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Abu Rayhan al-Biruni adalah seorang ilmuwan besar, fisikawan, astronom, sosiolog, sastrawan, sejarawan dan matematikawan yang nilainya tidak pernah diketahui. Dia dipertimbangkan sebagai bapak dari unified field theory (teori segala sesuatu -pen) oleh peraih penghargaan Nobel Profesor Abdus Salam. Abu Rayhan al-Biruni hidup hampir seribu tahun yang lalu dan sezaman dengan Ibn Sina (Avicenna) dan Sultan Mahmoud Ghazni. Pada saat menjelang akhir hayatnya, Biruni dikunjungi oleh tetangganya yang merupakan ahli fiqih. Abu Rayhan masih dalam keadaan sadar, dan tatkala melihat sang ahli fiqih, dia bertanya kepadanya tentang hukum waris dan beberapa hal yang berhubungan dengannya. Sang ahli fiqih terkesima melihat seseorang yang sekarat masih tertarik dengan persoalan-persoalan tersebut. Abu Rayhan berkata, Aku ingin bertanya kepadamu: mana yang lebih baik, meninggal dengan ilmu atau meninggal tanpanya? Sang ahli fiqih menjawab, Tentu saja lebih baik mengetahui dan kemudian meninggal. Abu Rayhan berkata, Untuk itulah aku menanyakan pertanyaanku yang pertama. Beberapa saat setelah sang ahli fiqih tiba dirumahnya, tangisan duka mengatakan kepadanya bahwa Abu Rayhan telah meninggal dunia. (Murtaza Mutahhari: Khutbah Keagamaan) Setelah itu, hampir seribu tahun yang lalu, ketika umat muslim adalah pembawa obor pengetahuan pada zaman kegelapan. Mereka menciptakan peradaban Islam, didorong oleh penelitian dan penemuan ilmiah, yang membuat bagian dunia lainnya iri selama berabad-abad. Dalam kata-kata Carli Fiorina, seorang CEO Hewlett Packard yang visioner dan berbakat tinggi, Adalah para arsitek yang mendesign bangunan-bangunan yang mampu melawan gravitasi. Adalah para matematikawan yang menciptakan aljabar dan algoritma yang dengannya komputer dan enkripsi data dapat tercipta. Adalah para dokter yang memeriksa tubuh manusia, dan menemukan obat baru untuk penyakit. Adalah para astronom yang melihat ke langit, memberi nama bintang-bintang, dan membuka jalan bagi perjalanan dan eksplorasi antariksa. Adalah para sastrawan yang menciptakan ribuan kisah; kisah-kisah perjuangan, percintaan dan keajaiban. Ketika negeri lain takut akan gagasan-gagasan, peradaban ini berkembang pesat dengannya dan membuat mereka penuh energi. Ketika ilmu pengetahuan terancam dihapus akibat penyensoran oleh peradaban sebelumnya, peradaban ini menjaga ilmu pengetahuan tetap hidup, dan menyebarkannya kepada peradaban lain. Tatkala

peradaban barat modern sedang berbagi pengetahuan ini, peradaban yang sedang saya bicarakan ini adalah dunia Islam bermula pada tahun 800 hingga 1600, yang termasuk di dalamnya Dinasti Ottoman dan kota Baghdad, Damaskus dan Kairo, dan penguasa agung seperti Sulaiman yang Bijak. Walaupun kita sering kali tidak menyadari hutang budi kita kepada peradaban ini, sumbangsihnya merupakan bagian dasar dari kebudayaan kita. Teknologi industri tidak akan pernah hadir tanpa kontribusi para matematikawan arab. Sebenarnya, sangatlah sulit untuk mencari bidang ilmu pengetahuan yang tidak berhutang budi kepada para pionir ini. Di bawah ini adalah daftar singkat, tanpa bermaksud menyatakannya sebagai yang terlengkap, para ilmuwan muslim dari abad 8 hingga abad 14. 701 (Meninggal) * Khalid Ibn Yazeed * Ilmuwan kimia 721-803 * Jabir Ibn Haiyan * Ilmuwan kimia (Seorang ilmuwan kimia muslim populer) 740 * Al-Asmai * Ahli ilmu hewan, ahli tumbuh-tumbuhan, ahli pertanian 780 * Al-Khwarizmi (Algorizm) * Matematika (Aljabar, Kalkulus), Astronomi

