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Ikuti Lomba Foto Balita 'Nyam..nyam.., Aku Suka Makan Buah'

1. Lomba foto balita ini akan mulai ditayangkan 1 Maret sampai 25 April
2. Peserta adalah balita berusia 0-5 tahun. Silakan isi data diri dan balita
Anda pada 'Form Kirim Foto Balita'.
3. Peserta yang ditampilkan adalah foto yang sesuai dengan tema
'Nyam..nyam.., Aku Suka Makan Buah'.
4. DetikHealth akan menetapkan pemenang dan keputusan tersebut tidak
dapat diganggu gugat.
5. Pemenang akan diumumkan pada 2 Mei 2011. Ada 12 hadiah untuk
pemenang foto paling menarik yang bisa Anda dapatkan dan tentu saja
sangat menarik untuk balita Anda.

Ketentuan Upload foto :

» Ukuran Foto 400 x 400 px 

» Ukuran File 30 Kb/foto sampai 60 Kb/foto.

""Kami tidak dapat menampilkan foto balita Anda, jika foto yang anda kirimkan
tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan""



Diposkan oleh edukasialternatif di 18:57

Forum Nasional Pendidikan Kritis-Alternatif




Sebagai gerbang masa depan Indonesia yang lebih baik, pendidikan sering diabai,
sering tak dilakukan dengan dedikasi profesionalisme tinggi. Hanya sebatas
mengajar 'apa adanya', tak lebih, hanya menggugurkan pelaksanaan kurikulum.
Ini bisa disimpulkan melihat prestasi anak negeri yang masih bisa dihitung
dengan jari, kondisi politik-ekonomi-sosial-budaya yang tak mencerminkan
pelakunya berpendidikan tinggi, tak menjunjung nilai-nilai moralitas-universal.
Semua semakin karut marut.

Karut marut pendidikan selama ini bisa kita lihat dari filosofi pendidikan yang
membebankan peserta didik layaknya mesin, target kurikulum yang tak berpihak
pada kemampuan dan kemajemukan daya peserta didik, pelaksanaan proses
pendidikan yang menggunakan kekerasan dan segala anasir subversif, guru tidak
kreatif, kaku, tidak menyenangkan. Dan anehnya semua itu seperti sengaja
dikekalkan oleh pemerintah. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pemerintah tak serius
mengubah arah pendidikan menjadi lebih baik, hanya mengandalkan politik
anggaran pendidikan 20 persen saja. Itu tidak cukup.

Lalu, bisakah ini dibebankan pada proses pendidikan yang ternyata telah gagal?
Pendidikan adalah ujung tombak perubahan sebuah negeri. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari
kejatuhan Jepang setelah dijatuhi bom atom di Hirosima dan Nagasaki, tapi
kejatuhan itu segera dibangunnya kembali melalui pendidikan. Dan saatnya kita
mempersembahkan semua daya pikir kita untuk negeri.

Untuk itu, dalam menyambut Hari Pendidikan Nasional bertepatan dengan

pelaksanaan seminar nasional oleh Forum Nasional Pendidikan Alternatif bertajuk
“Pendidikan Humanis Hari Ini”, panitia pelaksana (panpel) memberi kesempatan
bagi mahasiswa dan guru untuk berkarya memberi sumbang pemikiran kritis
idealis dan solutif dalam rangka ‘memanusiakan manusia’ secara tertulis dalam
Lomba Esai-Narasi Nasional 2011.


Waktu pelaksanaan
22 Maret – 22 Mei 2011

Sub tema
1. Pendidikan dilematis
2. Belajar itu asik
3. Berbenah dari kelas
4. Antara guru, fasilitator, dan orang tua

Alamat mengirim
Naskah dikirim ke narasi.ep@gmail.com

1. Mahasiswa
2. Guru

1. Orisinalitas;
2. Gaya bahasa; dan
3. Ketepatan analisa.

Pengumuman kepesertaan (berdasarkan naskah masuk) :

Pertama 5 April 2011
Kedua 3 Mei 2011
Ketiga 22 Mei 2011 (Hari terakhir pengiriman naskah, pukul 24.00 WIB)

