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A significant life (part I)

The first nine chapters of the I Chronicles is genealogy: the son of someone.and the son of someone. Its so uninteresting that we usually pass over these chapters while we read the bible. None says Im meditating in the genealogy That would be a madness! We only can see names and names in these genealogies but each name represents a history, one life. While some names are in genealogies others are in the titles of the books of the bible. The question is: How signicant is your life? There is not anything more powerful than a significant life. When I think about a significant life I can tea it with some like Crowds are stirred, kingdoms are built and the history is marked. But when I look for Jesus (my master example of life) I dont see it. Jesus stirred crowds that persecuted him; the only one crown that Jesus received was a crown of thorns and the world looks the same before and after his life. Jesus never writes books and his teaching are preached around the world, never proclaims himself King but for all the earth people sing King of king Lord of lords. Jesus lived for one cause, one cause greater than him, and he inspired others to live for the same cause. The greatness and power of the cause of Christ cannot be contained in pages of books or owned by walls. The fire of Christs cause just can continue burn in humans hearts. The essential of significant life is empowering other life to find one cause to fight and one purpose for living. It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone Ephesians 1.12-13 (the message) The scripture says in Christ we can know who God created us to be and what God created us to do. Many people think that if you are a devoted Christian you must be a preacher or singer as if the pulpit and microphone are THE goals. Unfortunately these people dont understand that the purpose of God is much greater than a personal ministry

or any other thing. If you want to live a significant life you need to see your life (opportunities, gifts, talents, resources) with Gods perspective. The bibles say we are part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. Gods created whole universe with a purpose, an eternal plan. He is working in his plan in everything and everyone. I like compare the eternal Gods plan to a beautiful tapestry. Each one of us is a thread and he is knitting all together to make his tapestry. a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth. Ephesians 1.10 (the message) As a thread apart from tapestry doesnt have beauty our life doesnt make sense apart his plan. Each one of us is like a thread with size, color, texture specific to turn beautiful the tapestry. Until this moment Im talking about a significant life in the Gods perspective. If you still think that significance is related to be shown for everyone your gifts and talents sorry you did not understand anything! The focus is something bigger than any person: The beautiful and eternal plan of God. Jesus said apart from me you can do nothing (John 15:5 NIV). Maybe someone can think I known many peoples who are building personal kingdoms and they dont believe in Jesus, They are not Christians. The question isnt the ability to do something but that value. Jesus says that everything that we can do apart him is NOTHING in another word is futile, fleeting, empty of sense. Martin Luter King was a Baptist Pastor in the USA but his ministry is not so famous as well as his fight for the rights of Black people.

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