Kitab al-Hayawan. Sebuah kitab berisi ensklopedia berbagai jenis binatang karya ahli ilmu hewan muslim al-Jahiz. Pada kitab ini al-Jahiz memaparkan berbagai macam teori, salah satunya mengenai interaksi antara hewan dengan lingkungannya. 776-868 * Amr Ibn Bahr al-Jahiz * Ahli ilmu hewan 787 * Al Balkhi, Jafar Ibn Muhammad (Albumasar) * Astronomi 796 (Meninggal) * Al-Fazari, Ibrahim Ibn Habib * Astronomi 800 * Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi (Alkindus) * Kedokteran, Filsafat, Fisika, Optik 815 * Al-Dinawari, Abu Hanifa Ahmed Ibn Dawud * Matematika, Sastra 816 * Al Balkhi * Ilmu Bumi (Geography) 836 * Thabit Ibn Qurrah (Thebit) * Astronomi, Mekanik, Geometri, Anatomi 838-870 * Ali Ibn Rabban Al-Tabari * Kedokteran, Matematika 852 * Al Battani Abu Abdillah * Matematika, Astronomi, Insinyur 857 * Ibn Masawaih Youhanna * Kedokteran 858-929 * Abu Abdullah Al Battani (Albategnius) * Astronomi, Matematika 860 * Al-Farghani, Abu al-Abbas (Al-Fraganus) * Astronomy, Tehnik Sipil 864-930 * Al-Razi (Rhazes) * Kedokteran, Ilmu Kedokteran Mata, Ilmu Kimia 973 (Meninggal) * Al-Kindi * Fisika, Optik, Ilmu Logam, Ilmu Kelautan, Filsafat 888 (Meninggal) * Abbas Ibn Firnas * Mekanika, Ilmu Planet, Kristal Semu

900 (Meninggal) * Abu Hamed Al-Ustrulabi * Astronomi 903-986 * Al-Sufi (Azophi) * Astronomi 908 * Thabit Ibn Qurrah * Kedokteran, Insinyur 912 (Meninggal) * Al-Tamimi Muhammad Ibn Amyal (Attmimi) * Ilmu Kimia 923 (Meninggal) * Al-Nirizi, AlFadl Ibn Ahmed (Altibrizi) * Matematika, Astronomi 930 * Ibn Miskawayh, Ahmed Abu Ali * Kedokteran, Ilmu Kimia 932 * Ahmed Al-Tabari * Kedokteran 934 * Al-Istakhr II * Ilmu Bumi (Peta Bumi) 936-1013 * Abu Al-Qosim Al-Zahravi (Albucasis) * Ilmu Bedah, Kedokteran 940-997 * Abu Wafa Muhammad Al-Buzjani * Matematika, Astronomi, Geometri 943 * Ibn Hawqal * Ilmu Bumi (Peta Dunia) 950 * Al Majrettti Abu al-Qosim * Astronomi, Ilmu Kimia, Matematika 958 (Meninggal) * Abul Hasan Ali al-Masudi * Ilmu Bumi, Sejarah 960 (Meninggal) * Ibn Wahshiyh, Abu Bakar * Ilmu Kimia, Ilmu Tumbuh-tumbuhan 965-1040 * Ibn Al-Haitham (Alhazen) * Fisika, Optik, Matematika 973-1048 * Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni * Astronomy, Matematika, Sejarah, Sastra 976 * Ibn Abil Ashath * Kedokteran 980-1037 * Ibn Sina (Avicenna) * Kedokteran, Filsafat, Matematika, Astronomi 983 * Ikhwan A-Safa (Assafa) * (Kelompok Ilmuwan Muslim) 1001 * Ibn Wardi * Ilmu Bumi (Peta Dunia) 1008 (Meninggal) * Ibn Yunus * Astronomy, Matematika. 1019 * Al-Hasib Alkarji * Matematika 1029-1087 * Al-Zarqali (Arzachel) * Matematika, Astronomi, Syair 1044 * Omar Al-Khayyam * Matematika, Astronomi, Penyair 1060 (Meninggal) * Ali Ibn Ridwan Abu Hassan Ali * Kedokteran 1077 * Ibn Abi Sadia Abul Qasim * Kedokteran 1090-1161 - Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) * Ilmu Bedah, Kedokteran 1095 - Ibn Bajah, Mohammed Ibn Yahya (Avenpace) * Astronomi, Kedokteran 1097 - Ibn Al-Baitar Diauddin (Bitar) * Ilmu Tumbuh-Tumbuhan, Kedokteran, Ilmu 1099 - Al-Idrisi (Dreses) * Ilmu Bumi (Geography), Ahli Ilmu Hewan, Peta Dunia (Peta Pertama) 1110-1185 - Ibn Tufayl, Abubacer Al-Qaysi * Filosofi, Kedokteran 1120 (Meninggal) - Al-Tuhra-ee, Al-Husain Ibn Ali *Ahli Kimia, Penyair 1128 - Ibn Rushd (Averroes) * Filosofi, Kedokteran, Astronomi 1135 - Ibn Maymun, Musa (Maimonides) * Kedokteran, Filosofi

