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rofess|ona| Ad[ustment

Ma'am Llanes
Aprll 19 2011

rofess|ona| Ad[ustment
rowLh of Lhe lndlvldual and Lhe developmenL of all hls
capaclLles phvslcal menLal emoLlonal soclal and
An occupaLlon or calllna requlrlna advanced Lralnlna and
experlence ln some speclflc or speclallzed bodv of
knowledae whlch provldes servlce Lo socleLv ln LhaL
speclal fleld
CrlLerla of a rofesslon (Slmms rlce and Lrvln 2000)

Servlce 1o Puman and Soclal Welfare
AuLonomv we are reaulaLed bv Lhe 8oard of nurslna
Code of LLhlcs 8Cn 220
LducaLed ln a Plaher LducaLlon lnsLlLuLlon reaulaLed bv
hlaher educaLlon lnsLlLuLlons CPLu
Lona 1erm CommlLmenL
rofesslonal AssoclaLlon nA

nurslna ls puLLlna Lhe paLlenL ln Lhe besL condlLlon for
naLure Lo acL upon hlm (llorence nlahLlnaale)
A helplna professlon and as such provldes servlces
whlch conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe healLh and wellbelna of people
(Amerlcan nurses AssoclaLlon)
A ptofessloo
4 Addresses Lhe responses of lndlvlduals and
famllles Lo healLh promoLlon healLh
malnLenance and healLh problems
4 everence for Lhe alfL of llfe
4 especL Lhe dlanlLv of each human belna
4 Speclallzed ln one area of nurslna
4 Several pracLlce areas

AsslsLlna Lhe paLlenL slck or well ln Lhe performance of
Lhe acLlvlLles of dallv llvlna whlch he/she could have
done unalded lf he/she has Lhe necessarv sLrenaLh wlll
or knowledae and lf Lhls ls noL posslble Lhen asslsLlna
Lhe paLlenL Lowards a peaceful deaLh (vlralnla

;ua||t|es and Ab|||t|es of a rofess|ona| -urse

ltofessloool ltepototloo
Llcense Lo pracLlce nurslna ln Lhe counLrv
A dearee of 8achelor of Sclence ln nurslna
8e phvslcallv and menLallv flL

Attr|butes of rofess|ona| Car|ng

CompeLence kSA + values
Compasslon essence of nurslna Lhe wav we care and
feel for Lhe paLlenL when we empaLhlze wlLh Lhe paLlenL
CommlLmenLdellver servlce
Consclence follow leaal eLhlcomoral sLandards of Lhe
professlon we acL ln accordance wlLh Lhe law

ducat|ona| reparat|on 1he 85- Curr|cu|um (Cn Memo # 14)
A four vear proaram wlLh 2 summers
CompeLencv based
new Sub[ecLs
4 1heoreLlcal loundaLlon ln nurslna
4 PealLh AssessmenL
4 esearch wlLh 2 semesLers
4 CompeLencv Appralsal
LuuCA1Lu ln
Anu SklLLS
PuMAn Anu
Consclence Compasslon CompeLence
4 LlecLlves arenL Chlld Posplce/alllaLlve Care
nurslna SplrlLual Care CuallLv PealLh Care and
nurslna AcuLe/CrlLlcal Care Care of Lhe
Chronlcallvlll and Clder erson

b[ect|ves of the 85- Curr|cu|um

lt olms to ptoJoce o follv fooctlooloo ootse wbo
1 racLlces leaal eLhlcomoral soclal responslblllLles
2 racLlces SkA's for Lhe promoLlon of healLh prevenLlon
of lllness resLoraLlon of healLh allevlaLlon of sufferlna
asslsLlna cllenLs Lo face deaLh wlLh dlanlLv and ln peace
3 repares a creaLlve and crlLlcal Lhlnklna nurse who ls
abreasL wlLh local needs and Lhe demands of alobal
4 uemonsLraLes carlna behavlour
3 Assumes responslblllLv for personal and professlonal
6 uLlllzes research flndlnas ln Lhe pracLlce and
developmenL of Lhe professlon
7 ConLrlbuLes effecLlvelv Lo naLlonal healLh developmenL
8 uemonsLraLes love of od counLrv and professlon

ey areas of respons|b|||t|es
(8- keso|ut|on #112 5er|es of 2005)
aLLerned afLer Ma'am Llanes' dlsserLaLlon! 8CC?AP

at|ent Care
Safe and quallLv nurslna Care
CollaboraLlon and Leamwork
PealLh educaLlon
mpower|ng Leaal esponslblllLv
LLhlcomoral responslblllLv
ersonal and professlonal developmenL
nab||ng ecord ManaaemenL
ManaaemenL of resources and
nhanc|ng CuallLv lmprovemenL

