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Roll No...................... Total No. of Questioi" : 13J [Total No.

of Pages: 02

Paper ID [B0221 J
(please fill this Paper ID in OMR sheet)

MBA (MB-SIl) Time: .03 Houl'S Instruction I) 2) to Candidates:

(SOS) (LE) (Scm. _ 4th) SERVICES Maximum Mal'ks : 75


Section - A is Compulsory Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B Section - A

a) b). /c) d) e) f) Define Financial Services. Merchant Banking. SEBl AMC Leasing Difference between credit and debit cards.

(15 x 2 = 30)

g) . Credit Rating. h) i) j) k) I) m) nJ 0) Venture Capital. Recourse Factoring. Smart Cards. Call Money Market Treasury Bill. CPs Bills of Exchange. Remat
/' T O.

D-545X /1299/

Section - B (9 x 5 = 45) Q2) Distinguish between fund based and fee based financial services. Discuss fund based or asset based services in detaiL

Q3) Discuss iu brief some important recent developments in the merchant banking establishments in India. Q4) What do you mean by Mutual Fund? What are the problems oflndian mutual fund industry? "Leasing is beneficial to both ,the lessee as well as the lessor". Explain . State the mechanism involved in a factoring transaction. What steps are taken by the buyer, the seller and the factor to complete a factoring transaction?

Q5) Q6)

. Q7) Analyse the factors which the entrepreneur should take into consideration while selecting the venture capitalists. Q8) . Discuss the advantages and limitations of the credit card system Q9) Write short notes on: (a) DCR Lid.

(b) ONICRA QIO) Write a note on discount'market and market for financial guarantees. QIl) Write ~ note on state of "Call money market" in India.
QI2) What do you understand by "scripless trading"? Discuss various players involved in the depository system Q13) Explain the factors responsible for underdcvelopment market in India. of commercial bill





Roll No

[Total No. of Pages: 02

Total No. of Questions : 13]

Paper III [B0222]

(please fill this Paper ID in OMR sheet)

. MBA.(MB-512) (S05) (LE) (Scm. _ 4th) SECURITY Time: 03 Jlours to Candidates: Section- A is Compulsory. Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A QI) a) b)


MANAGEMENT Maximum Marks: 75

Instruction 1) 2)

(15 x 2 ~ 30) Des.cribe the nature ohnvestmellt decisions. Economic analysis. SWOT analysis. Objectives of investment management. Derivatives Ratio Strong form of market Empirical Tests. , Confidence Indicators. Bar Charting. Invcstment Risk Covariance Beta Put Options. Portfolio Theory.
R T. ().

c) d) e)

g) h) i) j)


m) n) 0)

D-546X //299/

Section - 'B (9 x 5 ~ 45) (2) Distinguish between philosophy of individual investor and institutional investor,


(3) How "industry life cyCle analysis" can help you in selection of common
stock for investment purposes"

(4) Explain the concept and significance of economic analysis,

(5) (6) ,'(7) What is technical analysis and how does it differ from fundamental analysis'? Write a note on components of company analysis, Explain how would you take investment decisions under the conditions of inflation, Explain the efficient market fheory, Write notes on: '(ar'Volume indicators, (b) Market sentiment indicators, fl.lO) State 'fhe process and importan~e of portfolio analysls, Qll) Discuss the nature and scope of various components of invest menfrisk, Ql2) What is po~'folio revision? Explain the portfolio analysis, (13) Explain the difference between Future trading and Forward trading,

(8) (9)





Roll" o Total

. of Questions : 13]

[TOlal .\"0. of Pages: 02

Paper 10 [B02231
(please fill this Paper ID in OMR sheet)

MBA (MB-S13) MAi'iAGEME'iT Timc : 03 Hours Instruction l) 2) to Candidates: Section - A is Compulsory.

(SOS) (LE) (Scm. - 4"') I:\STlTLTlO'iS





Attempt any :"\ine questIOns hom Seelion - 13. Section - A

QI) a) b) c) Financial Services. Cred,t Creation. Cash Reserve Ratio. Nationalization o1'13anks in India. sector banks.

(15 x 2 ~30)

d) c) f)

Ncw generationprivatc Development IFC! !CICI Universal Banking. NABJ\RD

functions of RBI.

g) h) i)

k) I) m) n) 0)

Open ended Mutual Fund

Leverage Funds.
The Sponsor. D!CGC Investment Trust
I~ 1:().

D-547X f/299/


...~-----_._ .. ,----




Section - B Q2)


What do you mean by Financial Institution? Critically evaluate. the role of financial institutions in the development of Indian economy

Q3) Explain and distinguish between various types of financial institutIOns Q4) Q5) Q6) Distinguish between functions of commercial banks and development banks Write a note on theories of liquidity management Critically evaluate the role of RBI in the development of Indian economy.

Q7) RBI is the banker oflast resort. Explain this statement

Q8) Write a note on the role played by the Development banks in eCOllomlC development of the country

Q9) "IDFC has emerged asa company supporting infrastrueturc projects ..


QIO) Define mutual fund. How mutual fund can be helpful for an illitcrate inveslOr')
QIl) Explain the status of mutual fund industry in India

QI2) State the objectives and role of the AM!'J.

Q13) Explain the meaning and the functions of [)lCGe.





