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1. Single Sign-out Mechanism The changes below highlighted in orange were introduced to the original file : index.php with directory path : /opt/gforge5/wwwlib/index.php.
//Support and docs box echo $template->infoTableMiddle($lang->getText('SiteHome.SupportDocs')); echo '<a href="/gf/project/support/">Local Support Project</a>'; echo '<p><a href="http://gforge.org/projects/as-help">GForge Help Forum &amp; Docs</a><br />'; echo '<a href="https://gforge.com/gf/project/office-addin/">Office Add-in Project</a><br />'; echo '<a href="https://gforge.com/gf/project/soapsdk/">SOAP SDK Project</a><br />'; echo '</p><strong>Commercial Plugins</strong><p>'; echo '<a href="https://gforge.com/gf/project/eclipse/">Eclipse Project</a><br />'; echo '<a href="https://gforge.com/gf/project/msproject/">MS Project Plugin</a><br />'; echo '<a href="https://gforge.com/gf/project/vsplugin/">Visual Studio Plugin</a><br />'; echo '</p>'; echo $template->infoTableBottom(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php $template->footer(); if(!$session->isLoggedIn()){ $LOGOUT='http://localhost:8080/collabreview/gforgeWidgets/gforge_logoff.jsp'; echo '<img src="'.$LOGOUT.'" width="1" height="1">'; } ?>

2. Single Sign On Mechanism The changes below highlighted in orange were introduced to the original file : index.php with directory path : /opt/gforge5/plugins/fitmiles/wwwlib/index.php
require_once('html/SiteTemplate.php'); require_once('lib/html/ProjectTemplate.php'); $session = Session::getSession(); $Lang = $session->getLanguage(); $user = $session->getUser(); $username=$user->getUnixName(); $password=$user->getPasswordMd5(); $LOGINURL="http://localhost:8080/collabreview/gforgeWidgets/gforge_login.jsp? account=".$username."&password=".$password ; echo "<img src='$LOGINURL' height='1' width='1' />"; //HERE ENDS THE SINGLE SIGN-ON require_once('plugins/fitmiles/lib/html/FitMilesTemplate.php'); $theme = new FitMilesTemplate(); $Project = GFUrl::getUrl()->getProject(); $params = array( 'project' => $Project, 'action' => isset($action) ? $action : '', 'feedback' => isset($_REQUEST['feedback']) ? $_REQUEST['feedback'] : (isset($feedback) ? $feedback : ''), 'title' => 'FitMiles' ); $theme->header($params); ?> <iframe src="http://localhost:8080/collabreview/VAADIN" height="100%" width="100%" name="meinframe">Alternativtext</iframe> <?php $theme->footer($params);


3. Embedding of CollabReview-review widget The changes below highlighted in orange were introduced to the original file : GFTheme.php with directory path : /opt/gforge5/www/themes/gforge5/GFTheme.php
<div id="container"> <?php //The following code is also used further up to select between the default body class and 'bodynoleft' //If the criteria to choose between cases changes, the other code needs to be modified too. if (array_key_exists('project', $params) || array_key_exists('user', $params)) { ?> <div id="left"> <?php $request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $allitems = array('findMeTracker' => tracker_item_id, 'findMeWiki' => pagename, 'findMeSvn_commit' => scm_commit_id,'findMeAdmin' => admin,'findMeReporting' => reporting, 'findMeForums' => forums, 'findMeTrackers' => trackers, 'findMeDocs' => docs, 'findMeNews' => news, 'findMeFiles' => files, 'findMeLists' => lists,'findMeSvn' => svn, 'findMeBuild' => build, 'findMeFitMiles' => fitmiles); $page_name='-'; if (strlen(stristr($request,$allitems['findMeWiki']))>0) $page_name= $_GET['pagename']; $URL='http://localhost:8080/collabreview/gforgeWidgets/gforge_initial.jsp? articlename='.$page_name; ?> <iframe src="<?php echo $URL?>" height="200" width="142" name="meinframe">Alternativtext</iframe> <?php //the end of the inclusion echo $this->secondTabs($params); ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div id="right"> <?php } else { ?> <div id="rightnoleft"> <?php }

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