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D 7 A bK R. -


MAT 25, 1910..


Attorneys in Alleged False .Arrest and Conspiracy Case Hurl Defis. Lawyer Here Says He Will . Ask Damages From Seven Today, i
According to John. W. C. Davis of Cleveland and lo.' Attorney .3. H . C. Lyon of Youngstown, ,0.,i whom Davis* lawyer says hc.wtil t,oday m a k e defendant In a case growing out of t h e alleged false arrest of 'the. Clevelander. decidedly interesting, disclosu r e s will be made In c o u r t . . Twelve investors of the Union N'atonal Securities Co.. with which Davis is connected, recently filed suits In T r u m Tuill county courts and In Justice KJeling's court in .Youngstown. On warrants issued- by Kleling, Davis w a s arrested and released Monday on habeas corpus proceedings, i Joseph L. Stern, Davis' attorney, declares, he will institute proceedings today m-alnst Lyon. Henderson k Lyon, Youngstown legal a r m oi "::!<..! J. H. C. Lyon is a member; against Justice Kieling and against three of t h e Investors, all of whom will bo i-:.a:-.red will; rsr.'rih.L,- into :: consp.r:.cv causing the false arrest and Imprisonment of Davis. H e says Davis w a s arrested three u'.l.'csi-sh times In Yo'.n.rstov.'n on the sai;;e uhhrhh an/] tiuit he was forced to institute habeas iu.si.us iirssiceO.inys. The fifteen persons who l;:;ve I.no suils .ntta:nst Dr.vis clif.rge him with obtaining money under false p r e tenses In connection wit!-, rfpresent:;lions concerning the Union National Becurltlos Co. They declare Davis uKiieii I'.n;- the ctrporaiion would dc],os-li certain amounts in Delaware where it i.i orannn.; r|, for every share of stoci; sold. This, they allege, has not been done. Attorney Lyon.who was a candid a t e for Republican congressional nomination last Tuesday, said at Youngstown yesterday he has nothing to fear from the suit contemplated by Davis' attorney. Attorney Stern brands t h e cases against Davis a blackmailing scheme and says he will a t t e m p t later to have Lyon, Henderson & Lyon dis-

The Charm



abroad or at. homo is enhanced by a book of assorted denominations : ($10, $20, $50 and $100) of T r a v o l e r s ' Cheques of tho A m e r i c a n - B a n k e r s ' Association jssu'od by jthis bank. A Traveler supplied with thoso cheques is assured of ready money at overy point of his journey. No-delay or difficulty in getting thehicashed, because .' thoy a t once identify the owner.



Taft Succeeds in Having House Appropriate $250,000 for Inquiry. Tawney Accuses Democrats of Trying to Remain Ignorant.

Play a Lone Haed They don5t travel on
their shapebut there are a lot of imitatorstank imitatorstrying to travel on the COBS shape. But the contrast is our saving grace.

'. rc;"



,OUASDIANUia5JrUeUD(r.f CltVtLAJIB.a "1U tank thai is fdm.c lomjjari. " fence; gardon tools, sowing uiachineB.


t'ote proDRhle to end men t. Alorlcl:

C O B S w e r e m a d e t o compare w i t h the h i g h priced and good cigarsthe 10c favorites. You forget the rough looks in the smooth taste. Light Cobs and you become delighted Always sold in green packages. Cobs or get angry. * m
Every Cob wrapped separately, which means that each cigxr is aa clean, wholcwm* and fragrant as when it was made. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE

Attorney J. J. Sullivan Argues Antitoxin Leader Would Have for Reinstatement of Public Argument For Charles Thatcher. and Against. Supreme Court Grants New. Health Chief Ford Does Not: Trial in Noted RobEncourage the bery Case. . Idea.
Plain Dealer Bureau, \ 44 13. Broad-st, COLUMBUS. O., May 24. Attorney J. J. Sullivan of Cleveland and J u d g e E. B. King, Sandusky, argued for tho reinstatement of Attorney Charles Thatcher, Toledo, before the supremo court today. Thatcher w a s . disbarred a year ago for activity In Judicial campaigns. Tho case Is the most famous of its kind In tho history of the s t a t e . Sullivan, who made the chief a r g u m e n t , contended that his client already has been punished sufficiently.


