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A Brazilian Perspective on DSM Policy Frameworks for the Electricity Sector

Gilberto M Jannuzzi University of Campinas, Brazil Asia-Pacific Dialog on Clean Energy Governance and Regulation Manila June 21-22 2010




Economic crisis



Power crisis
Appliances MEPS


National EE Program

1998-2010 Total US$ ~ 2.3 billions

EE Regulation: utility programs

1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Brief recent EE history

PROCEL and CONPET mid 80s and early 90s respectively Law 9991/2000

Provided the largest funding now available for EE programs in the country (% from electricity sales)

Energy Efficiency Law (Implemented during the Energy Crisis 2000-2001)

Appliance MEPS

Experience with several types of mechanisms and EE programs Nevertheless has not being able yet to conceive an implement EE integrated EE National Policy


Command and control

EE Law






Appliance Labeling Program National Climate Change Program

Regulation (PEE)


PEE Public lighting

Solar energy (buildings)

Public sector purchases

Escos Fund

%Net annual

Energy Efficiency

Estrategies and Actions (EE)

1. Conventional Projects: traditional EE measures: more predictable and easy measurement of actions. 2. Pilot Projects: promising projects, including inovation and pioneer aspects and experience aquisition in order to apply in larger scale.

3. Educational Projects: Information, change of consumption habits and dissemination of efficient and rational usage of energy and natural resources.
4. Energy Management Projects: Enhancement of Energy Managament on Public Sector (Federal, State & Municipalities). 5. Priority Projects: EE Projects with high relevance and range of actions, conceived under a national policy for EE promotion.

EE Utility Programs investments: Wire Charges (1998-2010)

Solar WH Low Income CoGeneration Public Sector Industrial Other

Expertise in implementing several diverse mechanisms

Strong certification base (laboratories)

Strong points of the Brazilian Experience

Good response from the appliance industry

IT, technical schools, Universities and media

Lack of coordination and institutional capacity

Fragmented actions, Sectoral approach (electricity, oil and gas, renewables)

Weak points of the Brazilian experience

Lack of knowledge of consumer behaviour

Weak M&V and program evaluation

Challenges and Opportunities

Long standing programs: PROCEL and CONPET need revision Evaluation of EE utility programs need improvements, transparency and benefits to consumers (tariffs)

ANEEL has limited staff and expertise

Better coordination between Agencies and clear definition of leader of EE policy (the coordinator of a National EE Plan). Energy planning needs to incorporate EE, targets, monitoring

The end

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