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Anal Bioanal Chem (2005) 382: 1912–1918

DOI 10.1007/s00216-005-3334-x


N. Cioffi Æ N. Ditaranto Æ L. Torsi Æ R. A. Picca

E. De Giglio Æ L. Sabbatini Æ L. Novello Æ G. Tantillo
T. Bleve-Zacheo Æ P. G. Zambonin

Synthesis, analytical characterization and bioactivity of Ag and Cu

nanoparticles embedded in poly-vinyl-methyl-ketone films

Received: 8 March 2005 / Revised: 10 May 2005 / Accepted: 19 May 2005 / Published online: 20 July 2005
 Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract The electrosynthesis of copper and silver core- and silver are present at zero oxidation state in all of the
shell nanoparticles (NPs) by the sacrificial anode tech- materials (colloids and composite films). This demon-
nique, employing tetraoctylammonium (TOA) salts as strates the high efficiency of the surfactant at controlling
base electrolyte for the first time, is described. These the morphology and the chemical composition of the
surfactants were selected because they combine high NP nanodispersed metal in both the as-synthesized colloid
stabilizing power with useful disinfecting properties. The and in the polymeric dispersion. The nanocoatings are
resulting colloids were mixed with a solution of an inert shown to exert a marked inhibitory effect on the growth
dispersing polymer and used to prepare nanostructured of eukaryote and prokaryote target microrganisms, and
composite thin films. The morphologies and chemical experimental evidence of a synergic disinfecting effect
compositions of the nanomaterials were characterized due to the surfactant and the nanodispersed metal is
by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and X-ray provided. On the basis of these stability and bioactivity
Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The TEM reveals results, it is clear that Cu-NPs and Ag-NPs are suitable
that the average core diameter of the metal NPs ranges for application in disinfecting or antifouling paint and
between 1.7 and 6.3 nm, as a function of the nature of coating formulations.
the metal and of the electrosynthesis conditions, and
does not change significantly upon inclusion in the Keywords Nanoparticle Æ Copper Æ Silver Æ
polymer matrix. An appreciable concentration of the Disinfectant Æ Bioactivity Æ XPS Æ TEM
metal is detected on the nanoparticle surface by XPS.
High-resolution XP spectra indicate that both copper
Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is Over the last few years, much effort has been directed
available for this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00216-005-
3334-x into developing new materials that have specific anti-
microbial activities that can be used to fight infections
Dedicated to the memory of Wilhelm Fresenius and to create sterile conditions [1–7]. The antifouling
N. Cioffi (&) Æ N. Ditaranto Æ L. Torsi Æ R. A. Picca
properties of copper and silver are well known and their
E. De Giglio Æ L. Sabbatini Æ P. G. Zambonin effectiveness at reducing the growth of various micror-
Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Bari, ganisms has been reported [8–11]. Nanotechnology
via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari, Italy could become very important in this research field,
E-mail: cioffi@chimica.uniba.it providing the tools needed to synthesize copper-con-
Tel.: +39-80-5442019
Fax: +39-80-5442026 taining and silver-containing nanostructured
films—layers embedding metal nanoparticles (Me-
L. Torsi Æ L. Sabbatini Æ P. G. Zambonin NPs)—showing an enhanced bioactivity.
TIRES, Center of Excellence, Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy
Surfactant-assisted electrochemical procedures have
L. Novello Æ G. Tantillo been shown to be a powerful tool for preparing stable
Dipartimento di Sanità e Benessere degli Animali,
Università degli Studi di Bari,
NPs composed of a wide range of metals and com-
Strada provinciale per Casamassima Km 3, 70010 Bari, pounds [12–17]. The most varied and versatile prepara-
Valenzano, Italy tion route appears to be the so-called ‘‘sacrificial anode’’
T. Bleve-Zacheo
electrolysis that is usually carried out in the presence of
Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante, Sezione di Bari, cationic surfactants such as tetra-alkyl-ammonium salts.
C.N.R., 165/A, via Amendola, 70126 Bari, Italy In a seminal paper based on the combined use of

