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A Profile from the 2006 Population Census

September 2010



A Profile from the 2006 Population Census

Andre Kaspura

The Engineering Profession in Australia; A Profile from the 2006 Population Census ISBN 978 0 85825 876 1 Author: Andre Kaspura Institution of Engineers Australia 2010 All rights reserved. Other than brief extracts, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. The report can be downloaded at www.engineersaustralia.org.au

National and International Policy Engineers Australia 11 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 Tel: 02 6270 6555 Fax: 02 6273 4200 Email: policy@engineersaustralia.org.au www.engineersaustralia.org.au

Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. The Engineering Labour Force in Australia 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Engineering Labour Force and Population 2.3 The Engineering Labour Force and Occupations 2.4 Hours Worked 2.5 Incomes Earned 2.6 Sectoral Distribution 2.7 Industry Distribution 2.8 Age Structure 2.9 Overview Chapter 3 Engineering Skills Applied in Engineering 3.1 Engineering and Skills Utilisation 3.2 Methodology 3.3 Engineering Occupations 3.4 Occupational Distribution 3.5 Hours Worked 3.6 Incomes Earned 3.7 Sectoral Distribution 3.8 Industry Distribution 3.9 Age Structure 3.10 Overview Appendix A The Distribution of the Engineering Labour Force by 4 Digit Occupations

4 4 8 10 13 17 19 23 24

26 27 28 31 32 34 38 39 41 44 46

Chapter 2 Table 2.1 The Engineering Labour Force and Population in Australia Table 2.2 The Comparison Labour Force and Population in Australia Table 2.3 The Engineering Labour Force in Australian States and Territories Table 2.4 Unemployment Rates for Engineering Specialisations in 2006 Table 2.5 Individuals with Engineering Qualifications not in the Labour Force Table 2.6 Individuals with Engineering Qualifications Not in the Labour Force and in Full Time Studies Table 2.7 The Occupational Distribution of the Employed Engineering Labour Force Table 2.8 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Full Time Employed Engineering Labour Force Table 2.9 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Part Time Employed Engineering Labour Force Table 2.10 Average Weekly Incomes Earned by the Full Time Employed Engineering Labour Force Table 2.11 Average Weekly Incomes Earned by the Part Time Employed Engineering Labour Force Table 2.12 The Distribution of the Employed Engineering Labour Force by Economic Sectors Table 2.13 Qualifications Held by the Employed Engineering Labour Force in the Private Sector Table 2.14 The Industry Distribution of the Employed Engineering Labour Force Table 2.15 The Age Structures for the Engineering and Comparison Labour Forces Chapter 3 Table 3.1 The Engineering Profession and the Engineering Labour Force Table 3.2 The Occupational Distributions of the Engineering Labour Force and Engineering Occupations Table 3.3 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Full Time Engineering Profession and the Full Time Engineering Labour Force Table 3.4 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Part Time Engineering Profession and the Part Time Engineering Labour Force Table 3.5 Average Weekly Incomes Earned by the Full Time Engineering Profession and the Full Time Engineering Labour Force Table 3.6 Average Weekly Incomes Earned by the Part Time Engineering Profession and the Part Time Engineering Labour Force Table 3.7 The Sectoral Distribution of Employment in the Engineering Profession and The Engineering Labour Force Table 3.8 The Industry Distributions for the Employed Engineering Profession And Engineering Labour Force Table 3.9 The Employed Engineering Profession, by Sector and Industry Table 3.10 The Age Structures for the Employed Engineering Profession, the Engineering Labour Force and the Comparison Labour Force Table 3.11 The Age Structure for the Engineering Profession by Economic Sectors 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 12 13 15 17 19 20 23

30 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 42 43


Chapter 2 Figure 2.1 The Occupational Distribution of the Employed Engineering Labour Force Figure 2.2 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Full Time Employed Engineering Labour Force Figure 2.3 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Full Time Employed Engineering and Comparison Labour Forces Figure 2.4 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Full time Employed Engineering Labour Force by Gender Figure 2.5 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Part Time Employed Engineering Labour Force Figure 2.6 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Part Time Employed Engineering and Comparison Labour Forces Figure 2.7 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Part Time Employed Engineering Labour Force, by gender Figure 2.8 The Income Distribution for the Full Time Employed Engineering Labour Force Figure 2.9 The Income Distribution for the Full Time Employed Engineering and Comparison Labour Forces Figure 2.10 The Income Distributions for the Full Time Employed Engineering Labour Force, by Gender Figure 2.11 The Income Distribution for the Part Time Employed Engineering Labour Force Figure 2.12 The Income Distribution for the Part Time Employed Engineering and Comparison Labour Forces Figure 2.13 The Income Distribution for the Part Time Employed Engineering Labour Force, by Gender Figure 2.14 The Relative Size of the Employed Engineering Labour Force in Major Economic Sectors Figure 2.15 The Qualifications Held by by the Employed Engineering Labour Force in Different Economic Sectors Figure 2.16 Qualifications Held by the Employed Engineering Labour Force in the Private Sector Figure 2.17 The Industry Distribution of the Employed Engineering Labour Force Figure 2.18 The Industry Distribution for the Engineering Labour Force Employed by the Commonwealth Figure 2.19 The Industry Distribution for the Engineering Labour Force Employed by State and Territory Governments Figure 2.20 The Industry Distribution for the Engineering Labour Force Employed by Local Governments Figure 2.21 The Industry Distribution for the Engineering Labour Force Employed in the Private Sector Figure 2.22 The Age Distribution of the Engineering and Comparison Labour Forces Chapter 3 Figure 3.1 The Occupational Distributions for the Engineering and the Engineering Labour Force Figure 3.2 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Full Time Engineering Profession and the Full Time Engineering Labour Force Figure 3.3 Average Weekly Hours Worked by Females in the Full Time Engineering Profession and the Full Time Engineering Labour Force Figure 3.4 Average Weekly Hours Worked by the Part Time Engineering Profession and the Part Time Engineering Labour Force iii

9 11 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 16 18 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24

32 33 33 34

Figure 3.5 Average Weekly Incomes Earned by the Full Time Engineering Profession and the Full Time Engineering Labour Force Figure 3.6 The Average Weekly Incomes Earned by the Full Time Female Engineering Profession and Engineering Labour Force Figure 3.7 Average Weekly Incomes Earned by the Part Time Engineering Profession and Engineering Labour Force Figure 3.8 Average Weekly Incomes Earned by the Part Time Female Engineering Profession and the Engineering Labour Force Figure 3.9 The Sectoral Distribution of Employment in the Engineering Profession And the Engineering Labour Force Figure 3.10 Female Sectoral Shares of Employment in the Engineering Profession And the Engineering Labour Force Figure 3.11 The Industry Distribution for the Engineering Profession and the Engineering Labour Force Figure 3.12 The Age Structures for the Employed Engineering Profession, Engineering Labour Force and Comparison Labour Force Figure 3.13 The Age Structure for the Engineering Profession by Economic Sector

35 36 37 37 38 38 43 42 44





This Report looks at the question how many engineers are there in Australia? The answer in Australia is more complex than many expect. In some countries engineers must be lisenced or registered. In these cases the answer becomes a simple matter of counting the number of engineers on the register. Unfortunately, in Australia registration is voluntary except in the Queensland building industry. Engineering is one of the few disciplines where there the link between formal qualifications and subsequent work force destinations is reasonably close. However, relying on traditional ennumeration of engineering occupations can lead to poor statistical estimates for two reasons. First, the range of occupations that require the application of engineering knowledge and skills has expanded as the sophistication of the economy has increased. Concepts such as public-private-partnerships for infrastructure provision have created a new demand for engineers in legal and financial businesses. Second, there is growing recognition that engineering qualifications provide suitable training for a wide range of generic work and engineering graduates are just as likely to respond to labour market incentives as graduates in other fields. Recent discussions of the adequacy of engineering skills in the Australian economy has failed to recognise these changes. Clearly the demand for engineers has increased as evidenced by the reactions of employers and businesses that have not been able to recruit engineers. The reaction has been to clammer for action to increase the supply of engineers. Typical remedies proposed include increasing the skilled migration intake and increasing the number of places in engineering in universities and TAFE colleges. The effectiveness of such policies depends on how supply is measured and how the policies increase the supply of engineers for alternative measures. This Report explores two alternative measures of the supply of engineers. The first measure is based on the engineering labour force. This is discussed in Chapter 2. Although the engineering labour force is the most comprehensive measure of how many individuals in the Australian labour market possess formal educational qualifications in engineering, it includes individuals employed in both engineering and generic work. Another issue that has not yet been mentioned is that some individuals are employed in work that requires the application of skill levels lower than is the norm in Australian engineering. Thus, using the engineering labour force as the basis of discussions of engineering skill shortages must contend with the distribution of available supply across activities where formal engineering skills are essential to varying degrees. The second measure narrows the engineering labour force to those individuals who are formally qualified in engineering and who work in recognised engineering occupations. Criteria, including the level of qualifications, the level of skills applied in work and degree of attachment to engineering, are developed to distinguish these occupations. When discussions of engineering skills shortages are based on this measure, policy attention needs to focus on the utilisation of engineering skills in addition to conventional labour force measures such as labour force participation, employment and unemployment. The reports analysis uses statistics from ABS 2006 population census. In the past using census statistics has been a cumbersome process involving pre-ordering cross-tabulations of statistics to be provided by ABS consultancy services. In late 2009, the ABS released its 2006 Census Tablebuilder facility, a product that gives users direct access to census databases so that they can design cross-tabulations to suit their own purpose. This flexibility not only makes it easier to extract relevant statistics, but experimentation with alternative


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

methodologies becomes possible, leading to improved research outcomes. This is vital because other sources of statistics on engineers and engineering are fragmented and typically do not lend themselves to consolidation. The advantage of census statistics is that a large range of variables are available covered by consistent data definitions and classification systems.The major disadvantage is that the census is conducted every 5 years and statistics date rapidly. Another disadvantage is that the census education statistics relate to an individuals highest qualification and attribute the individual to the field of that qualification rather than to the field primarily used in work. The result is a potentially serious underenumeration of the supply measures1. The characteristics of the two measures of engineering supply are explored by segmenting the data by gender, economic sector, occupation, industry, status in employment, hours worked and income earned. How these issues impinge on engineering as compared to other fields is explored by establishing comparison groups of like qualified individuals in other disciplines. These characteristics provide valuable insights to policies aiming to influence aspects of the supply of engineers. While limited to a profile in a single year, further understanding comes from complementing the census profile with the fragmented range of available time series statistics2. Soon, of course, statistics from the 2011 census will be available and comparing two census profiles will provide more robust insights.

Most practising engineers possess a Bachelors degree or diploma or advanced diploma in engineering. APESMA and Engineers Australia salaries surveys show that over 20% possess graduate diplomas or certificates, masters degrees or doctorates in non-engineering fields. In the census these individuals are allocated to the non-engineering field. 2 See The Engineering Profession: A Statistical Overview, Sixth Edition, 2010, www.engineersaustralia.org.au




2.1 Introduction
This Chapter examines the engineering labour force in Australia. The engineering labour force is defined as all individuals holding formal educational qualifications in engineering who are employed or actively looking for work. A generic approach to employment consistent with the view that a better educated work force is a more productive work force is assumed. This is the position adopted in many broad brush statements of Government policy and implies no restrictions on occupations that individuals are employed in or are looking for work in. Formal qualifications in engineering include higher degrees, post graduate diplomas and certificates, bachelors degrees and advanced diplomas and diplomas in engineering. Engineering is defined as Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED) 03, Engineering and Related Technologies. ASCED 0311, Geomatic Engineering is excluded because surveying is not regarded as part of engineering. The analysis begins by identifying the population with formal engineering qualifications and examining labour force participation. The characteristics of population components are then explored with most attention given to employment.

2.2 The Engineering Labour Force and Population

Labour Force Participation In 2006, there were 305,931 individuals in Australia who possessed formal engineering qualifications. The engineering labour force was 249,788, comprised of 242,421 individuals who were employed and 7,367 who were unemployed. The engineering labour force was 2.6% of the Australian labour force and 8.6% of the labour force with similar qualifications covering all fields. There were 56,143 individuals not in the labour market. Overall labour force paticipation was 81.6%. Table 2.1 shows these elements segmented by the level of highest qualification and gender.
TABLE 2.1 THE ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE AND POPULATION IN AUSTRALIA LABOUR FORCE Post-Graduate Quals Bachelor Degree STATUS Males Females Total Males Females Total Employed Full Time 23575 2518 26093 92582 9855 102437 Employed Part Time 3023 692 3715 10474 3066 13540 Employed, Away 952 195 1147 4272 768 5040 TOTAL EMPLOYED 27550 3405 30955 107328 13689 121017 Unemployed, looking FT 652 118 770 2163 410 2573 Unemployed, looking PT 160 65 225 766 314 1080 TOTAL UNEMPLOYED 812 183 995 2929 724 3653 LABOUR FORCE 28362 3588 31950 110257 14413 124670 Not in the Labour Force 4538 758 5296 18280 3954 22234 POPULATION 32900 4346 37246 128537 18367 146904 Labour Force Participation (%) 86.2 82.6 85.8 85.8 78.5 84.9 Unemployment Rate (%) 2.9 5.1 3.1 2.7 5.0 2.9 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Diploma Quals Males Females Total 70055 3633 73688 9812 2081 11893 4510 358 4868 84377 6072 90449 1773 168 1941 589 189 778 2362 357 2719 86739 6429 93168 24941 3672 28613 111680 10101 121781 77.7 63.6 76.5 2.7 5.6 2.9 All Qualifications Males Females Total 186212 16006 202218 23309 5839 29148 9734 1321 11055 219255 23166 242421 4588 696 5284 1515 568 2083 6103 1264 7367 225358 24430 249788 47759 8384 56143 273117 32814 305931 82.5 74.4 81.6 2.7 5.2 2.9

The engineering labour force has a gender imbalance. In engineering, 90.2% of the labour force was male and 9.8% was female compared to 47.4% males and 52.6% females in thecomparison labour force. Labour force participation was highest for individuals who possess higher degree, post graduate diplomas and certificates and bachelors degrees with rates close to 85%. Individuals possessing diplomas and advanced diplomas had a much lower participation rate. Male labour force participation was typically higher than female participation. The gap

The Engineering Labour Force in Australia

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between male and female participation rates widened with education qualification. Females with higher degrees, post graduate diplomas and certificates had a labour force participation rate of 82.6% compared to 86.2% for males; females with bachelors degrees had a participation rate of 78.5% compared to 85.8% for males and females with diplomas or advanced diplomas had a labour force participation rate of 63.6% compared to 77.7% for males.
TABLE 2.2 THE COMPARISON LABOUR FORCE AND POPULATION IN AUSTRALIA LABOUR FORCE Post-Graduate Quals STATUS Males Females Total Employed Full Time 225142 161700 386842 Employed Part Time 35596 80976 116572 Employed, Away 10718 15547 26265 TOTAL EMPLOYED 271456 258223 529679 Unemployed, looking FT 5920 4069 9989 Unemployed, looking PT 1619 3044 4663 TOTAL UNEMPLOYED 7539 7113 14652 LABOUR FORCE 278995 265336 544331 Not in the Labour Force 41005 54717 95722 POPULATION 320000 320053 640053 Labour Force Participation (%) 87.2 82.9 85.0 Unemployment Rate (%) 2.7 2.7 2.7 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Bachelor Degree Males Females Total 570184 463248 1033432 95431 268449 363880 29840 49320 79160 695455 781017 1476472 14935 11182 26117 5480 10332 15812 20415 21514 41929 715870 802531 1518401 107784 208624 316408 823654 1011155 1834809 86.9 79.4 82.8 2.9 2.7 2.8 Diploma Quals Males Females Total 297211 236532 533743 56678 182386 239064 18674 26740 45414 372563 445658 818221 9586 7883 17469 3771 8505 12276 13357 16388 29745 385920 462046 847966 93145 184695 277840 479065 646741 1125806 80.6 71.4 75.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 All Qualifications Males Females Total 1092537 861480 1954017 187705 531811 719516 59232 91607 150839 1339474 1484898 2824372 30441 23134 53575 10870 21881 32751 41311 45015 86326 1380785 1529913 2910698 241934 448036 689970 1622719 1977949 3600668 85.1 77.3 80.8 3.0 2.9 3.0

Table 2.2 repeats the form of Table 2.1 but with statistics for a comparison labour force comprised of individuals with similar qualifications but covering all fields of study. There is little to separate the engineering and comparison labour forces with post graduate qualifications. A similar conclusion applies to the components with bachelors degrees. The higher overall participation rate in engineering reflects the low female share. In the components with diploma qualifications, the engineering participation rates are lower than for the comparison group for both genders. The main conclusion is that engineering, like other fields of endevour that require investment in education, has relatively high labour force participation. Employment and Unemployment In the engineering labour force 242,421 were employed; 202,218, or 83.4% full time and 29,148, or 12.% part time. The remaining 11,055, or 4.6% were away from work when the census was conducted and comprises both part time and full time workers. The corresponding statistics for the Australian labour force were 64.0% full time, 29.5% part time and 6.5% away from work and for the comparison labour force they were 69.2% full time, 25.5% part time and 5.3% away from work. The incidence of full time work in the engineering labour force is very high and the incidence of part time work low compared to both the labour force as a whole and compared to similarly qualified individuals in all fields of endevour. Although the female share of the engineering labour force is low, the tendency towards full time work is greater than in the comparison labour force. In engineering, 69.1% of female employment is full time and 25.2% is part time. The corresponding statistics for the comparison labour force are 58.0% full time and 35.8% part time. It is interesting to note that even though the proportion of part time employment among engineering females is over twice as high as for engineering males (10.6%), in numerical terms male part employment (23,309) is four times female part time employment (5,839). There were 7,367 individuals unemployed in the engineering labour force, 5,284 were looking for full time work and 2,083 were looking for part time work. The unemployment rate was 2.9%. To put this into perspective, the corresponding unemployment rate for the Australian labour force as a whole was 5.2% and the unemployment rate for the comparison labour force was 3.0%. In other words, relative to the labour force as a whole, the engineering labour force was very tight but this tightness was not unique to engineering and was evident in the comparison labour force as well.

