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Tips to Learn English as Easy and Enjoyable And English Teaching Metodhs

Name : Ibnu Mansur NIM : 10.016

AKPER YAKPERMAS BANYUMAS Jl. Raya Jompo Kulon, Sokaraja, Banyumas 53181 Telp. / Fax. (0281) 6596816

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to learn Engli h as easy and enjoyable.

First, you need to declare your destination that will make English as part of your daily life. This means that English becomes your new habit. Start by collecting as much vocabulary as possible. Try you know the meaning, pronunciation and kind words he said as the nature, objects, work, etc. information. This book tells a lot about the expressions and vocabulary and grammar rules. Very diajurkan for those of you carry a pocket size dictionary wherever you go. Billboards, banners, flyers and other marketing tools can become your learning media. Likewise, the movie title or song title that you often see in movies or on television. When you speak or read you are dealing with absorption of English words is a little disturbing your understanding of the substance is removed. Come up with the curiosity of the meaning of the word that you meet and instantly open your dictionary to find out its meaning. After knowing the meaning of the word you also need to attempt to pronounce these words correctly. A good dictionary is always has a phonetic symbol of each word so that you can pronounce the words properly. In this book we present how to read phonetic symbols of international standard.

Furthermore, if you have a hobby of listening to Indonesian pop songs popular time for you to divert your hobby to then listen to the songs in English. It is helpful if you have a paper the lyrics. Please explore the meaning of every lyric that you hear. Please also note the pronunciation / pronunciation of each word. The same thing you can do on film that you love to watch via CD / DVD, television programs or movies. It's time you switch from Bollywood to Hollywood. Avoid understanding through the text. Your understanding is not necessarily complete. This is just an attempt habituation to hear pronunciation of English words. Divert your channel to the English-language programs on radio and television. So likewise with the newspaper that you always read and Web sites that you visit frequently, you immediately replace it with English-language edition. Well now you look like a person completely new look.

To sharpen the skills of speaking, you need to talk. The idea to form a small community of English-speaking people is an idea that deserves to ogled. Make a clear agenda about the time & duration of meetings, places and the most important subject. Make a strong commitment that you and other members of the community who will use English intensively and optimally participate in each meeting.

A. Direct Method Direct methods or direct model is a way to give foreign language learning materials in which the teacher directly using the foreign language as the language of instruction, and without using any language students in teaching. If there are any words that are difficult to understand by the students, then teachers can interpret using visual aids, demonstration, describe and others.
This method is based from the understanding that the teaching of foreign language teaching is not the same as the exact sciences. When teaching science, students required in order to memorize certain formulas, think, and remember, so in language teaching, students are trained to practice saying the words or certain sentences. Even if the words or sentences are initially unfamiliar and not understood the students, but little by little the words and the sentence will be pronounced and may also interpret it. In principle, the direct method is very key in teaching foreign languages, because through this method can directly train students mastery of the tongue without the use of mother tongue (language environment). Although at first seem difficult to menuirukannya protege, but it is interesting for students.

The characteristics of this method are: a. Matter is first given word for word, and sentence structure b. Grammar is taught only in passing, and students are not required to memorize formulas grammar, but students able to speak the language well c. In the process of teaching continues to use assistive devices ( props) props either directly, indirectly (artificial) as well as demonstration through symbols or certain movements d. Once inside the classroom, students or their students really are conditioned to accept and converse in foreign languages, and are prohibited from using other languages.

Goodness direct method (Direct) a. Direct method terms of its effectiveness has advantages such as: b. Students are motivated to be able to identify and understand the words the phrase in a foreign language was taught by his teacher, let alone a teacher uses visual aids and a variety of media fun c. Because this method usually first teacher taught the words and simple sentences that can be understood and acknowledged by the students in daily language, for example (pen, pencil, benches, tables, etc.), then the student can easily captures the symbols of foreign languages taught by the teacher.

d. This method uses a relatively large variety of props: whether video, film, radio cassette, tape recorder, props are made yourself, then this method attract students, because they feel happy / interested, then the lesson was not difficult e. Students gain direct experience and simple, although initially the spoken sentence was not understood and fully understood f. Tool said / tongue student / students become trained and if they receive the original sayings that are often heard and spoken

Deficiencies direct method a. Teaching can be a passive, if teachers cant motivate students, perhaps even once students feel bored and feel dfongkol because words an phrases spoken by his d teacher can never be understood, because the teachers could use a foreign language without translation into the language of children. b. At the beginning levels it seems this method was difficult to apply, because students do not have a material (vocabulary), which is understandable c. Although this method is basically the teacher may not use everyday language in delivering foreign language teaching materials but in reality are not always consistent way, the teacher had to translate such difficult words foreign language into the language of their students. d. This method actually used exactly once at the beginning and the upper level because the student felt he had to have material to talk / cercicara and of course that the students really feel challenged to speak / communicate, then the sanctions can be established for those who use ordinary language days.