transmission electron and scanning tunnelling micros- potentiostat, following procedures that have already
copies, the group of Prof. M. Reetz demonstrated that been reported [25]. Tetrabutylammonium perchlorate-
these metal NPs possess a core-shell structure in which stabilized Cu-NPs used for the comparative XPS char-
the metallic core is stabilized by a monolayer of tetra- acterisation of Fig. 3 were synthesised as reported in [25].
alkyl-ammonium species, and the thickness of this shell
is linearly correlated with the length of the alkyl chains
[18]. Some years later, an X-ray photoelectron spec- Nanocomposite preparation
troscopy investigation of the NP surface shed light on
the nature of the anionic species counterbalancing the Copper and silver nanocomposites (Cu-NPs/PVMK,
positive ammonium charges [19]. In the last decade, the Ag-NPs/PVMK) were prepared by mixing the colloid
electrolytic production of nanoparticles and nanocom- with a solution of poly-vinyl-methyl-ketone (PVMK) at
posites containing platinum group elements has been a concentration of 25 gL 1 in an ultrasonic bath. The
extensively studied, due to the strong catalytic properties resulting colloidal mixture could be stored for months
of these products [12, 19–24]. The electrosynthesis of without any significant aggregation and precipitation of
copper and silver colloids, on the other hand, has been the nanoparticles. The PVMK dispersing matrix was
the subject of only a few reports [13, 25–27]. In partic- chosen on the basis of preliminary indications derived
ular, we have recently studied the electrosynthesis of on similar systems [25], demonstrating that this water-
copper nanoparticles (Cu-NPs) and proposed their use insoluble polymer guarantees high performance in bio-
in low-cost bioactive nanocomposites spin-deposited on activity tests.
sterile substrates as thin films [25]. In that paper, it was Copper-polymer nanocomposites were prepared
shown that Cu-NPs stabilized by biologically-inert tet- using Cu-NPs electrosynthesized at an anodic dissolu-
rabutylammonium perchlorate (TBAP) possess biostatic tion potential of +1.5 V, while Ag-NPs prepared at
action against target microorganisms, thanks to the re- +0.5 V were employed for silver-polymer nanomateri-
lease of copper ions in the aqueous culture broths. The als. The resultant solutions were then spin-coated onto
TBAP, however, showed only limited stabilizing power proper substrates, for biological application or analyti-
towards NP aggregation and air-oxidation processes. cal investigations. It is important to note that nano-
In this work, we present the electrosynthesis, analyt- structured films with variable amounts of metal-NPs can
ical characterization and biological properties of newly be prepared simply by modifying the mixing ratio of
synthesized Cu-NPs or Ag-NPs and their related com- colloidal and polymeric solutions.
posites. These Me-NPs are stabilized by tetraoctylam-
monium (TOA) salts that show two interesting effects:
first, they guarantee the morphological and chemical Analytical characterization of the nanomaterials
stabilization of metallic clusters; secondly, these surfac-
tants possess significant antimicrobial activity too, as Morphological characterization of the nanostructured
they belong to the class of disinfectants known as films was performed by Transmission Electron Micros-
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs). Thus, copy (TEM) using 400 mesh copper grids. As-synthe-
nanocomposite materials containing TOA-stabilized sized colloids were simply drop-cast onto grids, while
NPs are characterized by the synergic action of both composites were spin-coated on grids tape-fixed on
surfactant and metal, which leads to a marked increase aluminum substrates. The TEM analysis was performed
in their efficacy as bioactive coatings. only on unstained samples by means of a Philips 400 T
microscope at 100 kV. The size distribution of the metal
clusters was evaluated manually using more than 500
Experimental particles.
Fresh colloidal dispersions and nanocomposites were
Electrosynthesis of Cu and Ag nanoparticles deposited onto aluminum sheets in order to perform X-
ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) characterization,
The electrosynthesis of Me-NPs was carried out in a using a Leybold LHS10 spectrometer equipped with an
three-electrode cell equipped with copper (or silver) sheet unmonochromatized AlKa source. Survey spectra were
working electrodes and an Ag/AgNO3 0.1 M in aceto- recorded in fixed retarding ratio mode with a retarding
nitrile (ACN) reference electrode. The counter electrode ratio of B=30, while high-resolution regions (C1s, O1s,
was a platinum sheet. For Ag-NPs preparation, the N1s; Cu2p and Cl2p for copper-based samples, Ag3d
base electrolyte was the TOA bromide dissolved at and Br3d for silver based ones) were acquired in fixed
a concentration of 0.1 M in ACN; Cu-NPs were syn- analyzer transmission mode at a pass energy of 30 eV.
thesized in a 0.1 M solution of TOA chloride dissolved in Calibration of the Binding Energy (BE) scale was per-
an ACN/tetrahydrofuran (THF) 1/3 mixture. Two dif- formed by fixing the C-C component at BE values of
ferent working electrode potentials (+0.5 and +1.5 V) 284.8±0.1 eV for colloids, while oxygen and carbon
were employed for the electrosynthesis of Me-NPs. peaks of the PVMK polymer (BE=532.3±0.1 eV,
The cell was maintained under nitrogen and electro- BE=285.2±0.1 eV) were used for the nanocomposite
chemical syntheses were carried out with an EG & G 263 samples.