Pengumuman pemenang
24 Mei 2011

1. Naskah boleh berbentuk narasi atau esai.
2. Naskah tidak pernah dipublikasikan di media cetak maupun elektronik.
3. Naskah ditulis di atas kertas ukuran A4, margin normal, 1 spasi, minimal 5
halaman, disertai fotenote / daftar pustaka bila terdapat rujukan atau kutipan.
4. 1 orang peserta hanya mengirim maksimal 2 naskah.
5. Naskah fokus pada sub tema, tidak bercabang.
6. Halaman akhir naskah dilengkapi dengan data pribadi ( nama, alamat, usia,
tempat kuliah, tempat mengajar, no HP / kontak, email, dan no rekening -pribadi
atau berwakil).
7. Setiap pengiriman naskah peserta melampirkan ettachment file scan KTP yang
masih berlaku.
8. Setiap peserta diharuskan menulis isi pengumuman lomba ini di note FB
masing-masing dengan men-tag 25 teman termasuk akun FB panitia (sebelumnya
add forum.pendidikan@ymail.com).
9. Kepesertaan gugur bila tidak sesuai ketentuan naskah.
10. Naskah yang masuk menjadi milik panitia.
11. Hanya pemenang yang akan dihubungi panitia via email / telepon dan hadiah
dikirim ke no rekening pemenang.
12. Keputusan panitia adalah kuat dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Kategori mahasiswa
Penerima penghargaan pertama Rp. 6.000.000;
Penerima penghargaan kedua Rp. 3.000.000;
Penerima penghargaan ketiga Rp. 1.500.000;

Kategori guru
Penerima penghargaan pertama Rp. 7.000.000;
Penerima penghargaan kedua Rp. 3.500.000;
Penerima penghargaan ketiga Rp. 2.000.000;

* Keterangan : Hadiah sudah termasuk pajak

The Life Awards honour and support photojournalist who use their visual communication skills
cover stories affecting the society in a way that is inspiring and promotes awareness of the danger
of drug abuse.

The FIRST WINNER of this category will get a cash prize USD $2,500.
The SECOND WINNER of this category will get a cash prize USD $1,000.
For PHOTOGRAPHY CATEGORY, the Life Awards will honor SINGLE PHOTO entry.

Judges will be looking for material that, in particular:

 has inspiring visual approach

 creative and innovative use of the journalist’s chosen medium
 promoting awareness, drawing attention to, and providing new insight to the issues at
 displays a high level of visual communication skills through the work
 has a wide appeal through the story’s ability to be compelling and imaginative
 relays to the audience the impact drug prevention has on society
 has the ability to impact government policy and/or public opinion

1. This competition is open to all print, online, television, and radio journalists from
Indonesia, Asia and the Pacific region.
2. Each applicant may submit one entry of his or her work.
3. Entries must have been originally published or broadcast in radio, television, print or
online form during the competition period of 1 January 2010 – 15 April 2011.
4. Materials must be received by the submissions deadline on 30 April 2011.
5. Applicants must secure consent from their supervisors (or editor-in-chief) stating that
the material submitted for competition will become the right of the organizers of the
Life Awards, will not be returned and can be utilized for the following requirements:
a. To be used and presented for the needs of the jury
b. Life Awards has the right to display in the form of commercials and for
the purpose of the competition, the works that have been submitted.
c. Life Awards has the right to reproduce submitted works in the form of
CD/DVD to be given to the sponsors and supporters of the event.
d. Life Awards has the right to use the materials for campaign and other
6. Applicants are required to state that the materials sent is free from infringement of
third rights.
7. The committee has the right to include or reproduce works of the winner and other
participants in the case where the media that holds this competition considers the
works suitable for reproduction.
8. The committee has the right to edit the submitted works to be included or reproduced
for the purposes of publication.
9. Staff, including family members, who are involved or work for The Life Awards
committee, including those who work within the UN System, which includes
UNODC, Badan Narkotika Nasional Republik Indonesia, YCAB, Media Group,
Masima Group are not eligible to take part in this competition.

