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PT-2 LIFE...as we should WANT it.

by Anthony Schumaker on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 8:07pm Wouldn't it be great to know what the hell is in the Bermuda triangle, or what the naza lines are for, or who built the pyramids? I think Atlantis is under the Bermuda triangle. The real question is why has any nation not come up with some kind of well thought out expedition to find out whats really down there? Yea alot of ships, planes and stuff disappear so that just means what? We're going to leave it at that or just too scared? The biggest thing we have come to finding anything about Atlantis is Bimini road. The beginning of an ancient underwater road. Guess where? The Bahamas, near the Bermuda triangle. If I was a billionaire I would put an end to all this bullshit theories about so many things that could answer so much and is ignored by people who have the power to really figure it out. Forget how long the Sphynx has been there, if it's a big enough conspiracy that a Mayan codex is under the paw, dig it up and find out. If we're wrong, just mark it off the list and move on. Take enough people to a Bermuda triangle expedition and have documentation covered by several nations in many locations. Leave no room for anyone to say someone just "disappeared", his equipment messed and mine didnt or some other bullshit. If there is truly nothing down there or we find concrete proof of what causes all this phenomena, we can mark it off the list, shut up and move on. Like I said in part one we are too caught up in trivial things to think about anything important. These things may not be important to you or maybe your just uneducated about them, but my mind is open to everything and I see the big picture. I don't sit by and just accept things the way they are and not question anything because its considered the norm. Society needs to transcend and shift into a new plane of consciousness.

What the hell does that mean? It's what the Mayans true beliefs were. Woah! Yeah, they don't think the world will end in 2012. Am I a hipocrite? No, I don't have my mind set in stone on any theory or prophecy. But I am certain that things will change soon. For better or for worse. They have been changing greatly the past few decades and more the past few years. When you think of technology, look how much in just 30 years it's changed? Computers run our lives now and we can fit them in our pocket. Some decades ago we didn't have them! Now think of how long people have been around without anything we today consider normal. NOW, think of how long Earth itself has been around. If you looked at Earth as a timeline it would look the same for billions of years even though its increasing. Gradually evolving, new life emerging, new ways of living, GRADUAL being the keyword. If you looked at this timeline you would not see a noticeable difference, until about 100 years ago. 100 plus years ago, this gradual balance of things skyrocketed at an exponential rate. Was this by accident? Maybe.Will it continue? Not if unchecked. Has is happened before? I do think it has which leads me back to the Bermuda triangle.

First, people should watch the show "Life after people". You will learn if we died tomorrow in just 100,000 years time without humans, there will be no proof that we were here. We record everything digitally now, so even sooner would all precise data disappear. Later monuments, buildings, everything. The Earth literally will take whatever we created back sooner or later. Throw a little Mayan reference into this and you get some meaning from their long count calender. They had 17 calendars accurately calculating timespan up to millions of years in the past and future. The long count is divided into ages. We live in the 5th age which is the last. The transition between ages is believed to be brought upon by great disaster that not necessarily happens in one day like society has distorted it. It can happen over time. What does this have to do with the Bermuda triangle? Imagine a time period before what we would say the "dawn of man" was. A time period we know no people lived. Imagine people did live before us and they were so unbelievably sophisticated in technology that they wiped themselves out or they skyrocketed at the end of their age like us. I know your probably thinking, "well we would've found something or some people would've lived on and passed the knowledge". You don't know the percent of the oceans that has not been explored. The more we have started to explore the more we question life and its definition. Scientists have found drawings of structures so complex for the time they would have been impossible to build. Hieroglyphics in some pyramids clearly show lightbulbs and helicopters. In the picture below you will see ships, tanks, helicopters. The other is a light bulb which answers how they were able to do it in the dark without leaving any residue from flames and smoke on the ceiling.

The Earth is constantly shifting and growing new at the same time.It recycles itself with its tectonic plates. The marianas trench is the deepest part of the ocean and basically, one plate goes in, another comes out at another location, over millions of years. In the age of dinosaurs there was one giant continent so we cannot accurately say "man started here [...]" The theory behind Atlantis came from ancient Greek times. I think along with everyone that believe in Atlantis, that it was a unified society of people living on one continent. They became so technologically advanced so quick that they had to be wiped out. This would leave no record of their existence eventually, given the centralized location and the fact that the Earth recycles itself. It's certain that this megasociety is not just sitting down there completely intact waiting to be discovered, but we are losing the opportunity to find what is left as time goes on. Technology so great an entire society had

to be destroyed wouldn't just disappear. Something would stay behind and this is the energy the Bermuda triangle puts off. The electronic fog and unexplained phenomena that is always reported. Some even think its a portal to another dimension. Whatever is down there is so unbelievably powerful the Earth had to rid it for its survival. Think America will be here in a million years? Na, we will probably be underwater and gone, some other continent and lifeform will be in its place. Life is a science experiment. I don't know the purpose of it but am growing more aware of whats really important everyday.