Nanomaterial bioactivity Since the Cu-NPs electrolysis yield was close to 90% in
both cases, the higher dissolution potential was then
Biological tests were performed on three sets of samples chosen for the optimized preparation of Cu-NPs.
deposited on sterile glass: (a) PVMK films, (b) polymeric In the case of silver, two distinct NP size populations
layers containing TOA salts in the same ratio of nano- were obtained. The application of the higher potential
composites; (c) metal nanostructured films (Cu-NPs/ (+1.5 V) to the anode gave two baseline-resolved size
PVMK, Ag-NPs/PVMK). Escherichia coli and Saccha-
romyces cerevisiae were chosen as target microrganisms.
About 1 mg of the lyophilized organism was added to
10 mL Tryptone Soya Broth (TSB) and then this was
incubated for 24 h at 37 C. Different dilutions (10 1–
10 5) were performed with Maximum Recovery Diluent
(MRD) and were then explored in the biological tests in
order to choose the best experimental conditions. About
1 mL of the chosen dilution was let in contact with the
samples (previously placed in sterile Petri dishes) at
22 C for 4 h. In order to assess the microrganisms’
growth into colonies, 20 mL of a Plate Counter Agar
(PCA) culture medium were poured onto the plates and
incubated for 48 h at 37 C. At the end of this period,
the colony’s growth was estimated by counting the
number of Colony Forming Units per plate (CFU/mL).
The broth dilution employed in the tests was different
for the two types of nanomaterials: 10 1 for Cu-NPs/
PVMK films and 10 5 for Ag-NPs/PVMK films. The
use of highly-concentrated broths in the case of copper
was necessary to better distinguish between the biostatic
action of the metal and that of the surfactant. The choice
of different concentrations accounts for a higher CFU
number on the control (bare Petri) and blank (PVMK
film) plates of the copper-based films with respect to the
silver-based ones.

Results and discussion

Electrosynthesis of Cu and Ag nanoparticles

Tetraoctylammonium salts are perfect stabilizing agents

that assist the electrochemical synthesis of Me-NPs with
nanometer-sized diameters and narrow size dispersions.
The high degree of stabilization of these surfactants is
demonstrated by the TEM micrographs of Fig. 1,
showing both copper and silver nanoparticles prepared
under different experimental conditions.
In the simple potentiostatic process used to prepare
the NPs, the working electrode potential is the main
electrochemical parameter, which is tuned to optimize
the NPs morphology, since it affects the rate of sacrificial
anode dissolution and the current density, and thus the
particle nucleation and growth rates [28, 29]. Two ano-
dic dissolution potentials were explored for each metal:
Fig. 1 TEM micrographs and size distribution histograms of
+0.5 and +1.5 V. electrosynthesised Me-NPs. The metal in the colloidal dispersion,
In the case of copper, the average NP diameter the surfactant employed and the working electrode potential
showed no appreciable dependence on the applied po- applied are reported on the left hand side of each panel. In each
tential and was close to 6 nm in both cases. The appli- histogram, the mean NP core diameter (d) is reported in the inset,
along with the relevant standard deviation. Electronic Supplemen-
cation of the lower potential, however, often resulted in tary Material available: Figure 1S: TEM picture of Ag-NPs
a broader NP diameter dispersion and in a less regular (electrosynthesized at +1.5 V) with larger photograph size and
morphology compared to that obtained at +1.5 V. enhanced resolution

