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review Annals of Oncology 22: 1019–1029, 2011

Published online 1 November 2010

Management of sepsis in neutropenic patients:

guidelines from the infectious diseases working party of
the German Society of Hematology and Oncology
O. Penack1*, D. Buchheidt2, M. Christopeit3, M. von Lilienfeld-Toal4, G. Massenkeil5,
M. Hentrich6, H. Salwender7, H.-H. Wolf3 & H. Ostermann8
Department of Hematology and Oncology, Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin; 2Third Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Centre Mannheim,
University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg; 3Department of Internal Medicine IV, Oncology and Hematology, University Hospital of Martin-Luther-University, Halle (Saale);
Department of Haematology and Oncology, University of Bonn, Bonn; 5Second Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Gütersloh, Gütersloh; 6Department of
Hematology, Oncology and Palliative Care, Harlaching Hospital, Munich; 7Department of Haematology and Oncology, Asklepios Hospital Altona, Hamburg; 8Third
Department of Internal Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany

Received 18 February 2010; revised 4 May 2010; accepted 9 July 2010

Sepsis is a leading cause of mortality in neutropenic cancer patients. Early initiation of effective causative therapy as
well as intensive adjunctive therapy is mandatory to improve outcome. We give recommendations for the management

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of adults with neutropenia and sepsis. The guidelines are written for clinicians involved in care of cancer patients and
focus on pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of sepsis during neutropenia.
Key words: guideline, management, neutropenia, sepsis

introduction reviewed by the review committee of the Infectious Diseases

Working Party of the German Society of Hematology and
Patients with hematologic malignancies or solid tumors Oncology on 2 October 2009. In a third step, the guideline was
undergoing intensive cytotoxic chemotherapy causing long- approved by the assembly of the members on 22 January 2010.
term granulocytopenia are at high risk of infectious Criteria used to quote levels and grades of evidence are as
complications [1]. Sepsis is a frequent syndrome caused by outlined in Table 1 [3].
serious infections in this patient population and remains A number of prior guidelines on the management of sepsis
a leading cause of nonrelapse mortality [2]. Therefore, have been published [4–9]; however, none of these guidelines
optimization of diagnosis and management of sepsis could specifically addresses diagnosis and management of sepsis in
improve outcome of intensive cytotoxic therapies. These neutropenic patients.
guidelines were written to provide guidance on diagnosis and
management of sepsis in the neutropenic host. First, a panel of
eight experts in the field of infectious diseases in Hematology
and Oncology systematically searched Medline for English Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
language publications up to June 2009 using the key term that is characterized by widespread tissue injury often due to
‘sepsis’ and one of the following: ‘neutropenia’, bloodstream severe infection. Pathogens or microbial associated molecules
infection, pathophysiology, definition, epidemiology, (pathogen-associated molecular patterns) cause tissue damage
incidence, risk factors, prognosis, treatment, antibiotic, and inflammatory reactions. Organ dysfunction results from
antifungal, cardiovascular, pulmonary failure, ventilation, renal direct cytotoxic effects of inflammatory mediators and
dysfunction, renal failure, dialysis, hemofiltration, nutrition, microbial toxins as well as from dysregulation of
hyperglycemia, steroid, coagulation, growth factor, microcirculation and macrocirculation, oxygen transport and
immunoglobulin and transfusion. Meeting abstracts were not tissue oxygenation. Recruitment of inflammatory cells,
included; however, references generated from published endothelial damage and activation of endothelial cells leading
guidelines and reviews were also investigated. The consensus to increased permeability of the vessel wall appear to be
process was carried out as an e-mail and meeting based additional factors contributing to organ dysfunction [10, 11].
discussion group. In a second step, the panelists draft was peer Interstitial edema, capillary microembolization or
microthrombi and loss of regulation of the microvascular blood
flow lead to perfusion mismatch with a decrease in peripheral
*Correspondence to: Dr O. Penack, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Charité
Campus Benjamin Franklin, Hindenburgdamm 30/31, 12200 Berlin, Germany. vascular resistance. The decrease in vascular resistance is
Tel: +49-8445-4504; Fax: +49-8445-4468; E-mail: olaf.penack@charite.de partially compensated by an increase in heart frequency but

