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Yoga The word "yoga" derives from the Sanskrit root yuj ("to yoke") which means "to

join" or "unite. Basically it is the "union of the individual atma (soul) with Paramatma (Supreme being), the universal soul." This can be defined as union with the Divine by integration of body, mind, and spirit. The Bhagavad-Gita distinguishes several types of "yoga", corresponding to the duties of different nature of people. In it, Bhagwan Krishna describes the following Yogas:

Karma yoga: the yoga of "action" in the world. Jnana yoga: the yoga of knowledge and intellectual endeavor. Bhakti yoga: the yoga of devotion to a deity. Raja yoga: the yoga of meditation Patanjali's text sets forth eight "limbs" of yoga practice. 1. Yama: Five ethical guidelines regarding moral behavior towards others:

Ahimsa: Nonviolence Satya: Truthfulness Asteya: Non theft Brahmacharya: No lust Aparigraha: Non covetousness

2. Niyama: Five ethical guidelines regarding moral behavior towards oneself:

Shaucha: Cleanliness Santosha: Contentment Tapas: Sustained Practice Svadhyaya: Self Study Ishwara pranidhana: Surrender to God

3. Asana: Practice of yoga postures. 4. Pranayama: control of Vital Breath the Prana. 5. Pratyahara: Withdrawal of the senses, So that the exterior world is not a distraction from the interior world within oneself. 6. Dharana: Concentration, Fixing the attention on a single object

7. Dhyana: Meditation. Building upon Dharana, the concentration is no longer focused on a single thing but is all encompassing. 8. Samadhi: Bliss. Building upon Dhyana, the transcendence of the self through meditation. Super-conscious state or trance (state of liberation). Hatha Yoga was invented to provide a form of physical purification and training that would prepare aspirants for the higher training that is called Raja Yoga. Hatha yoga is mostly yoga that prepares the body for the spiritual path via physical and breathing exercises, and asceticism. It prepares and conditions the body so that the mind can practice meditation more or less without obstacles. The main component of Hatha yoga is yoga postures, or, in Sanskrit, asanas. In our times, when we speak about yoga, we usually mean physical yoga exercises or asanas. The word asana means comfortable, stable pose. The yogis have discovered that certain positions of the body can give human beings qualities that they do not have or that are in deficit. Each of these asanas have specific physical and mental benefits.

Adho Mukha Svanasana Ananda Balasana Anantasana Ardha Chandrasana Ardha Matsyendrasana Ashtanga Namaskara Baddha Konasana Bakasana Balasana Bhujangasana Chaturanga Dandasana Dandasana Dhanurasana Eka Pada Galavasana Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Garudasana Gomukhasana Halasana Hanumanasana

Downward Facing Dog Happy Baby Pose Sleeping Vishnu Pose Half Moon Pose Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Knees, Chest, and Chin Cobbler's Pose Crow Pose Child's Pose Cobra Pose Four Limbed Staff Pose Staff Pose Bow Pose Flying Crow Pose One Legged King Pigeon Pose Eagle Pose Cow Face Pose Plow Pose Monkey Pose

Janu Sirsasana Lolasana Matsyasana Natarajasana Navasana Padmasana Parivritta Ardha Chandrasana Parivritta Parsvakonasana Parivritta Trikonasana Parsva Bakasana Parsvottonasana Pincha Mayurasana Salamba Sarvangasana Salamba Sirsasana Shavasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Shalabasana Tadasana Tittibhasana Upavistha Konasana Urdhva Dhanurasana Urdhva Hastasana Urdhva Muhka Shvanasana Ustrasana Utkatasana Uttanasana Utthita Parsvakonasana Utthita Trikonasana Vasisthasana Vasisthasana Variations Variarions Virabhadrasana I Virabhadrasana II Virabhadrasana III Virasana Vrksasana Vrschikasana

Head to Knee Pose Pendant Pose Fish Pose King Dancer Pose Boat Pose Lotus Pose Revolved Half Moon Pose Revolved Side Angle Pose Revolved Triangle Pose Side Crow Pyramid Pose Forearm Stand Shoulder stand Headstand Corpse Pose Bridge Pose Locust Pose Mountain Pose Firefly Pose Seated Wide Legged Straddle Wheel Pose Raised Hands Pose Upward Facing Dog Camel Pose Awkward Chair Pose Standing Forward Bend Extended Side Angle Triangle Pose Side Plank Pose Side Plank Warrior I Warrior II Warrior III Hero Pose Tree Pose Scorpion Pose

Here we give you some yoga poses that benefit certain parts of body: Yoga Poses for Abdominals Boat Pose Crow Pose Firefly Pose Flying Crow Pose Forearm Stand Half Moon Pose Headstand Pose Pendant Pose Shoulder stand Side Plank Pose Navasana Bakasana Tittibhasana Eka Pada Galavasana Pincha Mayurasana Ardha Chandrasana Salamba Sirsasana Lolasana Salamba Sarvangasana Vasisthasana

Yoga Poses for Arm Strength: Crow Pose Downward Facing Dog Firefly Pose Four Limbed Staff Pose Upward Facing Dog Warrior II Bakasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Tittibhasana Chaturanga Dandasana Urdhva Muhka Svanasana Virabhadrasana II

Yoga Poses for Legs Awkward Chair Pose Downward Facing Dog Eagle Pose Four Limbed Staff Pose King Dancer Pose Mountain Pose Warrior I Utkatasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Garudasana Chaturanga Dandasana Natarajasana Tadasana Virabhadrasana I

Warrior II Warrior III

Virabhadrasana II Virabhadrasana III

Yoga Poses for the Spine Bow Pose Bridge Pose Camel Pose Cobra Pose Downward Facing Dog Fish Pose Half Lord of the Fishes Pose King Dancer Pose Locust Pose Plow Pose Upward Facing Dog Wheel Pose Dhanurasana Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Ustrasana Bhujangasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Matsyasana Ardha Matsyendrasana Natarajasana Shalabasana Halasana Urdhva Muhka Svanasana Urdhva Dhanurasana

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