histograms centered at 1.7±0.6 and 5.7±0.6 nm, while smaller Ag-NP population can be attributed to Ostwald
for the lower potential, the colloid was less size-dis- ripening effects that occur in the mixed colloid/polymer
persed, the two populations being closer and centered at solution employed in the spin-coating deposition of the
3.8±1.0 and 5.4±1.7 nm, respectively. Moreover, dis- nanocomposites.
tinct from the results seen for copper, the electrolysis XPS was employed in order to study the surface
yield was appreciably dependent on the anodic potential; elemental compositions of the surfaces of the nano-
this parameter was 85% at the lower potential and composite coatings employed in the biological experi-
70% at +1.5 V. On the basis of such considerations, ments. The atomic percentages reported in Table 1
the lower dissolution potential was chosen for the opti- indicate, as expected for an oxygenated polymer matrix
mized preparation of the silver nanoparticles. modified with low amounts of Me-NPs, that carbon and
Finally, it should be noted that to meet the necessary oxygen are the most abundant elements. The elemental
solubility requirements for ionic metal species, chloride percentages, and the C/O ratio (close to 10), however,
and bromide counterions of the alkylammonium stabi- strongly differ from those expected on the basis of the
lizer were used to prepare the copper and silver colloids bare polymer repetition unit: for the standard polymer,
respectively. the percentages of carbon and oxygen are 75 and 25%
respectively, while the C/O ratio is 3.
The results in Table 1 can be explained by consider-
Analytical characterization of the nanomaterials ing the presence of the TOA surfactant in the nano-
composites, which is the main source of surface carbon.
Figure 2 reports the TEM characterization of the As a matter of fact, based on the TOA stoichiometry,
nanocomposite films. A comparison of Figs. 1 and 2 the presence of nitrogen (2%) suggests that the alkyl
demonstrates that the pristine morphology of TOA- ammonium chains provide the main contribution
stabilized Cu-NPs is almost completely preserved when (64%) to the percentage of carbon. This clearly lowers
they are dispersed in PVMK to form nanocomposite all of the other elemental percentages, including the
thin films (see ‘‘Experimental’’ section for details). In polymeric contribution to the carbon and oxygen sur-
particular, the mean diameter of Cu-NPs embedded in face concentrations. Despite the high surface carbon
the polymer is identical (6.1±1.6 nm) to that of the concentration, atomic percentages of 1%(weight/weight)
colloidal sample. The size distribution of supported Ag- were measured for the metals nanodispersed in both
NPs differs slightly from that of the pristine colloid, and composites.
is apparently distributed as a tailed single Gaussian The detailed XPS analysis of the Cu2p3/2 and Ag3d
peak, centered at 6.7±1.9 nm. The disappearance of the regions, related both to the colloidal samples and to the
nanocomposite films, has provided useful information
on the chemical speciation of Me-NPs before and after
inclusion in the polymeric matrix.
The Cu2p3/2 spectra of copper colloids and of Cu-
NPs/PVMK nanocomposites are reported in Fig. 3. It is
worth noting that in the case of TOAC-stabilized
nanomaterials (left panels), both spectra show a single
signal falling at BE=933.1±0.2 eV, ascribed to nan-
odispersed copper at zero oxidation state [30, 31]. On the
other hand, spectra recorded on TBAP-stabilized
nanomaterials (right panels) show the presence of a
Cu(II) species, in addition to metallic copper, which is
particularly evident in the nanocomposite film. This
oxidized copper is responsible for both an intense pho-
toelectron peak falling at BE=934.0±0.2 eV and a clear
shake-up feature, fitted by two peaks falling at
BE=941.2±0.2 and BE=943.7±0.2 eV.