PANGEA - Look where the middle is


If you take a look around you, youll see every single life form on Earth has a purpose, and works together perfectly for one reason. To live and continue living. I think Earths "life experiment" has had many attempts. The dinosaurs were so dominant for so long because of their sheer size. Maybe they became overpopulated and action had to be taken. More lifeforms come as time goes in until you get to humans. It ends with humans. We took over this planet and will bleed it dry. No matter if the people from Atlantis were from Earth or not, they were human because they had that need. That need for domination and expansion. Greed, technology and consumation. It consumes the human brain. Ok, so let wipe them out and start from scratch again. Somewhere down the road we discover electricity, then the automobile, oh no theres nuclear fusion. The atomic bomb? Oh shit, deja-vu. If you think this is too far fetched your gonna be sitting with those rocks for awhile. Take a look at what we think the alien looks like and its nothing like us. They are intelligent beings though and were able to attain that technology to get here. I'm sure there is life in the universe that thrives on things we can't even comprehend. They have the technology of gravity propulsion and time/space manipulation and don't wish to share it wish us. If we were capable of getting off this planet and regularly going to any other that had intelligent life, what do you think would happen? If you have seen Avatar then you know.

???? (look this up ,they found evidence of bones way older than we imagined)

Life ends at humans because we cant get past certain things. We're greedy, violent, and have that itch to take over everything and expand. We need to transcend into another level of consciousness. There is that phrase again. The end of the 5th age is said to bring a period of enlightenment. Thanks Mayans for being so vague. What has to happen to every single person on Earth to understand the big picture, and why does it even have to happen? If life is pre-determined then what is the fucking point? I think it all happens for a reason to an extent but not EVERYTHING. Theres many possibilities.

Aliens revealing information to us, great disaster leaving only a portion of the population left (Georgia Guidestones aka "Americas Stonehenge" look it up),our creator stopping time and letting us know telepathically, cosmic energy awakening that other 80 percent of our brain? How would that happen? The galactic allignment in 2012 is what many theorize. It really is all about energy.The earth is filled with ley lines that intersect at certain points receptive of tremendous amounts energy. These points just so happen to be areas like Stonehenge, many ancient monuments like the pyramids, and places that have the MOST UFO ACTIVITY.

Its no coincidence. We're not receptive to the natural energy of the universe anymore because of everything we have here. There is more to life than what we think is normal and rational and we've become so blind to it. We're all in our comfort zones skating through life, not daring to question or demand any answers. How did the first few civilizations correctly figure out more things about life and the Earth than we have? Why did they leave behind structures and monuments in exact alignments with constellations? They had none of the crap that we have today to distort life and get in the way of figuring out its meaning. They looked outwards to the sky and paid great attention to it. We look inwards and could give a shit less about anything that doesnt have a price-tag, looks good in a bathing suit, or comes on tv tonight. They were rewarded when things came out of the sky because of their devotion to it. When things come out of OUR sky, we shoot first and questions later or cover it up. We make movies brainwashing society to think WE'RE the noble life-form and anything alien has an evil agenda. Our governments cover up so much that it really isn't ALL societies fault. The biggest example of why not to trust your government is anytime ours is asked about Area 51 the answer is always " we cannot confirm or deny the existence of it". What a crock...of...shit!!! It's the biggest KNOWN secret in our nation. Thats like murdering someone in front of 100 people and going to trial. The jury didn't see it but guess what your still going down because people will testify. How is the government any different?

How can there be city-wide sightings that are even on the news and when the government/military is asked about it they basically say "sorry we were looking over here, whats this your talking about? Oh that? It's a weather balloon.13? Yeah we flew 13 today. 90 degree turns at crazy speeds you say? Yeah they are cool balloons. Flashing lights you say hovering in a pattern? Yea they are really cool balloons. Whats that? No you cannot see anything in order to rule "aliens" out. It is classified". We have to sit here and be ok with it. It is all a big joke and thats precisely why we don't have the answers we seek and why the early civilizations did. I will go as far as saying they even got to leave with that knowledge. Yea, good ol "Stargate" style. Why, aside from the 10 different languages on the sides of these Georgia Guidestones is there stuff carved ON TOP, only visible from the SKY, in ancient languages? I don't think any magic carpets are gonna fly by. There are people and secret orgranizations out there who know what is really going on and the government does too. The day the president is sworn in hes basically briefed on all the bull that they keep from us.I can only imagine that conversation, "So heres what you think you know..." Guess I should've became a politician.

As contradicting as it may sound I do think we're SLOWLY moving into a different level of consciousness. By slowly I mean not enough to convince anyone or fix everything thats wrong with society anytime soon. But we are starting to see more sightings that the government can't cover up, trying alternative methods that are friendlier to the environment, question religion without being publicly ridiculed and discover lifeforms here on earth that contradict what we've always known to be true. Life as we know it has to change dramatically or cease to exist. It can't just keep skating by like it has for the longest. Humans will destroy each other or the planet before we ever get to the era of colonizing space if we don't die in 2012. I'm not gonna be shocked if we don't die in 2012. I'll be shocked that I'm actually going to witness in my lifetime, the selfdestruction of humanity itself after all its thrived, because it WILL happen unless people change. I'm not saying go out and plant a tree or sell your car and get a bicycle. Its simple as changing the way you think. Get enough people to stop thinking for a minute about the who, the why, the when, the where, and the how much, and we'll eventually figure out the what...the meaning of life.

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