ª The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oxfordjournals.org
review Annals of Oncology

potentially reversible myocardial depression often prevents an  These definitions do not allow precise staging or
adequate increase of cardiac output. This is thought to be prognostication of the host response to infection.
caused by myocardial depressant factors, such as toxins,  While SIRS remains a useful concept, the diagnostic criteria for
cytokines, metabolic defects of myocytes and down-regulation SIRS published in 1992 are overly sensitive and nonspecific.
of beta-receptors (septic cardiomyopathy). Additional factors  An expanded list of signs and symptoms of sepsis may better
are a decrease in preload induced by a change in ventricular reflect the clinical response to infection (Table 2) [14, 15].
compliance and a decrease in right ventricular venous retour
(venous pooling, volume deficiency by fluid sequestration). We suggest to use the diagnostic criteria for sepsis proposed by
Another important pathophysiological factor is a decrease in the SCCM, ESICM, ACCP, ATS and SIS adapted to
tissue oxygenation. Besides a restriction of global oxygen neutropenic patients (Table 2) [14, 15]. In neutropenic
transport (respiratory failure, decrease in cardiac output and patients, the white blood cell count (numbers of leukocytes)
anemia), inadequate regional oxygen supply due to perfusion cannot be used as criterion to define sepsis.
mismatch is possibly a critical factor [12]. The definitions of severe sepsis and septic shock remain
unchanged and refer to sepsis-induced organ dysfunction
(Table 3).
A formal definition of sepsis has long been tried by several incidence
researchers and must lack specificity given the broad spectrum of
reactions to pathogens. The definition of sepsis suggested by the Prospective studies using the SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/SIS
consensus conference of the American College of Chest consensus definition in neutropenic patients are not available
Physicians and the Society of Critical Care Medicine (ACCP/ [14, 15]. However, it can be assumed that in >90% of febrile
SCCM) in 1992 [13] has been revisited in 2001 by several North neutropenic episodes sepsis may be diagnosed using the
American and European intensive care societies [SCCM, consensus definition according to SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/

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European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), ACCP,
American Thoracic Society (ATS) and Surgical Infection Society Table 2. Diagnostic criteria for sepsis [14, 15]
(SIS)] with the following conclusions [14]:

 Current concepts of sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock General parameters
remain useful to clinicians and researchers. Fever (core temperature > 38.3C)
Hypothermia (core temperature < 36C)
Heart rate > 90 b.p.m. or > 2 SD above the normal value for age
Table 1. Categories of evidence used in this guideline [3] Tachypnea: > 30 b.p.m.
Altered mental status
Category Grade Definition Significant edema or positive fluid balance (>20 ml/kg over 24 h)
Strength of A Good evidence to support Hyperglycemia (plasma glucose > 110 mg/dl or 7.7 mM/l) in the absence
recommendation a recommendation for use of diabetes
B Moderate evidence to support Inflammatory parameters
a recommendation for use Plasma C-reactive protein or plasma procalcitonin > 2 SD above the
C Poor evidence to support normal value
a recommendation Hemodynamic parameters
D Moderate evidence to support Arterial hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg, mean arterial
a recommendation against use pressure < 70 or a systolic blood pressure decrease > 40 mmHg in
E Good evidence to support adults or < 2 SD below normal for age)
a recommendation against use Mixed venous oxygen saturation > 70%
Quality of evidence I Evidence from greater than or equal Cardiac index > 3.5 l/min/m2
to one properly randomized Organ dysfunction parameters
controlled trial Arterial hypoxemia (PaO2/FIO2 < 300)
II Evidence from greater than or equal Acute oliguria (urine output < 0.5 ml/kg/h or 45 mM/l for at least 2 h)
to one well-designed clinical trial, Creatinine increase ‡ 0.5 mg/dl
without randomization; from Coagulation abnormalities (international normalized ratio > 1.5 or
cohort or case-controlled analytic activated partial thromboplastin time > 60 s)
studies (preferably from greater Ileus (absent bowel sounds)
than or equal to one center); from Thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 100 000/ll)
multiple time-series or from Hyperbilirubinemia (plasma total bilirubin > 4 mg/dl or 70 mmol/l)
dramatic results from Tissue perfusion parameters
uncontrolled experiments Hyperlactatemia (>3 mmol/l)
III Evidence from opinions of respected Decreased capillary refill or mottling
authorities, based on clinical
In neutropenic patients the white blood cell count (numbers of leukocytes)
experience, descriptive studies or
cannot be used as criterion to define sepsis.
reports of expert committees
SD, standard deviation.

