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Green is the new colour of black

- in memoriam Oriana Fallaci -

Photo: Anoop Anand A

The Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci died in Florence in mid-September 2006. However she spent
most of her time in her New York apartment. In the last few years Fallaci had become noted for her
unvarnished criticism of Islam as she put it: There are moments in Life when keeping silent
becomes a fault, and speaking an obligation. A civic duty, a moral challenge, a categorical imperative from which we cannot escape. Her book The Rage and the Pride was coincidentally published just after the Twin Towers outrage and was an immediate success. In Italy alone it sold more
than a million copies. One of her sayings states that moderate Islam is a fabricated illusion, born of
naivety or thanks to the Quislings of this era and to misplaced realpolitik. Together with her friend
Bat Yeor she was one of the great of our time, a herald calling out: Awake! Fighters in the
cause of right thinking they led the same kind of struggle against a rise of Nazi-Fascistoid Islam.
Thus green has become the new black and I am not talking about the Green parties: (almost) the
entire political soup is coloured green, algae-green. Thus is the road paved with the dictat of politically correct thinking. Have we any idea what we are doing? Flirting with Islam is like flirting with
a crocodile. In the morning, when the ambient temperature is low, no harm will come to you (it is a
cold-blooded animal) but in the heat of the day it is a matter of bite, swallow and gone. (1)
To honor her heroism and valor as a symbol of the Resistance to Islamo-fascism and as a warrior
in the cause of human freedom, on November 28th 2005 Fallaci received the Anny Taylor Award
from the Center for the Study of Popular Culture. (2) In the article that follows, a great deal is
taken from her last book La Forza della Ragione (The Force of Reason) in which, partly thanks
to research done by Bat Yeor, she demonstrates how, following the oil crisis, the European parliamentarians have delivered up our precious Christian or, better, Judeo-Christian Europe (3)
into the stranglehold of Islam under the guise of a healthy form of multiculturalism.


1 An informal chat
History is not a series of events that politicians are unexpectedly confronted with though the
general public is. The important themes are being prepared. This is known as sensible policy
but whether the aims of the policy are sensible that is another question. Thus it happened that
four months before the outbreak of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, King Feisal of Saudi Arabia
approached the Italian President with a request for the construction of a grandiose mosque in
Rome, despite the fact that the citys Moslim population was insignificant. Giulio Andreotti, then
Prime Minister, looked favourably on the request. And 22 years later the mosque was standing
there, with its enormous challenging minaret. At the time there was no lack of Moslims.
A month later, in August 1973, King Feisal and Egyptian President Sadat agreed to set up an oil
embargo against the West during the coming war. On 17th October the oil crisis was fact, affecting all nations showing support for Israel. A hard line. On 26th November the Prime Ministers of
Germany and France, Brandt and Pompidou, had a tte--tte, after which a European summit
was organised within the context of search for strong unity with the Arab world. Italy led the way
in applauding the initiative and as early as mid-December there were secret talks in Copenhagen
between European Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers in what was known as the fireside summit, later called the Copenhagen European Summit. Without constraints, without procedure and
with an open heart, said French Foreign Minister Michel Jobert. Pompidou said ironically that it
was a platform to radiate Europes independence and unity. Sleep well!
One of the topics of the fireside summit was the troubling demographic situation in Europe,
which urgently had to be answered. At the time, the average Western European woman had 2.4
life births during the span of her life, while 2.1 is required for keeping the population stable. The
figure of actual births was falling considerably already for a long time. The turning point can be
indicated at the end of World War I. Though France had won the war, there was no sense of victory in the country, but rather one of exasperation and despair. Normally there is a baby boom
after a victorious war, but after 1918 the demographics started to detoriate and in final resort it
was not limited to France. The countries in greates trouble nowadays are Germany, Spain and
Greece. For instance, the German birth rate was so low that according to some estimates its population could fall, without immigration, from 80 million to 25 by the end of 21st century. This kind
of demographic argument was used at the summit meeting to convince the politicians of the need
to receive immigrants from the Islamic countries. The Algerian President Houari Boumedienne
ought to have been aware of the unholy pact when in 1974 he stated before the General Assembly
of the United Nations: One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the
Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.
In a devious scheme the disastrous fertility of the general population of Western Europe was
aggravated by the legalisation of volontary abortion. A foolish scheme and an immoral one too,
but completely in line with the ideals of modern society. Pierre Simon, ex-Grand Master of an
important masonic order and a gynaecologist, stated in a radio interview with France Culture on
Monday 8th October 2007: For forty years the struggle we have been waging has always been
the same: contraception, liberation of sexual behaviour, abortion, homosexuality and euthanasia
() We were supported by a large parliamentary (masonic) brotherhood wishing to drag mankind from multi-secular obscurantism to descend from heaven to earth. The first democratic
country to accept abortion was France on January 16, 1975. The final result of the various developments is that the figure of life births during the span of life of a woman in the 27 countries
European Union has fallen to 1.38 in 2005. The current ratio causes a debet of 1.6 million people
per year. These are average figures, which includes the births of children from immigrants. The