The Engineering Labour Force in Australia

Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

In engineering, male unemployment rates were very close to the labour force rate but female unemployment rates were much closer to the unemployment rate experienced in the economy generally. This was a major point of departure from the comparison labour force. In the latter, female unemployment rates were very close to male rates. Qualifications In engineering, 12.8% of the labour force had post graduate degrees, diplomas or certificates as their highest qualification. This proportion was higher for females (14.7%) than for males (12.6%). In the comparison labour force these shares were much higher; 20.2% for males, 17.3% for females and 18.7% overall. The most common qualification in both engineering and the comparison labour forces was a bachelors degree. In engineering, 52.2% of the labour force had a bachelors degree in engineering as their highest qualification with a higher proportion for females (59.0%) than for males (48.9%). The comparison labour force male share was higher with 51.8% and the female share was lower with 52.5%. The gender imbalance in engineering brought the combined figures much closer with 49.9% in engineering and 52.2% in the comparison labour force. Advanced diplomas and diplomas were more common in engineering than in the comparison labour force. In engineering, these qualifications were the highest qualification for 37.3% of the labour force (38.5% males and 26.3% females) compared to 29.1% (27.9% male and 30.2% females) in the comparison labour force. Among engineering females the proportions with bachelors degrees and with diplomas and advanced diplomas reflects more recent increases in females graduating from engineering courses. Unemployment Rates and Skills Shortages In recent years there has been considerable attention focused on engineering skills shortages. The evidence to support the existence of these shortages has been fragmented and comprises evidence from various surveys, comparison of surrogate measures of the demand for and supply of engineers and anecdotal information. Unemployment rates are a much better measure but have not previously been available. Table 2.1 showed that the unemployment rate for the engineering labour force was 2.9%. This was considerably lower than the unemployment rate for the labour force overall and provides unambiguous evidence of a tight labour market for engineering skills. Table 2.2 showed that similar problems were experienced across all skill areas. Table 2.3 amplifies the comparison by looking at the engineering labour forces in States and Territories.
TABLE 2.3 THE ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE IN AUSTRALIAN STATES AND TERRITORIES STATE/TERRITORY UNEMPLOYED EMPLOYED LABOUR FORCE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE NEW SOUTH WALES 2791 83051 85842 3.3 VICTORIA 2393 66790 69183 3.5 QUEENSLAND 913 40658 41571 2.2 SOUTH AUSTRALIA 517 15076 15593 3.3 WESTERN AUSTRALIA 542 26825 27367 2.0 TASMANIA 101 3363 3464 2.9 NORTHERN TERRITORY 16 1913 1929 0.8 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY 94 4714 4808 2.0 OTHER TERRITORIES 0 31 31 0.0 AUSTRALIA 7367 242421 249788 2.9 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census Tablebuilder

The lowest unemployment rates occurred in jurisdictions particularly affected by the boom in mining and related activity. The unemployment rate in the Northern Territory was 0.8%, in Western Australia it was 2.0% and in Queensland it was 2.2%. Although there were higher unemployment rates in other jurisdictions, the highest was 3.5% in Victoria. This rate is still quite small and strong evidence of a tight labour market for engineering skills.

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TABLE 2.4 UNEMPLOYMENT RATES FOR ENGINEERING SPECIALISATIONS IN 2006 SPECIALISATION DEGREE QUALIFIED 2.5 4.4 4.7 3.1 1.8 3.1 4.0 4.9 0.0 3.1 5.1 4.8 3.7 2.7 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.4 0.0 2.5 3.1 4.1 4.3 6.5 5.6 2.2 0.0 3.1 .. 5.4 3.3 3.8 4.6 4.6 3.0 DIPLOMA QUALIFIED 2.6 4.8 5.4 6.6 1.7 2.4 3.2 2.2 5.5 2.9 3.4 4.5 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 2.5 3.3 7.3 3.5 2.9 2.4 2.3 2.9 0.7 2.3 3.7 6.1 0.0 1.2 2.9 ALL QUALIFICATIONS 2.6 4.5 5.3 3.3 1.8 2.9 3.6 2.7 5.5 3.0 4.5 4.5 3.7 2.9 0.0 0.0 3.7 2.4 0.0 2.4 2.9 3.7 4.8 5.1 3.6 2.2 2.3 2.9 1.2 2.9 3.6 3.9 4.3 2.4 2.9 LABOUR FORCE 106,148 1616 4030 5829 3877 4384 3621 338 220 18573 1218 844 381 1334 22 72 215 127 16 20336 17484 7110 3860 5547 21397 1618 1428 8843 580 1501 3582 1087 421 2130 249,789

Engineering & Related Technologies NFD Manufacturing Engineering Rest of Manufacturing Engineering Chemical Engineering Mining Engineering Materials Engineering Rest of Process & Resource Engineering Automotive Engineering Rest of Automotive Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering Rest of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Construction Engineering Structural Engineering Building Services Engineering Water & Sanitary Engineering Transport Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Ocean Engineering Rest of Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering Computer Engineering Communications Technologies Rest of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Aerospace Engineering Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Aircraft Operations Rest of Aerospace Engineering Maritime Engineering Rest of Maritime Engineering Environmental Engineering Biomedical Engineering Rest of Other Engineering ALL SPECIALISATIONS Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census Tablebuilder

Table 2.4 shows estimates of unemployment rates for a wide range of engineering specialisations. Here specialisation refers to how engineers descibed their educational qualification in the census rather than to the nomenclature of the particular job they were engaged in. The most numerous group is best descibed as general engineering and contained 106,148, or 42.5% of the engineering labour force and had an unemployment rate of 2.6%, below the figure for the engineering labour force. Most specialisations showed evidence of tight labour markets. In some instances, this was not the case. Only three specialisations had unemployment rates equal to or higher than the unemployment rate for the Australian labour force (rest of manufacturing engineering with 5.3%; rest of automotive engineering with 5.5% and communications technologies with 5.1%). The combined numbers in these groups were 3.9% of the engineering labour force. In some instances unemployment rates were higher for one of the two qualifications levels shown in Table 2.4 and not necessarily for the entire specialisation group. This occurred for diploma qualified chemical engineers who had an unemployment rate of 6.6%, for diploma qualified ccomputer engineers who had an unemployment rate of 7.3% and diploma qualified environmental engineers who had an unemployment rate of 6.1%. In the three cases the overall unemployment rate for the specialisation was below the Australian labour force rate. Not in the Labour Force There were 56,142 individuals who possess engineering qualifications not in the labour force; 47,756 males and 8,386 females. An initial perception of this group is that most have retired from the labour force. The statistics in Table 2.5 show that this is sunstantially the case. There were 28,459, or 50.7% aged 65 years or more and another 20.0% are aged between 55 and 64 years. In other words, it is probably the case that 70% have retired. However the

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remaining 30% is spread across all ages under 55 years with some of the largest numbers in relatively young age groups.
TABLE 2.5 INDIVIDUALS WITH ENGINEERING QUALIFICATIONS NOT IN THE LABOUR FORCE AGE Post Graduate Quals Bachelors Degree GROUPS Male Female Total Male Female Total Under 20 years 3 0 3 23 3 26 20 to 24 years 84 31 115 984 371 1355 25 to 29 years 324 154 478 1211 628 1839 30 to 34 years 233 167 400 629 680 1309 35 to 39 years 152 129 281 521 588 1109 40 to 44 years 151 80 231 528 467 995 45 to 49 years 134 42 176 619 263 882 50 to 54 years 150 37 187 782 188 970 55 to 59 years 402 33 435 1413 142 1555 60 to 64 years 656 23 679 2200 151 2351 Over 65 years 2248 67 2315 9367 470 9837 TOTAL 4537 763 5300 18277 3951 22228 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Diploma Quals Male Female Total 61 11 72 772 181 953 515 206 721 397 330 727 426 323 749 604 301 905 673 225 898 874 220 1094 2144 262 2406 3458 324 3782 15018 1289 16307 24942 3672 28614 All Qualifications Male Female Total 87 14 101 1840 583 2423 2050 988 3038 1259 1177 2436 1099 1040 2139 1283 848 2131 1426 530 1956 1806 445 2251 3959 437 4396 6314 498 6812 26633 1826 28459 47756 8386 56142

The mix of qualifications in Table 2.5 is quite different to the engineering labour force with 9.4% holding post graduate qualifications (compared to 12.8%); 39.6% holding bachelors degrees (compared to 52.2%) and 51.0% holding advanced diplomas or diplomas in engineering (compared to 37.3%). Among those aged 55 years and over, 56.7% held diploma qualifications. This pattern reflects a shift from diplomas to degrees as the predominant engineering qualification over the years.
TABLE 2.6 INDIVIDUALS WITH ENGINEERING QUALIFICATIONS NOT IN THE LABOUR FORCE AND IN FULL TIME STUDIES AGE Post Graduate Quals Bachelors Degree GROUPS Male Female Total Male Female Total Under 20 years 3 0 3 20 5 25 20 to 24 years 61 28 89 800 274 1074 25 to 29 years 237 102 339 840 281 1121 30 to 34 years 164 59 223 263 79 342 35 to 39 years 72 19 91 136 52 188 40 to 44 years 51 9 60 82 39 121 45 to 49 years 17 11 28 46 24 70 50 to 54 years 9 4 13 31 8 39 55 to 59 years 7 3 10 26 0 26 60 to 64 years 6 0 6 19 3 22 Over 65 years 7 0 7 17 5 22 TOTAL 634 235 869 2280 770 3050 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Diploma Quals Male Female Total 43 10 53 665 139 804 335 45 380 380 122 502 77 29 106 59 15 74 47 18 65 32 7 39 13 6 19 15 0 15 20 6 26 1686 397 2083 All Qualifications Male Female Total 66 15 81 1526 441 1967 1412 428 1840 807 260 1067 285 100 385 192 63 255 110 53 163 72 19 91 46 9 55 40 3 43 44 11 55 4600 1402 6002

Other reasons why individuals with engineering qualifications are not in the labour force include full time studies and family responsibilities. Table 2.6 reflects on the first of these. There were 6,002 individuals with engineering qualifications in full time studies. This was 36.4% of those not in the labour force aged under 55 years. The majority (82.6%) were aged under 35 years and 63.5% were males aged under 35 years. Presumably when these full time students complete their courses they will re-enter the engineering labour force. The large proportion of full time students holding bachelors degrees (50.8%) or diploma qualifications (34.7%) serve to emphasize how many students who complete entry level qualifications in engineering do not enter the labour market, instead continuing on as full time students. Comparing Tables 2.5 and 2.6 shows that there were 10,626 individuals with engineering qualifications who were aged less than 55 years and were not in full time studies and not in the labour force and 4,797 were aged under 40 years, 2,558 females and 2,239 males. In all likelihood these individuals were dealing with family responsibilities.

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2.3 The Engineering Labour Force and Occupations

This section looks at the occupations that the employed component of the engineering labour force were engaged in. Table 2.6 shows the numbers employer in major occupational groups of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). Figure 2.1 illustrates key distributional pattern in the Table.
TABLE 2.7 THE OCCUPATIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE EMPLOYED ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE Occupation Post Graduate Quals Bachelors Degree Group Male Female Total Male Female Total Managers 6180 515 6695 24584 1880 26464 Professionals 16488 2105 18593 57717 7067 64784 Technicians/Trades 1655 162 1817 8988 941 9929 Community/Personal Service 295 82 377 1299 495 1794 Clerical & Administrative 1209 317 1526 5348 1836 7184 Sales 474 100 574 2352 587 2939 Machinery Operators 427 11 438 2752 146 2898 Labourers 499 65 564 3074 571 3645 Inadequately described 276 27 303 969 121 1090 Not stated 50 18 68 249 47 296 Total 27553 3402 30955 107332 13691 121023 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census Diploma Quals All Qualifications Male Female Total Male Female Total 16313 747 17060 47077 3142 50219 22074 1020 23094 96279 10192 106471 27200 1270 28470 37843 2373 40216 2646 474 3120 4240 1051 5291 4699 1132 5831 11256 3285 14541 2571 586 3157 5397 1273 6670 3768 209 3977 6947 366 7313 3935 551 4486 7508 1187 8695 974 53 1027 2219 201 2420 194 32 226 493 97 590 84374 6074 90448 219259 23167 242426

Post Graduate Quals 120000 Bachelors Degree Diploma Quals







Employed members of the engineering labour force are represented in all major occupational groups, even some that are not likely to require engineering skills. By far the largest employment group is professionals with 106,471 employed, 90.4% males and 9.6% females. This occupational group includes all traditional engineering occupations. The second largest employment group was managers with 50,219 employed, 93.7% males and 6.3% females. Technicians and tradespersons was the third largest employment group with 40,216, with 94.1% males and 5.9% females. These groups are the ones normally associated with engineering employment and combined accounted for 81% of engineering labour force employment. The remaining occupational groups employ 45,520 members of the engineering labour force, 38,060 males and 7,460 females. The male component is 17.4% of the male engineering labour force and the female component is 32.2% of the female engineering labour force. There were broad spreads of qualification types in the managers and professionals groups. In the former, 13.3% had post graduate qualifications, 52.7% had bachelors degrees and 34.0% had diploma qualifications. Degrees featured more in the professionals group with 17.5% possessing post graduate qualifications, 60.8% bachelors degrees and 21.7%

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diploma qualifications. As might be expected, the qualifications pattern in the technicians and tradespersons group is skewed towards diploma qualifications. Only 4.5% have post graduate qualifications, 24.7% had bachelors degrees and 70.8% had diploma qualifications. In the remaining occupational groups, the qualifications pattern was entirely different; 7.7% had post graduate qualifications, 39.5% had bachelors degrees and 43.5% had diploma qualifications.

2.4 Hours Worked

The statistics in Table 2.1 relating to full time and part time work is one approach to evaluating how engineering qualifications and skills are used. The statistics in that Table showed that the engineering labour force was much more oriented to full time work than similarly qualified individuals and the labour force at large. An extension of this approach to the utilisation of engineering qualifications and skills is to look at the average hours worked by the full time and part time employed engineering labour force. Full Time Employment Full time employment was defined by the ABS to be employed for 35 hours or more per week. Table 2.8 shows the distribution of hours worked by full time employed members of the engineering labour force. Figure 2.2 illustrates the distribution of hours worked by type of qualifications, Figure 2.3 compares the distribution of hours worked in engineering to the comparison labour force and Figure 2.4 compares the hours worked by males and females in engineering.
TABLE 2.8 AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS WORKED BY THE FULL TIME EMPLOYED ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE Hours Post Graduate Quals Bachelors Degree Worked Males Females Total Males Females Total 35 to 39 4088 641 4729 14309 2448 16757 40 7195 922 8117 26698 3553 30251 41 to 48 4649 474 5123 19481 1890 21371 49 & over 7642 482 8124 32093 1965 34058 TOTAL 23574 2519 26093 92581 9856 102437 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Diploma Quals All Qualifications Males Females Total Males Females Total 14202 1251 15453 32599 4340 36939 18255 1134 19389 52148 5609 57757 14787 542 15329 38917 2906 41823 22811 706 23517 62546 3153 65699 70055 3633 73688 186210 16008 202218

Full time members of the engineering labour force work long hours. Although many (94,696, or 46.9%) work what might be called standard hours, that is between 35 and 40 hours per week, the majority work longer hours. Some 41,823, or 20.7% worked between 41 and 48 hours per week and 65,699, or 32.5% worked 49 hours or more per week. Figure 2.2 shows that there are relatively minor differences to this pattern so far as qualifications are concerned. More members of the full time employed engineering labour force work longer hours and fewer work standard hours than is the case in the comparison labour force. This is shown in Figure 2.3. Combined with the higher proportion of full time work in engineering compared to the comparison labour force, this result points to relatively high utilisation of engineering qualifications and skills. More males than females in the full time employed engineering labour force worked longer hours and conversely more females than males worked standard hours. This is illustrated in Figure 2.4. The gender difference is particularly acute in the longest hours worked group. Part Time Employment Table 2.9 and Figures 2.5 to 2.7 show the corresponding information for the part time employed engineering labour force.

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Post Graduate Quals 35.0 Bachelors Degrees Diploma Quals








0.0 35 to 39 40 41 to 48 49 & over


Males 40.0 Females









0.0 35 to 39 40 41 to 48 49 & over

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TABLE 2.9 AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS WORKED BY THE PART TIME EMPLOYED ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE HOURS Post Graduate Quals Bachelors degree WORKED Male Female Total Male Female Total 1 to 15 1038 237 1275 3385 991 4376 16 to 24 926 225 1151 3479 1056 4535 25 to 34 1060 229 1289 3609 1019 4628 TOTAL 3024 691 3715 10473 3066 13539 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Diploma Quals Male Female Total 2891 651 3542 3047 665 3712 3873 767 4640 9811 2083 11894 All Qualifications Male Female Total 7314 1879 9193 7452 1946 9398 8542 2015 10557 23308 5840 29148

Part time employment was defined by the ABS as working less than 35 hours per week. Three broad groupings of part time hours were used; 9,193, or 31.5% of part time employed members of the engineering labour force worked less than 16 hours per week. Slightly more, 9,398, or 32.2% worked between 16 and 24 hours and 10,557, or 36.2% worked 25 to 34 hours per week. As Figure 2.5 shows the only real pattern here relates to individuals with diploma qualifications where skew is towards longer part time hours.
Post Graduate Quals 45.0 40.0 Bachelors Degrees Diploma Quals


35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1 to 15 16 to 24 25 to 34


Engineering 40.0 Comparison








0.0 1 to 15 16 to 24 25 to 34


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Males 38.0 37.0 36.0 Females


35.0 34.0 33.0 32.0 31.0 30.0 29.0 28.0 1 to 15 16 to 24 25 to 34


Figure 2.6 shows that the pattern of part time hours worked is very similar between the engineering and comparison labour forces and Figure 2.7 shows that more females than males in the engineering labour force work shorter part time hours and more males than females work longer part time hours.