Mfrs., Newark, N . j

Eev. Walter S. Good. Pastor of Youngstown Disciple church, who goes to Lakewood Sept. 1. E d m u n d Vance Cooke, active member of the anti-vaccination society has written a letter to Public Service Director Lea, asking; t h a t he arrange a meeting of the Academy of Medicine and t h e Homeopathic society for a public discussion of the question of vaccination. He also asks that an opportunity bo given for the presentation o f a r g u m e n t s against vaccination, as well as in its favor. Guggenheim's Auditor TestiLea, in reply, notified Cooke he would t a k e t h e advice of Supt. Ford fies in Case of Deposed of the health department, and of Alaskan Officials. Health Officer Frlcdrlch regarding The supreme court affirmed the such a move. Supt. Ford did not enjudgment of the circuit c o u r t of Alien county In the case of the. state vs. courage the. plan yesterday, Senate Probe Expected to Christian Gelger, w h i c h . m e a n s that " T h e r e Is no reason for this disGciger will get a now trial. Ho was cussion suggested by Mr. Cooke," he Disclose Bitter Repubconvicted ofvcompllcity with four others In tho brutal robbery of J a m e s said. lican Strife. T h r e e now cases of smallpox- were Yoakum that attracted attention all PROTEST BIG PRIZE FIGHT over the country a year a n d . a half reported yesterday at the health ofago, because of the t o r t u r e to which flco. Florence, Joseph and Anton BY PLAIX DEALER'S LEASED WIRE. Presbyterian* Adopt I t c o l n l l o n they subjected Yoakum, an aged man, Droazezniflki; 4130 E. 67th-st., are to compel him to tell Where his money the sufferers. "WASHINGTON, May 24.That , UirglnK Brolliorlioocli. to Oppose There a r e now thirty-four persons was hidden. '0,000 was expended by t h e Guggen! Je(Trlcfi-.lolino Mill. at the smallpox and detention hosheims in entertaining to influence Gciger w a s found guilty and might pital, in Warrcnsville. ' ATLANTIC CITY. N., J.. May 24. have been given a Ilfo sentence but nd otherwise as a corruption u*he Presbyterian general assembly to- the jury recommended mercy aiid tho fund to defeat federal prosecution In u r t gave him seven years. The case ENGLISH EXPLORER SLAIN day made a formal protest against the s the substance of the htiiding of '.he .Jeffries-.'r.hi-.son hhhl. Konaro N a t i v e s K i l l Noted T r a v e l e r testimony of a young man named The e'.iest wi'ii he sent to Gov. Gillette of California. . , . - . a n d R e t i r e d A r m y Officer, AcDouglass and a forme* auditor for the Tee resthotlon v-liieh was Inl tee'.nee.-. c o r d i n g to L o u d o n JMnpatcIt. by Dr. U. 13. Msih'sh'cy of Ts's.tsn. Guggcnheims, before senate probers" N .1 , tn-ftes ah Pi-eshy.erian hishhosjsterday. hoce-.s in evesy .hale ens synoa to titter Douglass' statement w a s brought t LONDON, May 24.Lieut: Boyd Alexth. n -r-les; to the civil am lornle- :n their respective locall :.: In sue.-.a way it In the investigation of protests ander, noted traveler, has boon murthat no tooth.he; shah \,e atfordod for derGd by natives near Wadal, In the in;'.:e :iy;;;r.st the confirmation of John tin. i.China of :!:..- light anywhere In l.il.- Chris: ins land." . ' .. . Two Sailors Dive Into River French Kongo. This bare fact.reoched Rustgard aiid Herbert L. Faulkner) appointed by President "* Taft the foreign ofllce today. No details were United Slates attorney and United The eot;epc hoard of the assen-.oly presented a report : shine for a movcobtainable. . and Save Drowning Stales marshal-, respectively, t o , s u c , - , . . . .,, vr.ise ,i fans re $15.00.(1,000 for Lieut. Alexander retired from tho ceed John J. Boyce and Daniol A. , .;,, .. . :- to e ril-hi- :': he-w-s-n Lie Seventh battalion, British Rifle brigade. Si:thi-rUL:-.dT v;\\o were n.