situation for the original Western European women who descend from European families from
before 1973 is much worse as the Muslim birthrate is much higher than the non-Muslim
birthrate. My best guess for the total number of Muslims living in Europe today is 52 million (in
2008). Unfortunately the official statistics are highly biassed out of political convenience. The
official statistics arrive at the ridiculous figure of 16 million. There were some 50,000 Muslims in
Europe just after World War II and about 3.5 million in 1970. That clearly shows what has been
going on. Strangest of all is that people in general were not aware of what was happening. They
trusted their politicians. They trusted their daily newspapers and were more concerned about
bread and butter than anything else.
Nowadays, the implicit planned growth of the European Muslim population is 3% per annum.
Because the autonomous population growth of Muslims in Europe is about 2.1%, this means that
large immigration has to occur in order to keep the total European population stable.
The annual number of births is projected to fall over the period 2008-2060 (says
Eurostat), while at the same time the annual number of deaths is projected to continue rising.
From 2015 onwards deaths would outnumber births, and hence population growth (of the 27
countries of Europe) due to natural increase would cease. From this point onwards, positive
net migration would be the only population growth factor. However, from 2035 this positive
net migration would no longer counterbalance the negative natural change, and the
population is projected to begin to fall. (Eurostat Newsrelease 119/26-08 2008)
In the latter years of the 20th century, the
27 countries of the EU permitted a netinflux of half a million immigrants a year.
Since 2002, however, the EU Demography Report 2008 says [SEC(2008) 2911] :
net migration into the EU has roughly
tripled to between 1.6 and 2.0 million
people per year. To arrive at a 3%
growth, an net-influx of half a million
would suffice. Why then did the governments allow for a tripling of immigration?
The answer is simple. Because they know
that the movement against immigration is
gathering strength. So they need to have
immigrants now instead of later. If we
extrapolate the 52 million of 2008 until
2050 we arrive at 120 million Muslims.
But that does not suffice. According to Simon Busuttil, a member of the European
Parliament, by 2050, the European Union
will need 60 million migrant workers in
order to compensate for a fall of the working age population. These 60 and 120
add up to 180 million, which fits with an
annual growth of 3% per annum. The report (A6-0251/2009), issued by Busuttil,
stresses the vital importance of this immigration in the face of Europe's ageing population,
especially as, according to Eurostat, its working age population is expected to fall by 50 million
towards 2060. (4)


2 - The destruction of Christendom

In addition to the French politicians, one of the major initiators in preparing the Islamisation of
Europe was the Christian Democrat Giulio Andreotti, a man who had been Prime Minister of
Italy seven times and Minister of Foreign Affairs for six years. In November 2002 he was found
guilty of having journalist Mino Pecorelli murdered in 1979 because Pecorelli had revealed
Andreottis links with the Mafia. The verdict was confirmed by the court in 2003. The court
stated that Andreotti had used the Mafia to advance his political career in such a way that he
himself could be regarded as part of the Mafia. Although sentenced to a 24-year jail term for the
murder of Pecorelli, Andreotti never saw the inside of a prison and he still (in 2006) plays a
prominent part in Italian society. (5) He is known to be a Freemason and it is known that many
Mafia people are Freemasons; that explains a great deal. That he was a Freemason is important if
we are to understand the scandalous open door politics. This matches up with the great secret.

