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Small Child, Big Worries

By Jeffrey Kluger Monday, Mar. 21, 2011 Be grateful you can't climb inside your baby's brain. The mind of a baby might seem like a fun place to be a swirl of light and color and constant touch, where primal needs are promptly met. But there's another side, one that's more than just a sensory carnival. All of us come into the world with our own genetic predispositions to psychological ills. Depression, anxiety, the whole panoply of adult woes are woven into our genomes. That may not be surprising to scientists, but new research shows that these conditions can start to express themselves much earlier than we knew sometimes during the first year of life. Trauma can trigger the onset; so can stress, and so can still unknown variables. No matter the cause, we're increasingly learning that a baby's brain is not only far more fragile than we realized but far more like an adult's too. Psychologists historically drew bright lines between the mental ills of infancy and those of later years. Babies could suffer from psychological conditions defiance, aggression, attention deficits but those problems were particular to their minimally complex states. "There were behavioral checklists," says Dr. Helen Egger of Duke University Medical Center, "but that was it." The existential suffering of adults depression, fear, dread was thought to be beyond a baby's scope. No more. The nonprofit child-advocacy group Zero to Three which, as its name suggests, studies development in the first three years of life estimates that about 10% of very young children have some kind of clinical emotional condition, about the same rate as the adult population. And while some of those ills are indeed unique to babies, a growing body of research shows that many others including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social-anxiety disorder, major depression, insomnia, even prolonged bereavement also afflict young children. "Disorders we see in adulthood have antecedents in childhood," says Dr. Robert Emde, an emeritus professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. "The psychopathology simply becomes more complex." Zero to Three publishes a diagnostic-classification handbook, DC: 0-3, which is modeled on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), the guidebook for adult mental disorders. The handbook is rapidly bringing new order to the field. If the idea of a depressed baby seems preposterous at first, it doesn't once you know what to look for: the same fatigue, indifference and appetite change seen in depressed adults. The possibility that a shy baby may actually be socially phobic similarly seems less of a reach when you look at scans of the brain showing irregular activity in regions that process threat or fear. One obstacle to broad acceptance of the new thinking is that babies can't talk. An adult with socialanxiety disorder can describe in detail the throat-choking panic triggered by a cocktail party. In the case of a baby, it takes careful observation, and even then the signs can be misleading. Crying, tantrums or clinging are among the symptoms DC: 0-3 lists for social anxiety. Is there a parent alive who hasn't contended with them? "We see this with PTSD too," says Egger. "A combat veteran can say, 'I'm having a flashback.' With a traumatized baby, we have to look for how it manifests itself in play." A once calm child might become easily startled; enthusiasm for play may diminish or vanish Resouce : http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2058206,00.html

Bersyukurlah Anda tidak dapat memanjat di dalam otak bayi Anda. Pikiran bayi mungkin tampak seperti tempat yang menyenangkan untuk menjadi sebuah pusaran cahaya dan warna dan sentuhan konstan, di mana kebutuhan mendasar yang segera terpenuhi. Tapi ada sisi lain, yang lebih dari sekedar karnaval sensorik. Semua dari kita datang ke dunia dengan kecenderungan kita sendiri genetik untuk penyakit psikologis. Depresi, kecemasan, persenjataan lengkap seluruh kesengsaraan dewasa dijalin ke genom kita. Yang mungkin tidak mengejutkan para ilmuwan, tetapi penelitian baru menunjukkan bahwa kondisi tersebut dapat mulai untuk mengekspresikan diri mereka jauh lebih awal dari yang kita tahu - kadangkadang selama tahun pertama kehidupan. Trauma dapat memicu onset, maka bisa stres, dan sebagainya masih bisa variabel yang tidak diketahui. Tidak peduli penyebabnya, kita semakin belajar bahwa otak bayi tidak hanya jauh lebih rapuh daripada yang kita sadari tapi jauh lebih seperti orang dewasa juga. Psikolog historis menarik garis terang antara penyakit mental bayi dan orang-tahun kemudian. Bayi dapat menderita kondisi psikologis - menantang, agresi, defisit perhatian - tetapi masalah-masalah yang khusus untuk negara mereka minimal kompleks. "Ada daftar perilaku," kata Dr Helen Egger dari Duke University Medical Center, "tapi hanya itu." Penderitaan eksistensial orang dewasa - depresi, ketakutan, takut - dianggap di luar lingkup bayi. Tidak ada lagi. Kelompok anak-advokasi nirlaba Zero Tiga - yang, seperti namanya, studi pembangunan dalam tiga tahun pertama kehidupan memperkirakan bahwa sekitar 10% dari anak yang sangat muda memiliki semacam kondisi emosional klinis, tentang tingkat yang sama seperti dewasa populasi. Dan sementara beberapa orang penyakit memang unik untuk bayi, semakin banyak penelitian menunjukkan bahwa banyak orang lain - termasuk gangguan stres pasca trauma (PTSD), sosial-gangguan kecemasan, depresi berat, insomnia, bahkan kehilangan berkepanjangan juga menimpa anak-anak muda. "Gangguan kita lihat di masa dewasa telah pendahulunya di masa kecil," kata Dr Robert Emde, seorang profesor emeritus psikiatri di University of Colorado School of Medicine. "Para psikopatologi hanya menjadi lebih kompleks." Tiga nol untuk menerbitkan buku-diagnostik klasifikasi, DC: 0-3, yang dimodelkan pada Diagnostik dan Statistik Manual (DSM), buku panduan untuk gangguan mental dewasa. Buku pedoman ini dengan cepat membawa orde baru ke lapangan. Jika gagasan seorang bayi yang tampaknya masuk akal depresi pada awalnya, tidak setelah Anda tahu apa yang harus dicari: kelelahan yang sama, ketidakpedulian dan perubahan nafsu makan terlihat pada orang dewasa tertekan. Kemungkinan bahwa bayi pemalu sebenarnya bisa fobia sosial juga tampaknya kurang dari jangkauan ketika Anda melihat scan otak menunjukkan aktivitas yang tidak teratur di daerah yang proses ancaman atau ketakutan. Salah satu hambatan bagi penerimaan yang luas dari pemikiran baru adalah bahwa bayi tidak bisa bicara. Seorang dewasa dengan gangguan kecemasan sosial dapat menjelaskan secara rinci tenggorokan tersedak panik dipicu oleh pesta koktail. Dalam kasus bayi, dibutuhkan pengamatan yang cermat, dan bahkan kemudian tanda-tanda dapat menyesatkan. Menangis, tantrum atau menempel di antara DC gejala: 0-3 daftar untuk kegelisahan sosial. Apakah ada orang tua hidup yang tidak berpendapat dengan mereka? "Kita melihat ini dengan PTSD juga," kata Egger. "Seorang veteran tempur dapat mengatakan, 'Saya mengalami kilas balik." Dengan bayi trauma, kita harus mencari bagaimana ia mewujudkan dirinya dalam bermain. " Seorang anak yang dulunya tenang akan menjadi mudah kaget; antusiasme untuk bermain dapat mengurangi atau menghilang