1136 - 1206 - Al-Razaz Al-Jazari * Astronomi, Seni, Insinyur mekanik 1140 - Al-Badee Al-Ustralabi * Astronomi, Matematika 1155 (Meningal) - Abdel-al Rahman al Khazin *Astronomi 1162 - Al Baghdadi, Abdel-Lateef Muwaffaq * Kedokteran, Ahli Bumi (Geography) 1165 - Ibn A-Rumiyyah AbulAbbas (Annabati) * Ahli Tumbuh-tumbuhan 1173 - Rasheed Al-Deen Al-Suri * Ahli Tumbuh-tumbuhan 1180 - Al-Samawal * Matematika 1184 - Al-Tifashi, Shihabud-Deen (Attifashi) *Ahli Logam, Ahli Batu-batuan 1201-1274 - Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi * Astronomi, Non-Euclidean Geometri 1203 - Ibn Abi-Usaibiah, Muwaffaq Al-Din * Kedokteran 1204 (Meninggal) - Al-Bitruji (Alpetragius) * Astronomi 1213-1288 - Ibn Al-Nafis Damishqui * Astronomi 1236 - Kutb Aldeen Al-Shirazi * Astronomi, Ilmu Bumi (Geography) 1248 (Meninggal) * Ibn Al-Baitar * Farmasi, Ahli Tumbuh-tumbuhan (Botany) 1258 - Ibn Al-Banna (Al Murrakishi), Azdi * Kedokteran, Matematika 1262 - Abu al-Fath Abd al-Rahman al-Khazini * Fisika, Astronomi 1273-1331 - Al-Fida (Abdulfeda) * Astronomi, Ilmu Bumi (Geography) 1360 - Ibn Al-Shater Al Dimashqi * Astronomi, Matematika 1320 (Meninggal) - Al Farisi Kamalud-deen Abul-Hassan *Astronomy, Fisika 1341 (Meninggal) - Al Jildaki, Muhammad Ibn Aidamer * Ilmu Kimia 1351 - Ibn Al-Majdi, Abu Abbas Ibn Tanbugha * Matematika, Astronomi 1359 - Ibn Al-Magdi, Shihab Udden Ibn Tanbugha * Matematika, Astronomi 1375 (Meninggal) - Ibn al-Shatir * Astronomi 1393-1449 - Ulugh Beg * Astronomi 1424 - Ghiyath al-Din al Kashani * Analisis Numerikal, Perhitungan Dengan deretan sarjana muslim seperti itu, tidaklah sulit untuk menyetujui apa yang dikatakan George Sarton, Tugas utama kemanusian telah dicapai oleh para muslim. Filosof terbaik, Al-Farabi adalah seorang muslim. Matematikawan terbaik Abul Kamil dan Ibn Sina adalah muslim. Ahli geography (Ilmu Bumi) dan ensklopedia terbaik AlMasudi adalah seorang muslim dan Al-Tabari ahli sejarah terbaik juga seorang muslim. Sejarah sebelum Islam dipenuhi dengan perkiraan-perkiraan, desas-desus dan mitos-mitos. Adalah seorang ahli sejarah muslim yang pertama kali memperkenalkan metode sanad dan matan yang melacak keaslian dan keutuhan sebuah informasi langsung dari saksi mata. Menurut seorang ahli sejarah Bucla Metode ini belumlah

