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Term 6

Immanuel and St. Andrew CE Primary School Year 2 Class Bulletin

June 2011

Dear Parents, Over the last few weeks I have been assessing the children as part of the Year 2 SATS. The childrens levels are not just based on test results but on a variety of their work over the past terms so it is taking some time to get the results together. These results will be shared with you towards the end of the term. I have been teaching the Literacy lessons in class but I am very grateful to Miss Mitchell who is continuing to do a great job teaching everything else! Miss Mitchell is lucky enough to be going travelling soon so her last day in Year 2 will be the 1st July and following that I will be back in class full time. If you have any questions or concerns please come and talk to either Miss Mitchell or I. Jaynean Allardyce jparks@immanuelschoollambeth.org.uk.

Important Dates
20 June Reading week begins. Remember to visit the travelling book fair which will be open in the hall before and after school each day. nd Wednesday 22 June Children to dress up as their favourite book character th Tuesday 28 June Kite Day. Children will be making and hopefully flying them on the day! th Wednesday 29 June - Attendance & Punctuality Celebration (By invite only) End of June TBC Sports awards (By invite only) Wednesday 6th July Sports Day / Parents Evening th Sunday 17 July Leavers Service at Immanuel & St Andrew church. Monday 18th July Arts Festival th Wednesday 20 July Last day of term. End of the school day at 1.30 pm. For your information We will be going up to the Rookery at some stage next week depending on the weather. We will be going to explore plants and animals in the local environment. If you would like to come along I will put a note up the day before to let you know.

Homework Handed out on Friday and returned on Wednesday. P.E. Information Indoor PE will be on Thursday afternoons. Kit required: plimsolls, navy shorts and pale blue t-shirt. Outdoor PE will be on Monday afternoons. Kit required: trainers or plimsolls, navy tracksuit bottoms and a pale blue t-shirt.

Reading Books Changed weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays. I have been able to listen to each child read one to one over the last few weeks and I am very impressed with how the childrens reading has progressed. Thank you for your support with consistently reading and returning books on time over the year. It has been great. Keep up the good work!

Term 6

Immanuel and St. Andrew CE Primary School Year 2 Class Bulletin

June 2011

In Literacy we will be doing some work based on a book called Meerkat Mail. We will be covering a variety of writing types based on this book; newspaper reports, postcards, recounts, setting descriptions and adventure stories. Recently the children have become really good at adding descriptive language to make their writing interesting for the reader. This term we will continue to do this but will be focusing on getting it right by using good punctuation more consistently, especially the elusive full stops and capital letters! Please encourage your children to check their homework for good punctuation.

Topic Dwellings! To move or not to move!

This topic will combine two science topics and will be linked with Literacy and Numeracy, PSHCE and PE. Science and Literacy will be linked through exploring plant and animal habitats through reading and writing about Meerkat Mail, as well as exploring the local environment. We will also be learning about forces and movement and how pushes and pulls affect the movement and shape of objects. This will be linked with measuring length in maths and pushing and pulling in P.E. We will aim to build our own vehicles and ramps to test differences in force and movement. REQUEST! Please bring in any old cotton reels
you may have at home or anything else you think might be good for wheels. Many thanks.

Phonics and Spellings

Spelling Test Fridays. Please encourage children to remember their spelling books on Fridays. If you have noticed any particular sounds that your child seems to find tricky when reading or writing, please let us know so that we try and go over them again before the end of the year.

Changes This unit will help to get the children ready for the change from infants to juniors. We will be discussing the positive aspects of change and how to reassure others. Towards the end of the term the children will have the opportunity to go and play in the Junior playground so that they can get used to it.

This term we will be working on applying the strategies we have learnt over the year to answering questions and solving problems more independently. We will be covering the four operations (+ - x ), measure, shape and space, data handling and problem solving. Please continue to help your children with number bonds and times table facts. By the end of Year 2 they should be secure with the 2x, 5x and 10x table in any order. If they are already secure with these then they can start on the other tables and practise the corresponding division facts. For example if they know that 9 x 2 = 18 then they know that 18 9 = 2 and that 18 2 = 9. It is very useful for them to practise these inverse operations.

R.E. Islam
Children will learn about how Muslims and Christians worship and make simple comparisons between the religions.

Outdoor & Indoor - Pushing, Pulling, Slinging. This will link with the Forces and Movement science topic. Children will be learning about how to send a range of objects using pulling, slinging and pushing actions. They will play competitively in small tag games and select different ways of finding space & avoiding the ball.

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