B. Berlitz Method
Berlitz Method is there a direct method (Direct Method) is always used in Berlitz schools as the primary method.All Berlitz schools using the direct method (direct method) is in the teaching of foreign languages in school and many schools in America and Europe who regularly apply this method.They have been convinced that the method is the most suitable and most successful for teaching foreign languages to be more harmonious and achieve an active ability in foreign languages. Therefore, the direct method is also called the Berlitz method, because the Berlitz schools more to popularize the use of this method a continuous basis and they do indeed work very well.

C. Natural Methods Natural methods so called because in the learning process, students are taken to the natural as well as their own mother tongue lesson

In practice this method is not much different from the direct method where the teacher presents the subject matter directly in a foreign language with no translation at all, except in certain cases where the dictionary and language students can use. Natural feature of this method include: 1. The order of the early lessons are given through listening (listening), then conversation (speaking), reading (reading),writing and the last is grammar 2. Lessons are presented at first introduce simple words that have been known to the students, then introduce objects from existing objects in the classroom, at home and outside the classroom, even knowing abroad or foreign countries, especially East middle. 3. Props and dictionary which can be used at any time is necessary, for example, to explain and interpret the difficult words in foreign languages, and expand vocabulary or enrich Vocabulary as a key condition to master a foreign language 4. Because of the ability and smoothness of reading and conversing is preferred in this method, the grammatical subject (grammar), less attention

Goodness of this method include: 1. At the advanced level of this method is very effective, because each individual student was brought into the real atmosphere for active listening and use conversations in a foreign language 2. Teaching reading and conversing in foreign languages is an advantage, while the grammar lessons are taught at any time 3. Teaching becomes meaningful and easily absorbed by students, because every word and sentence that have taught the context (relationship) with the world (everyday life) student / protg

Shortcomings in terms of this method include: 1. Students find it difficult to learn if not have a basic stock of foreign languages, especially at the beginner levels, so the use / usage of native language student can not be avoided. Thus the goal of all of these methods to read and converse in a foreign language is always difficult to implement in a pure, but must be applied consistently 2. In general, students and teachers being put traditional grammar precedence over reading and conversation is something that one very naturally need to be changed 3. In general, foreign language teaching in our schools is very pronounced lack assorted media / props required; that teachers should be actively making 4. Teachers who lack the ability and practical experience in a foreign language is a factor difficult to apply and succeed in both these methods. Teachers must be an active speaking in foreign languages, then the students will be able also active in the study (practice) language.

D. Conversation Method

Which teaches foreign languages like English, Arabic or other languages which invites students to direct speaking in a foreign language is being taught this. Of course begins with the words or phrases or regular expressions that apply to the activities of everyday life, such as: Good Morning, How are you? What are you doing? And so on; or sentences, conversations in the classroom around the school, at home in the office and so on; more and more widespread and diverse.Whose name it is spoken language (as a principal function of language); second role then read / understand the article or book. So the main function of learning the foreign language proficiency is an active, communicating orally or in conversation. That's the main purpose or main target of foreign language learning, followed by the ability to read and understand or passive control.

Therefore, the main method and the first in the foreign language teaching and learning activities is a method that should Conversation. This method disejalankan with Direct Method and the Natural Method, the exercise by applying the functions and principles of the provisions of each of these methods.

In developed countries like the U.S. and Europe, one third to apply this method as the main practice combined with visual aids and audio visual aids so that adequate and harmony within one semester has been able to visit the country from people who learned the language, learn and practice during 1 year have been directly able to write with in the foreign language.

So in addition to a matching method, the medium and complete books, teachers have high kepabelitas, students also need to seriously learn and intelligent. Without these four conditions are met then the person for years even dozens of years learning a foreign language.

E. Phonetic method (Listening and Speaking)

This method prioritizes training ear training and speak the way it presents the foreign language lessons through listening exercises, followed by exercises words and phrases in a foreign language being studied. This phonetic method can be said a combination of two methods of Natural and Reading above. Where at first by this method lesson begins with exercises to hear and then followed by exercises words or phrases in a foreign language. Then followed the exercises read (reading and conversation).