2.5 Incomes Earned

Full time Employment Table 2.9 shows the distribution of average weekly gross incomes, including pensions and allowances, earned by full time employed members of the engineering labour force. Figure 2.8 illustrates the character of the income distribution and the shares of different qualifications in each income group. Figure 2.9 compares the full time income distributions for the engineering and comparison labour forces and Figure 2.10 compares male and female income distributions in the engineering labour force.
TABLE 2.10 AVERAGE WEEKLY INCOMES EARNED BY THE FULL TIME EMPLOYED ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE Average Post Graduate Quals Bachelors Degree Weekly Income Male Female Total Male Female Total Negative income 34 3 37 113 11 124 Nil income 59 9 68 300 29 329 $1-$149 59 8 67 213 44 257 $150-$249 60 15 75 391 60 451 $250-$399 216 20 236 987 133 1120 $400-$599 650 104 754 3247 641 3888 $600-$799 1023 177 1200 5688 1173 6861 $800-$999 1424 317 1741 9228 1721 10949 $1,000-$1,299 3223 523 3746 15708 2355 18063 $1,300-$1,599 3987 537 4524 14918 1504 16422 $1,600-$1,999 4450 377 4827 14575 1053 15628 $2,000 or more 8247 417 8664 26547 1068 27615 Not stated 142 12 154 669 63 732 All Incomes 23574 2519 26093 92584 9855 102439 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Diploma Quals All Qualifications Male Female Total Male Female Total 117 11 128 264 25 289 290 23 313 649 61 710 215 41 256 487 93 580 375 71 446 826 146 972 977 138 1115 2180 291 2471 3989 629 4618 7886 1374 9260 6640 886 7526 13351 2236 15587 8691 609 9300 19343 2647 21990 15222 637 15859 34153 3515 37668 12605 235 12840 31510 2276 33786 9283 159 9442 28308 1589 29897 10938 152 11090 45732 1637 47369 712 41 753 1523 116 1639 70054 3632 73686 186212 16006 202218

The largest income group for full time employed members of the engineering labour force was the highest income group ($2,000 per week or higher) used by the ABS in the census. There were 47,369, or 23.4% in this group. There were large numbers in the next three highest income groups but not in an even progression. There were 29,897, or 14.8% who earned between $1,600 and $1,999 per week; 33,786 or 16.7% who earned between $1,300 and $1,599 per week and 37,668, or 18.6% who earned between $1,000 and $1,299 per

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week. These income groups accounted for three-quarters of full time employed members of the engineering labour force. A surprising feature of the statistics is that members of the engineering labour force are present in all income groups, even the group earning no income.
Post Graduate Quals $2,000 or more $1,600-$1,999 $1,300-$1,599 $1,000-$1,299 Bachelors Degree Diploma Quals


$800-$999 $600-$799 $400-$599 $250-$399 $150-$249 $1-$149 Nil income Negative income 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0


Comparison $2,000 or more $1,600-$1,999 $1,300-$1,599 $1,000-$1,299 Engineering


$800-$999 $600-$799 $400-$599 $250-$399 $150-$249 $1-$149 Nil income Negative income 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0


Figure 2.9 shows that more members of the engineering labour force earned full time incomes in the top three income groups than was the case for the comparison labour force. Conversely, there were fewer members of the full time employed engineering labour force in lower income groups. Figure 2.10 shows that significantly more males than females in the full time engineering labour force earn incomes in the top three income groups. More females than males earn incomes below these groups with the gender gap towards females widening as income falls.

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$2,000 or more $1,600-$1,999 $1,300-$1,599 $1,000-$1,299



$800-$999 $600-$799 $400-$599 $250-$399 $150-$249 $1-$149 Nil income Negative income 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0




According to the APESMA salary surveys3, in late 2006 the median starting salary for new graduates in engineering was $48,142 per annum or $925 per week. This is towards the upper end of the $800 to $999 income group. The lower end of this group corresponds to $41,600 and this was above the lower decile of $39,766 in the APESMA salary range. In other words, about 10% of new engineering graduates were probably included in the $600 to $799 income group, with the rest in following income groups. Part Time Employment Table 2.11 and Figures 2.11 to 2.13 shows the corresponding income distribution information for the part time employed engineering labour force.
TABLE 2.11 THE INCOME DISTRIBUTION FOR THE PART TIME EMPLOYED ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE Post Graduate Quals Bachelor Degree INCOME GROUP Male Female Total Male Female Total 12 0 12 32 4 36 Negative income Nil income 20 3 23 108 44 152 $1-$149 114 50 164 582 249 831 $150-$249 203 60 263 1015 346 1361 $250-$399 410 118 528 1565 538 2103 $400-$599 444 138 582 1475 589 2064 $600-$799 296 68 364 1020 359 1379 $800-$999 263 64 327 904 272 1176 $1,000-$1,299 283 84 367 1095 297 1392 $1,300-$1,599 302 37 339 810 177 987 $1,600-$1,999 238 35 273 651 92 743 $2,000 or more 418 28 446 1134 86 1220 Not stated 22 5 27 82 15 97 TOTAL 3025 690 3715 10473 3068 13541 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Diploma Quals Male Female Total 36 5 41 77 22 99 396 173 569 759 298 1057 1447 484 1931 1718 563 2281 1189 215 1404 910 123 1033 1090 99 1189 673 40 713 520 16 536 877 28 905 118 16 134 9810 2082 11892 Total Male Female Total 80 9 89 205 69 274 1092 472 1564 1977 704 2681 3422 1140 4562 3637 1290 4927 2505 642 3147 2077 459 2536 2468 480 2948 1785 254 2039 1409 143 1552 2429 142 2571 222 36 258 23308 5840 29148

A common presumption is that part time earnings are less than full time earnings. Figure 2.11 shows that this is not always the case. Part time earnings for the engineering labour force cover all income groups, including the highest. The largest income group was between $400 and $599 per week. This group included 4,927, or 16.9% and another 4,562, or 15.7% earned between $250 and $399. Significant numbers earned incomes comparable to full time workers. There were 2,571, or 8.8% earning over $2,000 per week; 1,552,or 5.3% earning between $1,600 and $1,999 per week and 2,039, or 7.0% earning between $1,300 and $1,599 per week.

APESMA, Professional Engineer Remuneration Survey Report, December 2006, www.apesma.asn.au

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Post Graduate Quals $2,000 or more $1,600-$1,999 $1,300-$1,599 $1,000-$1,299 Bachelors Degree Diploma Quals


$800-$999 $600-$799 $400-$599 $250-$399 $150-$249 $1-$149 Nil income Negative income 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0


Comparison $2,000 or more $1,600-$1,999 $1,300-$1,599 $1,000-$1,299 Engineering


$800-$999 $600-$799 $400-$599 $250-$399 $150-$249 $1-$149 Nil income Negative income 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0


Females $2,000 or more $1,600-$1,999 $1,300-$1,599 $1,000-$1,299 Males


$800-$999 $600-$799 $400-$599 $250-$399 $150-$249 $1-$149 Nil income Negative income 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0


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Figure 2.12 shows that there were more members of the part time employed engineering labour force in higher income groups and fewer in mid range income groups than part time members of the comparison labour force. Curiously, in the lowest income groups, those with incomes below $250 per week, the representations of the two labour forces was much the same. Figure 2.13 shows that more part time males in the engineering labour force earn higher incomes than females and fewer males than females earn lower incomes. Even so, there are some part time females in each of the highest income groups.

2.6 Sectoral Distribution

Just as the engineering labour force is employed in all major occupational groups, it is represented in all major sections of the Australian economy. Table 2.12 shows how the employed engineering labour force is distributed between the three levels of government and the private sector. Figure 2.14 illustrates the relative sizes of employment in each sector.
TABLE 2.12 THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE EMPLOYED ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE BY ECONOMIC SECTORS ECONOMIC FULL TIME PART TIME SECTOR Males Females Total Males Females Total COMMONWEALTH Post Graduate Quals 3518 448 3966 420 125 545 Bachelors Degree 5016 579 5595 644 194 838 Diploma Quals 7143 244 7387 532 70 602 SUB-TOTAL 15677 1271 16948 1596 389 1985 STATES & TERRITORIES Post Graduate Quals 2045 242 2287 186 67 253 Bachelors Degree 6518 873 7391 514 213 727 Diploma Quals 5602 237 5839 466 115 581 SUB-TOTAL 14165 1352 15517 1166 395 1561 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Post Graduate Quals 664 53 717 40 7 47 Bachelors Degree 2022 213 2235 125 50 175 Diploma Quals 1492 87 1579 122 42 164 SUB-TOTAL 4178 353 4531 287 99 386 PRIVATE SECTOR Post Graduate Quals 17305 1766 19071 2360 487 2847 Bachelors Degree 78874 8167 87041 9124 2596 11720 Diploma Quals 55685 3052 58737 8656 1848 10504 SUB-TOTAL 151864 12985 164849 20140 4931 25071 NOT STATED Post Graduate Quals 42 8 50 20 5 25 Bachelors Degree 154 24 178 66 16 82 Diploma Quals 131 13 144 36 6 42 SUB-TOTAL 327 45 372 122 27 149 ALL SECTORS Post Graduate Quals 23574 2517 26091 3026 691 3717 Bachelors Degree 92584 9856 102440 10473 3069 13542 Diploma Quals 70053 3633 73686 9812 2081 11893 OVERALL TOTAL 186211 16006 202217 23311 5841 29152 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder AWAY FROM WORK ALL EMPLOYED Males Females Total Males Females Total 119 265 440 824 87 316 415 818 29 80 68 177 659 3327 3394 7380 58 287 192 537 952 4275 4509 9736 24 61 37 122 9 68 28 105 5 22 5 32 142 566 258 966 13 50 33 96 193 767 361 1321 143 326 477 946 96 384 443 923 34 102 73 209 4057 5925 8115 18097 2318 7348 6483 16149 733 2227 1682 4642 597 834 351 1782 318 1154 380 1852 65 285 134 484 2395 11329 5158 18882 26 90 52 168 3401 13692 6075 23168 4654 6759 8466 19879 2636 8502 6863 18001 798 2512 1816 5126 22719 102654 72893 198266 146 597 411 1154 30953 121024 90449 242426

801 20324 3893 91325 3652 67735 8346 179384 71 337 225 633 1145 5042 4870 11057 120 507 359 986 27552 107332 84374 219258

Employment in the engineering labour force is strongly skewed towards the private sector. There were 43,006, or 17.7% employed in the the public sector and 198,266, or 81.8% were employed in the private sector with a small group not indicating the sector that they were employed in. In the public sector, 19,879, or 8.2% were employed by Commonwealth Government departments and agencies; 85.3% were employed full time, 10.0% were employed part time, 4.8% were away from work on census night and 9.0% of employment was females. There were 18,001, or 7.4% employed by State and Territory government departments and agencies; 86.2% full time, 8.7% part time, 5.1% away from work on census night and a female share of 10.3%.

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The smallest branch of the public sector was Local Government where 5,126, or 2.1% were employed; 88.4% full time, 7.5% part time, 4.1% away from work on census night and with a female share of 9.4%.

19879 18001 5126


There were 198,266 employed in the private sector; 83.1% full time, 12.6% part time, 4.2% away from work on census night and with a female share of 9.5%. The female share was low in all sectors, varying between 9.0 and 10.3%. Part time employment was highest in the private sector with 12.6% but this is quite low relative to part time employment in the comparison labour force.
Post Graduate Quals 60 Bachelors Degree Diploma Quals








Figure 2.15 compares the qualifications held by employed members of the engineering labour force in different economic sectors. The proportion of post graduate qualifications in the Commonwealth, 23.4%, was almost twice as high as the national average of 12.8%. It was much higher than the post graduate share in Local Government, 15.6%, in the States and Territories, 14.6% and in the private sector with 11.5%. In the States and Territories, Local Government and the private sector the dominant qualification was a bachelors degree in engineering, accounting for 47.2%, 49.0% and 51.8% of employment respectively. In the Commonwealth, however, diploma qualifications dominated with 42.6%. In combination with

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the high representation of post graduate qualifications, the share of bachelors degrees in the Commonwealth was 34.0%.
TABLE 2.13 QUALIFICATIONS HELD BY THE EMPLOYED ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR QUALIFICATIONS/ POST GRADUATE BACHELORS DIPLOMAS ALL QUALIFICATIONS EMPLOYMENT GROUP Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total EMPLOYEES 15828 2091 17919 72494 9969 82463 51005 4025 55030 139327 16085 155412 OWNER-MANAGERS 4171 267 4438 17600 1147 18747 15436 934 16370 37207 2348 39555 FAMILY MEMBERS 260 27 287 936 179 1115 1002 163 1165 2198 369 2567 NOT STATED 60 11 71 296 36 332 293 33 326 649 80 729 TOTAL 20319 2396 22715 91326 11331 102657 67736 5155 72891 179381 18882 198263 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census Tablebuilder

In the public sector, the employment of members of the engineering labour force is as employees. In the private sector, employment can take different forms; as an employee, as an owner manager of a business or as a family member contributing to a family owned business. Table 2.13 shows how private sector employment is segmented. Although the dominant form of employment remains as employees, owner-managers account for almost one fifth and the number of contributing family members was non-trivial. There were 155,412 employees, or 78.4% with a female share of 10.3%. There were 39,555, or 20.0% owner-managers with a female share of 5.9% and there were 2,567, or 1.3% contributing family members. Although the female share of contributing family members was higher at 14.4%, in both numerical and proportional terms it remained quite low.








Figure 2.16 considers the engineering qualifications held by status in employment of the engineering labour force in the private sector. There was little difference between employees, owner-managers and contributing family members in respect of post graduate qualifications held. However, employees are more likely to hold bachelors degrees than owner-managers who in turn are more likely to hold bachelors degrees than contributing family members. The reverse pattern was evident for Diploma qualifications with the highest share occurring for contributing family members.

2.7 Industry Distribution

As well as being represented in all major occupational groups and economic sectors, the engineering labour force is employed in all industries. Table 2.14 provides statistics on this distribution and its main features are illustrated in Figure 2.17.

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TABLE 2.14 THE INDUSTRY DISTRIBUTION OF THE EMPLOYED ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE Post Graduate Quals Bachelors Degree Diploma Quals All Qualifications INDUSTRY GROUP Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Agriculture 132 7 139 691 64 755 1225 101 1326 2048 172 2220 Mining 971 79 1050 4822 500 5322 2307 47 2354 8100 626 8726 Manufacturing 4121 424 4545 21287 2485 23772 17695 1116 18811 43103 4025 47128 Electricity, Gas, Water, Waste 1203 141 1344 4337 515 4852 3675 77 3752 9215 733 9948 Construction 1214 80 1294 8690 579 9269 6586 264 6850 16490 923 17413 Wholesale Trade 1060 154 1214 5458 698 6156 4331 299 4630 10849 1151 12000 Retail Trade 704 105 809 3392 728 4120 3327 762 4089 7423 1595 9018 Accomodation & Food 307 67 374 1637 395 2032 1379 295 1674 3323 757 4080 Transport, Postal etc 911 84 995 4839 444 5283 8117 358 8475 13867 886 14753 Information & Telecommunications 920 116 1036 3677 466 4143 4144 170 4314 8741 752 9493 Financial & Insurance 659 109 768 2683 575 3258 908 154 1062 4250 838 5088 Rental, Hiring & Real Estate 157 19 176 908 115 1023 879 76 955 1944 210 2154 Professional & Technical Services 7679 832 8511 26099 2949 29048 10233 661 10894 44011 4442 48453 Administrative & Support 347 69 416 1808 299 2107 1635 184 1819 3790 552 4342 Public Administration & Safety 3038 370 3408 8338 1088 9426 9419 445 9864 20795 1903 22698 Education & Training 2869 511 3380 2765 654 3419 1952 281 2233 7586 1446 9032 Health Care & Social 345 118 463 1290 583 1873 1482 420 1902 3117 1121 4238 Arts & Recreation 69 13 82 493 75 568 528 70 598 1090 158 1248 Other Services 309 31 340 1664 188 1852 2663 161 2824 4636 380 5016 Inadequately Described 411 46 457 1934 195 2129 1524 83 1607 3869 324 4193 Not Stated 128 25 153 518 95 613 368 51 419 1014 171 1185 TOTAL 27554 3400 30954 107330 13690 121020 84377 6075 90452 219261 23165 242426 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census Tablebuilder

Post Graduate Quals Other Services Arts & Recreation Health Care & Social Education & Training Public Administration & Safety Administrative & Support Professional & Technical Services Rental, Hiring & Real Estate Financial & Insurance Information & Telecommunications Transport, Postal etc Accomodation & Food Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Construction Electricity, Gas, Water, Waste Manufacturing Mining Agriculture 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Bachelors Degree Diploma Quals

The largest employer of the engineering labour force was the Professional, Scientific and Technical Services industry. This industry includes engineering consulting businesses and employed 48,453, or 20.0%; with a female share of 9.2%. This industry had a very high representation of post graduate qualifications (17.6%), and a high representation of bachelors degrees (60.0% of Bachelors Qualified Engineers). Conversely, the proportion of Diploma Qualified Engineers was low (22.5%). Almost as many were employed in Manufacturing with 47,128, or 19.4% and a female share of 8.5%. The pattern of qualifications was the reverse of the one observed for the Professional, Scientific and Technical Services industry. The proportion of post graduate qualifications was 9.6%, the proportion of bachelors degrees was 50.4% and the proportion of diploma qualifications was 39.9%. There was a large gap to the third largest employer, the Public Administration and Safety Industry. This industry includes the defense forces, Federal and State regulatory agencies and some elements of public utilities. There were 22,698, or 9.4% were employed in this industry with a female share of 8.4%. Both the proportion of post graduate qualifications and diploma qualifications were high at 15.0% and 43.5% respectively.