We have to realise that Islam is in fact a kind of cuckoo that has laid its egg in our European
nest. We allow it to hatch, unsuspicious and tolerant as we are. But shortly we will be
surprised at being pushed out of our own nest by the young cuckoo.
The Belgian chairman of the Vlaams Belang Party, Philip (Filip) Dewinter

Under the threat of terrible punishments the Freemason must promise at his induction to keep the
secret, though he is never told what it is. At each initiation into a higher degree the newly initiated
wonders: What the devil is that secret? The secret acts as a question mark that incites the quest
for higher knowledge. A noble purpose, but this myth that appeals to Mans paranoid tendencies
also inspires fear. And whoever is in the grip of fear is like a slave of the guardian of the secret,
which recalls of the Mystery Cults that kept their adepts in check and forged them into a group
under the weight of an oppressive secret. Many believe that there is no such secret. But there is
indeed a secret that answers the essence of Freemasonry, an organisation defined as one that takes
people from the smallest to the greatest evil so that finally at the highest levels Satan is adored, not without a burning hatred against Christ and those who adore Him. Thus we come to the
second secret: the destruction of Christs Church on earth. Hence the slogan of the French Revolution (prepared in the secrecy of the Lodges): Ni dieu, ni matre (Neither God nor master).
Islam is the hammer to smash Christendom, such is the decision taken in back rooms. A true pact
with the devil! The imposed exaltation of this presumptuous culture, in the guise of freedom of
religion and tolerance, is based on a deeply rooted hatred of Christianity and its original source,
Judaism. It is the same hatred how can it be otherwise? that has also driven the propagandists
of abortus provocatus this, the greatest of all misdeeds because it is primarily aimed at the absolutely innocent and at Him who has the first rights of fatherhood over the unborn: God! Our Western civilisation has committed demographic suicide by drinking in the anti-Christian family and
sexual mores. The democide was not as yet evident. Thirty-three years later the facts can no longer be kept concealed. (See YouTube Muslim Demographics in Europe, as also Demographic
Winter) It is no coincidence that first contraception was permitted. Shortly afterwards came the
abortion clinics. Then the door to Islam was opened. And finally euthanasia was introduced. It is
all part of a plan. Things like that do not happen just like that. The new values have been demanded with grim doggedness. The godless publicity media have played a perverse role in it all.
Europe has a Christian inheritance, but this has not been without a struggle. Throughout history
another inheritance has struggled for recognition: that of pagan Europe, that of idolatry with its


terrible deeds. Nazism and Fascism were pure paganism, part of a long series of sinister movements. Islam was the thorn in our side. While the others operated from the inside, Islam came
from the outside. So lets have no talk of a civilised Europe where such things cannot happen. I
mean the will to destroy. The six million murdered Jews cannot speak, but their voice will never
die. The European Constitution should have included a passage something like: As a guiding
light for European politics we call upon the Judeo-Christian values, gained through struggle,
which have taken root in our European civilisation and have given shape to everything we are
proud of. (6) Instead of which, President Chirac declared: European roots are as much Islamic
as Christian.
Chirac showed himself a true son of Sigrid Hunke (1913-1999). She was a member of the
NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party) from May 1937. Hunke joined the Germanistischer Wissenschafteinsatz, the German Sciences Service of the SS, the organization conceived of by Heinrich Himmler (7) to oversee the Germanisation of Northern Europe. She was
also one of the directors of the Nazi student movement, the NSDStB (Nationalsozialistischen Studentenbunde) and she took part in the work of the Ahnenerbe (the inheritance of our ancestors),
the Nazi thinktank that promoted itself as a study society for Intellectual Ancient History. She
published articles in its magazine, the Germanien. Hunke claimed the Muslim superiority over
Western values. She is best known for her book Allahs Sonne ber dem Abendland (Allahs
sun over the Occident), that appeared in 1960, in which she asserts that the influence exerted by
the Arabs on the West was the first step in freeing Europe from Christianity. She advanced the
thesis of a western world corrupted by Judeo-Christianity, a world that owed its science, its civilisation and its art of living exclusively to the Arab-Muslim world. In particular, she found nothing
of value in the Christian Middle Ages unless its origins real or, more often, presumed by her
were Arab or Muslim. Hunke also had a tendency to blend together the Arab and Muslim elements and thus to attribute to Islam that which came from Christian Arabs, Sabians or Jews. As
Sylvain Gouguenheim says:
Her work deserves a page by page study since it deforms facts to such an extent, lies by
omission, extrapolates without justification and where needed has recourse to the esoteric
tradition. But it has been and continues to be, as shown by a rapid search of the Internet a
reference book that fashions the spirit of the times. () Throughout her life Sigrid Hunke
rejected the influence of Christianity, which she judged to be artfremd (a stranger to the
German species) and oriental. In line with National Socialist thought she supported a return
to the values of pagan Germany and to a European identity, which she associated with Islam.
This girlfriend of Himmler remains, thanks to her writings, a figurehead of a certain kind of
extreme left (and political elite). (8)