Core Competenc|es |n -urs|ng
unlfvlna framework for Lhe dlfferenL fleld ln nurslna
nurslna eaulaLlon creaLes course svllabus for nurslna
used bv 8Cn Lo advance Lhelr proaram ln nurslna
used bv Lhe nurslna LducaLlon for nurslna currlculum
used bv nurslna Servlce for screenlna appllcanL for work
ln hosplLals
used as a performance evaluaLlon Lool

**5 llnON llc1uk 19J ooJ 194
Core Va|ues of -urs|ng
Love of od
Love of Lhe professlon carlna lnLearlLv excellence
Love of counLrv naLlonallsm

M|ss|on of the -urs|ng rofess|on
We Lhe llllplno nurses respondlna Lo Lhe needs of
socleLv are enaaaed ln provldlna humane and aloballv
compeLenL nurslna care
1he hlllpplne rofesslonal nurslna Care Lhe 8LS1 for
Lhe llLllnC and Lhe CPClCL Cl 1PL WCLu bv 2030
rofess|ona| -urs|ng Assoc|at|ons
Alumnl AssoclaLlon
llrsL rofesslonal assoclaLlon a nurse [olns afLer
hlllpplne nurses AssoclaLlon
4 1he onlv accredlLed professlonal oraanlzaLlon
(AC) of Lhe C
4 1he nnA accredlLed bv Lhe lCn
4 noL leaallv mandaLed Lo [oln buL ls eLhlcallv
requlred lL ls Lhe area of responslblllLv of Lhe
nurse Lowards her professlon
lnLearaLed ealsLered nurses ln Lhe hlllpplnes (lnu)
hlllpplne naLlonal Leaaue of overnmenL nurses
CccupaLlonal PealLh nurses AssoclaLlon of Lhe
hlllpplnes (CPnA)
AssoclaLlon of ueans of hlllpplne Colleaes of nurslna
AssoclaLlon of nurslna Servlce AdmlnlsLraLlon of Lhe
hlllpplnes (AnSA)
CperaLlna oom nurses AssoclaLlon of Lhe hlllpplnes
MoLher and Chlld nurses AssoclaLlon of Lhe
CrlLlcal Care nurses AssoclaLlon of Lhe hlllpplnes
MenLal healLh and svchlaLrlc nurses AssoclaLlon of Lhe
hlllpplnes (MP and nA)
AssoclaLlon of rlvaLe uuLv nurse racLlLloners of Lhe
hlllpplnes (Aun)
MlllLarv nurses AssoclaLlon of Lhe hlllpplnes (MnA)
AssoclaLlon of ulabeLlc nurse LducaLors of Lhe
enal nurses AssoclaLlon ln Lhe hlllpplnes (LnA)
hlllpplne Cncoloalc nurses AssoclaLlon (CnA)
SocleLv of cardlovascular nurse racLlLloner ln Lhe
hlllpplne SocleLv of Lmeraencv care nurses

|e|ds of -urs|ng
nurslna racLlce
nurslna LducaLlon
nurslna esearch
nurslna AdmlnlsLraLlon
MlllLarv nurslna
CccupaLlonal PealLh nurslna
ko|es of a -urse
ulrecL care provlder
Cllnlcal declslon maker
CllenL and famllv advocaLe
4 romoLe/proLecL/safeauard Lhelr rlahLs
lorenslc AnalvsL
l1 consulLanLs
Common Areas of -urs|ng ract|ce
1 AcuLe Care/PosplLal nurslna
4 SLaff nurslna
4 SLaff LducaLlon and Lralnlna
4 lsk ManaaemenL
4 erformance lmprovemenL
CuallLv conLrol
SLandards pollcles and procedures
2 LxLended care opporLunlLles
4 Llderlv lonaLerm care
4 ehablllLaLlon nurslna
3 CuLpaLlenL nurslna CpporLunlLles
4 CuLpaLlenL cllnlcs and phvslclan's offlce
4 CuLpaLlenL suraerv cenLres
4 CommunlLv educaLlon
MoLher's class
4 8uslness CpporLunlLles
4 lnsurance and manaaed care companles
4 ConsulLancles
4 Sales
4 CccupaLlonal PealLh and Worker's

