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SURGICAL SCRUBBING DEFINITION Surgical scrub is the removal of as many bacteria as possible from the hands and arms

by mechanical hand washing and chemical disinfection before taking part in a surgical procedure. PURPOSE Surgical scrub helps prevent the possibility of contamination and infection of the operative wound by bacteria on the hands and arms. Types of Surgical Scrub: a. Complete Scrub takes 10 minutes. This is done: 1. Prior to the first gowning or gloving 2. Following a clean case if the gloves have been punctured 3. Following a clean case if hands have been contaminated in any other way 4. Following a clean case if the gloves have been removed inadvertently before the gown 5. Following a contaminated case, before starting the next case b. Short scrub takes 3-5 minutes. This scrub is done following a clean case if the hands and arms have not been contaminated. Preparation Before Doing the Surgical Scrub 1. Attend to your personal needs. 2. Adjust your cap and mask properly. The hair should be confined inside the cap. The mask should cover nose, mouth and chin. 3. Roll up sleeves of the uniform 3 inches above the elbow if sleeves are long. 4. Fingernails must be kept clean and short to reduce bacteria count and to prevent puncturing or tearing of gloves. Scrub Technique Steps: 1. Perform medical hand washing first. 2. Take not of the time you started scrubbing. 3. 3. Open the scrub brush 4. Wet both hands and arms, starting from the palms down to the elbows, fingers pointing up. 5. Get the brush with the right hand, saturate with bacticide cleansing solution. 6. Begin scrubbing of the left hand and arm Start with scrubbing of the fingertips, then in between each fingers (1 minute), dorsum of the hand, then the palm (2 minutes). Scrub forearm using downward strokes up to 2 inches above the elbow then around the antecubital space and the elbow (2 minutes) 7. saturate the brush again with bacticide cleansing solution. Begin scrubbing of the right hand and arm following the sequence performed in the other hand and arm (5 minutes per arm, total of 10 minutes both arm and hand). 8. Throw surgical brush into the bin provided.

9. Rinse left arm then the right arm. Water should flow from the palms down to the elbows, fingers pointing upward. 10. Let the water drip from the elbow. Do not splatter drops of water anywhere. Points to Remember in Surgical Scrub 1. Rinse thoroughly using one direction only. Hands and arms should not come in contact with the faucet and the sink. 2. A person with cut or any break in the skin should not scrub to prevent crosscontamination and infection. 3. The hands and arms can never be considered sterile no matter how long it was scrubbed or how effective antiseptics were. Scrubbing is done only to minimize microorganisms in these areas of the body. 4. Surgical scrub is most effective when firm motion is applied. Short horizontal or circular strokes can be used. 5. Use ample supply of bacticide cleansing solution. 6. Since the hands are cleaner than any other area (after medical hand washing), they are held higher than the elbow during scrubbing to prevent water from flowing to the hands.

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