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How wil to be l we pre pare educ th a even know ted for a e class o f 202 futur how will it wil it me l loo e we don 3 an fo 't k like r the m to ? Wha be li terat t e? Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano ~ GloballyConnectedLearning.com

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"CreatE" demonstrates the Highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy Connect information in new ways, Global network, remix content

Route21- http://www.p21.org/

* Exercising sound reasoning in understanding * Making complex choices * Understanding the interconnections among systems * Framing, analyzing and solving problems

Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano ~ GloballyConnectedLearning.com

Network literacy is " The ability to create, grow and navigate Network personal Literacy learning networks in safe, ethical and effective ways."
Will Richardson

Information Literacy is a set of competencies to participate intelligently and actively in the Information society. It is the ability to to locate, understand, evaluate, utilize, organize, categorize, remix and convey information.
Information Literacy

Global Literacy is being able to: Global * Build relationships Literacy with people from around The World to pose and solve problems collaboratively * Seek out a range of perspectives * communicate effectively cross-culturally * Develop ethical positions about global issues. Challenge assumptions and interpretations
Adapted from Carnegie Mellon University

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship describes the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.

Media Literacy

Basic Literacy Basic is Knowing how Literacy to read and write. It constitutes the basic requirements for being considered literate today.

Media literacy is a repertoire of competences that enable people to analyze, evaluate and create messages in a wide variety of media modes, genres and forms.

Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano ~ GloballyConnectedLearning.com

I know that a language is the sum of words, common history and traditions

I can relate, communicate and connect with others

I know how to respond to something unexpected

I don't translate or wonder what comes first. the verb or the noun?

I am comfortable and not terrified

It feels intuitive, unconscious and smooth

The 21st Cenutry Literacy Project:

"The 21st Century Fluencies are not about technical prowess, they are critical thinking skills, and they are essential to living in this multimedia world. We call them fluencies for a reason. To be literate means to have knowledge or competence. To be fluent is something a little more, it is to demonstrate mastery and to do so unconsciously and smoothly".

Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano ~ GloballyConnectedLearning.com

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Take a Look at the Langwitches Blog for More Details on 21st century skills, Literacies and Fluency.

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Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

http://globallyconnectedlearning.com http://langwitches.org/blog

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