3 Thats called collaboration

After Copenhagen there was a remarkable show of efficiency. The meetings followed one another with almost indecent haste, said Fallaci. The Bonn Conference followed in June 1974,
with ministers and heads of state laying down the guidelines for an anti-Israel policy in favour of
the Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD). But this latter was more much more than a dialogue: it was
aimed at a total symbiosis between Europe and the Arab world. The following month saw a meeting in Paris, where the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation was set up. In
September the Damascus Conference followed and in October that held in Rabat. Nobody cried a
warning. And yet there were reporters present, noting everything down. It could have been
prevented. We stood idly by and watched it happen. It is incredible how we were abandoned to
our fate by our very respectable leaders, how our very respectable leaders walked the line set
out by the traitors, by the Andreottis, by the Pompidous, by the Prodis, by the Solanas, all of them


bearing to the grave everything that is good in European civilisation. Thats called collaboration. My dictionary only gives a single meaning for the term. And thats a good thing. Because
then I wont be misunderstood. In Damascus the European governments took part this you
wont believe with representatives of all parties: Right and Left. During their Rabat Conference
they repeated their agreements on the conditions laid down by the Arab League with reference to
Israel. In Strasbourg the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation was established
as a permanent committee with no fewer than 360 officials, who were settled in Paris. Then, in
Februari 1975, the Cairo Convention followed with, in its wake, the Rome Convention. And then
a small journal saw the light of day with the fearsome title of Eurabia. That is the precise
moment that Europe delivered itself up to Islam. Fallaci writes (9) :
The fact appears so obvious, and so disquieting, that to verify it I went to Paris and got
hold of the back numbers of Eurabia. printed in Paris; written in French; edited by Mr.
Lucien Bitterlin; format 21 by 28; price 5 francs. In the hope that Bat Yeor had
misunderstood something I checked all and alas: she had understood very well. In the first
issue in fact the only ambiguity is the extreme care with which each article avoids the words
Islam, Islamic, Muslim, Koran, Mohammed, Allah. In their place, the words Arabs and
Arabia. All the rest is such a confirmation of the sinister plot that Mr. Bitterlin underlines
how the future of Europe is directly linked to the future of Middle East and says that any
economic agreement has to depend on political agreements: to reflect a complete identity of
European views with the views of the Arab world. In the second issue he goes even further.
Because, with a peevish editorial, he demands the European Economic Community to cancel
any agreement with Israel and to claim the millennial contribution made by the Arabs to
universal civilization. Then he enumerates the proposals offered by the Strasbourg
Resolution, and do you know what the Strasbourg Resolution was about? Future immigrants.
To be precise, the immigrants that Arab countries intended to send to Europe swimming
along with rivers of oil.
Comment: Lucien Bitterlin, the editor of Arabia, makes the common mistake of failing to distinguish between the Muslim-Arab culture and the other Arabs and non-Arab peoples living within
the Islamic world. As Sylvain Gouguenheim comments in his pioneering book Aristotle at
Mount St. Michael the Greeks roots of Christian Europe:
To speak of the Muslim world is unsatisfactory: in fact, in many of the activities that we
call scientific [astronomy, mathematics, medicine] non-Muslims Christians, Jews, Sabians
distinguished themselves. The idiom used by the lettered people was Arabic but the reality
hidden behind this term is complex and full of nuances. If many of the scientists were Arabs
[Hunayn ibn Ishaq] or Arabised [Yuhanna ibn Masawayh], the Persian converts to Islam also
distinguished themselves as mathematicians, Doctors, philosophers [Avicenna] or historians
[Tabari, Baladuri]. So we need to distinguish the attitudes of the Muslims and the nonMuslims when confronted with the inheritance of antiquity in order to evaluate the
importance, the nature and the limits of the Hellenisation of the Islamic world, conceived as
the political and civilising universe dominated by the Islamic religion, where the common
language is Arabic but where the scientists came from diverse peoples and beliefs. (10)
An important aspect to the ghastly Strasbourg Resolution is that all immigrants were to be given
the right to practise their culture in Europe, something that the so-called objective media would
do their best to encourage that is, that they were expected to make propaganda for the spreading
of the so auspicious Islamic religion and customs. And the lamentation goes on. Space does not
allow me to name everything, but rest assured: the reading of it leads to a massive attack of indigestion. The lamentation ended at least for the time being with the dialogue set up by Romano
Prodi in 2003: Dialogue between peoples and cultures of the Euromediterranean region, which