Step-by-step implementation of this method that can be done:

1. Teachers read a foreign language readings before the class, or open / turn on events in the form of radio cassette reading / video, the students listen carefully and pay attention to this reading event carefully, seriously (no kidding when reading it), students must consider the correct style and intonation, as well as the movements of certain forms of expression in reading 2. The series of readings that should be structured in such a way that it becomes the perfect reading material / sustainable 3. Teachers can stop a particular series if the series of lessons is already considered finished and mastered by students, then to proceed to the session / next series 4. After reading the lesson is completed, then the conversation exercises can be done. For example, the conversations that are at first simple, once it's headed in a complex conversation / more difficult 5. To clarify the speech and conversation, then this method is recommended to use visual aids / media teaching 6. At the end of each lesson, the teacher should provide practical exercises larihan read and converse in their students, and teachers do not forget to give various special notes, the conclusions and advice in the form of encouragement (to give motivation for students) to learn earnest, diligent and regular daily exercise

F. Method of Practice - Theory

This method is as the name suggests, more emphasis on the practical ability of the theory. Comparisons can be a practical material 7 units and 3 units of material that is theoretical. Learning foreign languages early on and give priority to practice, then followed with a theory (grammar). So the emphasis here is how the student / students to be able to speak a foreign language it is practically not theoretically. Therefore, teaching should be directed at communicative or conversational skills, grammar can be taught while passing.

In the early stages of practical teaching materials can be selected and applied to simple things, whether it's through everyday conversations that have anything to do with the world of school students or home environment and the wider community or to also mention the details of the names object and the word monkey as a basis for the formation of colloquial language.

While at an advanced level of learning materials are developed more extensive and complex through the conversations of theoretical and scientific reasoning.

G. Method of Reading
The method read (Reading Method) that presents the subject matter by way of first priority to reading, the teacher first read the topics reading, followed by student protg. But sometimes the

teacher can refer students directly to recite certain lessons first, and certainly other students watched and followed. Mechanical methods of reading (Reading Method) this can be done by way of direct teacher and student read the lesson material ordered to consider / listen to the readings with a good teacher, after which the teacher pointed to one of the students to read, by changing (rotating) . After each student had a turn to read, the teacher repeats it once again with the reading followed by all students it is mainly at levels first, and then the teacher records the words difficult or unknown new students on the board to note in record book to enrich the vocabulary and that subsequently, to complete the topics that have been established / determined.

H. Talk Method Oral (Oral Method)

This method is similar to the phonetic method and reform methods, but the scrambled method is focused on oral exercises or narrative by mouth. Train to be able to fluently speak (fluently), harmony and spontaneity

Train oral / mouth for foreign language pronunciation can sound right, does not sound awkward. The exercises sound system through the lips, train exactly throat discharge letters, the letters at the end or at the base of the tongue, etc. These exercises develop the words to make their own sentences and so forth, all done with a turn to speak orally, oral, speaking Target to be achieved through this method is keammpuan and oral language fluency or oral talk or communicate directly as a primary function of language. The principle of this method is: Teach the language, do not teach only about the language.

I. Practice Methods Sentence Patterns (Pattern-Practice Method)

The most important application of this method is to train students in direct practice saying the sentence patterns that have been composed either completely, or work as meant by the sentence pattern. So the sentence patterns that contain a sense, had already provided or arranged in harmony with the obvious, is gradually until hard; and material vocabulary simple to complex. The students do have to actively say, do until it becomes a habit, so appreciate the patterns of the sentence until entrenched. Supposedly it is a Bilingual teacher (who mengusai two languages or more to be lived), which is a foreign language is taught and Indonesian languages, with the ability to truthfully. First of all teachers to compare the two languages, eg Arabic with Indonesian, about the same words, ways of pronunciation system of grammar, meaning, sound and so on and give explanations. From the language of the bilingual (bilingual) described and selected sentence patterns with certain sounds for mater drill or training materials-intensive. Arrange the patterns of a good sentence, and added continue vocabulary, so menggarkan something a situation or story. Practice repeatedly and until

every student had a turn. The students are trained to pr onounce sentence patterns to really understand and appreciate the significance / meaning and memorize-fluently without thinking of preparing its own sentence. After that the students need to be trained well to reach the sensitivity of hearing Listening (Listening, etc.). Onwards speaking exercises (speaking drills) for the smooth talking, reading drills to achieve the correct readings, and the Drill Writing writing exercises correctly, avoiding wrong-wrong in spelling or writing letters. Listening exercises, speaking, reading and writing is very necessary accompaniment to almost all kinds of methods of teaching foreign languages, especially English and Arabic. This method as practiced in our textbooks in English, among others, Home 900, Home 901 and so on and regarded as the most appropriate to the nature of foreign language teaching.

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