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New Bank to Be Highest Building in Fort Worth

aotnrtmix flux,.

If so, sec us before going. We carry a com-


f^FTIHE so-called "colonial" style is merely the grouping or merging of L I styles, principally the Georgianstyles which are closely allied. It B H I is, therefore, almost as improper to speak of the "colonial" style as it is to call all ecclesiastical 'architecture "Gothic." If we should declare, however, that "colonial" means the various styles of .furniture and decoration that were used in America in colonial times, we would not be exactbecause much "colonial" furniture dates from the time when this country ceased to be a colony.

plete line of Furnishing Goods.

Wm. Hoover Trunk Co.

8 n Houston Street.


Represent" more than money afcved. X si ami.* for character, purt pose, achievement, ambition and

Is Your Best Friend

If you start a small account TODAY and Keep adding to It regularly *you "will have a friend on whom you can dtixnd wti all occaSt.00 OPENS A N ACCOUNT.

On the whole, perhaps, it would be better to call "colonial" an idea and not a stylesan idea representing the ideals of the early life, Grecian earnestness and simple sumptuousness of colonial times. It is apparent from this that the "colonial" permits of a rather wide latitude of design. The fact of this being so has brought upon us designs in furniture called "colonial" reproductions. All furniture made in early times was not beautiful; all "colonial antiques" are not beautiful, but you will find that In all walks of life. Those pieces that were beautiful we refer to. You will find in our stock examples of really beautiful "colonial" furniture, the expression of the times and of Washington and the beginning of our nation. They are represented in Dining Room and Bed Room Sets, Living Room Pieces, Sewing Tables, e t c


Some people have no Idea that In order to start a bank account the? must hare a large sum to deposit; that the bank does not care to be bothered by small deposit*. Tills, however. Is not true of this bank. Wo welcome now ACCOUNTS, whether of SI or ! 1.000. and the n n u terrier and courtesy Is accorded the small depositor as Is shown those In mrro fortunate circumstances. Start now with II. add to It regularly and watch It grow. IVe add 4 per cent Interest and compound It semi-annually. on savings account* WE ISSUE INTEREST-BEARING TIME CERTIFICATES.