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Despite its prominence in the economy, the Construction industry is the fourth largest employer with 17,413, or 7.2%. The gender imbalance in this industry is particularly acute with a female share of 5.3%. The proportion of post graduate qualifications is low at 7.4% and relatively high proportions of bachelors degrees (53.2%) and diploma qualifications (39.3%). The fifth largest employer is the Transport and Postal industry with 14,753, or 6.1%, another industry with an acute gender imbalance (female share 6.0%). The proportion of post graduate is low at 6.7%, as is the share of bachelors degrees at 35.8%. Conversely, the share of diploma qualifications was high with 57.4%. Other large employers of the engineering labour force include: Wholesale Trade; 12,000, or 4.9% of Qualified Engineers. Information and Telecommunications; 9,483, or 3.9% of Qualified Engineers Retail Trade; 9,018, or 3.7% of Qualified Engineers. Education and Training; 9,032, or 3.7% of Qualified Engineers Mining; 8,726, or 3.6% of Qualified Engineers Financial and insurance; 5,088 or 2.1% of Qualified Engineers.
Manufacturing Information, Media & Telecommunication Public Administration & Safety Balance 1% 3% 23% 19% 6% Transport, Postal & Warehousing Professional, Scientific & Technical Services Education & Training



The industry distributions reflect the functions of economic sectors. Figure 2.18 shows the industry distribution for engineering labour force employed by the Commonwealth Government. Six industries industries effectively dominate employment in this sector. Consistent with the functions of the Commonwealth Government, 42% are employed in the Public Administration and Safety industry, followed by 23% in Education and Training and 19% in Information and Telecommunications. These industries cover defense, CSIRO, most universities and most of Australias transport, energy and telecommunications regulatory agenciwes.There are smaller employment groups in Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (6%), Transport, Postal and Warehousing (6%) and Manufacturing (3%). All other industries account for only 1% of employment of qualified engineers. Figure 2.19 illustrates the industry distribution for the engineering labour force employed by the State and Territory Governments. Like the Commonwealth, the largest employment industry was Public Administration and Safety with 40%. Although the Commonwealth has some regulatory functions in Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste, employment arising from these functions is most likely included in Public Administration. In contrast, many States and Territories have retained ownership of electricity, water and sewerage utilities and those that have privatised their utilities have retained some industry functions. This industry is the second largest employer of the engineering labour force in States and Territories with 32%. The third largest employment industry was Transport, Postal and Warehousing with 10%,

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followed by Education and Training (8%) and Health Care and Social Services (7%). Other industries combined accounted for only 3% ofqualified engineers.
Electricity, Gas, Water & Waste Education & Training Transport, PostaL & Warehousing Health Care & Social Services Public Administration & Safety Balance

7% 8%

3% 32%



Electricity, Gas, Water & Waste Construction 1% 7% 3% Public Administration & Safety Balance


Figure 2.20 shows that members of the engineering labour force employed in Local Government are concentrated in even fewer industries. The dominant industry is Public Administration and Safety with 89% of employment. Some Local Government authorities have responsibility for providing water and sewerage and electricity services and most have waste responsibilities. This is reflected by 7% of employment being in the Electricity, Gas, Water, Sewerage and Waste industry. Some local Government authorities have an involvement in the Construction Industry resulting in the employment of another 3%. All other industries combined account for only 1% of employment.

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Professional & Technical Services Wholesale Trade Mining Manufacturing Transport, Postal etc Balance Construction Retail Trade



4% 5% 6% 6% 9% 23%

Figure 2.21 shows the industry distribution for the engineering labour force employed in the private sector. The largest employment was in the Professional, Scientific and Technical Services industry with 24% of Qualified Engineers. This industry provides engineering and technical consultancy services throughout the economy. The second largest industry is the Manufacturing industry with 23% of employment. The Construction industry ranks third with 9%, followed by Wholesale Trade and Transport, Postal and Warehousing (both 6%), Retail Trade (5%) and the Mining Industry with 4%. While these industries represent significant concentration of engineering employment, the remaining 23% of employment is spread across 12 industries.

2.8 Age Structure

This section looks at age structure. Analyses of age structure are usually undertaken for entire populations, instead in this Report the focus is on the characteristics of the engineering labour force and how it compares to the comparison labour force. Table 2.14 shows the age structures for the two labour forces and Figure 2.22 illustrates the comparison. The conventional population pyramid was not used in Figure 2.22 because the gender imbalance in engineering restricts its value, instead both genders are combined.
TABLE 2.15 THE AGE STRUCTURES FOR THE ENGINEERING AND COMPARISON LABOUR FORCES AGE ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE GROUP Male Female Total 15-19 years 246 49 295 20-24 years 10774 2284 13058 25-29 years 24367 4809 29176 30-34 years 30135 4612 34747 35-39 years 30537 3615 34152 40-44 years 32964 3532 36496 45-49 years 30138 2727 32865 50-54 years 26980 1547 28527 55-59 years 21361 787 22148 60-64 years 11402 294 11696 65 and over 6455 172 6627 TOTAL 225359 24428 249787 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder COMPARISON LABOUR FORCE Male Female Total 2645 5013 7658 92071 140974 233045 168769 225455 394224 193660 227700 421360 190142 206096 396238 178142 191843 369985 175751 194880 370631 157636 163398 321034 121101 107677 228778 62940 46644 109584 37929 20235 58164 1380786 1529915 2910701

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Comparison 65 and over 60-64 years 55-59 years 50-54 years Engineering


45-49 years 40-44 years 35-39 years 30-34 years 25-29 years 20-24 years 15-19 years 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0


There were fewer members of the engineering labour force in age groups under 34 years than in the comparison labour force. The proportions in the 35 to 39 years age group were almost identical. However, from 40 years onwards there were more members of the engineering labour force in each age group than was the case for the comparison labour force. This suggests that the age structure for the engineering labour force is older than the age structure for the comparison labour force. The relatively small proportion of the engineering labour force in the 20 to 24 years group reflects the comparatively low graduation rate of engineers from universities and TAFE colleges. Most engineering students graduate from their courses between ages 21 to 23 years. The much larger sizes of the 25 to 29 years and 30 to 34 years groups reflects the age preference of Australias skilled migration programs.

2.9 Overview
This chapter has descibed the characteristics of the engineering labour force defined as employed and unemployed individuals holding post graduate qualifications, bachelors degrees and advanced diplomas and diplomas in engineering. Labour force participation was found to be high relative to the Australian labour force as a whole but in line with a comparison labour force of individuals with similar level qualifications covering all fields. The level of employment was high and both the level of and rate of unemployment were low. The engineering labour market was relatively tight compared to the labour market overall, but no tighter than the labour market for other skills. Female unemployment in engineering was much higher than for males and for females in the comparison labour market. Engineering has a pronounced gender imbalance not evident in the comparison labour force. The full time engineering labour force works relatively long hours compared to the comparison labour force. The proportion of part time work in engineering is much less than in the comparison labour force but the pattern of hours worked by part timers is similar. The hours worked by the engineering labour force is reflected in its income distribution. More full time employed members of the engineering labour force earn high incomes and fewer earn lower incomes than was the case in the comparison labour force. Incomes favour males with more males and fewer females earning high incomes and fewer males and more females earning lower incomes. The pattern for the part time employed engineering labour force is similar to that for full timers. Although three quarters of the engineering labour force was employed in three occupational groups, the remaining quarter was spread widely across over many others. The key

Appendix A


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occupation groups are Professionals with 43.9%, Managers with 20.7% and technicians and Trades with 9.5%. The dominant employer of the engineering labour force was the private sector with 82.3% of employment. The remaining 17.7% was employed in the public sector. The Commonwealth Government employed 8.2%, the State and Territory Governments 7.4% and Local governments employed 2.1%. When viewed as a whole the industry distribution of the engineering labour force was exceptionally broad, but there were important differences between economic sectors. In the Commonwealth sector the key industries were Public Administration and Safety with 42%, Education and Training with 23% and Information and Telecommunications with 19%. In the States and Territories Public Administration was also important with 40% but Electricity, Gas and Water accounted for 32% and Transport and Postal for another 10%. Local government was dominated by Public Administration with 89%. A feature of the Government sectors was that a small number of industries accounted for almost all employment. In contrast in the private, the engineering labour force was spread across more industries. The largest concentrations were in Professional, Scientific and Technical services with 24% and Manufacturing with 23%. The next large grouping was half this size and all remaining industries included significant employment shares. .

Appendix A




3.1 Engineering and Skills Utilisation

Engineering courses at universities and TAFE colleges are highly specialised and a common presumption is that the employment destination for graduates will be engineering. But, the analytical and problem solving skills taught in engineering qualifications equip individuals for a wide range of other occupations as well. The evidence for this is the breadth of the occupational and industrial distributions of the engineering labour force. In the modern Australian labour market the demand for engineering qualifications and skills comprises two elements. The first is a demand for engineering qualifications and skills to perform engineering work and the second is a demand for the analytical qualitities offered by engineering qualifications in non-engineering work. Both demands are met by a common supply. Whether individuals with engineering qualifications choose engineering work depends on how labour market incentives and circumstances interact with their work preferences including the type of work, its location and remuneration. In many cases, individual choice is constrained. They may be unwilling or unable to move to where engineering work is located, there may be issues relating to the currency of their qualifications or there may be issues relating to language competencies or cultural understanding of the labour market. In short, the engineering labour market is far more complicated than suggested in past analyses4. This is unsurprising because past approaches have tended to see engineering in the context of historical expert or linear careers5 career paths in engineering. Expert careers are characterised by stability in the field an individual is employed in, with few changes over working lives. Linear career paths are characterised by infrequent job changes but steady upwards mobility to positions of higher authority. There are numerous examples of engineering career paths that fit these models. But research shows that other models open up the scope for different types of engineering careers. Spiral careers are characterised by major occupational shifts every 5 to 10 years and transitory or roamer career paths are characterised by frequent, predominantly lateral job changes every 2 to 3 years. Finally, there is the complication that many members of the engineering labour force choose to work outside of engineering and others do so through the weight of circumstances. What constitutes engineering work has changed over time. Engineers work as managers, researchers, academics, technical specialists and as computer specialists. Engineering work may reflect the level of qualification held by an individual. Where engineering work is practised has also changed. For example, now that public-private patnerships are common approaches to infrastructure projects, engineering skills are required in the legal and financial entities that specialise in these structures. This section aims to systemmatically identify engineering occupations in the Australian labour market to answer the question how much of the engineering labour is used in engineering and how much is used in more generic work?
See for example Department of Education, Science and Training, Science, engineering and Technology Skills Audit, 2006, www.dest.gov.au and Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Labour Market Outcomes and Experiences of Recent Engineering Graduates, June 2009, www.deewr.gov.au 5 See M J Driver, Career Concepts and Career Management in Organisations, in C L Cooper (Editor), Behavioral Problems in Organisations, Englewood cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1979, pp79-139. See also K R Brousseau and M J Driver, Origins of the Career Concepts Framework, A Brief Conceptual Note, 1997, www.decisiondynamics.se/pdf/origins_of_cc.pdf and Robert N Llewellyn, The Four Career Concepts: Managers can learn to better develop their people by learning how theyre motivatedManagement Tools: Supervisor Resources, HR Magazine, September 2002

Engineering Skills Applied in Engineering


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in AustraliaHE


The engineering profession is the engineering labour force that is engaged in engineering and its members are referred to as engineering practitioners. The engineering profession is smaller than the engineering labour force and the relationship between the two can be thought of as the utilisation of engineering skills in engineering. Australian labour market policy has emphasized generic metrics such as the proportion of the labour force with postschool educational qualifications. This framework accepts that the utilisation of engineering skills in engineering and non-engineering contribute equally to economic productivity. But when policy concerns relate to engineering skills shortages, it is appropriate to focus on the engineering profession and to examine how the engineering labour force not part of the engineering profession contributes to the economy.

3.2 Methodology
This section outlines the methodology used to identify occupations that are part of the engineering profession and to evaluate the economic contribution of the portion of the engineering labour force not engaged in engineering. The methodology is applied within the framework of the ABS classifications for occupations and educational qualifications. The following criteria are used to identify an engineering occupation: The occupant should hold formal educational qualifications in engineering consistent with Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) skill level 1 or skill level 2. The competencies obtained in post graduate degrees, diplomas and certificates and four year and three year bachelors degrees in engineering satisfy skill level 1. The competencies obtained in associate degrees, diplomas and advanced diplomas in engineering satisfy skill level 2. The occupation should require the application of engineering skills, either exclusively or in combination with another discipline, at skill level 1 or skill level 2. The occupation should exhibit an acceptable degree of attachment to the engineering profession.

Formal Education Qualifications In Australia the engineering profession is organised into three grades according to educational qualification and professional experience. Engineering Officers are expected to hold an engineering qualification that satifies at least skill level 2. Engineering Technologists are expected to hold at least a three year bachelors degree in engineering. Professional Engineers are expected to hold a four year bachelors degree in engineering. This criterion is necessary because the ANZSCO classification used by the ABS allows periods of practical experience to substitute for formal qualifications. This approach is not accepted by Engineers Australia and is not consistent with Australian labour force practise. Although it is not generally necessary for engineers in Australia to be registered before they can practise, formal educational qualifications are the norm. Occupational Skill Levels Engineering work as understood by Engineers Australia requires the application of work skills at level 1 or level 2. When an individual possessing acceptable engineering qualifications applies work skills at level 3 or lower, the work involved does not conform to engineering work as practised by the engineering profession. Work skills at level 3 are consistent with work undertaken by tradespersons; work skills at level 4 or 5 relate to a range of semi-skilled and unskilled occupations. It is possible for an individual who possesses acceptable engineering qualifications to be engaged in work that requires the application of skill levels 1 and 2 but in an occupation that does not involve engineering work. This situation is consistent with the generic application of skills and the individuals contribution to economic productivity needs to be evaluated from

Engineering Skills Applied in Engineering


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

this stand point. However, individuals possessing acceptable qualifications in engineering in occupations that apply skill levels 3 or below are under utilising their engineering qualifications from both an engineering and generic perspective. Attachment to the Engineering Profession Engineers Australia has had almost a century of experience as the peak engineering association in Australia. Its memberrship covers every area of engineering. This experience was applied to measure the degree of attachment of occupations to engineering. In some occupations, engineering skills are exclusively practised and the degree of attachment to engineering is very high. In other occupations engineering is practised in conjunction with other skills such as management skills, computing skills or research skills. In these occupations the degree of attachment to engineering is not as high as for the specialist engineer but the work undertaken requires the application of engineering skills. The application of generic skills is not acceptable. Application of this criterion involved the systemmatic examination of all 4 digit occupations in the ANZSCO classification and assigning a score between 1 and 5. A score of 1 indicated a low degree of attachment to engineering. A score of 5 indicated a high degree of attachment to engineering. Only occupations with a score of 3 or higher were accepted as engineering occupations. This approach relies on the experience and judgement within Engineers Australia. At the margin, whether a particular occupation should be included or not included can be debated. In all likelihood, the methodology leads to an over count rather than an under count of the engineering profession. Examination of the numbers involved shows that any room for dispute concerns occupations with small numbers employed and possibly some of the information technology occupations. The effect of the methodology is a very large reduction in numbers between the engineering profession and the engineering labour force. This is the central issue for policy relating to skills shortages and skills utilisation. The margin for debate concerns the precision of the measure rather than its substance.

3.3 Engineering Occupations

The criteria explained above were applied to each of the 358 ANZSCO 4-digit occupations in the 2006 population census. Attachment A lists these occupations, the skill levels required to undertake them and the members of the engineering labour force employed in them. This Attachment also highlights the occupations identified as engineering occupations. For convience these are summarised below in the major occupational categories used in Table 2.7. In total 51 occupations were identified as engineering occupations; they are: Group 1 Managers ANZSCO 1111; Chief Executive & Managing Directors ANZSCO 1112; General Manager ANZSCO 1324; Policy & Planning Manager ANZSCO 1325; Research & Development Manager ANZSCO 1331; Construction Manager ANZSCO 1332; Engineering Manager ANZSCO 1334; Manufacturers ANZSCO 1335; Production Manager ANZSCO 1336; Supply & Distribution Manager ANZSCO 1344; Other Education Managers ANZSCO 1351; ICT Managers ANZSCO 1391; Commissioned Officers ANZSCO 1392; Senior Non-commissioned Defense Officer ANZSCO 1399; Other Specialist Managers

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Group 2 Professionals ANZSCO 2241; Actuaries, Mathematicians & Statisticians ANZSCO 2242; Intelligence & Policy Analysts ANZSCO 2247; Management & Organisational Analysts ANZSCO 2252; ICT Sales Professionals ANZSCO 2254; Technical Sales Professionals ANZSCO 2311; Air Transport Professionals ANZSCO 2312; Marine Transport Professionals ANZSCO 2326; Urban & Regional Planners ANZSCO 1330; General Engineers ANZSCO 2331; Chemical and Materials Engineers ANZSCO 2332; Civil Engineers ANZSCO 2333; Electrical Engineers ANZSCO 2334; Electronic Engineer ANZSCO 2335; Industrial, Mechanical & Production Engineers ANZSCO 2336; Mining Engineers ANZSCO 2339; Other Engineers ANZSCO 2340; Natural & Physical Scientists ANZSCO 2343; Environmental Scientist ANZSCO 2349; Other Physical Sciences ANZSCO 2421; University Lecturers & Tutors ANZSCO 2422; Vocational Education Teachers ANZSCO 2611; ICT Business & Systems Analysts ANZSCO 2613; Software Developers ANZSCO 2621; Database & Systems Administrators ANZSCO 2631; Computer Network Professionals ANZSCO 2632; ICT Support & Test Engineers ANZSCO 2633; Telecommunications Engineering Specialists Group 3 Technicians & Tradespersons ANZSCO 3121; Architectural, Building & Surveying Technicians ANZSCO 3122; Civil Engineering Draftspersons & Technicians ANZSCO 3123; Electrical Engineering Draftspersons & Technicians ANZSCO 3124; Electronic Engineering Draftspersons & Technicians ANZSCO 3125; Mechanical Engineering Draftspersons & Technicians ANZSCO 3126; Safety Inspectors ANZSCO 3129; Other Engineering Technicians ANZSCO 3131; ICT Support Technicians ANZSCO 3132; Telecommunications Technical Specialists Group 5 Clerical & Administrative Workers ANZSCO 5111; Contract, Program & Project Administrators Table 3.1 compares the engineering labour force to the number of engineering practitioners and estimates of skills utilisation rates for Australian born and overseas born engineering practitioners. There were 249,788 persons with formal educational qualifications in engineering in the labour force, but only 142,822, or 57.2% of them were employed as engineering practitioners, in other words, they were employed in occupations that required the application of level 1 or 2 skills in engineering and were occupations with an acceptable degree of attachment to engineering. There were 95,599 people with engineering qualifications employed in non-engineering work and 7,367 were unemployed.