he established in his function as Chairman of the European Commission. He is now (2006) Italys
Prime Minister.

The so-called millennium contribution of Islam

When speaking of the thousand-year-old contribution that the Arabs made to
universal civilisation, proponents like to recall their scientific input that started with the
House of (Koranic) Wisdom in Baghdad under Al Mamun the Great around 800 AD. He
has been the only caliph in history really interested in the sciences. The contribution for the
House of Wisdom came mainly from the Persian side and Christian centres of learning. At
that time Muslims still constituted a minority in the regions conquered.
Al Mamun's mother was Persian. He moved his capital city away from the Arab
countries to Merv in Eastern Persian, only to settle later in Baghdad back towards the
west. The greatest of the learned men of the House of Wisdom was Al-Khwarizmi (835),
who came from the region to the south of the Aral Sea, and thus from Northern Persia. In
other fields, such as government, what is called Islamic culture is in fact Persian. And their
imposing architectural works were designed and built by slaves. The Alhambra in Granada,
for instance, was designed by Jews and built by Christian-Arabs. In all this it is important
to distinguish between the different kind of Arabs. In the beginning of the Islamic conquest,
there was no question of an imposing Islamic culture nor religion. This cannot be overemphasised. By means of a continuous process of cultural suffocation of the foreign elements
to their creed, the Islamic masters succeeded to gradually impose their ways. By the year
1,000 still half of the population in the regions subdued were Arabic-Christians or Jews and
Christians who had been Arabised.
Because of the constraints imposed by their way of life, nomads have little opportunity
to attain intellectual heights and thus those achievements had to be imported from outside.
Islam originated with a people of nomads, a desert people. Islam itself borrowed from the
Jewish, Christian and Zoroastrian or Persian cultures, that again were mingled with the
Mekkan cult and battle-hungry manners of the Arab nomads (Saudi Arabia). Exactly a
hundred years after the death of Mohammed his soldiers had advanced to central France,
close to Poitiers, a fantastic military achievement. And that people is said to be one of the
important contributors to our historys culture! (11)