Cr|ter|a |n Choos|ng mp|oyment Area

kepub||c Act 9173

An acL provldlna for a more responslve nurslna
professlon repeallna for Lhe purpose A 7164 oLherwlse
known as Lhe hlllpplne nurslna AcL of 1991 and for
oLher purposes
epeal whole ls revlsed
Amend parL ls revlsed
Concept of Law
1he sum LoLal of rules and reaulaLlons bv whlch socleLv
ls aoverned
ule of conducL pronounced bv conLrolllna auLhorlLv
1hree ssent|a| Character|st|cs of a Law
AuLhorlLv or Lhe rlahL Lo declare LhaL Lhe rule exlsLs
ronounced or expressed and Lhe source can be
ldenLlfled (musL be declared ln wrlLlna)
lahL Lo enforce Lhe same
r|nc|pa| 5ources of the Law
SLaLuLes of lealslaLlons (republlc AcLs)
eaulaLlons lssued bv Lhe LxecuLlve branch of Lhe
aovernmenL (LxecuLlve orders)
4 When Lhe naLure of Lhe lssue ls uraenL
Case declslons or [udlclal oplnlons
resldenLlal decrees
LeLLers of lnsLrucLlons
nurslna LealslaLlon
1he maklna of laws or Lhe bodv of laws alreadv enacLed
affecLed Lhe sclence
PlsLorlcal erspecLlves of hlllpplne nurslna Law
1913 AcL no 2493 reaulaLed Lhe pracLlce of
medlclne and provlded for Lhe examlnaLlon and
realsLraLlon of nurses ln Lhe hlllpplne lslands
nurslna romlnence
Cpen CommunlcaLlon
nuSln AC1lCL
rofesslonal rowLh
LxcellenL Skllls
1919 AcL 2808 Lhe flrsL Lrue nurslna law was passed
creaLlna a board of exalners for nurses
1920 flrsL board examlnaLlon for nurses was alve
!une 19 1933 A 877 1he hlllpplne nurslna Law was
4 rovlslons
CraanlzaLlon of Lhe board of examlners
rovlslons reaardlna nurslna schools
and colleaes
LxamlnaLlon and realsLraLlon of nurses
Sundrv provlslons
!une 18 1966 A 4707 amended cerLaln porLlons of
AA 877 whlch lnclude amona oLhers Lhe followlna
4 Members of Lhe 8oard were Lo be appolnLed bv
Lhe presldenL

AuausL 31 1970 A 6163 amended subparaaraph 7 of
secLlon 17of A 877 whlch provlded for Lhe appllcaLlon
and execuLlon of leaal orders ln wrlLlna of phvslclans
lncludlna Lhe appllcaLlon of hvpodermlc and
lnLramuscular ln[ecLlons provlded LhaL

A 7164 known as Lhe hlllpplne nurslna AcL of 1991"
codlfled and revlsed all Lhe laws reaulaLlna Lhe pracLlce
of nurslna ln Lhe hlllpplnes
4 SallenL leaLures
edeflnlLlon of Lhe score of nurslna
LducaLlonal quallflcaLlon of masLer's
dearee for faculLv and deans of
colleaes of nurslna
LducaLlonal quallflcaLlon of
admlnlsLraLors of nurslna servlces
lncluslon of Lhe phrase uneLhlcal
conducL as one of Lhe reasons for
revocaLlon and suspenslon od
cerLlflcaLed of realsLraLlon
lv Lherapv Lralnlna ls requlred
A 9173 oLherwlse known as hlllpplne nurslna AcL of
2002" repealed A 7164
4 SallenL leaLures
lncreases Lhe composlLlon of board Lo
ecoanlzes Lhe speclalLv cerLlflcaLlon
equlred Lhose lnacLlve ln pracLlce Lo
underao 1 monLh dldacLlc and 3 monLh
SuLurlna of perlneal laceraLlons ls
allowed afLer underaolna Lralnlna
accordlna Lo proLocol esLabllshed
rovldes for lncenLlves and beneflLs
svsLem for nurses and dependenLs
uparaded Lhe salarv of aovernmenL
nurses Lo S1S(salarv arade 13)
hlllpplne nurslna AcL of 202
CcL 2002

ec|arat|on of o||cy
lL ls herbv declared Lhe pollcv of Lhe sLaLe Lo assume
responslblllLv for Lhe proLecLlon and lmprovemenL of Lhe
nurslna professlon bv lnsLlLuLlna measures LhaL wlll
resulL ln relevanL nurslna educaLlon humane worklna
condlLlons beLLer career prospecLs and a dlanlfled
exlsLence for our nurses
Creat|on of the 8oard
Chalrperson 1
Members 6
AppolnLed bv Lhe resldenL of Lhe epubllc of Lhe
lrom 1wo (2) recommendees for everv vacancv bv Lhe
professlonal reaulaLlon commlsslon (C)
Chosen and ranked from 3 nomlnaLed bv AC

Cha|rman of the 8oardCarmenclLaAbaquln CA
8eLLv MerrlLL svch
erla o svch
Leonlla lalre C
Marco AnLonlo SanLo 1omas C8
Amella osales ManaaemenL 1CM
?olanda Aruaav research