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Annals of Oncology review
Table 3. Definitions of severe sepsis and septic shock the underlying infection, reflected by scoring systems such as
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE
Severe sepsis Sepsis with new signs of organ dysfunction or
II) and Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (SAPS II).
a decrease in organ perfusion [lactate acidosis, However, long-term prognosis of these patients often depends on
oliguria (<30 ml/h or <0.5 ml/kg/h), hypotension the underlying malignant disease, rendering the SAPS II score in
(<90 mmHg or decrease of >40mm Hg) and leukocytopenic/neutropenic patients less useful than in
mental alteration] nonneutropenic patients (CII) [23]. With regard to scores
Septic shock Severe sepsis and hypotension persistent despite predicting outcome in respiratory failure requiring ventilatory
adequate fluid substitution and exclusion for support a high APACHE II score was significantly correlated with
other reasons for hypotension high in-ICU mortality but not with long-term outcome [24]. In
a retrospective study, a high SOFA score at ICU admission,
pulmonary site of infection and fungal infection were variables
SIS [14, 15]. The incidence of febrile episodes and consequently independently associated with a higher 28-day mortality [25]. In
of sepsis during the neutropenic phase after intensive general, it has to be kept in mind that prognostic scoring systems
myelosuppressive chemotherapy lies 70%–100% [16–18] and do not yield adequately reliable information to be used exclusively
depends on the intensity of chemotherapy and the degree and for end-of-life decisions in individual patients [26]. Increased
duration of neutropenia as well as the overall performance levels of proinflammatory [tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a,
status and pretreatment of the patient. In the majority of nterleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8] as well as anti-inflammatory cytokines
studies, bacteremic infections could be detected in 10%–30% of (IL-10, IL-1RA) are found in neutropenic and nonneutropenic
febrile neutropenic episodes [2, 19]. The incidence of septic patients with sepsis [27]. This is also the case for procalcitonin
shock and severe sepsis has not been reported from the levels, which can be useful in the early diagnostic phase before rise
majority of trials but in some studies, 40% of the patients of C-reactive protein in serum [28, 29].
treated with intensive chemotherapy developed severe sepsis or Septic shock and multiple organ failure syndrome are often

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septic shock. As in the general population, an overall increase in associated with systemic activation of coagulation and
number and severity of septic episodes can be assumed [17]. fibrinolysis, disseminated fibrin deposition and consumption of
coagulation and fibrinolysis inhibitors. Disturbances of
hemostasis are of prognostic relevance in sepsis. For
risk factors and prognosis antithrombin and PAI 1, prognostic relevance in neutropenic
Main risk factors following cytotoxic chemotherapy are the sepsis could be shown [30].
severity and duration of granulocytopenia [1, 19]. In addition,
skin and mucosal barriers can be disrupted by chemotherapy, microbiology
insertion of catheters (staphylococci and fungi) and invasive
diagnostic procedures or by invasive tumor growth (colon Blood cultures as part of the usual microbiological work-up as
cancer) [2]. Decreased production of saliva or retention of per local protocol (including for instance urine cultures, stool
secretion due to tumor obstruction (particularly in patients cultures etc.) remain the gold standard for the diagnosis of
with lung cancer) facilitates the growth of pathogenic bacteremia. Detailed recommendations regarding the
microorganisms. Furthermore, the incidence of infection is application of microbiological tests in this situation are given
increased in malnourished tumor patients. In 2000, the elsewhere [31–33]. However, although most episodes of febrile
Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer neutropenia are assumed to be caused by an infection, the
(MASCC) proposed a score to identify febrile neutropenic incidence of proven bloodstream infections in febrile
patients at low risk [20]. In addition to providing a useful tool neutropenia is only 30% based on results of blood cultures
to aid the decision whether to admit a febrile patient, a recent [34, 35]. Recent studies reporting a higher yield of positive
study has also identified the MASCC risk score as an results by various PCR-based methods to detect bacterial and
independent prognostic factor to predict complications during fungal DNA have yet to be validated in larger cohorts [36, 37].
the febrile episode [21]. Particularly in the detection of bacteria at the beginning of
The presence and degree of multiple organ dysfunction and febrile neutropenia, PCR-based methods may add little further
development of septic shock defined by volume-refractory information compared with blood cultures [38]. In contrast,
hypotension are prognostic factors [22]. The criteria of PCR-based methods play a definitive role in the diagnosis of
leukocytosis, leukocytopenia or shift to the left in the specific pathogens like combination chemotherapy with
differential white blood cell count cannot be used in patients methotrexate, vinblastine and cisplatin (CMV), which can be the
with sepsis in neutropenia. Any neutropenic patient with signs cause of neutropenic fever regardless of prior allogeneic stem cell
of a systemic inflammatory reaction without an obvious cause transplantation requiring early detection and treatment [39].
other than infection (like blood transfusion or high-dose
cytarabine) has a high probability of sepsis. Thus, the use of the treatment
consensus criteria [14] is also recommended for
leukocytopenic/neutropenic patients as no specific criteria for antimicrobial treatment
this patient group have been specified as yet. Empirical antimicrobial treatment using broad-spectrum
The prognosis of patients treated on the intensive care unit antibiotics must be started immediately in neutropenic patients
(ICU) is determined by the physiological changes induced by with sepsis. A large retrospective study including >2000 patients