dipraktekkan oleh Eropa sebelum tahun 1597. Metode lainnya: adalah penelitian sejarah bersumber dari ahli sejarah terkemuka Ibn Khaldun. Pengarang dari Kashfuz Zunun memberikan daftar 1300 buku-buku sejarah yang ditulis dalam bahasa Arab pada masa beberapa abad sejak munculnya Islam. Sekarang lihatlah dunia kaum muslim. Kapankah anda terakhir kali mendengar seorang muslim memenangkan hadiah Nobel dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan kedokteran? Bagaimana dengan publikasi ilmiah? Sayangnya, anda tidak akan menemukan banyak nama kaum Muslim dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan makalahmakalah ilmiah. Apa yang kurang? Alasan apa yang kita miliki? Sebuah publikasi yang baru saja diterbitkan oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) menanggapi pembangunan di wilayah Arab mengemukakan bahwa dunia Arab yang terdiri dari 22 negara menerjemahkan 330 buku per tahun. Angka itu sangat menyedihkan, hanya seperlima dari jumlah buku-buku yang diterjemahkan oleh sebuah negara kecil Yunani dalam setahunnya! (Spanyol menerjemahkan rata-rata 100,000 buku setiap tahunnya). Mengapa ada alergi atau keengganan untuk menerjemahkan ilmu yang asal-muasalnya berasal dari nenek moyang kita sendiri untuk mendapatkan kembali warisan terdahulu dengan menganalisa, mengumpulkan, menyempurnakan dan menyalurkan ilmu-ilmu yang bermanfaat bagi umat manusia.

1. We have seen the rapid development of telecommunications for 200 years. Its impact on us was great. If people who lived 200 years ago could be brought back to watch the phone, radio, television, satellite images of venus,


optical, and so on, they will be very amazed and found the whole thing act a witch. The question that the answer is contained in these paragraphs is ........ A. Why the growth of telecommunications over the last 200 years is very great? B. What if people who live on 200 years ago saw the power of the results of telecommunications? C. Impact whether caused by the growth of telecommunications over our lives? D. Why they would be very fascinated and found the whole thing act a witch

2. Hour table usually rang at 5:00 to wake me, for once silent for forgetting plays. As a result, I overslept. Quickly, I went to the bathroom. It turned out that soap was already gone, forgot to buy yesterday afternoon. Want breakfast, scorched rice. Want to get dressed, all the dirty clothes so they have to wear secondhand clothes yesterday. Add again, while waiting for public transport vehicles to go to school is always full. Finally to the empty vehicle. Unfortunately also strike in the middle of the road. Stepped down from the new vehicle two or three steps was greeted like a torrential rain poured from the sky. Amboi, not only late and soaking wet body but in the school to reprimand from the teacher. Unfortunately my fate today. The underlying idea of these paragraphs is ........ A. waking up late B. busy every day C. daily habit D. the unfortunate fate

3. Read the following paragraphs carefully!

First aid not only the responsibility of health workers. Each member of the Red Cross Youth (PMR) must have the ability to help victims of accidents. PMR is PMI volunteers who served voluntarily. To be able to help accident victims, members were taught the principles of PMR-reddish abysmal. Topic sentence paragraph is located on ........ A. final paragraph B. beginning of paragraph C. middle paragraphs D. beginning and end of paragraphs

4. Consider the following graph which contains data on student absenteeism junior Jasmine cawu I 2003/2004 school year! The question that the answer is right ........ A. Why is the number of students who do not go in August a lot? B. Does that make student does not attend in September? C. How many students are not present in November? D. How do you feel Headmaster in November related to student absenteeism?

5. . Read the following paragraphs carefully!

Two beautiful springer Indonesia, Shenny Amalia Rana and Ahmad Sukran, failed penetrate the main round of the World Swimming Championships (Finna World Swimming Championship). Thus, Indonesia has not passed a single round of athletes at major swimming championships which started in July in Barcelona, Spain. Summary of the right in accordance with paragraphs are ........ A. Beautiful springer Indonesia following the swimming championships in Barcelona, Spain. B. Indonesian athletes managed to get one in the main round of the championship pool. C. World Swimming Championship pool Finna Championship held in Barcelona, Spain. D. None of the Indonesian athletes who qualified for the main round swimming championship in Barcelona.
6. Read the following paragraphs carefully!