;ua||f|cat|ons of the Cha|rperson and members
8e a naLural born clLlzen (see book)
Pave aL leasL Len (10) vears of conLlnuous pracLlce of Lhe
professlon prlor Lo Lhe appolnLmenL rovlded however
LhaL Lhe lasL flve (3) vears of whlch shall be ln Lhe
noL have been convlcLed(noL charaed buL CCnvlCL1Lu
flnal verdlcL) of anv offense lnvolvlna moral LurplLude
(esLafa eLc)
rovlded LhaL Lhe membershlp Lo Lhe 8oard shall
represenL Lhe Lhree areas of nurslna namelv nurslna
servlce educaLlon and communlLv healLh nurslna
kequ|rements Upon qua||f|cat|ons as Members of the 8oard of
lmmedlaLelv reslan from
4 Anv Leachlna from poslLlon ln anv school
colleae unlverslLv or lnsLlLuLlon offerlna
8achelor of Sclence ln nurslna and/or revlew
proaram for Lhe local nurslna board
4 Anv offlce or emplovmenL ln Lhe aovernmenL or
anv subdlvlslon aaencv or lnsLrumenLallLv
Lhereof lncludlna aovernmenLowned or
conLrolled corporaLlons or Lhelr subsldlarles
4 1hose emploved ln Lhe prlvaLe secLor
4 Pe shall noL have anv pecunlarv lnLeresL ln or
admlnlsLraLlve offerlna 8achelor of Sclence ln
nurslna lncludlna revlew classes
1erm of ff|ce
Shall hold offlce for a Lerm of Lhree (3) vears unLll Lhelr
successors have been appolnLed and quallfled
Mav be appolnLed for anoLher Lerm
Anv vacancv ln Lhe 8oard occurrlna wlLhln Lhe Lerm of a
member shall be fllled for Lhe unexplred porLlon of Lhe
Lerm onlv
Lach member of Lhe board shall Lake Lhe proper oaLh
Shall recelve compensaLlon and allowances comparable
Lo Lhe compensaLlon and allowances recelved bv Lhe
Chalrperson and members of oLher professlonal
reaulaLorv boards
Salarv arade 29
Adm|n|strat|ve 5uperv|s|on of the8oard
CusLodlan of lLs records lncludlna appllcaLlons for
appllcaLlons for examlnaLlons admlnlsLraLlve and oLher
lnvesLlaaLlve cases conducLed bv Lhe board
SecreLarlaL and supporL servlces Lhe commlsslon shall
4 ueslanaLe Lhe SecreLarv of Lhe 8oard Carlos
4 rovlde secreLarlaL
owers and ut|es of the 8oard
ConducL llcensure examlnaLlon for nurses
lssue suspend and revoke cerLlflcaLes of realsLraLlon for
Lhe pracLlce of nurslna
MonlLor and enforce quallLv sLandards of nurslna
pracLlce ln Lhe hlllpplne and exerclse Lhe power
necessarv Lo ensure Lhe malnLenance of efflclenL eLhlcal
and Lechnlcal moral and professlonal sLandards ln Lhe
pracLlce of nurslna Laklna lnLo accounL Lhe healLh needs
of Lhe naLlon

3 Categor|es of funct|ons and dut|es
LxecuLlve reaular
CuasllealslaLlve law maklna
Cuasl[udlclal hearlna

Annua| keport
1he board of nurslna shall aL Lhe close of lLs calendar
vear submlL an annual reporL of Lhe resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplne Lhrouah Lhe Commlsslon

rounds for remova|

1he presldenL mav remove or suspend anv member of
Lhe 8oard afLer havlna been alven Lhe opporLunlLv Lo
defend hlmself/herself ln a proper admlnlsLraLlve
ConLlnued nealecL of duLv or lncompeLence
Commlsslon or LoleraLlon of lrreaularlLles ln Lhe llcensure
unprofesslonal lmmoral or dlshonourable conducL

L|censure am|nat|on
All appllcanLs for llcense Lo pracLlce nurslna shall be
requlred Lo pass a wrlLLen examlnaLlon whlch shall be
alven bv Lhe 8oard of nurslna ln such places and daLes as
mav be deslanaLed bv Lhe Commlsslon rovlded LhaL lL
shall be ln accordance wlLh A 8981 (C
ModernlzaLlon AcL of 2000)

;ua||f|cat|on for Adm|ss|on to the L|censure am|nat|on
Pe/she ls a clLlzen of Lhe clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes or a
clLlzen or sub[ecL of a counLrv LhaL permlLs llllplno
nurses Lo pracLlce wlLhln lLs LerrlLorlals llmlLs on Lhe
same basls as Lhe sub[ecL or clLlzen of such counLrv
rovlded LhaL Lhe requlremenLs for realsLraLlon or
llcenslna of nurses ln sald counLrv are subsLanLlallv Lhe
same as Lhose prescrlbed ln Lhls AcL
MuLual ecoanlLlon ArranaemenL durlna Lhe ASLAn summlL ln
Cebu Can pracLlce bv reclproclLv ln asean counLrles llfe Slnaapore