Table 1 XPS results for the surface elemental compositions of the

surfaces of the nanocomposite films

C O N Cl Br (%) Cu (%) Ag (%)

(%) (%) (%) (%)

Cu-NPs–PVMK 87.2 8.8 2.1 2.1 – 0.4 –

Fig. 2 TEM micrographs and size distribution histograms of Me- Ag-NPs–PVMK 89.5 7.1 1.7 – 1.4 – 0.3
NPs dispersed in PVMK nanostructured films. The mean NP core
diameter (d) is reported in the inset, along with the relevant The error in the atomic percentages is 0.2% for copper and silver,
standard deviation 0.5% for all the other elements

Fig. 3 Cu2p3/2 XP high

resolution spectra: TOAC-
stabilized Cu nanoparticles (top
left panel) and relevant Cu-
PVMK nanocomposite (bottom
left panel); TBAP-stabilized Cu
nanoparticles (Cu-NPs*, top
right panel) and relevant
nanocomposite (Cu-PVMK*,
bottom right panel)

Ag3d spectra of a silver colloid and an Ag nano- nanocomposite. These findings can be interpreted as
structured film are presented in the two panels of Fig. 4. evidence and a chain length-dependent stabilizing effect
In both cases, the signal can be fitted by a single pho- by the cationic surfactants employed in the present
toelectron doublet, with the higher component falling at study. Evidently, long-chain N(C8H15)+ 4 ions preserve
BE values of 368.3±0.2 eV, which can be assigned to the structure of the pristine NPs, without inhibiting their
elemental silver [32]. catalytic [34] or biological (vide infra) activity.
Experimental evidences derived from the TEM and
XPS characterizations demonstrate that the inclusion of
TOA-stabilized copper or silver NPs in the PVMK Nanomaterial bioactivity
matrix does not significantly affect either the morphol-
ogy or the chemical speciation of the nanoparticles. This The antimicrobial properties of copper- and silver-con-
is quite a different result to that observed for tetra-butyl- taining nanomaterials were evaluated on two target
ammonium salts, which produced much less stabiliza- microorganisms: Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces
tion. As a matter of fact, the latter species proved to be cerevisiae. Culture broths at suitable dilutions were left
unable to prevent a certain amount of aggregation when in contact for a limited time (only 4 h) with different
the NPs were mixed with the dispersing polymer, or to samples to discriminate the biocidal/biostatic effects of
stop the complete conversion of nanodispersed Me0 into the polymeric matrix, surfactant and nanodispersed
metal oxides upon prolonged air-exposure [33] of the metals. After the contact time, and the PCA incubation
step (see the ‘‘Experimental’’ section for details), the
residual microrganism growth was quantified by count-
ing the number of CFU. The results are reported in
Tables 2 and 3, respectively, for E. coli and S. cerevisiae.
Blank experiments revealed that PVMK does not exert
any biostatic action, whereas TOA halides produce a
strong growth inhibition effect, causing a significant
decrease in the cellular growth.

Table 2 Number of colony forming units (CFU) of E. coli exposed

to different samples

Sample Colony forming units

Control >3·106
PVMK >3·106
Control >2400
PVMK >2400
Fig. 4 Ag3d XP high-resolution spectra of Ag nanoparticles (top AgNPs/PVMK 0
panel) and of Ag-PVMK nanocomposite (bottom panel)

Table 3 Number of colony forming units (CFU) of S. cerevisiae quaternary ammonium disinfectants, and to pathogen
exposed to different samples
microorganisms, is in progress.
Sample Colony forming units
Acknowledgements Miss C. Caso, Mr. S. Giacummo, and Mr. A.
Control >3·106 Tambone are gratefully thanked for their skilled assistance during
PVMK >3·106 biological experiments (C.C.) and XPS analyses (S.G., A.T.).
TOAC/PVMK 1100 Professors F. Palmisano and E. Traversa and Dr. L. Ghibelli are
CuNPs/PVMK 0 greatly acknowledged for useful discussions. Work carried out with
Control >4800 the financial support of Università degli Studi di Bari, and
PVMK >4800 MIUR—PRIN 2004—Contract No. 2004034021_001.


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