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showed that during severe sepsis effective antimicrobial ‡ 70%), crystalloid fluids or colloids can be useful (AI) [46, 47].
administration within the first hour of documented Resuscitation with crystalloids requires more fluid volume
hypotension is associated with increased survival [40]. In this because of the larger volume of distribution. However, there is
study, each hour of delay in antimicrobial administration over no evidence-based support for the preferred use of colloids over
the ensuing 6 h was associated with an average decrease in crystalloids. A meta-analysis and a large multicenter trial
survival of 7.6% [40]. revealed a small absolute increase in the risk of renal failure and
Recommendations on antimicrobial treatment of infections mortality with the use of colloids over crystalloids [46, 47].
during neutropenia are given elsewhere [31, 32, 41]. Briefly, we Human albumin should not be used because in meta-analyses
recommend initial treatment with meropenem or with of randomized trials, the application of human albumin was
imipenem/cilastin or with piperacillin/tazobactam not associated with a favorable outcome even if administered in
monotherapy. Treatment with ceftazidim is an alternative patients with burns and hypoalbuminemia (DII) [48].
option. A combination treatment with an aminoglycoside has Treatment with volume substitution should be done under
not improved efficacy but increased renal toxicity [42, 43]. hemodynamic monitoring (central venous pressure, blood
However, in case of severe sepsis, a combination treatment with pressure, heart rate, cardiac output, pulmonary wedge pressure
aminoglycoside is carried out in many centers and is and lactate levels).
recommended by the European Organization for Research and If a sufficient mean arterial pressure (>65 mmHg) cannot be
Treatment of Cancer infectious disease group. If infection due achieved by volume substitution in a reasonable time frame,
to bacteria with frequent resistance to carbapenem or treatment with vasopressors is indicated. The drug of choice to
piperacillin/tazobactam is suspected, a specific antibiotic elevate the vasotonus is norepinephrine in a dose of 0.1–1.3 lg/
should be added (e.g. a glycopeptide in sepsis suspected to be kg/min (BII) [49]. This may also lead to an improvement in
central venous catheter related). Recommendations on renal function [50]. There is no evidence that increasing the
antifungal therapy during neutropenia were recently published mean arterial pressure to >85 mmHg by using high doses of
by the infectious disease working party of the German Society vasopressors, such as norepinephrine, has a positive impact on

