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Thylaellas, , Correventos Player              ­

Bruno          Point Total       

1.77m Wt       
55kg Size Modifier       
0 Age  120
      Unspent Pts            

Profession                                        Race
Druidesa      ­
Elfo              ­   
Level Points Level Current Points
LANGUAGES Spoken Written Points
ST 9 [  ] HP 9 [  ] O O
0 0

Élfico ( Nativo/Nativo)
[   ]
DX Will
✔ ✔

[  ] [  ]
13 13
40 0
Inglês (Sotaque/iletrado) ✔
[   ]
IQ 13 [  ]
40 Per 13 [  0 ]                               
Druídico (Nativo/Iletrado) O O

[   ]

11 [ 10 ] 11 [  0
BASIC LIFT (ST × ST)/5        
16.2 DAMAGE Thr         
1D-2 Sw        
1D-1 +1 Atraente, -2 misticismo ( não devotos do eterno )

BASIC SPEED            

6.00 [   ]
0 BASIC MOVE           
6 [   ]


None (0) = BL        
16.2 BM × 1           
6 Dodge           
9 Lança - 11 Escudo - 13 Cabeça 2
Light (1) = 2 × BL        
32.4 BM × 0.8         
4 Dodge -1        
8 Cajado - 12 Braços 3
Tronco 3
Medium (2) = 3 × BL        
48.6 BM × 0.6         
3 Dodge -2        
Vitais 3
Heavy (3) = 6 × BL        
97.2 BM × 0.4         
2 Dodge -3        
6 Braços 3
X-Heavy (4) = 10 × BL        
162 BM × 0.2         
1 Dodge -4        
5 Pernas 3


Name Points Name Points
Elfo (Banestorm) 41 Pobre -15
Equilíbrio perfeito 15 Voto: never sleep indoors -10
Empatia com animais 5 Disciplina de Fé ( Misticismo ao Eterno ) -10
Dedos Verdes 5 Fácil de decifrar -10
Queda de gato 10 Curiosidade -5
PI(Druida)4[Song-40%;Pacto:never sleep indoors,misticismo-20%] 16 Distintive feature ( Cabelos verdes, olhos felinos e -1
Antecedentes Incomuns ( Druida ) 10 galhos na cabeça parecendo Chifres de veado )
Equipamento Característico ( Druida ) 10 Gosta de comer coisas doces -1
Weapon Bond ( Lança ) 1 Se sente mais confortável em lugares altos -1
Weapon Bond ( Escudo ) 1 Assinatura mágica ( sempre que usa mágica, surge um forte cheiro -1
Weapon Bond ( Arco ) 1 De pinho ou flores.)
Strongbow 1 Amigável e prestativa -1
Eye for a distance 1

You may copy or print this form for personal use only. Copyright © 2017 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.

C h a r ac t e r S h e e t 125
Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Name                             
Thylaellas, , Correventos Player              ­

Name Level Points Name Level Points
Arco* (DX/A) 15 4 Olhos Do Falcão 15 1

Lança (DX/A) 14 4 Recuperar Energia 15 1

Escudo (DX/E) 14 2 Moldar Plantas 15 1
Cajado (DX/A) [PD: Lança -2] 12 0 Teia de Aranha 15 1
Escalar** (DX/A) 13 1 Domo Climático 15 1
Furtividade ( DX/A) 13 2 Entrelaçamento 15 1
Camuflagem (IQ/E) 13 2 Relâmpago 15 1
Ataque Inato (Projétil) (IQ/E) 14 2 Metamorfose (MD) ( Urso Pardo ) 14 1
Sobrevivência (Floresta) (PER/E) 13 1 Metamorfose (MD) ( Harpia ) 14 1
Canto* (HT/E) 12 1 Metamorfose (MD) ( Leopardo ) 14 1
Naturalista*** (IQ/H) 12 1 Chuva 15 1
Carpintaria (IQ/E) 14 2 Tempestade 15 1
Trabalhos em Couro* (DX/E) 14 1 Florescer 15 1
Rastreamento (IQ/A) 14 4 Alarme Florestal 15 1
Armeiro ( Lança ) (IQ/E) 13 1 Acalmar Animais 15 1
Armeiro ( Arco e Flecha) (IQ/E) 13 1 Falar com Animais 15 1
Artista*(Woodworking) [PD: carpintaria -3] 12 0 Madeira Essencial 15 1
Saque Rápido ( Flecha ) (DX/E) 13 1 Corpo de Madeira 15 1
Ritual Religioso ( Druida ) (IQ/H) 11 1 Criar Animal 15 1
Arremesso de Lança (DX/E) 13 1 Passageiro Interno 15 1
Herb Lore*** (IQ/VH) 11 1

* +1 por ser elfo

** +1 por Equilíbrio perfeito
*** +1 por Dedos Verdes * If your character doesn’t have spells, use this space to keep track
of magic items or other special gear.