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Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

TABLE 3.1 THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION AND THE ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE LABOUR FORCE STATUS Employed Full Time Employed Part Time Employed, Away Engineering Profession Post Graduate Quals Male Female Total 17691 1653 19344 1530 289 1819 639 106 745 19860 2048 21908 Bachelors Degree Male Female Total 66849 5892 72741 4461 1017 5478 2686 416 3102 73996 7325 81321 Diploma Quals All Qualifications Male Female Total Male Female Total 32725 963 33688 117265 8508 125773 3360 266 3626 9351 1572 10923 2196 83 2279 5521 605 6126 38281 1312 39593 132137 10685 142822 6429 20.4 93168 225358 24430 249788 42.5 58.6 43.7 57.2

Engineering Labour Force 28362 3588 31950 110257 14413 124670 86739 Utilisation (%) 70.0 57.1 68.6 67.1 50.8 65.2 44.1 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder

There were 50,219 people (47,077 males and 3,142 females) with engineering qualifications employed in management occupations (major group 1) and 33,048 (31,338 males and 1,710 females) were employed in engineering occupations. The balance, 17,171 (15,739 males and 1,432 females) were employed in management occupations that were not engineering occupations. All occupations in the magagement group required the application of skills at level 1 or 2. Thus, those employed in non-engineering occupations were potentially contributing to economic productivity in a manner commensurate to engineering work. A much more detailed examination of non-engineering occupations is necessary to be more precise. There were 106,468 people (96,276 males and 10,192 females) employed in professional occupations (major group 2) and 91,210 (83,591 males and 7,619 females) were employed in engineering occupations. Specialist engineers accounted for 57,370 (52,708 males and 4,662 females), or 62.9%. The balance, 15,258 (12,685 males and 2,573 females) were employed in non-engineering occupations. All occupations in major group 2 required the application of level 1 skills and these occupations potentially contribute to economic productivity in a manner commensurate to engineering work. There were 40,215 people (37,843 males and 2,372 females) with engineering qualifications employed in major group 3 technicians and trade workers. The occupations in this group required the application of skill level 2 for technician occupations and skill level 3 for trades worker. The technician occupations cover the engineering associate occupations of the engineering team and 13,292 (12,402 males and 890 females) are employed in this capacity. The balance, 26,923 (25,441 males and 1,482 females) were employed in a wide variety of trades occupations, including: 984 automotive electricians and mechanics 680 fabrication trades workers 5,260 mechanical engineering trades workers 366 bricklayers and carpenters and joiners 3,262 electricians 5,210 electronics and telecommunications trades workers 723 food trades workers, and 1,479 micellaneous technicians and trades workers. This list is not exhaustive but illustrates the point that engineering qualifications commensurate with the requirements of the engineering team (712 post graduate, 4,815 bachelors degrees and 14,795 diplomas and advanced diplomas) were being utilised for work at skill level 3. These engineering qualifications were being under utilised. Major group 4 included community and personal service occupations. There were no engineering occupations in this group but a number require the application of level 2 skills. In total 5,291 people (4,240 males and 1,051 females) with engineering qualifications were employed in major group 4. There were 349 (265 males and 84 females) employed in occupations that required level 2 skills. The remainer were employed in occupations that required the application of skill level 3 or lower to their work. There were 14,539 (11,257 males and 3,282 females) with engineering qualifications employed in major group 5, clerical and administrative workers. One occupation, contract, program and project administrators was indentified as an engineering occupation that employed 5,268 (4,809 males and 459 females). There were 795 (551 males and 244

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Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

females) employed in non-engineering skill level 2 occupations. But the balance (8,476) were employed in occupations that required the application of level 3 or lower skills. The larger occupations included: 725 Office and practise managers 260 Personal assistants and secretaries 1,125 General clerks 347 keyboard operators 675 Call or contact centre infornation clerks 211 Receptionists 1,420 Accounting clerks and bookkeepers 534 Financial and insurance clerks 1,105 Clerical and office support workers 1,738 Logistics clerks, and 1,029 Miscellaneous clerical and administrative workers. Major group 6 comprises occupations as sales workers. All occupations in this group apply skills at level 3 or lower. There were 6,670 (5,399 males and 1,271 females) with engineering qualifications employed in major group 6. All represent under utilisation of engineering qualifications and skills. The largest occupations include: 1,631 Insurance agents and sales representatives 719 Real estate agents 3,490 Sales assistants and salespersons 408 Checkout operators and office cashiers Major group 7 comprises occupations as machinery operators and drivers and all occupations apply level 4 skills. There were 7,313 (6,948 males and 365 females) with engineering qualifications employed in these occupations. The largest occupations include: 1,467 Machine operators 1,303 Stationary plant operators 581 Mobile plant operators 1,718 Automobile, bus and rail drivers 335 Delivery drivers 528 Truck drivers, and 999 Storepersons The fourth dot point includes taxi drivers and chauffeurs. Confirming the anecdotes, 162 persons with post graduate qualifications, 620 persons with bachelors degree and 443 persons with advanced diplomas or diplomas in engineering are employed here. The final major group of occupations covers labourers. Most occupations apply skill level 5 but a number that apply skill level 4 are also included. There were 8,692 persons (7,506 males and 1,186 females) with engineering qualifications employed in this group. The largest occupations included: 1,731 Cleaners and laundry workers 800 Construction and mining labourers 599 food process workers 1,240 Packers and product assemblers 983 Miscellaneous factory process workers 709 Food preparation assistants 324 Freight handlers and shelf fillers, and 1,577 Miscellaneous labourers

3.4 Occupational Distribution

Table 3.2 summarizes this discussion by comparing the distribution of the engineering labour force across major occupational groups to the distribution of engineering occupations. Figure 3.1 illustrates the comparison.

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TABLE 3.2 THE OCCUPATIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE AND ENGINEERING OCCUPATIONS Occupation Employed Engineering Labour Force Group Male Female Total Managers 47077 3142 50219 Professionals 96276 10192 106468 Technicians/Trades 37843 2372 40215 Community/Personal Service 4240 1051 5291 Clerical & Administrative 11257 3282 14539 Sales 5399 1271 6670 Machinery Operators 6948 365 7313 Labourers 7506 1186 8692 Inadequately described 2219 201 2420 Not stated 493 97 590 Total 219259 23167 242426 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census Engineering Occupations Male Female Total 31338 1710 33048 83591 7619 91210 12402 890 13292 0 0 0 4809 459 5268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132140 10678 142818

Engineering Occupations Engineering Labour Force

0 Managers 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000



Community/Personal Service

Clerical & Administrative


Machinery Operators


There were 249,788 individuals with engineering qualifications in the engineering labour force with 242,421 employed and 7,367 unemployed. The application of the criteria discussed above resulted in identifying 142,818 as being employed in engineering occupations (the engineering profession) and 99,603 employed in non-engineering occupations. Of these 40,179 were employed in non-engineering occupations that required the application of work skills at level 1 or 2. This group were applying their engineering skills at skill levels commensurate to the engineering profession, but in work that is not closely connected to engineering. The productivity benefit to Australia were consistent with the educational skill levels of the individuals concerned but not with the field of education. The remainder, 59,424, had engineering qualifications at skill levels 1 or 2 but worked in occupations that required the application of skills at level 3 or below. This group were under utilising their engineering skills.

3.5 Hours Worked

Full Time Employment Section 2.3 showed that the engineering labour force employed full time worked long hours compared to the comparison labour force. Table 3.3 compares the average weekly hours worked by the full time employed engineering labour force to the component employed full time in engineering work. Figure 3.2 illustrates the main features of this Table. More members of the engineering profession worked long hours and fewer worked shorter hours than was the case for the full time engineering labour force. In the engineering profession, 15.9% of full time individuals worked between 35 and 39 hours per week

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Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

compared to 18.3% in the engineering labour force. Conversely, 34.9% of the engineering profession works 49 or more hours per week compared to 32.5% for the engineering labour force.
TABLE 3.3 AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS WORKED BY THE FULL TIME ENGINEERING PROFESSION AND THE FULL TIME ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE Hours Engineering Profession Engineering Labour Force Worked Males Females Total Males Females Total 35 to 39 18052 1912 19964 32599 4340 36939 40 33272 3118 36390 52148 5609 57757 41 to 48 25787 1747 27534 38917 2906 41823 49 & over 42152 1732 43884 62546 3153 65699 TOTAL 117263 8509 125772 186210 16008 202218 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder
Engineering Profession 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 Engineering Labour Force

20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 35 to 39 40 41 to 48 49 & over


Females Engineering Profession 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 Females Engineering Labour Force

20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 35 to 39 40 41 to 48 49 & over


In the engineering labour force, more males than females work long hours and fewer males than females work shorter hours. Table 3.3 shows that this conclusion also applies to the

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Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

engineering profession. However, Figure 3.3 shows that in the engineering profession more females work longer hours than females in the engineering labour force. Part Time Employment Table 3.4 and Figure 3.4 show the comparison between the engineering profession employed part time and the part time engineering labour force. Figure 2.4 showed that in the engineering labour force, part time hours worked were distributed fairly evenly across the three categories distinguished. This pattern was shared by the part time comparison labour force. Figure 3.4 shows a different pattern for the engineering profession. More individuals work longer part time hours and fewer individuals work shorter part time hours than in the part time engineering labour force. A similar pattern applied to part time females in the engineering profession.
TABLE 3.4 AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS WORKED BY THE PART TIME ENGINEERING PROFESSION AND THE PART TIME ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE Hours Engineering Profession Qualified Engineers Worked Males Females Total Males Females Total 1 to 15 2668 397 3065 7314 1879 9193 16 to 24 2686 557 3243 7452 1946 9398 25 to 34 3996 617 4613 8542 2015 10557 TOTAL 9350 1571 10921 23308 5840 29148 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder

Engineering Profession 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 Engineering Labour Force

20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1 to 15 16 to 24

25 to 34

3.6 Incomes Earned

Full Time Employment This section compares the average weekly incomes earned by the engineering profession and the engineering labour force. Figure 2.8 showed that more members of the full time engineering labour force earned higher incomes and fewer earned lower incomes than the full time comparison labour force. Table 3.5 compares the income distribution for the full time employed engineering labour force to the corresponding income distribution for the engineering profession. Figure 3.5 illustrates the main features of this comparison.

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Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

TABLE 3.5 AVERAGE WEEKLY INCOMES EARNED BY THE FULL TIME ENGINEERING PROFESSION AND THE FULL TIME ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE Average Engineering Profession Engineering Labour Force Weekly Income Male Female Total Male Female Total Negative income 72 0 72 264 25 289 Nil income 268 7 275 649 61 710 $1-$149 141 8 149 487 93 580 $150-$249 180 17 197 826 146 972 $250-$399 468 31 499 2180 291 2471 $400-$599 1823 197 2020 7886 1374 9260 $600-$799 4293 540 4833 13351 2236 15587 $800-$999 9456 1336 10792 19343 2647 21990 $1,000-$1,299 20708 2258 22966 34153 3515 37668 $1,300-$1,599 22062 1649 23711 31510 2276 33786 $1,600-$1,999 21283 1217 22500 28308 1589 29897 $2,000 or more 35693 1203 36896 45732 1637 47369 Not stated 817 45 862 1523 116 1639 All Incomes 117264 8508 125772 186212 16006 202218 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder
Engineering Labour Force $2,000 or more $1,600-$1,999 $1,300-$1,599 Engineering Profession


$1,000-$1,299 $800-$999 $600-$799 $400-$599 $250-$399 $150-$249 $1-$149 Nil income Negative income 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0


The engineering profession earns higher incomes than the engineering labour force, accentuating the difference with the comparison labour force. In the engineering labour force, 23.4% earned $2,000 or more per week. In the engineering profession this share was 29.3%. Similarly, 73.5% of the engineering labour force earned $1,000 per week or more and 25.5%, earned less than $1,000 per week. In the engineering profession, the proportion earning $1,000 per week or more was higher at 84.3% and the proportion earning less than $1,000 per week was lower at 15.0%. Figure 2.9 showed that full time females in the engineering labour force were not as well paid as their male counterparts. The proportion of females was higher than the proportion of males in the income groups up to $1,000 to $1,299 per week and then the proportion of males exceeds females with the difference increasing with income. Figure 3.6 shows that there was a similar pattern for full time members of the engineering profession. However, female members of the engineering profession earn higher salaries than females in the engineering labour force. For example, 10.2% of the female engineering labour force earned $2,000 or more per week, but in the engineering profession this was 14.1%. Similar comparisons apply for the top four income groups.

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Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

Female Engineering Labour Force $2,000 or more $1,600-$1,999 $1,300-$1,599 Female Professional Engineer


$1,000-$1,299 $800-$999 $600-$799 $400-$599 $250-$399 $150-$249 $1-$149 Nil income Negative income 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0


Part Time Employment Table 3.6 and Figures 3.7 and 3.8 show the corresponding comparisons for the part time employed engineering labour force and engineering profession. A feature of part time incomes for the engineering labour force was that they covered all income groups, including the highest. The three largest income groups were $400 to $599 per week with 16.9%, $250 to $399 per week with 15.7% and $600 to $799 per week. There were large representations in low income groups; for example, 9.2% of part time engineering labour force earned only $150 to $249 per week, but almost as many (8.8%) earning $2,000 or more per week.
TABLE 3.6 AVERAGE WEEKLY INCOMES EARNED BY THE PART TIME ENGINEERING PROFESSION AND THE PART TIME ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE Average Engineering Profession Engineering Labour Force Weekly Income Male Female Total Male Female Total Negative income 18 0 18 80 9 89 Nil income 38 12 50 205 69 274 $1-$149 144 36 180 1092 472 1564 $150-$249 275 78 353 1977 704 2681 $250-$399 555 125 680 3422 1140 4562 $400-$599 892 228 1120 3637 1290 4927 $600-$799 881 230 1111 2505 642 3147 $800-$999 1023 219 1242 2077 459 2536 $1,000-$1,299 1482 278 1760 2468 480 2948 $1,300-$1,599 1170 168 1338 1785 254 2039 $1,600-$1,999 1014 96 1110 1409 143 1552 $2,000 or more 1791 90 1881 2429 142 2571 Not stated 67 14 81 222 36 258 All Incomes 9350 1574 10924 23308 5840 29148 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder

Appendix A


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

Engineering Labour Force $2,000 or more $1,600-$1,999 $1,300-$1,599 $1,000-$1,299 Engineering Profession


$800-$999 $600-$799 $400-$599 $250-$399 $150-$249 $1-$149 Nil income Negative income 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0


Female Engineering Labour Force $2,000 or more $1,600-$1,999 $1,300-$1,599 $1,000-$1,299 Female Professional Engineers


$800-$999 $600-$799 $400-$599 $250-$399 $150-$249 $1-$149 Nil income Negative income 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0


This broad spread of part time incomes was also evident for the engineering profession but with a more pronounced skew towards higher income groups. More members of the part time engineering profession earned higher incomes and fewer earn lower incomes compared to the engineering labour force. This is reflected in the three largest income groups; 17.2% of the part time engineering profession earned over $2,000 per week; 16.1% earned between $1,000 and $1,299 per week and 12.2% earned between $1,300 and $1,599 per week. Female members of the part time engineering profession typically earn less than males, but as Figure 3.7 shows, females in part time engineering profession occupations earn higher incomes than part time females in the engineering labour force. In the labour force the top three part time income groups were 22.1% earning $400 to 599 per week, 19.5% earning $250 to $399 per week and 12.1% earning $150 to 249 per week. In comparison the top three part time income groups for the engineering profession were 17.7% earning $1,000 to $1,299 per week, 14.6% earning $600 to 799 per week and 14.5% earning $400 to $599 per week. There were 11.8% of part time females in engineering profession earning over $1,600 per week.