Facts About Bruno Mars ( http://ezinearticles.com)

Born in 1985, Bruno Mars, also known as Peter Gene Hernandez, is an American singer and songwriter and a music producer. He was raised in Honolulu Hawaii in a family of musicians and has been involved in music even at a young age. He was one of the six children of Pete and Bernadette Hernandez. He was nicknamed "Bruno" by his father because he was a chubby baby, after a chubby wrestler called Bruno Sammartino. He liked impersonating some of the artists such as Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, The Temptations and The Isley Brothers. In his childhood, he has had various performances in different music avenues in his hometown and afterwards he decided to pursue music as a career. Bruno Mars started his music career by producing songs for different artists when he was at the production team The Smeezingtons. He was recognized as a solo artist when he lent his vocals and after he co-wrote the hooks for various songs such as "nothing on you" by B.O.B and "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy. He has co-written a number of songs such as "Right Round" by Flo Rida featuring Kesha and Waving Flag by K'naan, among others. His first appearance as a singer was in the second studio album of Far East Movement. With the success of the songs, Bruno released his debut extended Play called "Its Better If You Don't Understand", which peaked at number 99 on the Billboard 200. In October 2010, he launched his debut album called Doo-Wops & Hooligans, which contained songs such as "Just the way you are" and "Grenade". The album was successful, hitting number three on the Billboard 200. He has also been nominated for seven Grammys at the 53rd Grammy Awards. The song "Just the Way you are" reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100 and its video was released in September 2010. In terms of musical style, he is known for as soft because of the light falsetto voice. He has also stated that the work he has done with other artists have influenced his musical styles but he maintains that he loves all genres of music. Most of his music has a reggae sound which was facilitated by his life in Hawaii.

As a lover of all genres of music Bruno mars started his career at a young age and his music is influenced by many factors. Bruno mars has been nominated for different awards upon the success of his debut album.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1924, Hidesabur Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo, took in Hachik as a pet. During his owner's life, Hachik greeted him at the end of each day at the nearby Shibuya Station. The pair continued their daily routine until May 1925, when Professor Ueno did not return. The professor had suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage and died, never returning to the train station where Hachik was waiting. Every day for the next nine years the golden brown Akita waited at Shibuya station. Hachik was given away after his master's death, but he routinely escaped, returning again and again to his old home. Eventually, Hachik apparently realized that Professor Ueno no longer lived at the house. So he went to look for his master at the train station where he had accompanied him so many times before. Each day, Hachik waited for the return of his owner. The permanent fixture at the train station that was Hachik attracted the attention of other commuters. Many of the people who frequented the Shibuya train station had seen Hachik and Professor Ueno together each day. They brought Hachik treats and food to nourish him during his wait. Hachik died on March 8, 1935, and was found on a street in Shibuya.[4] After decades of rumors, in March 2011 scientists settled the cause of death of Hachiko. The dog had terminal cancer and a filaria infection (worms). There were also four yakitori sticks in Hachiko's stomach, but the sticks did not damage his stomach or cause his death.[5][6] In April 1934, a bronze statue in his likeness was erected at Shibuya Station (3539 32.6 N 13942 2.1 E / 35.659056N 139.700583E / 35.659056; 139.700583), and Hachik himself was present at its unveiling. The statue was recycled for the war effort during World War II. In 1948 The Society for Recreating the Hachik Statue commissioned[citation needed] Takeshi Ando, son of the original artist, to make a second statue. When the new statue appeared, a dedication ceremony occurred.[9] The new statue, which was erected in August 1948, still stands and is an extremely popular meeting spot. The station entrance near this statue is named "Hachik -guchi", meaning "The Hachik Entrance/Exit", and is one of Shibuya Station's five exits. A similar statue stands in Hachik 's hometown, in front of date Station. In 2004, a new statue of Hachik was erected on the original stone pedestal from Shibuya in front of the Akita Dog Museum in Odate. The exact spot where Hachik waited in the train station is permanently marked with bronze paw-prints and text in Japanese explaining his loyalty. Each year on April 8, Hachik 's devotion is honored with a solemn ceremony of remembrance at Tokyo's Shibuya railroad station. Hundreds of dog lovers often turn out to honor his memory and loyalty. Resource : http://en.wikipedia.org

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