1. Photos in digital format only will be accepted.

2. Digital submissions should be a minimum size of 3,000 pixels in length at 300 dpi,
compression 8.
3. No photo should in any way be digitally altered or enhanced except for basic
cropping or colour correction. The content and context of the image should in no way
be altered or enhanced.
4. All captions and relevant information (such as creation date, city/state, country, and
caption) must be embedded in the file (for example in the caption field under “field
information” in Photoshop).
How to Submit Your Work to “The Life Awards 2011”?

1. Download “The Life Awards 2011” submission form.

2. Applicants must submit “The Life Awards 2011 submission form” and the entries to :
The Life Awards honour and support those in the media who use their communication skills cover
stories affecting the society in a way that is inspiring and promotes awareness of the danger of
drug abuse.

The FIRST WINNER of this category will get a cash prize USD $2,500.
The SECOND WINNER of this category will get a cash prize USD $1,000.
For NEWSPAPER CATEGORY, the Life Awards will honor FEATURES/IN-DEPTH Report.

Judges seek the following characteristics in the submitted entries:

 creative and innovative use of the journalist’s chosen medium

 promoting awareness, drawing attention to, and providing new insight to the issues at
 displays a high level of communication skills through the work
 has a wide appeal through the story’s ability to be compelling and imaginative
 relays to the audience the impact drug prevention has on society
 has the ability to impact government policy and/or public opinion

1. This competition is open to all print, online, television, and radio journalists from
Indonesia, Asia and the Pacific region.
2. Each applicant may submit one entry of his or her work.
3. Entries must have been originally published or broadcast in radio, television, print or
online form during the competition period of 1 January 2010 – 15 April 2011.
4. Materials must be received by the submissions deadline on 30 April 2011.
5. Applicants must secure consent from their supervisors (or editor-in-chief) stating that
the material submitted for competition will become the right of the organizers of the
Life Awards, will not be returned and can be utilized for the following requirements:
a. To be used and presented for the needs of the jury
b. The Life Awards Committee has the right to display in the form of
commercials and for the purpose of the competition, the works that have
been submitted.
c. The Life Awards Committee has the right to reproduce submitted works
in the form of CD/DVD to be given to the sponsors and supporters of the
d. The Life Awards Committee has the right to use the materials for
campaign and other purposes.
6. Applicants are required to state that the materials sent is free from infringement of
third rights.
7. The committee has the right to include or reproduce works of the winner and other
participants in the case where the media that holds this competition considers the
works suitable for reproduction.
8. The committee has the right to edit the submitted works to be included or reproduced
for the purposes of publication.
9. Staff, including family members, who are involved or work for The Life Awards
committee, including those who work within the UN System, which includes
UNODC, Badan Narkotika Nasional Republik Indonesia, YCAB, Media Group,
Masima Group are not eligible to take part in this competition.
How to Submit Your Work to “The Life Awards 2011”?

1. Download “The Life Awards 2011” submission form.

2. To accompany your written submission, entries may be supported with relevant back-
up material:
a. Four copies of the script up to 2000 words maximum, tear sheet in PDF
(on CD/DVD) and Original tear sheets or high quality copies accepted.
b. Please ensure that each sheet, script, original tear sheet and CD/DVD is
clearly labelled as such:
Postmarked of date sent (yy/mm/dd)_Name of The
For example: 100611_irwanto_NEWSPAPER
3. A letter of authorization from the Supervisor (or editor-in-chief) – in compliance with
the conditions and general principles no. 5 of the competition.
4. A letter stating that the materials sent is free from infringement of third rights – in
compliance with the conditions and general principles no. 6 of the competition.
5. Applicants must submit entries in an envelope with the title NEWSPAPER written on
the upper left hand side of the envelope. Applicants must also include their name,
media, office address, office telephone number, email address, and address it to:
Ms. Milanny Halim
The Life Awards Secretariat
Jl. Surya Mandala I no 8D
Jakarta Barat 11520
P: +62.21.5835.5000(Hunting)
F: +62.21.5835.5001

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