-moved a t t h e fifty-seven colleges of tho faith. cqucst, it Is said, of Gov. Walter E, In 1907. Clark. He "headed to TA/T CALLED'LUCKY BILL' Diving from tho deck: of.tho steamer Verdo Islondathe expedition th" Cape de Tho former auditor testified dust In 1SP.7, also -wprvr. Brnnsfovd, two sailors saved the Ilfo of tlon - "*- * fore the hearinK adjourned to ---'- - -'*--to-Fernando Po, which ra- Thursday t h a t the $70,000 hud been Where Pnfir- Hike Kulman yesterday after he had expended prior and during' tho trial i,ai-l leaped Into tho water f r o m ' a 'thirty. Mulii .ml of f-:d i-Lisey/an employe of the Gugfoot coal chute nt tho Iiishtown docks. WnMhliiKtoii. coiiln-inis, \v-i(- wn.s convicted on the According to tho polled of the ninth tion across Africa. charge of. h a v i n g ' killed two men In precinct. K-.ihnjin climbed .qn^-to the Keystone canyon in- October, 1907, ; -BY PLAIN" DEALER'S LEASED WIRE. piiKsliur, am while trylnK to guard the pa.ss ;iL:;iwi.-;l WASHINGTON, May 24.The Taft ;nged into ' the Invasion of repr-sje-ntatives of a administration and the major portion His act noticed by mon ttUHt W o r k for C h i l d r e n . rival concern. of the sixty-first congress went to the tho boat and they waiched lor K a t i e Nlcolla was Iho only Boyce and Sutherland are not seekball game today. Thny brought a rain-. reappear. K;:!mi\n'.; h'-ir; il'.owoil above ono of a doxen'-or more scrubWhen ing to be restored to office. According nnd a victory for t i n local \v:iLrr two o: :he crow -:.) the T;-\in.i:"r.:i: women In the Electric building to tho story of the deposed mon they leaped to his :;<i.;i:iu:. Wit!i Ivtihlian lj. who did not s t r i k e for a raise In incurred the enmity of the Guggenbecause of their prosecution wanes yesterday. rain, called .him '"Lucky and conviction of Hooey. " m more loudl By the aid of ropes they "I couldn't quit because of my on his entrance during ;o '.':'. dock. Tho Investigation which started tobabies." she said. K-.:!;r.;in, \hr y>!:ro :-r.y, in,Tde .w>:\V. day is expected to disclose to a The women refused to work un.The (:I'MVI1 enjoyed its boll gnmc to- of:'ort. hi i'!:;-:. :[,( :ii'-r. ai'tcr roachlr.;: K:<j;:'er extent t h a n ever before the less t h e ! * nay be Increased from bitter factional feeling In the Repubthe Niu DI'.HI: ' -' "'<'' the nlDiKiL. l>c$1.10 to $1.28 a. day. lican party in Alaska. Senator Nelson RBII to lower .'.ml tl'.c :'.i:is pi-iiycd ::iat 1t w:-i:l:'; no: vain. Tiw.y praye-; fov him. Afterward chairman of the committee and a s was turned over ( lilts. Gess'n-v ;ui;: Unrr'.uub C-'t 'hen: .s-Gciatcd with him are Senators Borah i\::cl -... Nia'.r.r.sils M-ircil '.wo. Tiit-i: the his wife. !s forty, Kulmun crowd prayed -or r;i!n unci tiic vain and Overman. ADMITS FIRING FACTORY. Delegate J a m e s Wlckersham, who ade charges against Gov. Clark, ex' I>.:i'inc r.)\ of tills pi:; ROOSEVELT VISITS QUEEN. Stnble E m p l o y e . In C o n t e n t i o n , 1m- [jv. Hoggatt and Louis Shackleford. ember of the Republican national committee from Alaska, today sought Secret 'TRIMMER' LOSES APPEAL. K e e p * Movement* C r o w d s anil Ksconnect these men with the Gugennen L o n d o n oji genhoim interests. 3Inn W h o A i d e d - I n S n l n d l l n R iWll DdlT Dny. The controversy is said to be chiefly SrECIAL TO THE PLAIN DEALER. H a m J . .SnrliiBboru Dcfcntcd TII-'FIN. O., Moy 24.Following the between factions opposing the activiLONDON, May 24.Theodore ItoosC' ties of the Guggenheims in Alaska In HiKh Court. veil spent a busy ,but.quiet day. Hi: confession of Lewis Thiol, a stable movements about London were no.t made hand, that he fired iho Patterson crate - SPECIAL TO THE PLAIN public In advance, hence ho escaoed the factory in this city, May 10, Sidney J. T N D I A N A P p U S . I n d . . May Patterson, a former Justice peace, was nriwov. IIOM: this r.'t?:-:iO'.m WILL ASK COUNCIL judgment convicting William Fleming 'crowds. In the morning eelved In audience by tho queen tnolhi :-, ;i chiirye :".'' n: Sivi, pi'.'