Pe/she ls of aood moral characLer
Pe/she ls a holder of a 8achelor's dearee ln nurslna from
a colleae or unlverslLv LhaL complles wlLh Lhe sLandards
of nurslna educaLlon dulv recoanlzed bv Lhe aovernmenL
5cope of eam|nat|on
1he scope of Lhe examlnaLlon for Lhe pracLlce of nurslna
ln Lhe hlllpplnes shall be deLermlned bv Lhe 8oard ln
deLermlnlna Lhe sub[ecLs of Lhe examlnaLlons Lhe board
shall Lake l Lo conslderaLlon
4 1he ob[ecLlves of Lhe nurslna currlculum
4 1he broad areas of nurslna and oLher relaLed
4 CompeLencles
eneral Averaae of aL leasL 73 wlLh a raLlna of noL
below 60 ln anv sub[ecL
Averaae raLlna of 73 or hlaher buL aeLs a raLlna below
60 ln anv sub[ecL musL Lake Lhe examlnaLlon aaaln buL
onlv ln Lhe sub[ecL or sub[ecLs where he/she raLed below
A score below 60 reLake Lhe exam wlLhln 2 vears
ln order Lo pass Lhe examlnaLlon an examlnee musL
obLaln a raLlna of aL leasL 73 ln Lhe sub[ecL or sub[ecLs
ssuance of Cert|f|cates of keg|strat|on/rofess|ona| L|cense and
rofess|ona| |dent|f|cat|on Card
A cerLlflcaLe of realsLraLlon/professlonal llcense as a
nurse shall be lssued
Cert|f|cate of keg|strat|on/rofess|ona| L|cense
Shall show Lhe followlna
4 lull name of Lhe realsLranL
4 Serlal number
4 SlanaLure of Lhe chalrperson of Lhe commlsslon
and Lhe members of Lhe board
4 Cfflclal seal of Lhe commlsslon
rofess|ona| dent|f|cat|on Card
uulv slaned bv Lhe Chalrperson of Lhe Commlsslon
uaLe of realsLraLlon
Llcense number
uaLe of lssuance
uaLe of explraLlon

**1he lu ls Lhe renewed everv 3 vear nC1 Lhe LlCLnSL
All successful candldaLes shall be requlred Lo Lake an
oaLh of professlon before Lhe board or anv aovernmenL
offlclal auLhorlzed Lo admlnlsLer oaLhs prlor Lo enLerlna
upon Lhe nurslna pracLlce
ees for am|nat|on and keg|strat|on
AppllcanLs for llcensure and
Automat|c keg|strat|on of -urses
All nurses whose names appear aL Lhe rosLer of nurses
shall be auLomaLlcallv or lpso facLo realsLered as nurses
under Lhls AcL upon lLs effecLlvlLv
keg|strat|on by rec|proc|ty
A cerLlflcaLe of realsLraLlon/professlonal llcense mav be
lssued wlLhouL examlnaLlon Lo nurses realsLered under
Lhe laws of a forelan sLaLe or counLrv provlded LhaL Lhe
requlremenL for realsLraLlon or llcenslna of nurses ln sald
counLrv are subsLanLlallv Lhe same as Lhose prescrlbed
under Lhls acL
rovlded furLher LhaL Lhe laws of such sLaLe or counLrv
aranL Lhe same prlvlleaes Lo realsLered nurses of Lhe
hlllpplnes on Lhe same basls as Lhe sub[ecLs or clLlzens
of such forelan sLaLe or counLrv
ract|ce through temporary perm|t
ranLed Lo llcensed nurses from forelan counLrles/
Whose servlces are elLher for a fee or free lf Lhev are
lnLernaLlonallv wellknown speclallsLs or ouLsLandlna
experLs ln anv branch or speclalLv of nurslna
Cn medlcal mlsslon whose servlces shall be free on a
parLlcular hosplLal cenLre or cllnlc
Lmploved bv schools /colleaes of nurslna as exchanae
professors ln a branch or speclalLv of nurslna
rovlded LhaL Lhe speclal permLls shall be effecLlve onlv
for Lhe duraLlon of Lhepro[ecL medlcal mlsslon
emplovmenL conLracL
round for nonreg|strat|on and non|ssuance of cert|f|cates of
reg|strat|on/profess|ona| ||cense or spec|a|/temporary perm|t
ConvlcLed bv flnal [udaemenL of anv crlmlnal offense
lnvolvlna moral LurplLude
ullLv of lmmoral or dlshonourable conducL
ueclared bv Lhe courL Lo be of unsound mlnd

