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cover feature

Intra-regional food and agriculture trade has the poten-

tial to help address food insecurity in South Asia. However,
removal of trade barriers, both on the import and export
fronts, accompanied by measures to increase agriculture
productivity and production, is essential.

Chandan Sapkota

20 Trade Insight Vol.7, No.1, 2011

F ood insecurity is a major national
as well as regional issue in South
Asia. Most of the countries in the
Table 1
Agriculture exports and imports within South Asia5
region are reeling under high food Intra-regional exports (% share of region's exports to the world)
prices, which are pushing up overall Commodity group 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
inflation, and deficit food production. Animal & animal products 3.78 4.25 3.98 4.32 4.73
Food-price inflation is having a nega-
Vegetable products 17.52 14.87 16.04 15.95 13.92
tive impact on poverty reduction,1
progress in achieving the Millennium Food stuff 14.95 26.41 17.33 16.46 17.20
Development Goals (MDGs), and Intra-regional imports (% share of region's imports from the world)
overall macroeconomic balance. Given
Commodity group 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
this mounting problem closely linked
to the livelihood and survival of mil- Animal & animal products 20.83 19.68 16.77 21.22 22.18
lions of people in the region that has Vegetable products 11.67 10.98 10.82 7.86 6.67
the largest number of poor people in
Food stuff 11.30 33.64 35.73 37.29 15.61
the world, ensuring food security is a
Source: Author’s computation using UN Comtrade database.
pressing concern.
Solving the problem of food
insecurity has become even more
imperative in South Asia because the Agriculture trade Afghanistan trades mostly with Paki-
region’s total population is expected Intra-regional trade in South Asia is stan, Bhutan and Nepal trade mostly
to be 2.3 billion in 2050 (up from 1.6 low when compared to other re- with India. The low share of intra-
billion in 2011), but the area would gional blocs such as the Association regional agriculture trade for other
remain the same (4.8 million sq.km).2 of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries suggests that either there is
This is equivalent to about one–fourth and the European Union. South Asia’s low complementarity in agriculture
of the total projected world population intra-regional merchandise exports trade within the region or the market
in 2050. Furthermore, by 2050, South (imports) were about 5.6 percent (2.5 structure with regard to price, quality
Asia will have the highest population percent) of its total world merchandise and volume is unattractive.
density (486.8 persons per sq. km) of exports (imports) in 2009. However, Overall, India and Sri Lanka have
all the regions in the world. Increasing the share of intra-regional trade in trade surplus in agriculture goods.
agriculture productivity and smooth- agriculture goods is higher. In 2009, Bhutan had surplus in 2008, but a
ening supply within and across bor- agriculture exports within South Asia deficit of about US$5 million the fol-
ders are vital to ensuring food security were around 12.8 percent of the re- lowing year. While agriculture trade
for such a large population. gion’s total world agriculture exports.4 deficit of Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
While there are many factors that Specifically, intra-regional exports of the Maldives and Nepal is increasing,
are causing food prices to rise at the food stuffs—that is, meat products, Pakistan saw a decrease in deficit in
national, regional and global levels, sugar, cocoa, cereal products, vegeta-
one of the ways to mitigate the im- ble products, beverages, and residual
pact—with regard to access, availabil- and waste from food industries—were Table 2
ity and price volatility—is to facilitate 17.2 percent of South Asia’s total food Intra-regional agriculture trade
agriculture trade by removing trade stuff exports to the world. Likewise,
(% share of world trade), 2009
restrictions and by enhancing coop- South Asia’s intra-regional agriculture
eration on smoothening the flow of imports accounted for 8.5 percent of Country Export Import
agriculture goods from surplus to food its total global agriculture imports. Afghanistan 66.78 14.04
deficit nations. It should, however, be Notably, intra-regional imports of Bangladesh* 4.35 19.46
realized that achieving food security is animal and animal products made up
a multidimensional task that involves Bhutan 94.03 97.49
22.2 percent of the region’s total world
international trade as well as, inter alia, imports of such products (Table 1). India 9.83 3.92
new technology and input availability, As a share of the country’s total Maldives** 9.67 36.27
environmentally sustainable farming agriculture trade with the world,
Nepal 79.20 37.76
and appropriate supply management Bhutan mostly exports to and imports
practices.3 from South Asia. The figures are also Pakistan 18.71 9.58
This article examines the extent of high for Afghanistan and Nepal. The Sri Lanka 7.99 21.74
agriculture trade, food insecurity and other countries trade less with South
*2007, **2008
agriculture trade restrictions in South Asian neighbours relative to their total
Source: Author’s computation using UN Comtrade
Asia. trade with the world (Table 2). While database.