!i'i':'il by Asof maud larceny for aiding to "bunk Alexandra, and Dowager. Empress alar IstntU L. " slstant Fire Marshal L . H. Smith "v\'m:r.iM .1. Sprhtgbovn of Cleveland. 0., O:' l-.u.^hi ut li'Jc!;lr.fr;ir(:ii pi" TO SCOLD HARMON L i:u?shi in H-jci-inRham p.libe" " tndusky. Sandusky. lled hy Frederick nUi of .r.O.O.X) by ri f;,ke wroMtilng match vlously, accompanied by 1 l^redrt After a prlll'.ng by Slnie Tliiil -l:^: Jr.Solous. P.. J. Ci: .: -;:::r:.i. .1:1:. irv.;h ij-;; ,) So.::;; I;or.''.. Ir-d.. v.v.s ::ui;iy ;iili;::ivr] CONTI>TCIED FROM FIRST PAGB. 'I'K.-kf.' bv the supremo court. lock, ho visited iho British museum. ^prh.i'h :;;: wns ." ci'.y n(U.-(-r n' Oiv.>George Eerie Buckle, editor of the cor.l'c-sori, !; \>: said*, that he set Are ri-v-n?^] rcj;jiri:.!ir- liis policy of obstrucIllifl. lie was l:',(h!!:(-(i :;> r.o;.i.' :-> Sw.'h . ! - Mil :::;i- :- ' :.:.! I'nC.il'rn C'}.:>! tionism may b.c known to him." 1 ..;: :::..;: :'''' "'<:' "' tn:-,'dr.c'.r.^ \:\v.\ collect the ::i:;i:rii:it:c. 'Yh'.v\ :ny^ ho :u somo wea'.'hy :rv'n i;or.:io'.Lc: with v.-;n nfr-.ri,; . : -av ::- '.-.. " ! ].'-:.:.:. Several Chamber of Commerce di= rectors said yesterday the adminis-.ir; L':1.!'."; Sl.Vt-s S:-?! cov;>o:':Ulon IU Joined the colonel at lunch tho real- g'.:i::y ^u.d is held on $1,000 bond.< tration was courting, trouble by seekGary. 'Vh,o "'fl-'al" was :hr>n sjiriin;^. Lieut, Col. Arth. . . - of u . ^ . u r COt A r t h u r H ' !:.!' :M;;OI: V r.lvod CNIL filiation and ing too much. Some particularly conv. 1'hiil p:^'' "f th<: sli.ry bs weii known. clt drovd'nlone Col. and M demned another a t t e m p t to authorize Jordan unlci In hb; r-allm:: "Cdr.s.bli Si. George's anurch, "novor.square also is held on $1,000 bond. ' orlng the evidence ir. tho case, It may city hall bonds. They charged t h a t hlch was (he scone of their weddlnc. Seliool B o n d I nunc IJOHCH. no ex-president's throat, which vestercoupling the city hall project with Euclid township electors . voted the high level bridge had much to do \y was In bad condition, showed great Against the Issue of $30,000 bonds for iho e:'r;::ioi: ruid "'.;) ;pmont of a schemes which .'^i:oo;ho;;s(; at a special el"- " shows thev concocted, and 0b- REAL LIVE HEIR ASKS ALL. tc:-('.".y. T!io propc^It'or. lost. by opositlon lc A resolution proposed by James R. from hhn 51C *"" of his mono -ore 10,000 otcs. There wore 102 votes fo and Garfield was adopted. I t urges t h e for against tho Issue of the bonds, mayor and council 'to consider subraiust Olilonn Annnron Cnn^rcfin i^ c f N Tho building w was to have mitting a grade crossing bond issue ASKS AID OF BBHI8. R c n l l y Only One to W b o n "Wnnherected at t* tho corner of Grcci i as soon as may be legally possible. Moyflold-rds. lnfrton'n L a u d BoloaffH, inlldlnff InHpOOtO* Soclcii On* l i x Work on the most dangerous crossp o r t lu New V o r k . ings in all sections of the city is pro2K.2SO Vote* Cnwt In City WASHINGTON.-Ma^M.-PiibUcation The total vote cast In tho city at the posed. Active support of the ChamThe advice of former S u n t Bcmls of the fact that congress might nov tho recent primary election, according to ber of Commerce Is pledged if an election is called for crossing bonds. f tho w a t e r w o r k s department ro- claims of heirs of George Washington, $305,000 worth of land In bo'.i'. elly :i:id Copies of the resolution have been a r d l n s the selection of a New York who contend that them without warrant [[(,; ;., Y::.S i:;;.L^!h sent to Mayor Baehr and every counwa.i taken from v.r, cxv<-r\ who.so services lmd_ boon of law., has brought out a new claimant ixmv.v LO.'i'i-i voi-'s Tvr.vz cr.s:._ Of that cilman. number to dlspulo their rights.



