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2ª Série do Ensino Médio Professor(a)

Turma _____Turno ____ MÁRIO ANDRÉ

Aluno (a): _________________________________ Nº


Four is a very unlucky number Chinese culture, much
On the Meaning of Being Chinese like the number 13 is in many cultures.
They don’t even have fourth fl oors in buildings,
Ethnically speaking, I feel I am complicated to much like how in the U.S. we don’t have thirteenth
classify, but who isn’t, right? To me, being Chinese- floors. Don’t open the gift upon receiving it unless it is
Brazilian in America means a history of living in three insisted upon. Instead, open it later.
opposite cultures, and sometimes feeling that I did not
belong in neither, a constant struggle that immigrants, Disponível em: <http://www.vayama.com>. Acesso
and national citizens, face when their appearance is em: 20 out. 2014. (adaptado)
foreign to natives in the country. Jokingly, I say that I
am Asian in America, Brazilian in China, and a 2. Hong Kong, ex-colônia britânica, foi devolvida à
“gringa” in Brazil. Nevertheless, I believe that dealing China em 1997, em cumprimento a um acordo de 1984
with these hard to reconcile extremes have somehow entre o governo chinês e o Reino Unido. Com base no
helped me in becoming more comfortable with my texto anterior, se um dia você estiver visitando Hong
identity. Kong, você deve: (0,5)
(BELEZA LI. Disponível em: www.aiisf.org.
Acesso em: 28 mar. 2014) A) ( ) recusar um prato de frutos do mar se estiver a
bordo de qualquer embarcação, pois, segundo a
1. Nesse fragmento, Beleza Li resume a sua tradição, isso acarreta má sorte.
experiência de vida ao descrever a complexidade em: B) ( ) abrir o presente imediatamente depois de tê-lo
(0,5) recebido, sob pena de ser considerado por quem o
presenteou uma pessoa ingrata.
A) ( ) viver como imigrante em um país asiático. C) ( ) deixar seu prato sem nenhum pedaço de
B) ( ) definir quem ela é no que concerne à etnia. comida sobrando, pois evita transparecer que detestou
C) ( ) compreender as culturas que a constituem. a comida servida no jantar.
D) ( ) lidar com brincadeiras sobre sua aparência. D) ( ) ser o último a beber caso tenha proposto às
E) ( ) lutar contra a discriminação nos Estados pessoas um brinde, evitando, assim, que seus
Unidos. convidados o vejam como um mau anfitrião.
E) ( ) evitar oferecer qualquer presente em conjuntos
TEXT 2 de quatro peças, tendo em vista que o referido número
simboliza má sorte na cultura chinesa.
Etiquette tips for Hong Kong Much of the
etiquette in Hong Kong stems from superstitions, TEXT 3
especially when it comes to table manners and giving
gifts. Enjoy your time in Hong Kong, but remember to Wash Your Nose
keep some basic etiquette guidelines in mind
throughout your trip. Table manners Don’t turn a fi sh He wanted to wash his hands. His hands were
over. It’s bad luck because it represents a boat dirty. They were dirty from the newspaper. All
capsizing. Don’t pour your own drink fi rst. Instead, newspapers have black ink. The black ink got on his
make a toast about business or friendship. Pour hands. When he rubbed his nose, he put black ink on
everyone a drink, and even if the person’s cup is fi his nose. His wife looked at him. She laughed.“Why
lled, pour a few drops in. are you laughing?” he asked.
Don’t take the last bit of food in a serving plate. She said his nose was black. She handed him a
It’s considered impolite. Also, leave a little bit of food mirror. He looked in the mirror. He said, “Yes, you’re
left on your plate when you’re full so the hosts know right. I have black ink on my nose. I look a little bit
you are done, otherwise they’ll bring out even more funny.” “No, you look very funny,” his wife said. She
food. Gift giving and accepting gifts Don’t give laughed again. He went into the bathroom.
anything in sets of fours.
He turned on the water. He picked up the bar of I) I live in a house in Luis Correia ___ is in Piaui.
soap. He rubbed the soap between his hands. He A) ( ) who B) ( ) which C) ( ) whose
washed his face. He rinsed his face with water.
He looked in the bathroom mirror. His nose was II) This is the girl _____ comes from Spain.
clean. There was no ink on his nose. He walked out of A) ( ) who B) ( ) which C) ( ) whose
the bathroom. He wanted to show his wife his new
nose. III) That's Natalia, the boy __ has just arrived at the
3. Lendo a passagem acima, marque corretamente a A) ( ) who B) ( ) when C) ( ) whose
alternativa abaixo: (0,5)
IV) Thank you very much for your e-mail ___ was
A) ( ) o texto acima é um texto jornalístico que relata very interesting.
uma situação engraçada do cotidiano; A) ( ) whose B) ( ) why C) ( ) which
B) ( ) relata um fato humorístico contado em um site
de noticias e entretenimento descrito no fim do texto; V) The boy, ___ sister is a professor, forgot his
C) ( ) é um texto narrativo/ descritivo de fatos umbrella.
comuns que podem acontecer em nosso cotidiano; A) ( ) whose B) ( ) where C) ( ) who
D) ( ) faz o relato de uma situação de cunho
humorístico, engraçado e que pode ocorrer em algum 8. Leia e marque o relative pronouns correto: “Do you
momento de nossas vida; know the reason ... there are no penguins at the North
E) ( ) relata uma situação humorística e jornalística Pole?” (1.0)
entre um casal com uma situação cômica, mas um
pouco vergonhosa, principalmente para o marido; A) ( ) which B) ( ) why
C) ( ) when D) ( ) what
4. Em relação a 2° condicional estudada em sala,
maque a alternativa correta para a sentença ao lado: “If 9. Marque a correta: “Pedro always asks me for things
he __ to Recife, he __ the Porto de Galinhas.” (0,5) ____ are complicated to do on Sundays.” (1.0)