Trade Insight Vol.7, No.1, 2011 21

cover feature

purchasing power, reduce savings and percent of the population in Bangla-

Table 3
increase vulnerability. It is estimated desh is undernourished. The figures
Total agriculture trade balance that an average person in Bangladesh, (percentage of the population that is
(million US$) Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka spends, undernourished) for India, Nepal,
Country 2008 2009 respectively, 56.05 percent, 57.88 per- Pakistan and Sri Lanka are 22, 16, 23,
Afghanistan -18.01 -30.94 cent, 46.99 percent and 63.55 percent and 21 respectively. Similarly, a large
of his/her total expenditure on food.7 proportion of children under five
Bangladesh* -190.03 -306.00
With total South Asian population years are underweight. It is as high as
Bhutan 16.19 -4.95 projected to reach 1.9 billion in 2025 43.5 percent in India and as low as 21.1
India 1086.60 340.00 and 2.3 billion in 2050, food insecurity percent in Sri Lanka. Ensuring reliable,
will intensify if agriculture production adequate and nutritious food items is
Maldives** -7.01 -8.94
does not keep pace with population essential to address malnutrition in
Nepal*** -15.71 -27.00 growth. the region. Hunger and undernour-
Pakistan -113.88 -54.85 Food insecurity and price instabil- ishment have long-term economic
ity affect hunger and malnutrition. implications as they reduce people’s
Sri Lanka 19.13 41.43
Though the state of hunger in South capacity to work efficiently and fight
*Figures for Bangladesh correspond to 2006 and Asia has improved when compared against diseases by undermining the
2007,** Maldives 2007 and 2008, ***Nepal 2003
instead of 2008.
to the level in 1990, it is still high. immune system.
According to Global Hunger Index
Source: Author’s computation using UN Comtrade
database (Chapters 1–23 considered as agriculture 2010,8 the hunger situation in Bangla- Regional cooperation
goods). desh and India has improved from Realizing the urgency to address food
“extremely alarming” to “alarming”, insecurity through regional coopera-
2009 when compared to the previous and in Pakistan and Sri Lanka from tion after the food crisis of 2007–2008,
year (Table 3). “alarming” to “serious”. The state of South Asian leaders, during the 15th
hunger in Nepal, however, has re- Summit of the South Asian Associa-
Food security mained the same: “alarming”. Overall, tion of Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
Food prices have been surging in all hunger in South Asia is “alarming” held in Colombo, agreed to expedite
South Asian countries since 2007, and worse than in Sub-Saharan Africa. the operationlization of the SAARC
not only impacting macroeconomic Undernourishment is also a major Food Bank, which is expected to serve
stability, but also pushing millions of concern in the region. Almost 26 as a regional food security reserve
people below the poverty line. Food
prices have been rapidly increasing in
most of the countries following a con- Figure 1
vergence in their growth rate in 2003 Growth rates of food price index in South Asia (%)
(Figure 1). In the recent period, food-
price inflation in Pakistan, followed
by Nepal, is the highest in South

Asia. Apart from adversely affecting

poverty reduction efforts in the region,
rising food prices also slow down the
progress being made in achieving the

It is estimated that a 10 percentage
increase in food prices will increase PAK
the number of poor people (mil-

lions) living below US$1.25-a-day
by 3.8, 0.01, 22.8, 6.7, 0.6, 3.5, and 0.2 IND
in Bangladesh, Bhutan, rural India, LKA
urban India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri

Lanka, respectively.6 The impact of

higher food prices is severe because
South Asian people, on average, spend

more than half of their income on food

consumption. Higher prices/price 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
instability without a corresponding
increase in income or wages erode Source: ADB. 2010. Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2010. Manila: Asian Development Bank.

22 Trade Insight Vol.7, No.1, 2011

for SAARC member countries during Figure 2
normal food shortages and emergen- Total food production in South Asia (million MT)
cies. The Food Bank’s reserve of food
grains has been raised from 241,580
metric tons (MT) to 486,000 MT.


But the SAARC Food Bank is yet to IND
become fully functional. If properly
designed and implemented, it could

help relieve pressure on some coun-


tries facing urgent food shortages.

Increased agriculture productivity

and production is crucial to having
enough stock for trade in the region.