WASHINGTON, May 24.Chairman Tawney of the house appropriations committee today succeeded in framing an amendment to the sundry civil bill providing the president with d of 250,000 for t h e purpose of obtaining Information concerning prices of manufactured articles at home and abroad t h a t stood the test of conformity with the rules of the house' B y a strict p a r t y vole of 110 to 83 the amendment was adopted. Just previous to this action the house by 84 to 106 rejected the Fitzgerald amendment reducing t h i s amount to 975,000. The provisions to accomplish t h i s general purpose had been ruled out of order by Mr. Mann of Illinois In the chair. The first proposed by Mr. Tawney called for a mass of information beyond a n y direct requirement of the tariff law, while in his second amendment there was a provision that t h e president should m a k e an investigation of such prices for tho people making recommendations to congress. Both were out of order because they provided for doing things not specifically authorized by law. In his third and successful a m e n d ment Mr. Tawney so worded it as to make it apply only to Information necessary for the enforcement of the tariff law. A brief debate preceded the .decision ruling out the first amendment In which Mr. Tawney accused the Democrats of desiring to be in ignorance of the facts about the tariff. "They don't w a n t to know the t r u t h ut the dlff oad," he d orously oppose this amendment' as they did the provision authorizing the collecting of the facts for the use of the president alone." " A l l . t h a t talk is fol de rol," interrupted Minority Leader Champ Clark. "We have contended t h a t 'this commission to g a t h e r tariff facts should be elected by congress so that it would not be purely a pastime performance and it ought at all times to be under the control of congress."