Roll No.................. Total N~. Questions: 13} of [Total No. of Pages: 02



(please fill this Paller In in OMR sheet)

MBA (MB-516) (S05) (LE) (Scm. _ 4'h) WORKING Time: 03 Hours Instruction 1) 2) to Candidates: CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Maximum Marks: 75

Section - A is Compulsory. Attempt any Nine qucstions from Scction . B. Section - A

QI) a) b) c)

(15 x 2 Net Working capital Cunent liability ICDs Canying costs. Permanent Current assets. Optimal cash balance. Speculative purpose for holding cash BadIa financing. Cash Budget. Cash report. Credit policy. Buffer stock. EOQ ABC model of inventory management. Credit Analysis.



g) h) i)


m) n) 0)

D-548X {1299{

I' T. o.

Section - B (9 x 5


Q2) Discuss the kind of trade off involved in dctennining the optimal level of current assets. Q3) While deciding the financing policy, we follow the matching principle. Explain the use matching principle for working capital finance. Q4) Explain the purposc of cash managcment. Explain the EOQ technology for cash management.

Q5) Explain the recommendations, with hypothetical example, of Tandon committee regarding bank financing of working capital. Q6) What is collection iloat? Disbursement iloat? Nct iloat? Q7) Discuss the important fcaturcs ofBaumol's modcl of cash management.

Q8) What arc thc major sources of cash receipts? Ilow can these be forecasted accurately? Q9) Describe the lock box system and concentration banking for collection of credit.

QIO) Discuss the consequences of lengtbening versus sbortening of the credit

period on the credit management. Ql1) Develop a simple system of risk classification and explain Its rationale. Q12) Discuss the procedure for ABC analysIs. Q/3) What arc the shortcomings of inventory management
can be done to improve it'?

India') \Vhell



Roll No
(Total No. of Pages: 02

Total No. of Questions : 13]

Section - B
(9 x 5 = 45)

Paper ID [B022SI

(please filllhi~ Paller ID ill OMR sheet)

MBA (MB-517) (S05) (LE) (Sem. - 4'h) Maximum Q4) Q5) Q6) (15 x 2

Define Capital Budgeting. What is the importance of capital budgeting techniques?


Q3) Critically evaluate the traditional capital budgeting techniques. "Retained earnings are a free of cost source of capital". Comment upon it. Discuss how investment appraisal is done In practice. How is accounting rate of return calculated? Explain with the help of an hypothetical example.


03 Hours


to Candidates:


Section - A is Compulsory.


Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A 30)

Q8) Q9)

Q 7) Why MIRR is superior to regular IRR?

IRR and NPV can give conflicting results. Explain. Cash flow is a better option for capital budgeting decisions than accounting profits. Explain.


Pay back period method.


Mutually exclusive projects.


Cost of Equity capital.


Capital Budgeting process.


List out the commonly found categories in project classification

QIO) What are the advantages of employing the probability distributions of key
factors underlying investment decisions? Qll) Discuss the procedure for simulation analysis . Q12) Critically evaluate the CAPM Model. Q13) What is decision tree analysis? Explain the steps involved in decision tree analysis.


Calculation of effective cost of debt.


Modern techniques of capital budgeting.


Capital Rationing.


Benefit Cost Ratio.






Opportunity Cost of capital.




Operating lease.




capItal budgetlngdccisJoll. p. 1:II.

D-549X /1299/



ITotal No. of Pages: 02

Roll No ........................ Total No. of Questions : 131

What do you mean by retum on invesiment? How will you make the calculation of the investment base?

Paper ID [B0226]
Maximum Marks: 75

Q5) Does the designation of a responsibility unit as a Profit Centre rule out the use of other key variables in its planning and control? What is the sign'ificance of Transfer Pricing? How Transfer Prices are detennined?

(!'least fill this r~prr If) in O"'R Shn'O

MBA (MB - 518) (S05) (LE) (Scm. _4'") SYSTEM


Time: 03 Hours

Q7)' Discuss the behavioural aspects of budgeting. Q8) Illustrate the methodology of purchase budget.


to Candidatcs:

I) 2) Section - A

Section - A is Compulsory. Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Q9) Draw the process of preparing the cash budget. QlO) What is reporting? Describe different type of reporting.


Qll) Explain the role of performance analysis in management compensation. Q12) Whatdo you understand by the term 'TQM'? Discuss the various techniques . used in the implementation ofTQM. Q13) Appreciate 'Decision Support System' as a control technique.

a) Define Management Control System.

b) What is the scope of Management 9ontrol System"


What is Expense Centre?

d) What do you mean by Investment Centre?


What is Residual Income?


What are the objective of Transfer Pricing?

g) Explain the process of preparing a meaningful and useful budget.

h) What is the purpose of Production Budget?


What is Sales Overhead Budget?


What is Factory Overheads Budget?

k) What is Material Mix variance?


What is Idle Time Variance?

m) What do you mean by Annual Report?

n) What is meant by Quality Circles?

0) What is the importance ofTQM in Service Organisations"

Section - B
(9 x 5 = 45) Control Syste1l1


't/hat is the process of establishing a successful Management

in an Organisation?


What do you mean by P-rofit Centre? What arc the situational for its successful implementation?

D-667X /1299/


P. T.O.

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