Agriculture production has been con-

sistently increasing in all countries but

arable land has remained the same. NPL
This means that productivity has

risen, and needs to rise further to feed
an increasing population. For instance, LKA

the Maldives has one of the highest


cereal yields but the lowest arable land 1960 1970 1990 2000 2010
in South Asia (Table 4). Since its popu-
lation is expected to increase by over
13 percent between 2011 and 2050 and * India on right y-axis and others on left y-axis
rising sea level is expected to inundate Source: Author’s computation using FAOSTAT database (Total food production = Sum of total production
large swathes of its land, it will find of cereals, citrus fruit, coarse grain, fibre crops primary, fruit excl melons, jute & jute-like fibers, oilcake
equivalent, oilcrops primary, pulses, roots and tubers, treenuts, and vegetables & melons).
difficult to ensure food security, let
alone generate surplus production for
trade. In such circumstances, exports India produces the lion’s share of restrict exports when there is do-
from countries such as India and Paki- the total South Asian food production. mestic production deficit, following
stan that have a relatively high level In 2009, it produced 748.84 million the same policy even when there
of production and area of arable land of food, three times higher than the is surplus is not a smart move and
become crucial. total production by other South Asian represents a wasted opportunity for
countries combined (Figure 2). alleviating regional food insecurity.
That said, since arable land is ex- It is estimated that restrictions on rice
Table 4
pected to be the same (or decline in the exports explained almost 40 percent
Arable land and cereal yield in worst case scenario), it is imperative to of the increase in global rice price in
South Asia increase agriculture yield by adopting 2007–2008.10
Country Arable Cereal new technologies and novel farming The Food and Agriculture Orga-
land yield techniques, and using improved qual- nization of the United Nations argues
(million (1,000 ity seeds. that agriculture trade liberalization
India is the world’s second biggest acts as a catalyst for change and
hectares), kg per
producer of wheat, sugar and rice and promotes conditions in which the
2007 hectare),
has a sizable surplus, which is beyond food-insecure are able to raise their
2008 the limit set by the government, in income, live healthier and be more
Afghanistan 8.53 1.34 domestic stock. Currently, the Indian productive. But not all will gain from
Bangladesh 7.97 3.97 government is ready to export surplus liberalization. Those that are hurt
Bhutan 0.13 1.95 food grains, especially when grain and are increasingly vulnerable have
prices are record high, but is waiting to be taken care of by implementing
India 158.65 2.65
to assess the total domestic demand appropriate safety net programmes
Maldives 0.004 3.92 that will be mandated by the upcom- such as food-for-work, school feed-
Nepal 2.36 2.36 ing Food Bill.9 After the food crisis of ing and in-cash or in-kind transfers.
2007–2008, India had restricted exports For instance, Bangladesh extended its
Pakistan 21.50 2.67
of major food items. It is yet to relax work-for-food programme in response
Sri Lanka 0.97 3.66 those restrictions. to damages caused by natural disas-
Source: World Development Indicators, World Bank. While it is politically justified to ters and rise in food prices.11