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for Hematology and Oncology [44]. Knowledge of local oxygen delivery and renal function (EI) [51]. Another
microbiology data is crucial for the choice of antimicrobial vasopressor that has been investigated in smaller studies is
agents. Typical organisms causing sepsis during neutropenia vasopressin. Vasopressin (0.01–0.04 U/min) increased urinary
are summarized in Table 4. output and creatinine clearance in comparison to
norepinephrine [52–54]. However, in the large VASST trial, no
treatment of cardiovascular insufficiency reduction in 28-day mortality was found in the vasopressin
Aggressive and early goal-directed treatment aiming at group and there is currently poor evidence to support the use
restoration of cardiovascular function has the potential to of vasopressin in septic shock (CI) [55].
increase survival of patients with sepsis if it is successful within In case of sepsis-related myocardial depression leading to low
the first 6 h [45, 46]. Sepsis-induced hypotension or lactic cardiac output despite adequate volume substitution,
acidosis in patients at risk is primarily treated by volume vasopressor treatment with dobutamine should be instituted
substitution. To restore adequate cardiac filling pressures and (AII) [56]. Because of their toxicity profile and due to lack of
to maintain adequate organ perfusion (goal: mean arterial evidence of a beneficial effect, epinephrine and dopamine are
pressure ‡ 65 mmHg, central venous pressure 8–12 mmHg, not recommended.
pulmonary wedge pressure 12–15 mmHg, urinary output ‡ 0.5 Bicarbonate therapy is not recommended for the purpose of
ml/kg/h and central venous or mixed venous oxygen saturation improving hemodynamics or reducing vasopressor
requirements in the presence of lactic acidosis and pH >7.15.
Table 4. Typical pathogens during bacterial sepsis in neutropenic treatment of pulmonary failure
Nearly 15% of cancer patients experience acute respiratory
failure requiring admission to the ICU, where their mortality is
Origin Frequent pathogens
50% [57]. Nearly 50% of patients with severe sepsis will
Unknown Coagulase negative staphylococci, Escherichia develop acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome
coli, Enterococcus species (ARDS) [58].
Lung Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pneumococci, In the awake, cooperative patient with a minor disturbance
Alpha-hemolytic streptococci, Acinetobacter species of gas exchange (PaO2/FiO2 > 200), an augmentation of
Abdomen E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Clostridium
spontaneous breathing with intermittent continuous positive
species, Enterococcus species, Klebsiella species
airway pressure (CPAP) can be attempted. In moderate-to-
Urogenital E. coli, Klebsiella species, P. aeruginosa
severe respiratory insufficiency, endotracheal intubation and
Soft tissue Staphylococcus aureus, Alpha-hemolytic streptococci
controlled mechanical ventilation are necessary. However,
CVC Coagulase negative staphylococci, Corynebacteriae,
noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (CPAP or bilevel
Propionibacterium species, Candida albicans,
Candida tropicalis
positive airway pressure) should be preferred if possible in
patients without hypotension or altered mental status [58–61].
All pathogens can cause bloodstream infections in neutropenic hosts. Both noninvasive treatment options led to a significant
Specimens should be obtained from a normally sterile site. reduction of intubation compared with the control group in
CVC, central venous catheter. selected neutropenic and cancer patients (AII) [62]. An early

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Annals of Oncology review
start of noninvasive ventilation, before development of severe included in the meta-analyses, also found intermittent or CRRT
hypoxemia, is favorable (BIII), and predictors of noninvasive equally effective with similar rates of survival [76, 77]. In
ventilation failure might be used to guide decisions hemodynamically unstable patients, control of fluid balance
regarding intubation. These include respiratory rate under may be facilitated by the use of CRRT (BII) [45, 71], although
noninvasive ventilation (longer), delay between admission and there is no strong evidence for a better hemodynamic tolerance
noninvasive ventilation first use [63], need for vasopressors or with continuous therapies as compared with IHD. In terms of
renal replacement therapy (RRT) and the development of hemodynamic stability four of six prospective randomized
ARDS [64]. studies did not show a significant difference between either
Failure of noninvasive ventilation occurs in half the critically method [45, 71].
ill hematologic patients and is associated with an increased Increasing the dose of RRT is thought to reduce the rate of
mortality [63]. In a retrospective multicenter study of uremic complications and improve outcome in patients with
allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients ARNF. However, randomized controlled studies showed
admitted to the ICU, mechanical ventilation led to a dramatic conflicting results [45, 71, 78]. A recent study indicates that
decrease in survival rates [41]. a strategy of intensive renal support in critically ill patients with
Regarding diagnostic procedures in the work-up of lung ARNF does not decrease mortality, accelerate recovery of
infiltrates, fiberoptic bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage kidney function or alter the rate of nonrenal organ failure as
(FO-BAL) is considered a cornerstone of the causal diagnosis compared with less-intensive regimens [79]. Thus, no firm
[41]. The diagnostic yield of at most 50% is related to the recommendations can be given for the use of increased doses of
widespread use of broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy in RRT (CI).
these patients [65, 66]. However, in patients with hypoxemia, In patients undergoing RRT, the dosage of antimicrobial
bronchoscopy and BAL may trigger a need for invasive substances should be carefully checked and adjusted. The use of
mechanical ventilation, thus considerably decreasing the low-dose dopamine for protection of renal function is not
chances of survival [57, 67]. Respiratory status deterioration recommended (EI) [80, 81].

