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3 Watercress Court * Coventry, Rhode Island 02816

401.439.3610 * jl85686e@westpost.net


Dynamic PhD scientist with over 10 years experience in molecular/cell biology, i
mmunology and disease pathology. Successfully training and mentoring undergradua
te and graduate students in human biology and clinical laboratory science for 8
years. Proven analytical skills. Published in American Journal of Physiology, bo
oks, and numerous scientific journals. Demonstrated expertise in efficiency opti
mization and cost control. Combined scientific background with business acumen d
eveloped during tenure as a private sector senior manager. Certified in Project

Cell & Molecular Biology * Pathology * In vivo Disease Modeling

Education/mentoring * Project & Laboratory Management * Research
Efficiency Optimization * Data Analysis * Team Leadership & Development
* Publications & Abstracts * Presentations * Protocol Analysis
Cost Containment * Client & Vendor Relations * Budgeting & Forecasting

RHODE ISLAND HOSPITAL/BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, Rhode Island * 1999 to prese
Dr. Alfred Ayala's laboratory (focusing on sepsis-related immune dysfunction) in
the Department of Surgical Research for a major urban hospital and world-renown
ed university.
Instructor in Surgery-Research (previously Post Doctoral Fellow)
Published 12 first author manuscripts, review articles, co-authored additional m
anuscripts, book chapters and wrote numerous abstracts. Designed and oversaw exp
eriments and delivered presentations at national and international conferences.
Developed protocols and training for new technology implementation. Trained labo
ratory technicians and students in surgical, experimentation, histology, protein
/gene characterization assays and data analysis techniques.
* Designed and conducted experiments to examine therapeutic potential of siRNA a
s a short-term suppressant of gene expression in vivo, resulting in a request fo
r a manuscript, review article and presentations at conferences in the US, Canad
a and the United Kingdom.
* Developed mouse lung primary endothelial-cell culture monolayer model of vascu
lar injury
* Advancing the understanding of the role of murine G-protein coupled receptor,
CXCR2, in acute lung injury, through original research
* Developed proficiency in MS PowerPoint, Word and Excel, as well as Flowcytomet
ric, image analysis and database management software.
COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF RHODE ISLAND, Warwick, Rhode Island * 2007-2008
Department of Biological Sciences with associate and pre-professional college cu
Adjunct Professor
* Teaching Cell Biology lecture and laboratory and Human Anatomy
JOANNE LOMAS-NEIRA * Page 2 * jlomasneira@verizon.net
BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, Rhode Island * 1998 to 1999
Dr. Boris Rotman's university and NIH-funded laboratory research project focusin
g cell-based cancer detection from patient tissue samples.
Research Assistant
Performed experiments and advised on potential protocol modifications. Studied u
nderlying concepts of Dr. Rotman's research paradigm and critiqued collected dat
a. Isolated and cultured human cancer cells for experimentation. Conducted immun
oassays. Maintained equipment, lab notebook, and materials inventory.

Thakkar, R.H., Huang, X., Lomas-Neira, J., Heffernan, D. Ayala, A. Sepsis and th
e Immune Response. In: Essential Immunology for Surgeons. Editor: E. Eremin. Ox
ford Press, UK. 2010 (in press).
Venet,F., Chung, C.S., Huang,X., Lomas-Neira, J., Chen, Y., Ayala, A. Lymphocyte
s in the development of lung inflammation: A role for regulatory CD4+ T cells in
indirect pulmonary lung injury. J. Immol. (2009)
Perl, M., Chung, C.S., Perl, U., Lomas-Neira, J., Ayala, A. Therapeutic Accessab
ility of caspase-3 activation as a key pathomechanism in septic acute lung injur
y. Critical Care Med. (2009)
Perl, M., Lomas-Neira, J., Chung, C.S., Ayala, A. 2008. Epithelial cell apoptosi
s and neutrophil recruitment in acute lung injury-A unifying hypothesis? What w
e have learned from small interfering RNAs. J Mol Med 14(7) (2008) Online.
Lomas-Neira, J.L., Chung, C.S., Ayala, A. RNA Interference As A Potential Ther
apeutic Treatment For Acute Lung Injury. Int J Clin Exp Med 2, 154-160 (2008).
Wesche-Soldato, D.E., Lomas-Neira, J., Perl, M., Chung, C.S., Ayala, A. Hydrodyn
amic Delivery of siRNA in a Mouse Model of Sepsis. In: Methods in Molecular Bio
logy Series: siRNA, shRNA and miRNA. Editors: S. Barik. Human Press Inc., Toto
wa, NJ, pg (2008).
Lomas-Neira, J.L., Ayala, A. CXCL2 Polymorphism in Sepsis and ARDS: Pathological
Significance Lost in Translation. Crit. Care Med. 25 (2007).
Lomas-Neira, J., Chung, C.S., Perl, M., Gregory, S., Biffl, W., Ayala, A. "Role
of alveolar macrophage & migrating neutrophils in hemorrhage induced priming for
ALI subsequent to septic challenge." Amer. J. Physiol. 290:51-58 (2006).
Lomas-Neira, J.L., Chung, C.S., Wesche, D.E., Perl, M., Ayala, A. "In vivo gene
silencing (with siRNA) of pulmonary expression of MIP-2 vs. KC results in diverg
ent effects on hemorrhage induced neutrophil mediated septic acute lung injury."
J. Leukocyte Biol. 77:846-853 (2005).
Lomas-Neira, J.L., Chung, C.S., Wesche, D.E., Perl, M., Ayala, A. In vivo gen
e silencing (with siRNA) of pulmonary expression of MIP-2 vs. KC results in dive
rgent effects on hemorrhage induced neutrophil mediated septic acute lung injury
. J. Leukocyte Biol. 77:846-853 (2005).
Lomas-Neira, J., Ayala, A. Pepducins: an effective means to inhibit G-protein C
oupled Receptor Signaling by neutrophils? Trends in Immunology. 26:619-621 (200
Lomas-Neira, J.L., Perl, M., Chung, C.S., Ayala, A. . Shock and hemorrhage: An
overview of animal models. Shock 24 (Suplt. 1):33-39 (2005).
"Mediators of endothelial cell dysfunction in the development of shock induced a
cute lung injury" Agency: The Rhode Island Foundation 3/25/10-3/24/11.
* "siRNA and the treatment of acute lung injury/sepsis." British Association for
Lung Research, British Inflammation Research Association & British Pharmacology
Society Meeting. Girton College of Cambridge, London, United Kingdom (2006).
* Oral & Poster presentation in Session #43 (free communications) on 'Cellular M
echanism in Airway Inflammation', presentation entitled: "The Murine Pulmonary
Endothelial Cell's Response to Pro-inflammatory Stimuli Associated with Traumati
c Shock" at 7th International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Sho
ck and Sepsis, Munich, Germany, March 13-17, 2007
* Invited seminar/presentation entitled: "TNF-* Priming for the Development of
Shock Induced Acute Lung Injury (ALI): Mediation by Local Tissue Not Circulating
Cells" at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in Groton, CT, August 17, 2007
* Seminar speaker on topic entitled: TNF-* Priming for the Development of Shock
Induced Acute Lung Injury (ALI): Mediation by Local Tissue Not Circulating Cells
", as a part of Division of Surgical Research Seminar Series/Department of Surge
ry, held at the Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, November 6th, 2007
* ASIP 2009 Experimental Pathologist-in-Training awardee. Presentation entitled
: "Suppression of Angiopoietin-2 using in vivo siRNA following hemorrhagic shoc
k ameliorates acute lung injury in murine shock/sepsis model", New Orleans, LA.

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