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Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

3.7 Sectoral Distribution

Table 3.7 shows how the engineering profession is segmented by economic sectors compared to the engineering labour force. Figures 3.9 and 3.10 illustrate key fearures of this comparison.
TABLE 3.7 THE SECTORAL DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION AND THE ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE ECONOMIC Engineering Profession SECTOR Males Females Total Commonwealth 12017 1044 13061 States & Territories 10526 1107 11633 Local Government 3592 353 3945 Private Sector 105719 8150 113869 Not Stated 284 30 314 TOTAL 132138 10684 142822 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Engineering Labour Force Males Females Total 18097 1782 19879 16149 1852 18001 4642 484 5126 179384 18882 198266 986 168 1154 219258 23168 242426

Engineering Profession 250000 Engineering Labour Force






0 Commonwealth States & Territories Local Government Private Sector

Engineering Profession 12 Engineering Labour Force



0 Commonwealth States & Territories Local Government Private Sector

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There were 19,879 members of the engineering labour force employed by the Commonwealth but only 13,061 were employed in engineering occupations, a utilisation rate of 65.7%. About 9.1% of engineering practitioners were employed by the Commonwealth, uo from 8.2% of the engineering labour force. Skills utilisation in engineering was higher for males at 66.4% than for females at 58.6%. In State and Territory Government employment, there were 18,001 employed members of the engineering labour force and 11,633 were employed in engineering work. Skills utilisation was very similar to Commonwealth employment, including both genders. Local Government presented a strong contrast. There were 5,126 employed members of the engineering labour force and 77.0% were employed in engineering work, the highest sectoral skills utilisation. Unlike the Commonwealth and the States and Territories where there was a large gap between male and female skills utilisation in engineering, in Local Government the gap between genders was small with female utilisation at 72.9%. The private sector had the lowest sectoral skills utilisation in engineering. Of the 198,266 employed members of the engineering labour force 57.4% were employed in engineering occupations. Male skills utilisation was a little higher at 58.9% but female skills utilisation was 43.2%. The effect of lower female than male skills utilisation in all sectors resulted in smaller female shares in engineering occupations than in the engineering labour force. This is clearly evident in Figure 3.10. In the public sector, female shares ranged from 8.0% in the Commonwealth to 9.5% in the States and Territories. In the private sector the female share of the engineering profession was 7.2%.

3.8 Industry Distribution

The industry distributions for the engineering profession and for the employed engineering labour force are compared in Table 3.8 and key differences are illustrated in Figure 3.11.
TABLE 3.8 THE INDUSTRY DISTRIBUTIONS FOR THE EMPLOYED ENGINEERING PROFESSION & THE ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE INDUSTRY Engineering Profession GROUP Male Female Total Agriculture 299 8 307 Mining 6285 515 6800 Manufacturing 25779 1858 27637 Electricity, Gas, Water, Waste 6624 579 7203 Construction 10471 571 11042 Wholesale Trade 5377 385 5762 Retail Trade 1293 133 1426 Accomodation & Food 231 19 250 Transport, Postal etc 8003 427 8430 Information & Telecommunications 5575 464 6039 Financial & Insurance 1771 257 2028 Rental, Hiring & Real Estate 545 31 576 Professional & Technical Services 35629 3192 38821 Administrative & Support 1213 91 1304 Public Administration & Safety 13348 1206 14554 Education & Training 4543 589 5132 Health Care & Social 1096 89 1185 Arts & Recreation 284 31 315 Other Services 1266 69 1335 Inadequately Described 2208 136 2344 Not Stated 15 3 18 TOTAL 131855 10653 142508 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census Tablebuilder Engineering Labour Force Male Female Total 2048 172 2220 8100 626 8726 43103 4025 47128 9215 733 9948 16490 923 17413 10849 1151 12000 7423 1595 9018 3323 757 4080 13867 886 14753 8741 752 9493 4250 838 5088 1944 210 2154 44011 4442 48453 3790 552 4342 20795 1903 22698 7586 1446 9032 3117 1121 4238 1090 158 1248 4636 380 5016 3869 324 4193 1014 171 1185 219261 23165 242426 Utilisation (%) 13.8 77.9 58.6 72.4 63.4 48.0 15.8 6.1 57.1 63.6 39.9 26.7 80.1 30.0 64.1 56.8 28.0 25.2 26.6 55.9 1.5 58.8

There was highly variable utilisation of engineering skills in engineering across industries. The highest skills utilisation occurred in the professional, scientific and technical services industry where 80.1% of the employed labour force was engaged in engineering work. Other industries where skills utilisation was above average included mining with 77.9%, electricity, gas, water and waste with 72.4%, information and telecommunications with 63.6%, construction with 63.4% and public administration and safety with 64.1%. .

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TABLE 3.9 THE EMPLOYED ENGINEERING PROFESSION, BY SECTOR AND INDUSTRY INDUSTRY Commonwealth GROUP Male Female Total Agriculture 0 0 0 Mining 0 0 0 Manufacturing 416 18 434 Electricity, Gas, Water, Waste 0 0 0 Construction 6 0 6 Wholesale Trade 0 0 0 Retail Trade 22 0 22 Accomodation & Food 0 0 0 Transport, Postal etc 846 60 906 Information & Telecommunications 2364 167 2531 Financial & Insurance 18 6 24 Rental, Hiring & Real Estate 4 0 4 Professional & Technical Services 652 60 712 Administrative & Support 5 0 5 Public Administration & Safety 4831 323 5154 Education & Training 2832 409 3241 Health Care & Social 20 0 20 Arts & Recreation 0 0 0 Other Services 0 0 0 Inadequately Described 0 0 0 Not Stated 0 0 0 TOTAL 12016 1043 13059 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census Tablebuilder States & Territories Male Female Total 6 0 6 0 0 0 12 0 12 3884 380 4264 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1104 80 1184 9 0 9 29 4 33 27 0 27 147 27 174 12 3 15 4116 486 4602 682 75 757 403 37 440 52 10 62 22 7 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 10525 1109 11634 Local Government Private Sector Male Female Total Male Female Total 0 0 0 293 8 301 0 0 0 6285 515 6800 0 0 0 25351 1840 27191 234 22 256 2506 177 2683 109 6 115 10336 565 10901 0 0 0 5377 385 5762 0 0 0 1271 133 1404 0 0 0 231 19 250 10 3 13 6043 284 6327 0 0 0 3202 297 3499 0 0 0 1724 247 1971 0 0 0 514 31 545 0 0 0 34830 3105 37935 0 0 0 1196 88 1284 3234 321 3555 1167 76 1243 0 0 0 1029 105 1134 0 0 0 673 52 725 3 0 3 229 21 250 3 0 3 1241 62 1303 0 0 0 2208 136 2344 0 0 0 15 3 18 3593 352 3945 105721 8149 113870 All Sectors Male Female Total 299 8 307 6285 515 6800 25779 1858 27637 6624 579 7203 10471 571 11042 5377 385 5762 1293 133 1426 231 19 250 8003 427 8430 5575 464 6039 1771 257 2028 545 31 576 35629 3192 38821 1213 91 1304 13348 1206 14554 4543 589 5132 1096 89 1185 284 31 315 1266 69 1335 2208 136 2344 15 3 18 131855 10653 142508

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Qualified Engineers Other Services Arts & Recreation Health Care & Social Education & Training Public Administration & Safety Administrative & Support Professional & Technical Services Rental, Hiring & Real Estate Financial & Insurance Information & Telecommunications Transport, Postal etc Accomodation & Food Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Construction Electricity, Gas, Water, Waste Manufacturing Mining Agriculture 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Engineering Profession


A number of industries were clustered around average utilisation of engineering skills including manufacturing, wholesale trade, transport and postal and education and training. But there were a surprising number of industries with low skill utilisation including agriculture with 13.8%, retail trade with 15.8%, accomodation and food with 6.1%, rental, hiring and real estate with 26.7%, administrative and support swervices with 30.0%, health care and social services with 28.0%, arts and recreation with 25.2% and other services with 26.6%. Combined these industries employed 32,316 members of the engineering labour force but only 6,698 were engaged in engineering work, a combined utilisation of 20.7%. Table 3.9 shows the industry distributions for the engineering profession by economic sector. In the Commonwealth sector the three largest industries employing members of the engineering labour force were public administration and safety (8,376), education and training (4,619) and information and telecommunications (3,815). These industries remained high employers of the engineering profession with skills utilisation rates of 61.5%, 70.2% and 66.3% respectively. In the States and Territories the largest employers of the engineering labour force were public administration and safety (7,236), electricity, gas, water and waste (5,682) and transport and postal (1,820). These industries had skill utilisations of 63.6%, 75.0% and 65.1% respectively. In Local Government, the main concentration of members of the engineering labour force was in public administration and safety with an employment of 4,350. This industry had a particularly high skills utilisation of 81.7%. Two private sector industries had particularly high numbers of employed members of the engineering labour force. They were the professional, scientific and technical services industry with 47,056 and manufacturing with 46,495 respectively. However, their skills utilisation were completely different. In professional, scientific and technical services, skills utilisation was very high at 80.6% but in manufacturing it was well down at 58.5%. This variability in skills utilisation was common in the sector.

3.9 Age Structure

Engineering occupations were used to identify the engineering profession. Accordingly the most appropriate way to compare the age structure of the engineering profession to the engineering and comparison labour forces is to focus on employment. This comparison is shown in Table 3.10 and Figure 3.12 illustrates the comparison.

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In chapter 2 it was found that there were fewer members of the engineering labour force in age groups under 34 years than was the case for the comparison labour force. The shares were almost equal in the next age group, 35 to 39 years. But from from 40 years onwards the shares of the engineering labour force were larger than the comparison labour force. This suggests that the age structure for the engineering labour force was somewhat older than the comparison labour force. The switch from comparing labour forces as was done in chapter 2 to comparing employed labour forces as is done here does not change this result.
TABLE 3.10 THE AGE STRUCTURES FOR THE EMPLOYED ENGINEERING PROFESSION, THE ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE AND THE COMPARISON LABOUR FORCE AGE Engineering Profession Engineering Labour Force GROUP Male Female Total Male Female Total 15-19 years 64 7 71 220 41 261 20-24 years 5889 1136 7025 10087 2064 12151 25-29 years 15342 2782 18124 23639 4584 28223 30-34 years 19073 2433 21506 29519 4419 33938 35-39 years 18513 1571 20084 29990 3465 33455 40-44 years 19095 1240 20335 32277 3330 35607 45-49 years 17206 822 18028 29484 2597 32081 50-54 years 15587 433 16020 26281 1475 27756 55-59 years 12106 176 12282 20659 748 21407 60-64 years 6086 62 6148 10835 279 11114 65 and over 3174 25 3199 6267 163 6430 TOTAL 132135 10687 142822 219258 23165 242423 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Comparison Labour Male Female 2307 4521 85546 133956 162495 218195 188835 221199 185915 199946 173920 186174 171669 190275 153718 159955 117530 105235 60410 45568 37130 19874 1339475 1484898 Force Total 6828 219502 380690 410034 385861 360094 361944 313673 222765 105978 57004 2824373

Comparison Labour Force 65 and over 60-64 years 55-59 years 50-54 years Engineering Labour Force Engineering Profession


45-49 years 40-44 years 35-39 years 30-34 years 25-29 years 20-24 years 15-19 years 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0


Extending the comparison to include the engineering profession shows that up to age group 35 to 39 years, the shares of the engineering profession are larger than the shares of the engineering labour force. This reflects the influence of Australias skilled migration program. The program targets younger age groups with those over 34 years penalised in the points test and targets occupations in the engineering profession. From age 40 years onwards, the shares of the engineering profession in successive age groups are smaller than the employed engineering labour force but larger than the comparison labour force. In other words, the engineering profession has an older age structure than the comparison labour force but a younger age structure than the engineering labour force.

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TABLE 3.11 THE AGE STRUCTURE FOR THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION BY ECONOMIC SECTOR AGE Commonwealth States & Territories GROUP Males Females Total Males Females Total 15 to 19 0 0 0 6 0 6 20 to 24 506 85 591 360 101 461 25 to 29 1266 218 1484 931 294 1225 30 to 34 1533 201 1734 1102 228 1330 35 to 39 1693 178 1871 1115 157 1272 40 to 44 2063 155 2218 1335 122 1457 45 to 49 1822 112 1934 1654 113 1767 50 to 54 1551 53 1604 1719 55 1774 55 to 59 1009 28 1037 1480 27 1507 60 to 64 399 9 408 611 10 621 65 & over 172 6 178 212 0 212 TOTAL 12014 1045 13059 10525 1107 11632 Source: ABS, 2006 Population Census TableBuilder Local Government Private Sector Males Females Total Males Females Total 0 0 0 55 7 62 86 25 111 4922 922 5844 285 87 372 12818 2177 14995 398 87 485 15995 1911 17906 440 38 478 15237 1192 16429 503 48 551 15148 912 16060 510 41 551 13184 553 13737 627 20 647 11654 302 11956 475 3 478 9127 118 9245 203 3 206 4863 40 4903 64 0 64 2717 19 2736 3591 352 3943 105720 8153 113873 Engineering Profession Males Females Total 61 7 68 5874 1133 7007 15300 2776 18076 19028 2427 21455 18485 1565 20050 19049 1237 20286 17170 819 17989 15551 430 15981 12091 176 12267 6076 62 6138 3165 25 3190 131850 10657 142507

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Private Sector 65 & over 60 to 64 55 to 59 50 to 54 Local Government States & Territories Commonwealth


45 to 49 40 to 44 35 to 39 30 to 34 25 to 29 20 to 24 15 to 19 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0


Figure 3.11 examines the age structures of the engineering profession by economic sectors and highlights significant differences. In the private sector, the largest age group was 30 to 34 years with 15.7%. In the Commonwealth, the largest age group was 40 to 44 years with 17.0%, in the States and Territories and in Local Government the largest age group was the 50 to 54 years group with 15.3% and 16.4% respectively. The suggestion here is that these areas of the public sector engineering profession are older than private sector counterparts. This is reinforced by the larger shares of the profession aged over 55 years in sections of the public sector. In the private sector this share was 14.8%. In the Commonwealth it was lower at 12.4% but in the States and Territories it was 20.1% and in Local government it was 19.0%

3.10 Overview
This chapter examined the numbers and characteristics of the engineering labour force employed in engineering occupations. Engineering occupations were identified using criteria relating to acceptable engineering educational qualifications, the application of appropriate skill levels in occupations and the degree of attachment of occupations to engineering as understood by Engineers Australia. The result was that of an engineering labour force numbering 249,788, 142,822 of the 242,426 individual employed were engaged in engineering work. This amounts to the utilisation of 57.2% of the engineering labour force in engineering (58.9% of employment in the engineering labour force). Whether one examines the engineering labour force or the engineering profession, it is evident that there is a serious gender imbalance. The female share of the engineering labour force was already low at 9.5%, but is even lower in the engineering profession at 7.5% because less than half of the female engineering labour force was engaged in the engineering profession. The occupational distribution for the engineering profession was more highly concentrated in the managerial, professional and technician occupations than was the case for engineering labour force. Only a small group of contract, program and project administrators was found in occupations outside these groups. The full time engineering profession worked longer hours than the full time engineering labour force who in turn worked longer hours than than the full time comparison labour force. About 34.9% of the engineering profession worked 49 or more hours per week compared to 32.5% for engineering labour force and 29.7% for the comparison labour force. Females

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employed in the engineering professsion were more likely to work standard hours than males and conversely were less likely to work longer hours than males. There was less part time employment in the engineering profession than in the engineering labour force and in turn much less than in the comparison labour force. Numerically more males than females worked part time in the engineering profession, but proportionally the reverse was true. More members of the full time engineering profession earned high incomes and fewer earned lower incomes than was the case for full time engineering labour force. This result was heavily skewed in favour of males. A feature of part time engineering incomes was that they were spread across all income groups, for both the engineering profession and the engineering labour force. More of the part time engineering profession, however, earned high incomes and fewer earned lower incomes than was the case for the part time engineering labour force. In turn, the part time engineering labour force earned much higher incomes than the part time comparison labour force. Females employed part time in the engineering profession earned higher incomes than part time female in the engineering labour force but less than males in both groups. The sectoral distribution of the engineering profession and the engineering labour force were similar. About 20% of the engineering profession was employed in the public sector (9.1% by the Commonwealth; 8.1% by the States and Territories and 2.8% by Local Government) and the remainder was employed in the private sector. The utilisation of engineering skills in engineering work was higher in the public sector, particularly in Local Government, than in the private sector. The comparatively low overall skills utilisation rate of 57.2% warrants furher investigation. The engineering profession was employed in every industry but the degree of skill utilisation in engineering ranged from very high to exceptionally low. When seen as a group, the industries with particularly low skills utilisation employed over 32,000 members of the engineering labour force. The highest skills utilisation rates occurred in Local Government and in the professional, scientific and technical services industry. In both cases rates exceeded 80%. The age structure for the engineering profession was older than the comparison labour force but younger than the engineering labour force. The influence of skilled migration on the younger age groups, 25 to 29 years and 30 to 34 years was clearly evident. The proportion of the engineering profession aged 55 years and over was higher than in the comparison labour force suggesting an early retirement risk that warrants further investigation. The age structures for the engineering professions in State and Territory and Local Government employment were older than in Commonwealth employment and older than in private sector employment. In both the former cases there were large proportions of the engineering profession aged 55 years and over.