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after FO-BAL occurred in up to 50% of nonintubated patients,
including 35.5% patients who required ventilatory support nutrition and control of metabolic functions
[67]. Life-threatening complications were noticed in up to 10% An oral diet is preferred over parenteral nutrition unless
of FO-BAL procedures [66]. contraindicated or impossible, e.g. due to mucositis induced by
In patients with pulmonary infiltrates during neutropenia, chemotherapy and radiation. Enteral caloric intake should be
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)-induced calculated according to the phase of sepsis: during the initial
neutropenia recovery carries a risk of respiratory status phase of sepsis, the supply of >20–25 kcal/kg ideal body weight
deterioration with acute lung injury or ARDS [68]. (IBW) has been associated with inferior outcome in one
observational study (DIII) [82]. During recovery, 25–30 kcal/kg
management of renal dysfunction IBW should be provided (BIII) [83, 84]. Peptide-based
Acute renal failure (ARNF) develops in 23% of patients with formulae are not superior to whole protein formulae [83, 84].
severe sepsis and 51% with septic shock. The combination of Patients with mild sepsis (APACHE II 10–15) might benefit
ARNF and sepsis is associated with a 70% mortality [69]. The from receiving a formulation enriched with arginine, nucleotides
pathophysiology of septic ARNF remains incompletely and x́-3-fatty acids (BI) [83, 85]. In one randomized controlled
understood but renal hypoperfusion and ischemia followed by trial, mortality of these patients was reduced, whereas the
acute tubular necrosis are considered to be central. Hyperemia, mortality of patients with an APACHE II score of 16–25 was not
vasodilatation and nonhemodynamic mechanisms may also affected [85]. This formulation is also superior to standard
play a role in the pathogenesis of septic ARNF [70]. enteral formulae in patients with ARDS, with burns or with
ARNF in patients with sepsis necessitates the replacement of trauma. In contrast, the formulation is discouraged in patients
renal function to balance fluids, remove uremic toxins and with severe sepsis and an APACHE II score of >25 because their
control electrolytes. Currently, no clear guidelines on the mortality may be increased (EII) [85].
timing of the initiation of RRT can be given, and decisions Hyperglycemia in patients requiring intensive care is
should be made on an individual basis [71]. The only associated with inferior outcome [86, 87], Yet, results of
randomized trial, carried out in mainly surgical patients with recently published clinical trials [88–90] do not support aiming
ARNF, did not show a benefit for the early initiation of at a strictly normal blood glucose level of 4.4–6.6 mmol/l (80–
hemofiltration [72]. However, given the increased risk of severe 120 mg/dl) (EI). Two randomized controlled trials, one
extrarenal complications, the initiation of RRT should not be including patients with severe sepsis [89] and the other
delayed in patients with rapidly developing oliguric forms of including both medical and surgical patients requiring
ARNF (BIII) [71]. treatment on an ICU [90], had failed to repeat the results of the
Regarding the mode of replacement therapy intermittent initial trials by van den Berghe et al. [91, 92] suggesting
hemodialysis (IHD) and continuous renal replacement a benefit of a tight blood glucose control. Mortality, the rates of
therapies (CRRT) are equivalent in patients with sepsis and severe hypoglycemia and serious adverse events were increased
ARNF (BI). Three meta-analyses did not show a significant in patients subjected to intensified blood glucose control
difference in hospital mortality between patients who receive [89, 90]. In a meta-analysis including 26 trials, the pooled
intermittent or continuous RRT [73–75]. Moreover, two relative risk (RR) of death with intensive insulin therapy
additional randomized controlled trials, which were not when compared with conventional insulin therapy was