The Wm. Edwards Co, Telephone-Main 120.
For m a n y weeks a lady rc-sider.t of Woonsocket, R. I., whose name is withheld for obvious reasons, never loft t h e house without a thick, black veil over her face because of an uns:g;:tly skir. blemish bet wren her eyebrows. The spot affected has now been entirely cleared by poslam, the new skin remedy, furnishing b u t a n other instance of Its quick and effective work In curing all skin troubles, particularly eczema. When poslam is applied the itching stops a t once. healing begins and. complete cures a r e accomplished in two weeks. So with acne, herpes, tetter, scabies, ras::. barbers' and other forms nf :*_<::;. shingles, etc. To a surprising extent poslam is used In place of toilet preparations for clearing the complexion, removing pimples, undue redness, inflammation, blemishes, etc. I t contains nothing which could possibly harm the most delicate skin and Is In use even on infants a few weeks old. Poslam can be had for fifty cents a t a n y reliable druggist's, particularly .,.:: >. x,i. :;:: v:--n " v.- - Street. New York City, will send a trial supply free by mail to a n y one who will write for it. This Is sufficient to .show results in twenty-four

Strong, Cobb & Co. Telephone-Main 4!5.

The Louis Klein Cigar Co. Telephone-Main 2399.

Piles, Fissure, Ulceration

from business, by (Permanent Bldg.), 746 Euclid Ave., Tvho is an expert on Beotal Biseascs. Ho lias cured hundreds in Cleveland and vicinity to whom he can refer. If you w a n t scientific massage treatment for chronic ailments tho Doctor will give them a t a reasonable price. Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 7 to 8 p . m. Sunday 10 a. m. lo 12 ra. CONSULTATION F R E E .



SI. 00 Do SI.OO Week


The Lewis



m a t t e r s expert a t t e n t i o n and charge no more t h a n you pay for ordinary service.




S e n a t e Lcndorn Pl*cnn* R n l l r o n d tionable senate appropriations a r e BUI A m e n d m e n t nnil A n eliminated. nounce Approval. The hope of the house porkers has been t h a t an elimination of t h e senate WASHINGTON, May 24.Whether the railroad bill shall prohibit flatly political appropriations would give "Ii'--.:i Without r;..-.o or Bridge" excuse for e a t i n g his Increases in railroad rates without the Mr. Taft Send for our Free Book. i;:ivo c;;r.* -c.v C-iidiTJi. As'.h:: approval of tho Interstate commerce declarations about political approS80 Tho Clevelnnd Arcade. commission or shall extend to six priations. The senate conferees feel Euclid-a v. andnrd Drug Co. months tho i!m>: <hirh-.g which the comPhono Main 1726. t h a t there is no more reason for mission may .s-^p'-r.u li.c.'.'.w-cd r:i!0s, .MJIK'V : I-:'I::L<!H if n-;! n^y..!r.r\ory. i"r was the question before the senate ad- elimination of the senate a m e n d m e n t s si::-. i' , it is s a i d , w i l l t h e n give hk- . j - r..-i'. :i! Slr.iidnrd Drup Co. Stores i.n-1 M.-.r; e journed today. sliall Cut Knte Pnif Stores or postpnid by t h a n for the elimination of some that II t;i; !:idl.:l:nr:'nl '.:- .I:::;'.lined tho se- ra.-iil -'ic nr 50c bottles. Tho sucKcsiIon f^r fl: extension of the house loaded Into the bill. THE CATAERHOL REMEDY CO., lection of a Jury will begin tomrrrow (ho time duriiir; '.vh!-o!i t:ie -<.\.\\v.:--.-.^v. Central Trust Bide.. Cleveland. O. r.r.v.' suspi.-:u: ;rae.'- :';!' inv-.'sil.^;.!!-!:: The most conspicuous of these ' Senator Martin 'house projects is one in Illinois backed by S p e a k e r Cannon himself, in beIslon should bo amended by insertln n provision requiring that "a (l:ir.: <]<- half of which he fixed the house comc!s!i?:i --1: ,i'. 1 !:< rcNi'.oied v.-ll !:ln ^ \ mittee. Tonight each side is condemn:ni'i)t;;s from tho date on which the ing the other for showing no disposiM'.:n:(i;:H' '.z ,!:k'(l." Stumor A'.dr:d'. r.r.d !:;s fi::u'.v-v:- :i:i- tion to gel together. nounced their willingness to accept it. and Senators Dollive;- ar.:l Cv.r.-.r.-.lm: G. R. DAVIS. ::\<'r.c.M-:>\ a '.ivvnr;i\:\v, I :;-,!. nation. SenRayncr sta'-cil op-'i'.lv In the sen-

