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SESSION (2009 - 2011)

SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED By Mrs. Shruti Pathak kathpal Lec. In KAIM nd 2 Sem)

Naveen 9074MBA


(Affiliated to MDU Rohtak)

Html stands for hyper text markup language. The publishing language used by the world wide web is html Html represents a way to make ordinary text and turn it in to hypertext by just adding special elements- called markup tags that tell web browser how to display a web pages contents . The main goal of html is to be a universal language for classifying the function of different sections of a document. Html and the web were first conceived in 1989 by a researcher named TIM BERNERS LEE who worked for CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics in Geneva , Switzerland .

Tools in HTML:

HTML Editor: - It is the program that one

uses to create and save HTML document.

Web Browser:

It is the program that one uses to view and test the HTML document i.e., Microsoft Internet Explorers

Types of Tags:
Paired Tag: - These tag begins with tag name and
end with tag name & proceeded with slash. Most of the HTML tags are paired tag. Singular/Empty Tag: - If a tag is written
singly or without the ended tag is called the singular/empty tag

Basic HTML Tags:


use of title & head tags

<html> <head><font size="56"color=blue>good morning <title>naveen kathpal </title> </head> </html>

use of marquee



<head><font size="56" color="green">have a nice day <title>naveen kathpal </title> </head> <p> <body bgcolor="orange"><font face="comic sans ms" size="56" color="blue">have a nice day </p> <marquee><font size="45" font color="red">have a nice day </marquee> </body> </html>

Use of heading tabs

<html> <head><font size="56"color="red">have a nice day <title>naveen kathpal </title> </head> <p> <body > <h1>all is well </h1> <h2>all is well</h2> <h3>all is well</h3> <h4>all is well</h4> <h5>all is well</h5> <h6>all is well</h6> </body> </html>

use of table & Hr tag

<html> <head><font size="56" color="orange">have a nice day <title>naveen kathpal</title></head> <body > <hr> <h1>college results</h1> <table border=1rule=all> <p align=left> <p align=center> <p align=center> <tr><th>sub. <th>pass <th>fail <th>re </tr> <tr><th>sub. <td>naveen <td>rajan<td>poonam </tr> <tr><th>sub. <td>sonia<td>akhil <td>aman </tr> <tr><th>sub. <td>&nbsp <td>rahul <td>manoj </tr> </table> </body> </html>

use of bold, underline & italic

<html> <head><font size="56" color="red"> <title>naveen kathpal </title> </head> <body > <p> <b>happy birthday </b> </P> <p> <u> happy birthday </u></p> <i> happy birthday</i> </body> </html>

Use of Subscript & Superscript tag

<Html> <Head> <Title>Kedarnath Agagrwal Institute Of Management </Title> </Head> <Body> H<Sub>2</Sub>So<Sub>4</Sub> <Br><Br> Na<Sub>2</Sub>Co<Sub>3</Sub> <Br><Br> X<Sup>2</Sup> <Br><Br> Y<Sup>3</Sup> </Body> </Html>

Use of frame tags

<Html> <Head> <Title> Html Documents</Title> </Head> <Frameset Cols=50%,50%> <Frame Src=lab.Html> <Frame Src=lab1.Html> </Frameset> </Html>

use of image in html

<Html> <Head> <Title>naveen kathpal </Title> </Head> <Hr> <Img Src="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\Water lilies.jpg "> </Html>

Use of Multimedia Document background in html

<html> <head> <title>adding multimedia files</title> </head> <body background = "F:\mahesh\NATURE\510000.JPG> </body > </html>

Use of hyperlink <Html>

<Html> <Head>have a nice day <Title>flower</Title> </Head> <Hr> <H1> sunset</H1> <Ul> <Li><A Href=" C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\Sunset.jpg ">picture<A/> <Li><A Href=" C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\Winter.jpg ">summer<A/> </Html>

Use of form in html

<html> <head>good morning <title>img</title> </head> <p align=center>BANK FORM <p>name<input name=name size=20> </p> <p>father name<input name=father name size=15> </p> <p>address<input name=address size=30> </p> <p>sex<input name=sex size=10> male<input name=cc type=radio> female<input name=cc type=radio> </p> <p>a/c<input name=account no. size=25> </p> <p>date<input name=date size=10> month<input name=month size=10> year<input name=year size=15> </p> <p>signature<input name=signature size=15> </p> </form> </html>

<html> <head><font size="50">HTML HOME PAGE <title>naveen kathpal </title> <HR> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.html.com">html home page.com </a> </ul> </html>

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