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The KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ENGINEERING (KIEE TPE) provides a forum for the results of original research on the theory, design, experiment, application of all the areas of power engineering. The KIEE TPE also selectively publishes invited and contributed papers on topics of current interest to enable those in the field of power engineering to keep abreast of activities in areas peripheral to their own. The KIEE TPE is published four times per year.

Types of Contributions
Two types of contributions are regularly considered. 1.Full papers Presentation of significant research, development, or application 2.Brief papers Technical notes, less comprehensive and more specific topics

Submission of Manuscript
All correspondence concerning submissions is between the author and the Editor-in-Chief. Submit five (5) copies of your article typed double spaced on 21 30 cm (A4) paper to the KIEE: Editor-in-Chief, KIEE Trans. on PE, Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering, 635-4 Yeoksamdong, Gangnamgu, Seoul 135-703, Korea (Email: kiee@kiee.or.kr). Submitted manuscripts must be typewritten in English. Do not send original of illustrations, figures, and photographs unless you do not need them returned. Enclose a separate signed letter that indicates the address, including phone, fax, and electronic mail, of the corresponding author. Your letter must state that the work being submitted has not been published elsewhere nor is it currently under review by another publication. If either of these conditions is not met or is subsequently violated, your article will be disqualified from possible publication in KIEE Transactions on PE.

3.First page must contain: a) Title of paper (without symbols), b) Author(s) and affiliation(s), c) Abstract (not exceeding 200 words for regular papers or 75 words for brief papers, and without equation, reference, or footnotes), d) Keywords (not exceeding five), e) Complete mailing address, telephone number, and electronic mail address and facsimile number of each author, f) Preferred address for correspondence and return proofs, and g) Footnotes (if desired) containing acknowledgement of financial or other support. 4.Illustrations should be kept a minimum. The text must include a citation of each figure. Letters should be large enough to be readily legible when the drawing is reduced. 5. References should be in the style used by technical publications. Example: a) Book: Joseph Vardi and Benjamin Avi-Itzhak, Electric Energy Generation; Economics, Reliability and Rates: MIT, 1981, p.75-94. b) Journal paper: Roy Billinton and Easin Khan, "A Security Based Approach to Composite Power System Reliability Evaluation", IEEE Trans. Power Systems, vol.PS-7, no.1, pp.65-72, Feb. 1992. c) Proceedings paper; Jaeseok Choi, Hongsik Kim, Junmin Cha and Roy Billinton, "Nodal Probabilstic Congestion and Reliability Evaluation of a Transmiss- ion System under the Deregulated Electricity Market", in Proceedings of IEEE PES SM2001 Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001. 6.References should be numbered and appear in a separate bibliography and photographs of authors. Use numerals, in square brackets to cite references, e.g., [15]. 7. Measurements should be given in SI units.

Galley Proof
Authors will be given an opportunity to review the typeset version of their manuscripts. This review should be solely dedicated to detecting typographical errors. Editorial changes and corrections are not to be made at this time. To meet production deadlines, a rapid turnaround of these proofs is necessary.

Electronic Submission of Manuscript

Create a MS word Version 6.0 and later, or pdf file making sure that it can be printed out on 21 30 cm (A4) or letter size papers. Your file name should have the format xxx.doc or xxx.pdf. Complete details on this submission procedure may be found in KIEE home web site. Every electronic submission must be followed by a transmittal letter sent as an e-mail message to the Editor-in-Chief.

It is the policy of PES(Power Engineering Society), of the KIEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it published. To comply with PES of KIEE copyright policy, authors are required to sign a PES of KIEE Copyright Transfer Form before publication. The form is provided upon approval of their manuscripts. Authors should submit a signed copy of this form with their manuscripts.

Style for Manuscript

All manuscripts should adhere to the following guidelines: 1.The manuscript must be double-spaced throughout typed on one side of the paper only. Good quality office machine copy is acceptable. 2.The suggested length of a regular paper is limited 20 double-spaced, single-sided pages (12 pt. font) excluding tables and figures. The length of brief paper is limited 10 pages.

Page Charges and Reprint

A mandatory page charge is imposed on all regular papers exceeding six pages in length, including illustrations. The charge for regular papers is $40 (50,000) per page over first eight page and is a prerequisite for publication. Similarly, the charge for brief papers is $40(50,000) per page over first

four page.

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