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The Swoon Theory claims that Jesus did not really die, but instead He only passed out,

therefore the disciples saw only a revived or resuscitated Christ. Jesus was nailed to a
cross and suffered from shock, pain and loss of blood. Yet instead of actually dying, He
only fainted (swooned) from exhaustion. When He was placed in the tomb, He was still
alive and the disciples, mistaking Him for dead, buried Him alive. After several hours, He
revived in the coolness of the tomb, arose, and departed. This theory was made popular
by Ahmadiya Muslims as the Quran states that Christ did not die on the cross.

Could this have possibly happened at all? Historically speaking, the Roman method of
execution was extremely severe. There are only two known cases of anyone ever
surviving a Crucifixion. They would have to also survive a flogging (that's 39 lashes with
a skin ripping whip) as well. That's two out of a million or more. The two known male
survivors that endured the loss of blood, beatings and shock of cross only lived for 24
hours afterwards. This is recorded by notable and highly accurate historian Josephus. In
effect, nobody could survive such treatment.

When we consider this theory, ask yourself is there any evidence to support this theory.
This theory is lacks any proof. The death of Jesus Christ was recorded by at least three
other people besides Josephus. Tacitus, the Roman historian quotes “The originator of
that name, Christus (Christ), had been executed when Tiberius was emperor by order of
the procurator Pontius Pilatus." The Bible says that the Roman soldiers did not break
Jesus’ legs because they saw that He was already dead. These soldiers were professionals
and would never have let Jesus live under any circumstances. Pontius Pilate ordered a
centurion to verify the death of Jesus6. He couldn’t make a mistake because he would
have to pay for it with his life.

The body of Jesus would have been wrapped in a linen cloth together with 70 Rahel of
embalming spices (in liquid form). This was tightly wrapped around His body. The spices
would make the linen very hard as the spices would harden. This would make it
impossible for a man to get out of this wrapping even if he was alive. This was placed in
a tomb cut out of solid rock. A very large stone weighing about 2 tons was rolled against
the entrance. Roman watch of strictly disciplined men stood guard at the tomb according
to the instructions of the authorities. They obviously wanted the body to stay behind the
stone barrier.

This theory would require that Jesus in his weakened condition, would have to wriggle
out of the wrappings, push aside a two ton stone alone, and then fight the mighty Roman
soldiers. After all of this, Jesus would have also walked a very long distance to greet His
disciples. Does this sound feasible? No. Given all of the overwelhming evidence that I
have presented before you now, a person can could only come to the conclusion that what
gospels say about the life, death and Resurrection of Christ is indeed true. His tomb is
still empty today. He is risen. He is Lord. One last question. Is He your risen Lord, that
has given you a Resurrected and eternal spirit? Or are you an empty tomb?

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