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SOCHCOHHHOHOHHHHHGHH OH OSH HHHOOHOYVOOOCOSOE Ensiode Cum 6 TROPICOS DO DiscuRSO ENSAIOS SOBRE A CRITICA DA CULTURA Hayden White hz ‘Tada do cigaaleminglie Frys Dicer tae Clare! Crien Sil ng gege etn plied vy Te Jobe epee Uneesty Pea : Copyright 1978 by Th la Hope tet Pras aban Calandra "Clean team i Bl — eee Bae, in amen n/n nan Deiter alae TRL hae oan a sme ens ic 2 t-te Lane 1 Tine Sie Sraga ts : 7 Soa eres Laces 2 Detoeming pguc emer ‘Rup Bi invest eta Pa | fv. Lair Cer, Tro 134 Gene -Ch ts ap Rare ~ Gide Univers ‘ (5500560 Sho Pada = SP - Da Pan 15) 20-588 Ta@mpsinesssieaise/ sti | ated iaBeal Fetemorensioiit Tyee. FF - RO: DST SEGAO DER: FO LAOS neo 2310 id SUMARIO Agradecimentos Introdugo 1.0 Fardo da Histéria DA Interpretagio na Histiria 5.0 Texto Histrico como Artefato Litertio 4. Historicismo, Hist6ria ¢ a Imoginago Figurativa .. 5. As FiegSes da Representagdo Factual 6.0 Irracional e 0 Problema do Conhecimento Hist6rico no Tuminismo .. 7. As Formas do Estado Sevagem: Argucologia de una Lia. 8.0 Tema do Nobre Selvagem como Fetiche ... 9.03 Tipcos da Historia; A Estrutura Profonds de A Clénca Nova. 10.0 Que Esté Vivo ¢ 0 Que Esté Morio na Critiea de Croce a Vico.. 11, Foucault Decodificado: Notas do Subterraneo ... 12,0 Momento Absurdisia na Teoria Literdria Contemporénea Indice Remissivo .. AGRADECIMENTOS 0s entaios contides neste volome apareceram originariamente nas se- _guintes publicagbes: “The Burden of History”, History and Theory 5,n. 2.1968). “terpretation in History”, New Literary History, 4 (1972-1973). “The Historical Text as Literary Artifact”, Ctio 3,0.3 (1974). “Histericism, History, and the Figorative Imagitation”, History and “theory, Boineft 14, Essays on Historicism 14, n. 4 (1975), ‘phe Prctions of Factual Representation”, em The Literature of Fact, ‘ed, Angus Hetcher (New York, Columbia University Press, 1976). “The Erational and the Problem of Historical Knowledge in the Ealightonment”, em Studies in Kighteenth-Century Culture, vol. 2, Irratto- nalism in the Eighteenth Century, ed. Harold E. Pagliaro (Cleveland, Case ‘Wester Reserve University Press, 1972). “The Forms of Wildness: Archacclogy of an Idec", em The Wild Man Within: Am image in Western Thought from the Renaissance to Romanticisra, ed, Edward Dudley © Meximilian B. Novak (Fiustorgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1972). “The Noble Savage Theme as Fetish”, em First Images of America: ‘The Impact of the New World on the Old, ed. Fredi Chiappelli (Berkeley © Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1976). “The Tropics of History: The Deep Structure of the New Selence", em Giambattisia Vico’s Science of Humanity, ed. Giorgio Tagliacoz20 e Donald SPOCHOHOSHOHSHSHOHHHHHHHHHHHOHHHHOHOHO®E ® tonics poses Philip Verene (Baltimore e London, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976). “What Is Living ard What Is Dead in Croce’s Criticism of Vico", em Giambestista Vico: An International Symposium. ed. Giorgio Tapliacozz0 ayden ¥, White (Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1969), “Foucault Decoded: Notes from Underground”, History and Theory 12, 2, 10973), “