t, 3. block ti, town of Arlington. 13,250. vey. 317.025. . these guests: Mlsse* Kathryn Duka,> J. W. Christopher and wife to G. W._ P. G. CraJg to Mat Hart, lot 8. block Pearl Smith, Grace and-Clora* Bur-I j , , . with a basement, and the highest I Work on Stripling Building. fj building in the city. A steel frame- j rtapld Progress is being made on the Iwcns, lots G, 7, *. In Christopher's 12, nyde Jennings, subdivision, $36. kett. Jeannette Fanner, Mazle Irextne:' Messrs. Spears.Dagsttt. Young. FarnH ddltlon to the town of Arlington, $G0. work will In-sure substantial qualities. removal of tho buildings at Second er, Burkett. Peden and Dr. Edwards.. I The foundation will be of reinforced Iao<1 uoastoo streets to prepare for the Wymin & Slooro, by W. C. Stoneconcrete, and the first two stories will | ew Stripling store, to be five stories street, lot 7, block II, Washington be built <.f Ilt-arnrd 1ml.. limestone. ' and a basement. This work will Heights addition, JI00. Cards With Miss Farmer. French gray brick will complete the | eventually be extended along Houston J. JI. Warren et al. by sheriff, to Monday night Miss Jeannette Karn)T. Morcland et el, part E. S. Har- er was again the charming honoree at structure. < 0 vlrct a division f the work being WATCH FOR OUB | iho most elaborate nnishing will made to prevent Interruption of the i survey. 32,285.93. a card party given by her sister. MinRobert U. Johnson to Chris Hagelcharacterize tho interior of the first business of the store. FIRE SALE.THIS WEEK 1 steln, lot 17. block 31, Rosen Heights nie Farmer. "Five hundred" was the game and aftar seven very interesting floor, which Is to be occupied by tho I 903 Houston Street. addition. $200. SANDEGARD GRO. C O . ! games prizes were won by Miss Clora n thoHardwood and marble will be adornment. bank. of the offices In the building used i On a lonely BAI.D Alex Benton of B. Taddock. special msster to Burnett, Mrs. Spears and Mr. BurketL All will : NIGHT ON night MOUNTAIN. \ general BanMnS business transacted A delicious Ice course was served be equipped in the most modern and ' fort F.dward. N. 1* climbed Bald Lee M. Rumsey, part M. Baugh surto the home of neighbor, up-to-date fashion. The building will Mountain by Asthma, bent aon curing and sold on all the principal cltl ivo concrete floors throughout, and so tortured Dr. King's New Discovery, h'm with I III t> absolutely fireproof. While the new building In In prog- that had currd himself of asthma. This soon relieved and ress of construction, which will he wonderful medicineneighbor. Later It A THOROUGHLY through the remainder of the year at quickly cured his son's lung least, the First NaUonal will occupy cured hisMillionswife of .d severegreatbelieve Its the RELIABLE SPECIALIST temporary quarters at R S Houston trouble. O street, adjoining the Hlghtower drug est Throat nnd Lung cure on Earth. Coughs. Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore Lungs are surely cured by it. Nervous, Chronic Diseases, Men and Women I!e*t for Hay Fever. Grip and WhoopFive-Story Warehouse. Dr. XT. It. Thompson will within a ing Cough. f,0c iind ti- Trial bottle If you are looking for really honest and efficient treatment, yon are few days begin the erection of a five- free. Guaranteed by J. W. Walkup. N. cordially Invited to call nt Dr. Broiles' office at your earliest convenience story warehouse near the Frisco track, 12. Grammar and I-owe Bros. and have us explain to you why our original and" exclusive methods are hetwren Henderson and Adams streets. tho best tol be.obtained, and why we have been able to bring about sach The plans for the. building have been wonderful rtsults by their use. drawn by Architect B. G. Leak and And when you call I will give you a thorough physical and X-Ray th contract for the rontruction will Real Estate Transfers Electricity examination freo of charge and my expert opinion and. advice will t* be !<H nest week. light given you without tho slightest obligation on your part The building will be "Sx5 fe"t and Important Thera will cost JI0.0W When completed It Offer jou the large and TatoiMe exREMEMBER, I can cure you safely, surely, soundly, even after all perience of the longrest rstablishrd tn-l penile or other methods have failed. Tet-the price Is within your reach and the morl reliable Specialist! la the eitj terms of payment will be made to suit your coneenlence. No man Is too, dial agencies Capps Land company to IL B. Umo! Fort Worth. poor to receive my best efforts. i henhour, lote 21 end 22. block 29. South have Were Hemphill Heights addition. $1,000. STRICTURE, ASTHMA, forced to choo-e Free Consultation Max Eversburg and wife to W. among VARICOCELE, CATARRH, ;' lilackmon, part block 2, Fidelity Trust agencies two and To nr^e mj abUity without pcnoaal company addition, $00. coniultaiion may be aa injustice to no more, our seFISTULA, BLOOD POISON, yourtelf that wiH cost a lifetime of lection would be Flttman to L. L. Dixon, lot Instant Relief, Permanent CureTi fnfferine. Cemwltatlon ft Ire* Bodthese two. The FILES, RUPTURE, " \ k S, Fort Worth Mineral confidmtJal and you place yc*orelf Package Moiled Free te^ All absence or withdrawal of either would be fatal to both animal and Wells. $125. under no obtlgaiicn to me whaterer vege,table life. They work wonders In cure of diseases, bolh chronic and acut> RHEUMATISM, HYDROCELE, in Plain Wrapper. Thompson and wife to A. by comfra; to talk vith me about your In acute diseases It Is not convenient to use electricity and light as we do Pilea Is a fearful disease, but easy Parseley. 31 acres Charley Grinslay ECZEMA, LOSS OF MANLY VIOOB; 10 office. If It could be used at bedside, many an ebbing life would have surrey, $800. to cure If you go nt It right. been prolonged, and many who have gone to their rewards would he here An operation with the knife Is danCrowlet to T. A. Robertson et to comfort their friends and htess suffering humanity. We will have a lady gerous.- cruel, humiliating and unneces- al. lots 5 to 8. 13 to IB, In block 8; also In the office who Is efficient, competent and capable, having made this a sary. lots 5 to 8. 