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The Birds of Mexico and Adjacent Areas The Birds of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and El Salvador TINAMOUS—PERDICES—TINAMIDAE GREAT TINAMOU [4] Perdiz Mayor Tinamus major Range Mex-SAm, exc ElSal. Res Mex (se.cAtl+sAtl), Blz, Guat (Atl). Rare. Habitat Humid forest or dense woodland. Voice A tremulous whistle, followed by short notes, often in pairs, some de- scending in pitch. Field Marks 15” Olive plumage, with bluish legs and feet. LITTLE TINAMOU [4] Ponchita Crypturellus soui Range Mex-SAm, exc ElSal. Res Mex (se.cAtl+sAtl), Blz, Guat (Atl). Rare. Habitat Humid forest, woodlands, borders. Voice A slow ascending series of tremulous notes; or a long, tremulous note as- cending, then descending. Field Marks 9” Small size, grayish legs, and unbarred grayish brown or reddish brown plumage. THICKET TINAMOU [4] Perdiz Canela Crypturellus cinnamomeus Range Mex-CRic, SAm. Res Mex (s.nPac+nw.cPac+sPac, s.nAtl+csAtl, Yuc), Biz (n), Guat (Pac, Atl), ElSal. Habitat Humid forest, scrubby woods, thorny thickets. Voice A loud, clear, extended whistle, usually on one pitch, but may go down orup. Field Marks 11” Barred back (except male Mex, nPac); grayish or grayish brown. (Mex, nPac) to rich reddish brown to dark olive-brown (Mex, sAtl); legs orange. SLATY-BREASTED TINAMOU [4] Perdiz Jamuey Crypturellus boucardi Range Mex-CRic, exc ElSal. Res Mex (se.cAtl+extreme s.sAtl), Blz, Guat (Atl). Rare. Habitat Dense undergrowth of humid forest. Voice Two extended, unobtrusive, low-pitched notes. Field Marks 11” Plumage (and leg color) like that of dark races of Thicket Tinamou, but mostly unbarred. M: very dark olive-brown to slaty. F: dark red- dish brown; untacs barred. LOONS—SOMORGUJOS—GAVIIDAE RED-THROATED LOON Somorgujo Menor Gavia stellata Range AK-Mex. Win Mex (w.BajCal, nw.nPac), Rare, 2 LOONS, GREBES Habitat Mostly coastal salt water in winter. Field Marks 25” Like Pacific Loon, but bill more slender and upturned; Win: back more speckled; head and neck paler, less contrasty; Sum: throat rufous, not purplish; hindneck boldly streaked. PACIFIC LOON [I] Somorgujo Pacifico Gavia pacifica Range AK-Mex. Win Mex (BajCal, n.+c.nPac). Habitat Ocean bays, coastal lagoons, estuaries. Field Marks 25” Smaller, and smaller-billed, than Common Loon. Win: con- trasty blackish and white on head and neck; no back speckles. Sum: rows of large white spots above; throat purplish; head medium gray; sides of neck streaked. COMMON LOON Somorgujo Comin Gavia immer Range AK-Mex. Win Mex (BajCal, nPac, ncHi, ncAtl). Rare. Habitat Coastal, or inland lakes and rivers. Field Marks 33” Larger than Red-throated or Pacific Loon, with larger, straight, dark bill. Win: gray above, white below; less contrasty than Pacific Loon, more so than Red-throated Loon; no back speckles. Sum: rows of large white spots above; head and neck black with greenish gloss; two partial, striped collars. GREBES—ZAMBULLIDORES—PODICIPEDIDAE LEAST GREBE [I] Zambullidor Menor Tachybaptus dominicus Range US-SAm. Res Mex (all, exc nBajCal and n.nPac), Blz (n), Guat, ElSal (rare and local Hi). Habitat Ponds, lakes, marsh pools, lagoons. Field Marks 9” Darker, more slender-billed than Pied-billed Grebe. Plumage dark gray, except whitish belly and untacs. Win: whitish throat. Sum: blackish throat and crown. PIED-BILLED GREBE [I!] Zambullidor Ptquipinto Podilymbus podiceps Range AK-SAm. Res/win Mex, Blz, Guat, ElSal. Habitat Pools, marshy ponds, lakes, rivers, lagoons. Field Marks 12" Mostly dark grayish brown, with whitish belly and untacs; bill short, stout, pale. Win: throat white; bill plain. Sum: throat and bill bar black. HORNED GREBE Zambullidor Cornudo Podiceps auritus Range AK-Mex. Win Mex (nBajCal, nw.nPac). Rare. Habitat Mostly coastal waters. Field Marks 13” Like Eared Grebe, blackish gray above, with short, slender bill and red eyes, but Win: ear patch all white, hindneck and foreneck more con- trasty blackish and white, Sum: neck chestnut, neat tawny face plumes extend backward mostly above eye. EARED GREBE [II] Zambullidor Orejudo Podiceps nigricollis Range Can-Mex, Guat, ElSal. Res/win Mex (irr res nBajCal+ncHi; win BajCal, Pac, Hi, ncAtl); win Guat (Pac, Hi), ElSal. Rare or local (summer), common (winter).

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