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Astronomy SR

1) (c)

2) (d) The moon has no atmosphere and hence no surrounding air. Therefore the natural light from the
sun is not scattered. As a consequence, during day time, the sky will appear to be black to an observer
on the moon.

3) (c) In the expansion, the rational terms are C 200 ( 2 ) 20 (3 5 ) 0 , C 206 ( 2 )14 (3 5 ) 6 , C 20 8 3
12 ( 2 ) ( 5 )
C 20 2 3 18
18 ( 2 ) ( 5 ) . Hence there are in all 4 rational terms.

4) (b) Change of speed is given by area under acceleration-time graph. In the given graph area under the
curve is (numerically) maximum at t = 2. Hence maximum speed is at t = 2.

5) (a), (d) In 1990 the presence of black hole was confirmed by Hubble telescope, so that option (b) is
true. No light can come from a black hole and hence it can not be observed with the help of an optical
telescope. Therefore option (c) is true. The black hole has tremendous gravity. Therefore (a) can not
be true. The nearest black hole is at a distance of 30000 light years from the earth and hence (d) can
not be true.

6) (d) Note that in a uniform circular motion the centripetal force is along the radius whereas the
displacement is along a tangent to the circular path. Since the force and the displacement are
perpendicular to each other at every instant the work done is zero.

7) (d) At a point such as B or D (the centripetal force necessary for circular motion) = (the normal
reaction given by the road) – (the weight of the cyclist). Therefore, the normal reaction = (the weight
of the cyclist) + (the centripetal force). The radius of curvature is smaller at D than it is at point B,
giving a larger normal reaction at D than at B. This is why the cyclist feels heaviest at D. Note that at
points A or C, the necessary centripetal force is weight minus the normal reaction.

8) (b) When the neon bulb flashes, the instantaneous voltage across the bulb will be peak value of ac
voltage = 50 √2 ≈ 70 volt. Obviously with dc source, the bulb will flash when the source voltage is 70

9) (d) When a satellite is raised to a farther orbit, the radius increases and hence there is a decrease in
gravitational force , the necessary centripetal force and the orbital speed.

10) (b) The first digit can be any one of 1 to 9 and can be selected in 9 ways. The second digit can be any
one of 0 to 9. After excluding the first one, the second digit can be selected in 9 ways. Similarly, the
third and the fourth digits can be selected in 8 and 7 ways respectively. Hence, the number of ways in
which all the four digits can be selected will be (9×9×8×7) = 4536 ways. Therefore, there will be 4536
four digit numbers having distinct digits.

11) (b) Let r cos α = 15 and r sin α = 8, so that r = [(15)2 + (8)2]1/2 = 17 and α = tan-1 (8/17). Using this we
get 15 sin θ + 8 cos θ + 3 = r cos α sin θ + r sin α cos θ + 3 = r sin (α + θ) + 3 = 17 sin (α + θ) + 3.
Maximum value of sin (α + θ) is (+1). Therefore, the maximum value of the given expression will be
17(1) + 3 = 20.

12) (d) Gamma rays are the electromagnetic waves whereas cosmic rays, alpha particles or beta particles
are particles and not waves.

13) (d) Let A be the angle of prism, C the critical angle, r1 the angle of refraction at the first surface and r2
the angle of incidence at the second surface. Then we have r1 + r2 = A so that r2 = A – r1. But (r1)max =
C implies (r2)min = A – C. This gives A = C + (r2)min. No refraction from second surface is possible if
(r2)min > C. This requires A > C + C or A > 2C, i. e. A > 72o.

14) (d) If vectors a and b are along the sides of a square or a rhombus, then only the sum and difference
vectors, namely, (a + b) and (a – b) are perpendicular to each other. For this a and b must be equal in
magnitude but they may or may not be perpendicular to each other.

15) (b) Let log b a = log a b = k, say. Therefore, a = b k and b = a k which implies ab = (ab) k. For this to be
true ab = 1.

16) (c) Let m and 3m be the masses of two parts of the bomb. Conservation of momentum in the
horizontal direction gives 4m (90) = 3m (vH), so that vH = 120 km/hr where vH is the horizontal
component of velocity of the heavier mass. Similarly conservation of momentum in the vertical
direction gives 4m (0) = m (360√3) + 3m (vV) where vV is the vertical component of the velocity of the
heavier mass. This gives vV = – 120√3 km/hr. Therefore, the heavier mass will have magnitude of
velocity v = (vH 2 + vV 2)1/2 = [(120)2 + (– 120√3)2]1/2 = 240 km/hr. This velocity makes an angle α with
the horizontal such that tan α = (vV / vH) giving α = 60o.