There are millions of children in Indonesia who had to quit school. It's not their willingness to quit school, nor will their parents ........ Appropriate sentence to complete the final paragraph is ... A. This is because they are lazy in school. B. This is a burden for us all. C. Inevitably we have to help him. D. Keadaanlah that caused all this. 7. Sentences that contain facts are ........ A. Belosoh fish are small fish found in almost all coastal waters, except in the polar regions. B. Coral species are cultivated in the basin Ascopora estimated to have export markets in some European countries.

C. Catching turtles is a violation. D. Corals that grow forked branch that can be traded.
8. Please read carefully the following fragment of discourse!

Air pollution does occur naturally. Because of natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, forest fires, dust, dead plants and animals decompose, and salt from the sea, all can pollute the air. However, it still can be said within the limits that can be tolerated. This means that the process of cleaning rate and the rate of pollution of air pollution was still in the balance of nature. The theme of the discourse text fragment is ........ A. The occurrence of air pollution. B. The threat of air pollution. C. Type of air pollution. D. As a result of air pollution.
9. Agriculture-themed paragraphs are ........

A. Aerobic exercise not only useful for lung and heart. If it is done more than 20 minutes, will also burn fat. B. In the modern era like now, communication is already a familiar thing. Aside from being a major component of life, communication is also a daily requirement for humans. C. Wetland area of 36,000 hectares of rainfed rice is everything. This is because there are no irrigation canals flowing in one rice field rice granary areas in South Sumatra. D. Local Government Tegal municipality is promoting environmental cleanliness. This is done to maintain a clean city achieved a few years ago.
10. Andi had to take care ........ as a condition for commuting to Australia.

Appropriate term to complete the sentence is ........ A. passport B. KTP C. money orders D. Facsimile
11. Use of the term on the right is the following sentence ........

A. During his life only this time he got a contractor from the company. B. Trade in services through print media advertising is very effective and efficient. C. Choreographer it was photographing the theater performances. D. The director was busy arranging a player costume drama.

12. Use the correct verb berpartikel contained in the sentence ........

A. Mrs. Rachel tells the history of Majapahit Kingdom. B. Since small children always obey their parents for advice. C. Surti not know about the answer to that math problem. D. Now he regrets for the actions he did.
13. Paragraphs are developed from personal experience there is on ........

A. I almost drowned, if I'm not holding my leg a good swimmer. I think the river is shallow. I do not even have to learn to swim deterrent. B. Price of basic needs is increasing. Public complaints heard everywhere. What can they do or surrender all? C. If we had known products in the country, we can appreciate it. Moreover, if we can buy and use them. D. Whatever is done is always wrong. And if you paid attention, he was a child of the most diligent among his brothers.
14. Consider the following sentences!

(1) Mix with coconut milk and rice flour. (2) Dip mold into batter rocking flowers and then dip it in hot oil. (3) Beat eggs with sugar until sugar destroyed. (4) Stir the batter until smooth. (5) Fry until cooked. To make a good paragraphs, sentences above should be prepared with sequence number ........ A. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) B. (1), (3), (2), (4), (5) C. (3), (4), (1), (2), (5) D. (3), (1), (4), (2), (5)
15. Listening is the activity of the inner ear gets the message that was played. These activities

have a clear purpose and ketercapaiannya seen through the measurement results to the understanding of listeners. Realization of listening to lectures, speeches, radio, or the other. The time is limited, such as 10 or 15 minutes. Basic idea of these paragraphs is ........ A. definition of listening B. listening purposes

C. a form of listening D. listening time

16. Drought last year to make the farmers loss. Wetland soils become dry. Rice plant many

died. As a result, farmers experienced crop failure. The conclusion paragraph is ........ A. The farmers suffered many losses. B. In the dry season farmers' crop failure. C. Wetland soils become dry. D. Rice plant many died.
17. There are millions of school-age children in Indonesia was forced to quit school. It's not

their willingness to quit school and not the will of their parents. Keadaanlah that caused all this. To help them, the role of foster parents is necessary. However, to realize the programs foster parents needed support from all parties concerned. Appropriate summary of these paragraphs is ........ A. Many children quit school in Indonesia for not getting the attention of foster parents and support from the community. B. Children in Indonesia to quit school because they lack the ability and they do not get help from other people. C. Indonesian children are many schools that are not caused by lack of assistance from the parties concerned. D. Many school-age children in Indonesia to quit school because of the circumstances and the role of foster parents who are very necessary.
18. Maringan grow in the midst of a family whose life is mediocre. In fact, virtually all

shortcomings. Events bitter experiences when he decided to quit school because they can not pay the fees. Feeling ashamed, she had migrated to Jakarta with a determination subdue the Capital. The right response to these readings is ........ A. For what Maringan migrated to Jakarta. B. In my opinion, Maringan better stay in his village. C. Instead, Maringan work only in Medan to finance school. D. In my opinion, it is very difficult to subdue the capital city.