Trade Insight Vol.7, No.1, 2011 23

cover feature

Trade barriers and food crisis food stocks from government depots Notes
Food security is a multidimensional and subsidized food items at fair 1
About 44 million people fell below the
issue and agriculture trade is one tool price shops. Sri Lanka reduced import poverty line of US$1.25 a day due to
to address food shortages. Though in- tariff and implemented non-targeted high food prices between June and
subsidies. December 2010, according to Ivanic,
tra-regional trade in agriculture goods
M., W. Martin, and H. Zaman. 2011. “Es-
is higher, in relative terms, than total Increasing production and pro- timating the short-run poverty impacts
intra-regional merchandise trade in ductivity is key to addressing the of the 2010–2011 surge in food prices.”
South Asia, a host of barriers constrain availability of adequate food. Without World Bank Policy Research Working
Paper 5633, Washington, D.C.
such trade. surplus production and trade comple-
mentarity, it is hard to increase agri-
Figures computed from United States
Some countries have not relaxed Census’s international population pro-
exports restrictions despite having a culture trade aimed at addressing food jection available at http://www.census.
surplus of food grains. Furthermore, insecurity. Countries like India that gov/ipc/www/idb/region.php
most countries are imposing high tar- have surplus food stocks should take 3
Karapinar, Baris. 2010. Introduction:
iff, para-tariff and non-tariff barriers in the initiative to relax export restric- Food crisis and the WTO. In Karapinar,
Baris and Christian Haberli (eds.).
agriculture trade.12 Most countries pro- tions at least in the region. Meanwhile, Food Crisis and the WTO. Cambridge:
tect most agriculture goods under the all countries should prioritize agricul- Cambridge University Press. pp. 1–22
Agreement on South Asian Free Trade ture and focus on increasing produc- 4
Author’s computation using UN Com-
Area (SAFTA) by putting them on tion and productivity. Inadequate trade database (HS 2002 classification).
their sensitive lists. Tariffs on goods investment in agriculture, irrigation, Agriculture products include Chapters
1–23. All data unless otherwise cited are
on the sensitive lists do not have to be rural infrastructure, technology, better direct data computed using UNCOM-
cut as per SAFTA’s Tariff Liberaliza- storage and packaging facilities at the TRADE (HS 2002 classification).
tion Programme. The most-favoured- farm level, and marketing process, 5
UN Comtrade database (HS 2002 clas-
nation (MFN) applied tariff on agri- poor trade facilitation, and restrictions sification). Animal & animal products
on access to ports and/or inter-coun- (Chapters 1–4); vegetable products
culture goods in South Asia is higher
(Chapters 6–15); and food stuff (Chap-
than in some other regions. It was try roads usage, among others, are the ters 16–23).
29 percent during 2006–2009, com- major hurdles that need to be ad- 6
Asian Development Bank. 2011. “Global
pared to just 9.93 percent in ASEAN. dressed to increase agriculture trade food price inflation and developing Asia.”
High trade barriers—both export and to ensure food security.13 This Available at www.adb.org/documents/
restrictions and import barriers—are should be supplemented by reduc-
complicating efforts to mitigate food ing, to the most reasonable extent, all 7
Estimates by Economic Research
insecurity in the region. forms of trade restrictions that hamper Service, using the 1996 ICP data, by
Theoretically, agriculture trade the free flow of agriculture goods in United States Department of Agriculture
liberalization leads to, inter alia, a the region. (USDA).
reduction in the price of agriculture Creating a policy environment
International Food Policy Research
Institute. 2010. “Global Hunger Index
imports in the importing country where farmers are incentivized to
2010.” www.ifpri.org/publication/2010-
and helps increase agriculture output be more productive and engaged in global-hunger-index-background-facts-
by providing attractive price signals agriculture activities is also crucial for and-key-findings
to farmers in the exporting country. food security. For this, policies should 9
Mukherjee, Kritiivas. 2011. “Food rights
However, as noted above, not all will be designed in such a way that farm- bill holds key to India farm exports plan.”
be winners from liberalization. The ers are encouraged to cooperate so idINIndia-56866620110514
losers will have to be taken care of that there are economies of scale even 10
Martin, Will and Kym Anderson. 2010.
by implementing appropriate social when there is fragmented small-scale “Trade distortions and food price surg-
safety net programmes. land holdings. Furthermore, food- es.” Paper presented at the World Bank-
price stability is also an important UC Berkeley Conference on Agriculture
During the recent food crisis,
and Development- Revisited, Berkeley,
Afghanistan increased food supply aspect that needs to be adequately ad- 1–2 October 2010.
by using buffer food stock grains, dressed to ensure food security in the 11
Coady, David, Margaret E. Grosh
targeted food aid to the most vulner- region. Agriculture sector firms should and John Hoddinott. 2003. Targeting
able population, and gave subsidies be given enough incentives to produce of transfers in developing countries:
goods that are vital to maintaining Review of Lessons and Experience.
on agriculture inputs. Pakistan relaxed Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
import tariff on sugar, released grains food security. Importantly, these poli- 12
See Samaratunga, Parakarma and
from its buffer stocks, and provided cies have to consider the impact of Manoj Thibbotuwawa. 2006. “Mapping
subsidies on food stuff sold through climate change on agriculture produc- and analysis of South Asian agricultural
state-owned food depots. Bangladesh tion and trade as well. All of these will trade liberalization effort.” ARTNeT
Working Paper Series No. 26.
and India also followed similar poli- require greater regional coordination
“Agricultural Trade and Poverty: Can
cies, but imposed restrictions on rice to reduce food security and trade
trade work for the poor?”, FAO Agricul-
and sugar exports. Nepal released policy inconsistencies. „ ture Series No. 36, 2005.

24 Trade Insight Vol.7, No.1, 2011

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