rounds for revocat|ons and suspens|on of cert|f|cate of
reg|strat|on/profess|ona| ||cense and cance||at|on of
spec|a|/temporary perm|t
Anv of Lhe causes under norealsLraLlon
unprofesslonal and uneLhlcal conducL
ross lncompeLence or serlous lanorance
MalpracLlce or neallaence ln Lhe pracLlce of nurslna
use of fraud decelL or false sLaLemenLs ln obLalnlna
cerLlflcaLe of realsLraLlon/professlonal llcense or a
Lemporarv/speclal permlLs
vlolaLlon of Lhls acL Lhe rules and reaulaLlons code of
eLhlcs for nurses and Lechnlcal sLandards for nurslna
pracLlce pollcles of Lhe 8oard and Lhe commlsslon or Lhe
condlLlons and llmlLaLlons for Lhe lssuance of
Lemporarv/speclal permlL
lor pracLlclna hls/her professlon durlna hls/her
suspenslon from such pracLlce
ke|ssuance of kevoked Cert|f|cates and kep|acement of Lost
AfLer Lhe explraLlon of a maxlmum of four vears from Lhe
daLe of revocaLlon of a cerLlflcaLe
lor reasons of equlLv and [usLlce and
When Lhe cause for revocaLlon has dlsappeared or has
been cured and correcLed
upon appllcaLlon Lhereof and Lhe pavmenL of Lhe
requlred fees
A new cerLlflcaLe of realsLraLlon/professlonal llcense Lo
replace Lhe cerLlflcaLe LhaL has been losL desLroved or
muLllaLed mav be lssued sub[ecL Lo Lhe rules of Lhe
-urs|ng ducat|on rogram
Shall provlde sound aeneral and professlonal foundaLlon
for Lhe pracLlce of nurslna
1he learnlna experlences shall adhere sLrlcLlv Lo speclflc
requlremenL embodled ln Lhe prescrlbed currlculum as
promulaaLed bv Lhe CPLu's pollcles and sLandards for
nurslna educaLlon
kequ|rement for nact|ve -urses keturn|ng to pract|ce
nurses who have noL acLlvelv pracLlced Lhe professlon
for flve (3) consecuLlve vears are requlred Lo underao
4 Cne monLh of dldacLlc Lralnlna
4 3 monLhs of pracLlcum
1he board shall accredlL hosplLals Lo conducL sald
Lralnlna proaram
;ua||f|cat|ons of the acu|ty
8e a realsLered nurse ln Lhe hlllpplnes
Pave aL leasL 1 vear of cllnlcal pracLlce ln a fleld of
8e a member of aood sLandlna ln Lhe accredlLed
professlonal oraanlzaLlon of nurses
8e a holder of masLer's dearee ln nurslna educaLlon or
oLher allled medlcal and healLh sclences conferred bv a
colleae or unlverslLv dulv recoanlzed bv Lhe aovernmenL
of Lhe republlc of Lhe hlllpplnes
;ua||f|cat|on of the ean
All Lhe quallflcaLlon of Lhe faculLv plus
4 MasLer's dearee ln nurslna
4 AL leasL 3 vears of experlence ln Leachlna and
supervlslon of nurslna educaLlon proarams
5cope of -urs|ng
A person shall be deemed ro be pracLlclna nurslna wlLhln
Lhe meanlna of Lhe acL when he/she slnalv or ln
collaboraLlon wlLh anoLher lnlLlaLes and performs
nurslna servlces Lo lndlvlduals famllles and communlLles
ln anv healLh care seLLlna
lncludes buL noL llmlLed Lo nurslna care durlna
concepLlon labour dellverv lnfancv chlldhood Loddler
preschool school aae adolescence adulLhood and old
As a member of the hea|th team nurses sha||
CollaboraLe wlLh oLher healLh care provlders for Lhe
curaLlve prevenLlve and rehablllLaLlve aspecLs of care
resLoraLlon of healLh allevlaLlon of sufferlna and when
recoverv ls noL posslble Lo a peaceful deaLh
ut|es of the -urse
rovlde nurslna care Lhrouah Lhe uLlllzaLlon of Lhe
nurslna process
LsLabllsh llnkaaes wlLh communlLv resources and
coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe healLh Leam
rovlde healLh educaLlon Lo lndlvlduals famllles and
1each aulde and supervlse sLudenLs ln nurslna educaLlon
proarams lncludlna Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of nurslna
servlces ln varled seLLlnas such as hosplLals and cllnlcs
underLake consulLaLlon servlces
Lnaaae ln such acLlvlLles LhaL requlred Lhe uLlllzaLlon of
knowledae and declslon maklna skllls of realsLered nurse
underLake nurslna and healLh human resource
developmenL Lralnlna and research whlch shall lnclude
buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe developmenL of advance nurslna
1he enumeraLed provlslons shall noL applv Lo nurslna
sLudenLs who perform nurslna funcLlon under Lhe dlrecL
supervlslon of a quallfled faculLv