19. Note the picture below!

Correct statement in accordance with these graphs is ........ A. Student Cooperative Savings declined in December 1996 and January 1997. B. Student Cooperative Savings increased in December 1996 and January 1997. C. Student Cooperative Savings in December 1996 and January 1997 about the same. D. Student Cooperative Savings did not increase in December 1996 and January 1997
20. Homemade potions (1) This traditional future (2) cut off (3) members of the body for

people with diabetes and suppress (4) Other side of disease from diabetes. The word is printed right skewed repaired with the word ........ A. made, asserted, cut, and avoid B. made, avoiding, cutting, and relieve C. production, avoiding, operation, and heal D. productivity, help, deduction, and eliminate 21. In the upcoming holidays, my family will go to Yogyakarta to visit Borobudur and Prambanan. I am very glad if you can participate. Therefore, I am waiting your arrival. The purpose of this letter is ........ A. Expecting the arrival of friends to vacation together. B. Provides information about upcoming vacation plans. C. Invites went to Yogyakarta with members of the family. D. Plan to go together to the Borobudur and Prambanan 22. To attract and enhance students' interest in reading and socializing like reading books, school librarian, her point across through posters. Posters in accordance with these illustrations is ........ A. Our life is more perfect when we are in love with the book. B. Without books we increasingly feel less confident. C. Because reading is important then we should close the book. D. Diligent reading a book means that we do not want to miss science.

23. On the anniversary of the school, the committee will hold a degree of Traditional Dance. The composition of the illustrations show the proper fit is ........ A. 1. Opening 2. Speeches 3. Committee Reports 4. Degree Traditional Dance 5. Cover B. 1. Opening 2. Committee Reports 3. Speeches 4. Degree Traditional Dance 5. Cover C. 1.Pembukaan 2. Degree Traditional Dance 3. Speeches 4. Committee Reports 5. Cover D. 1. Opening 2. Speeches 3. Committee Reports 4. Cover 5. Degree Traditional Dance 24. Paragraphs that have a relationship comparison is ........ A. Although it came late, it's better than not coming at all. It comes very late. Meeting starts at 10.00, it comes almost at 12:15. B. Upon hearing the news, her heart suddenly sank. He was surprised because in his mind unexpectedly. Not unexpectedly there will be a shocking event. C. After waiting a while, there came what is expected. Narnun, what happened. He was aghast at once because of what is expected not being available. D. He was smart kids. Whatever problems he faced always be resolved properly. Many of his friends envy him. 25. 1. Prepare fryer along with the accessories. 2. Turn on the stove. 3. Add the eggs into the fryer. 4. Sprinkle salt to taste. 5. Heat cooking oil to taste. 6. Allow a few minutes. 7. When you pick ripe and ready to serve. The order of fried eggs fry right is ........ A. 1-2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6-7 B. 1 - 2 - 5-3 - 4 - 6-7