Meanwhile it is well known that all the countries of Europe have meekly given their assent to the
implementation of the (non-binding) decisions. Less well known is the fact that university publications and teaching programmes concerned with the Middle East have been adjusted to fit the
twisted Islamic view of world history. Bat Yeor says: This view dictates, for instance, that we
accept the myth of Islamic tolerance during the Andalusian Caliphate (Spain), which is said to
have made a major contribution to European culture. As if Islam possesses historical legitimacy
in Europe! As if it were not a foreign enemy attacker who prevailed through terror and conquest!
For the Moslims El Andalush is simply the country of the jihad (holy war) and all the land they
conquered at the time remains in their eyes inalienable Islamic territory. If you are so naive as
to imagine that Spain belongs to the Spaniards, then you are wrong, for Isabella of Castile stole it
from the Moors!! (The last of them were expelled in 1498.)
So this is the tale of how the European parliamentarians frittered away our beloved heritage. But
we should not merely point the finger: we let it happen because we were not sufficiently alert. If
we fail to be alert and leave the door open, no insurance company will cover our losses. Think
about it!
Hubert Luns


See most solemn call for A Fast on Every Friday to Contain Islamic Terrorism
[Published in Profetisch Perspectief, winter 2006 Nr. 53]
[Published in De Brandende Lamp No. 111 3rd quarter 2007]
In 2009 the article has been further elaborated.

Winston Churchill about the crippling influence of the Islam

Winston Churchill wrote in 1899: How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism
lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems
of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property rights exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its
grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan
law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a
wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has
ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities.
Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die! But the
influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a
militant and proselytising faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising
fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong
arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of
modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.
The River War by Winston S. Churchill
Longmans, Green & Co., London # 1st ed. 1899 (Vol. II pp. 248-50).

Professor crocodile
(1) Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi has a position in the second leading
power circle in Iran, the so-called Supervisory Board, consisting of
mullahs (a kind of equivalent to bishops). The fanatic extremist
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President since 2005, bases his actions
mainly on the recommendations of this Yazdi, nicknamed Professor
Crocodile because of his tyrannical attitude in matters of government policy and social legislation and his love of organised
suicide missions against the noted enemies of Islam, with Israel in
the first place. (See U.S. News & World Report dated 22nd May 2006)
The official recognition of Fallacis oeuvre
(2) The Anny Taylor Award was presented to Fallaci in New York by Daniel Pipes, author and
founder of the Middle East Forum Campus Watch; by David Horowitz, author and founder of the
Center for the Study of Popular Culture, as well as editor of Front Page Magazine; by Robert
Spencer, author and director of the Jihad Watch. All three are scholars of Islam and Islamic
history. The Annie Taylor award, said the motivation, is given to individuals who have shown
exceptional courage against great odds and in the face of great danger. Today there are few
people alive who deserve it as much as Oriana Fallaci.
In the postscript written by the publisher to The Force of Reason, there is a note by
Fallaci herself (p. 293), which I would not like you to miss:
A few weeks after the Annie Taylor and the Little Ambrose, I was surprisingly
awarded with one of the highest Italian bestowals: the golden medal that, on advice of the