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APPENDIX A THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE ENGINEERING LABOUR FORCE BY 4 DIGIT OCCUPATIONS The occupations highlighted in green satisfy the criteria for engineering occupations as discussed in the text. OCCUPATIONS (4 DIGIT ANZSCO) MANAGERS Managers, nfd Chief Executives, General Managers and Legislators, nfd Chief Executives and Managing Directors General Managers Legislators Farmers and Farm Managers, nfd Aquaculture Farmers Crop Farmers Livestock Farmers Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmers Specialist Managers, nfd Advertising and Sales Managers Business Administration Managers, nfd Corporate Services Managers Finance Managers Human Resource Managers Policy and Planning Managers Research and Development Managers Construction, Distribution and Production Managers, nfd Construction Managers Engineering Managers Importers, Exporters and Wholesalers Manufacturers Production Managers Supply and Distribution Managers Education, Health and Welfare Services Managers, nfd Child Care Centre Managers Health and Welfare Services Managers School Principals Other Education Managers ICT Managers Miscellaneous Specialist Managers, nfd Commissioned Officers (Management) Senior Non-commissioned Defence Force Members Other Specialist Managers Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers, nfd Accommodation and Hospitality Managers, nfd Cafe and Restaurant Managers Caravan Park and Camping Ground Managers Hotel and Motel Managers Licensed Club Managers Other Accommodation and Hospitality Managers Retail Managers Miscellaneous Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers, nfd Amusement, Fitness and Sports Centre Managers Call or Contact Centre and Customer Service Managers Conference and Event Organisers Transport Services Managers Other Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers SUB-TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1424 9 1897 1494 26 23 31 292 511 158 593 1703 57 151 226 427 319 428 127 2679 4595 162 436 2702 669 3 11 30 16 87 1518 9 631 265 1816 14 12 110 20 93 23 65 951 12 37 537 47 128 836 28410 53 0 31 34 6 0 3 11 34 16 46 106 5 16 29 27 30 46 5 87 164 13 11 131 53 0 4 7 3 7 60 3 30 3 233 0 6 34 6 7 0 4 141 0 5 15 7 9 45 1586 1477 984 9 0 1928 1248 1528 839 32 10 23 7 34 8 303 131 545 120 174 17 639 338 1809 1285 62 46 167 79 255 159 454 189 349 163 474 241 132 84 2766 1410 4759 2598 175 311 447 363 2833 1667 722 419 3 4 15 13 37 22 19 6 94 60 1578 1248 12 9 661 154 268 53 2049 1339 14 8 18 12 144 295 26 9 100 66 23 9 69 48 1092 1455 12 3 42 21 552 380 54 25 137 108 881 602 29996 18665 68 3 24 29 0 0 0 15 11 0 18 98 0 19 40 34 33 44 0 55 115 31 31 110 40 0 7 0 0 7 95 0 4 0 203 0 0 60 0 8 0 3 264 0 0 40 6 3 40 1558 1052 3 1272 868 10 7 8 146 131 17 356 1383 46 98 199 223 196 285 84 1465 2713 342 394 1777 459 4 20 22 6 67 1343 9 158 53 1542 8 12 355 9 74 9 51 1719 3 21 420 31 111 642 20223 2408 9 3145 2333 36 30 39 423 631 175 931 2988 103 230 385 616 482 669 211 4089 7193 473 799 4369 1088 7 24 52 22 147 2766 18 785 318 3155 22 24 405 29 159 32 113 2406 15 58 917 72 236 1438 47075 121 3 55 63 6 0 3 26 45 16 64 204 5 35 69 61 63 90 5 142 279 44 42 241 93 0 11 7 3 14 155 3 34 3 436 0 6 94 6 15 0 7 405 0 5 55 13 12 85 3144 2529 12 3200 2396 42 30 42 449 676 191 995 3192 108 265 454 677 545 759 216 4231 7472 517 841 4610 1181 7 35 59 25 161 2921 21 819 321 3591 22 30 499 35 174 32 120 2811 15 63 972 85 248 1523 50219 SKILL Australian Born LEVEL Males Females Total Overseas Born Males Females Total TOTAL Females Total


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OCCUPATIONS (4 DIGIT ANZSCO) PROFESSIONALS Professionals, nfd Arts and Media Professionals, nfd Arts Professionals, nfd Actors, Dancers and Other Entertainers Music Professionals Photographers Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals Media Professionals, nfd Artistic Directors, and Media Producers and Presenters Authors, and Book and Script Editors Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors Journalists and Other Writers Business, Human Resource and Marketing Professionals, nfd Accountants, Auditors and Company Secretaries, nfd Accountants Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers Financial Brokers and Dealers, and Investment Advisers, nfd Financial Brokers Financial Dealers Financial Investment Advisers and Managers Human Resource and Training Professionals, nfd Human Resource Professionals ICT Trainers Training and Development Professionals Information and Organisation Professionals, nfd Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians Archivists, Curators and Records Managers Economists Intelligence and Policy Analysts Land Economists and Valuers Librarians Management and Organisation Analysts Other Information and Organisation Professionals Sales, Marketing and Public Relations Professionals, nfd Advertising and Marketing Professionals ICT Sales Professionals Public Relations Professionals Technical Sales Representatives Design, Engineering, Science and Transport Professionals, nfd Air and Marine Transport Professionals, nfd Air Transport Professionals Marine Transport Professionals Architects, Designers, Planners and Surveyors, nfd Architects and Landscape Architects Cartographers and Surveyors Fashion, Industrial and Jewellery Designers Graphic and Web Designers, and Illustrators Interior Designers Urban and Regional Planners Engineering Professionals, nfd Chemical and Materials Engineers Civil Engineering Professionals Electrical Engineers Electronics Engineers Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers Mining Engineers Other Engineering Professionals Natural and Physical Science Professionals, nfd Agricultural and Forestry Scientists Chemists, and Food and Wine Scientists Environmental Scientists Geologists and Geophysicists Life Scientists Medical Laboratory Scientists Veterinarians Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals Education Professionals, nfd School Teachers, nfd Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers Primary School Teachers Middle School Teachers (Aus) / Intermediate School Teachers (NZ) Secondary School Teachers Special Education Teachers Tertiary Education Teachers, nfd University Lecturers and Tutors Vocational Education Teachers (Aus) / Polytechnic Teachers (NZ) Miscellaneous Education Professionals, nfd 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 623 9 9 16 32 52 18 7 34 16 56 152 23 3 179 131 4 106 168 281 6 197 37 307 20 33 16 29 144 330 12 1030 154 15 522 400 52 893 107 7 4111 1322 147 59 230 166 136 13 193 8247 781 9433 3975 1250 5770 1656 1849 149 39 142 270 94 13 27 0 635 17 34 0 23 0 348 3 14 629 532 0 98 0 6 0 3 9 15 4 6 0 4 19 2 0 42 11 0 18 15 27 0 35 5 33 2 10 7 7 26 11 10 151 18 0 64 20 13 30 12 0 215 23 20 5 23 76 23 11 27 488 155 862 178 34 407 201 356 24 5 148 74 17 17 14 0 85 2 5 2 10 0 86 3 0 91 52 0 721 9 15 15 35 61 33 11 40 16 60 171 25 3 221 142 4 124 183 308 6 232 42 340 22 43 23 36 170 341 22 1181 172 15 586 420 65 923 119 7 4326 1345 167 64 253 242 159 24 220 8735 936 10295 4153 1284 6177 1857 2205 173 44 290 344 111 30 41 0 720 19 39 2 33 0 434 6 14 720 584 0 741 0 0 6 18 33 17 6 22 7 38 89 32 3 162 91 9 112 144 223 0 145 39 139 7 28 11 13 64 115 11 799 158 6 431 352 24 718 80 3 892 679 114 39 124 110 114 27 64 5539 530 4905 2189 951 3706 1014 913 222 19 154 111 73 13 32 4 278 29 43 0 19 4 199 6 22 1134 332 3 192 0 0 4 0 6 3 0 4 3 3 19 3 0 163 19 0 15 23 23 0 26 3 16 3 12 3 5 19 6 7 164 32 3 69 23 6 44 12 0 57 3 18 7 19 39 34 10 20 517 90 569 203 59 298 111 134 60 3 143 45 19 12 13 0 33 6 13 6 13 0 65 3 0 184 42 0 933 0 0 11 18 39 20 6 26 10 41 108 35 3 325 110 9 127 167 246 0 171 42 155 10 40 14 18 83 121 18 963 190 9 500 375 30 762 92 3 949 682 132 46 143 149 148 37 84 6056 620 5474 2392 1010 4004 1125 1047 282 22 297 156 92 25 45 4 311 35 56 6 32 4 264 9 22 1318 374 3 1364 9 9 22 50 85 35 13 56 23 94 241 55 6 341 222 13 218 312 504 6 342 76 446 27 61 27 42 208 445 23 1829 312 21 953 752 76 1611 187 10 5003 2001 261 98 354 276 250 40 257 13786 1311 14338 6164 2201 9476 2670 2762 371 58 296 381 167 26 59 4 913 46 77 0 42 4 547 9 36 1763 864 3 290 0 6 4 3 15 18 4 10 3 7 38 5 0 205 30 0 33 38 50 0 61 8 49 5 22 10 12 45 17 17 315 50 3 133 43 19 74 24 0 272 26 38 12 42 115 57 21 47 1005 245 1431 381 93 705 312 490 84 8 291 119 36 29 27 0 118 8 18 8 23 0 151 6 0 275 94 0 1654 9 15 26 53 100 53 17 66 26 101 279 60 6 546 252 13 251 350 554 6 403 84 495 32 83 37 54 253 462 40 2144 362 24 1086 795 95 1685 211 10 5275 2027 299 110 396 391 307 61 304 14791 1556 15769 6545 2294 10181 2982 3252 455 66 587 500 203 55 86 4 1031 54 95 8 65 4 698 15 36 2038 958 3 Australian Born SKILL LEVEL Males Females Total Overseas Born Males Females Total Males TOTAL Females Total

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PROFESSIONAL (Continued) Education Advisers and Reviewers Private Tutors and Teachers Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Health Professionals, nfd Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals, nfd Dietitians Medical Imaging Professionals Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals Optometrists and Orthoptists Pharmacists Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals Health Therapy Professionals, nfd Chiropractors and Osteopaths Complementary Health Therapists Dental Practitioners Occupational Therapists Physiotherapists Podiatrists Speech Professionals and Audiologists Medical Practitioners, nfd Generalist Medical Practitioners Anaesthetists Internal Medicine Specialists Psychiatrists Surgeons Other Medical Practitioners Midwifery and Nursing Professionals, nfd Midwives Nurse Educators and Researchers Nurse Managers Registered Nurses ICT Professionals, nfd Business and Systems Analysts, and Programmers, nfd ICT Business and Systems Analysts Multimedia Specialists and Web Developers Software and Applications Programmers Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists ICT Network and Support Professionals, nfd Computer Network Professionals ICT Support and Test Engineers Telecommunications Engineering Professionals Legal, Social and Welfare Professionals, nfd Legal Professionals, nfd Barristers Judicial and Other Legal Professionals Solicitors Social and Welfare Professionals, nfd Counsellors Ministers of Religion Psychologists Social Professionals Social Workers Welfare, Recreation and Community Arts Workers SUB-TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 62 7 0 0 0 1 166 6 0 2 0 3 10 1 3 6 0 3 0 7 3 1 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 13 778 28 426 113 3145 700 40 1303 257 1466 0 3 3 100 29 0 28 146 0 27 7 21 57480 4 29 3 0 0 3 10 35 0 6 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 16 41 0 38 6 180 33 0 49 21 76 0 0 3 13 2 0 0 3 0 6 0 6 5071 26 33 91 76 10 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 11 10 201 95 6 0 5 15 5 4 0 0 3 0 14 11 1 6 3 0 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 0 10 11 3 0 1 3 0 0 3 0 4 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 29 36 819 955 28 36 464 515 119 116 3325 3475 733 685 40 39 1352 1167 278 384 1542 1346 0 3 3 0 6 3 113 33 31 10 0 0 28 15 149 98 0 0 33 75 7 3 27 20 62549 38796 12 32 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 3 3 0 0 6 0 3 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 112 4 98 21 544 88 6 74 64 158 0 0 0 4 3 0 6 6 0 27 3 6 5121 45 108 3 0 3 0 10 110 0 19 7 0 0 17 6 3 0 3 0 0 17 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 72 1067 40 613 137 4019 773 45 1241 448 1504 3 0 3 37 13 0 21 104 0 102 6 26 43919 55 138 10 0 3 0 11 261 6 15 6 0 3 21 7 3 6 3 3 0 18 3 4 0 3 10 0 0 0 0 49 1733 64 941 229 6620 1385 79 2470 641 2812 3 3 6 133 39 0 43 244 0 102 10 41 96276 16 61 3 0 0 3 10 50 0 9 6 0 0 10 0 3 0 0 3 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 52 153 4 136 27 724 121 6 123 85 234 0 0 3 17 5 0 6 9 0 33 3 12 10192 71 199 13 0 3 3 21 311 6 24 12 0 3 31 7 6 6 3 6 0 27 3 4 0 3 10 0 3 0 0 101 1886 68 1077 256 7344 1506 85 2593 726 3046 3 3 9 150 44 0 49 253 0 135 13 53 106468

Appendix A


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

Australian Born OCCUPATIONS SKILL (4 DIGIT ANZSCO) LEVEL Males Females Total TECHNICIANS AND TRADES WORKERS Technicians and Trades Workers, nfd 2 933 21 954 Engineering, ICT and Science Technicians, nfd 2 552 13 565 Agricultural, Medical and Science Technicians, nfd 2 40 13 53 Agricultural Technicians 2 14 3 17 Medical Technicians 2 71 9 80 Primary Products Inspectors 2 106 17 123 Science Technicians 2 319 62 381 Building and Engineering Technicians, nfd 2 1635 143 1778 Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians 2 1065 94 1159 Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 2 1471 135 1606 Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 2 952 33 985 Electronic Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 2 856 28 884 Mechanical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 2 762 22 784 Safety Inspectors 2 232 16 248 Other Building and Engineering Technicians 2 1018 34 1052 ICT and Telecommunications Technicians, nfd 2 13 0 13 ICT Support Technicians 2 683 33 716 Telecommunications Technical Specialists 2 690 23 713 Automotive and Engineering Trades Workers, nfd 3 47 0 47 Automotive Electricians and Mechanics, nfd 3 2 0 2 Automotive Electricians 3 20 0 20 Motor Mechanics 3 449 4 453 Fabrication Engineering Trades Workers, nfd 3 14 0 14 Metal Casting, Forging and Finishing Trades Workers 3 16 3 19 Sheetmetal Trades Workers 3 16 0 16 Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 3 284 6 290 Mechanical Engineering Trades Workers, nfd 3 21 3 24 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers 3 1064 33 1097 Metal Fitters and Machinists 3 1507 12 1519 Precision Metal Trades Workers 3 167 6 173 Toolmakers and Engineering Patternmakers 3 148 1 149 Panelbeaters, and Vehicle Body Builders, Trimmers and Painters, nfd 3 6 0 6 Panelbeaters 3 11 0 11 Vehicle Body Builders and Trimmers 3 18 0 18 Vehicle Painters 3 11 0 11 Construction Trades Workers, nfd 3 5 0 5 Bricklayers, and Carpenters and Joiners, nfd 3 0 0 0 Bricklayers and Stonemasons 3 27 0 27 Carpenters and Joiners 3 156 3 159 Floor Finishers and Painting Trades Workers, nfd 3 5 0 5 Floor Finishers 3 15 0 15 Painting Trades Workers 3 51 0 51 Glaziers, Plasterers and Tilers, nfd 3 3 0 3 Glaziers 3 13 0 13 Plasterers 3 22 0 22 Roof Tilers 3 3 0 3 Wall and Floor Tilers 3 25 3 28 Plumbers 3 95 3 98 Electrotechnology and Telecommunications Trades Workers, nfd 3 54 0 54 Electricians 3 1944 20 1964 Electronics and Telecommunications Trades Workers, nfd 3 155 0 155 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics 3 206 2 208 Electrical Distribution Trades Workers 3 54 6 60 Electronics Trades Workers 3 1236 28 1264 Telecommunications Trades Workers 3 947 22 969 Food Trades Workers, nfd 3 0 0 0 Bakers and Pastrycooks 3 37 7 44 Butchers and Smallgoods Makers 3 11 0 11 Chefs 3 32 4 36 Cooks 3 27 12 39 Skilled Animal and Horticultural Workers, nfd 3 0 0 0 Animal Attendants and Trainers, and Shearers, nfd 3 0 0 0 Animal Attendants and Trainers 3 17 5 22 Shearers 3 4 0 4 Veterinary Nurses 3 0 4 4 Horticultural Trades Workers, nfd 3 0 0 0 Florists 3 1 3 4 Gardeners 3 163 3 166 Greenkeepers 3 33 0 33 Nurserypersons 3 14 6 20 Other Technicians and Trades Workers, nfd 3 4 0 4 Hairdressers 3 1 7 8 Printing Trades Workers, nfd 3 1 0 1 Binders, Finishers and Screen Printers 3 23 4 27 Graphic Pre-press Trades Workers 3 18 10 28 Printers 3 65 4 69 Textile, Clothing and Footwear Trades Workers, nfd 3 0 0 0 Overseas Born Males Females Total 710 242 48 9 64 32 219 918 599 523 517 578 501 157 489 25 891 418 26 3 22 476 0 23 28 290 18 615 1172 201 258 4 15 22 3 16 0 32 149 0 35 161 0 10 91 9 79 58 27 1284 162 261 38 1428 596 0 105 22 216 165 0 0 7 0 0 3 4 77 17 9 4 13 4 24 32 190 0 21 19 25 10 30 0 107 160 63 104 45 49 49 9 18 3 102 33 0 0 0 5 0 3 0 4 0 9 10 6 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 14 9 5 0 38 18 0 16 3 26 40 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 3 0 0 3 9 0 0 3 13 0 731 261 73 19 94 32 326 1078 662 627 562 627 550 166 507 28 993 451 26 3 22 481 0 26 28 294 18 624 1182 207 267 4 15 22 3 16 0 32 149 0 35 161 0 10 94 9 79 61 30 1298 174 266 38 1466 614 0 121 25 242 205 0 0 7 0 7 3 11 80 20 9 8 22 4 24 35 203 0 Males 1643 794 88 23 135 138 538 2553 1664 1994 1469 1434 1263 389 1507 38 1574 1108 73 5 42 925 14 39 44 574 39 1679 2679 368 406 10 26 40 14 21 0 59 305 5 50 212 3 23 113 12 104 153 81 3228 317 467 92 2664 1543 0 142 33 248 192 0 0 24 4 0 3 5 240 50 23 8 14 5 47 50 255 0 TOTAL Females Total 42 32 38 13 39 17 169 303 157 239 78 77 71 25 52 3 135 56 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 10 3 42 22 12 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 0 34 9 7 6 66 40 0 23 3 30 52 0 0 5 0 11 0 10 6 0 6 3 16 0 4 13 17 0 1685 826 126 36 174 155 707 2856 1821 2233 1547 1511 1334 414 1559 41 1709 1164 73 5 42 934 14 45 44 584 42 1721 2701 380 416 10 26 40 14 21 0 59 308 5 50 212 3 23 113 12 107 159 81 3262 326 474 98 2730 1583 0 165 36 278 244 0 0 29 4 11 3 15 246 50 29 11 30 5 51 63 272 0