C. 1 - 2 - 3-7 - 5 - 6-4 D. 1 - 2 - 5-6 - 3 - 4-7 26. Paragraph writing proper punctuation is ........ A. In this XXI century we should be more concerned. Still a lot of our brothers all her life deficiencies. They are in need of assistance such as food, clothing, medicine and shelter. B. In this 21st century we should be more concerned. Still a lot of our brothers all her life deficiencies. They are in need of such assistance, food, clothing, medicine, and shelter. C. In this 21st century we should be more concerned. Still a lot of our brothers all her life deficiencies. They are in need of assistance, such as food, clothing, medicine, and shelter. D. In the twenty-first century we should be more concerned. Still a lot of our brothers all her life deficiencies. They are in need of assistance such as food, clothing, drugs, and shelter. 27. (1) Book entitled "Another Road to Rome" tells the life of open honesty. (2) In the story was revealed by correctional and honesty. (3) From the story to us an example of honest nature of his character. (4) In the story is told alternately Open first job as a teacher, propagator, then the author. Excellence the book reviews contained in the sentence number ........ A. (1) B. (2) C. (3) D. (4) 28. Everyone has their own favorite. Predilection was mixed. Sometimes there are strange: there who likes to climb mountains, some are fond of keeping animals, some are fond of watching movies, playing chess, and collecting phone cards. Short-range macamlah favorite person is often called the hobby. Topics paragraphs are ........ A. a variety of favorite people B. penchant for mountain climbing C. collect phone cards D. fond of keeping animals 29. The question that the answer is in accordance with the above plan is ........ A. Really Plumpang Semper west Jln. Yos Sudarso? B. Really Kodim located on the east Jln. Yos Sudarso? C. Really north Mayor's Office Office of Pertamina? D. Really Telkom office in the south Venues Teens?

30. (1) Cruise ships are sailing boat or small boat that is best used for recreation at leisure. (2) In general there are two kinds of cruise ships, which ships and boats do not use machines that use the machine. (3) Ship motorized screen is better known as sailboat cruises are also good for recreational facilities. (4) Cruise Ship screen is usually used by wealthy people to cruise. The sentence contains a fact the current paragraph is marked with a number ........ A. (1) B. (2) C. (3) D. (4) 31. (1) Use a toothbrush and toothpaste. (2) Brush your teeth after each meal and before bed. (3) Do not eat hot food and cold in about the same time. (4) Check to the dentist regularly. Appropriate sequence the instructions how to care for teeth is ........ A. (4), (3), (2), (1) B. (3), (4), (l), (2) C. (2), (l), (3), (4) D. (1), (2), (4), (3) 32. We will borrow junior volleyball court that Mr governance for the match between the residents of this village. Error sentence the content of the letter of application lies in the writing of words ........ A. volleyball B. Junior High C. Mr. D. among residents 33. Minister of State for the Environment will host "Indonesian Environment Exhibition 2003" which will be held on December 7 sd June 10, 2003 at Assembly Hall Assembly Hall Senayan, Jakarta at 10:00 to 12:00 pm. Relative to the above we expect your participation in the exhibition. For your attention and your cooperation, we thank you. The purpose of the invitation is for accepting the invitation to ........ A. view the exhibition B. inform atmosphere exhibition C. covering the activities of the exhibition D. attend exhibitions 34. Appropriate framework paper is ........

A. Title Preface Table of Contents Preliminary Discussion Cover Bibliography B. Title Table of Contents Preface Preliminary Discussion Cover Bibliography C. Title Preface Table of Contents Preliminary Discussion Bibliography Cover D. Title Preliminary Preface Table of Contents Discussion Bibliography Cover 35. Writing the correct bibliography is ........ A. JS, Badudu.1995. Phrase Dictionary Indonesian. Bandung: Pustaka Prima. B. Badudu, J.S. 1995.Kamus expression Indonesian. Bandung: Pustaka Prima C. J.S. Badudu. Phrase Dictionary Indonesian. 4995. Reader Prima Bandung. D. Badudu, J.S. Phrase Dictionary Indonesian. 1995. Reader Prima: Bandung. 36. 36. At a farewell ceremony class II, consisting of speeches: (1) Message from the teacher (3) Student Speech., (2) Message from the principal (4) Message from the chairman of the committee The composition of the welcome ceremony proper is ........ A. (1) - (3) - (4) - (2) B. (2) - (1) - (3) - (4) C. (3) - (4) - (2) - (1) D. (4) - (3) - (1) - (2)