13 to IS In block 9. Rob special work Tor a long while. For tho nest few days Electrical Eight and There Is Just one other sure way to ertson A Hunter addition. $2,000. Light Baths will be given at nominal price, enabling all to avail thembs curedpanlese. safe nnd In thei B. Wilson, guardian, to W. A. Whit selves or this opportunity to take these treatments' now. Do not procrasprivacy of your own homeIt Is Pyra- tenberg. lots 9, 10 block 29, poly My treatment and success are the results of years of experience, and a y method is distinctinate. Now is your opportunity. Come, see us. talk about It. No harm mid Pile Cure. Heights addition. $roo. Jdone If you do not take treatment. It will cost you nothing to ask questively my own. The physician who cannot be honest with his patient is not the man to inspire We mall a trial package free to an A. M. Pnrks-Fly et al. to E. P. White tions. Rheumatic?, get the kinks .out of our muscles. Weak back, kidney v-1-..i write. / ot nL, lot 7, block 3, Pag* Co. addition confidence in those who are in search of honest treatment Consult me FREE before placing, troubles? Quit standing on one foot and leaning or supporting against It will give you Instant relief, show 11.250. gate-posts. Straighten n and stand d"n your feet erect, like men and your case elsewhere. you the harmless, painless nature of J. A. Skinner nnd wire to John J IVOineB should. You syphilitica, doomed unless you have prompt and hemic t!il great remedy and start you well Ray. Jr.. lot 3, block IE, Emory Coltreatment, these light baths, eliminating, that ioieon. are what you need on the way toward a perfect cure. lege addition. $550. I curs with the same guarantee of success of Chronic Diseases, such as Kidney, Bladder and Urinary TroU-j and.must have, or pass .a miserable life, deprived of healthy children. You Then you can get a full-sized box G. I). Shappell. to II. M. I.ong. lots who hare thpso clouded complexions, dull, languid eyes and tottering step bles. Drains, Lnsses, Unnatural Discharges. Hydrocele. Rupture, Ulcers and Skin Diseases, C-ntag!ous 8 ' * from nny druggist for 50 cents, and J2. 13. 14. block 21, Poly Heights adas result of vitiated blood, though not of syphilitic taint, but as result of Rheumatism, Catarrhal Affections, Pile and Fistula and all Chronic sod Private Diseases. often the box cures. dition. $C00. bail ingestion, locked secretion, poisons retained in system, why not come Insist on having what you call fur. J. A. Walker et al. to A. B. Hart. 75 and b e f e l l ? We could enumerate the conditions of hundreds that could Come to me In the strictest confidence. I have been exclusively treating Nervous and Chronic Diseases for If the druggist tries to sell you someJ. be relieved and cured, but think a hint vjjll suffice. You do not realize years, and nothing science can devise or money can buy is lacking In my office ctrulpment. I will treat you sklfl;' thing Just as good. It Is becausa he acres K. M. Steiner survey. $4,250.T.. J. R. Blsnton and wife _to what you are missing When you fall to see after those nervous feelings makes more money on the substitute. Woods, part block S, Rosedale addifully and restore you to health Iri the shortest length of tlnie possible In accordance with scIcntWc treatment. that make life miserable and hardly worth living. You poor little weakly J he cure begins at once and concreatures, why not bnlld up your health, he smiles and throw off that tinues rapidly until it Is complete and tion. $3,000. graveyard look? Come one. come all. consult us. We will tell you what R. K. RIanton and wife to T. J. permanent. Lost Vitality quickly and surely cured. My methods Blood Poison, Inherited or acquired, cured in the^ we think we can do for you. We give you no testimonial?, as It Is a poor Woods. lot , block Q. Rosedale addl-, You can go right ahead with your the safest and most efficient. shortest possible time. doctor who never cures anybody and a worthless agent that has never $500. work and be easy and oomforts.bl all tion. Dwarkln nnd wife to D. Frisky, benefited any ailment. Ail drugs will cure some ailments, and all doctors II. Stricture cured without cutting or dilating; no pain Acute Private Diseases cured quickly.-perfectly and the time. can get testimonials, as all have friends who would try to think they were part block 29. city. $1,925. detention from business. permanently. It Is well worth trying. m Mm better Just to help their doctor In his financial strait. L. K. Roberta nnd wife to F. A. HawJust send your name Pyramid building, kins, lots 64. block 14, Emory College Pyramid Drug Co Marshall. Mich., and receive-free by subdivision. $3,100. We Never Disappoint Onr Patients. Onr Beferences: Onr Cnred. Satisfied. Grateful. Patkats F. A. Hawkins and wife to L. p. return mall the trial package tn a plain Roberts. lot 3, block 16, Glenwood adwtp.pper. ' Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 1. Consultation and' Examination FREE. Thousands have been cured In nils dition. 81.500Roy C. Males to Darnell Lumber easy, painless nnd lnexi>nslve way. " O U R H O M E C U R E n Personal visit ,i. alway. preferred, but if you Q U R HOME CURE company, lot 1. block A. Ilellevue llill w s ^ ^ - j w t . a ^ ^,^>^ cannot call, write regarding Home Treatment. th privacy of the home. uddlllon. $1,862.52. No knife and lt torture. F O U R T H A N D M A I N S T R E E T S . OPPOSITE D E L A W A R E H O T E L , Dudley, and wife to J. II. DR. BROILES' MEDICAL INSTITUTE No doctor and hta bills. FORT W O R T H , TEXAS. All druggists. B cents. Write toJay j^mith. part Joel hiker survey-. J2.500. O for a free package. ' Delia Rose to W. A. Bunnell,' lots 1, " ' --

The First National Bank building, to-f will be one of the largest warehouses be erected at tho northeast corner of | ta Fort TCo/th, Houston and Seventh streets, will be ; Enlarge Braa. Works, probably th e finest bank building in The construction-firm of Auldrldge & Texas. The work of removing the! Songer ar B completing .the addition ot former building la now In progress, and ! R second story to the Midland nrass It Is expected that the contract for j J2TSJ3XVZ?!i8?2 the construction of tbo new building pieied the remodeling of the Twos will be let within a few days. I State Bank at Ninth and Main streets. The building will be ten stories high, j




Dr. H. S. Broiles

' -" i&gmtx*^

Piles Quickly Cured at Home



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