-urs|ng care |nc|udes but not ||m|ted to
1radlLlon and lnnovaLlve approaches
1herapeuLlc use of self
LxecuLlna healLh care Lechnlques and procedures
LssenLlal prlmarv healLh care
ComforL measures
PealLh Leachlnas
AdmlnlsLraLlon of wrlLLen prescrlpLlon for LreaLmenL
Lheraples oral Loplcal and parenLeral medlcaLlons
lnLernal examlnaLlon durlna labour ln Lhe absence of
anLenaLal bleedlna and
ln Lhe case of suLurlna perlneal laceraLlons speclal
Lralnlna shall be provlded accordlna Lo proLocol

nowever a nurse wh||e |n the pract|ce of nurs|ng |n a|| sett|ngs
|s dutybound requ|red to
Cbserve Lhe code of eLhlcs and Lhe code of Lechnlcal
sLandards for nurses
MalnLalnlna compeLence bv conLlnual learnlna Lhrouah
CL Lo be provlded bv Lhe AC or anv recoanlzed
professlonal nurslna oraanlzaLlon whlch shall be
submlLLed Lo and approved bv Lhe board

;ua||f|cat|ons of -urs|ng 5erv|ce Adm|n|strators
8e a realsLered nurse ln Lhe hlllpplnes
Pave aL leasL 2 Lear experlence ln aeneral nurslna
ossess a dearee of 8achelor of Sclence ln nurslna WlLh
aL leasL 9 unlLs ln manaaemenL and admlnlsLraLlon
courses aL Lhe araduaLe level
8e a member of a aood sLandlna of Lhe AC
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe requlremenLs for supervlsorv or
manaaerlal poslLlon aL leasL 3 vears of experlence ln
supervlsorv or manaaerlal poslLlon ln nurslna and
A masLer's dearee ln nurslna

8Cn nurslna LducalLon nurslna racLlce
Chalr Member uean laculLv uCn Manaaer
n x x x x x x
MAn nurslna

MAn nurslna
ed Medlcal

10 vearsm 3 vears
ln Le hlllpplnes

AC x x x x x x

CuallflcaLlons for Chlef nurse for rlmarv PosplLals
8e a realsLered nurse ln Lhe hlllpplnes
Pave aL leasL 2 vear's experlence ln aeneral nurslna
ossess a dearee of 8achelor of sclence ln nurslna wlLh
aL leasL nlne unlLs ln manaaemenL and
rlorlLv ln AppolnLmenLs
Chlef nurse ln publlc healLh aaencles
4 MasLer's dearee ln ubllc PealLh/CPn
Chlef nurse ln MlllLarv PosplLals
4 MasLer's dearee ln nurslna and Lhe compleLlon
of Lhe eneral SLaff Course (SC)
4 1hose occupvlna such poslLlons before Lhe
effecLlvlLv of Lhls acL shall have 3 vears
PealLh human resource
SLudles nurslna manpower needs producLlon uLlllzaLlon
1he board ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe Apo and approprlaLe
aovernmenL ln prlvaLe aaencles shall lnlLlaLe underLake
and conducL sLudles on human resource producLlon
uLlllzaLlon and developmenL

Comprehenslve nurslna SpeclalLv roaram
WlLhln nlneLv (90) davs from Lhe effecLlvlLv of Lhls acL
Lhe boards ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe AC recoanlzed
speclalLv oraanlzaLlons and Lhe uCP ls herebv mandaLed
Lo formulaLe

Leaal bases of nurslna speclalLv cerLlflcaLlon proaram (see book)

ComposlLlon of Lhe nSCC
Chalr musL be from Lhe 8Cn
vlce chalr ls elecLed aL larae

4 ma[or aroups of nurslna speclalLv
romoLlve prevenLlve curaLlve rehablllLaLlve

roup 1
CommunlLv healLh nurslna speclalLv
locus famllv/communlLv/hla h rlsh
roup 2
Medlcal Suralcal nurslna speclalLv
loucurecvs nsa pulmo nurslna neauro aeronLoloav
crlLlcal care nephrolofv
roup 3

urevfussModel(read on Lhls)
Advanced 8ealnner

Level of speclallzaLlon
Level 1 nurse Cllnlclan 1
Level 2 urseCllnlcaln 2
Level 3 nurse Cllnlcal 3

!une 20 2002 formal launchlna of nSCC
CerLlfled nurses 33
AccredlLed SpeclalLv CraanlzaLlons

SepLember 23 2003 llrsL naLlonal Conference on Advanced
nurslna pracLlce
CerLlflcaLlon of new appllcanLs
4 lndlvlduals
4 SpeclalLv oraanlzaLlons
resenLaLlon of drafL of core compeLencles ln advanced
nurslna pracLlce
Salarv of CnS
ln order Lo enhance Lhe aeneral welfare commlLmenL
and professlonallsm of nurses Lhe mlnlmum base pav of
nurses worklna ln publlc healLh lnsLlLuLlons shall noL be
lower Lhan salarv arade 13 prescrlbed under A 6738
compensaLlon and classlflcaLlon acL of 1989
roovlded LhaL for nu
lncenLlves and beneflLs
1he 8Cn ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe uCP and oLher
concerned aovernmenL aaencles assoclaLlon of hosplLals
and Lhe AC shall esrabllsh an lncenLlve and beneflL
svsLem ln Lhe form of free hosplLal care for nurses and
Lrhelr dependenLs
LnAL and mlscellaneous