Attributes and Secondary Characteristics [   
90 ] Coins are 50 to the pound Unusual coins:
Languages [   ]
5 regardless of composition. 1 billon = 10 copper = $10
Advantages [   ]
117 Ordinary coins: 1 tumbaga = 3 silver = 60 copper
Disadvantages and Quirks [   ] = $60
1 copper = $1
1 electrum = 10 silver = 200
Skills [   ]
36 1 silver = 20 copper = $20
copper = $200
Spells [   ]
20 1 gold = 20 silver = 400 copper
1 platinum = 2 gold = 40 silver
= $400
You may copy or print this form for personal use only. = 800 copper = $800
Copyright © 2017 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.

126 C h a r ac t e r S h e e t
Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Name                             
Thylaellas, , Correventos Player              ­
Weapon Damage Reach Parry Notes Cost Weight
Lança (Fine +1 dmg, Balanced +1 NH) 1D+1 1,2 11 ____________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________

Weapon Damage Acc Range Shots ST Bulk Notes Cost Weight
Arco ( Balanced +1 ACC ) 1D+2 4 165/220 1(2) 11 -7 +1dmg e +1NH flecha ____________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________


For the complete table, Item Location Cost Weight
see Exploits, pp. 97-98. ___________________________________________________________________ Mão direita ____________________
318 4
Each 10¥ increase in lin- ___________________________________________________________________
[Encantado com Essential Wood e staff $38] ____________________
ear measurement gives ‑6
Escudo de madeira Médio(Feito com 1/3 da espessura) Mão esquerda ____________________
308 5
to speed/range modifier.
[ Balanced +1NH, +4CF; Essential wood $8] ____________________
Linear Speed/ ___________________________________________________________________ Tronco e braços ____________________
Measurement Range ___________________________________________________________________
[ Encantamentos: Desviar +1 DB, $65; Enrijecer +1 RD, $33; ____________________
413 3
2 yards or less 0
Reduzir o Peso 25%, $65 ] ____________________
3 yards -1
5 yards -2 ___________________________________________________________________ Pernas ____________________
200 1.5

7 yards -3 ___________________________________________________________________
[ Encantamentos: Enrijecer +2 RD, $60; Desviar + 1DB, $60] ____________________
10 yards -4 ___________________________________________________________________
Arco ( Balanced + 4CF, +1 ACC: Encantado com ) Costas ____________________
1000 3
15 yards -5 ___________________________________________________________________
Aljava de Costas e mochila ____________________
240 2
20 yards -6 ___________________________________________________________________ Costas ____________________
10 0.5
30 yards -7
50 yards -8 ___________________________________________________________________ Bolsos ____________________
2499 0

70 yards -9 ___________________________________________________________________ Cintura ____________________

10 0
100 yards -10 ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
150 yards -11 ___________________________________________________________________ Bolsa pequena ____________________
200 0.5
200 yards -12 ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
300 yards -13
___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
500 yards -14
700 yards -15 ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
HIT LOCATION ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
Mod. Location ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
0 Torso ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
-2 Arm/Leg ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
-3 Vitals*/Groin
___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
-4 Hand/Foot
-5 Face/Neck ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
-7 Skull ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
‑9 Eye* ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
*  Impaling or piercing ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________
attacks only. Totals: $ lbs.
5198 19.5

You may copy or print this form for personal use only. Copyright © 2017 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.

C h a r ac t e r S h e e t 127
Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Name                             
Thylaellas, , Correventos Player              ­



Cost of Living: $150/week. Basic Healing: $2/HP, to a maximum of $100.
Recharging Power Item: $5/FP. Cure Physical Affliction (disease, poison, etc.): $50.
Hirelings: $200/week if 62 points, $400/week if 125 points. Cure Supernatural Affliction (petrifaction, shapeshifting,
Training in New Abilities: $40/point if on template, etc.): $100.
$80/point if off template (on top of point cost!). This is Repair Lasting/Permanent Crippling: $750/body part.
optional – ask the GM. Repair Dismemberment: $1,600/body part.
Buying Off Starting Physical or Supernatural Resurrection: $15,000.
You may copy or print this form for personal use only.
$100/point (on top of point cost!). Copyright © 2017 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.

128 C h a r ac t e r S h e e t

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