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Anggun - Only Love Everyone playing roles each day and night Searching for a missing piece Time

can always tell the truth And mask the face of a lonely heart Thinking eyes wonder what they really see Dreams of gold or glory? Something out there to believe To tell the tale through the night Chorus : All I'm looking for is only love There is only love that i need What I'm looking for is only love There is only love that i see Nothing is worth fighting only love There is only love that makes me bleed Nothing is worth living only love There is only love that makes me breath Wondering and like everybody else Visualizing a sign Trials and errors still abide Just hope that it won't hurt too bad Wait and see, feed this patience on my mind Leave it there until he comes Cause someone's out there I believe Has a missing piece of my heart Chorus : All I'm looking for is only love There is only love that i need What I'm looking for is only love There is only love that i see Nothing is worth fighting only love There is only love that makes me bleed Nothing is worth living only love There is only love that makes me breath

Chorus : All I'm looking for is only love There is only love that i need What I'm looking for is only love

There is only love that i see Nothing is worth fighting only love There is only love that makes me bleed Nothing is worth living only love There is only love that makes me breath *** Everyone playing roles each day and night Searching for a missing piece --> Betul banget nih, banyak orang yang hidupnya cuma melakoni peran (jadi ingat ini deh : dunia ini... panggung sandiwara...) dan tanpa sadar menjalani hidup yang kurang bermakna... selalu merasa ada sesuatu yang hilang gitu. Time can always tell the truth And mask the face of a lonely heart --> Perjalanan waktu memang biasanya akan mengungkapkan kebenaran, walau seiring perjalanan itu, waktu juga bisa menutupi wajah hati yang sendiri. Blinking eyes, wonder what they really see Dreams of gold or glory? --> Saat melihat orang lain, sering nggak sih kita jadi mikir : sebetulnya apa sih yang mereka pikirkan? Mimpi-mimpi akan emas dan kekayaan kah? Eh jadinya kita nyanyi deh : Melambung jauh... terbang tinggi... Bersama mimpi... Terlelap dalam lautan emosi... Something out there to believe And tell the tale through the night --> Betul kan, kalau dalam hidup, kita selalu ingin mempercayai sesuatu? Kayaknya kalau nggak ada yang bisa dipercayai tuh hidup bisa terasa hampa... Kenapa setiap malam kita bermimpi? Karena kita ingin mempercayai sesuatu, sesuatu di luar sana, yang terasa di luar jangkauan kita, tapi kita ingin raih dan kita tahu sesuatu itu ada. All I'm looking for is only love There is only love that I need What I'm looking for is only love There is only love that I see --> Dan... apakah sesuatu itu adalah cinta? Mungkinkah ketiadaan cinta itu yang membuat kita merasa ada sesuatu yang hilang? Mungkin aja yee... Nothing is worth fighting, only love There is only love (that) makes me bleed --> Memang kadang cuma cinta yang bisa buat kita rela bersusah-payah demi mendapatkan atau mempertahankannya, ya kan? Cinta juga bisa buat kita berdarah-darah, hati teriris, menangis, meringis... Kalau kata Leona : I keep bleeding, I keep bleeding love... Nothing is worth living, only love There is only love that makes me breathe --> Sadar atau tidak, tanpa ada cinta... rasanya hidup kurang/nggak layak untuk dihidupi... iya nggak sih? Cinta juga lah yang membuat hati kita terus bernapas dan hidup. Huhuhu...

Wondering, and like everybody else Visualizing a sign --> Kalau udah soal cinta, pasti lah kita membayangkan ini-itu, dag-dig-dug-ser, gimana jadinya... melihat tanda-tanda si cinta, apakah ada atau tiada, dekat atau jauh... Oh cinta... Trials and errors still abide Just hope that it won't hurt too bad --> Walau begitu, yang namanya cinta pasti lah ada berhasil dan ada gagal-nya. Tapi pastinya kita selalu berharap (untuk mendapatkan atau pas kehilangan si cinta) rasanya nggak sakit banget. *Tapi kalau soal hati sih... siapa yang tau yaa...* Wait and see, feed this patience in my mind Leave it there until he comes --> Terus menunggu dan menanti... bersabar... ngurut dada... sampai si cinta datang... 'Cause someone's out there, I believe (And he) Has a missing piece of my heart --> Karena apa? Kita terus bermimpi, terus percaya si cinta ada di luar sana, si cinta akan datang dan mengisi kekosongan itu...

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