17) (d) The orbital speed of a planet is inversely proportional to the radius of its circular orbit. In other
words, farther the planet smaller is the speed. Thus, Neptune will have the least orbital speed.

18) (b) To receive radio waves from outer space, a radio telescope uses one or more dish antennas. The
biggest telescope in the world is GMRT (Giant Meter wave Radio Telescope) at Khodad, a village on
Pune – Nashik highway (in Maharashtra). Radiations detected with the help of radio telescope support
the Big Bang theory. Thus, options (a), (c) and (d) are true. A lens or a mirror is used in an optical
telescope only, hence (b) can not be true.

19) (c) Let L be the initial length and A be the initial area of cross section of the wire, so that its resistance
is (ρL/A) = 10. After the wire is stretched its length becomes (1.2 L) and cross sectional area becomes
(A / 1.2); since the volume remains unchanged. Therefore, resistance of the wire will now be [ρ(1.2 L)
/ (A / 1.2)] = 1.44 × 10 = 14.4 ohm.

20) (d) After cross multiplying, terms in x3 and x2 on both sides cancel out. Then, it is a linear equation
and therefore must have only one root.

21) (b) From the data it is clear that numerically x itself is the coefficient of linear expansion. It is known
that numerically the coefficient of volume expansion is almost three times the coefficient of linear
expansion. Therefore, the change in volume will be 3x cm3.

22) (d) Due to melting, volume of a substance may increase or decrease. Therefore, an increase in
pressure may cause an increase or a decrease in melting point of the substance. On the other hand, due
to boiling the volume of a substance necessarily increases. Therefore, an increase in pressure
necessarily causes an increase in boiling point. Thus, the only incorrect statement is (d).

23) (d) Since a2, b2, c2 are in AP, b2 = (a2 + c2)/2. Now, it can be very easily verified that
1 1 2 1 1 1
+ = . This result then indicates that , , are in AP but NOT
b+c a+b a+c b+c c+a a+b
1 1 1
, , as asked. Hence, ‘none of the above’ is the correct option.
a+b b+c c+a

24) (d) The radii of successive semicircles are 1,2,3…. Therefore, lengths of successive semicircles will
be π, 2 π, 3 π…. These are in AP. Hence, the total length of the spiral of 10 semicircles will be
L = (10/2)[ 2 π + (10 – 1) π] = 55 π.

a b+c 1 a a+b+c 1
25) (d) Area of ∆ ABC = (1/2) b c + a 1 = (1/2) b b + c + a 1
c a+b 1 c c+a+b 1
a 1 1
= (1/2) (a + b + c) b 1 1 = 0
c 1 1

26) (d) The first circle has centre C1(0,0) and radius r1 = 20. The second circle has centre C2(5,12) and
radius r2 = (25 + 144 – 120)1/2 = 7. Therefore, distance C1C2 = (25 + 144)1/2 = 13. Thus, distance
between the centres C1 and C2 is (r1 – r2). Clearly, the two circles touch each other internally.

27) (b) Use the relation N = No e– λt where the decay constant λ = (0.693/ Thalf). The half life period Thalf is
given to be 10 min. The amount N of radioactive sample remaining at the end of 5 min comes out to
be about 0.707 g, so that the amount of sample decayed is (1 – 0.707) = 0.293 g.

28) (a) The surface of copper sphere is an equipotential surface. Therefore, work done = q (V2 – V1) = 0.

29) (a)

30) (b) Let V be the volume of iceberg and let x be the fraction of volume above water. Using law of
floatation, weight of floating body = weight of liquid displaced by part of the floating body inside the
liquid. Therefore, Vρice g = (1 – x) Vρwater g. Using the values of ρice and ρwater, we get x = (13/103).

31) (b), (d) In the formation of rainbow the optical phenomena involved are obviously dispersion and
deviation. Note that total internal reflection is not possible in this case. Draw a circle with centre O
and any radius R to represent a spherical drop of water in air. Imagine any incident ray AB not passing
through O. Let BC be the path of refracted ray inside the drop. Draw normals OBM and OCN. Let i
and r respectively denote the angle incidence and angle of refraction at point B. Obviously, r ≤ critical
angle. But ∠ OCB = ∠ OBC = r. This means that the angle of incidence at point C (i.e. ∠ OCB) is
smaller than the critical angle. Hence the ray BC can not undergo total internal reflection. This is true
for every ray incident on water drop. In fact the ray BC suffers (partial) internal reflection and leads to
formation of rainbow. Thus, total internal reflection is NOT INVOLVED in a rainbow.