37. FIRE Day pointed to eight o'clock. On the highway the sound of fire engine sirens blaring. The cars passed in front of our house. Want to know what had happened; me out of the house and onto the highway. There, on the west, visible red light soar. Black smoke billowed into the air. Apparently there is fire. I follow the people who travel to the fire. Apparently people want to see it up close. The essence of discourse above is the answer to question a sentence which reads ........ A. Why does a fire engine wailed B. Where it happened? C. Who is the busiest time? D. When did the incident occur? 38. Bali Island known as Island of the Gods. Many tourist attractions can, visited there. In addition. Balinese people very creative. Nature is beautiful, charming traditional arts, customs to religious activities in Bali became the major attraction for foreign tourists. The right questions to answer in the paragraph is ........ A. What are the attractiveness of Bali? B. Where lies the island of Bali that? C. Anything that can be visited in Bali? D. Tourists from everywhere who come to Bali? 39. (1) Ouch my most handsome, the new eight kok're awake! (2) In recent days, I feel bad eating, sleeping rough. (3) sometimes intimate friend is a true enemy. (4) Mr / Mrs welcome to taste dishes perfunctory. Among the above sentence is a number that bermajas litotes ........ A. (1) B. (2) C. (3) D. (4) 40.At the time the sun was much inclined to the west. Three of the traveler on foot was on its way. They accelerate the pace, in order to break the fast in the village people. By going down to a small village, who entered the Batang Toru. they will be consulted ........ pause (Argue, Whispering, M. Kasim) Background of the novel fragment is ........ A. before breaking the fast, a small village B. leading up to, a small village

C. mid-afternoon today, the Batang Toru D. before the trip, the Batang Toru 41. A member of the scout should strive vigorously in order not accustomed to relying on others it was a blessing for the scouts when they later became a businessman with such a spirit of independence is very important to the community state and nation. If paragraphs are copied in accordance with the rules of the Indonesian language. then mark the exact point behind the written word ........ A. persistent, other countries B. This, businessmen, state C. other business travelers. state D. day, community, nation 42. What is a living pharmacy? Life pharmacies are plants that have medicinal planted in the yard. Plants that are kept can be used as drug tertentu.Misalnya diseases of papaya, leaves are useful to cure malaria. Specific words contained in these paragraphs is ........ A. pharmacy B. papaya C. be planted D. Plant 43. Your friend is actually not stupid, ........ lazy learning. Conjunctive right to complete the sentence above is ........ A. but B. but C. because D. But 44. Tunas Bhakti Junior High School is located on the south road Jasmine. The school has a library room that is located flanked by a space lab and co-operatives, precisely located east of the teachers' lounge and DW space. Plan in accordance with these illustrations is ........ A. B. C. D. 45. Dead flowers that bloom beautifully in the middle ........ while towering golden brown. The sentence contains a fact that is suitable for complete paragraphs are ........

A. Great shape smells bad. B. Many people are fascinated with dead flowers. C. The group inside the red, yellow-green outside. D. Dead flowers can only be grown in Indonesia.

46. Sentences that use the figure of speech metonimia is ....... A. We plan to ride the Garuda if you go to Yogyakarta. B. For two days he is invisible bridge of his nose. C. Well, almost late for you, but already at 08.00. D. This paper gives me a million memories. 47. Individual personality is influenced by how berkomunikasinya. Demonstrate the effectiveness of mental and emotional communication speakers. Communication is an effective system for exchanging opinions. The composition of the terms in the above paragraph is ....... alphabetically A. effective, emotional, individual, mental, system B. individuals, students, mental, emotional, effective C. mental, emotional, systems, effective, individual D. system, individuals, effective, emotional, mental 48. Telephone Dialogue Tono: "Good afternoon!" Recipient: "Good afternoon!" Tono: "I Tono, chairman of the student council. May I speak with Mr. Waluyo?" Recipient: "Oh, yes, my own." Tono: "Well sir, this afternoon we have held meetings to determine moon language. " Mr. Waluyo: "......" Tono: "We agreed to hold the contest read short stories and read poetry, sir!" Appropriate sentence to complete the telephonic conversation that is ....... A. Oh, yes? Strongly agree .. B. Oh, yes? I will support

C. Oh, yes? I will help D. Oh, yes? How did it go

49. Number: 13/OSIS/1999 Hal. : Application for Permission Yth. Head Junior High School 212 Yogyakarta Sincerely, ........ To read the short story contest execution on May 20, 1999 at 08:00 to 10:00, we request permission to use the school hall. ......... Use of the wrong punctuation is ....... A. coma B. point C. colon D. Hyphens 50. Sukrana swung the hoe. He seemed indifferent to the vehicle back and forth not far from where she works. Keep digging hoe swung along the road Pejompongan, Central Jakarta Stings sun at 11.00 not too dihiraukannya. Conclusion paragraph is ....... A. Sukrana work without knowing the time. B. Sukrana work because of the demands. C. Sukrana people who work hard. D. Sukrana people working overtime.

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