Ministry of Education, the President of the Republic confers to citizens who are judged most
meritorious in the field of Culture. And, in order to pass under silence the very honourable
recognition, the two major daily papers [starting with the one I considered my professional
family] censored the news. Not only that: around forty radical leftists [many professors of
universities] addressed the President of the Republic with a perfidious letter accusing him of
having awarded through me the intolerance, the racism, the xenophobia which sponsor the
clash-of-civilizations. Also, that in awarding me the President had committed an act against
the Italian Constitution. Soon after that, an art gallery in Milan opened an exhibit of
paintings exalting Islam and anti-Americanism. To lead them, a big and macabre picture
where, for the glory of Islam, I appear decapitated like the Americans executed with the
halal-knife by the head-cutters of Iraq. From the severed neck, a gush of blood that spreads
all over. And my eyes [very wicked eyes] wide open in terror.
(3) Judeo-Christian Europe or Judeo-Christian tradition concerns the fundamental values of the
Ten Commandments and the central commandment to love thy neighbour as thyself. Judaism,
based on the Babylonian Talmud, is of course very different from Christianity.
Sixty million new immigrants!
(4) The European Parliament in April 2009 adopted MEP Simon Busuttil's Report on a Common
Immigration Policy for Europe with 485 votes in favour, 110 votes against and 19 abstentions.
This vote pleads for a new mass wave of immigration of no fewer than 60 million extra foreigners
by the year 2050. In 2008 there were 52 million Muslims in Europe, and they will have increased
to 100 million in 2030 and 180 million in 2050 if, as planned, the extra immigration takes place.
The enormous social problems that such immigration brings with it are not worthy of discussion
for a majority of European parliamentarians. The report also suggests that immigration should
not remain limited to trained employees and that integration must be two-sided: the Europeans
have to adapt to the immigrants.
Andreotti still going strong
(5) Since 2005 Andreotti has been writing articles regularly in the Corriere della Sera. He has
also taken part in television commercials for three telephone companies, commercials transmitted since November 2005. After the April General Elections of 2006 Andreotti, by now 87
years old, stated his preparedness to stand for the Chairmanship of the Senate: he collected 156
votes, just five too few.
The anti-discrimination law needs to be abrogated
(6) The Dutch Member of Parliament Geert Wilders (who in 2009 received the Oriana Fallaci
Free Speech Award) states in his partys electoral programme (Klare Wijn / unadulterated wine)
that the Constitutions article on non-discrimination must be replaced by an article in which the
Judeo-Christian / Humanist tradition and culture in the Netherlands should be laid down as
dominant in order to give leverage to an effective policy of integration regarding the millions of
Moslims resident in our country. The definition of discrimination is unjustified distinction,
which also means that a distinction must be made where distinction is desirable. In an interview
in the 28th April 2006 edition of Penthouse Wilders says:
There are problems with non-Western ethnic populations think of dependence on social
security, domestic violence and crime. I want to help these people by taking a firm hold on
discrimination, by devoting more money to their education, by getting them into work using
wage subsidies if necessary but that makes no sense if we keep getting tens of thousands of
extra immigrants year by year. So we have to close the borders. We have no problems with
Americans, Australians and Canadians, which is why I want to make a distinction between
the two groups. And Im not allowed to do so. Because if we close the borders to non-Western
immigrants, Article 1 of the Constitution requires us to do the same for Western

- 10 -

(7) Heinrich Himmler was head of the Schutzstaffel (SS) and the second most powerful man in
Nazi Germany. As overseer of concentration camps, extermination camps, and Einsatzgruppen
(literally: task forces, often used as killing squads), Himmler coordinated the killing of millions of
Jews, between 200,000 and 500,000 Roma, many prisoners of war, and possibly another three to
four million Poles, communists, or other groups whom the Nazis deemed unworthy to live or simply in the way, including homosexuals and those with physical and mental disabilities.
(8) Aristote au Mont Saint-Michel by Sylvain Gouguenheim - ditions du Seuil, Paris # 2008
(pp. 203-04).
(9) The Force of Reason by Oriana Fallaci - Rizzoli Int. # 2006 (pp. 144-45).
(10) ibid Sylvain Gouguenheim (pp. 125-26).
(11) Because of the constraints imposed by their way of life, nomads have little opportunity to attain intellectual heights. And thus it was a miracle from Gods hand that the first history of Abraham and his descendants, who were nomads par excellence, should already have achieved such a
high intellectual standard. As they themselves say: Torah min ha-shamayim (the law was given
from the heavens). And as Cyrus Gordon and Gary Rendsburg put it:
But that is not the final piece, for the Bible does not confront us with a static code (like the
Islam), but rather with a historic evolution whereby religion and morals grew from humble
beginnings to the loftiest heights. The miracle of Israel is that it grew and gave an ever
increasing message to the world; not one that remained static from Abrahams time on.
(The Bible and the Ancient Near East # 1997, p. 123)

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The Palestinization of UNESCO

By: Bat Ye'or (an excerpt from the New English Review, Nov. 2011)
Bat Yeor is a pseudonim for Gisle Littman. She is an Egyptian-born writer and
political commentator, foremost on the
history of non-Muslims in the Middle
East. She has authored many books, including Eurabia: the Euro-Arab Axis
and the Dhimmi Jews and Christians under Islam.