32) (a), (b), (c)

33) (a), (b), (c), (d)

34) (b), (c) Let the vertices of quadrilateral have coordinates A (x1, y1), B (x2, y2), C (x3, y3) and D (x4, y4).
 x + x 4 y1 + y 4   x + x3 y 2 + y 3 
Midpoints of AD, BC, AC and BD will have coordinates P  1 , ,Q  2 , ,
 2 2   2 2 
 x1 + x3 y1 + y 3   x + x4 y 2 + y 4 
R  ,  and S  2 ,  . With this midpoint of PQ is
 2 2   2 2 
 x1 + x 2 + x3 + x 4 y1 + y 2 + y 3 + y 4   x + x 2 + x3 + x 4 y1 + y 2 + y 3 + y 4 
 ,  and midpoint of RS is  1 , .
 4 4   4 4 
Clearly PQ and RS bisect each other at point L with coordinates
 x1 + x 2 + x3 + x 4 y1 + y 2 + y 3 + y 4 
 , .
 4 4 

35) (a), (c) In the given figure, AR = AP, BP = BQ and CQ = CR. Adding these equations, we get, AP +
BQ + CR = AR + BP + CQ = (1/2) [AP + BQ + CR + AR + BP + CQ] = (1/2) [AB + BC + CA] +
(1/2)[perimeter of ∆ ABC]

36) (a), (c), (d) The acceleration of the system of blocks is obviously [60 N /(7 + 5 + 2 + 1) kg] = 4 m/s2.
Therefore, P exerts a force of [(5 + 2 + 1) kg × 4 m/s2] = 32 N whereas Q exerts a force of [(2 + 1) kg
× 4 m/s2] =12 N on R. Similarly, R exerts a force of [(1) kg × 4 m/s2] = 4 N on S, so that a reaction
force of same magnitude is exerted by S on R. Note that Q exerts a force of 32 N on P and not 28 N as
given in option (b).

37) (a), (b) Note that the quantities specific heat and latent heat both contain a term ‘energy per unit
mass’. However energy itself contains mass and hence the dimensions of both these quantities do not
contain mass.
a c a+b b d c+d
38) (a), (b), (c), (d) Given = . Now, = 1+ = 1+ = so that option (a) is correct.
b d a a c c
a −b c−d
Similarly, can be shown to be equal to and hence option (b) is correct. Again,
a c
 ad 
a  + bd
ac + bd b a2d + b2d a2 + b2 a2 c2
=   = 2 = so that option (c) is correct. Now, + can be
ac − bd  ad  a d − b2d a2 − b2 b2 d 2
a  − bd
 b 
 ad 
2c 
a d +b c
2 2 2 2 2 2
2b c 2c 2
b 2ac
written as 2 2
= 2 2 = 2 = 2 = which makes option (d) correct.
b d b d d d bd

39) (c), (d) If θ is the angle made by the direction of force with the horizontal, we have F1 cos θ = µ (mg +
F1 sin θ) and F2 cos θ = µ (mg – F2 sin θ). Clearly F1 > F2 so that option (c) is correct. If sin θ = mg
/F2, two relations written above become F1 cos θ = µ [mg + mg F1/ (4 F2)] and F2 cos θ = µ [mg – mg
 F 
1 +  1 
F2 /(4F2)] = µ (3mg /4). From this we get 1 =
F  4 F2  . Solving this we get F = 2F , so that (d) is
1 2
F2 3
 

40) (a), (d) Charge q at point P experiences equal forces towards A and B, so that the net force on the
charge is zero and it is in equilibrium at position P. Let q be a positive charge. If it is pushed slightly
towards B repulsive force due to +40 µC towards A will increase and that due to +10 µC towards B
will decrease. Therefore, it will experience a nonzero resultant force towards A and the charge will
return to P. This means that a positive charge will be in stable equilibrium at P. If q is negative and if
it is displaced towards B, it will experience greater force of attraction by +40 µC, and hence resultant
force on it will be directed towards B. Since charge displaced away from P does not return to P, the
equilibrium is unstable.



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