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Subject : Physics
Class : Form 4 Alfa
Date : 4 October 2010
Time : 11.20 am – 12.40 pm (80 minutes)
No. of students : 25 students
Learning Area : Light
Learning Objective : Understanding Reflection of Light of Plane Mirror

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, a student is able to:

A Master content knowledge

a. Describe the characteristics of the image formed by
reflection of light of plane mirror as virtual, upright, has
the same size as the object, literally inverted and location
at the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in
front of it.

b. State the laws of reflection of light as Law (1), the

incident ray, the normal and the reflected ray at the point
of incidence, all lie on the same plane, Law (2), the angle
of incidence, i is equal to the angle of reflection, r .

c. Solve problems involving reflection of light.

d. Describe application of reflection of light of plane

mirror such as in the ammeter, voltmeter, overhead
projector, and dentist mirror.

B Master Scientific Skills/TSTS

a. Design and carry out an experiment in groups to investigate
the relationship between the angle of incidence to the angle
of reflection in reflection of light within the prescribed time
given using the plane mirror, protractor, laser and white

C Demonstrate Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values

a. Be actively participate in carrying out the experiment based
on agreed upon procedures as a team.
b. Appreciate the value of time by carrying out the experiment
briskly and being on task all the time.
c. Be rational to create the experiment and being honest,
accurate in recording and validating data.

Scientific concept
Law of reflection:
Law (1) : The incident ray, the normal and the reflected ray at the point of incidence,
all lie on the same plane.

Law (2) : The angle of incidence, i equal to angle of reflection, r

Materials, equipments and resource materials:

a. White paper ( 6 unit )

b. Laser/ray box ( 6 unit )

c. Protractor ( 6 unit )

d. Plane mirror ( 6 unit )

e. Power supply ( 6 unit )

f. Pencil

g. Ruler

h. Wooden holder ( 6 unit )

i. Worksheet

Consideration of Safety Precautions:

Never shine a laser into anyone’s eyes. It can cause permanent blindness.

Prior Knowledge:
Students have already learned that light can be reflected, the uses of reflection of
light in everyday life and also learned how to draw the ray diagram to show the
reflection of light.

Phase Content Teaching and Learning Activities Notes

Teacher Activities Student
Introduction/ Characteristics of Make connection to Students Resources: Power
Eliciting image formed by students’ prior watching the point slide
Ideas plane mirror. knowledge on video.
(10 minutes) reflection by showing Strategy/Technique:
the related reflection Whole class Q&A

Elicit students’ ideas Students

about characteristics respond to
of image formed by teacher’s
plane mirror by asking questions
Structuring/ Characteristics of Ask a central guiding Students Resources: Power
Restructuring image formed by questions: make an point slide
of Ideas reflection of plane What are the observation
(40 minutes) mirror: characteristics of and
a. image has image formed by conclusion on
same distance as plane mirror? the
the object characteristic
distance. Show a picture of a s of image by
b. image has person standing in plane mirror.
same size as the front of the mirror and
object. a picture of a cat lie
b. image is down in front of the
virtually mirror.
c. image is An inquiry activity
virtual Show the students a in groups.
diagram of light ray
reflected on plane Noble values:
mirror. Participate actively,
Guide student to appreciate the value
identify the angle of of time
incidence, i and angle
of reflection, r.

Ask central guiding

How the angle of
reflection can be
related to the angle of

Ask students for their Students

hypotheses, the design make
of an experiment to hypotheses,
investigate the give
relationship, and the suggestions
variables involved. on the design
of an
Debriefing experiment
and state all
the variables

Then students
carry out the
activity to
answer the

Guides students to Students

state the law of make
reflection based on the conclusion
experiment result. and state the
law of
Application 1. Dentist mirror Show problems on Students Strategy/Techniques
of Ideas 2.Overhead slides. solve Group discussion
(20 minutes) projector mirror (refer to Appendix problems in
3.Barbershop 1.1) groups Resources:
mirror. Power point slides
4. Two problems Gives worksheet to and worksheet.
involving the students.
image distance. (refer to Appendix

Reflection/ Characteristics of Review LOs Resources: Power

Closure image formed by point slides and
(10 minutes) reflection of plane Make a quiz between Students worksheet.
mirror: groups. participate in
a. image has same the quiz.
distance as the Assigns homework
object distance exercise by giving
b. image is worksheets.
virtually inverted. (refer to Appendix
c. image is virtual 3.1)
d. image has same
size as object

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