R. Sidney ftSi.Sman


CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE. and In favor of unrestricted pork barrel legislation. President Taft remains sphinxlike In regard to t h e bill. Ho has publicly declared t h a t political approprla.ions such as have been loaded into tho bill would not be tolerated. In some ways the president's attitude Indicates that he has already made up his mind to veto the bill even if the most objec,'nuiw Hear.i Arsrnment Thftt No Illinois Law Governs Elect i o n of S e n a t o r s .

r ^

.! II:;. .: v. '.'- -' '}' '/' ' o}oc '

CHICAGO, May -24.Declaring there Is no Illinois statute regulating the election of,United Slates senators and arguing, therefore, that there was 1.0 law violation, even If Lee O'Nell Browne, Democrntlc leader of the Illinois legislature, as is charged, paid Representative White to vote for William Lorlmer, Attorney W. S. Forrest argued today In favor of a motion to have the bribery ind :::n :.:, ^.-thisi Browne quashed. Attorney Forrest expects to finish his ' ' '-': :".:.: A' :-'.r:' \V;-:Y;r.;iri *:;;:- :ir> w'.V. t-1;., one r.uv.v ::i replying to Mr. Forrest. Judge Me-

Euclid Avenue and . 8th Street

W o m e n ' s Regal Styles A r e Correct S t y l e s

F o r your Summer shoes come to the W o m e n ' s Department of the handsome n e w Regal Store, corner Euclid A v e n u e and E a s t 8th Street. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that whatever style of Regals you select, it is correct in every detail. ^ Women's Regal Oxford models reproduce the daintiest custom styles of the season. Quarter Sizes t

i/.X 1 ^"! the "pillion that the choice would bo a pood one. ThO spoi:l.".l COKI-.OU comt::: il'-o. 0:1 ,.< ::;,::;;: : :.is frr.iv:iih;o r.crro: !at:o:i:i in.-t r v i ' h ' c i i ' V R:U! ci.'cl.h-'ti In select r l ' h r r ho N"-w v orU export or a '- has boon en western city.

How's This?

George M. Roborts of Wellsvllle, O., has wrltton a lettor to Representative Robrrtx of M/i.^tcImsoits. ci;;i:r;n.r. (>the liouse committee on private htnd claims, assorting tliat he Is the only rL.ai live heir to thoso long forgotten lands of Gcorgo Washington, and that ho wants the whole $305,006 for himself. He says ho will fully establish his claim Just as soon as he recovers the England

To Women Who Dread


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Children's Regal Shoes Correct shapes for boyi and gills of all rges are shown in a separate department of the oew store. Children's Regals are unequaled for style, quality and savice. Prices from $1.00 to $3.50. Spring and. Summer Style Book y^?K>\>> fa Jj^T / \<&m for Mail orders promptly filled. Oakleigh n?f .J Women