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0.93 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.93–1.04] [88]. The pooled explaining the low mortality in this trial, and treatment was
RR for hypoglycemia with intensive insulin therapy was 6.0 discontinued immediately in case the partial thromboplastin
(95% CI 4.5–8.0). In addition, a recently published trial showed time rose >60 s. Under these conditions, the administration of
that intensive insulin therapy did not improve in hospital low-dose heparin was safe. Further trials including more
mortality, compared with conventional insulin therapy, among patients and better-defined subgroups, e.g. on the base of the
patients who were treated with hydrocortisone for septic APACHE II score, are needed before recommendations can be
shock [93]. Based on these data, we recommend to maintain made (CI).
blood glucose levels £8.3 mmol/l (150 mg/dl) in septic patients Antithrombin III (ATIII) exerts antithrombotic and anti-
(BIII). We do not recommend, however, intensive insulin inflammatory properties. The negative data from the KyberSept
therapy aiming at a strictly normal blood glucose level of 4.4– trial [105] have recently been confirmed by a Cochrane analysis
6.6 mmol/l (80–120 mg/dl) (EI). [106]. Subgroup analyses have shown that concomitant
Selenium exerts antioxidative effects. It has been proposed administration of heparin impairs beneficial effects of
that the substitution of selenium might positively influence the antithrombin, especially in patients with disseminated
outcome of patients suffering from sepsis. The per protocol intravascular coagulation [107–109]. No evidence-based
analysis of one small, randomized, placebo controlled clinical recommendation on the use of ATIII in severe sepsis can be
trial [94] showed a reduction in the 28-day mortality rate by made (CI).
the administration of high-dose selenium (1000 lg daily over In patients without thrombocytopenia, the use of
15 days, 42.4% in the treatment arm of the trial compared with recombinant human activated protein C (APC) is
56.7% in the placebo group, P = 0.049, odds ratio, 0.56; 95% CI recommended in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock
0.32–1.00). Further clinical trials are needed before treatment who have an APACHE II score of >25 or a minimum of two
with selenium can be recommended (CI). organs failing (AI) [110]. It is not recommended in patients
Replacement of an impaired adrenal reserve and anti- with an APACHE II score of <25 or one organ failure (EI)
inflammatory properties has been the rationale for studying [111]. The PROWESS trial was prematurely stopped because

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corticosteroids as an adjunctive to sepsis therapy. The use of a reduction in absolute mortality at day 28 by 6% was achieved
corticosteroids in sepsis has not been studied in a prospective [110]. Subgroup analyses of the PROWESS trial and the
fashion in neutropenic patients. Meta-analyses reported on following ADDRESS trial did not manage to prove a benefit for
increased overall mortality and increased mortality from lower risk groups (i.e. with an APACHE II score <25 or one
secondary infections in nonneutropenic patients with sepsis organ failure) but increased the risk of bleeding [111]. Because
receiving high-dose steroids [95, 96]. Thus, high-dose APC increases the risk of bleeding, it is not recommended if
corticosteroids should not be used in neutropenic or thrombocytopenia <30 000 platelets/ll is present and within 30
nonneutropenic septic patients (EI). However, in patients days after larger surgery or spinal puncture/anesthesia. It is
requiring corticosteroids or mineralocorticoids for treatment of feasible to administer APC together with heparin [112]. The
diseases other than sepsis (e.g. graft versus host disease), steroid PROWESS trial [110] reported antagonizing interactions
treatment should not be discontinued. between the respective intervention and low-dose heparin.
Interestingly, low doses of hydrocortisone might enhance Those were not found in the XPRESS trial [113]. At present, no
immune responses [97, 98]. Substitutive doses of recommendation on the concomitant use of APC and low-dose
hydrocortisone during sepsis remain controversial [99–101] as heparin can be made.
two recent meta-analyses support the use of low doses of
hydrocortisone [102, 103] but the CORTICUS trial [99] did not
reveal a difference in 28-day mortality between treatment and cytokines and hematopoietic growth factors
placebo. A higher incidence of secondary infections was (G-CSF and granulocyte–macrophage colony-
recorded in the treatment group. Thus, we do not recommend stimulating factor)
the use of substitutive doses of hydrocortisone in neutropenic The central role of cytokines during the hyperinflammatory
patients with sepsis (DI). and anti-inflammatory phases of sepsis prompted clinical
studies on the use of cytokines and cytokine inhibitors as
therapeutic agents. However, studies on the therapeutic efficacy
treatment with coagulation inhibitors of IL-1 receptor antagonist, TNF inhibitors and interferon
Disseminated activation of the coagulation cascade is an early gamma did not show a clinical benefit (EI) [114–116].
event, resulting in fibrin deposition in the microcirculation The known effect of G-CSF and granulocyte–macrophage
thus contributing to multiorgan dysfunction in sepsis. Various colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in increasing the number of
attempts have been made to reverse or avoid disseminated circulating neutrophil granulocytes was the rationale for clinical
coagulation. However, since neutropenia is usually studies assessing their role as additional therapy to antibiotics in
accompanied by thrombocytopenia, any manipulation of the febrile patients with chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. A
coagulation system has to be exerted with caution to avoid an meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials including a total
excessive risk of bleeding. of 1518 individuals showed that CSF effectively reduces the time
The prospective, randomized controlled HETRASE study to neutrophil recovery and the length of hospitalization [117].
investigated treatment with low-dose heparin (500 IU/h for 7 However, despite a marginally significant benefit for the use of
days) in 319 patients [104]. No influence on 28-day all-cause CSF in reducing infection-related mortality, overall mortality
mortality was found [104]. Inclusion criteria were very liberal, appeared not to be influenced. Even though studies enrolled in

