5 when full
structural relaxation is allowed simultaneously with the
double proton motion. Even more dramatic is the de-
crease of the tunnel splitting toEo by factors of 10 3 _10 5
[Fig. 3(b)1. A comparison with experimental results ob-
tained from solid state NMR measurements lO suggests
that the proton motion may indeed be Significantly slowed
A x A' down by correlated motion of the molecular frame. Fig-
~------~-------r------~------~ ure 3 shows also that, in the presence of structure re-
-1 o laxation, a much smaller isotope effect can be expected
FIG. 2. Potential energy function V(O. vibrational levels Ev. than for free proton motion.
and ground state tunnel splitting t:.E 0 for coupled proton and The difference between the two types of motion arises
skeletal motion in formic acid dimer. The curve is obtained
from the effect of the kinetic energy coefficient g U which
by fitting the computed energy values (indicated by crosses)
by a fourth order polynomial. is related to the instantaneous mass displacement. 20
The mass is obviously larger for the model including
skeletal relaxation. For this latter case, gH is found to
vibrational ground state AE o, which are plotted for the be strongly varying with ~. It drops by a factor of 15
isotopic modifications (HCOOH}z and (HCOOD)2 in Fig. upon gOing from the transition (~= 0) to the equilibrium
3 as functions of the barrier height AV. For compari- structure (~ = ± 1). This variation of Itt, which is ac-
son we also considered the more traditional case of pro- counted for in the flexible model treatment, 20 implies
ton exchange in a rigid frame as postulated, for example, that the use of a constant reduced mass would probably
in the case of porphyrin. 21 The results from a calcula- not be adequate.

LOG 4Eo/Hz


..........." skeletal relaxation

,. .\\.
'0 '", \
skeletal relaxation
1000 8

" '\ \H
~: \.


_ _ .---- skeletal relaxation
H.D skeletal relaxation
(kJ/mol) (kJ/mol)
2 4 8 16 32 64 2 4 8 16 32 64

FIG. 3. Vibrational frequency EI-EO and tunnel splitting t:.Eo as functions of the barrier height AV for formic acid dimer with
and without skeletal relaxation coupled to the proton exchange dynamics. Curves are given for proton (H) and deuteron (D) motion
in (HCOOHl 2 and (HCOOD)2. respectively. The curves for El -Eo for the model without skeletal relaxation are not continued below
A V=4 kJ/mol (H) and toV=2 kJ/mol (D) because the tunnel splittings become comparable to the vibrational frequencies and El -Eo
looses its significance.

J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 75, No.6, 15 September 1981

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Graf, Meyer, Ha, and Ernst: Dynamics of hydrogen bond exchange 2917

TABLE II. Relative SCF energies E R (C1) =E R(- C -1) (in kJ!moI) calculated with an STO-3G
basis set for independent variations of the collective proton (~) and skeletal distortion (1) coordi-
nates. Values in parenthesis are obtained from the model potential see Eqs. (4) and (5) •

~; 0 0.5 1.0 1.5

1.5 670 (1194) 662 (1170) 296 (397) 7.3 (7.9)

1.0 228 (229) 69.8 (67.3) -65.3 (-67.9) 461 (532)
0.5 10.6 (B.5) -34.2 (-27.7) 376 (352) 2269 (1911)
0 0.0 (0.0) 78.9 (76.8) 89B (B03) 3315 (3417)
-0.5 10.6 (8.5) 81. 3 (79.6) 710 (711) 24BB (35B3)
-1.0 22B (229) IBO (177) 305 (31B) 10BB (2239)
-1. 5 670 (1194) 6B3 (714) 444 (257) 469 (716)