Ono Hundred Doltori R> FINDS SECOND DBGRUIS VEUUICT. r Cui.-trrii ;h,it cannot ho ..orrh Curo. V. .1. l.'U^NihV .v CO.. Toledo.^O. ^ J u r y Convicts Crippled Cobbi. r f l l a v l n c K i l l e d Oil W o r l * c r . . carry out any SPECIAL TO THE PLAIN DEALER ffittooH'Rinfle uy ins arm. ' WALL'I NO. KTXN'AN >; MAKV1N. LANCASTER, O.. May 24Tho jurv \V!:olc:.n:r! Drui:;:l:t. Toledo, O. all's Cnturili Cure Is token intonmlly, In tho murder case of Harry Walli aa it;, directly upon tho blood nnO mucous charged with killing of J. \v. nos"-HCCS of the syntcm. Tcatlmonjnla sent borry, an oil worker, at Bremen this ; Plioo "5c"per bottle. Sold by oil ^ounly n:-. April r_\ hrougl-.i !n a -'-r?k Hall's Family Piils for Constipation, Becond decree. . r . waiiaco is A. shoe cobbler .and-britt .

regulated, ending Councilman Gahn called upon Mayor Baehr yesterday to outline his .plans Bladder misery. for assessing properly ov.i.cv.s HIJ:-.^ ('.)i No man or woman hero whose kid: !'.->: ',;:; ;: ;;-.' ;---.'i." .- -- ; y-.w: ::". _ priv.-f.v.outs that are to be-car:-:o<l -'- neys aro out-of-order, or who suffers by the [:oi;:u;i! ;-.LC<f.-I.-i:u:e with tho from backache or bladder mlaety, can powers granted by the Cetone law. afford to leave Pape's Diuretic untried. Information How Thoy May Give Birth At the pi-fiscnr v.r.u- t;,ii:r. '.y- oL.-i;!:iinr doses all i\i:::v--- : ::-: -- .;;, ::.[.:::;.'. .; ::...' :'- After t a k i n g several to Happy, Hoalthy 0!iildrn I fii -.'.'iri.-.- : r.,'. vi.;-.;;. t !o:i r>I:i'-'''- i:P-i:- pains In the back, sides or loins, rheuBOlutely Without P a i n valley property. He believe ii.-v--' matic twinges, nervousness, headta-i-'cr; should bev.v v.'.-od uii basis ir in :s >):o^'.<\ used as a :i basis Sent Troo. sleeplessness, inflamed or fixing special assessments for the 1m- ache, medal Inv pravemcTiis and that all owners of prop' swollen eyelids, dizziness.' tired or ents l!-.;it erty In the valley Inside of the city Um worn-out feeling; and other svmptoms inside lim' &lni of . H. D Dye liss (h-vntod liis lifo t 0 rol'ierlnr : y. sikr>u:<i l>.i t - x ' - d :';;r '.]:<-' :;r.\irovr- of clogged, sluggish kidneys simply Oio sorrow, of women. Ho h :ui-:iis. As V.to '.ei'm for payment would vanish. ,h snir. .-.-. dhhh..;i:. ::'.;y 1,. oatirely bon- -(' ix'.'-iuied ove. Uncontrollable urination (especially the burden will hh/h. I'.r.s. at night), smarting, discolored water hi:o;y hc.j f,f risssp. s:.-i:l- - -ixpayer : and all bladder misery ends. Broil your nnmo this method, It is claimed. Dvo, ''66 Lowiit Bloc];. P.iifTa . The moment you suspect tho slight---' you. p'-,.,|. ; i: hopes to h a v e Bs{ kUlhey or bladder disorder, or feel ls how. to giro bii na*.:-.!:: -' ::-.-. Lv.-.i .],; i:::c.i \r. i :': ;,'-' rheumatism pains, don't continue 'to wjiiclr-tellB iib-.o:-.il-;y ,v ;iv--. \. has been estimated C-.-.i t::'be a!tr.v c'.nl'lrcii.'how to eire-birth. 1 worried, RIHO1' h6: t o euro 'Btorillty. D 0 n o l -.vovk v.-i'i I^.T $'-:).(.<!>. T-higineera are- miserable aor e n t of Pb u t ' s get a fifty-cent t r e t m ape Dlubut writo: today. now at work on a detailed report.



FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN REGAL STORES, Cor. Euclid Ave. and E. 8 t h S t . 2 2 4 P u b l i c !

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