A) ( ) would go / visited A) ( ) where C) ( ) when

B) ( ) went / would visit B) ( ) which D) ( ) why
C) ( ) were go / visited
D) ( ) went / were visited 10. Leia ao lado e marque o relativo correto: “A coffee-
maker is a machine __ makes coffee.” (1.0)
5. Marque a correta sobre a 2º condicional: “If my
father __ me a ticket, I __ to the cinema.” (0,5) A) ( ) where C) ( ) whom
B) ( ) which D) ( ) why
A) ( ) didn't buy / wouldn't go
B) ( ) weren't buy / won't go 11. Leia e marque a alternative que completa
C) ( ) wouldn't buy / didn't go corretamente a sentence: “A girl opened the door. She
D) ( ) wasn't buy / won't go was wearing a purple dress. The woman __ a blue
dress.” (1.0)
6. Já em relação à 3º condicional, leia as alternativas e
marque a correta: “I __ you, if you __  me.” (0,5) A) ( ) who opened the door
B) ( ) which the door was open
A) ( ) Would have helped, had asked C) ( ) which was wearing
B) ( ) Had helped, would have asked D) ( ) who opened the door was wearing
C) ( ) Would have helped, would have asked
D) ( ) Have help, have ask 12. Observe a sentença e marque o pronome relativo
correto: “The winner ___ bike was unusual design and
7. Sobre a 3° conditional, leia e marque a correta: “If was yellow, won the gold medal.” (1.0)
you ___ more, you ___ so tired.” (0,5)
A) ( ) where B) ( ) who C) ( ) which D) ( ) why
A) ( ) Had slept, hadn't been
B) ( ) Had slept, wouldn't have been 13. Leia e marque a correta: “The bad weather is the
C) ( ) Would have slept, wouldn't have been reason __ I was late for class yesterday.” (1.0)
D) ( ) Have sleep. Heve be
A) ( ) Whom B) ( ) When
8. Escolha a alternativa correta em cada sentença C) ( ) Why C) ( ) Where
abaixo: (0,5)

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