rohlblLlons ln Lhe pracLlce of nurslna
llne of noL less Lhan 30000
Anv perons pracLlclna ln nurslna ln Lhe hlllpplnes wlLhln Lhe
meanlna of Lhls acL
WlLhouL a cerLlflcaLe
uses a cerLlflcaLe/ professlonal llcense professlonal ld or
speclal Lemporarv permlL of anoLher
Who uses an lnvalld cerLlflcaLe of realsLraLlon
professlonal llcense a suspended or revoked cerLlflcaLe
of realsLraLlon/professlonal
Who alve anv false evldence Lo Lhe board ln order Lo
obLaln a cerLlflcaLe of realsLraLlon/professlonal llcense a
professlonal lu and or speclal permlL
Who falselv poses
Who appends 8Sn/n or anv slmllar appendaaes Lob
hls/her name wlLhouL havlna been conferred sald defree
or realsLraLlon or
Who as realsLered and llcensed nurse abeLs or asslsL he
llleaal pracLlce of a person who ls
Anv perons or Lhe clef execuLlve lfflceofd[urldlcallenLlLlv
who underLakes ln servcel educaLlon proaram oL who
conduLcrs revlew classes foorboLhL local and
foerealnexlnalLlon whlLeouL permlL/clearance from Lhe
borasd and Lhe commlsslon
Anv emplover of nurses who vlolaLe Lhe mlnlmum base
pav of nurses and Lhe lncenLlves and beneflLs LhaL
sholuls be accorded Lhem as speclfled ln sec 32 and 32
Anv person or Lhe chleaf execuLlve offlcaer od [udlclal
enLlLv cvlolaLlna
llnAL rovlslons
LnfromcemenL of Lhe AcL
lmplemenLalna ules and eauklaLlons
4 8Cn resoluLlon no 423 was lssued pursuanL Lo
Sec 38m ArLlcle lx of Lhls acL
4 romulaaLed ln CcLober 22 2003
4 ubllshed ln Lhe offlcalla aazeLLeer uecember
13 2003
4 LffecLlvlLv uecember 31 2003
SeparablllLv clause
lf anv of Lhls acL ls declared unconsLlLuLlonal Lhe
remalnlna parL noL affecLed Lherebv shall conLlnue Lo be
vaclld and operaLlonal
epeallna Clause
LffecLlvlLv Lhs acL shall Lake affecL 13 davs upon lLs publlcaLluon
ln Lhe offlclal aazeLLe or ln anv Lwo newspapers of aeneral
clrculaLlon ln Lhe hlllpplnes
assed ln Lhe house oa represenLaLlve ovLober 13 2002

rugs Adm|n|strat|on

kA 6425 uanaerous uruas AcL of 1972ArL ll Sec 4 sLaLes LhaL
Lhe sale admlnlsLraLlon dellverv dlsLrlbuLlon and LransporLaLlon
of prohlblLed druas are punlshable bv law

kA 9165known as comprehenslve uanaerous urua AcL of
2002 repealed Lhe uanaerous urua AcL A 6433

nurslna !urlsprudence
1he deparLmenL of law whlch clnplses all Lhe leaal rules
and prlnclples affecLlna Lhe pracLlce of nurslna
rofesslonal neallaence
efers Lo Lhe commlsslon or omlsslon of an acL pursuanL
Lo a duLv LhaL a reasonablv prudenL person ln Lhe name
or slmllar clrcumsLance would or would noL do and
acLlna or nonacLlon of whlch ls Lhe proxlmaLe cause of
ln[urv Lo anoLher person or properLv
LlemenLs of rofesslonal neallaence
LxlsLence of a duLv on Lhe parL of Lhe person charaed Lo
use due care under clrcumsLances
lallure Lo meeL Lhe sLandards of due care
loreseeablllLv of harm resulLlna from fallure Lo meeL Lhe
sLandard and
1he facL LhaL Lhe breach of Lhls sLandard resulLed ln an
ln[urv Lo Lhe plalnLlff
4 4 u's
uerellcLlon of uuLv
ulrecL causaLlon
Clvll Code
ArL 19 SLaLes LhaL one shall acL wlLh [usLlce alves everv
man hls due observes honesLv and aood falLh
ArL 20 SLaLes LhaL Lhose who ln Lhe performance oof
Lhelr obllaaLlons Lhrouah neallaence cause ln[urv Lo
anoLher are llable for damaaes
Speclflc Lxamples of neallaence
lallure Lo reporL observaLlons Lo aLLendlna phvslclan
lallure Lo exerclse Lhe dearee of dlllaence whlch Lhe
clrcumsLances of Lhe parLlcular case demands
MlsLaken ldenLlLv
Lrrors ln MedlcaLlon
uefecLs ln LqulpmenL
4 ecord lasL daLe of malnLenance
Lrrors due Lo famllv asslsLance

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