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Robin Sloane, my mentor. Fobin Sloane is a badass Fst thing, ful disclosure. as they say. I'm not one of those folks who posts about family though sometimes you just gota call it ike tis. To be completely uptront, Robin Sloane Seibert is my wile and the mother of cur sons. But, tis posts about about ies and advisors. Right tom the start, without ‘work and how this amazing woman has been one of my mast important intending 1 be a ll cvison, she upended lin a good wayl-exacty haw ve thought about my work. That dossit happen often in fe and more than wort ths shout out Robin Sloane has been & major imovatorin the wore of musle vdeo, aways ready to work wth emerging talent, encouraging ‘them to cream, She strtad in the record business ata fantastic inca abel outside of uington, Vern, Philo Recor Founded by the charismatic entrepreneur Ell Schubart and hs bother Michael Couture, Philo specialized inthe contemporary folk scene thet Robin followed, and, added to her college racio expariances and love of feck, she trved atthe label, After college she cid a quick stn at Fling Stone before landing inthe publicity department of Eric Records, now part (of Sony Music CGtting whi of what was going on in music vdeo inthe early 80s, Rabin jumped in, prometing Epics ats to ary television out that would play hee cps. When MITV ant onthe sir she was more than reacy. She started out tong, anc romated cam & The Ants among many athers-to the charnal earring MTV its vay frst gold racor. And after hat things ‘only got beter. By the time that Robin and I met on a bind date in October 1982 was abit intimidated. She had special alent and had 8 winning way with arts 8 ahe'd become a maj player inthe industry, She'd run vdeo in the 808 ea of the storia Mule Awars for The Gare “You Might Tink. Records, winning the voy fr Cron rd Moving onto the powerhouse Gstin Records she was running the ene creative department, charged with imaging the company's tists in video, album covers and whatever ephemera went along witht al. Among the highghts she v responsible fr the famous album cover of Nirvana's "Neverin’”andit's breakout video, “Smalls Like Teen Spr.” CT od {As we gotto know each other Robin tiled me on what makes great ass tek, how to entity a tue “star” and, possohy most important of al the crt somewhat academic and intlatual approach othe work lover role of ambition in success. Honesty, these were things that had never occurred to my ha been under the mistaken impression that “talent” was the cve tha the most alented person would "win Rabin had a much more intuitive approach, one that had been honed by her personal ‘mastered into approaches her professional ones. She might have had theituition, sure, but she'd completly bou 1d me over rt was great, of course, now | found out it was only ane ofthe things that made the weld go ‘round, Ambion and competitiveness were key too. And maybe most fal, the ane that had completely eluded me for my entre Mf, was the arts ning sf raga, the fal or he whole package. So, wh 1 one eving that Rwas more Ike table that ha tobe held up by tres equal pila, thought fect, Robin at me know o knew? Robin cid Now, | had a cue too, and ve worked wit it forthe past 30 years (verte, Isso realized that Robin's view of corporate polis made me ook Ike the try nalverube | was. She ada street understanding that! acked, and set the stage for my ignoring how to “get ahead” and focus instead onthe independent Ife ‘that was better suited for me, Robin wonton to rack up more platinum records and VMAS asthe 9 wore on, but soon she was abe to move from her le asa creative enable to beng acrative person here. Over the yaar, she's morphed into a classical musician and perceptive writer For me, my falures are my owa, Bu, the successes over the yeas area true partnership withthe woman, Enclessiy curious, deliciously smart and totaly fuckng badass, Robin Stare is rel force of nature.

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