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Annals of Oncology review
this meta-analysis report only mild side-effects associated with Onkologie (AGIHO) does not recommend the routine
CSF treatment (bone pain, joint pain and flu-like symptoms), additional use of G-CSF or GM-CSF to standard treatment of
there is an accumulating number of studies reporting respiratory sepsis in neutropenia (DI).
deterioration with ARDS during CSF-induced neutropenia
recovery [68, 118]. In nonneutropenic patients with pneumonia immunoglobulins
or sepsis CSF appeared to be safe but ineffective in reducing The treatment of sepsis in neutropenia with i.v.
mortality rates or complications from infection [119, 120]. On immunoglobulin’s (i.v. Ig) did not show a significant difference
the basis of the current studies and reports, the in survival in a randomized controlled trial [121]. A meta-
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Infektionen in der Hämatologie und analysis on trials of i.v. Ig in patients with sepsis identified 20

Table 5. Summary of treatment recommendations given by the Infectious Diseases Working Party of the German Society of Hematology and Oncology

Recommendation Evidence level

Cardiovascular insufficiency
Volume substitution can be carried out with crystalloid fluids or colloids AI
Human albumin should not be used for volume substitution DII
The drug of choice to elevate the vasotonus is norepinephrine BII
In case of sepsis-related myocardial depression leading to low cardiac output despite adequate volume AII
substitution, treatment with dobutamine should be instituted
Treatment of pulmonary failure
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (CPAP or bilevel positive airway pressure) should be AII
preferred if possible in patients without hypotension or altered mental status
An early start of noninvasive ventilation, before development of severe hypoxemia, is favorable BIII

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Management of renal dysfunction
Intermittent hemodialysis and continuous renal replacement therapies are equivalent BI
No firm recommendations can be given for the use of increased doses of renal replacement therapy CI
Low-dose dopamine for protection of renal function is not recommended. EI
Nutrition and control of metabolic functions
Oral diet is preferred over parenteral nutrition AIII
During initial phase of sepsis, energy supply should not exceed 20–25 kcal/kg IBW DIII
During recovery, 25–30 kcal/kg IBW should be provided BIII
Patients with an APACHE II score of 10–15 might benefit from receiving a formulation enriched with BI
arginine, nucleotides and x́-3-fatty acids
Mortality of patients with an APACHE II score of >25 might be increased when receiving EII
a formulation enriched with arginine, nucleotides and x́-3-fatty acids
Aiming at strictly normal blood glucose level of 4.4–6.6 mmol/l (80–120 mg/dl) is not recommended EI
Blood glucose levels should be kept £8.3 mmol/l (150 mg/dl) in septic neutropenic patients BIII
Further clinical trials are needed before treatment with selenium can be recommended CI
High-dose corticosteroids should not be used in neutropenic or nonneutropenic septic patients EI
The use of substitutive doses of hydrocortisone in neutropenic patients with sepsis is not DI
Treatment with coagulation inhibitors
Further trials on the use of low-dose heparin (500 IU/h for 7 days) are needed before CI
recommendations can be made
No evidence-based recommendations on the use of ATIII in neutropenic patients with sepsis can CI
be made
If contraindications are thoroughly ruled out, the use of APC is recommended in patients with an AI
APACHE II score >25 or a minimum of two organs failing
The use of APC is not recommended in patients with an APACHE II score <25 EI
Growth factors and immunoglobulins
The AGIHO does not recommend the routine additional use of G-CSF or GM-CSF to standard DI
treatment of sepsis in neutropenia
There is moderate degree of evidence to support the use of i.v. immunoglobulins in sepsis BII
Transfusion management
The cut-off for substitution of platelets is often set to a higher value (platelets 20 000/ll instead of BIII
10 000/ll) during sepsis
Although there are no prospective randomized studies showing a clinical benefit, hemoglobin levels BIII
should be kept >9 g/dl to optimize tissue oxygenation

AGIHO, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Infektionen in der Hämatologie und Onkologie; APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; APC,
activated protein C; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; IBW, ideal bodyweight.

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review Annals of Oncology

trials eligible for evaluation [122]. Compared with placebo or 3. Kish MA. Guide to development of practice guidelines. Clin Infect Dis 2001; 32:
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