Appendix A


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

TECHNICIANS AND TRADES WORKERS (Continued) Canvas and Leather Goods Makers Clothing Trades Workers Upholsterers Wood Trades Workers, nfd Cabinetmakers Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers Miscellaneous Technicians and Trades Workers, nfd Boat Builders and Shipwrights Chemical, Gas, Petroleum and Power Generation Plant Operators Gallery, Library and Museum Technicians Jewellers Performing Arts Technicians Signwriters Other Miscellaneous Technicians and Trades Workers SUB-TOTAL 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 11 0 0 66 20 5 67 442 4 13 161 13 190 21677 2 115 3 0 0 3 0 3 8 4 1 7 0 8 1064 11 29 126 34 3 10 0 3 66 100 23 35 5 0 70 34 450 222 8 6 14 23 168 88 13 22 198 112 22741 16166 3 132 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 6 6 3 21 1308 32 166 12 5 100 38 0 34 222 17 29 94 25 133 17474 38 45 10 3 166 55 5 101 664 10 36 249 35 302 37843 5 247 3 0 0 6 0 3 8 15 7 13 3 29 2372 43 292 13 3 166 61 5 104 672 25 43 262 38 331 40215

OCCUPATIONS (4 DIGIT ANZSCO) COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL SERVICE WORKERS Community and Personal Service Workers, nfd Health and Welfare Support Workers, nfd Ambulance Officers and Paramedics Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists Diversional Therapists Enrolled and Mothercraft Nurses Indigenous Health Workers Massage Therapists Welfare Support Workers Carers and Aides, nfd Child Carers Education Aides Personal Carers and Assistants, nfd Aged and Disabled Carers Dental Assistants Nursing Support and Personal Care Workers Special Care Workers Hospitality Workers, nfd Bar Attendants and Baristas Cafe Workers Gaming Workers Hotel Service Managers Waiters Other Hospitality Workers Protective Service Workers, nfd Defence Force Members, Fire Fighters and Police, nfd Defence Force Members - Other Ranks Fire and Emergency Workers Police Prison and Security Officers, nfd Prison Officers Security Officers and Guards Sports and Personal Service Workers, nfd Personal Service and Travel Workers, nfd Beauty Therapists Driving Instructors Funeral Workers Gallery, Museum and Tour Guides Personal Care Consultants Tourism and Travel Advisers Travel Attendants Other Personal Service Workers Sports and Fitness Workers, nfd Fitness Instructors Outdoor Adventure Guides Sports Coaches, Instructors and Officials Sportspersons SUB-TOTAL

SKILL Australian Born LEVEL Males Females Total 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 4/5 4 4/5 4 4 4 3 2/3 4 4 4 3 4/5 4 4 4 3 3 5 0 41 5 1 6 0 18 70 5 11 39 3 58 1 40 5 10 111 13 9 13 57 11 0 8 210 749 315 0 57 213 0 0 4 21 12 28 9 31 16 21 0 35 10 98 27 2396 0 0 10 0 5 3 0 6 5 1 28 36 0 27 13 19 0 3 14 17 0 0 32 0 0 0 12 14 17 0 5 9 0 0 9 0 3 6 1 9 25 8 0 16 1 14 6 365 5 0 51 5 6 9 0 24 75 6 39 75 3 85 14 59 5 13 125 30 9 13 89 11 0 8 222 763 332 0 62 222 0 0 13 21 15 34 10 40 41 29 0 51 11 112 33 2761

Overseas Born Males Females Total 3 0 19 5 3 11 0 24 54 4 13 36 4 126 3 93 0 12 72 25 64 9 222 17 0 0 57 106 91 0 78 411 0 0 7 56 0 54 6 47 14 13 0 17 6 55 6 1843 0 0 0 3 0 18 0 9 25 6 95 33 0 93 21 80 0 3 19 19 17 9 112 0 0 0 0 3 6 0 0 9 0 3 23 3 0 9 12 22 3 3 0 10 3 4 0 684 3 0 19 8 3 29 0 33 79 10 108 69 4 219 24 173 0 15 91 44 81 18 334 17 0 0 57 109 97 0 78 420 0 3 30 59 0 63 18 69 17 16 0 27 9 59 6 2527

Males 8 0 60 10 4 17 0 42 124 9 24 75 7 184 4 133 5 22 183 38 73 22 279 28 0 8 267 855 406 0 135 624 0 0 11 77 12 82 15 78 30 34 0 52 16 153 33 4239

TOTAL Females Total 0 0 10 3 5 21 0 15 30 7 123 69 0 120 34 99 0 6 33 36 17 9 144 0 0 0 12 17 23 0 5 18 0 3 32 3 3 15 13 31 28 11 0 26 4 18 6 1049 8 0 70 13 9 38 0 57 154 16 147 144 7 304 38 232 5 28 216 74 90 31 423 28 0 8 279 872 429 0 140 642 0 3 43 80 15 97 28 109 58 45 0 78 20 171 39 5288

Appendix A


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

OCCUPATIONS (4 DIGIT ANZSCO) CLERICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE WORKERS Clerical and Administrative Workers, nfd Office Managers and Program Administrators, nfd Contract, Program and Project Administrators Office and Practice Managers, nfd Office Managers Practice Managers Personal Assistants and Secretaries, nfd Personal Assistants Secretaries General Clerical Workers, nfd General Clerks Keyboard Operators Inquiry Clerks and Receptionists, nfd Call or Contact Centre Information Clerks, nfd Call or Contact Centre Workers Inquiry Clerks Receptionists Numerical Clerks, nfd Accounting Clerks and Bookkeepers, nfd Accounting Clerks Bookkeepers Payroll Clerks Financial and Insurance Clerks, nfd Bank Workers Credit and Loans Officers Insurance, Money Market and Statistical Clerks Clerical and Office Support Workers, nfd Betting Clerks Couriers and Postal Deliverers Filing and Registry Clerks Mail Sorters Survey Interviewers Switchboard Operators Other Clerical and Office Support Workers Other Clerical and Administrative Workers, nfd Logistics Clerks, nfd Purchasing and Supply Logistics Clerks Transport and Despatch Clerks Miscellaneous Clerical and Administrative Workers, nfd Conveyancers and Legal Executives Court and Legal Clerks Debt Collectors Human Resource Clerks Inspectors and Regulatory Officers Insurance Investigators, Loss Adjusters and Risk Surveyors Library Assistants Other Miscellaneous Clerical and Administrative Workers SUB-TOTAL SKILL Australian Born LEVEL Males Females Total 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 2/3 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 21 12 2984 0 244 27 0 6 30 0 357 93 3 0 44 145 29 4 0 316 70 7 5 52 47 37 3 3 144 38 20 12 10 98 6 39 487 139 3 9 27 11 23 253 74 6 71 6009 0 0 216 0 102 8 0 27 51 0 182 32 0 3 19 53 79 0 0 87 98 14 0 30 8 21 0 0 6 14 3 7 0 23 0 3 93 12 0 4 7 3 6 32 2 8 24 1268 21 12 3200 0 346 35 0 33 81 0 539 125 3 3 63 198 108 4 0 403 168 21 5 82 55 58 3 3 150 52 23 19 10 121 6 42 580 151 3 13 34 14 29 285 76 14 95 7277 Overseas Born Males Females Total 24 3 1825 0 190 30 0 3 22 3 313 123 0 3 75 222 38 3 0 323 69 25 0 95 50 39 3 13 271 41 146 18 6 105 5 56 583 154 3 10 24 24 6 199 34 9 60 5248 12 0 243 0 100 22 0 32 88 3 273 99 0 0 31 83 65 6 3 219 149 36 0 89 25 36 0 0 10 47 34 9 0 16 0 6 142 28 0 4 3 15 9 33 3 10 22 2014 36 3 2068 0 290 52 0 35 110 6 586 222 0 3 106 305 103 9 3 542 218 61 0 184 75 75 3 13 281 88 180 27 6 121 5 62 725 182 3 14 27 39 15 232 37 19 82 7262 Males 45 15 4809 0 434 57 0 9 52 3 670 216 3 3 119 367 67 7 0 639 139 32 5 147 97 76 6 16 415 79 166 30 16 203 11 95 1070 293 6 19 51 35 29 452 108 15 131 11257 TOTAL Females Total 12 0 459 0 202 30 0 59 139 3 455 131 0 3 50 136 144 6 3 306 247 50 0 119 33 57 0 0 16 61 37 16 0 39 0 9 235 40 0 8 10 18 15 65 5 18 46 3282 57 15 5268 0 636 87 0 68 191 6 1125 347 3 6 169 503 211 13 3 945 386 82 5 266 130 133 6 16 431 140 203 46 16 242 11 104 1305 333 6 27 61 53 44 517 113 33 177 14539

OCCUPATIONS (4 DIGIT ANZSCO) SALES WORKERS Sales Workers, nfd Sales Representatives and Agents, nfd Insurance Agents and Sales Representatives, nfd Auctioneers, and Stock and Station Agents Insurance Agents Sales Representatives Real Estate Sales Agents Sales Assistants and Salespersons, nfd Sales Assistants (General) ICT Sales Assistants Motor Vehicle and Vehicle Parts Salespersons Pharmacy Sales Assistants Retail Supervisors Service Station Attendants Street Vendors and Related Salespersons Other Sales Assistants and Salespersons Sales Support Workers, nfd Checkout Operators and Office Cashiers Miscellaneous Sales Support Workers, nfd Models and Sales Demonstrators Retail and Wool Buyers Telemarketers Ticket Salespersons Visual Merchandisers Other Sales Support Workers SUB-TOTAL

Australian Born SKILL LEVEL Males Females Total 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 4 5 20 5 0 14 28 755 340 83 653 130 127 6 37 19 62 58 0 64 0 12 11 21 35 0 14 2468 1 3 0 0 6 66 21 7 262 9 6 7 8 2 8 5 0 18 0 15 10 4 10 6 4 471 21 8 0 14 34 821 361 90 915 139 133 13 45 21 70 63 0 82 0 27 21 25 45 6 18 2939

Overseas Born Males Females Total 20 12 0 0 32 646 307 118 889 205 93 9 70 88 19 41 0 212 0 9 16 44 61 0 14 2931 3 0 0 0 12 76 50 28 359 27 0 19 8 8 5 11 0 113 0 21 7 17 29 0 0 800 23 12 0 0 44 722 357 146 1248 232 93 28 78 96 24 52 0 325 0 30 23 61 90 0 14 3731

Males 40 17 0 14 60 1401 647 201 1542 335 220 15 107 107 81 99 0 276 0 21 27 65 96 0 28 5399

TOTAL Females Total 4 3 0 0 18 142 71 35 621 36 6 26 16 10 13 16 0 131 0 36 17 21 39 6 4 1271 44 20 0 14 78 1543 718 236 2163 371 226 41 123 117 94 115 0 407 0 57 44 86 135 6 32 6670

Appendix A


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

OCCUPATIONS (4 DIGIT ANZSCO) MACHINERY OPERATORS AND DRIVERS Machinery Operators and Drivers, nfd Machine and Stationary Plant Operators, nfd Machine Operators, nfd Clay, Concrete, Glass and Stone Processing Machine Operators Industrial Spraypainters Paper and Wood Processing Machine Operators Photographic Developers and Printers Plastics and Rubber Production Machine Operators Sewing Machinists Textile and Footwear Production Machine Operators Other Machine Operators Stationary Plant Operators, nfd Crane, Hoist and Lift Operators Drillers, Miners and Shot Firers Engineering Production Systems Workers Other Stationary Plant Operators Mobile Plant Operators, nfd Agricultural, Forestry and Horticultural Plant Operators Earthmoving Plant Operators Forklift Drivers Other Mobile Plant Operators Road and Rail Drivers, nfd Automobile, Bus and Rail Drivers, nfd Automobile Drivers Bus and Coach Drivers Train and Tram Drivers Delivery Drivers Truck Drivers Storepersons SUB-TOTAL Australian Born SKILL LEVEL Males Females Total 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 47 14 107 11 11 34 6 33 1 18 36 3 24 284 181 163 5 24 148 79 52 41 6 159 149 49 91 297 293 2366 1 0 6 0 0 0 3 5 28 4 9 0 0 3 4 10 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 3 3 5 6 10 93 48 14 113 11 11 34 9 38 29 22 45 3 24 287 185 173 5 24 148 82 52 42 6 159 152 52 96 303 303 2459 Overseas Born Males Females Total 103 71 460 38 14 68 18 190 55 64 111 6 21 132 335 113 6 6 49 164 33 67 0 1061 213 84 235 227 638 4582 9 7 37 0 0 0 3 3 62 8 26 0 0 3 12 3 0 0 0 3 6 3 0 5 7 3 3 0 58 272 112 78 497 38 14 68 21 193 117 72 137 6 21 135 347 116 6 6 49 167 39 70 0 1066 220 87 238 227 696 4854 Males 150 85 567 49 25 102 24 223 56 82 147 9 45 416 516 276 11 30 197 243 85 108 6 1220 362 133 326 524 931 6948 TOTAL Females Total 10 7 43 0 0 0 6 8 90 12 35 0 0 6 16 13 0 0 0 6 6 4 0 5 10 6 8 6 68 365 160 92 610 49 25 102 30 231 146 94 182 9 45 422 532 289 11 30 197 249 91 112 6 1225 372 139 334 530 999 7313

Appendix A


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

OCCUPATIONS (4 DIGIT ANZSCO) LABOURERS Labourers, nfd Cleaners and Laundry Workers, nfd Car Detailers Commercial Cleaners Domestic Cleaners Housekeepers Laundry Workers Other Cleaners Construction and Mining Labourers, nfd Building and Plumbing Labourers Concreters Fencers Insulation and Home Improvement Installers Paving and Surfacing Labourers Railway Track Workers Structural Steel Construction Workers Other Construction and Mining Labourers Factory Process Workers, nfd Food Process Workers, nfd Food and Drink Factory Workers Meat Boners and Slicers, and Slaughterers Meat, Poultry and Seafood Process Workers Packers and Product Assemblers, nfd Packers Product Assemblers Miscellaneous Factory Process Workers, nfd Metal Engineering Process Workers Plastics and Rubber Factory Workers Product Quality Controllers Timber and Wood Process Workers Other Factory Process Workers Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers, nfd Aquaculture Workers Crop Farm Workers Forestry and Logging Workers Garden and Nursery Labourers Livestock Farm Workers Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Workers Other Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers Food Preparation Assistants, nfd Fast Food Cooks Food Trades Assistants Kitchenhands Other Labourers, nfd Freight Handlers and Shelf Fillers, nfd Freight and Furniture Handlers Shelf Fillers Miscellaneous Labourers, nfd Caretakers Deck and Fishing Hands Handypersons Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Fitters Printing Assistants and Table Workers Recycling and Rubbish Collectors Vending Machine Attendants Other Miscellaneous Labourers SUB-TOTAL INADEQUATELY DESCIBED OR NOT STATED Inadequately described Not stated SUB-TOTAL TOTAL 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 53 29 35 147 10 5 17 40 6 150 75 30 58 36 45 38 45 27 3 123 18 34 0 72 133 9 56 15 146 17 26 6 0 51 10 79 51 12 61 0 21 2 72 0 3 50 86 2 27 168 306 42 8 14 12 205 2783 1 2 6 22 6 10 12 3 0 5 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 5 0 8 0 9 3 15 6 0 0 0 37 3 6 0 0 5 0 0 8 0 0 0 7 0 17 0 0 0 13 0 6 8 0 0 1 0 0 11 235 54 31 41 169 16 15 29 43 6 155 75 30 58 39 45 38 51 32 3 131 18 43 3 87 139 9 56 15 183 20 32 6 0 56 10 79 59 12 61 0 28 2 89 0 3 50 99 2 33 176 306 42 9 14 12 216 3018 60 128 92 558 53 70 83 80 3 115 25 16 61 17 22 25 22 95 0 273 16 74 0 251 546 3 114 24 319 17 75 3 0 54 0 31 31 0 25 3 94 12 345 0 0 30 136 4 26 46 294 28 59 0 21 241 4723 5 34 0 150 18 81 24 10 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 32 0 15 0 111 106 0 3 3 95 3 10 0 0 9 0 3 3 0 0 0 15 7 108 0 0 0 6 0 3 3 3 0 16 0 6 25 951 65 162 92 708 71 151 107 90 3 118 25 16 61 17 22 25 22 127 0 305 16 89 0 362 652 3 117 27 414 20 85 3 0 63 0 34 34 0 25 3 109 19 453 0 0 30 142 4 29 49 297 28 75 0 27 266 5674 113 157 127 705 63 75 100 120 9 265 100 46 119 53 67 63 67 122 3 396 34 108 0 323 679 12 170 39 465 34 101 9 0 105 10 110 82 12 86 3 115 14 417 0 3 80 222 6 53 214 600 70 67 14 33 446 7506 6 36 6 172 24 91 36 13 0 8 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 37 0 40 0 24 3 126 112 0 3 3 132 6 16 0 0 14 0 3 11 0 0 0 22 7 125 0 0 0 19 0 9 11 3 0 17 0 6 36 1186 119 193 133 877 87 166 136 133 9 273 100 46 119 56 67 63 73 159 3 436 34 132 3 449 791 12 173 42 597 40 117 9 0 119 10 113 93 12 86 3 137 21 542 0 3 80 241 6 62 225 603 70 84 14 39 482 8692 SKILL Australian Born LEVEL Males Females Total Overseas Born Males Females Total Males TOTAL Females Total

1164 206 1370 124959

63 27 90 10243

1227 1054 233 287 1460 1341 135200 94295

136 68 204 12912

1190 2218 355 493 1545 2711 107209 219254

199 95 294 23155

2417 588 3005 242409

Appendix A


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

Appendix A


Engineers and the Engineering Profession in Australia

Appendix A


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