IV. POTENTIAL ENERGY COUPLING OF SKELETAL A contour diagram of the model function is shown in
AND PROTON MOTION Fig. 4. Evidently this function does contain a low en-
ergy channel connecting the two equilibrium configura-
In the previous section we assumed a strong coupling
tions A and A'. Near the intermediate configuration X,
of Skeletal and proton motion, which would correspond
which corresponds to a saddle point, the channel widens
to the existence of a deep and narrow channel in the po-
considerably, expanding towards configurations B and B'.
tential energy surface connecting the two configurations.
To test this assumption we parametrized the skeletal
distortion independently by a second variable 1). We
therefore replaced ~ by 1) in Eqs. (2) and (3) [leaving In comparison with earlier studies3•4 the barrier ~ V
Eq. (1) unchanged] and calculated ab initio energies as a separating the configurations A and A' of formic acid
function of both ~ and 1). The pOints (~,1)==(1, 1) and dimer is lowered from 200 kJ/mol to 60 kJ/mol as a
(~,1) == (- 1, -1) correspond to the equilibrium configura- result of geometry optimization including the distance
tions A' and A, respectively, while the pOint (0,0) gives between monomer constituents. The distance between
the D2h intermediate X [Fig. 4(b) J. A new configurationB hydrogen-bonded oxygens drops from 2.73 'A at equilib-
at (1, - 1) is reached from A by transferring the carboxylic rium to 2.30 'A in the D2h symmetric intermediate X.
protons while keeping the positions of the other nuclei fixed. Similar contractions were found for one-proton transfer
The symmetrically equivalent configuration B' at (~,1) systems. 11-13
==(-1,1) can similarly be reached from A'. The poten-
The coupled motion of protons and molecular frame
tial energy values calculated with an STO-3G basis set
through the points A-X-A' [Eqs. (1) to (3)] yields a
are collected in Table II. In order to obtain an accept-
ground state tunnel splitting ~Eo smaller by 3-5 orders
able analytical representation of the potential surface
of magnitude than the splitting obtained with fixed heavy
V(~, 1) we applied various interpolation schemes with
little success. Therefore, an attempt was made to con-
struct a model surface as a function of better adapted The potential surface obtained as a function of indepen-
coordinates dent proton transfer and skeletal relaxation coordinates
contains a low energy channel connecting the configura-
tions A -x -A', thus supporting the concept for a one-
The leading term was formed by the symmetric double dimensional motion that corresponds approximately to a
minimum profile through configurations A, X, and A', straight line through these points (cf. Fig. 4). The pro-
as given above, and the dependence on 1)' was.approxi- nounced widening of the channel near the saddle point X
mated by third order polynomials in 1)', with coefficients has a number of consequences for a more detailed de-
depending on ~'. The model function obtained for V in scription of the proton exchange process:
(i) The molecular structure at the saddle point be-
V(e, 1)') == -125 (e)2 + 57(e)4 + [318 + 7877(e)2 comes soft in the sense that deviations from the one-
dimensional reaction path require little energy.
-1760(e)4](1)')2 -{[385~' + 838(~')3]!
[1 + 2, 3(n S
]}. [1)' + 4(1)')3] (5) (ii) Within the one-dimensional treatment, the effec-
tive barrier is further lowered by a reduction of the vi-
approximates the low ab initio energies with fair accu- brational zero point energy near the saddle point. 14
racy (see Table II) while larger deviations are allowed
(iii) Reaction paths bypaSSing the intermediate con-
for at high energies. In the present study aiming at an
figuration X must be included in a statistical average of
investigation of the proton dynamics, numerical accu-
racy is less important in regions of high energy. In the motional process, thus enhancing the entropy of ac-
tivation for the proton exchange.
such regions the computed ab initio values themselves
are not very reliable due to intrinsic limitations of the The potential surface of Fig. 4 may also be used for
quantum chemical method used, but are nevertheless a schematic representation of alternative reaction path-
helpful in determining the qualitative form of the poten- ways which have been proposed earlier for formic acid
tial. dimer. For instance, a mechanism of typeA:B:A'

J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 75, No.6, 15 September 1981

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2918 Graf. Meyer. Ha. and Ernst: Dynamics of hydrogen bond exchange

'1 "
.z:r- ,t 8 1

I -<-----r
.. ~

-<.:)- -,t -\::)-A 8
-1 0 1 ~

a b
FIG. 4. (a) Potential surface of formic acid dirner, according to Eqs. (4) and (5) for independent proton (0 and skeletal motion (11).
(b) Nuclear configurations are shown for the saddle point (X), for the equilibrium structures (A,A '), and for the structures (E, B')
obtained by proton transfer with fixed frame. The nuclear positions of the transition structure X are indicated for reference by
open circles in the drawings for A,A • and B, B ••

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On the contrary, in a recent paper by Sokalski 23 the in-
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When comparing the presented theoretical results, cation).
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In a very recent paper on tunneling in formic acid (1981).
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J. Chern. Phys., Vol. 75, No.6, 15 September 1981

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