In January 1981 the Organization

of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Summit meeting in Mecca declared that,
Palestine should be viewed as the paramount issue of Muslim nations. Since
then Europe hastened to adopt this path
Bat Yeor (2011)
as well and has provided for the Palestinization of the cultural, social and above all political life of Europe. For three decades, Europe
obeyed the OIC in a servile manner. The EU has effectively created a major problem for itself
that is eating away and destroying it. The EU made Palestine the hub of its international policy,
transforming it into a symbol of peace and universal harmony in a world that would not know
justice until its coming.
() What does Palestinization mean? Firstly, it means creating a people as a substitute for
Israel, which takes over its history and therefore its legitimacy. From Palestinization (like the
Nazification of Europe two decades before) comes the delegitimization of Israel, an intruder state
in the region and in history, even in humanity. The Palestinization of history denies Israels
identity, culture, historic and human rights within its homeland, including Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. For the OIC this process is part and parcel of Islamic theology, which regards the Bible
as simply a falsified version of the Koran. According to Islam, biblical history is Islamic history,
and the biblical characters we see represented in churches are all Muslim prophets, although they
have virtually no connection with the facts reported in the Bible.
This context explains the Islamization of the Jewish and Christian religious heritage, an
approach that involves denying the identity of these two religions, since Christianity views itself
as emerging from Judaism, whose Scriptures it adopted. If the Bible is an Islamic account, Christianity too, and not just Judaism, are both falsifications of Islam. The negation of biblical history,
with which Europe has assiduously linked itself by claiming that Israel is a colonizing intruder in
its own homeland thereby challenges the historic rights of the Jews to their own homeland. This
also negates Christian history and confirms the koranic interpretation refuting the historicity of
both the Torah (the books written by Moses) and the Gospels.
Hence, if there was never a history of Israel or of the Gospels, but only the history of Ibrahim, Ishmael, Issa (the koranic Jesus), if all the biblical kings and prophets were Muslim, in what
is the West rooted? Would it not be in the Koran? That is the logical conclusion of Europe's

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choice, when, furious at the return of the Jews to Jerusalem in 1967, it deliberately decided to
deny them their ancient capital. It attributed their heritage to those who, by a war of invasion, had
illegitimately occupied it since 1948, expelling and dispossessing all its Jewish inhabitants. In a
nutshell, if the Israelis are foreign colonialists, occupiers of their own country, it means they have
no past, no history, and if Judaism is just a tissue of lies, the same verdict applies to Christianity.
If Israel never existed in the past, then its modern restoration is just a colonial deception to conquer territory to which it has no historical, religious or cultural claims at all, and so its destruction
is justified.
() In the same way that the European Union has not ceased to harass Israel and to challenge its roots and rights, its member states have dragged to court those courageous Europeans
(like Geert Wilders) who have asserted their own identity, rights and freedoms. This political link
between the OIC and the European Union did not only appear in the context of the Israeli-Arab
conflict but also in internal European politics concerning the massive Muslim immigration into
Europe, which started in the years 1974 -75. It was then that a joint Parliamentary Association
for Euro-Arab Cooperation (PAEAC) was set up with the task of passing on the political demands
from the Arab League countries to the European Community and to monitor their implementation
within Europe.
() With the repudiation of Israel, the EU is repudiating itself. It is putting the emphasis on
the Greco-Roman heritage and eliminating that of Judeo-Christianity to please the OIC and
Muslim migrants. When the EU does this it eliminates its biblical and therefore Jewish basis, as if
Christianity had arisen in the world out of nowhere. () To throw Judaism (Israel) and Christianity (the West) into the dustbin of history is to remove human, historical, religious, cultural and
national rights from Jews and Christians. It means adopting dhimmitude (allowing oneself to be
discriminated against under Muslim rule).
Eurabia and Palestinianism come from the same rejection and the same policy applied to the
destruction of the nation-state, which represents the manifestation of the spirit and culture of
peoples, who are condemned now to extinction in a globalized, humanitarian utopia. Their points
in common are:

the war against Israel;

the de-Judaization of Christianity;
the de-Christianization of Europe; and
the joint EU-OIC policy to strengthen the UNs global governance that the OIC aims to
monopolize. This suicidal approach is specific to Europe; it does not exist in China or
in India, or even in Muslim countries.


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